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Time to Eat the Dog? The Real Guide to Sustainable Living PDF

388 Pages·2009·38.34 MB·English
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TIME To EAT THe Dog ? the real guide to 7 Thames & Hudson Time To EAT THE Deg? the real guide to sustainable living Robert and Branda Vale The world and rs resources nite, yet we are soumingly locked inta a ayster sed on growth: growth of population, growth of income and gronth of consumption. From this ‘refutabio starting point, Time to Eat the Dog? attomp:s jy meane, Robert and {o uncover wha: sustainability” re Brenda Vale have gathered a weath of deta from sources around the world rom these nuts and bolts facts anes figures, ‘hey encourage the real to ‘othe rls" ard werkt out for themseives “his book will make you see your life and your place ith ‘worldin & completly new light. Challenging the othodoxies that underpin our entire economic system, this is one ‘subversive read Govern Mi Mei TIME TO EAT THE DOG? TIME TO EAT THe D0G? the real guide sus e living & aS thames Hudson “oe This book isdedicoted to Lawa and tal garden, everywhere ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘Seoul othr inerrtionalcemmaniy of pene Dedongenafine whe have med theresa ed ocrion {aiabke bh ilaks and on te trues wiht heme ahs eso unsinnaly rid nr enldrathave nlon alin, evo ash Vora Coven ‘Wetingon tor ging the ane owe sayy shod sey heer ph iene rete eerie apd ‘seers penne: Sec lweipone cpa oe CONTENTS inTropucTion ‘Resse cnt i ac 8 Wy howe! 9 Toamemigawt vo Wovedmeteamay 1 FOOD +9 Theenegyetiead 29 Ausaluckto “al 49 Chansinghow we pric: food 50 Heath seabhyand wise? 72 2 TRANSPORT 72 “Tweca 72. tthe fs nningout.. Bs Gatingatou nasusinablc tue 99 Tomgdtinetesel ay Iiecston tis Notuidings wok Sac waters 1 Wes wet et 249 Indoors spay 38 UUsngtne se 1p) OM bens to Conchcion v8 4 STUFF WEHAVE AT HOME 190 Goring w9@ The meldaMatcossyndroe 209. Onean sid eneinaewaeh 303 \Wragus wars 209 Dressed ay, Wategoing i a16 ey pee 225 Disereion 352 3 TIME TO SPARE 354 Anyone fortenis 934, Beans 365 Hw you estore 2p Ravgperinck abr Spore bore a84 Aue a8; Caletng 286 Progucteepovries Jor Thskausal later jy 6 WORK sar orsngles yr Whete should we win? 525 Tavelatwors conferees 8 Tepper ofc sy, Onc ns marke anaes an’ ein 333 7 RITES OF PASSAGE 7 Fruroradingsto stant 99 CONCLUSION 45 ToskteDan Cae gp Ait Waes Cerna rey chokes 349 Exe ms? ing dca NOTES 360 SOURCES ANO RESOURCES 580 Invex 3h INTRODUCTION As boy growing up in England in the 19503, one ofthe authors af this book vas an avi flower of Hhe wanoor. adventures of Dan Dace, Pot of the Futare, i the comic Eng I his beaulully drawn usar Engladof shy screpers, spaceships, ying jeeps. gyroscopic cas and London Trensport rmonorais, where Earth played tet match cricket sg and his colleagues in the lnerplanet Spacefleet were on hand to protect society atthe rurr ofthe 21st century roma range of unexpected enraeres- tri’ threats and troubles, Now that we have avived at Dan Dare’ tare somehow thinge have nol materialized quiteasvewere led toexpect In fet, the futurs has tsmed outtn be mach morelixe the ro508. We dchavelos of skyscrapers, bat space travel still uncoramon, cat still have for wheels, London Tiansport sll have red dosbledecke: bases, jeeps dont fy, and Ear atilldnesn’thavea decent cricket eam, ‘One :hing the earta does Fave now, unexpected by many, a whole sries of inraerearialthyeats and woubles. The adventures of Dan Dre Droserted an optimistic siew of the futues an af the ie of progress, but Mars, Dan Darz since the lake For granted may be doing us rie overall Farm shan good, ard at many of au activities may rot he sustaincbe in he long ecm because they es that are finite, There his eer lot otal in recent heady days we have begun to ser that many of the things we sre sed on res sears sbeut‘ssteinabiliy’, and this 00k san allen adios al Taina sally means, As fara we ace concerned here, the only possible eliniiun of sastanabiliy i the abit to be sustained or to contizve into ‘he indefinite Fonore (leaing aside the cooling ofthe sun in some very fae dita age} The planeteatth, aller, eunaodably Fite Admitecty, receives energy Flom the sun ~ roughly 7,900 ames the atrount of energy we coneume cach year — ut it recelvee ver litle in the way of materials amd resources, Br Peter Blown ofthe Linivesiy af Western Ontario says shat everyday the earth is bombarded by 80-100 metic tonnes of space dustin the form of 50 gram pavtcles This sounds ikea lat, bur eeen 160 tonnes per day is ver ite when shared among a population approaching seven billion (ve are asing te US billion here, called: ‘miliad” in Europe ad teaning one thassind milion’. So ir material terms, the ea sit ess isall we have. However. in spit ofits obvions finiteness, we tod to treat the «arth as ifit were inexhaustible. Ou: slobelizeé society is baseé on ov: roth of population, gramih uf income growth oF energy consumplir rom of wealth, Any interruption, o of “his prowess is rested as tragedy, as was seen it the slowing of the United States! conn in 2008, which ld to stock mark fills all ver Hoe word Al ths resounees stud raters that we use far physical geoath come from th «auth, whether ibe te rock tbat we dig up to make the corcrete build our fepanding cies, oh cna ard uranium we dig av af the grand thar incur power slaliors Io met the demand for mone electricity. The fandand ‘sate “het sustain a rising gol population als care fom thecarh, re Fates ‘PLEASE, SIR, CAN | HAVE SOME MORE?? allthis emphasis on growth rises to simple questions. Te fis iss" How can we continue to grow on a fnile planet?” We rly an a fee sloce of esoutces that wete pul ia place when Ue earth was fone, ad hese ae ‘desey limited, One day there wil be ne mot il of, ahd ne sro Hime stone sur into cement, Oils hnawn tobe a finite resource, yet the world «economy demands more very year felis growth. Weactas though there svete no listo the resources wean ae from the earth, The second question :s:'Waen will wehaveensugh?' Inte esos the American advertising industry prediced recession for he United Stes economy thes thought basincesee faced the ral prblem of net eing able vy sell sty more guuds since everyone in America ese nad enough ef cverytsingthey could possibly want Now we have alo inerestul nd yet still seers that we want more. I it possible for as all to contin to have more on Ene planet?

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