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Tin in antiquity : its mining and trade throughout the ancient world with particular reference to Cornwall PDF

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TIN IN ANTIQUITY For My Parents TIN IN ANTIQUITY its mining and trade throughout the ancient world with particular reference to Cornwall R. D. Penhallurick @) MANEY FOR THE INSTITUTE OF MATERIALS, MINERALS AND MINING Book 325 published by The Institute of Metals 1Carlton House Terrace London SWIY 5DB, UK © 1986R. D. Penhallurick This paperback edition first published in 2008 by Maney Publishing Suite lC, Joseph's Well Hanover Walk LeedsLS3 lAB, UK ISBN 978 1906540 197 All rights reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the written consent of the copyright holder. Requests for such permission should be addressed to Maney Publishing, [email protected]. uk Statements in this book reflect those of the authors and not those of the Institute or publisher. Typeset by Fakenham Photosetting Ltd Fakenham, Norfolk Printed and bound in the UK by The Charlesworth Group, Wakefield Contents Early bronze age necklace from ExIoo, Holland frontispiece List ofillustrations vi List ofMaps ix Foreword by R. F. Tylecote x Preface xi Acknowledgmen ts xii Note on dating xiii Introduction I Part 1:Africa and Asia I Tin inAfrica 7 2 1'in in the Near East 15 3 Tin from 'Meluhha' 21 4 Tin in northern Russia and Siberia 33 5 Tin inChina 37 6 Tin insouth-west China and Vietnam 43 7 Tin in Korea and the Soviet Maritime Territory 45 8 Tin inJapan 47 9 Tin in south-east Asia 51 Part 2:Europe (excluding south-west England) 10 Early copper mining in Europe 57 11 The advent ofbronze in Europe 61 12 Tin in the Erzgebirge 71 13 Tin in the Mediterranean islands and Italy 79 14 Tin in France 85 15 Tin in Iberia 95 16 Tin inshipwrecks 105 17 Tin in Wales, Man, Cumbria and Scotland 110 18 Tin and gold in Ireland: bonanza or borrasca? III Part 3:South-west England (Cornwall, Devon and the Isles ofScilly) 19 Tin inDevonshire lIS 20 Tin in the Isles ofScilly 119 21 The Phoenician myth 123 22 The Mycenaeans and the tin trade 132 23 Massalia, Pytheas, Ictis and Belerion 139 24 Tin inCornwall 148 25 Prehistoric finds from Cornish tin streams ·'173 26 Cornish tin ingots 225 27 Tin production in 'Dark Age' Cornwall 237 Appendix: Stjohn the Almsgiver 245 Bibliography 246 Indexes 261 v List of Illustrations Introduction Cassiterite specimens, stream-tin 2 Part 1 2 Pilgrim bottle oflow-lead pewter from Abydos, Egypt 8 3 Oval bezel from aring oftin from Gurob, Egypt 9 4 Syrians carrying ingots ofcopper and tin, from the tomb ofAmen-em-opet 10 5 Alluvial tin mining in northern Nigeria in the early 20th century II 6 Porters carrying ingots ofcopper and 'Asiatic copper', from the tomb of Rekh-mi-Re 16 7 Two late bronze age tin ingots, from Dor near Haifa, Israel 17 8 Figurine ofa tin-bronze dancing girl, from Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan 23 9 Mining tooJs ofstone; plan and section ofancient, open-cast tin workings on lodes in eastern Uzbekistan 27 10 Elamite amulet ofblack stone, from Soch, USSR 31 11 Iron age saddle arches decorated with tin foil, from Pazyryk, Siberia 37 12 Shang dynasty tin ingots from Hsiao-t'un, China 40 13 Shaft timberwork and awindlass, after Agricola 41 14 Remains and reconstruction ofawindlass from T'ung-lii-shan copper mine, China 42 15 Wooden 'batea' from T'ung-lii-shan copper mine, and similar items after Agricola 42 16 Quern forgrinding ore 48 17 Method ofsmelting and casting tin 48 18 Simplified sections illustrating the variety ofalluvial tin deposits in Malaysia 52 19 Traditional Chinese method oftin streaming in Malaysia using hand-labour 53 20 Winning tin ore from the bed ofadried-out streambed in Malaysia S4 21 Section through an alluvial tin deposit with traditional Chinese method ofhand- working two tin-bearing stratas 54 Part 2 22 Early bronze age birchwood bowl from Guldhej, Denmark 65 23. Underside ofbirchwood bowl 65 24 Early bronze age segmented bead ofmetallic tin, and other finds, from Sutton Veny, Wiltshire 67 25 Reconstruction ofthe.Hallstatt tin-decorated plate from Cortaillod, Switzerland 68 26 Fragment ofthe graphite-coated earthenware plate from Cortaillod 69 27 Vessels with tin foildecoration from Corcelettes and Hauterive, Switzerland 69 28 Hallstatt, tin-decorated pot from Sublaines, France 69 29 Ingot oftin from Estavayer, Switzerland 69 30 Diagrams of'stockwerks' and tin-bearing strata at various locations in the Erzgebirge 73 31 Fire-setting, after Agricola 73 32 'Attack ofrocks by fire' in the Rammelsberg copper mines 74 33 Late mediaeval tin streaming area west ofBozi Dar, Czechoslovakia 76 34 Tin streaming, after Agricola 77 35 'Working by the excavation ofa mass', Campiglia, Italy 81 36 Etruscan miner's lamp, and Etruscan coins found in mines in Tuscany, Italy 82 List ofIllustrations vii 37 Polished stone axe-head and a bronze palstave found in the tin streamworks at La Villeder, Brittany 89 38 Miner's tools ofwood and iron from the Gallo-Roman tin workings at Abbaretz- Nozay, Brittany 90 39 General view ofthe newly opened alIuvial tin workings at St Renan, Brittany, in October 1960 91 40 Idealized sections showing the simple methods ofworking tin deposits in Orense, Spain, late 19th century 98 41 Washing ore with bowls in tubs ofwater in the Erzgebirge 99 42 Ingots found underwater south ofHaifa, Israel, in 1982 106 43 Selection oftin ingots from the mid-1st century AD wreck at Port Vendres, France 107 44 Tin ingots recovered from awreck near Capo Bellavista, Sardinia 108 Part 3 45 Alluvial tin deposits at Huntingdon Cross, Devon 117 46 Tinners' trial trench at the north end ofTresco, Isles ofScilly 120 47 Romano-British tin ingot from Par beach, Isles ofScilly 122 48 'Phoenicians bartering with Britons', from the painting by Leighton 124 49 Mediaeval tin figurine ofaking, from Bodwen, Lanlivery 126 50 Bronze bull from St] ust-in-Penwith 129 51 Tin-decorated kylix from Ialyssos, Rhodes 133 52 Bronze helmets from Knossos, Crete, and Beitzsch, East Germany 134- 53 Mycenaean swords from Denmark, France, Mycenae, and Crete 135 54 Finds from 'Wessex culture' graves 136 55 Tin content offaience beads from different areas 136 56 Pelynt dagger, and a Mycenaean example 137 57 Cypriot 'hook-tang weapons' from Torrington and Sidmouth 138 58 Greco-Roman lead anchor stock from Porth Felen, north Wales 141 59 'Horse carrying blocks oftin across Gaul' 143 60 Early 19th century views of'St Michael's Mount at high and low tides 144 61 Outcropping tin lode at Nanjulian Cliff, 8tJ ust-in-Penwith 150 62 Early bronze age flat axe ofcopper from Penolva, Paul 151 63 Middle oronze age palstave found at Godolphin Mine, Breage 152 64 Working gold alluvials in California in the mid-19th century 153 65 Tin streamer at Porthtowan beach c.1902recovering tin which escaped the dressing floor ofmines further inland 154 66 Digging out the 'tin ground' on Red Moor, Lanlivery, c.1910 155 67 Submerged forest in Mount's Bay exposed in 1883 157 68 Tin streaming at Kenton Marsh, Bodmin Moor, c.1907 159 69 Aconceptual diagram indicating the relative times ofdestruction ofthe major types ofprimary tin deposits in Cornwall and the locations and order of developmen tofthe tin placers 161 70 Nugget ofgold from the Carnon valley tin stream, and agold necklace from the tin stream at Ladock 162 71 Early bronze age gold lunulae and bronze flat axe found at Harlyn Bay in 1863 164- 72 Section ofthe tin streamworks at Porth (Par) 167 73,74 Antler picks from Carnon Valley tin stream 169 75 Mediaeval crazing mill and tin-crushing stones found at Vorvas farm, Lelant, in1907 171 76 Middle bronze age rapier found in 1796in the Benallack Tin Streamworks, St Blazey 175 77 Part ofamap ofRoselyon in 1794showing the Middle Way Tin Stream 176 78 'Fowey' pin, middle bronze age 177 79 X-radiograph oraslag fragment containing metallic tin 178 80 Rare specimen ofstream tin from the Pentewan Valley 17Q 81 Front and back view oftin ingot found inStAustell Moor 180 82 Top and side views ofa 'jet slider' 180 83 Happy Union Tin Streamworks, Pentewan Valley 180 viii List ofIllustrations 84- Cross-section ofthe Happy Union Streamworks, 1854- 181 85 Middle bronze age socketed chisel 182 86 Middle bronze age spearhead 182 87 Pentewan tankard, probably 1stcentury AD 183 88 Trewhiddle hoard oflate Saxon metalwork 183 89 Reconstructed silver chalice from the Trewhiddle hoard 184 90 Wheal Virgin tin streamworks, Pentewan valley 185 91 Middle bronze age rapier blade 186 92 Two views offibula from Tregilgas; finger ring; penannular brooch 186 93 Pewter bowl from Hallivick 188 94- Selection oftin vessels and mask oftin found at Bath, 1878 189-91 95 Trenowth collar, probably 1st century AD 192 96 View down the Carnon valley c. 1908 193 97 Tinners' tools ofuncertain date 193 98 Early bronze age flat axe 193 99 Skeleton and skull found in the Carnon valley tin streamworks in 1823 194 100 Bead-rim bowls ofnearly pure tin 195 101 Middle bronze age pin from a tin streamworks in StColumb 196 102 Middle bronze age palstave 196 103 Bronze La Tene brooch 197 104- Middle bronze age spearheads 198 105 Bronze cauldrons ofHallstatt type 199 106 Bronze penannular brooch, c.6th century AD 200 107 Roman tin bowl with cover, and Roman disc-brooch 201-2 108 Unproved bronzes 202 109 Middle bronze age palstave and part ofbronze saw 203 110 Bronze age rapier 204- 111 'Carnanton' tin ingot 204- 112 Close-up ofCarnan ton tin ingot 206 113 Pebbles ofstream tin from excavations at CamEuny in Sancreed, and Trevisker in StEva) 207 114 Section ofthe tin streamworks at Bolventor, Bodrnin Moor 207 115 Two fragments ofLa Tene collar 208 116 Socketed bronze chisel, c. 1100-1000 BC 209 117 Tanged knife and socketed spearhead, both ofbronze 209 118 Tin ingot from Boscarne 211 119 Sherds ofSamian pottery from Boscarne tin stream 211 120 Tinner's oak shovel, possibly mediaeval, from Boscarne tin stream 211 121 'Dark Age' tinner's oak shovel from Boscarne tin stream 212 122 Part oflate bronze age hoard from Kenidjack, StJust 213 123 Late Roman stone moulds for pewter dishes found at Leswidden, StJust-in-Penwith, and a Roman pewter dish from Appleford, Berkshire, for comparison 214 124- The tinjug and tinpatera from Bosence, and broken tinjug from Caerhays Wood 215 125 Section and plan ofthe Bog tin streamworks at Marazion Marsh 217 126 Alluvial tin workings in the Hayle valley between St Erth church and Trewinnard 218 127 Fowey ingot, 1of5 tin ingots recovered from the estuary in 1898 227 128 Late Roman tin ingot from Trethurgy, StAustell 228 129 Tin ingot dug up in agarden at Penwithick Stents, StAustell 228 130 Outline and section oftin ingot found at Burngullow, St Mewan, in 1858 229 131 Outline and section oflost tin ingot, perhaps from Lanjew, Withiel 230 132 St Mawes ingot dredged up in 1812 232 133 Tin ingots, c.AD 600, from Prah Sands, Germoe 234 134 Tin ingot, probably from Land's End peninsula 235 135 Tin ingot found at Trereife, Madron 235 136 Tin-decorated Tating ware jug, from Birka, Sweden 241 Tailpiece Leaden seal ofthe community oftinners ofCornwall ,in use by 1305, found on Lee Down near Bath in 1842 244

Tin in Antiquity is the first comprehensive history of the early metallurgy of tin, a mine of information on this rare, highly prized metal so vital to the developing civilization of the Bronze Age. The origins of tin have always been a mystery, but the author has unearthed archaeological evidence f
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