Title Title Annotation Author1 Author2 Location RCN Date Pages InputDate Anybody can mend lace and linens Kurella, E 746.220288 KUR 1524 2001 128p 10/14/02 Stott, Cook, 100 Traditional Bobbin Lace Patterns Geraldine Bridget 746.222 3 STO 3041 1982 119 pgs 5/23/11 101 torchon patterns with coloured technical Cover title: 101 diagrams torchon patterns Lewis, RS 746.222041 LEW 1305 1988 xviii + 132p 1/11/00 Cleaveland, 746.436041 CLE (2 15 Visual tatting patterns CA Copies) 1072 1999? 19p 4/13/99 International R 746.2 INT (1994- 1994-95 Handbook Old Lacers 1995) 810 1995 58p 2/23/95 Open class living arts and horticulture R 016.746 ARA 1995 Arapahoe County Fair premium book (1995+) 923 1995 20p 6/22/97 R 917.8882025 INF 1995 Info Arapahoe Community Guide (1995) 903 n.d. 47p 8/20/95 R917.8882025 INF 1996 Info Arapahoe community guide (1996) 1534 1996 47p 10/15/02 R917.8882025 INF 1997 Info Arapahoe community guide (1997) 1533 1997 47p 10/15/02 International R 746.2 INT (1997- 1997-98 Member's Handbook Old Lacers, Inc 1998) 1532 n.d. 84p + 1p 10/15/02 R 917.8882025 INF 1998 Info Arapahoe community guide (1998) 1070 April 1998 47p 4/11/99 R 917.8882025 INF 1999 InfoArapahoe community guide (1999) 1223 1999 53p 8/10/99 R 917.8882025 INF 2000 InfoArapahoe community guide (2000) 1419 April 2000 46p 10/30/00 R 917.8882025 INF 2001 InfoArapahoe community guide (2001) 1475 2001-04 46p 8/30/01 R 917.8882025 INF 2002 InfoArapahoe community guide (2002) 1523 2002-04 46p 10/14/02 R 917.8882025 INF 2003 InfoArapahoe community guide (2003) 1705 n.d. 46p 9/17/03 R 917.8882025 INF 2004 Info Arapahoe community guide (2004) 2039 n.d. 46p 8/23/04 R 917.8882025 INF 2005 InfoAraphoe Community Guide (2005) 2367 April 2005 46p 9/8/05 Picture CD of 52nd CD 016.746 INT 2005 IOLI Convention Denver, Colorado Annual Convention (2005) 2518 [2005] 1 disc 3/17/06 24 Hearts in bobbin lace Bjorn, L 746.222041 BJO 2534 2002 56p 3/21/07 Presented by the Rocky Mountain Lace 36th Annual IOLI Convention Guild R 016.746 ANN 924 1989 10p 6/22/97 50 New bobbin lace patterns Burkhard, C 746.222041 BUR 2456 1993 159p 1/5/06 50th Annual IOLI Convention, Hasbrouck CD 016.746 ANN Heights, New Jersey, August 3-9, 2003 (2003) 2424 [2003] 1 disc 9/12/05 Host Chapter - CD 016.746 ANN 51st Annual IOLI Convention, August 1-8, 2004 Keystone Lace Guild (2004) 2425 [2004] 1 disc 9/12/05 A bobbin lace sampler McPeek, M 746.222041 MCP 1570 1977 20p 10/22/02 A book of edgings 746.43041 1378 1982 15p 3/1/00 A brief history of bookmarks Allgeier, G FC 745.593 ALL 2407 July/August 2005 p53 9/9/05 A deadly yarn Sefton, M F SEF 2537 2006 265p 6/27/07 A delicate Irish crocheted pincushion Ligon, L FC 746.434041 LIG 464 March-April 1993 p45-7 5/8/94 A dictionary of lace Earnshaw, P R 746.22 EAR 15 1984 240p 1/3/94 A floral motif in Flemish bobbin tape lace Harang, M FC 746.222041 HAR 549 May-June 1994 pp 65-9 6/17/94 November- A lace edging to knit Daurelle, J FC 746.226041 DAU 553 December 1994 pp 50-1 6/17/94 A manual of Bedfordshire lace Robinson, P 746.222 ROB 2893 1985 74p + 24p 11/18/08 A Manual of Hand-Made Bobbin Lace Work Maidment, M. 746 MAI 2970 1978 183 pgs 2/19/11 A manual of hand-made bobbin lace work Maidment, M 746.222 MAI 922 1976 184p 6/22/97 A manual of lace Pethebridge, J 746.22 PET 23 1947 71p 1/3/94 A miniature masterpiece Dennis, K FC 746.224041 DEN 840 January 1995 pp 38-43 2/28/95 A needle-tatted lace edging and corner to make Foster, B ReFalo, L FC 746.436041 FOS 834 March/April 1995 pp 53-5 2/28/95 A net scarf to embroider Scorgie, J FC 746.224041 SCO 558 March-April 1994 pp 31-3 6/17/94 A pattern book of tatting Konior, M 746.436 KON 1385 1985 96p 3/1/00 A pine needle basket to make Daugherty, RT FC 746.412 DAU 466 March-April 1993 p59-62 5/8/94 A pocket guide to valuable old lace and lacy linens Kurella, EM R 746.22 KUR 1301 1996 96p 1/11/00 Discovering the art of Coffield, A Rococo Adventure Belgian Bobbin Lace Caroline 746.222 COF 3029 1988 95 pgs 5/22/11 A rococo adventure: discovering the art of Belgian bobbin lace Coffield, C 746.222 COF 1404 1988 95p 10/11/00 Kliot, J A tatter's workbook Tatter, A (Ed.) 746.436041 TAT.3 2713 2001 112p 1/14/08 Midgley, I A Venetian lacemaker Micheli, VdeM (Ed.) 746.224 MIC 706 1993 42p 12/26/94 All about making geometrical bucks point lace Stillwell, A 746.222 STI 2890 2006 262p 9/23/08 Alphabet inspirations in coloured bobbin lace Woods, S 746.222 WOO 2540 2004 144p 7/5/07 An Ayrshire flower to embroider Shearman, SC FC 746.44041 SHE 831 March/April 1995 pp 45-7 2/28/95 Rogers, Gay An Illustrated History of Needlework Tools Ann 746.028 2999 1983 243 pgs 5/21/11 An Introduction to Bedfordshire Lace Leader, Jean 746.222 LEA 2921 2004 56P 2/3/10 An Introduction to Bruges Lace Hardy, Jean 746.222 HAR 2918 2009 36p 1/25/10 An Introduction to Bucks Point Lace Leader, Jean 746.222 LEA 2922 2007 48p 2/3/10 An Introduction to Bucks Point Lace (#2) Leader, J. 746.222 LEA 2979 2001 48 pgs 2/19/11 Robinson, An Introduction to Charted Bobbin Lace Deborah 746.222 ROB 2923 2009 2/3/10 An Introduction to Flanders Lace with Sally Schoenberg Schoenberg, S AV 746.222 SCH 2910 2008 1 dvd + 4p 9/11/09 An introduction to lace Pond, G 746.22 PON 1372 1973 ix + 62p 2/29/00 An Introduction to Milanese Lace Read, Pat 746.222 REA 2916 2008 44p 1/25/10 An introduction to needlelace Dye, G 746.224 DYE 2529 2001 16p 9/27/06 An Introduction to Needlelace The Lace Guild 746.224 2920 2007 16p 2/3/10 An Introduction to Torchon Lace Tolson, Alison 746.222 TOL 2917 2002 32p 1/25/10 Anchor manual of needlework 746 ANC 773 1990 xi + 499p 1/22/95 Angel fish Krebs, J Lace 1929 October 2003 p25 11/25/03 Angeline Hardwick Crichlow: a challenging November- tatter Lenthe=S FC 927.746436 LEN 555 December 1994 pp 78-9 6/17/94 Anne Orr's classic tatting patterns 746.436041 ANN 1844 1985 32p 9/24/03 The International Bradbury, Antique Lace Patterns Design Library Frances M. 746 3022 1985 5/22/11 With about one hundred illustrations, outlines, and prickings of the Antique point and honiton lace containing plain principal antique point and explicit instructions for making, transferring stitches and honiton and cleaning laces of every description. sprig. Treadwin, Mrs. 746.22 TRE 912 1994 71p + 10p 8/20/95 Antique sewing tools and tales Gullers, BD 746.4402 GUL 459 1992 113p 5/3/94 Kasparian, Armenian Needlelace and Embroidery Alice Odian 746.224 2.3.2 KAS 3019 1983 127 pgs 5/22/11 Art in the womens section of the Chicago Exhibition Miller, FF FC 745 MIL 1012 1893 4p 7/28/97 Verneuil, MP Fry, CR Art nouveau floral ornament in color et al (Ed.) 745.4 VER 2904 1976 46p 11/19/08 Art, trade or mystery: lace and lacemaking in Northamptonshire Rowley, P 746.222094255 ROW 1402 2000 56p 10/11/00 At Florida's Ringling Museum fans still fascinate Gordon, SJ FC 391.44 GOR 835 February 1995 pp 30-1 2/28/95 Needlelace Stages I Australian Lace Guild Proficiency Tests & II Ligeti, E 746.224 LIG 1469 n.d. 1 vol 8/30/01 Award winning designs in hardanger Watnemo, embroidery 1992 Meier, SL RK 746.44041 MEI 2547 1992 40p 7/7/07 The flowers of Ayrshire whitework poverty Green, L FC 746.44 GRE 830 March/April 1995 pp 38-44 2/28/95 Basic bedfordshire bobbin lace 746.222 BAS 916 1988 23p 8/20/95 Williamson, Basic lace identification Springett, C C AV 746.22 SPR.3 1617 1995 1 video 1/24/03 Basic Lace Identification Springett, C AV 746.22 SPR.3 2931 n.d. 3/19/10 Techniques, stitches The Butterick Battenberg and other tape laces and designs Publishing Co. 746.22 BAT 1131 1988 111p 4/16/99 Making lace with woven tape and a Battenburg lace needle Kliot, J Kliot, K 746 STI 609 1991 pp 16-20 8/25/94 Campbell- Bead Embroidery Harding, V. Watts, P. AV 746.5 CAM 2911 1 video 9/11/09 Beauty and the beast Hylton, A FC 746.222041 HYL 838 September 1994 pp 66-70 2/28/95 Bedfordshire lace 3 advanced skills Gimp edged flower Springett,C AV 746.222 SPR.2 448 1992 1 video + 1p 3/17/94 Bedfordshire lace 4 advanced skills Veined leaves Springett,C AV 746.222 SPR.2 449 1992 1 video + 2p 3/17/94 Bedfordshire lace for beginners Robinson, P 746.222 ROB 1400 1983-07 1 vol + 1p 10/11/00 Springett, Bedfordshire Lace I Christine AV 746.222 SPR 2929 n.d. 3/19/10 Bedfordshire lace I basic skills Springett, C AV 746.222 SPR.2 108 1990 1 video + 1p 1/10/94 Bedfordshire Lace II Springett, C. AV 746.222 SPR 2930 n.d. 3/19/10 Bedfordshire lace II intermediate skills Springett, C AV 746.222 SPR.2 107 1990 1 video + 2p 1/10/94 Nottingham, Bedfordshire Lace making Pamela 746.222 NOT 3016 1992 144 pgs 5/22/11 746.222041 TUR (2 xi + 100p + Bedfordshire lace patterns A personal selection Turner, M copies) 1133 1993 1p 5/16/99 Moseley, Bees, Birds and Butterflies in Lace Sutton, Edna Mary 746.222 4 SUT 3023 1991 127 pgs 5/22/11 Beginning bobbin lace Dye, G 746.222 DYE 1158 1986 96p 6/14/99 November- Beginning to tat Trumble, L Seitz, G FC 746.436 TRU 556 December 1994 pp 80-5 6/17/94 Giusiana, Dunn, Binche Lace Michael Linda 746.222 GIU 3034 1989 96 pgs 5/22/11 Binche lace Giusiana, M Dunn, L 746.222 GIU 1037 1989 96p 8/14/97 Bobbin Lace Needle Crafts 8 Search Press 746.222 SEA 2943 1979 32 7/7/10 An Illustrated Guide to Traditional and Contemporary Bobbin Lace Techniques Fuhrmann, B 746.222 FUH 2990 1976 160 pgs 2/21/11 Gubser, Elsie Bobbin Lace H. 746.222 GUB 2950 1971 51 pgs 7/7/10 Form by the Twisting Bobbin Lace of Cords Kliot, Kaethe Kliot, Jules 746.222 KLI 2948 1973 245 pgs 7/7/10 An illustrated guide to traditional and contemporary Bobbin lace techniques Fuhrmann, B 746.222 FUH 10 1976 160p 1/3/94 A contemporary Bobbin lace approach Fuhrmann, B 746.222 FUH 1859 1976 160p 10/20/03 Bobbin lace braid Dye,G 746.222 DYE 438 1979 142p 3/17/94 Bobbin lace designs and introduction Lawrence, E 746.222 LAW 1479 1982 36p + 7p 8/30/01 Bobbin lace fans Colgan, L 745.59 COL 2525 2000 27p 9/19/06 Bobbin lace fantasy flowers Shepherd, R 745.5943 SHE 2364 2004 28p 9/8/05 Bobbin lace for beginners Potgieter, M 746.222 POT 469 1991 48p 5/10/94 Bobbin lace in photographs Voysey, C 746.222 VOY 932 1987 127p 6/22/97 Bobbin Lace Making Wright, Doreen 746.222 3 WRI 3036 1971 103 pgs 5/22/11 Bobbin lace making Wright, D 746.222 WRI 1538 1971 105p 10/17/02 Nottingham, Bobbin Lace Making Pamela 746.222 3 NOT 3017 1983 96 pgs 5/22/11 37 patterns with tear- Bobbin lace patterns out prickings Swaal-Lint, T 746.222041 ZWA 1863 1984 63p + 32p 10/20/03 1 vol (unpaged) + Bobbin lace set 2 Brooks lace patterns Tod, OG (Ed.) 746.222041 BOB 2898 n.d. 1p 11/19/08 Bobbin lace with instructions, drawings and photographs Gubser, EH 746.222 GUB 1865 n.d. 54p 10/20/03 Maidment, Bobbin Lace Work Margaret 746.222 MAI 2947 1971 183 pges 7/7/10 A new look at a Bobbin lace: form by the twisting of cords traditional textile art Kliot, K Kliot, J 746.222 KLI 31 1973 ix + 245p 1/3/94 Bobbin lacemaking Southard, D 746.222 SOU 32 1983 216p 1/3/94 Bobbin lacemaking for beginners Dawson, A 746.222 DAW 11 1984 88p 1/3/94 [Premium booklet]: Best in the west, R 016.746 BOU Boulder County Fair & livestock show August 8-15, 1998 (1996+) 1071 n.d. 134p 4/11/99 Fisher, Braid Lace for Today Jennifer 746.224 3033 1985 104 pgs 5/22/11 Bruges lower lace Sutton, E 746.222 SUT 1536 1986 118p 10/17/02 Brugge Bloemwerk Bury, Patricia AV 746.222 BUR 2928 n.d. 3/19/10 Rombach-De Brugs Bloemwerk Kievid, J.E.H. 746.222 ROM 3035 1984 62 pgs 5/22/11 Buckinghamshire Point Lace Cook, B AV 746.222 COO 6 n.d. 1 video + 5p 1/3/94 Buck's Point Lace Cook, Brigettte AV 746.222 COO 2935 n.d. n/a 6/12/10 50 patterns with tear- Bucks Point Lace Patterns out prickings Hardeman, H. 746.222 HAR 2957 1985 64 pgs 2/13/11 Nottingham, Bucks Point Lacemaking Pamela 746.222 NOT 3040 1985 128 pgs 5/23/11 Drafted by Kate Riley from samples in the Luton Museum Lace Bucks point prickings Dealer's Pattern Book Riley, K 746.222041 RIL 1388 1999 48p 3/15/00 Buckskin, lace, and forceps: Hilda A. Erickson, November- Utah pioneer Daurelle, J FC 746.226 DAU 552 December 1994 pp 42-9 6/17/94 Building torchon lace patterns Cook, BM 746.222 COO 2455 1992 98p 1/5/06 Carrickmacross lace Williamson, C AV 746.22 WIL 1521 1993 1 video + 1p 7/10/02 Carrickmacross Lace Williams, Carol AV 746.22 WIL 2939 n.d. 6/12/10 Cassell illustrated dictionary of lacemaking Stillwell, A R 746.22 STI 1127 1996 253p 4/16/99 Cattern cakes and lace A calendar of feasts Jones, J Deer, B 641.5942 JON 2535 1987 128p 6/27/07 Celebrating the pine: pine needle basketry's diverse roots Moore, M FC 746.412 MOO 465 March-April 1993 p55-8 5/8/94 Celebration 50 Bouquet of balloons Gornik, B Summer 2004 2036 Summer 2004 pp 28-9 7/6/04 Celtic tatting Knots & patterns Linden, RF Foster, B. 746.436041 LIN 2526 2004 28p 9/19/06 Nederlandse 746.222 CHA (2 Chantilly Kant Opleiding copies) 1394 1997-06 109p 3/15/00 Baumeister- Chantilly lace Jonker, L AV 746.222 BAU 2527 2006 3 discs + 4p 9/19/06 Supplement title: The meshes of handmade lace: a guide to Chart for lace identification and the meshes of identification and Jeppson, R 746.22 EVE (2 handmade lace classification of lace Eveleth, EL BD copies) 1307 1974 32p + 13p 1/11/00 Utility to glorious Taunton, Chatelaines extravagance Cummins, GE ND 746.4402 CUM 919 1994 311p 8/20/95 Also suitable for duchesse, witchof, needle lace, 1 vol (loose Christmas patterns for Honiton 2003 embroidery & quilting Samejima, J Inagaki, R 745.5941 SAM 2335 2003-09 leaf) 8/31/05 An introduction to Chrysanthemum lace Chrysanthemum lace Belleville, C 746.222 BEL 2544 2002 80p 7/5/07 Being eight ecclesiastical patterns Church lace in pillow lace Milroy, ME 746.222 MIL 925 1981 vii + 121p 6/22/97 Collecting antique linens, lace and needlework Johnson, F 746.075 JOH 569 1991 vi + 200p 8/13/94 Creative arts and 4H; Dolls and pantry; fine arts; floriculture; Colorado State Fair premium book, August 20 needle arts; porcelain R 016.746 COL to September 5, 1994 arts (1994+) 639 1994+ 82p 10/13/94 Colour & texture in needlelace Hills, R 746.224 HIL 2897 1987 95p 11/18/08 Colour in lace Collier,A 746.22 COL 446 1990 96p 3/17/94 Complete book of English bobbin lace Nottingham, P 746.222 NOT 910 1977 222p 8/20/95 Connoisseur's guide ot Honiton lace Kurella, EM 746.22 KUR 2539 2004 68p 6/27/07 Connoisseur's guide to Normandy lace patchworks Kurella, EM 746.22 KUR 2520 2004 62p 7/9/06 Leva- Skoumal, S Contemporary Bohemian lace Skrovanova, V (Ed.) 746.222 LEV 1302 1987 63p 1/11/00 An invitational exhibition of work by contemporary artists with a special section devoted to lace from Contemporary lace the past Lesch, A R 016.7462 LES 16 1982 32p 1/3/94 Contemporary lacemaking Nieuwhoff, C 746.222 NIE 2896 1974 71p 11/18/08 Copper wire lace Dyer, A 745.56 DYE 1149 1995 ii + 141p 6/6/99 Creative Design in Bobbin Lace Collier, Ann 746.222 3 COL 3031 1982 143 pgs 5/22/11 Creative lace patterns Paton, V 746.222 PAT 1373 1987 128p 2/29/00 Koutstouraki- Cretan Bobbin lace Koukoulan, K 746.222 KOU 2909 1985 53p 7/13/09 Crocheted buttons Nehring, N FC 746.434 NEH 560 March-April 1994 pp 65-7 6/17/94 Crocheted buttons to make Nehring, N FC 746.434041 NEH 561 March-April 1994 pp 68-9 6/17/94 February/March Cupid's weapon Blue, WH FC 391.44 BLU 827 1995 pp 4-9, 37 2/28/95 Traditionele en hedendaagse De techniek van het kantklossen kloskant van Olffen, A. 746.222 OLF 2994 1982 203 pgs 2/21/11 Traditionele en hedendaagse De techniek van het Kantklossen kloskant Olffen, A van 746.222 OLF 1858 1979 203p +2p 10/20/03 Decorative edgings to crochet, knit and tat 746.43041 DEC 1477 1973 15p 8/30/01 (Number 2 in the Demonstrations 'How to ...' series) de Flandre, G FC 746.2 DEF 5 Autumn 1988 p5 1/3/94 su la route dentelles Dentelle plychrome de courseulles normandes Brulet, J-C le Delezir, J 746.222 BRU 2523 2000 79p 9/14/06 Michalides, Dentelles de notre temps Holeczyova, E P 746.222 HOL 933 1981 156p 6/22/97 Tuellgrundspitzen aus dem Waadtlaender Oberland; Pays- Doepfner- Dentelles du Pays-D'Enhaut D'Enhaut lace Wettstein, R 746.222DOE 1150 1994 88p 6/6/99 Design in a dead century Clarke, EB FC 746.22 CLA 1013 1900 pp 208-12 7/28/97 Designing and mounting lace fans Springett, C 745.59 SPR 491 1985 15p 5/17/94 Designing for Bruges flower lace Sutton, E 746.222 SUT 1304 1987 126p 1/11/00 Designs & patterns: Inspirational designs initial patterns decorative borders edgings 500 Quilt designs 1 vol monograms alone included FC 746 DES 1690 1970 (unpaged) 9/17/03 Designs in point ground lace from Australian wildflowers Kenn, E 746.222 KEN 1389 1994 95p 3/15/00 Devon pillow lace: its history and how to make it Moody, AP 746.222094235 MOO 567 1981 160p 8/13/94 Die Kloppelspitzen II. Serie 746.222 3 3001 1981 5/21/11 Ein Lexikon zur Graff-Hofgen, Die Spitze Spitzenkunde G 746 GRA 2972 1983 259 pgs 2/19/11 Dime novels Zago, V FC 813.09 ZAG 2405 July/August 2005 pp 46-7 9/9/05 Downton lace Kemp, B 746.222 KEM 1571 1988 64p 10/22/02 The art of pulling and Drawn threadwork tying threads Duroy, M-P 746 STI 611 1991 pp 71-3 8/25/94 Cover title: Duchesse Newble-de Duchesse lace lace: an introduction Graaf,J 746.222 NEW 443 1989 127p 3/17/94 Delescen - van Duchesse-kant kant voor hertoginnen Rijsewijk, R 746.222 RIJ 2977 1987 62 pgs 2/19/11 An 1815 manuscript album with over 190 Townshend, Early American embroidery designs patterns EM 746.44041 TOW 1379 1985 2p + 42p 3/1/00 Edgings pattern binder 746.222 2985 59 pgs 2/20/11 Edgings: crocheted, knitted, tatted 746.43043 EDG 1129 n.d. 35p 4/16/99 The patterns of the Eesti niplispitsi mustreid Estonian bobbin lace Talts, E 746.222 TAL 2363 2003 48p 9/8/05 Embroidered machine nets: Limerick and worldwide Earnshaw, P 746.22 EAR 458 1993 218p 5/3/94 Springett, Fan Mounting Christine AV 745.59 SPR.2 2937 n.d. 6/12/10 Fan mounting Springett, C AV 745.59 SPR.2 1664 1993 1 video 1/31/03 Great Lakes Fantasy in lace Lace Group 746.22 FAN 911 n.d. 46p 8/20/95 Fascinating bobbin lace Burkhard, C 746.2 BUR 2987 1986 2/21/11 Festive tatting 746.436 FES 21 1983 31p 1/3/94 Final report of the 52nd Annual IOLI Convention, Mountains of Lace, July 30 - 1 vol August 6, 2005, Hosted by The Rocky Mountain (various Lace Guild (RMLG) Tiger, C Zago, V R 016.746 TIG 2519 2005-09 pagings) 3/17/06 Finding Tina, the little lace maker Boston, P FC 813.09 BOS 2404 July/August 2005 pp 42-4 9/9/05 Finishing and mounting lace Dye, G 746.2028 2549 1998 30p 7/19/07 746.226041 KIN (2 First book of modern lace knitting Kinzel, M copies) 1159 1972 92p 6/14/99 At head of title: Legacy: identifying Fitted needlework boxes keepsakes FC 746.44028 FIT 562 March-April 1994 p82 6/17/94 31 prickings and Flanders lace graphs Cockuyt, V 746.222 COC 617 n.d. 43p + 1p 9/13/94 Flanders lace A step-by-step guide Niven, M 746.222 NIV 3 1988 120p 1/3/94 Flanders Lace 31 prickings & graphs Cockuyt, Vera 746.222 3.1 2 2 COC 3037 1985 5/22/11 Value of vintage lace increases as 27 November Flashbacks availability declines Morse, J FC 746.075 MOR 848 1994 p4 3/12/95 Flight of fancy Dennis, K FC 746.224041 DEN 839 October 1994 pp 52-7 2/28/95 Noben- Floribana Slegers, A 745.5943 NOB 905 1992 132p 8/20/95 Flowers in needlepoint Lace Holmes, D 746.224 HOL 2971 1987 118 pgs 2/19/11 For lace enthusiasts: indentifying hand- and September- machine-made lace Allgeier, G FC 746.22 ALL 468 October 1993 p86-7 5/8/94 Framed in lace Ferris, M F FER 1442 1999-10 243p 4/29/01 Fredon's netting lesson Jones, FS AV 746.4424 JON 104 1992 1 video + 7p 1/10/94 von der Freihandspitzen Schwabischen Alb 746.222 3038 96 pgs 5/22/11 Ett satt att se pa Edman, Anna- Frihandsknyppling skansk spets Greta 746.222 2 ANN 3012 1995 48 pgs 5/21/11 FC 746.220942527 Frilling yarns from a lace city Hughes, M HUG 828 November 1994 pp 32-3 2/28/95 From the armoire: Edwardian whites Carlson, L FC 746.075 CAR 462 March-April 1993 p10-2 5/8/94 Thompson, Further Steps in Honiton lace Susanne 746.222 THO 2998 1993 110 Pgs 5/21/11 Gold and silver embroidery Pyman, K (Ed.) 746.44028 GOL 2905 1987 112p 11/19/08 Gossamer webs: the history and techniques of Orenburg lace shawls Khmeleva, G Noble, CR 746.2260432 KHM 1403 1998 144p 10/11/00 Greetings in lace Pen and paper FC 745.59 GRE 829 February 1995 p32 2/28/95 Guide to lace-making Milroy, MEW 746.222 MIL 928 1973 78p 6/22/97 van Olffen- Guipure kloskant techniek enpatronen Spikermann, A 746.222 OLF 2956 1985 63 pgs 2/13/11 International Old Lacers, R 746.2 INT (2004- Handbook for members 2004-2005 Inc. 2005) 2213 n.d. 91p 1/19/05 International Old Lacers, R 746.2 INT (2005- Handbook for members 2005-2006 Inc. 2006) 2517 n.d. 85p 3/17/06 International Old Lacers, R 746.2 INT (2006- Handbook for members 2006-2007 Inc. 2007) 2550 n.d. 87p 7/19/07 Handmade lace & patterns Feldman, A 746.22 FEL 2895 1975 xiv + 208p 11/18/08 Feldman, Handmade Lace & Patterns Annette 746.22 FEL 2949 1975 208 pgs 7/7/10 Hardanger Heirloom Abel, Linda AV 746.44 ABE 2927 n.d. 3/19/10 A collection of the Australian tatting designs Lace Guild. created by Norma Queensland Heritage patterns Benporath Division Inc. 746.436041 HER 1382 1995 13p 3/1/00 Hispanic lace and lacemaking May,FL 746.220946 MAY 457 1939 xliii+ 417p 4/9/94 Cover title: History of lace with 266 Palliser, B, History of lace illustrations Mrs. 746.22 PAL 2891 1911 xvi +536p 11/18/08 Honiton basic technical Dorsett, Joyce 746.222 DOR 2919 2007 42p 2/3/10 instruction book A collection from eighteenth century Honiton fillings honiton lace Dorsett, J 746.222042 DOR 915 1995 35p 8/20/95 Honiton Lace Gibbs, Mo AV 746.222 GIB 2932 n.d. 3/19/10 Fukuyama, Honiton Lace The Visual Approach Luxton, Elsie Yusai 746.222 LUX 3046 1988 127 Pgs 5/23/11 Honiton Lace Patterns Luxton, Elsie 746.222 LUX 3044 1983 136 pgs 5/23/11 1 vol (loose Honiton lace patterns 2 Alphabet Inagaki, R 746.222041 INA 2337 2003 leaf) 8/31/05 Honiton lace patterns from the collections of The Devon Lace Teachers and The Lace Guild 746.222041 HON 2735 2002 28p 1/24/08 1 vol (loose Honiton lace patterns I Plant kingdom Inagaki, R 746.222041 INA 2336 2003 leaf) 8/31/05 Hontion lace - a practical guide Voysey, C 746.222 VOY 1390 1991 93p 3/15/00 Hotel de la Dentelle, Brioude, France [Cover title] 746.222041 1160 1993-05 17p 6/14/99 How lace fought in the war FC 746.22 HOW 1014 April 17, 1920 2p 7/28/97 1 vol (unpaged) + Hungarian tape lace doilies Groszberg, E 746.222041 GRO 1862 n.d. 20p 10/20/03 Embroiderers, knitters, lacemakers, In praise of the needlewoman and weavers in art Sirna, GC 758.97464 SIR 2546 2006 192p 7/7/07 The clothes of Princess Charlotte of Wales & Queen In royal fashion Victoria 1796-1901 Staniland, K 392.54 STA 2907 1997 192p 11/20/08 In the cause of English lace: the life and work of Catherine C. Channer 1874-1949; incorporating: lace-making in the Midlands, past Channer, and present Buck, A CC 746.22 BUC 461 1991 111p 5/8/94 Intermediate Skills in Bucks Point Lace Leader, Jean AV746.222LEA 2951 2009 n/a 8/31/10 International Old Lacers membership handbook R 746.2 INT (1993- September 1993 - August 1994 1994) 1473 n.d. 81p 8/30/01 International Old Lacers, Inc 1995-1996 R 746.2 INT (1995- member's handbook 1996) 1474 n.d. 77p 8/30/01 International Old Lacers, Inc 2002-2003 International R 746.2 INT (2002- Member's handbook Old Lacers, Inc 2003) 1582 n.d. 92p + 2p 1/12/03 International Old Lacers, Inc 2003-2004 R 746.2 INT (2003- Member's handbook 2004) 1943 n.d. 95p 1/20/04 International Old Lacers, Inc. 52nd Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado, July 31-August Hosted by The Rocky R 016.746 INT (2 6, 2005 Mountain Lace Guild copies) 2408 [2005] 44p 9/12/05 Underwood, Introducing Bedfordshire lace in 20 lessons BM 746.222 UND 1 1993 116p 1/3/94 Introducing rosalibre bobbin lace Belleville, C 746.222 BEL 2543 2005-05 124p 7/5/07 Introduction to bobbin lace stitches Cook, BM Stott, G 746.222042 COO 28 1983 viii + 87p 1/3/94 At Foot of title: Introduction to bobbin lacemaking revised edition Shepherd, R 746.222 SHE 1393 1995 112p 3/15/00 746.222 THO (2 Introduction to Honiton lace Thompson, S copies) 1157 1985 120p 6/7/99 Introduction to Needlepoint Lace Lovesey, N. 746.224 LOV 2961 1985 120 pgs 2/13/11 Introduction to Russian tape Halley, L 746.222 HAL 1478 1983 49p 8/30/01 Irish crochet 746.22041 IRI 1162 1977 24p 6/14/99 Technique and Irish crochet projects 746.22041 IRI.1 1440 1984 48p 1/27/01 Irish crochet: when famine ravaged in Ireland Wilson, K FC 746.434 WIL 463 March-April 1993 pp 41-4 5/8/94 Stylish Designs With House of Italian Cut Work and Filet Lace Volume 1 An Antique Flair White Birches 746.4 2955 1982 33 pgs 2/13/11 Spelenderwijs Kant ontwerpen Bruggeman, M 746.2 BRU 2974 44 pgs 2/19/11 de Schepper, Kant uit Brugse Kerken en Kloosters Verfaillie, J V 746.2209493122 VER 931 1983 176p 6/22/97 Monnier, Kantklossen mijn Hobby Lisette 746.222 3 3004 1985 5/21/11 Een oude techniek met nieuwe Kleurrijk frivolite mogelijkheden Beek, TdH-v 746.436 DEH 1387 1985 87p 3/15/00 23 Kloeppelbriefe + 17 farbige Kloeppel-Bilder Abbildungen Saupe, B 746.222041 SAU 470 1982 10p 5/17/94 Katalog zur Ausstellung der Sammlung Hannelore Kloeppel-kissen-staender Schulte 746.222028 KLO 2366 2002 224p 9/8/05 Kloppelbilder aus der Natur Schneider, I. 746.222 SCH 2980 1989 86 pgs 2/19/11 Acket-De Mezza, Kloskant Carmen 746.222 3 ACK 3003 1984 47 pgs 5/21/11 27 November - 3 Knicker frills FC 677.653 KNI 564 December 1994 p91 8/13/94 Knipling Nissen, K 746.222 NIS 2981 1979 122 pgs 2/19/11 Knipling 2 Nissen, KT 746.222 NIS 1861 1984 123p 10/20/03 Knipling 3 Nissen, K. 746.222 NIS 2982 1986 108 pgs 2/19/11 Begyndelses-og Knipling 4 afslutningsteknik Nissen, KT 746.222041 NIS 1860 1989 93p 10/20/03 Knit one, kill two Sefton, M F SEF 2521 2005 280p 9/14/06 Cover title: Collection of knitted lace Knitted lace edgings edgings Lorant, T 746.226 LOR 1161 1981 64p 6/14/99 Useful and Knots ornamental Shaw, GR 746 SHA 2902 1933 194p 11/19/08 Knotted Lace Dickson, Elena AV 746.42 DIC 2934 n.d. 3/19/10 Ideer och modeller I nya och kanda Malmberg, Thorlin, Knyppla material Kristina Naime 746.2 MAL 2946 1973 103 pgs 7/7/10 Kunststricken eine Einfuehrung Fischer, E 746.226 FIS 1309 1983 48p 1/11/00 Kunststricken Nuetzliche und schoene Geschenke Fischer, E 746.226041 FIS 1310 1985 48p 1/11/00