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Preview Timesaver: Read and React (Beginner - Intermediate)

~ .:TIMESAVERREAD& REACT CONTENTS For a detailed breakdown of language points and grammar in each section, see Teaching Suggestions (page 74 onwards). c~~~~ginner Pupils with 1+ years of English TOWEROFLONDON 4 ENGLISH FOOTBALL 6 THANKSGIVING 8 PANDAS AND WHALES 10 HAWAII ... 12 HARRY POTIER 14 VENUS AND SERENAWILLIAMS 16 GREYHOUND RACING ... ...18 BRITNEY SPEARS .20 NEW YORK 22 1NDEPENDENCE DAY .24 AN1MALSDOWN UNDER .: .26 g ";; lementary/pre-i ntermed iate Pupils with 2+years of English ENGLANDANDTHEENGLISH 28 WHAT AREYOURHOBBIES? 30 SCOTLAND .32 CLOTHES .34 AUSTRALIA... ..36 SCARYANIMALS: FACTOR FANTASY? 38 DAVID BECKHAM 40 DANGEROUSSPORTS 42 HOW DO YOU SEETHE FUTURE? 44 . HORIZONSCOMM UNITY HIGH SCHOOL 46 ROLLERBLADING .48 IRELAND 50 CANADA 52 BUCKINGHAM PALACE 54 TlMESAVERREAD&REACTe MARYGLASGOWMAGAZINES.ANIMPRINTOFSCHOLASTICINe. ~ TIMESAVERREAD& REACT Intermediate Pupils with 3+ years of English SCHOOLSlNBRITANI... 56 NEWZEALAND 58 GLOBALWARMING 60 SOUTHAFRICA 62 CHATROOMS 64 LIVERPOOL 66 TEXTMESSAG1NG .68 THESCHUMACHERBROTHERS 70 SCHOOLTRADITIONSlNTHEUSA 72 Teaching Suggestions and Answers 74 mm mm .m... Alithe Internet sites mentioned inthis book have been thoroughly checked byour editors at the time of going to press. However, Internet sites do change content, often without prior notice. Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible for possible subsequent alterations. TIMESAVERRE~ &REACT@MARYGLASGOWMAGAZINES,ANIMPRINTOFSCHOLASTICINe. ~ TIMESAVERREAD& REACT beginners The Tower of London WHERE IS IT? WHAT ARE RAVENS? TheTowerof Londonisonthe RiverThames, Ravensare big black birds. They eat meat. Every nearTowerBridge. day they eat 150grams of meat, eggs, and biscuits with blood. There are six ravensat the HOW CAN VOU GETTHERE? Tower. The Beefeaters give meat to the ravens Bybus,bycar,byunderground('the Tube')and every day. byboat. ARE VOU AFRAID OF GHOSTS? WHAT'S THE NAME OF THE TUBE People say the Salt Tower has got ghosts. The STATION? Beefeaters don't go there when it's dark! It'scalledTowerHill. WHAT ARE THE CROWN JEWELS? HOW OLD IS THE TOWER OF LONDON? Theyarethe Queen'sspecialjewels.Shewears It's900yearsold. It'svery strbng. The walls are them onceayear. 4 metres thick! It'scalled The Tower of London' but there are 21towers. HOW MANV JEWELSARE ON THE . QUEEN'S CROWN? WHV IS IT FAMOUS? Thereare2,868jewelsonthe crown. It'sgot Beefeaters, ravens,the Crown Jewels and ghosts. DOESTHE QUEEN LlVE lN THE TOWER OF LONDON? WHAT ARE BEEFEATERS? No,she!ivesin BuckinghamPalace. They are special guards. There are 40 Beefeaters in the Tower. They live in the Tower. They wear ~ Find out more on the blue and red clothes Internet on www.toweroflondontour. com/tolarea.html and on every day but on special daysthey wear red www.nationalgeographic.com/world/ 0101/tower/tower2.html and goIdclothes. WORDCHECK What isit in your language? Find out! = underground ( ) = strong ( ) = thick ( ) = famous ( ) = crown ( ) = jewel ( ) = ghost ( ) = special ( ) = guard ( ) gold= ( ) = biscuit ( ) = blood ( ) = afraidof ( ) = dark ( ) = once ( ) TIMESAVERREAD&REACT@MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OFSCHOLASTIC INe. ~ TIMESAVERREAD& REACT numbers + opposites Steal the CrownJewels! Vouwant to steal the jewels but you need the password. Hereis the c~de for the password. The password opens the safe. KEY10 CODE EXAMPLE 1 1 ? A B C D E F G H 1 J K L M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fourteen = a 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fourteen = n . 1 N 0 p Q R S T U V W X V Z . 0 G seven'een. fit,:en = twenty.-five, fifte.en, twenty.-one = e e lBI8B . . . . 0000 twe.nty-five. .twenty-two., twenty-f.our, eight.een = GOOO fifteen, eighteen, eighteen, nineteen, thirteen = The OldestTower What is it called? Write the opposites of the words. [ID[[]~[HJrn 1 day 0'0000 2 goodbye 0 00 3 right 00 4 old 000 0 5 left 0 0000 6 brother 00 000 7 father 0000 8 open 000 9 dry 00 10 yes 11 old 000 000 12 no OOOOOOiD 13 sister TIMESAVERREAD&[email protected]. ~ TIMESAVERREAD& REACT beginners EnglishFootball . THE PREMIERSHIP Michael's brothers are called Ierry and Andrew. There are a lot of famous football teams in Can.you make a name for a horse fram your England. There are twenty teams in the family's names? Premiership. This meansthey are the top teams Find out more on Englishfootball and in England. ln May,the team in the Premiership . the career of Michael Owen on the with the most points are the champions. They Internet on www.footballculture.net/ win a big prize called the Premiership Trophy. and WHO ARE THE PLAYERS? www.soccernet.com/england/ There are playersfrom other countries in players/owenmichael.html Englishteams. Mario Melchiot comesfrom Amsterdam in Holland but he playsfor Chelsea. Thierry Henry comesfrom Parisbut he playsfor Arsenal. English players like David Beckham and Michael Owen play in the Premiership. Beckhamcomestrom London and he playsfor Manchester United. Michael Owen lives in North Wales but he playsfor Liverpool. MICHAEL OWEN Michael Owen was born on the 14th December, 1979. Heliveswith hisfamily in North Wales. Michael-earns a lot of money becausehe isa top football player. He likes to buy housesfor hisfamily. Heowns three housesin the same street! He isfamous becausehe scoreslots of goals. He isa striker. He plays in a Number 10 WORDCHECK shirt for England. Hewas European Footballer of the Year in 2001. He isrich and famous but What isit inyour language? Findout! he likesto live an ordinary life. Hesigns autographs and talks to journalists top = ( ) and ispolite to hisfans, but'the point= ( ) important thing for Michael isto play prize= ( ) good football. = trophy ( ) Hetrains almost every day with the other players in the toearn= ( ) Liverpool team, and in hisfree same= ( ) time he likes playing golf, toscore= ( ) snooker or table tennis. He = goal ( ) loveshorse-racing too. striker= ( ) TALK TO MOJO Heowns a race-horse called ordinary= ( ) = tosign ( ) Talkto Mojo. The name has = Michael's initiais (M. O.)and polite ( ) the first letters of ail his snooker= ( ) family's names: Hissistersare horse-racin=g ( ) called .Lesleyand Karen. initial= ( ) Michael's father and mother = are called Ierry and lanette; first ( ) ..: TIMESAVERREAD&REACT@MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OFSCHOLASTIC INe TIMESAVERREAD& REACT introductions/feelings/going to Help MichaelOwenScorea Goal! Read about Michael Owen. Draw a line to the bail with the correct word in it. Draw the goal that Michael scores. My name is Michael Owen. younger than David Beckham. l've two brothers and two sisters.l'm Chester in England. 1 scoring goals. t:J The Fans Look at these fans. They are watching a football match. How do they feel? Match the feeling to the pictures. , '~'\I" [JJ He'sangry. ~ 1 ..'..\ ;" ~" She'bsored.D They'resad. D He'shungry.D He'shappy. D What's going to happen next? D He'sgoing to buy a sandwich. She's not going to watch D football again. D Histeam isgoing to win! D Their team isgoing to lose. Hisfavourite player isgoing D to get a red card. TIMESAVERREAD&REACT@MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES. AN IMPRINT OFSCHOLASTIC INe. ~ TIMESAVERREAD& REACT beginners Thanksgiving November is holiday time in America. It's Thanksgiving. AliAmericans try to get home for Thanksgiving. It's a bigger holiday than Christmas. The date of the first - Thanksgiving meal was 1620 a time for the people from England to say thank you to the Native Americans. The Native Americans helped the English to hunt for food, to grow things to eat, to build houses and to use plants to cure iIIness. THANKSGIVING DINNER Theparade Americans loveto eat. On Thanksgiving starts in Americans saythank you for the food they Central Park have. American families eat a big meal then it goes together. Theyeat corn, potatoes, salad, down to Columbus pumpkin pie, apple pie, cranberry sauce, stuffing,bread and turkey.Turkeysdon't like (jrele and Thanksgiving- Americans eat 45 million turns left into turkeys! Broadway and then THANKSGIVING FOOTBALL goes down What are The DallasCowboys, The Chicago 7th Avenue Bears,and The Washington Redskins? They are and stops at American football teams. American families 34th Street. watch an American football game at Thanksgiving. American football isdifferent to Draw the football inthe rest of the world. The players route on the wear helmetsand pads.Thebailislike a little map of rugby bail. New Yotk. BALLOONS If youwant to seeailyourfavourite cartoon characters - a giant Homer Simpson, a giant MickeyMouse,a giant Shrekand manymore- WORD CHECK then go to NewYorkCity.There isa What isit in your language? paradethere with big balloons, Find out! pop stars and television stars. to hunt = ( ) to build= ( ) to cure = ( ) illness= ( ) corn= ( ) pumpkin= ( ) cranberrysauce= ( ) stuffing = ( ) different= ( ) therest= ( ) .. giant= ( ) 8 Findout more on the parade= ( ) Internet on www.kidsdomain.com/ map= ( ) holiday/thanks/ TIMESAVER READ & REACT @MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OFSCHOLASTIC INe. TIMESAVERREAD& REACT following directions/food vocabulary Shopping for Thanksgiving Q~~ one Corn-on-the-cob 2 pumpkins cream fiveIoaves a turkey potatoes {} fN"ffiANcE START HERE You are in the supermarket. You ask the assistant where the things are. Lookat the plan of the supermarket. Which food from your list is she talking about? 1 Gostraight on. They're between the apples and the pears. 2 Gostraight on. They're on your left. They're opposite the bananas. 3 They're in row three. They're inbetween the fish and the octopus. 4 It'sin row four. It'snext to the milkand opposite the fish. 5 Gostraight on. Atthe end of the fruit and vegAables you can see the bakery. They're next to the cakes. 6 Gostraight on. They're in between the onions and the carrots. Thanksgiving Menu Look at the menu. Tick( V ) the food Thanksgiving Menu you want to eat. Don't be greedy! STARTER sa/ad D Choose one thing from each course. pumpkin soup D melon D MAIN COURSE turkey and potatoes D turkey and rice D turkey and corn D' DESSERT app/e pie and cream D app/e pie and icecream D pumpkin pie D carrot cake D TIMESAVERREAD&REACT@MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OFSCHOLASTIC INC :.' ~ TIMESAVERREAD& REACT beginners Pandas and Whales A lot of the animais in the world are in danger. Some people like ~okillanimais for their fur; some people like to killanimais for fun. PANDAS WHALES . Pandas are indanger. Youean see pandas inthe The blue whale isthe biggest animal in the zoo but there are only about 700 pandas inthe world. world. Arethere going to be any wild pandas ~ intwenty years from now? ln 1900there were 250,000 blue whales in the oceans;today there are 3,000. WHY ARE PANDAS lN DANGER? ~ Blue whales live for about 80years. rr:J Pandas love to eat, but they are very ~ \4'\ fussy!Theyonly really liketo eat bamboo. Bluewhaleseanbe25metreslong and weigh 130tonnes. Theyean eat 38 kilograms of bamboo every day.They ean eat for 14hours every ~Whales are like dolphins beeausethey are day. mammals (animais not fish) that eanlive in water. rr:J People like bamboo too. ln China, they \8.'f\ make houses, furniture, toys and paper ~Whales live in families of three or four. from bamboo. People liketo eat bamboo They are good at gymnasties and they ean seeds, too. 'sing', ~. Pandas don't have many babies. ~Whales are in danger beeausepeople like to hunt them. rr:J There are many people inChina. Theyare \4'\ cutting the forests to grow food and build ~Whales are in great danger from .houses. The pandas ean't find a place to pollution; a lot of toxie (poisonous) things live. are in the sea. Findout more about pandas, whales WORDCHECK . and other animais in danger on the What isit in your language? Internet on Find out! www.panda.org/species/ and danger = ( ) = www.enchantedlearning. to kill ( ) com/subjects/whales/species/ = fur ( ) Bluewhale.shtml = fun ( ) only= ( ) wild= ( ) fussy= ( ) furniture= ( ) toy= ( ) seed= ( ) baby/babies =( ) forest= ( ) ocean= ( ) dolphin= ( ) pollution = ( ) :e~ TIMESAVERREAD&REACT@MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OFSCHOLASTiC INC ~ TIMESAVERREAD& REACT numbers Animaisin Danger Lots of animais are in danger. Look at the pictures, read the information and write the number of animais under each picture. Order the animais from 1to 9. @ = = ingreat danger C2) not insuchgreat danoger 0 KOALA There are between fortY a ~- b """"" "' "'""" c Ir., . thousand and eighty thousand f/.,',6"_\:,:~1>' koalas. "'" \.\\ - ', ""',.,,, ,,-, CHEETAH There are between twenty thousand and twenty-five 0 e 0 f 0 thousand cheetahs. .. d~ TIGER There are between five thousand and seven thousand , five hundred tigers. RHINOCEROS There are about eleven thousand rhinoceroses. g 0 h 0 0 PANDA There are seven hundred pandas. POLAR BEAR There are between 40,000 - 80,000 twenty thousand and fortY thousand polar bears. AFRICAN ELEPHANT There are about sixhundred thousand African elephants. MOUNTAIN GORILLA There are only sixhundred and fifty mountain gorillas. BLUEWHALE There about five hundred blue whales. HowHighCanthe PandaClimb? Pandas love climbing. Choose the correct words to make this panda climb high. 1 Pandas livein 2 Pandas bamboo. 3 Pandas are 4 Hunters killpandas to make TIMESAVERREAD&REACT@MARY GLASGOW MAGAZINES, AN IMPRINT OFSCHOLASTIC INe.

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