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time meter reader Mike Stone; notice regarding - Village of Angola PDF

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Preview time meter reader Mike Stone; notice regarding - Village of Angola

INDEX- January11,2010 VISITORS: DonaldGallo;MogaveroFamily;Mr. audMrs. EdGodfrey;DanHiggins COMMUNICATIONS: MemorialProclimationtotheMogaverofamily; upcomingAssociationofErieCountyGovernmentsmeeting; upcomingVillageOfficialsAssociationmeeting;NYCOMLocal GovernmentConsolidationforum; resignation letterfrompart timemeterreaderMikeStone;noticeregardingWorldKidneyDay;BedandBreakfastrentalinspectionfees; letterandresponse from Mr.Godfrey; decreasein StateAid(AIM)funds; articleinRochesteraboutlocal businessin Brant TRUSTEEHOUSTON: attendedTownofEvans2010Installation;"The100-MileTable"event;EconomicDevelopmentCommittee report;ChristmasCarolingintheVillagereport PUBLICHEARINGONPROPOSEDLOCALLAW,VILLAGEOFANGOLACHAPTER168,ARTICLEI,SECTION168-6 TRUSTEEKIN: Election0[2010LibraryOfficers; Mardi Grascelebration;JellyBeancontest; privatetutoringavailable dailyattheLibrary;computerusehasincreased TRUSTEEWILSON: NoReport TRUSTEELoGALBO: solarenergyandgreeninitiativefortheVillage;workingtowardsclean-upofblightedproperties <Wilson>financial limitationsofpropertyowners; MAYORFRAWLEY: attendedChristmasCarolingattheGazebo; reportedonErieCountyEconomicDevelopment walk-throughoftheVillage; ATTORNEY: HistoricconsiderationoftheEmblemBicycleplant POLICECHIEF: receivedseveralcomplaintsonpolicehotlineregardingVillageprivatesnowplowdrivers; reported vehicleimpacttotheLaundromatonMainStreet GENERALCREWCHIEF:snowremovalistoppriority;saltcontractwithLakeShoreSchoolsworkingwell; <Frawley>reportedcomplaintfromYorkStreet FIRECOMMISSIONERS: <Beck>laddertruck#6backin service;<Wilson>complaintfrom Clark-Brantgarage regardingstorageofladders;<Beck>FEMAgrantsemi-approvedforairpacks; <Kaminski>all repairsforLadder truckhavebeenpaid; requestedFEMAfileforreview;requesttoaddadditional bill forreimbursement; requested ] extragarbagepick-upforcanandbottledrive; StandardOperatingGuidelinesapproved CODEENFORCEMENT: EXCUSED- MonthlyreportshavebeenfiledforSeptember,OctoberandNovember PLANNING: ABSENT- Approval ofEricaLnGalboasanalternatemember ZONING: ABSENT- Approval ofTimMurphyasanalternatemember CLERK-TREASURER: ClosedbooksforDecember;presentedTreasurersReport;statusofFayadeprogramquestioned OLDBUSINESS: SalenfWaterPlant;ThruwayWater; SeniorHousing; IntercontinentalBuilding;Step incurb.Lake StreetandNnrthMain;EmblemBuildingPreliminaryReport;PossibilityforOldTownHall;ErieCnuntySewer District#2waterbill;ErieCountySewerDistrict#2outsidemeterpit; WTHoagSchoolFlooding;SouthMain StreetWater/SewerDrainageProject;Answerfrom TownregardingfundingfortheLibrary NEWBUSINESS: MemberItems; Census2010 RESOLUTIONS: 1) ApproveContractand FinalPaymentSouthMainWaterline 2) ApproveCreationofNewPosition forCleaning 3) ApprnveAssemblageApplicationforFamilyFunWalk 4) AdoptProposed Local Law#5-2009asLocal Law#1-2010EntitledBuildingStructures 5) ApproveAppointmentN.E.S.T. Representatives 6) ApproveBusinessInitiative MEETING MINUTES Village ofAngola BoardMeeting Monday January 11,2010- 7:00 P.M At a Regularmeeting ofthe Village Boardofthe Village ofAngolaheld at the Village Hall, 41 Commercial St. AngolaNew York, CountyofErie, on January 11,2010 at 7:00 PM, there were PRESENT: Mayor- Howard Frawley; Trustees- William Houston; Carole Kin; Bradly LoGalbo and John Wilson. ALSO PRESENT: Linda Giancarlo- Village Clerk-Treasurer; Andrew Yusick-Village Attorney; Jeffrey Kaminski-DPW CrewChief; Lynne Kaminski and Robert Beck-Angola Fire Department Commissioners; Ernest Masullo-ChiefTown ofEvans Police Department and Donald Gallo - Village Engineer; GUESTS: Mogavero Family; Mr. & Mrs. Ed Godfrey (arrived approx 7:15) D. Higgins Buffalo News (arrived approx 7:30). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: led by Donald Mogavero CALL MEETING TO ORDERat 7:00PM APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES and Workshop Minutes ofDecember14,2009 MOTION MADE BYTRUSTEE KIN, SECONDED BYTRUSTEE HOUSTONwith a correction to page 5 day and date for bottledrive should be SaturdayJan 30th, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED VISITORS: NONE Mayor Frawley presented the following memorial proclamation to the Mogavero Family; Memorial Proclamation th WHEREAS, on the 25 day ofAugust in the year 1918 a gift oflife was presented into this world ofone"Salvatore1. Mogavero", and WHEREAS, Salvatore Mogavero, was an active member of the Angola Volunteer Fire Department for over 50 years and Charter Member of the Angola Volunteer Firemen's Benevolent Association, custodian ofLake Shore Central School and president ofthe CSEA, and WHEREAS, Salvatore Mogavero, not only dedicated himselfto the Fire Department, butalso to his loving wife of60 years Claudia, to his son Donald(Diane) to his Grandchildren; Donald, Jeanne and Sal, to his great-grandchildren Scott, Mackenzie, Megan, Dillon, Katelyn, Donald, Jessicaand Justin, butalso to the entirecommunityofthe Village ofAngola, and WHEREAS, Salvatore, brought strong wisdom, warmth and heartfelt compassion to the Village Hall employees, residents and to the Village Board, and WHEREAS, on December 19th in the year 2009, ourdearest comrade "Salvatore1. Mogavero was called by the Angels, to bejoinedwith his wife Claudiaand serve as a CharterMember of Heaven. n, January 2010 -(2) - NOW, THEREFOREBEITRESOLVED, IHoward M. Frawley, as Mayor ofthe Village of Angolaonbehalfofthe Village BoardofTrustees, all Village Residents and all Village Employees do hereby honorthis "memorialproclamation" to the family ofSalvatoreL. Mogavero, andproclaim Monday January 11th 2010 as:"Salvatore L. Mo ave Day" Donald Mogavero thankedthe Village Boardand stated that his father wouldhave been so honoredto receive this memorial proclamation. COMMUNICATIONS: MayorFrawley reported: • Announcedthe Association ofErie County Govermnents meeting January 28 inthe Town ofHamburg at Romanello's South. • Announcedthe Village Officials Associationmeeting January 21 in Orchard Park. • AnnouncedtheNYCOM special forum regarding Local Govermnent Consolidation andDissolution, is scheduled for January 20 at Orchard Park High School. • Announced the resignation letterfrom Mike Stone, meterreader due to a knee injury. Motion to approve with regret, Resignation ofPart-TimeMeter Reader Mike Stone made byTrustee Kin, seconded by Trustee LoGalbo, Unanimously carried. There has beenan ad inthe Penny Saverfor a replacementthe response has been good • Received a notice regarding World Kidney Day, onMarch 11,2010. A proclamation will be includedat the next board meeting. Trustee Houstonreported: • Bedand Breakfastconcerned overthe rental inspectionfees. AfterAttorney Yusick reviewed local lawwiththe Code enforcement Officer, the lawstands as anyone who collects rent is subjectto these fees. The board asked Attorney Yusickto look into a separate law for suchtypes ofproperty, to offeran inspection, but not a perunit charge, some sortofa business status category was suggested as a betteravenue to follow. Attorney Yusick will look into this. • Reported a letterfrom Mr. Godfrey- approached Mr. Godfrey now in attendance: Mr. Godfrey reportedthat he receiveda Violation letter from Code EnforcementOfficer LaBarberaregarding hazards andtrash. He fixed the hazard, but is not aware ofany trash. As far as painting, he plans onpainting itand putting it up for sale. Mayor Frawley statedthatthe Village Boardcannotact onthis violationbecause Mr. Godfrey has to go to courtto settle this issue. His requestto the boardfor a hearing was not granted, because according to the Buildinginspectorhe is not the ownerofthe property, his wife was suppose to write the board. His wife stated that he handles all ofthe business. Mr. Godfrey found the violation letter offensive and asked Mayor Frawley to review the notation onthe bottomofthe letter. ChiefMasullo retrieved the notice andhanded itto the Mayor. Mr. Godfrey stated thathe always complied withviolationnotices inthe pastand doesn't see why there is a threat ofan arrest ifhe doesn't comply. The Mayor said this is a standardletter. Mr. Godfrey will go to court. The boardthanked Mr. Godfrey for coming andproceeded withthe meeting. • Statedthatthe reportthe Village received from NYCOM confirms a decrease in State Aid (AIM) this will not affect the Village because we received ourAIM checks in Septemberwhich was priorto the cut. • Asked ifthe Village Clerkheard from the CDBG representatives yet, to see ifthe Village received funding for the projects the Village applied for. The Clerk received .no conformation yet. January 11, 2010 - (3) - • Announced an article in RochesterNewspaperregarding the new Genny Lightsign made locally by Grey Line Signs ofBrant, NY, DEPARTMENTHEADS, COMMITTEE REPORTS: TRUSTEE HOUSTONreported: ''-1: • Attended the installation ofthe 2010 Newly ElectedOfficersfor the Town ofEvans. • The Southtowns CommunityEnhancementCoalitionwill be sponsoringan interesting , . eventcalled "The 1DO-Mile Table", Everything servedfor this eventwill come from an average ofno more than 100 miles away from the community. It's interestingto see the foods orproducts that are produced from withinI00 miles ofthe area. This is being done to promote agri-business inthe area • • A meeting with Economic DevelopmentCommittee reportedthatthe area ofLake Erie Beachwill be surveyed in efforts to promote the Tax Abatementbenefits program. Parties are also interestedinthe old St. Columbians Centerfor a conference centerofbedand breakfast. • Reportedthat Christmas Carolingatthe Gazebo went well although itwas bittercold outside. The hot chocolate and cookies served atthe First United Congregational Church ofChristafterwards was abig help. The ceremony will continueannually. 7:30 Motion to Close regular Board Meeting and open Public Hear made by Trustee Kin, seconded byTrustee Wilson, Unanimously Carried. Clerkread Notice: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW VILLAGE OF ANGOLA CHAPTER 168,ARTICLE I, SECTION 168-6 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there has been introduced before the Board ofTrustees ofthe Village ofAngola on the 14th day ofDecember,2009, aproposed Local Law Number 5 for theyear2009, repealing Section 168-6(A) ofChapter 168,Article 1ofthe Code ofthe Village ofAngola. Said proposed Local Law establishes maintenance standards for the exteriorofbuildings and structures. PLEASE TAKE FURTHERNOTICE that pursuant to Section20 ofthe New York Home Rule Law, a public hearingwill beheld on the aforesaid proposed Local Law beforethe Board ofTrustees ofthe Village ofAngola, New York, at the Village Hall, 41 Commercial Street, Angola, New York at 7:30 p.m. on the nth day ofJanuary, 2010, at which time all interested persons will beheard. No comments came from floor. 7:32 Motion to Close public hearingand reopen regular Board Meeting made by Trustee Kin, seconded by Trustee LoGalbo, Unanimously Carried. TRUSTEE KIN reported on behalfofthe Angola Library: • ElectionofLibrary Officers for 2010 was held: Officers are: President-JackKuebler; Vice President-SallyNeedham; Secretary-Meri Grennel; Treasurer-Jaqueline Haderer: th • Mardi Gras Celebration will be held on Tuesday February 16 • There will be aJelly Beancontest. • The library is used daily for private tutoring services after school • Reportedthatthe Computer use has increased. TRUSTEE WILSONNo report January lJ, 2010 - (4)- TRUSTEE LOGALBO reported • Continuingto worktowards solarenergyand a green initiativefor the Village. There are many interestingideasfor green energyandthe possibilitiesfor ourVillage office andthe Village Business's. He attended an informational meeting with Mayor Frawleyand Clerk Linda Giancarlo, initiatedby former Legislator BobReynolds. • Workingwith Code Enforcement Officers propertyownersand local businesses to initiate aclean up ofblighted propertiesand encourage investments insome ofthe older vacant buildings. TrusteeWilson statedhis concernoverfinancial limitations manyproperty owners have to face to fix uptheirproperties. He shared his concernaboutpressuring the business owners. Trustee LoGalbo stated that he is aware ofthe financial limitations and that's why he is talkingto property owners to letthem know what kind ofincentives are outthere to help them. He statedthathis goal is to encourage enhancing/fixing up the properties. People who are notputtingin any effortto help theirvacantproperties, should sell them and give someone the opportunity to invest. MAYORFRAWLEY reported • Attendedthe Christmas Caroling atthe Gazebo and it was very cold. • Announcedhe and Trustee Houston met withKathy Konst and Tom Dearingofthe Erie County Economic DevelopmentProgram. Theytook atour ofthe Village and showed them Goya, SeniorHousing, and discussed the vacant building issues and ideas, for example-the OldTown Hall, Old Ford Lanes, Emblem Building etc. Trustee Houston mentioned discussions regarding the Vacant Buildings and turning 1 them into investments for rental apartments onsecondfloors and answered questions asto whetherthe Water Line Projecton SouthMain improvedthe water quality or J added any new lines for the local homes-yes was his answer. ATTORNEY- reported • Talked to aconsultant regardingthe Emblem Building and whether it could be classified as Historic. What effectitwill have. The board is interested in more informationand asked Attorney Yusickto follow through. Attorney will need a copy ofthe studydone by TVGA plus informationfrom the Professorfrom the University ofVermontthattouredthe building inthe summerof2009. 7:42 PM MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS A PERSONNEL ISSUE-MADE BYTRUSTEE HOUSTON, SECONDED BYTRUSTEE KIN, unanimously carried. 7:54 PM MOTION TO RE ENTERTHE REGULARBOARD MEETING MADE BY TRUSTEE KIN, SECONDED BYTRUSTEEWILSON, unanimously carried Mayor Frawley reported: No action was taken in the executive session. POLICE- ChiefErnestMasullo reported: • Police hotline has been receiving many complaints in the Village regarding private snowplow drivers. They are leaving snow inthe road and right-of-way, which is causing hazards to the public. An ad has beenpublished inthe paperregarding this NY State and local law as to no such"acrossthe streetplowing". January I1,2010 -(5)- • Reported that a vehicle slid offthe end ofLake Streetand hitthe front ofthe Laundromat building onN. Main Street-the laundry is still open. GENERAL CREWCHIEF reported: • Snowremoval has been top priority. Will be working onN Main Streettomorrow l night. • Saltcontract with Lake Shore Central School is working well so far. No shortage being seenas ofyet. Mayor Frawley reported a complaint on York Street, and discussed this issue withthe DPW. Trustee Wilson asked ifthe plows were having trouble with cars parkedon the side ofthe road. CrewChiefKaminski stated thatwhenthere is an issue, the DPW crewcalls the police. FIRE COMMISSIONERS: ROBERT BECKreported: • The ladder truck number is backinservice. Trustee Wilson reported a complaintfrom Brantgarage thatthey are storing FD ladders and need to know when they will be removed. CommissionerBeckreportedthat he thoughtthatthere was no room for the ladders atthe halls. Trustee Wilson asked themto put some plans togetherto makeroom. The Boardasked about hanging them onthe wall. • CommissionerBeck-Reportedthat aFEMA grantwas semi-approved for the Angola Fire Department forjust over $42,000 for Scott air-packs. Clerk verified accounts for FEMA. LYNNE KAMINSKI reported: • Reported that all repairs for the ladder Truckhave beenaccounted for andpaidas approved. • Asked the Clerkto pull outthe last FEMAfile to reviewprocedures. • Asked for permission to add one more $15.00 bill payable to James Fessell, rei1Jlbursement for ambulance inspection, into the otherbills. Motion made from Trustee Wilson seconded by Trustee Kin. Unanimously Carried. • Asked Trustee Houston ifhe was going to take care ofthe garbagepick up for the Bottle Candrive, scheduled for Saturday January 30 answer was yes. • ChiefYoung, revamped the "Standard OperationsGuide Lines"these are guidelines for the Fire Department to follow. Needs boards approval to acceptthese guidelines. The Bookis onfile in the Village Office. Motion made by Trustee Wilson seconded by Trustee LoGalbo. Unanimously Carried. MayorFrawley- Extended athank youto the Fire Departmenton behalfofthe sonofRonald Lehning, due to his competenttraining from the Angola Fire Department he was able to participate in saving the lives oftwo II-year old boys from a smoldering fire. CODE ENFORCEMENT- Excused • Monthlyreports have beenfiled for the months ofSeptember, OctoberandNovember 2009 PLANNING- Absent: Board approved Erica LoGalbo as an alternate member ofthe Angola Planning Board. January II, 2010 -(6) - ZONING- Absent: Board approved Timothy Murphy as an alternate member ofthe Angola Planning Board. . The Clerkwill senda letterto inform bothnewappointees CLERK-TREASURER-reported: • Closed the books for December, andpresented aTreasurers Report and monthly financials to all boardmembers. ) The Boardasked aboutthe status ofthe Facade program. The Clerkis working on this withTim Hoelzle and Shellyfrom Desperado's. OLD BUSINESS: I. Sale ofWater Plant- nothing new 2. Thruway Water- ameeting pending, hope to hear byend ofFebruary 3. SeniorHousing- moving forward, meeting scheduled tomorrow Trustee Houston saidthat out of29 applications, 25 qualified for the SeniorHousing. He was confrontedat a local store by a family wantingto get a family memberinto the Senior Housing, hetoldthemto come to the Village Hall to obtainan application. He was happyto reporthe ran into the family, and the memberwas approved for the Senior Housing. He commentedonhow quickthe application process has been. He was pleased withthe response from the public to fill these units. MayorFrawley stated thatthere will be a grand opening inthe spring. CommissionerBeckasked aboutthe shields for some ofthe lights that were planned, they are verybright. 4. Intercontinental Building-CountyAuction is being scheduled 5. 39 SouthMain Street-askedAttorneyto move forward withpurchase 6. Step in curb, Lake StandN. Main- waiting for betterweather ] 7. Emblem Bldgpending- Historical sitepossibility, Attorney will proceed with contacts. .8. Erie County SewerDistrict#2 - pending- meeting planned on meterpit. 9. Erie County SewerDistrict#2 - pendingas to paymentfor lost water. 10. Flooding Problem WT Hogg School-engineerGallo will follow up soon II. Answerfrom Town regarding funding to the Village for the Library building upkeep-no answeryet. Clerk will contact SupervisorPordumfor an answer. "lEWBUSINESS: 1. Member Items- Trustee Houston will work with Grant-Writer. 2. Census 2010- Village Clerkasked for amotionto approve using the Village Hall as a Training Session location \10TION TO APPROVE made by Trustee Wilson, Seconded by Trustee Kin, Unanimously carried RESOLUTIONS BEING OFFERED JANUARY 11,2010 #1 APPROVE CONTRACT AND FINAL PAYMENT SOUTHMAIN WATERLINE RESOLVED thatthe AngolaVillage BoardofTrusteesdoes hereby approve and authorize the Mayorto execute final contractwith E&R GeneralConstruction to include Change Order #2 for the SouthMain Street Waterline ReplacementProject as recommended bythe Village Engineer, DonaldGallo, and authorizes Clerk-Treasurerto pay saidfinal contractinthe amount of, thirty-five-thousand-two-hundred-seventy-two-dollars-and-twenty-six-cents January 11, 2010 -(7) - ($35,272.26) as funding becomes available. MOTION TO APPROVE made by Trustee Wilson, Seconded by Trustee LoGalbo, Unanimously carried ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #2 APPROVE CREATION OF NEW POSITION FOR CLEANING 'l j WHEREAS, the Village Board budgeted a cleaning line for the purpose ofcleaning ofthe Village Officeat an amount not to exceed $8.00 per hr. 2hrs. perweek and WHEREAS, the Village must create said position as per Civil Service requirements, NOW BElT RESOLVED that the Village of Angola Board hereby creates a position and authorizes MayorFrawleyto prepare and signaNew Position Duty Statementfor the purposeofsuch. MOTION TO APPROVE made by Trustee LoGalbo, Seconded by Trustee Kin, Unanimously carried #3 APPROVE ASSEMBLAGE APPLICATION FOR Family Fun Walk RESOLVED thatthe Village Boardhereby approves the application from the Lake Shore CSD-Family SupportGroup, Mr. Re' Biastreto assemble a"Family Fun Walk" for Saturday May 1, 2010 from the hours oflOAM to 11AM, which will startatHigh School, walkpastthe Bus Garage, to Main Street, to Woodward, to Miller, to Sunset,to High School via Sunset. All local enforcement agencies will be notified. MOTION TO APPROVE made by Trustee Kin, Seconded by Trustee Houston, Unanimously carried #4 ADOPT PROPOSED LOCAL LAW #5-2009 as LOCAL LAW #1-2010 ENTILTED BUILDING STRUCTURES 1 WHEREAS, there has been presentedbeforethis Board onthe 14th day ofDecember, 2009, proposed Local LawNumber 5 for the year 2009, whichrepeals Section 168-6(A) ofChapter ) 168, Article I ofthe Code ofthe Village ofAngolaand replaces itwith a newSection 168 6(A), which establishes standardsfor the exteriorofbuildings and structures, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held before the BoardofTrustees on the 11th day of January, 2010, at which time all interestedparties were heard, and WHEREAS, it is the opinionofthe Boardthat it is necessary thatthe Property Maintenance Lawbe more specific as to standards for the exteriors ofbuildings and structures in orderto address the issue ofa declining housing stock. BE IT RESOLVED, thatproposed Local LawNumber 5for the year 2009 is hereby adopted as Local LawNumber 1for the year 2010. A copy ofthe Local Law is attached hereto. MOTION TO APPROVE made by Trustee Houston, Seconded by Trustee Kin, Unanimously carried #5 APPROVE APPOINTMENT N.E.S.T. REPRESENTATIVES WHEREAS, according to Bi-Laws ofN.E.S.T. the Village must appoint a representative to sitonthe N.E.S.T. Board, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village Board ofthe Village ofAngola, hereby appoints Trustee John Wilson as said representative. The Village also appoints Trustee William Houston as an alternative representative for the Year 2010. MOTION TO APPROVE made by Trustee Houston, Seconded by Trustee LoGalbo, Unanimously carried #6 APPROVE BUSINESS INITIATIVE offered by Trustee LoGalbo January II. 20I0 - (8) - WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined that many businesses and residential properties have worn, missing and/or chipped paint which detract from the neighboring properties, and WHEREAS, the Village Board has determined that instituting a paint initiative informing the residents oftheproblem would have abeneficial effect, and WHEREAS, certain local businesses have joined the initiative by offering paint to Village ) residents and businesses at 5% overcost. BE IT RESOLVED I) that the Village of Angola, institute a paint initiative as part of the Village annual springcleanup 2) thatthe Clerk-Treasurer memo the nextwater billinginformingthe residents ofthe initiative and advising them to contact the Village Clerks Office for a listofLocal Businessesparticipating inthe initiative. MOTION TO APPROVE made by Trustee Wilson, Seconded by Trustee Kin, Unanimously carried AUDIT OF BILLS- MOTION TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING General Fund Abstract 014, Checks #7460 to #7465 in the total amount of$1,426.85 and General Fund Abstract 015, Checks #7466 to #7516 inthe total amount of$52,460.13, plus payrolls #25 & 26; WaterFund Abstract 014, Checks #1938-#1939 inthe total amount of$324.24 and Water FundAbstract 015, Checks #1940 to #1954 inthe total amount of$40,154.27 plus Water Payrolls #25 & 26. MOTION MADE BYTRUSTEE HOUSTON, SECONDED BY TRUSTEE LOGALBO, UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED. Trustee Houston asked for the Boardto referto the streambank project that FEMA has awardedthe Village. He realizes the Clerks financial concerns while waiting for 1 reimbursementfrom the Countyfor otherprojects, butaskedthe boardto considerfuture reviewing and approval for Engineers Donald Gallo's proposalfor the FEMAIStreambank project. Mayor Frawleyagrees withthe Clerk-Treasurerand financial obligations, and suggests to hold offonprojects for the time being in an effort to complete active projects. Clerk-Treasurerasked whatthe time limitwas on the FEMA Stream bankgrant, andthe DPWCrewChiefreported an 18 months time period(in which 3have passed already)! The boardagreedto hold offand re-Iook at the project at a future date to coincide withthe otherpartsofthepending Herman Parkproject. MOTION TO ADJOURN to the nextregularly scheduled Board meeting Monday February 8th2010 at 7:00 with a Workshop at 6:30PM ifneeded. This Meeting is dedicated in Loving Memory ofSalvatore1. Mogavero, Brian Galfo and TerraGajkowski. MOTION MADE BY TRUSTEE WILSON, SECONDED BYTRUSTEE KIN, unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned at8:40PM SubmittedBy Village Clerk-Treasurer January II, 2010 - (9)-

Jan 11, 2010 TRUSTEE LoGALBO: introducing an Angola Business Group; ;letter to . BBQ. He will inform the board when a date is scheduled. • He has
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