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Timing Optimization Through Clock Skew Scheduling Ivan S. Kourtev • Baris Taskin • Eby G. Friedman Timing Optimization Through Clock Skew Scheduling ABC IvanS.Kourtev BarisTaskin UniversityofPittsburgh DrexelUniversity Pittsburgh,PA Philadelphia,PA USA USA EbyG.Friedman UniversityofRochester Rochester,NY USA ISBN:978-0-387-71055-6 e-ISBN:978-0-387-71056-3 DOI:10.1007/978-0-387-71056-3 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2008937987 (cid:176)c SpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC2009 Allrightsreserved.Thisworkmaynotbetranslatedorcopiedinwholeorinpartwithoutthewritten permissionofthepublisher(SpringerScience+BusinessMedia,LLC,233SpringStreet,NewYork,NY 10013,USA),exceptforbriefexcerptsinconnectionwithreviewsorscholarlyanalysis.Useinconnection withanyformofinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilar ordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdevelopedisforbidden.Theuseinthispublicationof tradenames,trademarks,servicemarksandsimilarterms,eveniftheyarenotidentifiedassuch,isnotto betakenasanexpressionofopinionastowhetherornottheyaresubjecttoproprietaryrights. Whiletheadviceandinformationinthisbookarebelievedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateofgoing topress,neithertheauthorsnortheeditorsnorthepublishercanacceptanylegalresponsibilityforany errorsoromissionsthatmaybemade.Thepublishermakesnowarranty,expressorimplied,withrespect tothematerialcontainedherein. Printedonacid-freepaper springer.com Preface History of the Book The last three decades have witnessed an explosive development in in- tegrated circuit fabrication technologies. The complexities of current CMOS circuitsarereachingbeyondthe65nanometerfeaturesizeandmulti-hundred million transistors per integrated circuit. To fully exploit this technological potential, circuit designers use sophisticated Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tools.Whilesupportingthetalentsofinnumerablemicroelectronicsengineers, these CAD tools have become the enabling factor responsible for the success- ful design and implementation of thousands of high performance, large scale integrated circuits. Thisbook(aresearchmonograph)originatedfromabodyofdoctoraldis- sertationresearchcompletedbythefirstauthorattheUniversityofRochester from1994to1999whileunderthesupervisionofProf.EbyG.Friedman.This research focuses on issues in the design of the clock distribution network in largescale,highperformancedigitalsynchronouscircuitsandparticularly,on algorithmsfornon-zero clockskewscheduling.Duringthedevelopmentofthis research, it became clear that incorporating timing issues into the successful integratedcircuitdesignprocessisoffundamentalimportance,particularlyin that advanced theoretical developments in this area have been slow to reach the designers’ desktops. The second edition of the book is enhanced by the body of doctoral dissertation research completed by the second author at the University of Pittsburgh from 2000 to 2005 under the supervision of Prof. Ivan S. Kourtev. This dissertation focuses on advanced timing, synchroniza- tion and design methodologies based on non-zero clock skew scheduling. In- cluded in this book are methods on the applicability of clock skew scheduling oncircuitswithlevel-sensitivelatches,atiming-drivencircuitdesignmethod- ology to attain the maximum performance out of clock skew scheduling and a solution to non-zero clock skew scheduling problem in a parallel comput- ing environment, specifically derived for integration into the physical design process of an emerging non-zero clock skew clocking technology. V VI Preface It is the authors’ belief that the successful application of non-zero clock skew scheduling techniques to the integrated circuit design process can only followadetailedunderstandingoftheoperationofintegratedcircuitsatmany different levels—from device physics through system architecture to packag- ing. While a detailed coverage of all of these topics in a single text is im- practical,anhonestefforthasbeenmadetoprovideanin-depthtreatmentof all of those areas closely related to the clock skew scheduling techniques pre- sented in this book. Tutorial chapters on the structure and design of modern integrated circuits, as well as on the fundamental principles of signal delay are included in this text since these topics are crucial to understanding clock skew scheduling in general. The information presented in these tutorial chap- terscanalsoquicklyfamiliarizethereaderwiththeproblems,definitions,and terminology used throughout the book. Automated methodologies for synchronous circuit performance optimiza- tion through clock skew scheduling is the primary topic presented in this book. The objectives of these methodologies are to improve the performance (specifically,theoperatingfrequencyorspeed)whileincreasingthereliability of fully synchronous digital integrated circuits. Traditionally, design wisdom has dictated the use of global zero clock skew. In the research presented here, however, non-zero clock skew scheduling is exploited. A set of algorithms to accomplishthisobjectiveareconsideredinmoredetail.Specifically,thisbook deals in depth with the following issues: • Amethodologyforsimultaneousnon-zeroclockskewschedulinganddesign of the topology of the clock distribution network. This methodology is basedonthepioneeringworksofFriedman[1]andFishburn[2],andbuilds onLinearProgramming(LP)solutiontechniques.Thenon-zeroclockskew schedulingofcircuitswithlevel-sensitivelatchesandformulti-phaseclock signals is formulated as a LP problem. The simultaneous clock scheduling andclocktreetopologysynthesisproblemisformulatedasamixed-integer linear programming problem that can be solved efficiently. The proposed algorithms have been evaluated on a variety of benchmark and industrial circuits and synchronous performance improvements of well above 60% have been demonstrated. • For those cases where reliable circuit operation and production yield are the highest level priorities, an alternative problem formulation is devel- oped. This formulation is based on a quadratic (hence the QP—quadratic programming)measure,orcostfunction,ofthetoleranceofaclocksched- ule to parameter variations. A mathematical framework is presented for solving the constrained and bounded QP problem. A constrained ver- sion of the problem is iteratively solved using the Lagrange multipliers method. As these research issues are topics of great practical importance for input/output (I/O) interfacing and Intellectual Property (IP) blocks, explicit clock delay and skew requirements are fully integrated into the mathematical model described here. Preface VII • The theoretical derivation of the limits on the improvements on the clock periodavailablethroughclockskewscheduling.Thetheoreticalderivation is performed by identifying the limits for three local data path topologies. A methodology to mitigate the limitation of clock skew scheduling for a reconvergent path system is presented. The methodology involves delay insertiononsomedatapathsofthereconvergentsystemandisformulated as an LP problem for an automated application. • Apractical(andnecessary)implementationofclockskewschedulingforan emerging clock generation and distribution technology in resonant rotary clocking technology. Preliminary efforts in modeling and implementation are demonstrated. Details are included on the integration of clock skew scheduling into a complete physical design flow for the automated design of rotary clock synchronized synchronous circuits. As with any project of this magnitude, mistakes are likely. To the best knowledge of the authors, proper credit has been given to everyone whose workhasbeenmentionedhere,buttheauthorstakefullresponsibilityforany errors or omissions. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank all of those who have helped writing andcorrectingearlymanuscriptversionsofthismonograph—fellowcolleagues and students, as well as the anonymous reviewers who provided important comments on improving the overall quality of this book. The authors would also like to thank Dr. Bob Grafton from the National Science Foundation for supporting the early research projects that have culminated in the writing and production of this book. We would also like to warmly acknowledge the assistance and support of Alex Greene and Katelyn Stanne from Springer— AlexandKatie’spatienceandencouragementhavebeencrucialtothesuccess of this project. The research work described in this research monograph was made pos- sible in part by support from the National Science Foundation under Grant No. MIP-9423886 and Grant No. MIP-9610108, by a grant from the New York State Science and Technology Foundation to the Center for Advanced Technology-Electronic Imaging Systems, and by grants from the Xerox Cor- poration, IBM Corporation, Intel Corporation and Multigig Inc. Pittsburgh, PA, Ivan S. Kourtev Philadelphia, PA, Baris Taskin Rochester, NY, Eby G. Friedman July, 2008 Contents 1 Introduction............................................... 1 2 VLSI Systems ............................................. 7 2.1 Signal Representation .................................... 7 2.2 Synchronous VLSI Systems ............................... 11 2.3 The VLSI Design Process................................. 14 2.4 Summary............................................... 16 3 Signal Delay in VLSI Systems ............................. 19 3.1 Delay Metrics........................................... 19 3.2 Devices and Interconnections ............................. 23 3.2.1 Analytical Delay Analysis .......................... 25 3.2.2 Controlling the Delay .............................. 31 3.2.3 Waveform Effects.................................. 31 3.2.4 Short-Channel Effects.............................. 33 3.2.5 The Importance of Interconnections ................. 35 3.2.6 Delay Mitigation .................................. 37 4 Timing Properties of Synchronous Systems ................ 41 4.1 Storage Elements........................................ 41 4.2 Latches ................................................ 43 4.3 Parameters of Latches.................................... 44 4.3.1 Width of the Clock Pulse........................... 45 4.3.2 Latch Clock-to-Output Delay ....................... 45 4.3.3 Latch Data-to-Output Delay........................ 45 4.3.4 Latch Setup Time ................................. 45 4.3.5 Latch Hold Time.................................. 46 4.4 Flip-Flops .............................................. 47 4.5 Parameters of Flip-Flops ................................. 48 4.5.1 Width of the Clock Pulse........................... 48 4.5.2 Flip-Flop Clock-to-Output Delay .................... 49 IX X Contents 4.5.3 Flip-Flop Setup Time.............................. 49 4.5.4 Flip-Flop Hold Time............................... 49 4.6 The Clock Signal ........................................ 50 4.6.1 Clock Skew....................................... 52 4.6.2 Multi-Phase Clock Synchronization .................. 53 4.7 Single-Phase Path with Flip-Flops ......................... 55 4.7.1 Preventing the Late Arrival of the Data Signal ........ 55 4.7.2 Preventing the Early Arrival of the Data Signal ....... 58 4.8 Single-Phase Path with Latches ........................... 61 4.8.1 Preventing the Late Arrival of the Data Signal ........ 61 4.8.2 Preventing the Early Arrival of the Data Signal ....... 63 4.9 Multi-Phase Path with Latches............................ 65 4.9.1 Preventing the Late Arrival of the Data Signal ........ 66 4.9.2 Preventing the Early Arrival of the Data Signal ....... 68 4.10 A Final Note ........................................... 69 5 Clock Skew Scheduling and Clock Tree Synthesis .......... 71 5.1 Background............................................. 72 5.2 Definitions and Graphical Model .......................... 73 5.2.1 Permissible Range of Clock Skew.................... 74 5.2.2 Graphical Model of a Synchronous System............ 76 5.3 Clock Scheduling ........................................ 80 5.4 Timing Constraints and Design Automation ................ 85 5.5 Structure of the Clock Distribution Network ................ 86 5.6 Solution of the Clock Tree Synthesis Problem ............... 87 5.7 Software Implementation ................................. 89 5.7.1 Simultaneous Clock Scheduling and Clock Tree Synthesis .................................... 89 5.7.2 Clock Skew Scheduling............................. 90 6 Clock Skew Scheduling of Level-Sensitive Circuits ......... 97 6.1 Clock Scheduling for Level-Sensitive Circuits................ 97 6.1.1 Latching Constraints............................... 98 6.1.2 Synchronization Constraints ........................ 98 6.1.3 Propagation Constraints ...........................100 6.1.4 Validity Constraints ...............................101 6.1.5 Initialization Constraints ...........................102 6.2 Iterative Approach to Clock Skew Scheduling ...............103 6.3 Linearization of the Timing Analysis.......................104 6.3.1 Modified Big M (MBM) Method ....................105 6.3.2 Linear Programming (LP) Model....................106 6.4 An Example and Experimental Results.....................108 6.4.1 Level-Sensitive Synchronous Circuit State of Operation......................................110 6.5 Optimality of the LP Formulation .........................113 Contents XI 6.6 Multi-Phase Level-Sensitive Circuits .......................117 6.6.1 Multi-Phase Synchronization Overview...............117 6.6.2 Multi-Phase Level-Sensitive Circuit Timing...........118 6.7 Summary...............................................120 7 Clock Skew Scheduling for Improved Reliability ...........121 7.1 Problem Formulation ....................................122 7.1.1 Clock Scheduling for Maximum Performance..........123 7.1.2 Maximizing Safety.................................125 7.1.3 Further Improvement ..............................127 7.1.4 Clock Scheduling as a Quadratic Programming Problem..........................................128 7.2 Derivation of the QP Algorithm ...........................129 7.2.1 The Circuit Graph ................................129 7.2.2 Linear Dependence of Clock Skews ..................130 7.2.3 Optimization Problem and Solution..................137 8 Delay Insertion and Clock Skew Scheduling................145 8.1 Limitations on Minimum Clock Period .....................146 8.1.1 Uncertainty of Data Propagation Times ..............147 8.1.2 Data Path Cycles .................................148 8.1.3 Reconvergent Paths................................150 8.2 Delay Insertion Method ..................................152 8.2.1 Motivational Example with a Reconvergent Path ......153 8.2.2 Reconvergence in an Edge-Triggered Circuit ..........153 8.2.3 Reconvergence in a Level-Sensitive Circuit............159 8.2.4 General Reconvergent Data Path Systems ............160 8.3 Linear Problem Formulation ..............................162 8.4 Practical Concerns in Modeling and Application.............163 8.5 Summary...............................................165 9 Practical Considerations...................................167 9.1 Computational Analysis..................................167 9.1.1 Algorithm LMCS-1 ................................169 9.1.2 Algorithm LMCS-2 ................................170 9.1.3 Algorithm CSD ...................................172 9.1.4 Summary of the Proposed Algorithms................175 9.2 Unconstrained Basis Skews ...............................176 9.3 I/O Registers and Target Delays ..........................178 9.4 Summary...............................................181 10 Clock Skew Scheduling in Rotary Clocking Technology ....183 10.1 Resonant Clocking.......................................183 10.1.1 Rotary Traveling Wave Oscillators...................185 10.1.2 Timing Requirements of Rotary Circuits .............189 XII Contents 10.2 Physical Design Flow ....................................191 10.2.1 Timing-Driven Partitioning.........................193 10.2.2 Partitioning with chaco ............................195 10.2.3 Register Insertion for Partitioning ...................196 10.2.4 Clock Skew Scheduling of Partitions .................197 10.2.5 Timing-Driven Register Placement ..................200 10.3 Parallelization of Clock Skew Scheduling ...................202 10.3.1 Speedup of Computation ...........................203 10.4 Summary...............................................203 11 Experimental Results......................................205 11.1 Clock Skew Scheduling of Level-Sensitive Circuits ...........205 11.1.1 Experimental Results on ISCAS’89 Benchmark Circuits ..........................................206 11.1.2 Verification and Interpretation of Results.............208 11.1.3 Parameter Data Distributions.......................209 11.1.4 Skew Analysis ....................................211 11.2 Multi-Phase Level-Sensitive Circuits .......................213 11.2.1 Multi-Phase Clocking ..............................216 11.2.2 Multi-Phase Clocking Effects on Time Borrowing......219 11.2.3 Multi-Phase Clocking and Clock Skew Scheduling .....220 11.2.4 Simultaneous Time Borrowing and Clock Skew Scheduling........................................221 11.3 Quadratic Programming (QP) for Maximizing Safety ........223 11.3.1 Description of Computer Implementation.............223 11.3.2 Graphical Illustrations of Results....................225 11.4 Delay Insertion in Clock Skew Scheduling...................225 11.5 Physical Design of Rotary Clock Synchronized Circuits.......233 11.5.1 Clock Skew Scheduling of Partitions Results ..........234 11.5.2 Overall CAD Tool Results..........................237 12 Conclusions................................................243 References.....................................................247 Index..........................................................259

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