EVERYDAY CATHOLIC Costly grace SPIRITUAL FITNESS Comforting the afflicted ESSAY Understanding the High Priesthood of Christ A N S W E R I N G T H E C A L L T O Holy Orders Bishop Konderla ordains two priests and three transitional deacons 1 | e s s a y | Understanding the High Priesthood of Christ Following is Bishop David Konderla’s homily delivered on July 16 at the priestly ordination Mass of Father Sean O’Brien, Father John O’Neill and three seminarians to the transitional diaconate. I was looking around carefully in the cathedral last night can only do it through the High Priest. And there is only one High Priest – during the Vespers service, and I am pretty sure that there Jesus Christ. are Pokemon in here. There have to be. Actually, it stands to Jesus Christ is the High Priest, not reason because the Church is the originator. After all, in the merely 2,000 years ago, but yesterday, great cathedrals of Europe there are those little grotesqueries, the today and forever. Jesus Christ is the gargoyles. So it is just another example of the so-called modern world High Priest who equips His disciples trying to keep up with the so-called out of touch ancient Church. We to do battle in this world against these grotesqueries that plague us. But we are had Pokemon before it was cool. very distracted and live in a distracted But does it matter? Pokemon is a the little gargoyles, the little devils Pokemon world so the priesthood of game. It is a game you play on a phone. and temptations that surround us in Jesus Christ is not well understood, even Real-life is much more interesting than our daily lives, the world changes and among His own people. So we sometimes the virtual world of Pokemon. If you our hearts and lives change. We draw fail to appreciate the gifts He gives us, conquer Pokemon in the virtual world, closer to God and He makes us capable even as we ordain two priests today. virtually nothing happens because it is of changing the world. But we cannot For example, many in the world not the real world. On the other hand, conquer any of these little grotesqueries would say that because the priest does when we conquer the grotesqueries, on our own. We are pretty weak. We not know sex, he does not know love. 2 Eastern Oklahoma Catholic | September 2016 | www.dioceseoftulsa.com Because he lives a celibate existence, that do not matter and He will make These are things that are not well he does not know love. I had this very them rich in everything that does matter understood in the world we live in, a world conversation with my barber. Seriously. – things that will never pass away. Priests that is distracted. We are so distracted that I had never met her before. I was at are rich in those things that endure. we will go around in the streets looking Supercuts. She got so distracted she cut This confused world also imagines at our phone searching for a Pokemon. all my hair off. She wasn’t Catholic. She that unless you have power, you are With the same swipe we could pull up the could not grasp the idea of a celibate not strong and do not count. Anyone scriptures – the living Word of God. The commitment made for love. who obeys someone phone that lives in the Jesus Christ, the High Priest, did not else lacks power and, virtual world has the know sex, but Jesus Christ is love. He is therefore, something “He is love itself. possibility of bringing the love of the Father. Jesus Christ does is wrong with them. us into the real world Anything in this not know love. He did not have love. He Obedience itself is a with the Word of God. is love itself. Anything in this world that sign of weakness. Jesus world that is said But we go around is said about love that is true, participates Christ did not have looking for Pokemon in Jesus Christ, who is love, even if said political power. Jesus about love that is on our phone. How by people who do not know it. There is Christ went to His distracted are we in true, participates no love in this world that is true that does death like a trusting this world? not participate in Jesus Christ who is love lamb. In weakness, He in Jesus Christ, No wonder, then, and He makes His priests to be like Him. went to His death. He that the priesthood is who is love, even if He conforms His priests to be like Him. could have called on not well understood. They make a celibate commitment in love all the angel armies said by people who We have to make for the sake of love so that they can be in heaven to come it understood. But, do not know it.” vessels of His love. and save Him, and we can’t make it We live in a world that says because He would not do understood if we a priest does not have a lot of money, it because He was ourselves do not he cannot be happy. He does not have obedient to His Father’s will. He loves understand it. If we don’t understand a lot of things. The axiom of the world the Father. He trusted the Father would the priesthood of Jesus Christ, how can is, “He who dies with the most toys, save Him. And did He? He did. we make it known to the world? We first wins.” And the priest does not have a lot He makes His priests to be like Himself. have to be his disciples. We have to be of toys. Well, that is not really true. We He conforms His priests through the those people who made a decision on a are doing OK. We have a dental plan. sacrament of Holy Orders, which we will certain day and recommit that decision The IRS thinks we are doing well. Some bestow today, so that they will be like every day saying, “I will be a disciple of of us are pretty well fed. It is OK. But Himself, men who die to themselves in Jesus Christ. I will give my life to Him. the world believes that unless you have loving obedience and trust and give their I will live for Him. I will search in this a lot of money, you can’t be happy. But lives to the Father’s will and, in so doing, world for Him. I will serve Him. He will Jesus Christ lived as a beggar. The High are made powerful, more powerful than be my Lord. I will be His disciple. We Priest walked the streets of Galilee as a the sun, these who are vested with the will be joined together in love, a love that beggar. He had no money. And yet He power of the sacraments. So priests are does not die.” has everything. He owns everything. pretty powerful. He makes them to be If we live like that, as witnesses of the According to canon law, He is the like Himself. priesthood of Jesus Christ, our young ultimate corporation soul. We also are going to ordain three men will know from the ground up what “In the beginning was the Word, and deacons today who are ordained into a priest is. They will understand the the Word was with God, and the Word the service of the Church to be servants. great high dignity of the priesthood of was God, and through Him everything Once we become servants, we remain Jesus Christ. that came to be is. Without Him nothing servants forever. The whole reason why St. John Vianney said, “If a priest came into being.” (John 1:1-3) Jesus Christ is a man presents himself to be ordained truly understood himself, he would the source of everything that exists. He as a deacon is for the sake of being die of love.” He would understand the had no money, but He had everything equipped to serve. This doesn’t go great high calling from the ground up that matters. When this world and away when a man becomes a priest. and those that aren’t yet called might be universe pass away, and they will, He remains a deacon in His service. snapped out of that distraction. They everything that does not matter will pass It doesn’t go away when he becomes might quit looking for Pokemon and away. But everything that does matter a bishop. It doesn’t go away when he search for the heart of Jesus Christ being will be with Him. And He makes His becomes a pope. One of the pope’s titles within their own body and then present priests to be like Himself, which means is ‘Servant of the Servants of God.’ He themselves to us also, first as deacons they should be poor of all those things remains a servant. and then as priests. 33 contents yourstories The Magazine of the Catholic Diocese of Tulsa Most Reverend 12 c over story David A. Konderla Answering the call to Holy PUBLISHER Orders — Bishop Konderla David Crenshaw ordains two priests and PHOTOGRAPHER/ three transitional deacons MANAGING EDITOR Mason Beecroft yourfaith ASSOCIATE EDITOR September 2016 Volume 9: Issue 8 22 everyday catholic Costly grace 24 spiritual fitness Patrick M. O’Brien Comforting the afflicted PRESIDENT/CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Elizabeth Martin Solsburg DIRECTOR OF CUSTOM PUBLISHING/ 26 culture EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Michaelmas blackberry Janna Stellwag GRAPHIC DESIGNER crisp — Best by 09/29 InnerWorkings PRINT MANAGEMENT Eastern Oklahoma CatholicTM (USPS 066-770) is a membership publication of the Catholic Diocese of Tulsa, 12300 E. 91st St. S., Broken Arrow, OK 74012. Published monthly except for February and August. Gift subscription rates are $30 per year. Send all subscription information and address changes to: Eastern Oklahoma CatholicTM PO Box 690240, Tulsa, OK 74169- 0240; 918.307.4946 or email suzanne.pisaturo @dioceseoftulsa.org. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK or additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Eastern Oklahoma CatholicTM, PO Box 690240, Tulsa, OK 74169-0240 ©Eastern Oklahoma CatholicTM, Diocese 12 of Tulsa. ©FAITH Catholic. FAITH is a trademark of FAITH Catholic. No portion of Eastern Oklahoma CatholicTM may published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise reproduced or distributed in whole or in part without prior authority of the Diocese of Tulsa and/or FAITH CatholicTM. For reprint information or other questions regarding use of copyright material, contact the Eastern Oklahoma CatholicTM editorial offices at the Diocese of Tulsa. To Submit Story Ideas, Letters to the Editor and News: Dave Crenshaw, managing editor 918.307.4920 easternokcatholic @dioceseoftulsa.org Liturgical Calendar: St. Gregory the Great, pope and doctor of the Church Sept. 3 | Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Sept. 8 | St. Peter Claver, priest Sept. 9 | Most Holy Name of Mary Sept. 12 | St. John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor of the Church Sept. 13 | Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Sept. 14 | Our Lady of Sorrows Sept. 15 | Ss. Cornelius, pope and Cyprian, bishop, martyrs Sept. 16 | St. Robert Bellarmine, bishop and doctor of the Church Sept. 17 | St. Januarius, bishop and martyr Sept. 19 | Ss. Andrew Kim Tae-gon, priest, and Paul Chong Ha-sang, and companions, martyrs Sept. 20 | Feast of St. Matthew, apostle and evangelist Sept. 21 | St. Pius of Pietrelcina, priest Sept. 23 | Ss. Cosmas and Damian, martyrs Sept. 26 | St. Vincent de Paul, priest Sept. 27 | St. Lawrence Ruiz and companions, martyrs Sept. 28 | Feast of Ss. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, the archangels Sept. 29 | St. Jerome, priest and doctor of the Church Sept. 30 4 Eastern Oklahoma Catholic | September 2016 | www.dioceseoftulsa.com yournews Two women pray during the kickoff rally of the 2015 40 Days for Life event. (Photo by Dave Crenshaw) three-point program: prayer and fasting, constant vigil and community outreach. The 40 Days for Life cam- paign consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting in round- the-clock shifts outside the abortion clinic. In order to re- cruit prayer volunteers for the 40 Days for Life in the Diocese of Tulsa, a calendar has been Taking a stand during the 40 Days for Life established to facilitate sign- ups. If you are interested, then By Mason Beecroft you can access the calendar at www.40daysforlife.com/tulsa. T he Kickoff Rally for the annual 40 Days for Life pro-life community there Once on the site, click on “Sign closed the abortion clinic, up for vigil hours” and choose campaign is set for Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 6 purchased their property the day(s) you want. p.m. at the Garden of Hope, which is located in and opened a pro-life preg- The volunteer church coor- the public right-of-way outside Reproductive Services nancy clinic. Abby Johnson, dinator for the 2016 campaign at 6135 East 32nd Place Tulsa, Okla. The Final Rally is then the director of Planned is Joan Posada. She has been scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 6 at 2:30 p.m. at the same Parenthood in Bryan, Texas, working with parishes to locate location. Bishop David Konderla will be at both events. became a pro-life activist. She parish coordinators and recruit left Planned Parenthood and volunteers. If you have any The original 40 Days for for pro-life activities. joined the Coalition for Life. questions, she can be contacted Life campaign started in Bry- “The greatness of our nation According to its website, 40 at [email protected]. an-College Station, Texas, in must be measured by how we Days for Life is a communi- “The success of this cam- 2004 by a local group. At the treat the most innocent and ty-based campaign that takes a paign depends largely on the time, Bishop Konderla was vulnerable, especially the child determined, peaceful approach generosity and pro-life passion serving as the full-time voca- in the womb and her mother. to showing local communities of the parishes. We pray that tion director for the Diocese Our duty as Catholics and pa- the consequences of abortion you will take a few moments of Austin, but had previously triots is to build up a culture in their own neighborhoods, to visit the website and choose served as the associate pastor of life and to love them both for their own friends and the days you would like to to St. Mary Catholic Center and oppose every law that families. It puts into action a participate. Thank you for in College Station from 1997 threatens the innocent,” said desire to cooperate with God supporting a culture of life to 2001 and worked closely Bishop Konderla. in the carrying out of His plan and the most vulnerable with them. He returned to St. In 2009, while Bishop for the end of abortion. It among us, the unborn,” said Mary’s in 2005 and has al- Konderla was pastor at St. draws attention to the evil of Harrison Garlick, chancellor ways been a strong proponent Mary Catholic Center, the abortion through the use of a of the Diocese of Tulsa. 5 | y o u r n e w s | With help from the St. Francis of Assisi Tuition Assistance Pro- gram, Brad and Shelly Asche are able to give their son, Marshall, a Catholic education. just keep on praying and doing what we are doing and hopeful- ly we can get this boy through high school,” concluded Shelly. The St. Francis of Assisi Tuition Assistance Program was formal- ized in 2000 and has awarded over $3 million in financial aid to chil- dren attending Catholic schools in the Diocese of Tulsa since 2001. Last year, the program provided nearly $1.7 million dollars in assis- tance to 746 students, an increase of $250,000 and over 50 students from the previous year. BOUNTIFUL GIFTS To receive assistance from the fund, a family must first apply to St. Francis Fund helps Asche family send their son to St. Mary a diocesan Catholic school and By Mason Beecroft, Photography by Dave Crenshaw be accepted. The school then files an application for assistance Brad and Shelly Asche never infant and she said that this cant financial challenges associ- with approval from the family’s thought they would be able to drew them deeper into the ated with a Catholic education. pastor. The application is then have a child. They had been faith community. Both Brad Still, they wanted to keep him sent anonymously to the fund married for over 20 years when and Shelly then attended an at the School of Saint Mary committee for final approval. they found out they were preg- ACTS retreat, which they said because of how their faith has The St. Francis of Assisi Tuition nant with their son, Marshall, changed their lives forever. grown and what the preschool Assistance Mass and Gala is the who is now 5 years old. He was They are now both leaders has already done for Marshall. only fundraising event for the completely unexpected. on ACTS retreat teams. Brad A generous scholarship gift pro- program. The 2016 Gala will be “He is our miracle baby,” said is active in the Knights of vided by the St. Francis of Assisi on Tuesday, Oct. 4, the Feast of Shelly. “I had him when I was Columbus and the home im- Tuition Assistance Program St. Francis of Assisi. The evening 43 years old. There have been provement committee at the made this possible. begins at 5:30 p.m. with Mass a lot of changes in my life since parish and Shelly works at the “We applied for financial aid at Holy Family Cathedral and he has been here. I used to work School of Saint Mary part time through the St. Francis of As- then will move to the Downtown all the time, but I gave it up to as a playground director and sisi program and everyone we Doubletree Hotel for dinner and stay home with him. It has been in the preschool. know had been praying for us. awards presentations. amazing. I had no idea what a “Without our own faith Receiving the scholarship is the If you are interested in learn- gift he would be in our lives. He growing through the ACTS only way we could have done ing more about the St. Francis has been such a blessing. He is retreat, we probably wouldn’t this,” said Shelly. “It makes me of Assisi Tuition Assistance the reason we are so involved in know how important Catholic so happy. There are little things, Program, or if you like to do- our faith now.” education is. We probably like when we leave school in the nate, please contact the Catholic In the past few years, Brad wouldn’t be sitting here if our afternoon and he wants to stop Schools Office in the Diocese of and Shelly have become faith had not grown over the at the statue of St. Mary and Tulsa by phone at 918.582.9177 more active in the Church of past couple years. It is so im- pray before we go home. I am or email at catholicschools. Saint Mary in Tulsa and they portant for us now,” said Brad. very excited to see those things [email protected]. You credit the gift of their son Over this past year they be- continue. When you are a sin- can also make a contribution as being the catalyst. Shelly gan exploring school options gle income family, it would be by clicking on the To Donate/ started working in the nurs- for Marshall as kindergarten impossible for us to send him to Contribute link on the diocesan ery at Saint Mary one day a approached. They soon realized Catholic school on our own.” website under Schools at week when Marshall was an they were faced with the signifi- “God has provided. We www.dioceseoftulsa.org. 6 Eastern Oklahoma Catholic | September 2016 | www.dioceseoftulsa.com Those attending the Life Awareness Retreat on June 24-26 gather for a group photo before Mass on the final day of the retreat. (Photo by Beverly Bryan) QEV Life Awareness Project Christ the King Mission Trip During the weekend of June 24-26, 19 men and to San Lucas, Guatemala women attended the QEV Life Awareness Project at the St. Philip Neri Newman Center on the campus of On May 28, 2016, a group of 19 parishioners from Christ the University of Tulsa. Guest speakers spoke to the the King Parish in Tulsa made a pilgrimage to the Mission group, in breakout sessions and in one-on-one con- of San Lucas on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. The group, led versation to learn how to better hear God’s call. by Msgr. Daniel Mueggenborg, included three returning vol- This year, many diocesan priests, an Augustinian priest, Bene- unteers and 16 first-time pilgrims. The trip will become an dictine sisters from St. Joseph Monastery in Tulsa, two Marian annual event for CTK pilgrims. sisters from the Diocese of Lincoln, Neb., two Religious Sisters For a week, the group worked with Mission volunteers to of Mercy and one Sister of the Sorrowful Mother, Third Order build a multigenerational family a new house in San Gabriel, of St. Francis, were on hand to lead the discussions and prayer. along with stoves for several local families. The beautiful Then Deacon John O’Neill, who was ordained to the priesthood people of San Lucas generously shared their lives, stories, on July 16, was the keynote speaker. faith and culture with the Christ the King volunteers. During The annual event is free to attend and is for men and wom- the week, the group visited several churches, hospital, en between the ages of 17 and 45 who are seeking to discern Women’s Center and local coffee roasting and distribution their vocation in life, according to God’s will. QEV is a Latin center. One of the highlights of this amazing journey was to acronym for Quid Est Veritas or What is Truth? visit and celebrate mass at the Mission of Santiago Atitlan, where Father Stanley Rother served for over 13 years and was martyred in 1981. (Courtesy of Christ the King Parish) Go Life to honor Bishop-Emeritus Slattery Bishop Emeritus Edward Slattery will be honored for his leadership in the Tulsa pro-life movement during his years as Bishop of Tulsa at Go Life’s annual barbecue dinner on Saturday, September 24 at 6:30 p.m. at Rucker’s Ware- house, 1227 S. Detroit Ave. in Tulsa. Tickets are $50. For sponsorship information or to purchase tickets, visit GoLife. org or call 918.518.0648. Go Life Mobile Medical is a nonprofit organization made up of volunteer citizens and medical professionals that provides free onsite pregnancy testing and ultrasound examinations for clients in the early stages of pregnancy who are not under a doctor’s care. In addition to sharing the love of Jesus Christ, Go Life also offers a wide variety of pro-life references and resources to their clients. For more information about Go Life, visit their website, www.golifemobilemedical.com. 7 | y o u r n e w s | Bishop Konderla adopts new policies and procedures to protect vulnerable On the first full day of his episcopacy, Bishop David Konderla acted to ensure that the most vulnerable among us are cared for and protected. In adherence to the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, Bishop Konderla pro- mulgated the new Policies and Procedures for the Protection of Children and Young People for the Diocese of Tulsa. Bishop Konderla distributed the new Policies and Pro- cedures for the Protection of Children and Young People throughout the diocese on June 30, 2016, the day after his Center for Family honors Archbishop episcopal ordination. This comprehensive collection of poli- Emeritus Beltran cies and procedures supersedes the 2003 Policies Concern- ing Sexual Misconduct. The document includes procedures on how to report an al- On June 24, Center of Family Love Board Members Father legation of sexual abuse and Annual Safe Environment Audit Mark Mason, left, and Msgr. Patrick Gaalaas presented Arch- requirements as well as policies for VIRTUS requirements and bishop Emeritus Eusebius Beltran with the Community Vol- a new Code of Ethics. unteer Service Award. The award was presented at the 2016 In his promulgation letter, Bishop Konderla wrote: “In order Gift of Love Gala at the National Cowboy and Western Heri- to continue our efforts to offer the safest environment possible tage Museum in Oklahoma City. Ernest L. Chastain was also for children, I am pleased to promulgate the new Policies and honored with the Harold J. Wittrock Humanitarian Award. Procedures for the Protection of Children and Young People as a The Center of Family Love in Okarche is dedicated to particular law for the diocese. I fully support these initiatives and providing lifetime care to individuals with developmental believe they will assist us in our great commission to evangelize disabilities and is supported by the individual donations, the the nations and form intentional disciples of Jesus Christ.” Oklahoma Knights of Columbus, the Archdiocese of Oklaho- In addition to electronic communications, hard copies of ma City and the Diocese of Tulsa. For more information, visit the document have been sent out to each Catholic entity that centeroffamilylove.org. (Courtesy Center of Family Love) falls under the annual Safe Environment Audit. The Office of Children and Youth Protection at the Chancery is currently working on several accompanying documents that parishes and other Catholic entities could adopt to meet various safe environment concerns. Harrison Garlick, the chancellor of the Diocese of Tulsa, in the stated: “Overall, as Bishop Konderla has reminded us, pro- Invest tecting the most vulnerable in our communities is in fact a of community effort. Everyone is a ‘valued ally.’ In this spirit, I The Catholic Foundation of Eastern Oklahoma Future Your Faith want to thank all of you for all the work you do to protect our (CFEO) is an endowment of the Diocese of Tulsa children, youth and vulnerable adults.” comprised of bequests by members of the Diocese If you have any questions or would like to know more in order that their good works and the work of about the new policies and procedures, then please feel free the Church continue for future generations. In to contact Mary Malcolm, VIRTUS coordinator by phone at planning your estate, please prayerfully consider 918.307.4941 or email at [email protected], or a gift to the CFEO. Michelle Bartlett, Safe Environment Audit coordinator by phone at 918.307.4919 or email at [email protected]. l real estate l life residencies l personal property l trusts l securities l annuities Correction l life insurance l cash Hectic days surrounding two ordinations in just over For where your treasure is, two weeks and the pressure of deadlines are inadequate there also your heart will be. excuses for misidentifying Father James White; beloved Matthew 6:21 retired priest, former diocesan historian and creator of the diocesan shield, in the July/August issue of the EOC. Suzanne Pisaturo We apologize to everyone, especially Father White, for 918-307-4921 this error. [email protected] 8 Eastern Oklahoma Catholic | September 2016 | www.dioceseoftulsa.com New priest assignments PSI begins 2016-2017 academic year In late July, Bishop David Konderla announced changes in The Pastoral Studies Institute (PSI) is the Adult Educa- assignments for two priests and that two new priests were to tion Program of the Diocese of Tulsa and is offered to all begin service in the Diocese of Tulsa. adults in the diocese. Newman University, Wichita, Kan., Bishop Konderla accepted the works in cooperation with the PSI to offer a Bachelor’s De- resignation of Msgr. Patrick Brankin gree in Pastoral Ministry. Individuals who already have one from the ministries of Director of bachelor’s degree can take the required 30 hours of theol- Divine Worship and Director of Com- ogy course work and receive a second bachelor’s degree. munications on July 25. Msgr. Brankin Individuals may enter this degree program at any semester will remain as Vicar of Deacons and and may enroll in as many classes as they like. Tuition for a will also fulfill other special pastoral traditional class with three hours of credit is $160. One may responsibilities. audit these credit classes for personal enrichment for free. “We thank Msgr. Brankin for all Tuition is due no later than the first day of class. To register these years of dedicated service to for a class or receive a full listing of classes offered, contact the promotion of Sacred Liturgy as the PSI Office at [email protected] or call them at the source par excellence of spiritual 918.307.4941 or 918.307.4956. nourishment for the Christian com- Msgr. Patrick Brankin munity,” said Father Elkin González, Adult Studies Minicourses for Vicar General, in a memo announcing the changes. September and October Father John Grant, Associate Pas- tor of Holy Family Cathedral, was Diocesan Women’s Bible Study appointed the new Director of Divine Second Corinthians: Come to know the forceful but Worship, effective July 25. loving character of Paul, one of the best-known figures After earning a Master of Divinity of the early Church. Arguing from his own experience of degree in seminary, Father Grant was discipleship and ministry, Paul promotes unity in a divid- ordained by Bishop Emeritus Edward ed and confused Corinth. Slattery on June 30, 2012. In early 2013, he was sent to Chicago where he Day and dates: Wednesdays, Sept. 14 through Oct. 26 earned a master’s degree in Liturgical Time: 9:00-11:15 a.m. Cost: $20.00 Studies at St. Mary of the Lake Semi- Location: Church of the Madalene, 3188 East 22nd nary in Mundelein, Ill. and has served Father John Grant Street South. To register, call Mary Hall at 918.497.2063. as associate pastor of Holy Family Ca- thedral since his return in 2014. The Second Vatican Council Father Kingsley George-Obilonu, a This course will revisit the historical context of the priest of the Archdiocese of Owerri, Second Vatican Council, the debates and proceedings of Nigeria, has been appointed parochial the council, a summary of each of the council documents administrator of St. Paul Parish in Eu- and some reflections on how Vatican II has changed the faula and St. Joseph Parish in Krebs. practice of Catholicism from a half-century ago. Born in 1970, Father George-Obilonu was ordained to the priesthood on Day and dates: Thursdays, Sept. 15, 22, 29 and Oct. 6 July 25, 1998, in the Archdiocese Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m. of Owerri. From 1998-2009, he has Instructor: Deacon John Donnelly, J.D. served as parochial vicar, pastor, sec- Location: Aquinas Hall, Church of the Madalene retary to the Archbishop, high school chaplain, hospital chaplain and in The Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit Father Kingsley prison ministry. He has served as a What does each gift and fruit of the Holy Spirit mean? George-Obilonu pastoral administrator in the Diocese How can these fruits and gifts help us in our lives? In this of Gallup, N.M. since 2009. three-week course, we will delve into how we are nur- Father José Andrés Cortez began a probationary time in tured through the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit. view of exercising his priestly ministry here on July 20. Born in Day and dates: Tuesdays, Oct. 11, 18, 25 1983 in El Salvador, he was ordained a priest last May for the Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m. Missionary Fraternity of Christ Crucified, a Salvadoran com- Instructor: Chris King, M.T.S. munity dedicated to evangelization of youth in vulnerable so- Location: Aquinas Hall, Church of the Madalene cio-economic situations. Father Cortez is assigned to Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Tulsa during his probationary time. 9 | y o u r n e w s | Bishop Konderla blesses the new narthex of St. Anne Parish in Broken Arrow. deed and sacrament and who reflect a pattern of life to the community.” St. Anne celebrates first phase The first phase consisted of raising $2.5 million over three of capital campaign years, from 2014-2017, to accommodate the rapid growth of Story and photos by Mason Beecroft the parish and better serve the Broken Arrow community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The parish prioritized hospi- On July 26, 2016, Bishop David Konderla presided over a tality, faith formation and facilities in this phase of their com- dedication and blessing Mass at St. Anne Catholic Church in prehensive master plan. Broken Arrow that celebrated expansions and renovations Father Kastl exhorted the parishioners, writing: “Pope resulting from the first phase of their “Build, Gather, Form Francis continues to challenge us in the way he is leading and Send” capital campaign. the Universal Church. At the heart of his ministry is what has Features of the campaign included the expansion of the been coined ‘A culture of encounter.’ In light of his example church entrance and narthex, new heating and air, increased and challenge, our parish community must become an even parking, an exterior gathering space and landscaping, en- stronger place of encounter for those who want to experi- hanced lighting and flooring in the sanctuary, debt elimina- ence Christ through the sacramental life of the Church and tion and new pew covers. in her members gathered. In order to do this, we must be a Father Gary Kastl, the pastor of St. Anne, guided the cam- place of profound hospitality and a place where people can paign to fulfill the purpose of the parish, which is to be “a be formed in the faith. In order to do the first two, we need Christ-centered people who proclaim the Gospel in word, adequate and dignified space to do the work of ministry.” Tulsa group attends World Youth Day in Poland A group of 32 young adults and chaperones from the Di- ocese of Tulsa pose for a photo in Garwolin, Poland, during their pilgrimage to World Youth Day. The group participat- ed in Days in the Dioceses in Garwolin where they stayed with local Polish Catholic homes for a few days before moving to Krakow for WYD events. In addition to attending WYD events, the pilgrims visit- ed: the Black Madonna, a revered icon of the Virgin Mary at the Jasna Góra Monastery in Częstochowa, Poland, the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum in Oświęcim, Poland, and, of course, the birthplace of St. Pope John Paul II in Wadowice, Poland, and many sites in Krakow where he served as a priest, bishop and cardinal. World Youth Day events in Krakow were July 25-31, 2016. The trip was organized by the Youth and Young Adult Ministry and the trip led by Sarah Jameson, assistant director, and Caitlyn Benedict, program coordinator. (Courtesy Youth and Young Adult Ministry) 10 Eastern Oklahoma Catholic | September 2016 | www.dioceseoftulsa.com