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Time 06April2020 PDF

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Preview Time 06April2020

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NOT ALONE SPECIAL REPORT FINDING COMMON PURPOSE IN A SHARED THREAT JOSÉ ANDRÉS A CHEF’S PANDEMIC RELIEF MISSION By SEAN GREGORY HEALTH WORKERS ON THE FRONT LINES HOW TO CARE FOR EACH OTHER FORWARD TOGETHER By CONNIE SCHULTZ By VAN JONES TIM200406_Jose.Cover.indd 1 3/25/20 2:58 PM It could be next door, down the street, up the block or across town… State Farm • Bloomington, IL …when there’s a community need, we’re there to help fulfill it. 2 Time April 6–13, 2020 ON THE COVER: Photograph by Martin Schoeller for TIME 4 | From the Editor 6 | Conversation 9 | For the Record The Brief News from the U.S. and around the world 11 | The stress the coronavirus puts on other patients 14 | Trump’s threat to defy public- health experts 15 | What’s in the $2trillion stimulus 16 | Locusts storm Africa 18 | TIME with ... Medicare for All proponent Ady Barkan 20 | Drive-through confessional The View Ideas, opinion, innovations 23 | James Stavridis on why we need military help 25 | Ian Bremmer on the harmful U.S.- China blame game 26 | When spies have to work from home 27 | Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Dr. Raj Panjabi offer lessons from the fight against Ebola 28 | The stock market’s emotional problems Time Off What to watch, read, see and do 91 | Kiley Reid has screen time with Terry McMillan 94 | Movies: Crip Camp; Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections; and Uncorked 96 | Television: Making the Cut; Tales From the Loop; and Three Busy Debras 98 | Books: what to read while social distancing 100 | 6 Questions for presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin Features The Coming Storm Health care workers scramble for protection; patients face big bills By Abby Vesoulis and Abigail Abrams 30 Virtually Impossible Working from home doesn’t work for students without computers; does it for employees with them? By Katie Reilly and Alana Semuels 38 Hostages to COVID-19 Forgotten American captives in Venezuela face the pandemic By Vera Bergengruen 48 Apart. Not Alone In the community formed by catastrophe, chef José Andrés answers the call By Sean Gregory68 Plus: Essays on pulling together from Vivek Murthy, Van Jones, Madeleine Albright and more 56  VOL. 195, NOS. 12–13 | 2020 △ In what has become a nightly community ritual in a time of isolation, Barcelona residents applaud and sing on their balconies as an image of resilience is projected onto a building Illustration and photograph by Javier Jaén Time (ISSN 0040-781X) is published weekly, except for two weeks in January, March, and December and one week in February, April, May, June, July, August, September, October due to combined issues by Time USA, LLC. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 3 Bryant Park, New York, NY 10036. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send all UAA to CFS (See DMM 507.1.5.2); Non-Postal and Military Facilities: Send address corrections to Time Magazine, PO BOX 37508 Boone, IA 50037-0508. Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement # 40069223. BN# 704925882RT0001. © 2020 TIME USA, LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUBSCRIPTIONS: For 24/7 service, please use our website: www.time.com/myaccount. You can also call 1-800-843-8463 or write Time Magazine PO Box 37508 Boone, IA 50037-0508. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. Your bank may provide updates to the card information we have on file. You may opt out of this service at any time. uuuuuuu TOC.indd 2 3/25/20 4:47 PM You know the feeling when you actually wake up early to go to the gym? Rolling over your old 401k can bring you that same sense of satisfaction—without the alarm clock. Our team of rollover specialists will walk you through the process step by step, and even call your old provider. We do the heavy lifting so you can focus on feeling accomplished. Get up to $600 when you roll over your old 401k into an IRA. Visit tdameritrade.com/rollover to get started today. A rollover is not your only alternative when dealing with old retirement plans. Please visit tdameritrade.com/rollover for more information on rollover alternatives. See tdameritrade.com/600offer for offer details and restrictions/conditions. This is not an offer or solicitation in any jurisdiction where we are not authorized to do business. TD Ameritrade, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. © 2019 TD Ameritrade. 4 April 6–13, 2020 HOW TO HELP On TIME.com, find a list of organizations and fundraisers accepting donations for health care workers, food banks and people who are unemployed because of COVID-19 at time.com/ coronavirus-help PROGRAMMING NOTE Apart. Not Alone is a special double issue that will be on sale for two weeks. The next issue of TIME will be published on April 9 and available at newsstands on April 10. TIME FOR KIDS To help parents and teachers coping with school closures, TIME for Kids is offering free global access to its library of grade-specific (K-6) digital issues, as well as the financial- literacy magazine Your $, for the rest of the school year, thanks to the support of Google, AT&T, HP and the PwC Charitable Foundation. Sign up at time.com/tfk-free and find worksheets and quizzes at timeforkids.com Please recycle this magazine, and remove inserts or samples beforehand ▽ follow us: facebook.com/time @time (Twitter and Instagram) ▽ send an email:

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