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Provided by the author(s) and NUI Galway in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite the published version when available. Development of a tidal flow model for optimisation of tidal Title turbine arrays Author(s) Phoenix, Anna Publication 2018-02-19 Date Item record http://hdl.handle.net/10379/7145 Downloaded 2019-03-28T16:57:28Z Some rights reserved. For more information, please see the item record link above. DEVELOPMENT OF A TIDAL FLOW MODEL FOR OPTIMISATION OF TIDAL TURBINE ARRAYS BY ANNA PHOENIX Dissertation submitted to NUI, Galway in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of PhD Discipline of Civil Engineering College of Engineering and Informatics National University of Ireland, Galway September 2017 Head of Discipline Supervisor Dr Bryan McCabe Dr Stephen Nash Declaration I declare that this dissertation, in whole or in part, has not been submitted to any University as an exercise for a degree. I further declare that, except where reference is given, the work is entirely my own. Signed: Anna Phoenix September 2017 ii Dedication I dedicate this thesis to my Mum and Dad. Without them I would never have gotten this far. And to Donnacha, for always being there for me. iii Abstract Tidal current turbines have the potential to provide a proportion of global energy requirements. Installations to date have been singular test devices but commercial application will involve multiple devices deployed in farms. The viability of large-scale tidal turbine arrays will depend on the expected energy yield of the farm and the associated hydro-environmental impacts. The effects are, as yet, still relatively unknown although numerical models have been used to show that they can be significant. In this study a 2D hydrodynamic tidal flow model has been developed to facilitate the modelling of tidal turbine arrays so that one can determine an optimum array layout with regard to both power capture and hydrodynamic impacts. This involved a number of model development stages to facilitate (1) calculation of the available resource, (2) simulation of energy extraction, (3) power quantification and (4) implementation of the array optimisation algorithm. The first model development stage was to establish and implement a methodology which accurately quantifies available resource. This research is based on horizontal axis turbines, whose fixed orientation results in maximum energy extraction occurring when flow is travelling perpendicular to the turbine swept area. The methodology therefore utilises harmonic and ellipse analyses to determine the primary direction of current flow at a site, which is then used to quantify available power. This results in a higher degree of sophistication compared to traditional approaches which are based on the total velocity vector. The tidal flow model was next developed to enable simulation of tidal energy extraction via the momentum sink approach. This requires parameterisation of the turbine thrust coefficient which is theoretically defined based on the undisturbed velocity upstream of a turbine but iv is usually calculated using the local velocity at the turbine. A sensitivity analysis concluded that if calculation of the thrust is based on localised current velocities it is necessary to specify a localised thrust coefficient. Based on this finding, a thrust coefficient chart has been developed from which suitable localised thrust coefficients can be determined based on the turbine grid cell blockage ratio for a particular model grid cell. The third stage of development involved incorporating a power quantification calculation into the energy extraction model. The power extracted by an individual turbine is based on the model-calculated turbine thrust. The final stage of model development involved developing an optimisation algorithm which determines an optimal array configuration for maximum energy capture whilst employing spatial and environmental impact constraints. This algorithm was incorporated into the numerical model and application of the fully developed model to test cases demonstrated that optimal arrays should be staggered, thereby producing higher efficiencies than symmetrical inline arrays. This is the first optimisation model to relate hydro-environmental impacts to the level of energy extraction. The fully developed model could be extremely useful for determining the economic viability of proposed arrays, enabling determination of environmentally-safe levels of tidal energy extraction, and completion of a realistic and accurate cost-benefit analysis for early stage tidal energy projects. It is therefore, potentially, a very valuable tool for tidal energy researchers and turbine developers. v Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank Prof Padraic O’Donoghue for facilities granted and for supporting this research. The author would also like to thank the Irish Research Council for funding this research. Thank you to my supervisor, Dr Stephen Nash, for his technical advice, encouragement and guidance throughout the last four years. I would also like to thank my research group director, Prof Michael Hartnett, for his support during the course of this research. Many thanks to all the engineering staff for helping me through my studies. Big thanks to all my friends for the much needed chats and support. Especially Raydo, for all the brain-storming and gossip sessions, Moroney, for being a great housemate and of course Kima and Cosmo. Special thanks to Donnacha for all his love and support, even through the meltdowns. And to mum, thanks for everything. vi Table of Contents Declaration ....................................................................................... ii Dedication........................................................................................ iii Abstract ........................................................................................... iv Acknowledgements ........................................................................ vi Table of Contents ........................................................................... vii List of Figures ............................................................................... xiv Mathematical Notations .............................................................. xxvi 1 Introduction ................................................................................... 1 1.1 Tidal Energy ............................................................................ 1 1.2 Numerical Modelling ................................................................ 3 1.3 Aims and Objectives ............................................................... 5 1.4 Thesis Layout and Content ..................................................... 6 1.5 Publications ............................................................................. 9 2 Literature Review ........................................................................ 10 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................... 10 2.2 Tides and Tidal Currents ....................................................... 11 2.3 Tidal Stream Energy Devices ................................................ 14 2.4 Tidal Stream Resource Assessment ..................................... 16 2.4.1 Introduction……………………………………………………….16 2.4.2 Kinetic Energy Flux………………………………………………17 2.4.3 Resource Assessment Methodologies………………………...18 2.4.4 Factors Affecting Accuracy of Resource Assessments……...20 Current Velocity Data used in Resource Assessments…….20 Formulation of available power equation…………………...22 Turbine Impacts…………………………………………………24 vii 2.5 Approaches to Numerical Modelling of Tidal Turbines .......... 24 2.5.1 Turbine Representation…………………………………………25 2.5.2 Momentum Sink Approach……………………………………...27 2.5.3 Array Optimisation……………………………………………….29 2.6 Hydro-environmental Impacts of Tidal Turbines .................... 30 2.6.1 Summary of Environment Impact Studies…………………….31 2.6.2 Pilot Studies………………………………………………………32 2.6.3 Laboratory and Numerical Model Studies…………………….34 2.7 Hydrodynamic Impacts of Tidal Turbines .............................. 40 2.7.1 Hydrodynamic Effects: Single Turbine………………………...40 Reduced Wake Velocities……………………………………...40 Accelerated Bypass Velocities………………………………...43 Turbulence………………………………………………………43 Water Levels…………………………………………………….44 2.7.2  Hydrodynamic Effects: Arrays………………………………….44  2.8  Environmental Impacts of Tidal Turbines .............................. 46  2.9  Summary and Conclusions ................................................... 48  3 Numerical Modelling Theory ...................................................... 52  3.1  Introduction ........................................................................... 52  3.1.1  Model Description ................................................................. 53  3.1.2  Justification of Model Choice ................................................. 55  3.2  Governing Equations ............................................................. 55  3.2.1  Finite Difference Formulations .............................................. 58  3.3  Model Accuracy, Stability and Resolution ............................. 58  3.4  Model Architecture ................................................................ 60  3.5  The Nested Model ................................................................. 62  viii 3.5.1  Nested Model Grids .............................................................. 62  3.6  MSN One-way Nested Model ................................................ 64  3.7  The Open Boundary Problem ................................................ 66  3.7.1  Specification of the Open Boundary ...................................... 68  3.7.2  Model Architecture ................................................................ 69  3.8  Tidal Flushing ........................................................................ 71  3.9  Tidal Harmonics and Tidal Ellipse Analysis ........................... 71  3.9.1  Tidal Harmonic Analysis ........................................................ 72  3.9.2  Tidal Harmonic Analysis Software ......................................... 78  3.9.3  Tidal Ellipse Theory ............................................................... 83  4 Resource Assessment ............................................................... 86  4.1  Introduction ........................................................................... 86  4.2  Tidal Resource Assessment .................................................. 87  4.2.1  Traditional Methodologies for Available Resource Assessment ........................................................................... 87  4.2.2  New Methodology for Available Resource Assessment ........ 87  4.3  The Shannon Estuary Model ................................................. 88  4.3.1  General Description of the Shannon Estuary ........................ 88  4.3.2  Model Description ................................................................. 90  4.3.3  Model validation .................................................................... 92  4.4  Development of Model to Implement New resource Assessment ........................................................................... 95  4.4.1  Importance of Considering Flow Direction ............................. 95  4.4.2  Development of Resource Assessment Model ...................... 96  4.5  Shannon Estuary Case Study Results .................................. 98  4.5.1  Testing of the Ellipse Code ................................................... 99  4.5.2  Available Resource Assessments ....................................... 102  ix

For more information, please see the item record link above. Title. Development of a tidal flow model for optimisation of tidal turbine arrays. Author(s) ws, marin mental d e studies nt velocitie urbines for w. SeaGen turb. SCHOTT. 33. Dyno tur k, USA, w where the. Maximum n et al. 201 dal Genera.
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