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Tire Science and Technology Index to Volume 23 1995 Months Pages Jan.—Mar. 1- 70 Apr.-Jun. 71-136 Camber angle Jul.-Sep. 137-210 Analysis of the contact deforma- Oct.-Dec. 211-288 tion of a radial tire with camber angle (Kagami, Akasaka, Shio- bara, and Hasegawa), Jan.- A Mar., 26 Akasaka, T.: see Kagami, S., Aka- Cavity resonance saka, T., Shiobara, H., and Ha- Plane wave resonance in the tire air segawa, A. cavity as a vehicle interior noise Akasaka, T.: see Shiobara, H., Aka- source (Thompson), Jan.—Mar., 2 saka, T., Kagami, S., and Tsut- Chung, S.: see Schroder, C. and sum, S. Chung, S. Ataka, H. and Yamashita, F.: Anal- Coast-by noise ysis of tire performance on Investigation into the influence of sand, Jan.-Mar., 52 tire construction on coast-by noise (Doan, Brackin, Nishi- hata, and Sauerzapf), Mar.- Jun., 96 Belt construction Composite Application of a technical docu- Millipolar theory for twisted cord- mentation system for develop- reinforced composites (Pado- ing new belt constructions for van, Ma, and Parris), Jul.—Sep., truck tires (Nemeth, Nandori, 138 Sark6zi, and Szabo), Oct.- Compressive fracture stress of sand Dec., 266 Analysis of tire performance on Belt edge endurance sand (Ataka and Yamashita), Application of a technical docu- Jan.—-Mar., 52 mentation system for develop- Contact area ing new belt constructions for Measurement and visualization of truck tires (Németh, Nandori, the contact pressure distribu- Sark6zi, and Szabo), Oct.- tion of rubber disks and tires Dec., 266 (Sakai), Oct.-Dec., 238 Brackin, D.: see Doan, V. Q., Contact pressure Brackin, D., Nishihata, S., and Investigation into the influence of Sauerzapf,J . tire construction on coast-by 283 284 TIRE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY noise (Doan, Brackin, Nishi- External noise hata, and Sauerzapf), Mar.- Tire contribution in the context of Jun., 96 automobile noise reduction (Ri- Measurement and visualization of mondi), Jul.—Sep., 189 the contact pressure distribu- F tion of rubber disks and tires (Sakai), Oct.-—Dec., 238 Finite element analysis One-dimensional contact pressure Application of a technical docu- distribution of radial tires in mentation system for develop- motion (Shiobara, Akasaka, ing new belt constructions for Kagami, and Tsutsumi), Apr.- truck tires (Németh, Nandori, Jun., 116 Sark6zi, and Szabo), Oct.- Contact pressure distribution Dec., 266 Analysis of the contact deforma- Millipolar theory for twisted cord- tion of a radial tire with camber reinforced composites (Pado- angle (Kagami, Akasaka, Shio- van, Ma, and Parris), Jul.—Sep., bara, and Hasegawa), Jan.- 138 Mar., 26 Some notes on the finite element Cord analysis of tires (Gall, Tabad- Millipolar theory for twisted cord- dor, Robbins, Majors, Shep- reinforced composites (Pado- herd, and Johnson) Jul.-Sep.., van, Ma, and Parris), Jul.—Sep., 175 138 Four parameter evaluation method Influence of tire characteristic D properties on the vehicle lateral transient response (Schroder and Doan, V. Q., Brackin, D., Nishihata, Chung), Apr.—Jun., 72 S., and Sauerzapf, J.: Investiga- tion into the influence of tire G construction on coast-by noise, Gall, R., Tabaddor, F., Robbins, D., Mar.-—Jun., 96 Majors, P., Shepherd, W., and Johnson, S.: Some notes on the E finite element analysis of tires, Jul.—Sep., 175 Elasticity Grid generation Millipolar theory for twisted cord- Internal temperature distribution reinforced composites (Pado- in a rolling tire (Oh, Kim, Kim, van, Ma, and Parris), Jul.—Sep., 138 Moon, Park), Jan.—Mar., | 1 Environmental wear effects H Tire treadwear—The joint in- fluence of compound proper- Hasegawa, A.: see Kagami, S., Aka- ties and environmental factors saka, T., Shiobara, H., and Ha- (Veith), Oct.-—Dec., 212 segawa, A. VOLUME 23 INDEX 285 Inflation pressure Lateral force One-dimensional contact pressure Influence of tire characteristic distribution of radial tires in properties on the vehicle lateral motion (Shiobara, Akasaka, transient response (Schréder Kagami, and Tsutsumi), Apr.- and Chung), Apr.-Jun., 72 Jun., 116 Loss modulus Input force Tire treadwear-The joint influence Investigation into the influence of of compound properties and envi- tire construction on coast-by ronmental factors (Veith), Oct.- noise (Doan, Brackin, Nishi- Dec., 212 hata, and Sauerzapf), Mar.- Jun., 96 M Internal friction angle Analysis of tire performance on Ma, J.: see Padovan, J., Ma, J., and sand (Ataka and Yamashita), Parris, H. Jan.-Mar., 52 Magic formula Internal temperature Influence of tire characteristic Internal temperature distribution properties on the vehicle lateral in a rolling tire (Oh, Kim, Kim, transient response (Schroder Moon, Park), Jan.—Mar., 11 and Chung), Apr.-—Jun., 72 J Majors, P.: see Gall, R., Tabaddor, F., Robbins, D., Majors, P., Johnson, S.: see Gall, R., Tabaddor, Shepherd, W., and Johnson S. F., Robbins, D., Majors, P., Micropolar Shepherd, W., and Johnson, S. Millipolar theory for twisted cord- reinforced composites (Pado- K van, Ma, and Parris), Jul.—Sep., 138 Kagami, S.: see Shiobara, H., Aka- Millipolar saka, T., Kagami, S., and Tsut- Millipolar theory for twisted cord- sumi, S. reinforced composites (Pado- Kagami, S., Akasaka, T., Shiobara, van, Ma, and Parris), Jul.—Sep., H., and Hasegawa, A.: Analysis 138 of the contact deformation of a Moon, H. Y.: see Oh, B. S., Kim, radial tire with camber angle, Y.N., Kim, N. J., Moon, H. Y.. Jan.—Mar., 26 and Park, H. W. Kim, N. J.: see Oh, B. S., Kim, Y. N., Kim, N. J., Moon, H. Y., and Park, H. W. N Kim, Y. N.: see Oh, B. S., Kim, Y.N., Kim, N. J., Moon, H. Y., Nandori, F.: see Nemeth, T., Nandori, and Park, H. W. F., Sark6zi, L., and Szabo, T. 286 TIRE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Németh, T., Nandori, F., Sark6zi, bara, and Hasegawa), Jan.- L., and Szabo, T.: Application Mar., 26 of a technical documentation Relaxation length system for developing new belt Influence of tire characteristic constructions for truck tires, properties on the vehicle lateral Oct.-Dec., 266 transient response (Schroder and Nishihata, S.: see Doan, V. Q., Chung), Apr.—Jun., 72 Brackin, D., Nishihata, S., and Rimondi, G.: Tire contribution in Sauerzapf, J. the context of automobile noise Noise reduction reduction, Jul.—Sep., 189 Tire contribution in the context of Ring model automobile noise reduction (Ri- One-dimensional contact pressure mondi), Jul.—Sep., 189 distribution of radial tires in motion (Shiobara, Akasaka, O Kagami, and Tsutsumi), Apr.- Jun., 116 Oh, B. S., Kim, Y. N., Kim, N. J., Robbins, D.: see Gall, R., Tabaddor, Moon, H. Y., and Park, H. W.: F., Robbins, D., Majors, P., Internal temperature distribu- Shepherd, W., and Johnson, S. tion in a rolling tire, Jan. -Mar., Rolling resistance 11 One-dimensional contact pressure distribution of radial tires in P motion (Shiobara, Akasaka, Kagami, and Tsutsumi), Apr.- Padovan, J., Ma, J., and Parris, H.: Jun., 116 Millipolar theory for twisted Total energy loss comparison by cord-reinforced composites, Jul.- the whole tire hysteresis and the Sep., 138 rolling resistance methods (Pil- Park, H. W.: see Oh, B. S., Kim, lai), Oct.—Dec., 256 Y. N., Kim, N.-J., Moon, H. Y.., Rolling tire and Park, H. W. Internal temperature distribution Parris, H.: see Padovan, J., Ma, J., and Parris, H. in a rolling tire (Oh, Kim, Kim, Moon, Park), Jan.—Mar., 11 Pillai, P. S.: Total energy loss com- Rubber parison by the whole tire hyster- Millipolar theory for twisted cord- esis and the rolling resistance reinforced composites (Pado- methods, Oct.-Dec., 256 van, Ma, and Parris), Jul.—Sep.., R 138 Rubber disk Radial tire Measurement and visualization of Analysis of the contact deforma- the contact pressure distribu- tion of a radial tire with camber tion of rubber disks and tires angle (Kagami, Akasaka, Shi- (Sakai), Oct.-—Dec., 238 VOLUME 23 INDEX 287 S Sound intensity Investigation into the influence of Sakai, E. H.: Measurement and visu- tire construction on coast-by alization of the contact pressure noise (Doan, Brackin, Nishi- distribution of rubber disks and hata, and Sauerzapf), Mar.- tires, Oct.-Dec., 238 Jun., 96 Sand tire Spring bedded ring model Analysis of tire performance on Analysis of the contact deforma- sand (Ataka and Yamashita), tion of a radial tire with camber Jan.-Mar., 52 angle (Kagami, Akasaka, Shio- Sand traction bara, and Hasegawa), Jan.- Analysis of tire performance on Mar., 26 sand (Ataka and Yamashita), Supercomputer Jan.-Mar., 52 Some notes on the finite element Sark6zi, L.: see Nemeth, T., Nandori, analysis of tires (Gall, Tabad- F., Sark6zi, L., and Szabo, T. dor, Robbins, Majors, Shep- Sauerzapf, J.: see Doan, V. Q., herd, and Johnson) Jul.—Sep., Brackin, D., Nishihata, S., and 175 Sauerzapf, J. Szabo, T.: see Nemeth, T., Nandori, Schroder, C. and Chung, S.: Influ- F., Sark6zi, L., and Szabo, T. ence of tire characteristic prop- erties on the vehicle lateral tran- T sient response, Apr.—Jun., 72 Self-aligning torque Influence of tire characteristic Tabaddor, F.: see Gall, R., Tabad- properties on the vehicle lateral dor, F., Robbins, D., Majors, P., transient response (Schrodder Shepherd, W., and Johnson, S. and Chung), Apr.-Jun., 72 Thompson, J. K.: Plane wave reso- Shearing stress of sand nance in the tire air cavity as a Analysis of tire performance on vehicle interior noise source, sand (Ataka and Yamashita), Jan.—Mar., 2 Jan.-Mar., 52 Tire Shepherd, W.: see Gall, R., Tabad- Measurement and visualization of dor, F., Robbins, D., Majors, P., the contact pressure distribu- Shepherd, W., and Johnson, S. tion of rubber disks and tires Shiobara, H.: see Kagami, S., Aka- (Sakai), Oct.-—Dec., 238 saka, T., Shiobara, H., and Ha- Tire hysteresis loss segawa, A. Total energy loss comparison by Shiobara, H., Akasaka, T., Kagami, the whole tire hysteresis and the S., and Tsutsumi, S.: One-di- rolling resistance methods (Pil- mensional contact pressure dis- lai), Oct.—Dec., 256 tribution of radial tires in mo- Tire noise tion, Apr.—Jun., 116 Tire contribution in the context of 288 TIRE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY automobile noise reduction (Ri- Vv mondi), Jul.—Sep., 189 Trapezoidal contact patch Vehicle dynamics Analysis of the contact deforma- Influence of tire characteristic tion of a radial tire with camber properties on the vehicle lateral angle (Kagami, Akasaka, Shio- transient response (Schroder bara, and Hasegawa), Jan.- and Chung), Apr.-Jun., 72 Mar., 26 Vehicle handling Tread pattern Influence of tire characteristic Investigation into the influence of properties on the vehicle lateral tire construction on coast-by transient response (Schroder noise (Doan, Brackin, Nishi- and Chung), Apr.-Jun., 72 hata, and Sauerzapf), Mar.- Vehicle interior noise Jun., 96 Plane wave resonance in the tire air Tread stiffness cavity as a vehicle interior noise Investigation into the influence of source (Thompson), Jan.—Mar., 2 tire construction on coast-by Veith, A. G.: Tire treadwearT—h e joint influence of compound noise (Doan, Brackin, Nishi- hata, and Sauerzapf), Mar.- properties and environmental Jun., 96 factors, Oct.—Dec., 212 Tread vibration Vibration transfer properties Investigation into the influence of Investigation into the influence of tire construction on coast-by tire construction on coast-by noise (Doan, Brackin, Nishi- noise (Doan, Brackin, Nishi- hata, and Sauerzapf), Mar.- hata, and Sauerzapf), Mar.- Jun., 96 Jun., 96 Treadwear Ww Tire treadwear—The joint in- fluence of compound proper- Weight load ties and environmental factors One-dimensional contact pressure (Veith), Oct.-—Dec., 212 distribution of radial tires in Treadwear mechanism motion (Shiobara, Akasaka, Tire treadwear—The joint in- Kagami, and Tsutsumi), Apr.- fluence of compound proper- Jun., 116 ties and environmental factors (Veith), Oct.-Dec., 212 Y Tsutsumi, S.: see Shiobara, H., Aka- saka, T., Kagami, S., and Tsut- Yamashita, F.: see Ataka, H. and sumi, S. Yamashita, F.

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