• bgyrou ngp lyaers MATTHEW sA EVERYMANC HESS GloucePsutbelri psihceww rws. everymanchess.com Firpsutb lisihne1 d9 99b yG loucesPtuebrl ishpeircNs,o rthbuHroguhs e1,0 NorthbuSrtgrhe Leotn,d oEnC, 1V OAT Copyrig©h 1t9 9M9a ttheSwa dler Reprmte2d0 01,2002,2003,2006 Ther igohftM attheSwa dlteorb ei dentiafsit ehdea uthoofrt hiwso rkh asb een asseritnea dc cordawnicteth h eC opyrights, aDnedsP iagtnesnA tcst1 988. Alrli ghrtess ervNeod p.ar to ft hipsu blicamtaiyob ner eproduscteodr,ie nda re trieval osrytr satnesmm ititne da fnoyr mor b ya nym eanse,l ectroenliecc,t rostatic, magnettiacp peh,o tocopyriencgo,r doirno gt herwiwsiet,h opurti operr msisioonf thpe ublisher. BritLiisbhr aCrayt aloguing-inD-aPutbal ication A catalorgeuceo frodtr h ibso oki sa vialabfrloem t hBeri tisLhi brary. ISBN1 0:18 5744 283 1 ISBN1 3:9 781 8 574243 11 Distribiunt eNdo Armtehr icbayT heG lobPee quoPtr esPs.,O B ox4 80, 246G oosLea neG,u ilfoCrTd 0,6 437-0480. Alol ther sales enqubiedr iireesc ttsoehG dol uoludc esPtuebrH shpeircsN, o rthburgh House1,0N ortbhu rgSht reLeotn,d oECn1, V OAT tel0:2 07 2537 887f ax0:2 07 4903 708 emaiiln:f [email protected] websiwtwew: .everymanchess.com Everymiasnt her egistterraedmdea rko fR andomH ousIen ca.n di su seidn t his worku ndelri cenfsreo mR andomH ousIen c. ToM aaike EVERYMANC HESSS ERIES CommissionEidnigt or: Byron Jacobs General EJdoihtnEo mrm:s Typesaentde ditbeydF irRsatn kP ublishBirnigg,h ton. ProductbiyoN na vigaGtuoird es. CoveDre sigbny H oracMioon teverde. Printaenddb ounidn t heU Kb yC romwePlrle sTsr owbriWdiglet shire Contents • 1.T heO peninGge:n erParli nciples 5 • 2.T heM iddlegaGmeen:e rParli nciple1s9 • 3.M iddlegame Tactics 38 • 4.E ndgamPer inciples 50 • 5.B uildainnO gp eniRnegp ertoire 64 • 6L.e tG'os! 75 • 7.T heM iddlegaAmtet:a ckPilnagy 95 • 8.T heM iddlegaPmoes:i tiPolnaayl 105 • 9E.n dgamPel ay 124 • 10T.r ainingT haonudg hftostr h eF utur1e3 6 • 11.S olutitoonE sx ercises 150' ChaptOenre TheO pening: GenePrrailn ciples • Controoftl h eC entre • KinSga fety • RapiDde velopment • TheI nitiative Tipfso Yro ungP layers Everywohneot riteols e arn ambooruceth efseesl fsor mt ime tot imaesi fth ehya ve bteherno iwnna tt hdee eepn d with no idehao w stwoi omr w herteog oT!h eraer weh ole baobookust singolpee niwnhgiscc ho ntraeian masn dr eamosfa nalysis. Youc atnr y mteom oritshei s mabtuettro iooaf lt,te hne ques tioanr iseso 'ne Wahrytd hiW dh it(eo r Blatchka)tw ?id'ton h o explanaitnsi iognh t! Int hrea cteoe xplwahianit sh appenoinns,ga ym,o v1e 4, stropnlga yoefrtsfe orng etth aatts omset atghee hya dt os et ouftor mt hse ampeo iansta nyb eginnsetarr:t fiornmsg c ratch, buildfiornmgn othiHnogwd. i tdh epsleya ermsa kper ogress, andh owd itdh issh ape the aonpdve anriinagtsti hoatntos p playpelrasty o day? Althouthgaehn alyosfti hsle e adpilnyage risso fteexnt remely dee,tp hecihro iacresest iblals eodnf ourg eneprariln cipolfe s thoep eniBnegf.ow reeg et dtooaw nny o ft hper actisckailol fl s buildainon pge nirnegp ertwoeir reea,ln leyet dou nderstand eacohft hfeol lowsiinmgp cloen ceipntt usr n: 1.C ontorroo lc cupaotfti hocene ntre 2.K insga efty 3.R apidde voeplment 4.T hei nitiative ControorlO ccupatoifto hnCe e tnre Whye xacitslt yhc ee ntorfte h beo arsdov itaclh eisns ? 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 a b c d e f g h Diagr1a m Thed ark-squbairesdh oipss tronger 6 TheO peinngG:e nerParli nciples Thea nswiesrs impmlaet hema(tsiedceis a gr1a)m: Q.H owm anys quardeose s dt4h-eb isahtotpa ck? A.T hirt(eweedn o ni'ntc ltuhdseeq uatrheai tt stoann)d s Q.H owm anys quardeoset sh eh ib-ishcoopn trol? A.O nlsye veanl ,ol te stsh atnh dea rk-sqbuiasrheodp ! Righstol, e tt'rsty h e stahmiewn igt h ktnhieg hts! 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 a b c d e h f g a b c d e h f g Digaram2 Digarma 3 Centralisken ittgh!he The whkintieg ihstm o rea ctive Q.H owm anys quardeoset sh ew hitken gihtc ontrionl diagr2a?m A.A poweurlef ight. Q.H owm anys quardeoset sh eb lackkn ihgtc ontrol? A.M eretlwyo . Thet renidsc leaPri!e caetst amcokr seq uafroremst hcee ntorfe thbeo artdh afnro mt hsei doeft hbeo arTdh.em orseq uarae s pieactet actkhsme,o rien flueinthc aeos nt hbeo aradn,dt he greaittemsro bilFiotrey x.a mpilned ,ia gram 3 kWnhiigthet' s canm ovteo t he kinogrts hiqedu ee ensoirad dev,a nfcuret her int hcee ntArletl.h aBtl ackkn'isg chatnd oi st oh obbalreo und ont hkei ngside. TIPP:i eces havea cmtoirveni etayr etrh ec entrHea.v inagc tivpei ecewsi lgli vyeo ut hei tniative. Butw hys houyloduw antto o ccutphyce e ntwrietp haw ns? Weltla,k ael ooaktt hiesx amp(lseed ei agr4a):m 7 Tipfso Yro unPgl ayers 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 a h c d e f gh a h c d e f g h Diagram 4 Diagr5a m Whithea ss trocnegn atlriskendi tgsh Thek nihgtsh aveb eend rivbeanc k Whitken'isg ahrtpeso wfeulrlpyl acientd h ceen traer ent'hte y? SureBllya cqku'ese tnh,me o spto wrefupli eocnet hbeo ard, casn hiftth emU?rn ,w elnloa ctuaBlllaycc!ka ant tabcokt h knigwhittslh .. .dQ5b,u tth eirsne ot hreBaott.kh n ighatrse protebcytp eadw nIsfB. l actka keeist hoeftr h ken ighWthsi,t e will awq iune efnor kan igShotw .h acta nt wol itptalwen dso whereq uae ehna sfai eldQ?u itael oatc tuaalswl eys ,h aslele : l...Blea5ca!kt tatchkkesn igohndt 4 I.th as mtoov eo,ri tw ill bec aptuIrtie sd .a ng ooto dde afloW rh itteol osaek nigfhort ap awn2. Nbd35 N!o wB lacakt tatchkoest hkenri gIhtat l.s o hasto m oveo,ri tw ilblet kaen3.N g3( sedei agr5a)m. Looakt t hpeo sitTihoen .k nighntosw b heaedvnre i vfreonm thepiorw refucle ntproaslt s!w aTsoh nilpsyo s sibbleec auosfe three latliovrwea lnyk ionfg the Bpeacwanustsh.ee a yr teh e leavsatl uaubnlioetn t he boarda,r eepx atwrnesmu eslueylfi n prevenytoiuonrpg p onfeornmtt aking cooftn hter ocle ntre witphi ecWehse!nt hqeu eeant tactkheed knibgych otnst,r ast, itof feredt hnroe aatat l l. Thigsi vuessa g enerrual:lpe awns cleawra ytf hoert hpei eces. Thinokfp awnassh ard-wobruklilndgo pzuesrhsia,ns gio dbe stacslote hsa tth feas tc ar-st hpei ec-ehasv eac leraora d aheaEdv.ne tualyloyuw, a nttop alcyeo upri ecients h cee ntre. Howevfierrs,yt o um usotc cutphyce e ntwriety ho upra wnisn ordteors totph oep ponfeornmte satblisahf ioontgh otlhde re. 8 ThOep enGienngeP:rr aiplnl ceis TIPU:s ey ourpa wnsa sa mechanitsomc leatrh ew ayf or yourp ieces. 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 a b c d e f g a hb c d e hf g Diagram 6 Diagram 7 Thes tartipnogs ition Blachka sb rokeunp t hew hitcee ntre Imagitnhea yto ua rWeh itaen d yoopupro nseanyttos y ou, 'I givyeo ut wofe rem oveastt hset arWhta!t' w oulydo up lay? Thatr'isg h1dt 4,a nd2 e 4( o1re 4a nd2d 4)o,c cupytihneg centwrietp ha wnTsh.e riesa s nag thtohuingseh v:eh ra ppens; thoep ponent haalsawm aoyvsae s w elTlh!i issa lways the probliencm h esisit s n evpeors sitbol ea cahliyleo vuaeri ms - rigfhortm t hset aFrotre. x ampalfet,1e e r4 B lacokf tpeln ays l..e 5I.fy o ut hen2 d g4oB laccka pnl a2y e xd(4s ediea gram . ... 7)a n.d.y o.u dhoanv'tetw op awnst hien ceYnotudr ied!nd 'ot anythwirnogn ognt hfier st mIotvj'euss.tt hnea tuorfce h ess thayto uc an'te vgeetrthy iynoguw antT.he w hoglaem oef chesasn,dt hoep eniinnpg a rti,ci usll iakbrea rtewriitnyhgo ur opponYeonuts .a 'ywI a ntth iHse.s 'a ys S'oNy oo.us' a y',I wantth ibsu,It w ilgli vyeo u tohtihsle irt tthliein yfgo ug iviet tom e.Y'o uorp pontehnitn 'kWse lIwl a,n t .t.hOka.at y I,'g lilv e himw hahte w ant.Ts'h eb ettcehre sspliasty heoern ew ho jugdebse swth aitti si mportaanndwt h acta nbe d isregarded. TIPI:nt heo penitnrygt oe stbalisah stropnagw n friontn hte centre. 9