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Tire Science and Technology Index to Volume 22 1994 Blended rubber Months Pages The effect of the environment on Jan.—Mar. 1-74 Apr.-Jun. 75-146 the friction and wear of blended Jul.—Sep. 147-204 rubber (Uchiyama), Jan.—Mar., Oct.-Nov. 205-278 2 Braisted, W. R.: see Brockman, A R. A. and Braisted, W. R. Brockman, R. A. and Braisted, ABS W. R..: Critical speed estimation Modeling tire performance during for aircraft tires, Apr.—Jun., 121 antilock braking (Padovan and Padovan), Jul.—Sep., 182 _ Aircraft tires Modeling tire performance during Chang, L. Y.: see Rhyne, T. B., Gall, antilock braking (Padovan and R., and Chang, L. Y. Padovan), Jul.—Sep., 182 Chang, T. Y. P.: see Kim, Y., Saleeb, Testing and evaluation of aircraft A. F. and Chang, T. Y. P. tire coupons (Singh, Pai, Sadler, Clark, S. K.: see Mousseau, C. W. and Avva), Jan.—Mar., 42 and Clark, S. K. Anisotropic shell theory Contact area Static frictional contact of the Tire tread temperatures in actual space shuttle nose-gear tire contact areas (Fujikawa, Funa- (Tanner, Martinson, and Rob- zaki, and Yamazaki), Jan.- inson), Oct.—Dec., 242 Mar., 19 Arthur, R. H.: see Luchini, J. R.., Contact pressure Peters, J. M., and Arthur, R. H. FEM simulation of the tire/rim Avva, V. S.: see Singh, M., Pai, seating process (Pelle), Apr.- D. M., Sadler, R. L., and Avva, Jun., 76 V.S. Critical speed Critical speed estimation for air- craft tires (Brockman and Braisted), Apr.—Jun., 121 Beam model An analytical and experimental D study of a tire rolling over a stepped obstacle at low velocity Directional incremental hysteresis (Mousseau and Clark), Jul.- Tire rolling loss computation with Sep., 162 the finite element method (Lu- 273 274 TIRE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY chini, Peters, and Arthur), Oct.— Modeling tire performance during Dec., 206 antilock braking (Padovan and Durability model Padovan), Jul.-Sep., 182 An analytical and experimental Tire rolling loss computation with study of a tire rolling over a the finite element method (Lu- stepped obstacle at low velocity chini, Peters, and Arthur), Oct.— (Mousseau and Clark), Jul.- Dec., 206 Sep., 162 Flex fatigue conditioning Testing and evaluation of aircraft E tire coupons (Singh, Pai, Sadler, and Avva), Jan.—Mar., 42 Energy Force transmissibility Effect of tire rolling loss on vehicle Force transmissibility of heavy fuel consumption (Schuring), truck tires (Tielking), Jan.- Jul.—Sep., 148 Mar., 60 Environment Friction The effect of the environment on The effect of the environment on the friction and wear of blended the friction and wear of blended rubber (Uchiyama), Jan.—Mar., rubber (Uchiyama), Jan.—Mar., 2 2 FEM simulation of the tire/rim F seating process (Pelle), Apr.- Finite element analysis Jun., 76 An analytical and experimental Frictional contact study of a tire rolling over a Static frictional contact of the stepped obstacle at low velocity space shuttle nose-gear tire (Mousseau and Clark), Jul.- (Tanner, Martinson, and Ro- Sep., 162 binson), Oct.—Dec., 242 Critical speed estimation for air- Fuel economy craft tires (Brockman and Effect of tire rolling loss on vehicle Braisted), Apr.—Jun., 121 fuel consumption (Schuring), FEM simulation of the tire/rim Jul.-Sep., 148 seating process (Pelle), Apr.- Fujikawa, T., Funazaki, A., and Ya- Jun., 76 mazaki, S.: Tire tread tempera- Implementation of material stiff- tures in actual contact areas, ness coefficients in finite ele- Jan.—Mar., 19 ment applications to rubber Funazaki, A.: see Fujikawa, T., Fun- (Kim, Saleeb, and Chang), azaki, A., and Yamazaki, S. Oct.—Dec., 223 Influence of rim run-out on the G nonuniformity of tire-wheel as- semblies (Rhyne, Gall, and Gall, R.: see Rhyne, T. B., Gall, R., Chang), Apr.—Jun., 99 and Chang, L. Y. VOLUME 22 INDEX 275 Gap element semblies (Rhyne, Gall, and FEM simulation of the tire/rim Chang), Apr.—Jun., 99 seating process (Pelle), Apr.- Material hysteresis Jun., 76 Tire rolling loss computation with the finite element method (Lu- H chini, Peters, and Arthur), Oct.- Dec., 206 Hub forces Material properties An analytical and experimental Implementation of material stiff- study of a tire rolling over a ness coefficients in finite ele- stepped obstacle at low velocity ment applications to rubber (Kim, Saleeb, and Chang), (Mousseau and Clark), Jul.- Sep., 162 Oct.-Dec., 223 Membrane Influence of rim run-out on the K nonuniformity of tire-wheel as- semblies (Rhyne, Gall, and Kim, Y., Saleeb, A. F. and Chang, Chang), Apr.—Jun., 99 T. Y. P.: Implementation of ma- Mousseau, C. W. and Clark, S. K.: terial stiffness coefficients in fi- An analytical and experimental nite element applications to study of a tire rolling over a rubber, Oct.—Dec., 223 stepped obstacle at low velocity, Jul.-Sep., 162 L Multiple contact surface FEM simulation of the tire/rim Load intensity seating process (Pelle), Apr.- Static frictional contact of the Jun., 76 space shuttle nose-gear tire O (Tanner, Martinson, and Ro- binson), Oct.—Dec., 242 Ogden model Luchini, J. R., Peters, J. M., and Implementation of material stiff- Arthur, R. H.: Tire rolling loss ness coefficients in finite ele- computation with the finite ele- ment applications to rubber ment method, Oct.—Dec., 206 (Kim, Saleeb, and Chang), Oct.-Dec., 223 M P Martinson, V. J.: see Tanner, J. A., Martinson, V. J., and Robin- Padovan, J. and Padovan P.: Model- son, M. P. ing tire performance during an- Match mounting tilock braking, Jul.—Sep., 182 Influence of rim run-out on the Padovan, P.: see Padovan, J. and Pa- nonuniformity of tire-wheel as- dovan P. 276 TIRE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Pai, D. M.: see Singh, M., Pai, D. M., Rolling tire Sadler, R. L., and Avva, V. S. An analytical and experimental Peel strength study of a tire rolling over a Testing and evaluation of aircraft stepped obstacle at low velocity tire coupons (Singh, Pai, Sadler, (Mousseau and Clark), Jul.- and Avva), Jan.—Mar., 42 Sep., 162 Pelle, R. G.: FEM simulation oft he Rubber blends tire/rim seating process, Apr.- The effect of the environment on Jun., 76 the friction and wear of blended Peters, J. M.: see Luchini, J. R., rubber (Uchiyama), Jan.—Mar., Peters, J. M., and Arthur, R. H. 2 R S Radial force Sadler, R. L.: see Singh, M., Pai, Influence of rim run-out on the D. M., Sadler, R. L., and Avva, nonuniformity oft ire-wheel as- V.S. semblies (Rhyne, Gall, and Saleeb, A. F.: see Kim, Y., Saleeb, Chang), Apr.—Jun., 99 A. F. and Chang, T. Y. P. Rhyne, T. B., Gall, R., and Chang, Schuring, D. J.: Effect of tire rolling L. Y.: Influence of rim run-out loss on vehicle fuel consump- on the nonuniformity of tire- tion, Jul.-Sep., 148 wheel assemblies, Apr.—Jun., 99 Shear deformation Rivlin model Static frictional contact of the Implementation of material stiff- space shuttle nose-gear tire ness coefficients in finite ele- (Tanner, Martinson, and Ro- ment applications to rubber binson), Oct.—Dec., 242 (Kim, Saleeb, and Chang), Singh, M., Pai, D. M., Sadler, R. L., Oct.—Dec., 223 and Avva, V. S.: Testing and Robinson, M. P.: see Tanner, J. A., evaluation of aircraft tire cou- Martinson, V. J., and Robin- pons, Jan.—Mar., 42 son, M. P. Standing waves Rolling loss Critical speed estimation for air- Tire rolling loss computation with craft tires (Brockman and the finite element method (Lu- Braisted), Apr.—Jun., 121 chini, Peters, and Arthur), Oct.- Stiffness coefficients Dec., 206 Implementation of material stiff- Rolling resistance ness coefficients in finite ele- Effect oft ire rolling loss on vehicle ment applications to rubber fuel consumption (Schuring), (Kim, Saleeb, and Chang), Jul.—Sep., 148 Oct.-Dec., 223 VOLUME 22 INDEX 277 T zaki, and Yamazaki), Jan.- Mar., 19 Tire dynamics Tanner, J. A., Martinson, V. J., and Force transmissibility of heavy Robinson, M. P.: Static fric- truck tires (Tielking), Jan.- tional contact of the space shut- Mar., 60 tle nose-gear tire, Oct.—Dec., Tire footprint 242 Force transmissibility of heavy Temperature truck tires (Tielking), Jan.- Tire tread temperatures in actual Mar., 60 contact areas (Fujikawa, Funa- Static frictional contact of the zaki, and Yamazaki), Jan.- space shuttle nose-gear tire Mar., 19 (Tanner, Martinson, and Ro- Thermal aging binson), Oct.—Dec., 242 Testing and evaluation of aircraft Tire model tire coupons (Singh, Pai, Sadler, Force transmissibility of heavy and Avva), Jan.—Mar., 42 truck tires (Tielking), Jan.- Thermal conduction Mar., 60 Tire tread temperatures in actual Tire rim interface contact areas (Fujikawa, Funa- FEM simulation of the tire/rim zaki, and Yamazaki), Jan.- seating process (Pelle), Apr.- Mar., 19 Jun., 76 Tielking, J. T.: Force transmissibility Tread of heavy truck tires, Jan.—Mar., Tire tread temperatures in actual 60 contact areas (Fujikawa, Funa- Tire zaki, and Yamazaki), Jan.- Critical speed estimation for air- Mar., 19 craft tires (Brockman and Treadwear Braisted), Apr.—Jun., 121 Modeling tire performance during Effect of tire rolling loss on vehicle antilock braking (Padovan and fuel consumption (Schuring), Padovan), Jul.—Sep., 182 Jul.—Sep., 148 Truck tire Static frictional contact of the Force transmissibility of heavy space shuttle nose-gear tire truck tire (Tielking), Jan.—Mar., (Tanner, Martinson, and Ro- 60 binson), Oct.—Dec., 242 U Tire rolling loss computation with the finite element method (Lu- Uniformity chini, Peters, and Arthur), Oct.- Influence of rim run-out on the Dec., 206 nonuniformity of tire-wheel as- Tire tread temperatures in actual semblies (Rhyne, Gall, and contact areas (Fujikawa, Funa- Chang), Apr.—Jun., 99 278 TIRE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Wheel Influence of rim run-out on the Vacuum nonuniformity of tire-wheel as- The effect of the environment on semblies (Rhyne, Gall, and the friction and wear of blended Chang), Apr.—Jun., 99 rubber (Uchiyama), Jan.—Mar., 2 Y Yamazaki, S.: see Fujikawa, T., Funazaki, A., and Yamazaki, S. Young’s modulus Wear Implementation of material stiff- The effect of the environment on ness coefficients in finite ele- the friction and wear of blended ment applications to rubber rubber (Uchiyama), Jan.—Mar., (Kim, Saleeb, and Chang), 2 Oct.-—Dec., 223

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