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Time-dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification PDF

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Barbara Kaltenbacher Thomas Schuster Anne Wald  Editors Time-dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification Time-dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification Barbara Kaltenbacher • Thomas Schuster Anne Wald Editors Time-dependent Problems in Imaging and Parameter Identification Editors BarbaraKaltenbacher ThomasSchuster DepartmentofMathematics DepartmentofMathematics Alpen-Adria-Universita¨tKlagenfurt SaarlandUniversity Klagenfurt,Austria Saarbru¨cken,Saarland,Germany AnneWald DepartmentofMathematics SaarlandUniversity Saarbru¨cken,Saarland,Germany ISBN978-3-030-57783-4 ISBN978-3-030-57784-1 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-57784-1 ©SpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG2021 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartof thematerialisconcerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation, broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway,andtransmissionorinformation storageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodology nowknownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublication doesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevant protectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthors,andtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthisbook arebelievedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublishernortheauthorsor theeditorsgiveawarranty,expressedorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinorforany errorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregardtojurisdictional claimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland Dedicatedtoourbelovedfamilies: Manfred,Robert,Cornelia,andKatharina Petra,Adrian,andSelina PhilipandKira Preface Inverseproblemsdealwiththereconstructionofunknownquantitiesfromindirect observations and have a large number of applications ranging from medical imaging via nondestructive testing to geophysical prospection, to name just a few exemplary areas. These problems are by their nature ill-posed in the sense that small perturbations in the given data, e.g., due to measurement noise, can lead to large deviations in the reconstructions, unless appropriate mathematical tools—regularization methods—are developed and used. In addition, the question of uniqueness, i.e., whether the given observations unambiguously determine the searched-for quantity, is essential and often challenging to answer. Another important aspect in inverse problems is mathematical modeling, i.e., the correct description of the underlying relations and processes governing the connection betweentheparameterstobereconstructedontheonehandandtheobserveddata ontheotherhand. Whileinvestigationsonthesequestionshavesofarmainlybeenfocusedonstatic problems,thedependenceofparametersand/orstatesnotonlyonspacebutalsoon time plays an increasingly important role in inverse problems applications: Time- resolved observations on the one hand allow to image evolutionary phenomena such as blood flow or a motion of the object, for example, a beating heart. On the other hand, they enable super-resolution in microscopy. Correspondingly, the underlying physical mechanisms are instationary and thus require modeling with time-dependentpartialdifferentialequations(PDEs)—typicallywave,diffusion,or transportequations.Theaimofthisbookistocollectsomenovelcontributionson time-dependentparameteridentificationandimagingproblems,therewithproviding anoverviewonrecentdevelopmentsaswellasastimulusonfurtherresearchinthis area. A key step for working with novel time-resolved imaging techniques is their proper modeling based on the underlying physics. Consequently, a considerable emphasisofthecontributionsinchapters“JointPhaseReconstructionandMagni- tudeSegmentationfromVelocity-EncodedMRIData”,“QuantitativeOCTRecon- structionsforDispersiveMedia”,“InverseProblems ofSingleMolecule Localiza- tion Microscopy”, and “Parameter Identification for the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert vii viii Preface Equation in Magnetic Particle Imaging” is on describing or actually even deriving suchmodels. Chapter“JointPhaseReconstructionandMagnitudeSegmentationfromVeloc- ity-Encoded MRI Data” provides a complete description of the inverse problem of velocity-encoded MRI from the acquisition process to the spin proton density estimation and devises a joint variational model to simultaneously estimate phase and magnitude reconstruction and its segmentation. The resulting non-convex and nonlinearoptimizationproblemisthensolvedbyaBregmaniteration. In chapter “Quantitative OCT Reconstructions for Dispersive Media”, optical coherencetomography(OCT)forlayeredmediaisdescribedasaninverseproblem for a one-dimensional wave equation, which can be explicitly solved in the nondispersivecase,thusleadingtoalayerstrippingtypereconstructionalgorithm. Thisapproachisthenextendedtothepracticallyrelevantdispersivesettingandthe caseofanabsorbingmediumisaddressedaswell. Also, chapter “Parameter Identification for the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert Equa- tion in Magnetic Particle Imaging” contains a modeling section, describing the physics of magnetic particle imaging (MPI) and yielding the Landau–Lifshitz– Gilbert (LLG) equation as a mathematical model. The task of calibration thus becomesaparameteridentificationproblemfortheLLGequationandisconsidered from two different inverse problem perspectives: A classical reduced approach relyingonaparameter-to-statemapandanall-at-onceapproachconsideringmodel andobservationsasasimultaneoussystemofoperatorequationsforparameterand state. Finally,chapter“InverseProblemsofSingleMoleculeLocalizationMicroscopy” is entirely devoted to the derivation of a model for a novel super-resolution microscopy technique, namely single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM). Here the resolution limit determined by Abbe’s limit of diffraction is overcome by replacing the simultaneous acquisition of a microscopy image with a sequence of frames recording single blinking events. The chapter provides a complete mathematical description of the measurement setup by Maxwell’s equations and adaptations thereof, thus finally establishing SMLM as an inverse problem for a coupledsystemofPDEs. One of the key issues in the context of time-dependent imaging is motion of the target. This may be of periodic nature or irregular, and the actual motion may be the object of interest or an unwanted side effect—think of tracking flow in a pipe on the one hand and the movement of a patient during a recording on the other hand. Thus, detection and estimation of motion, as well as its compensationforproperimagingarekeytopicsinchapters“MotionCompensation Strategies in Tomography”, “Microlocal Properties of Dynamic Fourier Integral Operators”, “Joint Motion Estimation and Source Identification Using Convective Regularisation with an Application to the Analysis of Laser Nanoablations”, and“TomographicReconstructionforSingleConjugateAdaptiveOptics”. Chapter “Joint Motion Estimation and Source Identification Using Convective Regularisation with an Application to the Analysis of Laser Nanoablations” con- siders spatially one-dimensional imaging of a certain morphogenesis process and Preface ix proposesavariationalmethodforjointmotionestimationandsourceidentification in the underlying one-dimensional mechanical model of tissue formation. Here the data misfit term in the variational model is defined as the L2 residual of the nonhomogeneouscontinuityequationandregularizationisbasedontheconvective derivativeofthesource. Chapter “Tomographic Reconstruction for Single Conjugate Adaptive Optics” deals with the reconstruction of atmospheric turbulence profiles from wavefront measurements. Here the wind speeds, which cause the motion of the different turbulent layers, play a crucial role for uniqueness: It is proven that mutually different velocities lead to unique identifiability of the turbulence profiles. This resultisextendedtothepracticallyrelevantsettingoffinitetelescopeaperturebased onFourierexpansions. Chapter “Motion Compensation Strategies in Tomography” provides a frame- work for compensating known motion in tomographic imaging in order to avoid artifacts in the reconstruction. The motion is described as a sequence of diffeo- morphisms, corresponding to deformation vector fields. Moderate deformations, where the dynamic forward operator results as an appropriate concatenation of the static forward operator with a (multiplicative and superposition type) function of a diffeomorphism, allow for an explicit reversal of motion which, combined with a static reconstruction, yields a correct image from dynamic data. In the complementarycaseofstrongdeformations,themethodoftheapproximateinverse isshowntoprovideefficientmotioncompensation. In chapter “Microlocal Properties of Dynamic Fourier Integral Operators”, methodsfrommicrolocalanalysisareusedtoanswerthequestionwhichfeatures(in thesenseofsingularities)oftheimagedobjectcanberecoveredfromthegivendata andinwhichlocationsmotionartifactscanarise.Theanalysisisbasedonthetheory of Fourier integral operators, which covers many relevant dynamic tomographic methods based on integral transforms, such as the classical Radon transform in X-ray CT or the circular Radon transform in a particular setting of photoacoustic tomographybutisprobablyalsoapplicabletoPDE-basedmodels. Reconstruction schemes are often built on existing paradigms known from staticinverseandimagingproblemsandneedtobeadaptedtothetime-dependent setting in order to work efficiently. In view of practical applications, the solution oftime-dependentproblemsofteninvolveselaboratecomputations,whichdemands fast reconstruction schemes. In the case of ill-posed inverse problems, they also need to incorporate regularization. Iterative reconstruction schemes, as consid- ered, e.g., in chapters “Joint Phase Reconstruction and Magnitude Segmentation from Velocity-Encoded MRI Data”, “Dynamic Inverse Problems for the Acoustic WaveEquation”,“SequentialSubspaceOptimizationforRecoveringStoredEnergy Functions in Hyperelastic Materials from Time-Dependent Data”, and “Parameter IdentificationfortheLandau–Lifshitz–GilbertEquationinMagneticParticleImag- ing”, generate successive approximations of the searched-for quantity and achieve regularization by a well-chosen stopping criterion. To guarantee convergence of these methods, conditions on the forward problem need to be verified, such as x Preface differentiability of the forward operator and certain restrictions on its nonlinearity suchastheso-calledtangentialconecondition. The latter is investigated in chapter “The Tangential Cone Condition for Some Coefficient Identification Model Problems in Parabolic PDEs”, first of all in an abstract setting of evolution models and then for several concrete inverse source or coefficient problems for linear and nonlinear parabolic PDEs, contrasting the reducedandtheall-at-onceapproachofformulatingtheinverseproblem. For the identification of space- and time-dependent coefficients in an acoustic wave equation, chapter “Dynamic Inverse Problems for the Acoustic Wave Equa- tion” provides results on the derivative of the forward operator in appropriate function spaces, as well as its adjoint, as required for iterative regularization. Likewise, this is done in chapter “Parameter Identification for the Landau–Lif- shitz–GilbertEquationinMagneticParticleImaging”formagneticparticleimaging and in chapter “Sequential Subspace Optimization for Recovering Stored Energy Functions in Hyperelastic Materials from Time-Dependent Data” for structural healthmonitoringwithhyperelasticwaves. Thelatter,i.e.,chapter“SequentialSubspaceOptimizationforRecoveringStored Energy Functions in Hyperelastic Materials from Time-Dependent Data”, also devises an accelerated iteration scheme, namely sequential subspace optimization, which uses, instead of only one gradient step, a linear combination of directions with optimized step sizes. This method is applied to a dictionary discretization of thestoredenergyfunctioncharacterizingthehyperelasticmaterialandthus,viaits spatialvariability,allowingtodetectdamageintheinspectedmedium. Whenever a quantity is to be determined from indirect measurements, the questionariseswhetherthesedatauniquelydeterminethehiddenobject.Themore complex the underlying model that connects the searched-for parameters with the givenobservations,themorechallengingistheanswertothisquestion.Uniqueness proves are provided in chapters “Holmgren-John Unique Continuation Theorem for Viscoelastic Systems” and “An Inverse Source Problem Related to Acoustic NonlinearityParameterImaging”. Chapter “Holmgren-John Unique Continuation Theorem for Viscoelastic Sys- tems” establishes the unique continuation property for a viscoelastic system, i.e., a hyperbolic PDE with a memory term, based on the Holmgren-John concept of proving uniqueness for problems with analytic coefficients and noncharacteristic boundaries. This is essential for solving inverse problems such as the detection of obstaclesorinclusions. For a nonlinear acoustic wave equation (the Moore–Gibson–Thompson equa- tion), the uniqueness of an inverse source problem as well as its conditional stabilityisestablishedinchapter“AnInverseSourceProblemRelatedtoAcoustic Nonlinearity Parameter Imaging”, as a first step into the mathematical analysis of ultrasonicnonlinearityimaging. Segmentation and Registration, i.e., the decomposition of image regions accordingtotheirdifferentintensities,aswellasthealignmentofdifferentframes ormodalitiestoacommoncoordinatesystem,areimagingtasksthatplayarolein manyapplicationsandrequirespecialadaptationinthetime-dependentcontext. Preface xi Here similarity measures are crucial in order to identify objects of the same type on the one hand and to distinguish between different ones on the other hand. Chapter“ReviewofImageSimilarityMeasuresforJointImageReconstructionfrom MultipleMeasurements”providesabroadoverviewonsimilaritymeasureswitha particularviewonjointmulti-modalityimaging,asoftenalsoencounteredintime- dependentsettings. Inthecontextofimagingflowmotionbyvelocity-encodedMRI,segmentationis implementedinchapter“JointPhaseReconstructionandMagnitudeSegmentation fromVelocity-EncodedMRIData”bymeansofaspatiallyresolvedpenaltytermin avariationalmodel. Future research on time-dependent parameter identification and imaging prob- lemswillontheonehandbecertainlydirectedintocomplementationandunification ofthetheory,asithastoacertainextentalreadybeenaccomplishedforstaticinverse problems. On the other hand, many new tailored methods for specific dynamic inverse problems as well as innovative general solution paradigms to tackle time- dependencearejustabouttoemerge.Inparticular,questionsconcerningtheoptimal sampling of data or the promotion of special features of solutions such as spatial and/or temporal sparsity will be further investigated. Last but not least, in the explodingfieldofmachinelearning,evolutionarymodelsturnouttoplayacrucial role. 1. Joint Phase Reconstruction and Magnitude Segmentation from Velocity- Encoded MRI Data (Veronica Corona, Martin Benning, Lynn F. Gladden, AndiReci,AndrewJ.Sederman,andCarola-BibianeSchönlieb) 2. DynamicInverseProblemsfortheAcousticWaveEquation(ThiesGerken) 3. MotionCompensationStrategiesinTomography(BernadetteN.Hahn) 4. Microlocal Properties of Dynamic Fourier Integral Operators (Bernadette N. Hahn,Melina-L.KienleGarrido,andEricToddQuinto) 5. The Tangential Cone Condition for Some Coefficient Identification Model Problems in Parabolic PDEs (Barbara Kaltenbacher, Tram Thi Ngoc Nguyen, andOtmarScherzer) 6. SequentialSubspaceOptimizationforRecoveringStoredEnergyFunctionsin Hyperelastic Materials from Time-Dependent Data (Rebecca Klein, Thomas Schuster,andAnneWald) 7. JointMotionEstimationandSource Identification UsingConvective Regular- isation with an Application to the Analysis of Laser Nanoablations (Lukas F. Lang, Nilankur Dutta, Elena Scarpa, Bénédicte Sanson, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb,andJocelynÉtienne) 8. QuantitativeOCTReconstructionsforDispersiveMedia(PeterElbau,Leonidas Mindrinos,andLeopoldVeselka) 9. ReviewonImageSimilarityMeasuresforJointMulti-modalityImageRecon- struction(MingJiang) 10. Holmgren-John Unique Continuation Theorem for Viscoelastic Systems (MaartenV.deHoop,Ching-LungLin,andGenNakamura)

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