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TM 9-1300-203, Artillery Ammunition PDF

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Preview TM 9-1300-203, Artillery Ammunition

TM 9-13 00-203 D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E A R M Y T E C H N I C A L M A N U A L ARTILLERY ! ' AMMUNITION I I This copy is a reprint which includes current pages from Changes 2 through 12. C. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY APRIL 1967 G 94 06 e-- C 6, TM 9-1300-203 WARNING: Do not fire artillery ammunition of any caliber without authorized fuze. Firing of such rounds without fuzes or with unauthorized fuzes could result in imbore prematures and other hazardous conditions, causing serious injury to personnel and damage to equipment. AGO 10356A <a-- TM 9-1800-203 Pen-and-ink change listed below is to be made in the manual. Add the following to supersession note, page i: “TB 9-1300-227-10, 12 March 1959, and TB 9-1300-228-10, 22 April 1959.” *TM 9-1300-203 TECHNICAMLA NUAL HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NO.9 -1300-203 WASHINGTOND, .C., 6 April 1967 ARTILLERY AMMUNITION CHAPTER 1. GENERAL Paragraph Page Section I. Introduction 1-1, 1-2 1-1 II. General discussion 1-3----1-14 1-2--1-39 ----- CHAPTER 2. GUN AND HOWITZER CANNONS Section I. General 2-1---2-6 II. Ammunition for 37-mm automatic gun M1A2 2-4---2-10 2-7---2-13 III. Ammunition for 37-mm subcaliber guns M12, M13, M14, M15 and M1916 2-11, 2-12 2-14 IV. Ammunition for 40-mm gun cannons M1, M1A1, M2, M2A1 and (Navy) 2-13---2-22 2-16---2-24 V. Ammunition for 75-mm gun cannon M3 2-23---2-37 2-26---2-35 VI. Ammunition for 75-mm gun cannon M35 (T83E1) 2-38---2-42 2-35--2-37 VII. Ammunition for 76-mm gun cannons M32 and M48 2-43---2-54 2-37---2-46 VIII. Ammunition for 90-mm gun cannons M36, M41, M54 (T125) M1 series and M2 series 2-55---2-81 2-48---2-68 IX. Ammunition for 105-mm gun cannon M68 2-82---2-91 2-69---2-72 X. Ammunition for 120-mm gun cannons M1A1, M1A2 and M1A3 2-73--2-75 XI. Ammunition for 120-mm gun cannon M58 2-96---2-104 2-75---2-83 XII. Ammunition for 162-mm gun cannon 2-105---2-107 2-84--2-86 XIII. Ammunition for 156-mm gun cannons M2 and M46 2-108---2-116 2-87---2-94 XIV. Ammunition for 165-mm gun cannon XM135 2-117 2-95 XV. Ammunition for 176-mm gun cannon M113 2-118--2-121 2-95---2-101 XVI. Ammunition for 280-mm gun cannon M66 2-122---2-125 2-101---2-103 .XVII. Ammunition for 75-mm pack howitzer cannon 2-126---2-136 2-1 04---2-109 - XVIII. Ammunition for 76-mm pack howitzer cannon M1A1 used as a subcaliber weapon 2-137---2-139 2-109, 2-110 XIX. Ammunition for 105-mm howitzer cannons M2A1, M2A2, M4, M4A1, M49, M103 and M137 2-140---2-156 2-111 ---2-125 XX. Ammunition for 155-mm howitzer cannons M1, M1A1, M45 and M126---2-157-2-172 2-12 5---2-1 41 XXI. Ammunition for 8-inch howitzer cannons M2, M2A1, M2A1E1 and 2-173---2-176 2-141---2-147 CHAPTER 3. RECOILLESS RIFLES Section I. General 3-1, 3-2 II. Ammunition for 67-mm recoilless rifles M18, M18A1 and 3-3---3-9 III. Ammunition for 76-mm recoilless rifles M20 and T21E12-----------3-15--3-25 3-12---3-16 IV. Ammunition for 90-mm recoilless rifles M67 3-26---3-32 3-16---3-23 V. Ammunition for 105-mm recoilless rifles M27 and M27A1-------- 3-33---3-38 3-23---3-26 -- VI.' Ammunition for 106-mm recoilless rifles M40A1 and M40AlC-------3-39--3-45 3-27--3-33 CHAPTE4R. MORTARS Section I. General 4-1, 4-2 4-1 II. Ammunition for 60-mm mortar cannons M2 and M19 4-3---4-12 4-2---4-14 III. Ammunition for 81-mm mortar cannons M1 and M29 4-13--4-29 4-16---4-38 IV. Ammunition for 4.2-inch mortar cannon M30 4-30---4-45 4-40---4-58 'This manual supersedes TM 9-1300-203, 15 August 1960, including C 4, 11 September 1962, C 10, 30 Decem- ber 1965, C 12, 22 March 1966, C 13, 3 May 1966, C 14,13 September 1966, and C 15, 18 October 1966; TB 9-1300- 203/3, 28 March 1962; TM 9-1300-204,2 5 May 1959, including C 1, 10 June 1966, C 2, 18 August 1966, and C 3, 30 December 1966; TB 9-1300-204/1,3 October 1963; TM 9-1300-205,2 1 September 1960, including C 7, 15 June 1966; TB 9-1300-220-10, 26 February 1959; TB 9-1300-226-10, 9 March 1961; TB 9-1300-229-10,1 3 November 1959; TB 9-1300-233-10, 6 July 1960; TB 9-1300-234-101,1 July 1960; TB 9-1300-248,7 May 1963; TB 9-1300-251, 15 March 1966; TB 9-1315-200/1,8 November 1960; TB ORD 522, 2 June 1954 and TB ORD 527, 21 July 1953. TM 9- 1300-203 Section I. II. III. 5-54-5-57 IV. 5-57-5-69 V. 5-71-5-89 VI. 5-93,5 -94 VII. 5-96-5-100 VIII. 5-102-5-107 IX. 5-108-5-125 X. 5-126-5-130 XI. 5-131-5-136 TM 9-1300-203 CHAPTER 1 GENERAL Section 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1. Scope of Class V ammunition (e.g., bulk explosives, cartridges, demolition materials and projec- This manual contains general and technical tiles) will be reported immediately to the am- information on conventional ammunition for munition officer under whose supervision am- gun and howitzer cannons, recoilless rifles and munition for the unit is maintained or issued. mortars. Such fundamentals as ammunition Notification, to include available facts, will be characteristics and data, means of identifica- made by the commanding officer or senior in- tion, precautions in handling and use, stor- dividual in charge of the unit. The ammuni- age and methods of destruction to prevent en- tion officer will investigate thoroughly all emy use are treated in detail. cases of malfunction observed by, or referred 1-2. Forms and Reports to him, and report other than routine cases in accordance with AR 700-1300-8. Malfunctions a. Authorized Forms. Forms pertaining to involving ancillary gear or nonexplosive com- subject matter covered in this manual are list- ponents, not involving contributory safety haz- ed in the appendix. For instructions on use ards (e.g., premature arming), will be report- of these forms, see TM 38-750 and pertinent ed in conformity with TM 38-750. directives. For classification of records and e. Report of Safety Problems Involving Mil- reports see AR 380-5, AR 380-6 and AR 380-40. itary Explosives or Ammunition. As a joint b. Accidents. Responsibilities and pro- agency of the three military departments with- cedures for recording and reporting accidents in the Department of Defense, with jurisdic- involving injury to personnel or damage to tion over all Department of Defense components equipment or property are contained in AR worldwide, the Armed Services Explosives 385-40. Use of DA Form 285 (Accident Re- Safety Board must be kept informed of armed port) and DA Form 1051 (Record of Injury) services’ safety problems relating to develop- is prescribed. ment, manufacture, testing, handling, trans- c. Fire Reports. As prescribed by AR 385- portation, storage, maintenance, salvage, and 12, DA Form 5-2 (Fire Report) will be used disposal of ammunition and explosives. In this to report technical information and actions re- connection, reports of hazards, accidents, and lating to all fires or explosions followed by investigations of explosive incidents, are used fire, incident to an Army operation or activity by the Board in formulating, revising, or ver- in other than officially designated combat ifying safety standards. To provide current zones, which result in $100 or more damage to information of this type, commanders of major Army or non-Army property (including tim- commands will forward such reports through ber and grasslands) or in damage to 25 or command channels to the Board, through the more acres of Army timber or grassland. Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, ATTN: Note. Use of DA Form 5-2 does not negate re- Director of Safety, Department of the Army, quirements for submission of accident reports required Washington, D.C., 20310. General schematic by AR 385-40. plans, siting plans, and specifications for con- d. Malfunctions. Malfunction is the fail- struction of new facilities or major modifica- ure of ammunition to function in accordance tions to existing facilities for manufacturing, with expected performance when fired, handling, transporting, storing, or testing mil- launched or emplaced (e.g., premature, dud, itary explosives or ammunition will be referred misfire, hangfire, cookoff, etc.). ,Malfunction to the Board, through the Deputy Chief of 1.1 TM 9-1300-203 Staff for Logistics, in coordination with the f. Report. of Errors or Omissions. Errors Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, for re- or omissions in this publication, and recom- view of safety features. AR 385-60 provides a mended changes, will be reported on DA Form general description of the Board and the re- 2415 (Ammunition Condition Report). Com- sponsibilities of the 'Department of the Army, pleted forms will be forwarded to the Com- commands, and agencies in providing support. manding Officer, Picatinny Arsenal, ATTN : SMUPA-TR, Dover, New Jersey, 07801. Section II. GENERAL DISCUSSION 1-3. Definitions a. Conventional ammunition. This cate- b. Complete Round. A complete round of gory comprises bombs, bulk explosives, bullets, service artillery ammunition (fig. 1-1) com- cartridges, demolition materials, grenades, prises all components needed to fire a weapon mines, projectiles, pyrotechnics, rockets with- once. (The term, complete round, applies to out nuclear capability, simulated nuclear am- such other items of ammunition as aerial munition, warheads with various fillers (i.e., bombs, rockets, etc.) In the case of a cartridge, biological, chemical, HE, etc., except nuclear), that is, in fixed (e.g., recoilless rifle) and semi- etc., in complete round configuration (i.e., with fixed (e.g., mortar) ammunition (see below), detonator, fuze, primer, etc.) or in separately these components include a projectile and an packaged items of issue for complete round as- integral propelling charge, a fuze, a cartridge sembly. This manual covers subject ammuni- case and a primer. Artillery ammunition is tion used in 37-mm through 280-mm artillery classified according to form as fixed, semi- weapons. TM 9-1900 covers basic types of am- fixed, separated and separate-loading. munition, as well as explosive and chemical * agents.

DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TECHNICAL MANUAL. C. Do not fire artillery ammunition of any caliber without authorized fuze. Firing of such rounds . as ammunition characteristics and data, means of identifica- .. in such forms as sheets, flakes, or perforated .. Do not drop, drag, throw, tumble or
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