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Time Evolution of Thermal Photon Elliptic Flow 9 0 0 Rupa Chatterjee, Dinesh K. Srivastava 2 Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, 1/AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata 700 064, India n a J Ulrich Heinz 1 Physics Department, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA 2 ] h -t Abstract l c Elliptic flow of thermal photons has a great potential to explore the early time dynamics and u n evolution of Quark Gluon Plasma. pT dependent temporal contours for photon spectra and [ elliptic flow from quark matter and hadronic phases, as well as the pT integrated results show gradualbuild-upof flowwith timeandrelativecontributionsfrom differentphasestothatvery 1 clearly. Unlike hadrons, photon flow is quitesensitive to theinitial thermalization time τ0, and v its value can be estimated with theexperimental determination of v2. 0 7 2 3 Key words: Photons, ellipticflow,timeevolution, τ0 etc. PACS: . 1 0 9 1. Introduction 0 : v The observation of large anisotropic flow or in particular elliptic flow of different i X hadronic species at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at BrookhavenNational r Lab, New York, provides a strong confirmation of the formation of QGP. Photons are a knowntoprobethepropertiesofQGPinarelativelycleanmannercomparedtohadrons. Unlike hadrons, photons are emitted from every stage of the expanding system and also carry undistorted information from the production point to the detector. Elliptic flow is known to provide information about early thermalization and collectivity in the hot and dense matter. The flow parameter v2 is quantified as the 2nd Fourier co-efficient of the particle distribution in the transverse momentum plane as (at mid-rapidity and for collisions of same type of nuclei only even cosine terms survive in the series below): dN(b) dN(b) = [1+2v2(pT,b)cos(2φ)+2v4(pT,b)cos(4φ)+...] (1) p dp dydφ 2πp dp dy T T T T PreprintsubmittedtoElsevier 21January2009 Thermal Photons 1.2 Au+Au@200 A GeV, b=7 fm 1 τv()2f0.8 τv()/20.6 Quark Matter (QM) 0.4 Hadronic Matter (HM) QM + HM 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 τ (fm) Fig.1.Leftpanel:v2 forthermalphotons alongwithcontributions fromQMandHM.Rightpanel:pT integratedv2 resultsfromdifferentphasesasafunctionofτ. We have shown that elliptic flow of thermal photons for 200A GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC (using ideal hydrodynamic model) reflects the anisotropies of the early partonic phaseatlargevaluesoftransversemomentumpT [1].Inarecentcalculationofphotonv2 (considering prompt and jet photons along with thermal), it is shown that the thermal v2 dominates over others for pT <5 GeV [2]. 2. Time evolution of photon v2 The time evolution of photon spectra and v2 is studied for impact parameter b = 7 fm and τ0 =0.2 fm considering the same initial conditions as given in Ref. [1]. Rates of photon production from quark matter and hot hadronic gas are taken from Arnold et al. [3] and Turbide et al. [4] respectively, which provide good description of the single photondataatRHICaswellasatSPSenergies.Thep dependentellipticflowparameter T forthermalphotonsalongwithcontributionstov2fromquarkmatter(QM)andhadronic matter (HM) phases are shown separately in left panel of Fig.1. In the right panel of same figure, the pT integrated v2 from different phases as a function of proper time τ and normalized with v2(τf) from respective phases are shown, where τf ( ≈ 12 fm) is the time when freeze-outis completed [5]. As shownin the figure,the v2(QM)saturates early within a time period of 5 fm. The v2(HM) is small at the beginning and saturates much later compared to v2(QM). Contours of pT dependent spectra and v2 at various valuesofτ fromQM,HMandthesumofthetwophasesareshownexplicitlyinFig.2.At large p (>3 GeV), most of the photons from QM are emitted very early within a time T period of 2 fm. However, the v2(QM) is not that strong at early times and it gradually builds-up as shown in the left panel of Fig. 2. Photons from HM and their v2, both are very small at the beginning and become significant only after 4-5 fm. The sum spectra and v2 show clear QM dominance at early times or large pT and the HM contributionis substantial only for lower p or later times. T 3. τ0 from elliptic flow of thermal photons The final v2(pT) for photons is quite sensitive to the initial thermalization time τ0 for a fixed value of particle multiplicity, and the value of τ0 can thus be estimated with the help of experimental results [6]. The differential elliptic flow v2(pT) for different τ0 ranging from 0.2 to 1.0 fm at b=6 fm, are shown in left panel of Fig. 3. For smaller τ0, 2 Quark Matter Hadronic Matter Quark Matter + Hadronic Matter 1.0 1.0 1.0 ττdN()/dN()f0000....2468 00112223344455..............5937159371593722222222222222 ττdN()/dN()f0000....2468 34445566678911............00715937159753..2222222222221922 ττdN()/dN()f0000....2468 01223456678911............00531975319753..2222222222221922 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 pT (GeV) pT (GeV) pT (GeV) Quark Matter Hadronic Matter Quark Matter + Hadronic Matter 1.0 1.0 1.0 ττv()/v()22f0000....2468 00112223344455..............5937159371593722222222222222 ττv()/v()22f0000....2468 34445566678911............00715937159753..2222222222221922 ττv()/v()22f0000....2468 01223456678911............00531975319753..2222222222221922 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 pT (GeV) pT (GeV) pT (GeV) Fig.2.pT spectra[upperpanel]andellipticflow[lowerpanel]ofthermalphotonsfordifferentvaluesof τ fromQM,HMandthesumofthetwophases. 0.20 0.4 Thermal Photons Au+Au@200 AGeV; b=6 fm 0.16 Au+Au@200 AGeV b = 6 fm 0.3 v(p)2T00..1028 QQ0.M5Mx+HHMM 1.0 fm/c v(p)2T0.2 π 00..24 ffmm//cc 0.8 fm/c 0.6 fm/c 0.6fm/c 0.1 0.8 fm/c 0.04 0.2 fm/c 0.4 fm/c 1.0 fm/c 0.000.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 0.00.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 p (GeV/c) p (GeV/c) T T Fig.3. v2(pT)forthermalphotons [leftpanel]andπ mesons[rightpanel]atdifferentτ0. the numberofphotonsfromQMincreasescomparedtolargerτ0 athighpT.As v2(QM) is smaller at earlier times and v2(HM) does not change significantly with changing τ0, the total v2 decreases with smaller τ0. As hadrons are emitted from freeze-out surface, their v2 is affected only marginally with changing values of τ0 (right panel of Fig. 3). In conclusion, the time evolution results for photon spectra and elliptic flow show gradual build-up of the flow parameter along with relative contributions from different phases with time and at different pT. Photon flow is quite sensitive to the value of τ0, which can be estimated by experimental determination of the flow parameter. References [1] R.Chatterjee,E.Frodermann,U.Heinz,andD.K.Srivastava, Phys. Rev. Lett.96,202302(2006). [2] S.Turbide,C.Gale,E.Frodermann,U.Heinz. Phys. Rev. C77,024909(2008). [3] P.Arnold,G.D.Moore,andL.G.Yaffe,JHEP0112,009(2001). [4] S.Turbide,R.Rapp,andC.Gale, Phys. Rev. C69,014903(2004). [5] R.Chatterjee,D.K.Srivastava, andU.Heinz.[inpreparation]. 3 [6] R.ChatterjeeandD.K.Srivastava,e-Print:arXiv:0809.0548[nucl-th]. 4

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