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TMD Evolution at Moderate Hard Scales 6 1 0 2 Ted C. Rogers ∗ n DepartmentofPhysics,OldDominionUniversity,Norfolk,VA23529,USA a andTheoryCenter,JeffersonLab,12000JeffersonAvenue,NewportNews,VA23606,USA J E-mail: [email protected] 1 1 John Collins ] 104DaveyLab.,PennStateUniversity,UniversityParkPA16802,USA h E-mail: [email protected] p - p e We summarize some of our recent work on non-perturbative transverse momentum dependent h [ (TMD)evolution,emphasizingaspectsthatarenecessaryfordealingwithmoderatelylowscale processeslikesemi-inclusivedeepinelasticscattering. 1 v PoS.cls, January 11, 2016, JLAB-THY-16-2196, DOE/OR/23177-3644 1 7 5 2 0 . 1 0 6 1 : v i X r a QCDEvolution2015-QCDEV2015- 26-30May2015 JeffersonLab(JLAB),NewportNewsVirginia,USA Speaker. ∗ (cid:13)c Copyrightownedbytheauthor(s)underthetermsoftheCreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives4.0InternationalLicense(CCBY-NC-ND4.0). http://pos.sissa.it/ TMDEvolutionatModerateHardScales TedC.Rogers 1. TMDfactorizationandnon-perturbativeevolution ThepurposeofthistalkistosummarizeresultsrecentlypresentedinRef.[1]. Wewilldiscuss the Collins-Soper-Sterman (CSS) form of TMD factorization in the updated version presented in Ref. [2]. (See Ref. [3] for a general overview and for references.) For these proceedings, the relevantaspectsoftheTMDfactorizationtheoremsarethefollowing: TheunpolarizedcrosssectionforaprocesslikeDrell-Yanscatteringisexpressibleas • dσ d4qdΩ 2 dσˆ (Q,µ Q;α (Q)) = ∑ j¯ → s d2b eiqTb F˜ (x ,b;Q2,Q)F˜ (x ,b;Q2,Q) s dΩ · j/A A ¯/B B j (cid:90) +largeq “Y-term”correction. (1.1) T wheredσˆ /dΩisahardpartoniccrosssectionandF˜(x,b;Q2,Q)isaTMDpartondistribu- j¯ tionfunction(PDFs)incoordinatespaceevaluatedwithahardscaleQ. Collins-Soper(CS)evolutionappliedtoanindividualTMDPDFleadsto • ∂ lnF˜ (x ,b ;Q2,Q)=K˜(b ;Q)+ b IndependentTerms (1.2) ∂lnQ j/A A T T T The“b IndependentTerms”onlyaffectthenormalizationofF˜ butnotitsshape. T The kernel K˜(b ;Q) is is strongly universal. At small b its b -dependence is perturba- T T T • tively calculable with 1/b acting as a hard scale. At large b its b -dependence is non- T T T perturbative. Forallb ,K˜(b ;Q)obeystherenormalizationgroup(RG)equation: T T • d K˜(b ;µ)= γ (α (µ)). (1.3) T K s dlnµ − Atsmallb ,onehopestoexploitperturbationtheorywith1/b asahardscaletocalculateK˜(b ;Q) T T T whileatlargeb anon-perturbativeparametrizationisneeded. Inthenon-perturbativeregion,one T hopestoexploitthestronguniversalityofK˜(b ;Q)tomakepredictions. Oneneedsaprescription T todemarcatewhatconstituteslargeandsmallb . Tosmoothlyinterpolatebetweenthetworegions, T oneimposesagentlecutoffonlargeb . Acommonchoiceofcutofffunctionis T b T b (b )= . (1.4) T ∗ 1+b2/b2 T max (cid:113) Then an RG scale defined as µ C /b approaches C /b at small b and C /b at large b 1 1 T T 1 max b . We can separate K˜(b ;Q) int∗o≡a large∗b part and a small b part by adding and subtracting T T T T K˜(b ;Q)inEq.(1.2): ∗ ∂ lnF˜ (x ,b ;Q2,Q)=K˜(b ;Q)+ K˜(b ;Q) K˜(b ;Q) + b IndependentTerms. (1.5) ∂lnQ j/A A T ∗ T − ∗ T (cid:2) (cid:3) 2 TMDEvolutionatModerateHardScales TedC.Rogers Theg (b ;b )functionisdefinedasthetermK˜(b ;Q) K˜(b ;Q),sothat K T max T − ∗ ∂ lnF˜ (x ,b ;Q2,Q)=K˜(b ;Q) g (b ;b )+ b IndependentTerms. (1.6) ∂lnQ j/A A T ∗ − K T max T Bydefinition,therightsideofEq.(1.6)isexactlyindependentofb . FromEq.(1.3),g (b ;b ) max K T max is also exactly independent of Q. The Q dependence in each of the terms in the definition of g (b ;b ) cancels. We can apply Eq. (1.3) to exploit RG improvement in the calculation of K T max K˜(b ;Q): ∗ Q dµ K˜(b ;Q)=K˜(b ;µ ) (cid:48)γ (α (µ )). (1.7) b K s (cid:48) ∗ ∗ ∗ −(cid:90)µb µ(cid:48) ∗ So,theevolutionoftheshapeofF˜ (x ,b ;Q2,Q)isisgivenby j/A A T ∂ lnF˜ (x ,b ;Q2,Q) ∂lnQ j/A A T Q dµ =K˜(b ;µ ) (cid:48)γ (α (µ )) g (b ;b )+ b IndependentTerms. (1.8) b K s (cid:48) K T max T ∗ ∗ −(cid:90)µb µ(cid:48) − ∗ The partial derivative symbol means x is to be held fixed. The g (b ;b ) function inherits the A K T max universality properties of K˜(b ;µ). In particular, it is related to the vacuum expectation value of T a relatively simple Wilson loop. It is independent of any details of the process and is even the same if the PDF F˜ (x ,b ;Q2,Q) is replaced with a fragmentation function. Thus we say that j/A A T g (b ;b ) is “strongly” universal; see the graphic in Fig. 1. The g (b ;b ) function is often K T max K T max called the “non-perturbative” part of the evolution since it can contain non-perturbative elements. This is a slight misnomer, however, since g (b ;b ) can contain perturbative contributions as K T max well. Indeed,atverysmallb itisentirelyperturbativelycalculable,thoughsuppressedbypowers T ofb /b ,accordingtoitsdefinitioninEq.(1.5). T max 2. Largeb behavior T Acommonchoicefornon-perturbativeparametrizationsofg (b ;b )isapower-lawform. K T max These tend to yield reasonable success in fits that involve at least moderately high scales Q [4]. However, extrapolations of those fits to lower values of Q (such as those corresponding to many currentSIDISexperiments)appeartoappeartoproduceevolutionthatisfartoorapid[5,6]. Inthis talk, we carefully examine the underlying physics issues surrounding non-perturbative evolution and, on the basis of those considerations, we will propose a form for g (b ;b ) that accommo- K T max datesbothlargeandsmallQbehavior. Wewillfirstwritedownourproposedansatzforg (b ;b )andthenspendtheremainderof K T max thetalkdiscussingitsjustifications. Ourproposalis C α (µ )b2 g (b ;b )=g (b ) 1 exp F s b T , (2.1) K T max 0 max − −πg (b )∗b2 (cid:18) (cid:20) 0 max max(cid:21)(cid:19) where g (b )=g (b )+2CF C1/bmax dµ(cid:48)α (µ ). (2.2) 0 max 0 max,0 s (cid:48) π (cid:90)C1/bmax,0 µ(cid:48) 3 14 kˆ = xP+,0,0 T ˆ l =�0,q�,0T � � � k˜ = xP+,k ,k � T ˜l =�l+,q�,kT � � � dk+ dk d2k (244) � T Z Z Z sˆ (245) sˆ Q2(1 x/⇠) Q2(1 z) k2 = = � = � (246) T,max 4 4(x/⇠) 4z Q2(1 z) sˆ= (q+kˆ)2 = � (247) z kT2,max d�ˆ �ˆ = (248) dk2 Z T 1 dk2 (249) T Z0 d� d4qd⌦ 2 d�ˆ (Q,µ,↵ (µ)) = j|¯ s d2bT eiqT·bT F˜j/A(xA,bT;⇣A,µ) F˜|¯/B(xB,bT;Q4/⇣A,µ) 16 s d⌦ j Z X +polarization terms+high-q term (Y)+power-suppressed. (250) T (276) d�ˆ (Q,µ,↵ (µ)) s W˜ (b ;Q) Q2 j|¯ s F˜ (x ,b ;⇣ ,µ)F˜ (x ,b ;Q2/⇣ ,µ) (251) T j j/A A T A |¯/B B T A ⌘ d⌦ d� qT⌧Q 2 dF2˜bfT/Pei(qbT·TbT,Wx˜;(µbT;⇣;Q1)) = (252) (277) d4qd⌦ ' sQ2 Z @lnW˜ (bT,Q,xA,xB) = K˜(b ;⇣µ1)+=bx2MInpd2eep2e(ynPd�enyts)Terms (253) (278) T T @lnQ2 d x 1.0 (279) ˜ K(b ;µ) = � (↵ (µ)) (254) TMDEvolutionatModeratedHlanrdµScalesT � K s! TedC.Rogers 0 WL Q[a,daµ] 0 (280) ˜ ˜ C 0 K(bT;Q;↵s(Q)) = K(bT;µb ;↵s(hµb|))+ �|Ki(↵s(µ0)) (255) µ ⇤ ⇤ Zµb 0 ⇤ l+l-­‐    t¯o   K˜(b ;µ) ↵ (µF).Tln.(µPbbac) k+-­‐t(o0-­‐b,awc+k�    O,0(t↵)(µ)nln(µb )(m0,)0,0t) P (256) (281) T s h T| s T | i ⇠ ··· hadrons   Z/W  produc:on   Drell-­‐Yan       µ = C /b µ = C /b (257)   b 1 T ¯ b 1 F.T. P (0,w⇤�,wt) ⇤ (0,0,0t) P (282) h | | i ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ K(b ;µ ;↵ (µ )) = K(b ;µ ;↵ (µ ))+K(b ;µ ;↵ (µ )) K(b ;µ ;↵ (µ )) (258) T 0 s 0 0 s 0 T 0 s 0 0 s 0 SIDIS   ⇤ � ⇤ Collins     Q gK(bT;bmax)ln   (259) (283) � Q 0 ................... ✓ ◆ ................... Boer-­‐   PDFs        Mulders       Fragmenta:on   Acknowledgments Sivers   Func:ons   Unpolarized     Cross  Sec:ons   This work was supported by...   Figure 1: Strong universality of the non-perturbative evolution parametrized by g (b ;b ). The K T max g (b ;b )ln(Q/Q )combinationappearsexponentiatedintheevolvedcrosssectionexpression. K T max 0 − Theonlyparameterofthemodelisg (b )anditvarieswithb accordingtoEq.(2.2). b 0 max max max,0 isaboundaryvalueforg relativetowhichothervaluesaredetermined. 0 First,notethattheasmallb /b expansionofEq.(2.1)gives T max C b2 b4C2α (µ )2 g (b ;b )= F T α (µ )+O T F s b , (2.3) K T max π b2 s b b4 π2g (b∗ ) max ∗ (cid:18) max 0 max (cid:19) whileanexpansionoftheexactdefinitionof g (b ;b )inEq.(1.5)is K T max − g (b ;b )= K˜(b ;µ ;α (µ ))+K˜(b ;µ ;α (µ )) K T max T b s b b s b − ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ C b2 b4 = F T α (µ )+O T α (µ )2 (2.4) π b2 s b π2b4 s b max ∗ (cid:18) max ∗ (cid:19) So,theexactdefinitionandEq.(2.1)matchinthesmallb limit. T 3. Conditionsong (b ;b ) K T max Ourdescriptionofthelargeb limitofcorrelationfunctionslikeF˜(x ,b ;Q2,Q)ismotivated T A T bythegeneralobservationthattheanalyticpropertiesofcorrelationfunctionsimplyanexponential 4 TMDEvolutionatModerateHardScales TedC.Rogers coordinatedependence,withapossiblepower-lawfall-off,forthelargeb limit. Thatis,neglecting T perturbativecontributions, 1 F˜(xA,bT;Q2,Q)bT∼→∞ b αe−mbT, (3.1) T with m and α independent of Q. See, for example, Ref. [7]. Therefore, from Eq. (1.2), K˜(b ;Q) T mustapproachab -independentconstantatlargeb . T T Thesetofrequirementsong (b ;b )is K T max 1. K˜(bT;µb )bT=→0K˜(bT;C1/bT)iscalculableentirelyinperturbationtheorywithC1/bTplaying ∗ theroleofahardscale. 2. K˜(b ;Q)approachesaconstantatb /b ∞. TheconstantcanbeQ-dependent, butthe T T max → Q-dependencecanbecalculatedperturbativelyforallb fromEq.(1.3). T 3. Because of item 2, g (b ;b ) must approach a constant at large b , but the constant de- K T max T pendsonb . max 4. At small b , g (b ;b ) is a power series in (b /b )2 with perturbatively calculable T K T max T max coefficients,asinEqs.(2.3,2.4). 5. Bydefinition,therightsideofEq.(1.8)isindependentofb andthisshouldbepreserved max asmuchaspossibleinthefunctionalformthatparametrizesg (b ;b ). Forsmallb ,this K T max T means d d asy g (b ;b ) = asy g (b ;b ) (3.2) K T max K T max db db bT bmax max (cid:12)parametrized bT bmax max (cid:12)truncatedPT (cid:28) (cid:12) (cid:28) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where“parametrized”referstoa(cid:12) specificmodelofg (b ;b )while“t(cid:12)runcatedPT”refers K T max to a truncated perturbative expansion. Eqs. (2.3,2.4) satisfy this requirement through order α (µ ). s b ∗ 6. Atlargeb ,b -independenceoftheexactK˜(b ,µ)impliesthat,toausefulapproximation, T max T d dK˜(b ;C /b ) max 1 max g (b =∞;b )= γ (α (C /b )) , (3.3) K T max K s 1 max dlnb dlnb − max (cid:20) max (cid:21)truncatedPT as obtained from Eq. (1.7) and the definition of g . Equation (2.2) ensures that Eq. (2.1) K satisfies Eq. (1.8) so long as everything is calculated only to order α (µ ). Enforcing both s b ∗ Eq.(3.2)andEq.(3.3)simultaneouslymeansg (b ;b )willproduceab independent K T max max contribution to K˜(b ;Q) for all b except perhaps for an intermediate region at the border T T between perturbative and non-perturbative b -dependence. The residual b dependence T max therecanbereducedbycalculatinghigherordersandrefiningknowledgeofnon-perturbative behavior. For a much more detailed discussion of these considerations, see Sect. VII of Ref. [1]. Equa- tion(2.1)isoneofthesimplestmodelsthatsatisfiesall6ofthesepropertiessimultaneously. 5 TMDEvolutionatModerateHardScales TedC.Rogers 4. Conclusion In Sect. 3 we enumerated properties that a model of g (b ;b ) needs tp ensure basic con- K T max sistencyinacalculationK˜(b ;Q). AsimpleparametrizationwasproposedinSect.2. T Note that a quadratic (b /b )2 dependence at small b emerges naturally from (2.1), but T max T with a perturbatively calculable coefficient. Furthermore, the dependence is not exactly quadratic becausethecoefficientscontainlogarithmicb dependencethroughα (µ ). T s b ∗ In a process dominated by very large b , Sect. 3 and Eq. (2.1) predict an especially simple T evolution for the low-Q cross section. Namely, the cross section scales as (Q/Q )a where a is 0 combinationofg (∞,b )andperturbativelycalculablequantities. (SeeEq.(85,86)ofRef.[1].) K max Futurephenomenologicalworkshouldincludeeffortstoconstraing . Becauseofitsstrongly 0 universalnature,thisoffersarelativelysimplewaytotestTMDfactorization. Acknowledgments ThisworkwassupportedbyDOEcontractNo.DE-AC05-06OR23177,underwhichJefferson ScienceAssociates,LLCoperatesJeffersonLab.,andbyDOEgrantNo.DE-SC0013699. 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