Tithe and Offering Tithe and Offering Appeals for Appeals for 2018 in English 2018 in English May God richly bless your church May God richly bless your church family for faithfulness in tithes family for faithfulness in tithes and offerings all to the glory of and offerings all to the glory of God. God. North American Division North American Division 2018 Offertory Readings 2018 Offertory Readings Our mission as a church is “to reach the North American Division Our mission as a church is “to reach the North American Division territory with the distinctive, Christ-centered Seventh- day Adventist territory with the distinctive, Christ-centered Seventh- day Adventist message of Hope and Wholeness.” Stewardship Ministries is message of Hope and Wholeness.” Stewardship Ministries is dedicated to helping members catch this vision. Funds received dedicated to helping members catch this vision. Funds received through offerings make an impact on preaching the gospel to save through offerings make an impact on preaching the gospel to save the lost. the lost. Systematic giving is part of being a faithful steward. When we Systematic giving is part of being a faithful steward. When we return tithe, we are recognizing that God owns everything. Giving return tithe, we are recognizing that God owns everything. Giving offerings expresses our gratitude for what God has done for us. God offerings expresses our gratitude for what God has done for us. God loves a cheerful giver, and He has chosen this method to support loves a cheerful giver, and He has chosen this method to support those who preach the gospel as they reach the world with His those who preach the gospel as they reach the world with His message. message. You will find an extensive selection of videos that emphasize You will find an extensive selection of videos that emphasize various offerings by visiting our website at various offerings by visiting our website at www.nadstewardship.org. You can use them in conjunction with the www.nadstewardship.org. You can use them in conjunction with the offering appeals or in place of. They average between a-minute-and- offering appeals or in place of. They average between a-minute-and- a-half to two minutes in length. a-half to two minutes in length. Faithful stewardship is a matter of the heart. We don’t give to Faithful stewardship is a matter of the heart. We don’t give to receive love and blessings from God. We give because we have receive love and blessings from God. We give because we have already received God’s love and blessings. We give because our already received God’s love and blessings. We give because our hearts and lives are full of the joy of the Lord, and giving is a natural hearts and lives are full of the joy of the Lord, and giving is a natural response. We give because we want to live out God’s character of response. We give because we want to live out God’s character of abundant generosity—especially as exhibited through the giving of abundant generosity—especially as exhibited through the giving of the Ultimate gift: the life of His Son. the Ultimate gift: the life of His Son. God’s blessings to you as you help others experience the joy of God’s blessings to you as you help others experience the joy of faithful stewardship. faithful stewardship. John Matthews Bonita Shields John Matthews Bonita Shields Director Associate Director Director Associate Director About the Author About the Author James Hoffer is a retired Seventh-day Adventist minister. James Hoffer is a retired He served for 46 years as a Seventh-day Adventist minister. pastor in the Ohio, Michigan, He served for 46 years as a and Chesapeake conferences, pastor in the Ohio, Michigan, including six years as a and Chesapeake conferences, departmental secretary in including six years as a Uruguay and Brazil. departmental secretary in He is an author, public speaker, poet, editor, proofreader, musician, Uruguay and Brazil. and linguist fluent in Spanish and Portuguese, with a working He is an author, public speaker, poet, editor, proofreader, musician, knowledge of German and Italian. After retiring, he was a copy and linguist fluent in Spanish and Portuguese, with a working editor and proofreader for the Review and Herald Publishing knowledge of German and Italian. After retiring, he was a copy Association in Hagerstown, Maryland. The recent publication of his editor and proofreader for the Review and Herald Publishing book, Secrets and Mysteries of the Lost Ark: A Bible Adventure Association in Hagerstown, Maryland. The recent publication of his (www.lostarkseminar.com), has led to speaking appointments at book, Secrets and Mysteries of the Lost Ark: A Bible Adventure camp meetings, pastoral retreats, and churches. (www.lostarkseminar.com), has led to speaking appointments at camp meetings, pastoral retreats, and churches. Jim is also an amateur radio operator with the call sign KW8T, and since 1985 he has served as world president of the Adventist Jim is also an amateur radio operator with the call sign KW8T, and Amateur Radio Association International (www.aarai.org). since 1985 he has served as world president of the Adventist Amateur Radio Association International (www.aarai.org). He and his wife, Ruth, reside in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. He and his wife, Ruth, reside in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. About the Readings… About the Readings… This material can be translated, printed, or photocopied by Seventh- This material can be translated, printed, or photocopied by Seventh- day Adventist entities without securing further permission. day Adventist entities without securing further permission. Republished documents should include the credit line: North Republished documents should include the credit line: North American Division Stewardship Ministries. American Division Stewardship Ministries. NKJV: Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible texts are from the New NKJV: Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible texts are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers. Nelson, Inc., Publishers. NIV: Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy NIV: Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan. com Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.zondervan. com The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™ Biblica, Inc.™ Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. About the Personal Giving Plan… About the Personal Giving Plan… The North American Division encourages the use of the Personal The North American Division encourages the use of the Personal Giving Plan. This plan was developed to assist members in Giving Plan. This plan was developed to assist members in systematic giving. The plan suggests that, in addition to returning 10 systematic giving. The plan suggests that, in addition to returning 10 percent of a member’s personal income as tithe, certain percentages percent of a member’s personal income as tithe, certain percentages be dedicated as offering to three main categories: be dedicated as offering to three main categories: Local Church Budget: 3-5 percent Local Church Budget: 3-5 percent Conference Advance: 1-2 percent (Education, evangelism, Conference Advance: 1-2 percent (Education, evangelism, VBS, summer camps, and union magazines) VBS, summer camps, and union magazines) World Budget: 1-3 percent World Budget: 1-3 percent Thirteenth Sabbath Offerings 2018 Thirteenth Sabbath Offerings 2018 Inter-American Division March 31* Inter-American Division March 31* North American Division North American Division June 30* Northern Asia-Pacific Division June 30* Northern Asia-Pacific Division September 29* September 29* Southern Asia-Pacific Division Southern Asia-Pacific Division December 29* December 29* Mission Investment Projects 2018 Mission Investment Projects 2018 North Pacific Union* Lake Union* North Pacific Union* Lake Union* * Special Project Development * Special Project Development Author: James Hoffer Editor: Bonita J. Shields Author: James Hoffer Editor: Bonita J. Shields Cover and Layout: Vanessa Perlá Cover and Layout: Vanessa Perlá North American Division Stewardship Ministries © 2017 North American Division Stewardship Ministries © 2017 Dear Presenter, Dear Presenter, Thank you for your willingness to share the offering appeals with Thank you for your willingness to share the offering appeals with your local congregation. It is a wonderful and gratifying your local congregation. It is a wonderful and gratifying responsibility. How you present these readings could determine how responsibility. How you present these readings could determine how effective they are. Here are some suggestions you may want to effective they are. Here are some suggestions you may want to consider before you share: consider before you share: Pray: Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that God will use Pray: Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray that God will use your words to speak to the hearts of the congregation. your words to speak to the hearts of the congregation. Practice: Read over the appeal at least three times to familiarize Practice: Read over the appeal at least three times to familiarize yourself with it. Find key words (underline or highlight them) to yourself with it. Find key words (underline or highlight them) to emphasize throughout the reading. Strive to share these readings emphasize throughout the reading. Strive to share these readings with excellence. with excellence. Preparation: There may be times when other materials are sent to Preparation: There may be times when other materials are sent to your local church to distribute or present along with the appeal. your local church to distribute or present along with the appeal. Please use them accordingly, and determine how they can be used Please use them accordingly, and determine how they can be used most effectively. most effectively. Present With Passion: Read slowly and clearly. It is an amazing Present With Passion: Read slowly and clearly. It is an amazing responsibility to lead out the worship in giving. Fill your heart with responsibility to lead out the worship in giving. Fill your heart with the thoughts presented, and God will do the rest. the thoughts presented, and God will do the rest. May God richly bless you and speak through you as we take this May God richly bless you and speak through you as we take this journey together in 2018. journey together in 2018. January 6 LOCAL CHURCH BUDGET January 6 LOCAL CHURCH BUDGET Taking inventory. For businesses and enterprises whose fiscal year Taking inventory. For businesses and enterprises whose fiscal year coincides with the calendar year, the first week of January is crucial. coincides with the calendar year, the first week of January is crucial. And the numbers they come up with have a direct bearing on their And the numbers they come up with have a direct bearing on their business tax liability. The average person would have no idea of the business tax liability. The average person would have no idea of the complexity of this process. Goods on hand, goods sold, goods in complexity of this process. Goods on hand, goods sold, goods in transit, raw materials, equipment including vehicles, etc.—it all transit, raw materials, equipment including vehicles, etc.—it all figures in, and depending on the size of the company or store, it figures in, and depending on the size of the company or store, it usually requires the collaboration of a team of people. usually requires the collaboration of a team of people. On a personal level, the beginning of the year is an opportune time On a personal level, the beginning of the year is an opportune time for the Christian to take a “spiritual inventory.” This is what for the Christian to take a “spiritual inventory.” This is what happened at the end of each Hebrew year, in conjunction with the happened at the end of each Hebrew year, in conjunction with the Day of Atonement. The Bible records it this way: “And the LORD Day of Atonement. The Bible records it this way: “And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: ‘Also the tenth day of this seventh month spoke to Moses, saying: ‘Also the tenth day of this seventh month shall be the Day of Atonement. It shall be a holy convocation for shall be the Day of Atonement. It shall be a holy convocation for you; you shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire you; you shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire to the LORD” (Lev. 23:26, 27, NKJV). The NIV renders “afflict to the LORD” (Lev. 23:26, 27, NKJV). The NIV renders “afflict your souls” as “deny yourselves.” It refers to a special time of your souls” as “deny yourselves.” It refers to a special time of fasting, prayer, and no doubt self- examination. fasting, prayer, and no doubt self- examination. How did I handle my stewardship obligations last year? How will I How did I handle my stewardship obligations last year? How will I handle them this year? May we not only give liberally for today’s handle them this year? May we not only give liberally for today’s offering, but this very week lay out a plan of systematic giving for offering, but this very week lay out a plan of systematic giving for ourselves and our families for 2018. ourselves and our families for 2018. January 13 RELIGIOUS LIBERTY January 13 RELIGIOUS LIBERTY The supreme sacrifice. Many have had the privilege of participating The supreme sacrifice. Many have had the privilege of participating in the Great Controversy Tour with Dr. and Mrs. Gerard Damsteegt in the Great Controversy Tour with Dr. and Mrs. Gerard Damsteegt of the Theological Seminary at Andrews University. It is an of the Theological Seminary at Andrews University. It is an awesome experience to see history up close and personal, visiting awesome experience to see history up close and personal, visiting Rome, Geneva, Zurich, Konstanz, Paris, and other Reformation Rome, Geneva, Zurich, Konstanz, Paris, and other Reformation sites. Probably the most impressive sites include the Colosseum, sites. Probably the most impressive sites include the Colosseum, where many Christians were fed to the lions or burned at the stake; where many Christians were fed to the lions or burned at the stake; the cave in northern Italy, where many Waldensians were hunted the cave in northern Italy, where many Waldensians were hunted down and killed; and Konstanz, site of the burning at the stake of down and killed; and Konstanz, site of the burning at the stake of both Hus and Jerome. To be standing at those very spots is an both Hus and Jerome. To be standing at those very spots is an immensely moving moment. There was virtually no religious liberty immensely moving moment. There was virtually no religious liberty in those dark days. in those dark days. Of course, these dedicated believers were only following in the Of course, these dedicated believers were only following in the footsteps of their Savior, who was tortured and died on the cross, footsteps of their Savior, who was tortured and died on the cross, becoming the supreme sacrifice of all time. becoming the supreme sacrifice of all time. It sort of puts our little sacrifices to shame, doesn’t it? Honestly It sort of puts our little sacrifices to shame, doesn’t it? Honestly now, how many of us have really sacrificed for the Lord? now, how many of us have really sacrificed for the Lord? 1 Corinthians 5:7 tells us that “Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed 1 Corinthians 5:7 tells us that “Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us” (NKJV). And Hebrews 13:15 adds: “Therefore by Him let us for us” (NKJV). And Hebrews 13:15 adds: “Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” To the best of our ability, and our lips, giving thanks to His name.” To the best of our ability, and with God’s help, let us plan to sacrifice for Him and His cause, with with God’s help, let us plan to sacrifice for Him and His cause, with our offerings, yes, but if necessary with our very lives. our offerings, yes, but if necessary with our very lives. January 20 OUR LOCAL CHURCH BUDGET January 20 OUR LOCAL CHURCH BUDGET A thousand ways. Several years ago, when Pastor and Mrs. James A thousand ways. Several years ago, when Pastor and Mrs. James Hoffer lived in St. Joseph, Michigan, they had dear neighbors across Hoffer lived in St. Joseph, Michigan, they had dear neighbors across the street. The husband worked for the Whirlpool Corporation in the street. The husband worked for the Whirlpool Corporation in Benton Harbor. One of his responsibilities was that of serving as Benton Harbor. One of his responsibilities was that of serving as chauffer, meeting important people at the various nearby airports, chauffer, meeting important people at the various nearby airports, and driving them to and from company headquarters. As such, he and driving them to and from company headquarters. As such, he was required to wear a nice business suit and tie to work every day. was required to wear a nice business suit and tie to work every day. The Hoffers had always been faithful tithers, but at that time in their The Hoffers had always been faithful tithers, but at that time in their lives were struggling financially. They also knew that God has a lives were struggling financially. They also knew that God has a thousand ways to provide for His faithful children, and were about thousand ways to provide for His faithful children, and were about to learn one of them. to learn one of them. One day the neighbor called to say that they were planning to have a One day the neighbor called to say that they were planning to have a yard sale, and because Whirlpool had recently changed their dress yard sale, and because Whirlpool had recently changed their dress code to casual, now her husband had several nice suits that he no code to casual, now her husband had several nice suits that he no longer needed. Then she said something like this: “Before I offer longer needed. Then she said something like this: “Before I offer these nice suits to the public, I wonder whether you and Jim would these nice suits to the public, I wonder whether you and Jim would like to come across the street and see whether any of them fit Jim; if like to come across the street and see whether any of them fit Jim; if so, we will make a special price.” Sure enough, five of the seven or so, we will make a special price.” Sure enough, five of the seven or eight suits were a perfect fit without any alterations. The price, $15 eight suits were a perfect fit without any alterations. The price, $15 each! Unbelievable! He still wears some of those suits today. each! Unbelievable! He still wears some of those suits today. Be faithful in your giving! Do you like surprises? So does God, and Be faithful in your giving! Do you like surprises? So does God, and you never know what He has in store for you next! you never know what He has in store for you next! January 27 MICHIGAN ADVANCE PARTNERS January 27 MICHIGAN ADVANCE PARTNERS Roof Repairs. The roof on the church in Tawas City, Michigan had Roof Repairs. The roof on the church in Tawas City, Michigan had seen better days. The asphalt roofing material was curling up in seen better days. The asphalt roofing material was curling up in multiple places, and though it had not yet begun to leak, it was clear multiple places, and though it had not yet begun to leak, it was clear that it would need to be replaced before winter. It would cost that it would need to be replaced before winter. It would cost $18,000 to replace the roof. For a church with less than 15 actively $18,000 to replace the roof. For a church with less than 15 actively attending members and very little reserves this seemed like an attending members and very little reserves this seemed like an impossibility. impossibility. As the trees began to turn yellow-gold, and then red, showing that As the trees began to turn yellow-gold, and then red, showing that winter was fast approaching, the church members began to pray and winter was fast approaching, the church members began to pray and work. They dug into their pockets sacrificially, collected pledges, work. They dug into their pockets sacrificially, collected pledges, and in two short months were able to raise over $7,000 towards the and in two short months were able to raise over $7,000 towards the new roof. While this was a remarkable amount for such a small new roof. While this was a remarkable amount for such a small group, it was nowhere near what was needed. group, it was nowhere near what was needed. The church submitted an appeal to MAP requesting funds to help The church submitted an appeal to MAP requesting funds to help with the new roof. The committee was faced with the difficult with the new roof. The committee was faced with the difficult situation of having received more requests than funds. After situation of having received more requests than funds. After prayerfully considering the requests by God’s grace they were able prayerfully considering the requests by God’s grace they were able to contribute $5000 toward the completion of the new roof. to contribute $5000 toward the completion of the new roof. Paul in his address to the elders of the church in Ephesus said, “I Paul in his address to the elders of the church in Ephesus said, “I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” (Acts 20:35) He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” (Acts 20:35) We are so grateful for our Michigan Advance Partners whose We are so grateful for our Michigan Advance Partners whose generosity helped us in our time of need. generosity helped us in our time of need. Please join us by making MAP a part of your systematic giving, so Please join us by making MAP a part of your systematic giving, so that together God can use us to support His work in many different that together God can use us to support His work in many different ways all across Michigan. ways all across Michigan.