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Title Quadrupole Effects in NMR Spectra on Short-Lived β-Radioactive Nuclei, 12B and 12N Author ... PDF

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Preview Title Quadrupole Effects in NMR Spectra on Short-Lived β-Radioactive Nuclei, 12B and 12N Author ...

Quadrupole Effects in NMR Spectra on Short-Lived Title β-Radioactive Nuclei, 12B and 12N Author(s) Minamisono, Tadanori Citation Issue Date Text Version ETD URL http://hdl.handle.net/11094/2423 DOI rights Note Osaka University Knowledge Archive : OUKA https://ir.library.osaka-u.ac.jp/repo/ouka/all/ Osaka University , i- e"'a .rt." (uetsYgefiht;f. Se- ' t.- J tl ` t. 4Ya- k r"-J - t tft-t - ,-"t . s; F- u.2 :-V ,bla"lt .v. 1tv1 -t - r - ;F l(-- L 'pthl-": k Lt ti)ts-:" J t'l<p.rl.N h-3"""' ' i :"Se- '#" ., .itsht! <hI"'")\ .tf"i. eM.' . - tt t' )-1 ' g-xx4, of :,vLf - J$ l ptri lil - `Y .i t' ' .e -cv- -" - 1.LY t- t- ) - ' t' sc--e - " ' 5 - J S + .>Sti twi \ , V.S.ot v:tA- "v- f -tvti h.ve T SL MMs /- .L , '" , 1,g ,s ,- tJ )i4J "t" " 1- t.- .5 "i i' `'- " t" x - l't VH i.' l ibs",+" ie-qt4 '.- e:i tt- sp-. -. "" . -p,-mF - t s u . " T e S Y . e t1)r "sX . 1: - ee,, rt5 t-t e s L t -; lt s t"r ' ' L a - + -bkr -' " ' -t- N sL .t . ' -"i... xik, ,.x.`-e.uecg.s,-,aj:,.".usi:..,,l-,,,.'ptlrSl . - lp- - i' t' L k[tz.8. t pt i ili'i'iil'l:"1',•,Ji.'.;/"''l'lil,1'st,6e"l'li//e';l'l'ii,i:ml{Ii2'i:kbr,stileiixIdlll/ILi,1'",i",'g/1111,''i.1iillllli('i'iill'illlilillilli'iiiillii' 'j lf t 1 respectively and impianted ln polJrcrystalline stmiples of bee metais, TiBa ana,.ZrBx' . ,' "gre studied. The nttelear polariuation wes pTeBervef.1 by use of the preeervation ' , ' ' whtie field and monitored by the resultant asyimetric 15-decay. The initial pelarisatlan of reÅëoiled nuclei at a reaetion angle ef 30 degrees were .v16-% at the ,incident energies E(d') x l.43 MeV and E(3He) z 5.8 heV for respective reaetione. In order to observe the quadrupole effeets in NMLR spectra, a frequency modu- ,.i,',,F`:,d.rf,fLi::.OX.;,,lgllllXbl.':.Ii:,,.haddi:,be,.2r.Z'ilg;eg,b:ea.,:l.:.,`h.e..e.Xpe,CAIaZi,e,.ll,lllnl"',, •J '`'- {m '12B and 12N implanted in bec rretals showed elear cmpateristics of the quadrupole interaction, which indicated the interstitial sites of the impianted eleTnents in : t h e b Å ë a n e t a l s o f w h i e h a t v c e Bm a i 1sNn2 d.w 1e!hr6e chibesaevr!ieedr compared with . IP.::'.aIkre.a,ril,lkme.d.lll'l,:.III,gf,hhe.lgru,".;,ll,.a.;f.q.":gr;s/ole,fiige:t::'l,h:e,tt.:te which were' Å}n ag!Bement yith the results frQn} the,e -decay clata. The resilts' on . quadrupole coupling constants sTe i(la(]2B in ra)---- 3eqQ12 m (2a2 t lo)kHz, JZt5< ` l2B in iib) = (Jos Å}, u)kHz, %(12B in Mo) x (ls6Å} 26)kHz, ,Z,(3L<i2B in w) s (s4oL 4o)kHz, ,(,la(l2N.in Ta) at (o.gl to.12)TcHz, and Za6(12N in Nb) s (oeg6 Å}o.u)maze Large differenees ani(mg the coup]ing conBtants were fcnihd, i.e. ehe field gradient a c t e d o n -i.24B' t .i.n tik' r!Rtai of thevtth grcrup in the periodic t.a, bie was aimoet twiee l a r g e r t h a n t h a t i n '" tthe uatal ef the Vth greun in the same per.iod, and the field {pa"ient aeted (m i2N<vth tpelinp> tfi a metai of Vrh group vere s .y io times iarger than that scted on i2B(urth"greup). , , .• ' I n o r d e r t o d e t e m t in e t h e n u Bvee, lmeaera squureardnreunptsowlee rme cment of ,. -ge, eq,,Tl,l2j ,1..,.41.z oi ,uptch 7.uyri,l .11.eleouptirg conafmts on i). .,. Vll.i.. 1, IT,,,..,,r,,,1,'",• ,.it ' ";t'/ i1"',' i' ' 'j' .l 1 .' 'r'd-i-6in. it'w Fa's7 "el ee'ltlal' i hl.l' /th,e ',.,,.dn ,'.,'i2b .Ll,, ..,., ,',.,tm u,'1 :'.1" lll'lll-)iil iii,''titli/ 't.A i•//i: 11:'".t i;lliJill'l"';i" .-.' ' ,.•'' L;r"•ld Trl:".:l/;.l' .J B in the sarnples so that the known internal fieid was effedtitie. fhe B"bStitution ' vae supported by the fact thav .the ratio of the field gedienis whie}i ac,pa. d on I2B. ' was tn agreement vith the known zatio on 11B. fthe resulte are Va(i2B in"lit!iBDti (231t 24)kHz, and Ua(12B in zrB2)=(74Å} 7)kHz. cemparisega Nith known cchpMrig cchetants on 1]B gives the ratio of the quadrupoie mortsents to be lQ<i2B)IQ(ilB)l s O . 4 2 Å } O . 0 4 . T h e k n o i m v a l u e o f t h B e1 1q y tu e a i d sr u tp b o eil eq umaodnrnunpto olef moNent to be IQ(i2B)l a (o.olsi '.t' oecoizl.) barne. , ' ' ' ..- . / t t I k . ' T • ' N. ' ' -e N 'u, S , . . . ., -ii "' l- ;,"' . 1 - ; - ' • ' • r '. . ' ) . ,' . ' f- , . ., l ., : - ' ' .I ,. . .r,''t ..t.. L./i .. ... ..,?:, /> J"• -' ' ; xx' Åí. . i V''t. .'l t- i. , '{' I' "' x, -• t t t t -tt - CONmaTS t • •.• 1•. /. •t .,: tt . -- ,t ,, /1. . t . 'tt .tt. ' . e , . ' '1 / . , . ' " i'' ra.sTBueT .. , ' '' 'i t ttt/ t t t l t . ' t t . t 1 . t t .'t , •"" 21 IO UN I I L I [ N! E S o m t ! 1 ! R H l ! :/ ' 'o . E p o X P U 'E R l 'I eI Et E T I N t'TIAoL "n!E: !!!,H O.D. . ' • . • ' " ," ' ' 4 - b - ' . t' 1" ' /",'i lt't, /"''.t ':"''',,,. L . r t t . tt. ' ,'el. i , 1- '3 Nlg. l,. ept SHORT-LIVED e-RI[DIOACTme NUCIE:• , '7 , ,,- "' . -1 b " 'l l l. l i . C i ? i e f " th " .f '` ! , h i :e h e w l Z i9 ' h ' ' ', '1'.'•'.'1i t/t ttt ÅÄ ., , 7.,, , •• , , ., /g / t 1 4 ' ,..' `,s., . 'i • ttt tt ttt e )' ier-equency Medulation of the rf Field ./" ' ,. 16' •, •. •'. 'tt' ti '- d ) A p p l S c a t itosn/ ef the hethod" - • 1 7'tt,t• •.• 4 E L E C t ! ! R I C Q U At t tD R U P O L E I N T E 'RACTrON ru H;GH )CAGNET I C . , i Pt a J ,X • v M/ ' . / 1- . ' , tt ;' .t. at'litl , //; ' lg ",i ''' /1''''''i •''' ' a) 'Syzasnetric F,ie,ld Gredient - . - . tttt .,,. ' to''sr r/1'f- '/.. ''.i•'fl,. t t ' b)- Asym}betric liiieid Gradient ' ..' ' r•'t ' . 2 t - •. }, t r - 1tt'', c) NMR Spectra . ' ' / t t ' t /' t tt't i) Single Crystal Pattern' , . . 2 1' , " . iD Poly erysul PatteTn . . - 2 2 • t/l'•. '5', ' R a l i' }) e O P Io L s I M s t i P tb M l ' e I ' C ' S i !r itA e T'sIC opft 'the Recoii.Nuclei ' `" M i 3 . ' t .' 4 t , t .'t , ' . .'t ' t. 'v . tv ,-,t','-.t.,., ] • • , t gtt • i ) ? a c e - C e n t e r e d - C' ubie MDtal, '' • ' • N1 s s . L ' ',• ,; , ,' " ,t , ' /t ,• , .,t ' .t,' .i 't.,'t '.1 ii) Body-Centered-eubic Mets) ' ' i s i )' YIB2 and 2rB2 Cases, . 5 8 t t ' t ' .t ' tl rt ;.t ' 'tt''"' b ) E l e c t r i e P i e i d G r ,a x d t.it,e.nt ,. , , u ,' 3 9 , '' . . ' tt 1 1,,•' ,' i'••' t.;t t-. . -t 6, 'E P . C P ' E R [ P C E N ' T ' A v L A P P A R A Lt''fl!US AND.PRocSDURE ,.•--' ,•• -• - . 4 , i . T 1 , , , , , , t . { , '. .1 1t •, . - ,.,) '1,i,, i''/ 1; ' ' 1 a) . py Qanc ti on ot peiarszad i2B :,anpt. ;9N, Nue iedi :.:-'.l1,'i.',I'111•-ii•iltl-i',.,, ;.,i., i' j b , ') ' D a t q . , A c c u i lL } l a t i c n a n d I ts C' ontrol System r. './ .t t ' '1 ; { 'r ii• •- ;• "'' "ii ii: ''i i', •J ji' 1 1i ,:/ 'i, '., ,. ,•,i/i;l/il/ .c) bspa"'Mttins .,• '' 1. 1• - -• :7 EXPERImama11, RlwtIUPS ' ,. ''. ' ' a ) 1 i t ; c p e r t i p e . . n , t o/ nt t f ft ct the tals .T . . i "N -" " '•tli i'll' '1 'll iilii ii"'1 11 11 1i";1.1 11 tillil.itiillltl;t'1 1il tll'l".l/.l'/ illitltiiil'i i'llltl'lil/'i'i'llliii/liiiill;lil'i,L,s/; l••' , 't ,. ' '', Y1 . i+' ' l - ' '- , ,;'hr .,' '. 'L1 /1 -s,. 't '. 't'S /,1' u''1 '1' :' .-'e iii ", ' 1 [ ., ' /P. lt,i' '/t't,lt, .,/,', '. ,/'l ,i' .,', :1 1'.' ',, '' . . , 11::,ili'.'llllii,ll,./L"'.',,';.,".'.1)il'ill'I''ii(1,1',';;;'i',/,t/' ..i..r•,,'.'/lsilw'1,•.-i' 1' .11•1'••l1',;lll.1, '','f'. "' . . ' r 'l i. F ts "..ei-b ';r' ",' I' "1 '" r , 66 b) •E:xperinent on bec hetals , ' 12 X,, e) Qua(tupele Moment of B 72 8 pls(xssrcus mo "- '9 SUN!IARY on THE RESULrS U5 ACXNOWIEosaxENT 118 RE FEREPifcaS }i9 mnICES A Cptacimapole-rnteraction Hami]tonean i B- Dipelar Broadening Caicuiation ii C Res(mant Destruction of Polarization iv D Appra)timation of the Center-Pea]c Heights in the Quacirupoie Spectra v E Range Spectrum of the Implanted Nuclei vii P Extreme Points of the Eiectric Petential in bce erystal vi" G rlett Chart of a bota Analysis' Pr'ogrun ix •. a ,g Plov chart of a beta accumulation hogram x s•? I betail", of the Experimen.tdl System X' l ' , , , •,v-' ' vt X. ' t,V -- , .• tt;I ' ' . T t ,t , , 1 ' ' - 1' , - '. " , . 1 ' ,' , . ' 1 . - . . '1 Y - l -.. '. ,...,,•, .. ... , ., :,, IS' •rl. .''',• ' ,yi] ' ,, '' Xx : ...' L,', t '' ' f' '1 -'" 'g,',l'1 • -- t. ttt ttt./t- .s l . Tabie T 7 - 1 E s } x p b e r . . ' m •l e h t ' a sl l i -n e . , s , h •' t a p . 'e . ' , i -n' ' tf c • 'c. '.m 'k' t'e t stS a tl.s ' " . .' '.. }'rc'-79 .,.,,/1.- . , ; ' ,",' •,. 1' "rt •,t:' ,r. i'td/ij'l-. 7 - 2 m b o i a r b r o a d e n i n g , •tt , '; . ,.. r:•' ''•, •'' .{•B9 ' ••- '5•,i..t, 1.. •,. , t ' ., .3,:., illi"iL/(///Pll,II,2//1//lllliLoi5el,,s•/}//".//.,,//i,ik.//[f•/////.111i-,i.//,;."i/i8,O/l•iiif;;//.,-,ttt,,.. fi ; - i.:r/. gt'#s .it t' '.t" ;• • , i t •• , Y ., , / J /'• t•l i.•ll /r•i'lrl/,,:/ ,., ,, ' 'r, ','1,,,I'I ,",i,. '1 , t tt t t - . '-t tt- t-t .t tt:l"j -,d i' ..- . . tYTIt:lr'i s - ,' ,:,c}1 / lFt 1 ,t /4 // -1, '7 - 7 A i2 B • in 'l i, II 2 !? r .8 . g e , d z . ,) 2 ( iz d k t •o ) 'd , e 6 E •o> "' x1' ''''i•t '' ' L ' igZ. '' ,1''1; • : I', ",- /,' r v-i- :1 " d ` Z z X r k s t l e )'eo.3 ,h4/as =>sl? ' ''ue1,.,'' i'' ':.{''1' . s ;-ge'uB<-' kiB' ,O .t -]..- -, '. ,`,. t-d ,. -'' , . 'i' 'jf/i .N. ti s•-i fil-decay data af i2B and i2N ii4 e-2 Nuclear guadrupole moreents of boron ieotopes 114 8 i Z f [ l; a , 1 : r } / e x g . i e t t ! 4 n t 2 x , , , : f a 2 • x : ; l x " e n o d d , , (. , '.! S 2 i '` ,t]t,.,t"y,c.itrva,&,,,ts..Ii,`-. stt . '.-. I.' - t .L..t {,"• ./ .1' l B - i ' a ` z r . ; 6 . ' i ' , .' , ,'•' 1 t t t -t ttt ttt B-2 Nurnerical values used in tne calculati(m of dipolar tt b r o a d e n in g ( f c c ) .t t ' .t t t• s' ' B - 3 N u m e r i c a l v a l u e s u s e d i n t h e c a ']cu]ation of dipolar ' breadening. (beC) • . 'D - 1 A p p r o x i m a t i o n o f t h e c e n t e r - p' eak he"ght in the quad]il}ole ' -; spectra . ' ' ' -. t . t,( ; 4t tt eV" ' r. ; J( ; ;i, ir '. ,,. ,. .//, Il, ., r'.t-,i . • ''' '-' g' .'i '' 'I ''.S IJ 1'•1 ' .,1 ,:.. i./11I'1 ', 11 •; .. i•.•,111 ••• ii-' ,,.. 1i ,i, ,.fl.-1•[ ., Tl '1 ';• ,, ,.,,,... ,,.,'' ,-:""i-,)-1' /IIIti.•1.b-.•1•/,••lii, ''t -''i' .`'•i '' i' '', .,.'' '' ,/ l,,1 ''ll.."''' '" 1"" :l '•` .'1 ,, ,. ,, ,,. ' ''t -,./ ' ' . v , . , ,. ' e ,e ', ri n x 6/ s . ' ' '.1 ' '.,/ / .' .'" : .t 1t .1.t I', 1 t". ' Itk,Il -,1t,t ,', ' 1. 1 , iti.i=, ',"/ . ,'[t' '.' .,.. ,e,i 'r ''1 '',, l t ' , .t1 s ,. . i i , , : - - 1 p'1ig/. •2,.1, }intperimantai arrsngenent '.,. .• J.. -• ,'• tytt.. tt ttt tt 3-1 kriod of the nveiear pro(luc"op. apqLPpartiC19 90untig ...' . ' k '.,' 15. "j '' tr li`111i•-'i':,ci;•i••i,::hihi://"'{,i.ilA,;//R/•f{i/111kll`:,i-'l'1.,i;rll/iti:,i/t,eiill'.,,,I////,111'r//i,',,,/1/li;ii/,tt//r••,.. i l"1 •"',;' '.,•', /i/,-1'il/'g ..,•e••1,•11,ili'11; ''lll,i 'i '"'v• ' {t'x ''i' i',.1t./ . ;,•• bV1'i l• ••.- . . il t,it •"h •t/ x 6' I''' ' r./"t•,'"/"''i' t,g, /-t t /tt •• 2 4 ' 1) ' ' •" t t". ',tt 'i '. t ;,` , ' • ' ',t l- ' • /iit-'t' .' il." ,, ., L .' S .J// 29., .•'t.',,';,',g •2." i. :.ol,' :;is"::: ::,f:: ,`2 g; 2Xz; O,•,ix,' - ,',,'•,'i-•, i'1//- i,/1. 'I'-3e •.'', .,:,s, t , t t t t ' ' ; 1, t.--', .' "t'tt/1 .,,31- ,., '1.'. '' ",',., '' 11111' l l. ' 5 - l • R a n g e s p e e t r'um of the implanted..nu61e,i '"' '. ,' -;' ,,,'' '!55 ,I.i''' "'''':''../;,1'' :i"1' /5-2, Prcibable sites (fce) ' ' .• / '" p a ,' ' ' '- . L•,,t-' v't'1,l 1 +'' •t ' '5-3 ' Probable sites (bec) 5 7 ' 5`-4 Sphere about ths nuclear site - 4 t t ot , l , 1 ,. . - / s s t. ',- J,, ' ' ' "46'' ,,. ,, ,6-1 Beim trunsport ayetem ,• .,r t .1 6 " 2 T a ' r i g e t a n d ' t a r g ' et holder ' " ' 4 '7' ./., ,"; "" e•,'' 1t' 't:I' Tt'8 -'"'{' ''/ • f i - S A T a r 'g e t c h a m b e 'trt t' ,• 4 8 ' " , ''• 'i ii" ' • z '' "" " i','/i/1'•' ,t ' .t 6'5B Target chamber . ` 49 i. s- 6-4 Receii angle----- recoil energy relaticm (12B) ' se - ' 6'5 Recoil angle--•- reeou energy reiation (12N) 5 1 .t,tst F.{ 6-6 CouPies af Si(Li) detectors t 5 2' .. 6 - • 7 h l s e b e ig h t . s p e c t n ; m o Å í t b e e tp }t,tiolee ' 5 t3tt ,, i,1.,,., 6-8 Glypical time spectrum of'the P -c(nmtiag fr(m l?B ,' -J•.s 1 ss' ,. r- 6 - 9 l b r p i c' e l' t i a s s p e c t m h o f t'he fii-ecnmting freN 12N ', ' 5' 5". t"' r,i '2i L• 6-10 Energy dependence of the'nuclear polarization (X2B) 56 ,. . 6-n Energy dependence of the maelear poiarization (12ig) 57• ' ' ' 6-.12 Recoil stopper and its hoidsr . ' 5s t., ' )tt. - v i " '"• ' t t t ' t r t' t/'. ' ' "-, lt 1/' ttt"/. .. .' .'t-/':' ,'/ ./ t,/;'r .' ",./-',: i- rt/ ', '4i'" ;'.' 1' ' "Å}' ' ••l ,xN, ,/' , c. . .,'i. , .',;,. /;,/p ta.e.1.J."•s'tf'•-ii,t li-2k2 i.j ''s 1 g• '' a. . l1 6 ,o / 1 j 31 , ,I ' ' k , ;- 1 , , 16 • S, .{ .i '." a, li le . 1 b 1 .p1 te, l-i i'., Fa lIl I'fi l ' ,t1g .tl-.'l' ., l-htI.lt1,' , ,'. :t"t</.i' i1S.'i',"'t ' '.'1Ie•1/'1,i1' .•.-. '. i-• '-/ ,r.• l t t . "t .1t.s - ' ' ,i l •. t / ., t t tg s t ts t t.t t t / ,te/ , /t. i t.•ti /t t t..t"t.t- j+ ,:t. " . ,- ptt/ 1t1 -t t1./• , ,'/a/ bi'• -- ,tyt'' . t•;t -.,'1' ,l, ,' 'in' • 'r Et.t I ' ,,,fi"" Preguency deviatipm of the rf tield. •.kS9 tt .ltttt ttt t -tt t i '1 . ./ /t, 'it iitl-lt/tltl,.s'l':'r)'i,//,X,.11,,l,:,9T/,g,:,{Oikii.lg/,i/'///j•9•ti/r.kl-;'?'tlt,i[.IF.f;',,,//•//,t•i/,,,1.i;/g••r`{•, :,59 - t,,a '" -, r. ,'y• ' t ,1 •1 1 : i' ' •" -,/ ' .1./1-,1 • ,. ,,- /1, ' t1t .ti;,ifii9,, -• ,,,, ..; eil t.', s,, ::tr. : ." .sf ' -• . /iL"1 1/1 di r• "' , /. " • i'.if,t/ '1l'" '- '7 ,'' ','L' t t J ttttt tt ;t . t-t.t ttt / / /t/ ., / t 't 1. ttt/at-,s lt// ,{.,, -, ,,.tl, 6g .,, /.`f.• ,,,'v," ,',VJ. . 1 '' •1 '' ,,tlll ;i,"'t ' tt; 66-'l8g BTyi;ltilalZillltllle::!vhOf the f-iata accilrpfE,,e,fyi{m system ;- •63 " t t t t/t t ttt t t.t t;r.t• ,.l d.,' /,.t ti', . S't " " ' '; ''`'' '' '''" ';f ;7-;21 'r'if ,t, it'ineteldq qinil rdeenpssintyd ednecpees hedce.t'nhcljtess)T aIRf ' twbied thN M(teRc) speetra (tee) ' ' - ' t,'t p'i T/t it st•t ; - • t' ut 4'.t'-,t -t; tt i '''7-3 NM4 speetra en l?B'in fce metellg"'' ' , , ttt / f l ' ', ' 'l t' ':' ' 76 i . li i' . , •t.t ' -t,.il .•tt 7 '- 4 ' N i m s p ' e d t r a 'o n iq 'D ' i ' i n .'fee h,etals ' ' t L• ','•:t-1- -, •- lll ab .t lg ' 7-5 Mgdulation diepen(tences of the N)IR intensity i 8X 7-6 ciuadrupole speetre on 12B in Ta ,-.,ee . 7-7 (luadr'upele apsetrupi on 12B 'in Ta es "t "{' 1 ' 7 n ' y 8 ' ( t u i s 'drupete gpeetre on 12B in-lgb ' t ' /1 1/ '" .''" ' t.'t/l'/: '':';'i ec ' "'"re' ' ''' id 7•-91t Quttdrupole Bpectra on 12B in Mo -tt -tt t ttl + es- 1t t/ / t . t' ltt '$ ri ' 1 . 7 7 - ' '9 .t 'Bl e Q Q , u a u d ar u dp o r ul e p s p e'l ce tr vs m p .eetne i2tBra in oMno 12B inv ' as ' ' t t t't t t't 't. t 'tt' er ,t +. r i 7rT7,, Modu)ation abeek (i2N in Ai ) -- .88 7-14 Qsiadrupole speetra en 1251 in k 8 9 e- ;t t t-tt.) 7 • - 1 5 Q u a d r t z p e l e s p e c t r a - Q,, n- i?N in Nb ' e-e- 'y• 7-ifs4 Quadrupoie speetra on i2B in bee netais <i2. lec},(e2Leeo ) 96 7-16B Quadrupole gpectra on 12B in bcc metals ( CL?EC?laj({lrpO ) ttt I or 7-l7A Quadrupole speat vu on ]?N in bcc netalg ({Z ltD `Zkva) g8. 7-17B, Quadrupole spectra on iqN in bec ne'tals ( aib09<llkO) 't ' -t- 99,•; 7-18 Populations in the magnetic sublevels (12B) 1oo 7-19 Populations tn the:magnetie sublevels (12N) 1oo' ' - vii - y l'' •,1• ,L• l' ' . •,;/ : .ve t,: N.i . t "i"r '" ?..Vr•. "-' r"' .} -,; .•':-' .;ny"ru-Vlll /7t ,l tr, t;,k. V'.tX .xr.. .iSe.il-it:, .J . i.tlwhli .`"t. ,lel,:'S,r"frsN"vFV "-.:,"V"" ".r'T. e':r r".•."vl. .]:ee' utY E ,,, i'`ts ;li;;i7 u l:;tu.,.g-,.i `rpex- g g.:k ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,. - k ik ss ge?,th ",,",, "'. ", ., .:,s 'sgiiL-Fe:•i",l::'clgy$le ri'pi i, z be -rtix- . ptinki,stsk:kek.g

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