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Title: A Picture Book of Harriet Tubman by: David A. Adler Summary PDF

19 Pages·2010·0.53 MB·English
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Preview Title: A Picture Book of Harriet Tubman by: David A. Adler Summary

Title: A Picture Book of Harriet Tubman Title: A River Ran Wild S S by: David A. Adler by: Lynne Cherry Summary: An illustrated biography of the escaped slave Summary: An environmental history of the Nashua River, who led other slaves to freedom on the Underground Rail- from its discovery by Indians through the polluting years road. of the Industrial Revolution to the ambitious clean-up that revitalized it. Award: None Cassette: None Award: None Cassette: None AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: 4.3 20901 0.5 4.7 6238 0.5 Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: No Yes 1282 No No 1192 Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction 32 6 Nonfiction 43 34 Nonfiction Title: Amelia Earhart: Aviation Pioneer Title: Back to the Day Lincoln was Shot! S S by: Roxanne Chadwick by: Beatrice Gormley Summary: Traces the life of the pilot who became the Summary: You can't change history. That's what every- first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. one says, but Matt and Emily's grandfather has invented a way to travel back in time. Now Matt and Emily, and their scientific genius friend, Jonathan, are about to take a trip to the night President Lincoln was shot. Award: None Cassette: None Award: None Cassette: None AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: None None None None None None Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: No No None No No None Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction 54 13 Nonfiction 138 25 Fiction Title: Brave Dog Blizzard Title: Catwings S S by: Sharon Salisbury O'Toole by: Ursula K. Le Guin Summary: Blizzard the sheepdog fights hard to protect Summary: Four young cats with wings leave the city slums the sheep when his family goes to the county fair for the in search of a safe place to live, finally meeting two chil- day. dren with kind hands. Award: None Cassette: None Award: None Cassette: None AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: None None None 4.3 5212 0.5 Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: No No None No Yes 2906 Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction 80 8 Fiction 39 6 Fiction Title: Come Back, Salmon Title: The Dollhouse Murders S S by: Molly Cone by: Betty Ren Wright Summary: Photographic record of how a group of dedi- Summary: Amy thinks the dolls in her aunt's dollhouse are cated kids adopted a stream and brought it back to life. trying to tell her something about the unsolved murder of her great-grandparents. Award: None Cassette: None Award: None Cassette: None AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: 5.6 8408 1.0 4.3 258 5.0 Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: No No 6313 No No 33979 Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction 4 28 Nonfiction 149 14 Fiction Title: Finding Buck McHenry Title: Fish Do the Strangest Things S S by: Alfred Slote by: Leonora and Arthur Hornblow Summary: Eleven-year-old Jason, believing the school Summary: Describes seventeen fish that have peculiar custodian Mack Henry to be Buck McHenry, a famous characteristics and habits, including fish that spit, fly, pitcher from the old Negro League, tries to enlist him as climb trees, blow up like balloons, and sleep out of water. a coach for his Little League team by revealing his iden- tity to the world. Award: None Cassette: None Award: None Cassette: None AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: 3.5 5361 6.0 3.3 8412 1.0 Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: No No 45816 Yes No 4201 Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction 250 4 Fiction 64 8 Nonfiction Title: Follow My Leader Title: From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frank- S S by: James B. Garfield weiler by: E.L. Konigsburg Summary: After Jimmy is blinded in an accident, he has to relearn all the things he used to know. Then he's given Summary: Claudia and her brother Jamie run away from the chance to have a guide dog and must work harder home and take up residence in the Metropolitan Museum than he ever has before. of Art. Award: None Cassette: None Award: Newbery 1968 Cassette: None AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: 4.5 47346 6.0 4.7 29 5.0 Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: No No 44399 No No 30906 Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction 191 10 Fiction 162 30 Fiction Title: Half Magic Title: How Many Days to America? S S by: Edward Eager by: Eve Bunting Summary: Four children spending their summer in a city Summary: Refugees from a Caribbean island embark on a apartment enjoy a series of fantastic adventures by dou- dangerous boat trip to America, where they have a spe- ble-wishing on an ancient coin. cial reason to celebrate Thanksgiving. Award: None Cassette: None Award: None Cassette: None AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: 5.0 471 5.0 3.1 18678 0.5 Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: No No 35849 No No 1016 Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction 217 21 Fiction 32 23 Fiction Title: If You Grew Up With George Washington Title: In the Deep S S by: Ruth Belov Gross by: Mary Kay Carson Summary: Describes life in Virginia in the 1730's and Summary: Discusses the various plant and animal life that 1740's, how people spent their time, worked, what they can be found in the deep sea, including the flashlight ate, etc., and what George Washington would have done fish, gulper eel, and viper fish and what unique qualities growing up. help them survive in the cold dark waters of the ocean. Award: None Cassette: None Award: None Cassette: None AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: 4.6 24918 1.0 None None None Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: No Yes 4577 No No None Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction 64 6 Nonfiction 24 6 Nonfiction Title: In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson Title: Journey to Jo'burg S S by: Bette Lord by: Beverley Naidoo Summary: In 1947, a Chinese child comes to Brooklyn, Summary: Separated from their mother by the harsh so- where she starts to feel at home and makes friends when cial and economic conditions prevalent among blacks in she discovers baseball and the Brooklyn Dodgers. South Africa, thirteen-year-old Naledi and her younger brother make a journey over 300 kilometers to find her in Johannesburg. Award: None Cassette: None Award: None Cassette: None AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: 4.6 229 4.0 4.6 369 2.0 Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: No No 26776 No No 10547 Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction 169 4 Fiction 80 28 Fiction Title: Letters from Rifka Title: Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China S S by: Karen Hesse by: Ed Young Summary: Rifka and her family flee the pogroms in Russia Summary: Three sisters staying home alone are endan- in 1919 and cross the Atlantic to land on Ellis Island. gered by a hungry wolf who is disguised as their grand- mother. Award: None Cassette: None Award: Caldecott 1990 Cassette: None AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: AR Level: Quiz#: AR Points: 4.2 8533 4.0 3.5 5523 0.5 Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: Voice Recorded: Lesson Plans: Word Count: No No 28448 Yes Yes 1145 Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction Number of Pages: Copies: Fiction/Nonfiction 147 23 Fiction 27 5 Fiction

by: David A. Adler. Summary: An illustrated biography of the escaped slave who led other slaves to freedom on the Underground Rail- road. Cassette: None.
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