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Tips & Tricks - 2005 Video Game Codebook PDF

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by  L.F.P.Inc.
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Preview Tips & Tricks - 2005 Video Game Codebook

{ra D D - [l* .[Jl ffiW )(- =f= x€lox m6$uI=t ti ==--=-r U-It-r\. I ,r ,lutl ms&mHB CO]I I \ TS 2006 utrIHt-otffi \ CODEBOOK Publisher SIAIT WAR,S TTPS PAGE 4 LARRY FLYNT Chief Financial Officer JIM CHAMBERLAIN Gorporate Vice-Pr.esident PLAYSTATIOT 2 TIPS PAGE 14 DONNA HAHNER Vice-President, Administration LIZ FLYNT XBO)( TIITS PAGE 48 Editor in Chief CHRIS BIENIEK ANATOLE BROWN .€'*+" GA}IECUBE TIPS PAGE72 Ar$ Direetor LISA BEATTIE TrPs CHARLOTTE CHEN @ GAI'TE BoY ADUATcE PAGE 9rr Associate Editorg GEOFF ARNOLD JOSH ENGEL Gontributing Editor It "ni,"tit(I\r, lO{) 1j,r(ir,,,, ,*,l ll l]rl,li tlti.)il,.,urlri.,,,il .tiit,,, PATRICK REYNOLDS rill .ltltrNl,' t ,' rr1[I ltll 'L,1,11iil iIi 'rrti lr]"lX, *,t rr rit,ll,l r ,iltrtr il, t't ll"l'l ltll ,'I. I lrrI1 . l,rl l.,(iii ,r'tlt [ltrrrt ,,,t-"lf{ l,i,t ,ltt,r(t t"*r,' rrll'll' lrli,t/ } .,|. t\t,i,\u.\1/ltt."rrLi S uG)Pr*-wf.f. Lrol HliItlc/tt4DcrI,h raxi ( frarF,ri$:iIr,.r !NL,Y"' It tll;'ur AGMNAoDnRtYKri bEJuODtDHoYrNtsSON it tr | r lr lil, rr rlll it ,tn t I r)t ' .-ll[ ,.",.1]1. ,rin t[1r* rrtrylt tlft, Gopy Ghief [,] .t t ',', rt t lr{i. ltt L1 ri il{ { r}rjr", llltll{ r'l[(.rl ( Jtll r]{r.11 1', ,,.9 PHILIP SANGUINET jfl* i,, lr, ,1r,.1, r ],'i1 lLntl ,L.I{ t"r rIrrriltr',\{,rrrtl.l,rr,it[',, 1,rt't [lLt,1l[t1t1.- ,r[,t;t1lllltr,' ,1(,.i1rrp..,l,[1r-,t, ,r1' r ll ,!rt-tJ ANNeDtwRoErAk LSAyNsDteRmUsM Director ':itlr" [tl,rl ,r,r]f ,. {. ittl,,lit"f ", lt r[ irt,il,,t,r []lt-,,)t, l[,t il', Network Systems Administrator I li ,, ,.1i1, lt, t],;'l'iJr,ltrr.J ,, I 1 1,1 rf ]t'tt.li ttr ,,]l lri"t,', LISA JONES IttJ,lt','t lirl ,r1 , [j rl -,'l l I , l, 'J 1 ,,prr" 1 t, ] r",l Production Manager fl,,,ill r,' r I I t ' r 1,1 l, ,,lt l*, Ll.r{i,t ltrt"lLi.1,t1rt"', rflJlLr BRIAN STURZENACKER lL,i,iri I 1,' ', iti l; trllt 1 i ,t i,'t- i' , il rlliil rl National Advertising Director BRIAN DUNN rl',1,.1 ;1.1r,, r i ,"ll I r_rrlr- \ rrl (323) 951 -7905 trl,,itl', rl t1,)ri \1,tt Ll," 1", 111,, Irr'tJtilll r]rJ (FAADXV: E(3R2T3IS) I6N5G1- 0I6N5O1UIRIES ONLY; tir ii ,[,, trl [lrt llr li l , [,' ,\ NOT A TIP HOTLINE} ,, i ,1 l i, . ,,,1. tl rl lL,,lr it , , ,rr'1t I Itl lxl-tlti Jltr]li Adver.cising Production Director .,l,lL'. t,:,t-Tirl rr,.l,'.. lr .1 ,r11 ll,, llr,):'( , l)ll! i (,tnlrl(:1r- .,lt,tlr,(1,,/ t;rrrtlt,r, \trC.rk l)t(-Vl(,irr., ,il GINA J. LEE ttJrtotrrir(l q!rtrr" .rrLil i,r,rr il,i, ',1r,-, r.rl1y ,,,iLrtr,rr. (,r .:rl;jt.i lr irl,.t,r:rrlrrr,, (J.llllt(1, nt()llll(l rj,rrl|(l,ir,le{liJiilr(,,r,llr ,llrry.rrrt.l ilr,,/iil.rll.,t)(d.,t, )crir,: (ltr.rkt1 rtrtt,V()rtll (1r(Jrl Advorcieing Production Coordinator WENDY CAMACHO l\trrl Ll yttLt ir ,ri('.,(l! .1 ,rrl)',r iti)et, rvrt llt,rrtI yoLt llt yurtt >u[)ir(),1 Yotit l,']trvt,rrrlr(,r .,,rltt ..' I irL,(rtr il. ..11\,, ,()r)L FOR SUBSCRIPTION I NFORMATION, CALL 1-800-621-8977 (SU BSCRIPTION INOU IRIES ONLY; NOT A TIP HOTLINE} $ Audit Sureau of Circulafions Mcmbcr @ Game rentals provldcd by EA]YIIFLY. SIAIEMEMI OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, AND CIRCULATIOI+-1. Publictlon TitL. f6 & TRBr 2. Publi(.tion No.: 1OgOfllX 3. Filing Drtc: Saptcmbat 30, 2005; 4. l$uc Frlqu.ncy: Monthly, exccpt twlc. ln May .nd Octob.r; 5. Number of l$u6 Publlrhed Annually: i4; G. An- www.gamefly.com nual Subfslptim Prlcr: t24.95; 7. Complctc Mllllng Addr.$ of Knom OfflcG of Publi@tlon: 8lt4 Wilthi.c 8lvd., Suite 9OO, Ewcrly Hlllt CA 902'11; Cohtld Petron; ,o Goudlodq Talcphonc: (310) 37t-3992; 8. Complat. Malllng Addr6 ol Hradquartcc or GGnoral Busln6 Otfic ol Publlrher a{84 Wllrhlrc Blvd., suit. 900, Baerly Hillt, CA 90211; 9. Full Nam6 .nd ComplGta Malllng Addrss of Publirhcr, Edhor.nd Man- sglng Edltor: Publl5hcr: L.rry Flynt 8484 Wilshirc 8lvd., Suhc 9OO, EGrrly Hillt CA 9021 l; Editor: Chrir Eienlek. Lf.P, lnc., E4&4 wilrhir. 8lvd., Vice-President, Salee & Marketing Suite 900, 8cvcrly Hllb, CA 902ll; Managing Editon Non6; 10. Owner: l.F.P., |nc., 8484 Mlihire Blvd., suit. 90O, B.vcrly Hllls, CA 90211; fl. JEFF HAWKINS Knmn londholdcn Mortgagce.' rnd Othlr Sfiurity Holde6 Owning or Holding I Perccnt or Mor. of Total Ahount of Bonds, Mortgrgq or Othcr SKurhi6: None; 12. Tar Statu: iVA '13. Publiotlon Title: lE & larcKs; 14. lssuc Date for Clrculation Data Sclow: October 2m5; 15. Vice-President, Human Resour.ces E32x6ta,an5t 2a; n8d. iPla.itdu rran dofo Cr iRrccuqlltuiocn.t: dA Cvci(ruagl.ati ol{nu:m (bl)a rP C.ldolpRiecqr uEaanchc dls sOurr rDttludr.i-nCgo uPnrttrya dMinrgll 1S2u bM6cornipthtiosn: rA " STto ttcadl Nqunm Fboemr o 3f 5C41o p| 5i62 ,7(N8G0;t P(2)r 6P rlRdu nln)-: LYN HELLER COME.o i.sFqllHn:r tbcy(u1 t)Dsl oOuinnbu:r{ itsbs7iul1pd,tt7rllo<oEnno0 s;u O n(4Stu)yt trO itda.tdth. etottrh nOt. Gf oMdam o!slnl ; 3MF504oa; 1imFl:e. d0T3; o 5l(h.t3aar1)lo :5 uf7.rg15eh60 ; TtD(h2hic)rr tolrUnuiSb{gPouhStu :i oDnOotc;y :.C l ,€t.s5r T 0 oS;at atGnrltd .c P TdCa oid.tona nali .nFEDdo,i/r omtSrr it b R3eu5.rq4ttlu1 oVrcn rcO:t nc; ldd2(3 ot)r 3CtOrli 0rdCol;e ol.ruHt imC.o CncIra:o $ps1il2 6c4M r5.Na 6ola0lctn; dd DD TiO.s hFttrhrirobceuur gtDNahdoi n:nt rh-i2Ub!0s u1Upt,Sli1io P5nSp2: a ; biOdyt.; TAL.HSFES.P U.P,M RINOECSD. U NDCOOTSE U SAO NBROI UCTTI .YEA NIMFDOSOR RO SAFEN S YAE RNOVDFICE Tot l: 126,452; J. 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Publi@tion of !r.t+ mnt ot Owntrhlp: Wll ba prlnt d ln iht Codcb@k tt4 l$uc of thlr publlotlon. Star Wars: The ire Strikes Back (NEs) Cheat Codes press and hold SELECT, B, A in quick succession and continue to The following codes will only work in levels hold each button until all five buttons are held down simultane- where the "Choose Force Power" menu ously. lf you're not quick or precise enough, the game will unpause appears when you pause the game. During and you'll have to try again. lf the Force Power menu is still on the any of these levels, press the START button screen after you've pressed and held all five buttons, you may and continue to hold it down when the Force release the buttons and enter either of the following codes: Power menu appears. While continuing to Unlock all Force Powers, refill health and Force meter- hold START, press and hold Right on the D- B, B, START, A, B, START, B, B, START pad. While continuing to hold START + Right, Skip to the next stage-B, B, START, A, B, START, B, B, SELECT r Star tJl/ars (super NEs) Sound Iest Start with five continues-X, B, B, A, Y During any side-scrolling stage, hold Start with seven continues-A, B, Y, X, B, B, X, X, Y A, + B + X + Y and press START to Start with lightsaber-Y, Y, X, X, A, B, X, A enter the sound test screen. Press Enable stage skip-A, Y, A, Y, X, B, X, B, X, B (with this code in START again to go back to the place, press START on Controller 2 at any time during the game to game. Return to the sound test by skip the current stage) executing the same trick. You'll notice that the words under Character select screen appears before each side-scrolling stage- "Sound Test" have changed; if you repeat this trick several times, Y, X, X, X, A, A, A, B, B, B, Y, Y you will reveal some of the cheat codes listed below. Debug mode-A, A, A, A, X, B, B, B, B, Y, X, X, X, X, A, Y, Y, Y, Y, B The latter code activates all of the other cheats at once (except for Cheat Codes the "view credits" and "extra continues" codes) and also gives you When the words "Start Game" and "Option Menu" appear after access to the following special functions: the title screen, quickly enter any of the following codes. Listen . During any side-scrolling stage, press L + R on Controller 2 to call for the sound of a Jawa to confirm each code. lmportant note: up the "Game Debug Menu," which lets you choose any stage, These codes may only work the first time the main menu appears change characters or weapons or even boost your life counter. after you turn the game on, and you only get one chance to enter (The "Health" option doesn't mean much, since your health meter each code before the main menu fades out and the demo begins. will always be refilled when you exit the debug menu.) lf you don't hear the confirmation sound, you must turn the . During any side-scrolling stage, grab Controller 2, hold A + B + X power off, remove the cartridge and start over. Also, some codes' + Y and press SELECT. Release the buttons and your character's X effects may not appear if the main menu fades out and the demo and Y coordinates will be displayed on the screen. You'll also be begins before you are able to select "Start Game." nearly invincible, with the ability to walk through walls and even View the credits-A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B drop through f loors (by pressing Down and B simultaneously.) s er $tar Wars: The Em ire Strikes Back NES) Sound Test Cheat Codes During any side-scrolling stage, hold When the words "Start Game, " "Option Menu" and "Password" Down+A+B+X+Yandpress appear after the title screen, quickly enter any of the following START to enter the sound test codes. Listen for Darth Vader's voice to confirm each code. screen. Press START again to go back lmportant note: These codes may only work the first time the to the game, then return to the main menu appears after you turn the game on, and you only sound test by executing the same trick. You'll notice that the get one chance to enter each code before the demo starts. lf you words under "Sound Test" have changed; if you repeat this trick don't hear the confirmation sound, you must turn the power off, several times, you will reveal some of the cheat codes listed below. remove the cartridge and start over. Also, some codes' effects Star Wars: The Strikes Back continued may not appear if the main menu fades out and the High scores The latter code activates all of the other cheats at once (except for screen appears before you are able to select "Start Game." the first five codes listed above) and also gives you access to the View the credits-A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B following special functions: View the High Scores screen-A, A, B, B o Stage Skip-Press START on Controller 2 to skip the current Warp to Darth Vader boss battle-A, X, B, A, Y, X, B, A, A, X, B, B, stage. Y,X . Debug Menu-During any side-scrolling stage. press L + R on Start with seven continues-X, Y, A, B, X, X Controller 2 to call up the "Game Debug Menu," which lets you Start with 99 lives-X, Y, B, B, B, X, A, Y, Y, B, A, X, Y choose any stage, change weapons or even boost your life count- Luke starts the game with all of the Force Powers-X, B, B, Y, X, A, er. (The "Health" option doesn't mean much, since your health A,X meter will always be refilled when you exit the debug menu.) lnfinite Thermal Detonators-A, X, B, X, X, A, Y r lnvincibility/Map Mode-During any side-scrolling stage, grab Manipulate the intro-Y, Y, Y, Y (during the introduction Controller 2, hold A + B + X + Y and press SELECT. Release the but- sequence, you can use the D-pad and L and R buttons on both con- tons and your character's X and Y coordinates will be displayed on trollers to rotate the Star Warc logo; rotate, tilt and scroll the intro- the screen. You'll also be nearly invincible, wlth the ability to walk ductory text; or even move the Star Destroyer around the screen) through walls and even drop through floors (by pressing Down Debug mode-A, B, Y, X, A, B, Y, X, A, B, A, B, Y, X, )C Y, A, B, Y, X and B simultaneously.) Star Wars: Rebel Assault cD) Cheat Mode Easy Difliculty Mdtum Dtfflanlty H.td Di{flailty As the LucasArts logo is Passwotds Paswrds PasEuuprds spinning onto the screen at B O 5 5 K-Stage 2 BOTHAN-Stage2 BORDOK-Stage2 the beginning of the game, ENGRET-Stage3 HERGLIC-Stage3 SKYNX-stage3 press Up + A, Down + A, Up RALRRA-Stage4 LEENA-Stage4 DEFEL-Stage4 * A, Up + A, Left * A, Right FRIJA-Stage5 THRAWN-Stage5 JEDGAR-Stage5 + A. Repeat the code until LAFRA-Stage6 LWYLL-StageS MADINE-StageG you hear a bell ring and a DERLIN-StageT M A ZZI C-Stage 7 TARKIN-StageT chorus of voices droning, MOLTOK-Stage8 JULPA-StageS MOTHMA-StageS "LucasArtst" With this MORAG-Stage9 MORRT-Stage9 GLAYYD-Stageg cheat code in place, you can skip to the next T A N T I 5 $-Stage 10 MUFTAK-Stage10 OTTEGA-Stage10 stage at any time during the game by pressing C. OSWAFL-Stagell RASKAR-Stage11 R lF H ll-Stage 11 Also, the option menu that appears when you K L A A T U-Stage 12 J H O F F-Stage 12 I Z R I N A-Stage 12 pause the game will have two new options, I R E N E Z-Stage 13 I T H O R-stage 13 K A R R D E-Stage 13 "Restore Health" and "Remove Health." LIANNA-Stage14 UMWAK-Stage14 VONZEL-Stage14 Highlight "Restore Health" and press A to refill PAKKA-Stage15 O R L O K-Stage 15 O S S U S-Stage 15 your energy meter at any time. NORVAL-Ending NKLLON-Ending MALAN|-Ending Star tlYars Arcade (Genesis Clbeet Codr Enter any of the following codes while the game is paused. Note: You cant activate these code unless you're using a six-button Genesis controller, because the game has no pause feature when it's played with a thrce-button con- troller. Suspend timer---Down, B, B, Up, Rlght tcft Reset timer-Lcft Down, A C, Down, Up Sound test-Up, Right teft, A, Down, C Star Wars: Return of the edi (super NEs) Sound Test Manipulate the intro (as explained under Super Star Wan: The During any side-scrolling stage, hold Empire Strikes Back)-Y, Y, Y, Y Down + A + X + Y and press START lnfinite Thermal Detonators-B, X, B, X, B, X, B, B, B, Y to enter the sound test screen. Press Debug mode-A, A, B, B, X, X, Y, Y, A, B, X, Y, A, B, X, Y START again to go back to the The latter code gives you access to all of the following special game, then return to the sound test functions: by executing the same trick. You'll notice that the words under . Character Select-A character-select menu with all five charac- "Sound Test" have changed; if you repeat this trick several times, ters will appear before each side-scrolling stage. Highlight Leia you will reveal some of the cheat codes listed below. and press Right to choose one of her alternate costumes. o lnfinite Thermal Detonators. Cheat Codes o The "Manipulate the intro" trick works as described above. When the words "Start Game," "Option Menu" and "Password" o Stage Skip-Hold B and press START to skip the current stage. appear after the title screen, quickly enter any of the following . Debug Menu-During any side*crolling stage, prers L + R on codes, Listen for Salacious Crumb's voice to confirm each code. Controller 2 to call up the "Game Debug Menu,n' which lets you lmportant note: These codes may only work the first time the choose any stage, change characteru or weapons or erren boost your main menu appears after you turn the game on, and you only get life counter. (The "Heahh" option doesn't mean much, since your one chance to enter each code before the demo starts. lf you health meter will always be refilled when you exit the debug menu.) don't hear the confirmation sound, you must turn the power off, . lnvincibility/Map Mode-During any side*crolling stage, grab remove the cartridge and start over. Also, some codes' effects may Controller 2, hold A + B + X + Y and press SELECI. Release the but- not appear if the main menu fades out and the demo begins tons and your character's X and Y coordinates will be displayed on before you are able to select "Start Game." the screen. You'll also be nearly invincible, with the ability to walk Start with seven continues-A, B, A, Y, A, X through walls and even drop through floors (by pressing Down See the ending credits.-A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B and B simultaneously.) Super Star tllails: Star Ylfars: Return of the Jedi Rebel Assault ll (Game Boy) Passwords Passwords SNKMTD-DanceHall Choose "Enter Passcode" at the RWVJ B C-Sail Barge Options menu and input one of the TFGBMN-Endor following passcodes to gain access to HJMKPL-EwokVillage all of the game's stages, including the ending sequence: Q G T H G D-Power Generator Easy Difficulty Level"'-X O X O X A PSVZKL-DeathStar Medium Difficulty Level-x x A o x A SFPYSW-Tower Hard Difficulty Level-A il f tr X A C G G Y Q M-Death Star Attack K F G Z X Q-Death Star Escape Cheat [Uenu Stage Sefect At any time during gameplay-not while paused- Enter X7 P ! 4 5 Q X 3 9 at the Enter Passcode screen carefully press Left, o, x, Right o, X Down, o, x. A to access a stage select menu. When you begin the cheat menu will appear that allows you to rnax out game, you'll also have all the weapons. your health or weapons, become invincible, see the full map and more. Star tYars: Shadows of the (Nintendo 54) Clrcat ltlode Contrul Enamy Characterc & Vehicles When prompted to enter your name, Enter your name as "_Wampa_ _Stompa" or use the "Rename" enter "_Wampa_ _Stompa" or use option to change your name to this, with the exact specifications as the "Rename" option to change your described above under "Cheat Mode." Now start the game and name to this. Note that theret a press START to pause; when the pause menu appears, choose space before "Wampa" and two "Options" and set the controls to "Traditional." Now you can take spaces before "Stompa," and that the "W" and "S" are the only let- control of other characters in the game as follows: ters that are capitalized. Now start the game and enter any stage. o ln the 'Battle of Hoth" stage, play until the AT-STs appea[ then During the game, press START to pause; when the pause menu hold CO and press Up, then press CO repeatedly until you see an appears, hold L + R +Z+ C(D + C0 + CO + C0 + Left on the D-pad. over-the-shoulder view of an AIST. Press Left or Right on the D-pad While continuing to hold those buttons down, point the analog joy- to steer it or hold Up to fire its primary weapon. You can still con- stick slightly to the left-not all the way to the left-and hold it trol your snowspeeder with the analog joystick while you're in AT-57 there until you hear a sound. After you hear the sound, point the mode (if you can see it!) Once the code is in place, press CO to tog- analog joystick slightly to the right-not all the way to the right- gle between the snowspeeder and the AIST. and hold it there until you hear another sound. Repeat the process o ln the 'Escape from Echo Base" stage, hold CO and press Left on with the analog stick to the left again, then again to the right and the D-pad; you'll be controlling one of the Wampa creatures that once more to the lef$ you should hear a sound to confirm at each are being held in cages on this level. (Noter This code won't work at step, and at the end of the procedure, a cheat menu will appear at the "Easy" difficulty level because the first Wampa cage will be the top of the screen. (Now you can release all of the buttons!) Use empty.) You can still control Dash with the analog stick while play- L and R to scroll through the different cheat codes and press A, B or ing as the Wampa, Use the D-pad to control the Wampa; hold START to activate the one you wish to use as follows: Down to attack. Once the code is in place, press CO to switch r Get all stuff (weapons, items) between Dash and the Wampa. r lnvincibility . Also in the "Escape from Echo Base" stage, hold CO and press o 50 lives Right on the D-pad; you'll be controlling an lmperial Snowtrooper. r Sleepy villains (press Up on the analog joystick to change the mes- You can still control Dash with the analog stick while playinE as the sage to "Villains are sleepy," now all of your enemies are frozen in Snowtrooper. Use the D-pad to control the Snowtrooper; hold place and won't attack you. Press Down to deactivate.) Down to fire. Once the code is in place, press CO to switch between . Kill Dash Dash and the Snowtrooper. . Teleport (to another location in the current stage) r ln the "Gall Spaceport" stage, hold CO and press Left on the D- . (Skip to ) Next level pad to control a Wampa or Right on the D-pad to control an o (Restart) This Level lmperial Stormtrooper; these both work as described under "Escape o (Return to) Previous Level From Echo Base" above. . Wall Ghost (Press Up on the analog joystick to turn this option o ln the "lmperial Freighter Suprosa'stage, hold CO and press Right "on;" now you can walk into walls and go right through locked on the D-pad to control a Stormtrooper as described above. doors. Press Down to deactivate.) o ln the "sewers of lmperial City" and "Xizor's Palace" stages, hold You'll notice the new item at the pause menu called "Game CO and press Right on the D-pad to control one of Prince Xizor's Secrets;" check this out to find some additional cheats that you can armored guards. use in certain stages; one of them gives you a fully three-dimension- al mapping system. Finally, with this cheat code in place, if you See the Ending choose "Quit" from the pause menu and return to the stage-select Enter your name as "_Credits" (the first character is a space) or use tte menu, you'll find that all of the game's stages have been unlocked. "Rename" option to change your name to this. When you choose a level and start the game, you'll go directly to the game's ending and PW as X-Wing or TIE Fighhr credit sequence. Note: When entering the name, be sure that the 'C" is Play through the Skyhook Bafile stage until you reach the Skyhook the only letter that's capitalized. After the credits begin to repea!, press station. Once you're given control of the Outrider, change the cam- S'IARI to return to the thle screen; when it appears, point the analog era angle until you have a view of the Outrider from behind. Nefi, joystick in the UpRight position to see a photo of the gamet creators. press START to pause, then hold Left + L + R + Z + CO + CO + C0; with all of those buttons held down, press Up and Down on the joy- Wanrya tlloises stick to change your ship to an X-Wing or lmperial TIE Fighter. Enteryour name as "R-Testers-ROCK' or use the "Rehame" option to change your name to this. Now you can hear Wampa sounds whenever you access any menu option. Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi Arena Scfect r To access Darth vader, play as Luke Skywalker and beat the game Play as Chewbacca and beat the game in "Arcade" mode at the "standard" difficulty setting or higher. in "Arcade" mode at the "Standard" o To access a Stormtroopeq play as Han Solo and beat the game in difficulty setting or higher. Once you've "Arcade" mode at the "Standard" difficulty setting or higher. done this, you'll see a menu that allows r To access Princess Leia in her "Jabba's Slave" costume, play as you to choose which stage you'd like to Princess Leia and beat the game in "Arcade" mode at the "Jedi" fight in whenever you play in "Practice' difficulty setting. and "Arcade" modes. o To access Jodo Kast, play the game in "survival' mode and defeat seven or more characters. Secret Charactarc . To access Mara Jade, set the gamet difficulty to 'Jedi' and hold To gain additional characters at the fighter select screen, you must Ll + Lll + RI while entering 'Team" mode (you should see a mes- perform the following tasks with the "Player Change at Continue" sage that says "Battle for Mara Jade") and defeat all of your option set to "No" at the Options menu: opponents in this mode. Star Wars: uadron (Nintendo 64) Secrpt Passodes RADAR-Alternateradar Choose "Passcodes" from the T I E D U P-With the 'FARMBOY' code in place, highlight the Options menu and enter any of the Millennium Falcon at the "select Your Craft" screen and press Up following codes to unlock different to access the TIE lnterceptor features: A C E-Higher difficulty Unlqk flaboo Sfalrf@hter B L A M E U S-Group shot of developers Choose 'Passcodes" from the Options menu. Enter the code C H I C K E N-Access bonus level 'H A L I F A X ?' and select 'Enter Code," then enter the code C R E D I T 5-5ee the garne's credits '!YN GWIE !' and select'Enter Code" again. You won't get any D E A D D A c K-Unlocks all stages at the select Level screen confirmation that the codes have been accepted, but the next D I R E C T O R-Enables "Showroom" menu at the Options screen time you're at the 'Select Your Craft" screen you'll see that the F A R M B O Y-Unlock Millenniurn Falcon at the "Select Your Naboo Fighter from Star Wars Episode l: The Phantom Menace has Craft" screen been permanently added to the list of available ships. I G I V E U P-lnfinite lives K O E L 5 C H-{hanges the V-Wing into an automobile See Dovelopts'Heads M A E S T R O-Enables the "Concert Hall" option at the Choose "Passcodes" from the Options menu. Enter 'HARDROCK', "Showroom" menu 'BERGLOWE" or'WUTZI" and select "Enter Code.' lf you start a T O U G H G U Y-Finish levels with 0:00 completion time, all game and then return to the title screen, you'll see that Luke's friendly saves and bonuses collected head will be replaced by one of the developer's headst Star Wars l: The Phantom Menace Debug to,nu At the main menu, move the cursor to "Options' and press A, O. l.rft tl, R;1, D, O, LG{t you,ll hear a rpe- cial sound effect if the code was entered correctly. To access the Debug Menu, hold Lt + 5ELECT and prcss A. Star Wars isode I Racer (Nintendo 64) Cheat Menu following commands at any time during a race: Choose "Tournament" from the o Hold Up on the D-pad to fast-forward main menu. When the "select . Hold Down on the D-pad to reverse at high speed Player' screen appears, choose any o Press Right on the D-pad to self-destruct "empty" slot. When the "Please o Hold Left on the D-pad to make your vehicle invisible Enter Your lnitials" screen appears, o Hold Z + L.eft on the D-pad to see an x-ray view of the current enter the passcode 'RRTANGENTABACUS" by holding the Z but- screen (this also works at the menu screens after and between ton and pressing L to select each letter. Note that this procedure races) is not the same as choosing letters with the A button; if you hold Z and select letters with L, your code will appear in much smaller Special ContrcI Scheme letters in the lower left corner of the screen. Also, you must com- using the procedure described above under "cheat Menu", enter plete the code by continuing to hold Z as you highlight "END' the passcode "R R D U A L" at the "Please Enter Your lnitials" and press L; the letters "OK' will appear in the corner of the screen and remember to choose 'END' with the Z and L buttons screen if you've entered a code properly. with this code in place, to get the "OK" signal. This code changes the game to allow you release Z and enter your initials. Next, start a race and press to use the analog joysticks on two controllers to drive your pod START to pause. At the pause menu, press Left Down, Right Up racer. Pressing Up on the joystick propels you forward, press Down on the D-pad; a new option called "Game Cheats" will appear. At to steer. The controller ports are assigned as follows: the "Game Cheats" menu, use the joystick and D-pad to highlight Player 1, left pod: Controller 1 the different options and change their parameters. You can make Player l, right pod: Controller 3 yourself invincible or "mirror" the track at this screen or even Player 2, left pod: Controller 2 adjust the parameters that the game uses to determine when a Player 2, right pod: Controller 4 collision will destroy your vehicle. Highlight 'Edit vehicle Stats" Note that the controls may not work properly if you plug the and press A to access another menu that allows you to tweak the extra controller(s) in after the game has already been turned on. performance of every vehicle in the current race. Also, if you set For best results, make sure you have all of the necessary con- the'Debug Level" option to anything but 0, you can also use the trollers connected to the N54 before you turn the machine on. Star Wars: Yoda Stories (Game Boy color) lnfinite Health Stage Sefect At the title screen, press B, A, Left, Right, A. You At the title screen, press Up, Up, B, Down, A. You won't hear any signal to confirm the code, but when won't hear any signal to confirm the code, but when you start the game, your health meter will always you choose "New Game" at the main menu, a stage- rernain filled. select menu will appear. Star Wars Episode l: Star Wars: ledi Power Battles Jedi Power Battles (Game Boy Advance) Secret Codes Passwords At any time during gameplay, press Choose "Enter Passcode" at the Options the START button to pause, then menu and input one of the following enter any of the following codes: passcodes to gain access to all of the Radar Ma5Up, Down, Up, L, R, L game's stages, including the ending sequence: Warp to Last Checkpoint-L, R, L, L, R, R, L, R, R, L Easy Difficulty Level-x O ,v'. O ;,. rlL Jedi Power Battle Mode (players can damage each other in two- Medium Difficulty Level->q .'1 "\ o ;( A player mode)-Hold R + X + Y + B and press A Hard Difficulty Level-a tr -ll E >,. rn Star Wars l: Battle for Naboo (Nintendo G4) Passcodes D R J E K Y L L-Terrain near the horizon waves up and down Each of the following codes can be R U A G I R L ?-Turns your vehicle pink entered at the Passcode menu that's K O O L 5 T U F-Unlocks an "Art Gallery" option at the accessible from the Options screen: Showroom menu L E C & F I V E-Unlock all levels W A K E U P-Unlock a "Concert Hall" option at the Showroom D R O I D E K A-Advanced shields menu P A T H E T I C-Unlimited lives M E M E M E !-Viewcredits O V E R L O A D-All power-ups L O V E H U T T-Shows a photo of the game's developers N A 5 T Y M D E-Makes the game more difficult T A L K T O M E-Enables an "audio commentary" soundtrack; E W E R D E A D*Expert mode (one hit destroys your vehicle) you'll hear the developers talking about the game while you play Star tffars Star Wars: Demolition Episode l: Dreamcast) ciUi want Secret Passcodes At the main menu, select "Options," then select Adventures "Preferences." Next, press Rl + Ll (or L + R on the (Game Boy Color) Dreamcast) and a passcode entry interface will appear. Now you can enter any of the following Passwords passwords. For the first code, you won't receive any BQVQK-Level 2 BXGTG-Level 5 special confirmation after entering it, but at the WNLRM-Level 3 QSRVJ-Level 7 Choose Contestant screen that appears before you SDGNK-Level 4 TKGJZ-Level 8 start a game, all four of the previously locked char- CNLML-Level 5 LPZ C P-Level 9 acters will become available, plus Darth Maul, Boushh and Lobot. WATTO_S H O P-U n lock cha racters SAD_MOVIES-Watch some movies Star VYars: MOVIE SHOW-Watch more movies 2) Star Wars: Secret Codes N O H U D-Remove HUD during t At the main gameplay Starfi hter sPecial menu, select D I R E C T O R-Director camera Edition "Options," mode then select J A R J A R-Reverse the flying con- Secret Codes "Code Setup." trols Enter any of the following codes at Next, enter any of the following J A M E Z-View "My day at work" the "Code Setup" screen from with- codes. Remember; in order to make slideshow in the Options menu. A special mes- use of the "Experimental N-1" code, W O Z-View "Merry Christmas" sage will appear after entering a you must first enter the "Unlock all video correct code. regular missions" code. SIMON-Viewstaffimage D I R E C T O R-Director mode O V E R 5 E E R-Unlock all regular T E A M-View more staff images H E R O E S-View heroes gallery missions L T D J G D-View secret message P L A N E T S-View planets gallery A N D R E W-Unlock two-player H E R O E S-View artwork slideshow S H I P S-View ships gallery missions 5 H I P S-Mew another art slideshow S I M O N-View secret image B L U E N S F-Unlock Experimental P L A N E T S-View yet another art JARJAR-JarJarmode N-l craft slideshow E U R O P A-Unlock everything MINIME-lnvincibility CREDITS-Viewcredits N O H U D-No on-screen interface elements during gameplay Star Wars: Bombad Raci Cheat Codes 5uper spinning Mode (racers flip over continuously)-up, Left, Enter any of the following codes at the main Down, Right, Left, Up, Down menu (the one that says "# of Players" and slip'N Slide Mode (racers slide around and are harder to con- "Game Type"). A message will appear to con- trol)-Left, Right, [, :, Ll, Ul firm each code. Some of the codes require All Death Star Mode (all racers receive Darth Vader's special attack you to press the . . button at the message with every Frontal Gadget)-nt, Rl, Rl, Rl, Up, Left screen to activate the code; others will take super Honk Mode (levitate nearby opponents by honking)-{, cr, effect immediately. To disable a code, just ,.r, :__ , 12, SELECT enter it again. Note: lf you can't get one of Space Freighter arena unlocked-Ll, Rl, SELECT, ,i-r the codestowork, press START and enter the code again. Play Boba Fett-i Language Select Race in a Trade Federation A'AT-_' , , 'l , Enter any of the following codes at the main menu screen to All characters are kaadus-L1, RI, L2, R2 change the in-game text to any of six different languages. The All characters are shaaks-Up, Right, Down, Left, SELECT "Jawa" and "Battle Droid" codes will also change all of the char- BInafcinkiwtea rBdo Fosatc iMngo Mdoed-lel,- JR22,, L1Z1,, LRZ2,, L-Z,, -S__E,L SEECLTECT caocdteer st'ovo riceegsis. teAr,s juwsitth p rtehses cShTeAaRt Tc oadneds trayb oitv ea,g aifi ny.ou can't get a Grrl Power (Queen Amidala gets powered ,p)-Down, sELEcr, German-SELECf, SELECT, SELECT, Ll Up, SELECT, Left, Right, SELECT Italian-SELECT, SELECI, SELECT, Ul Super speedy Mode (all players become tiny and very fast)-11, Ll, Spanish-SELECT, SELECT, SELECf, Rl Ll, Ll , R2, - French-SELECT, SELECT, SELECT, R2 sDuopwenr ,A Dreonwan M, Loedfet, (Rbiagthtlte, Loenf tRace tracks in Arena mode)-up, up, JBaawttale-S DErLoEidC-ST,E LSEECLETC, TS, SEELELECCT,T ,S rE.---LECT, Up English-SELECT, SELECT, SELECT, ar Tony Hawkt Pro Skater 3 (PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube) Play as Darth frlaul choose "options" from the main menu, then select "cheats,, and enter the following code to unlock all of the game's secret characters, including Darth Maul from star wars Episode l: The phantom Menace: Y O H O M I E 5 (PlayStation 2 version) T E A M F R E A K (Xbox version) F R E A K 5 H OW (GameCube version) Star Wars: uadron Leader (Gamecube) Secret Codes Choose "Options" from the main menu, then PZ?A P B S Y-l R O N 5 H I P-Unlock Slave l select "Passcodes" and enter any of the follow- vv ? G x R Y P-c N o o Q ! z R-J F E TTS H p-untock Jango ing codes. lf a code has several parts, you must Fett's Slave 1 enter the second (or third) passcode immedi- N Y M ! U U O K-B L K H L M T !-UnlockTtE Advanced ately after the previous one or else it won't A J H H ! ? J Y-B U S T O U R-Unlock tmperial Shuttle work. Note that the special vehicle codes may I ZUV I E L !-! B E N Z I N !-Unlock Car not allow you to choose those vehicles in every u ! ? ! vw z c-Gl v E I T u P-Enable the "Ace Mode" option at mission; after entering one of these codes, the Special Features menu check the "Available Craft" to see if that vehicle is allowed in a par- B L A H B L A H-Enable the "Audio commentary" option at the ticular mission. Special Features menu J PV I ? I J C-R S B F N R L-tnfinite lives E x H I B I T !-Enable the "Art Gallery" option at the special | ? ? Q WTT J-C L A S S I C-Unlock all levels Features menu A,Y ZB ! R C L-W R K F O R I T-All tech upgrades c o M P o s E R-Enable the "Music Hall" option at the special P Y S T ? O O O-D U C K S H O T-Bonus level,,Death Star Features menu Escape" (highlight "Death star Attack" at the select Mission ? I N s I D E R-Enable the "Documentary" option at the special screen and press Up to access) Features menu T(hVig LhYlig Bh tB " Bxa Ltt-leN oof wHoAth "R a !t !t h!-eB soenleucst lMevisesli o"nT hsecrAesetne raonidd pFrieeslds,, Tm eHn Au T s M E !-Enable the "credits" option at the special Features Up to access) L I O N H E A D-Black & White mode A,ZT B O H I l-O U T C A S T !-Bonus level',Triumph of the Empire" (highlight "strike at the core" at the select Mission screen and press Up to access) o G G R w P D G-E E K E E K !-Bonus level "Revenge on yavin" Star Wars: Obi-Wan (enter the "Triumph of the Empire" code first, then highlight (Xbox) "strike at the core" at the select Mission screen and press up, Right to access) Unlock All Missions ? W C Y B R T C-? ? M B C ? ? ?-Bonus level,,Endurance,, (enter At the title screen, select "New Game" the "Triumph of the Empire" code first, then highlight "strike at and enter your name as "GREYTHERAT., the core" at the select Mission screen and press up, Right Right You'll begin playing at the bonus Battle to access) Royale mission. To access any other mis- C D YX F ! ? Q-A S E P O N E !-Unlock Naboo Fighter sion in the game, press START to pause, M v P Q I u ? A-o H ! B u D D Y-unlock Millennium Falcon then press X to go to the Select Mission ZT ? ! R G B A-D I 5 P 5 B L E-Unlock TtE Fighter screen. Star YYars: Jedi Starfighter Star Wars: Jedi 2') (Xbox) Secret Codes Cheat Codes At the main menu, select "Options," then select Select "Code" from the Options menu "Code" and enter any of the following codes: and enter any of the following codes: P N Y R C A D E-Unlock everything ARTOO-lnvinciblemode QH EU AE DN TH IU N N-l nTv-iPnicloibtl eth em oZd-9e5 Headhunter ship aL nOd Nb oGn uOs- fUenatluorceks all story missions in Story Missions DARON-Directormode NOHUD-TurnoffHUD D I R E C T O R-Director mode CH OU NN TV EIS RT-uAn-loTcukr nZo-9f5f HHeUaDdhunter ship J A R J A R-Reverse flying controls M A G G I E-Display secret message Star YYars: Racer (Pl 2l Secret Cheats codes at the main menu. A special message and sound First, set any kind of record so that the name entry effect will confirm each entry. screen appears after your session is over. lt's easiest to All tracks unlocked-Hold L1 + L2 + Rl + R2 and quickly just play the Time Trial mode on the first track until you press Right Left, Right, Left, o, Z, {-), Z beat a lap time of 00:59.51. At the name entry screen, All art galleries unlocked-Hold Ll + LII + Rl + R2 and enter "NO TIME" as your name. After entering it cor- quickly press Right, E, Left, C', Down, X, Up, : rectly, the words "Cheats Enabled!" will briefly appear Hard mode-Hold Ll + L2 + RI + R2 and press ,'- on the screen. Now you can enter any of the following Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube) Play as tango Fett Choose "Options" from the main menu, then select "Cheat Codes" and enter the code "watch-me-xplode" to unlock all of the game's secret characters, including Jango Fett from Star Wars Episode ll: Attack of the C/ones. Star tll/ars edi Kn ll Outcast (GameCube, Xbox) Seclqt Codes At the main menu, select "Extras," then select 5 C O O T E R-lnfinite Force meter "Cheats" and enter any of the following P E E P S-Unlock all multiplayer characters codes. You'll hear a shout each time you C H E R R Y-Unlock all levels up to Yavin enter a code correctly. Temple B I S C U I T-lnfinite ammunition D E M O-Unlock Mission at Alzoc lll level BUBBLE-lnvincibility D I N G O-Unlock all levels FUDGE-All weapons F L I C K Y-Unlock all Movie Viewer items Star tYars: The New Droid (Game Advance) Cheat Codes Enter any of the following codes at the password F R C-Unlock all force powers menu. An "invalid password" message will appear, 8 ! T-Start with 200 health and Force power but the cheats will still take effect. S K Y-Play as Luke Skywalker 2 D +-Enable stage select (press L or R at the main B T W-Diagonal control scheme menu to choose a stage) L N G-Unlock "Language" option at Options menu Star lCYars: Hunter 2, Secret Codes SEEHOWTHEYRUN-Chapter 1 cleared Select "Options" from the main menu, then BIGCITYNIGHTS-Mission 4 cleared select "Code Setup" and enter any of the fol- IEATN ERFM EAT-Mission 5 cleared lowing codes. A special message will appear VOTE4TRELL-Mission 6 cleared upon entry of a valid code. CITYPLAN ET-Chapter 2 cleared BEAST PIT-Mission 1 cleared LOCKUP-Mission 7 cleared GIMMEMYJ ETPACK-Mission 2 cleared WHAT A RIOT-Mission 8 cleared CONVEYORAMA*Mission 3 cleared SHAFTED-Mission 9 cleared continued

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