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Tim1 and Tim3 are not essential for experimental allergic asthma. PDF

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Preview Tim1 and Tim3 are not essential for experimental allergic asthma.

doi:10.1111/j.1365-2222.2011.03728.x Clinical&ExperimentalAllergy,41,1012–1021 ORIGINAL ARTICLE ExperimentalModelsofAllergicDisease (cid:2)c2011BlackwellPublishingLtd Tim1 and Tim3 are not essential for experimental allergic asthma J.L.Barlow1,S.H.Wong2,S.J.Ballantyne3,H.E.Jolin1andA.N.J.McKenzie1 1MRCLaboratoryofMolecularBiology,Cambridge,UK,2MedImmune,GrantaPark,Cambridge,UKand3DepartmentofBiologyandHullYorkMedicalSchool,Centre forImmunologyandInfection,UniversityofYork,York,UK Clinical & Summary BackgroundInitialstudiessuggestedthatpolymorphismsinTim1andTim3contributetothe Experimental developmentofairwayhyperreactivity(AHR)inanacutemousemodelofasthma.Thiswas Allergy alsomirroredinhumangeneticstudieswherepolymorphismsinTim1andTim3havebeen associatedwithatopicpopulations. Objective Furtherstudies using anti-Tim1or -Tim3antibodies, or Timfusion proteins, have alsosuggestedthatthesemoleculesmayfunctionasregulatorsoftype-1andtype-2 immunity.However,theirroleinthedevelopmentofAHRandairwayinflammationremains unclear.GiventheproposedrolesforTim1andTim3intype-1andtype-2responses,we soughttodeterminewhetherthesemoleculeswereimportantinregulatingantigen-driven lungallergyandinflammation. Method We used Tim1- and Tim3-deficient mice and determined how the development of allergiclunginflammationwasaffected. Results AHR was induced normally in the absence of both Tim1 and Tim3, although Tim1-deficientmicedidshowasmallbutsignificantdecreaseincellinfiltrationinthelung Correspondence: DrJillianL.Barlow,MRCLaboratoryof andbloodeosinophilia.AlthoughTim3wasexpressedonCD41Tcellsintheallergiclung, MolecularBiology,HillsRoad, Tim1expressionwasrestrictedtoCD861Bcells. Cambridge,CB20QH,UK.E-mail: ConclusionsandclinicalrelevanceThus,Tim1andTim3arenotessentialfortheinductionof [email protected] thetype-2responseinlungallergy.Thisiscontrarytowhatwasproposedinanumberof Citethisas:J.L.Barlow,S.H.Wong, otherstudiesusingneutralizingandactivatingantibodiesandquestionstheclinicalrelevance S.J.Ballantyne,H.E.Jolinand ofTim1andTim3fornovelallergytherapies. A.N.J.McKenzie,Clinical& ExperimentalAllergy,2011(41) Keywordsairwayhyperreactivity,asthma,eosinophils,Tim1,Tim3,type-2 1012–1021. Submitted26November2010;revised7January2011;accepted28January2011. which conferred susceptibility to ovalbumin (OVA)-in- Introduction duced AHR in an experimental mouse model of asthma Asthmais acomplexchronic, inflammatory lungdisease [7].PolymorphismsinTim(Tcellimmunoglobulinmucin) and is the most common chronic childhood disease 1(Havcr1)andTim3(Havcr2),twomembersofanewgene affectingdevelopednations.TheTh2cytokinegeneclus- family discovered within the Tapr locus, were found to ter,locatedonhumanchromosome5q31-35,isclearlyan correlate with AHR and Th2 cytokine production, important genetic determinant in asthma susceptibility. although the relative importance of Tim1 and Tim3 Interleukin 4 (IL-4), IL-5, IL-9, and IL-13 have all been to this phenotype was unclear. McIntire et al. [8] have shown to be essential components of the asthmatic since reported that atopic resistance can be correlated response, includingairwayhyperreactivity(AHR),mucus with hepatitis A virus seropositivity and an insertion hypersecretion,andBcellisotype-switchingtoIgE[1–6]. mutation in human TIM1, previously identified as the However, mapping studies have also identified the Tapr hepatitisAvirusreceptor(HAVCR1),suggestingthatTIM1 (T cell and airway phenotype regulator) locus on mouse may provide a biological basis for the link between chromosome 11, linked to the Th2 cytokine gene cluster, decreasingexposuretoHAVandtheincreasingincidence of atopy in westernized society. Associations between a Re-useofthisarticleispermittedinaccordancewiththeTerms number of mutations in both TIM1 and TIM3 and atopic and Conditions set out at http://wileyonlinelibrabray.com/ disease have been found in other human asthma studies onlineopen#OnlineOpen_Terms [9,10]. Tim1andTim3inlungallergy 1013 Administration of a Tim1-human immunoglobulin CCCTTTCCTACCTAGC-30 and50-GGACAGGATCCCTTGCC (Tim1HuIg) fusion protein, or ligation of Tim1, either by CCAGCACATAGGCACAAGTG-30.The2.0kb30homology a proposed counter-ligand in the form of a Tim4HuIg arm was generated using RPCI21 PAC488-E20 as a tem- fusionprotein[11],oranagonisticanti-Tim1(clone3B3) plate with PCR primers 50-ATTAGAACTAGTATT AGA- monoclonalantibody[12],resultedinthecostimulationof CATCAAAGCAGGTGAGTAG-30 and 50-AATCCTACTAGT Tcell activation and the enhancement of IL-4 and IFN-g GGCCTATATGGTAGATAACTATATG-30. The Havcr2 tar- productionbyCD31Tcells.Invivoadministrationofthe getingvectorwaslinearizedandelectroporatedintoE14.1 anti-Tim1 antibody (clone 3B3) prevented the develop- 129J EScellsand used togenerate micehomozygous for ment of respiratory tolerance and increased pulmonary the gene by standard methods.Tim3(cid:3)/(cid:3)mice, and corre- inflammation [13], suggesting that blocking Tim1 func- spondingwild-typeanimals,werederivedfromtheorigi- tion may suppress type-2 responses such as those ob- nal chimeras. Sequencing of Tim1 and Tim3 transcripts served in allergic inflammation. Indeed, Encinas and from BALB/c and 129 sources identified no polymorph- colleagues showed a down-regulation of OVA-induced isms between these strains; thus, mice were backcrossed allergic inflammation following anti-Tim1 antibody forsixgenerationstotheBALB/cstrainbeforeintercross- (clone 222414) treatment. However, recent reports have ing to generate homozygous mice. Genotypes were demonstratedthattheinteractionsofantibodiesrecogniz- screened by southern analysis or PCR using primers, ing different epitopes on Tim1 can mediate diametrically 50-TGGTAAGAATGCCTATCTGCC-30and50-TCTGTAGAC- opposite effects. Anti-Tim1 antibodies, distinguishing CATATCCTGGAGTTC-30. The oligonucleotide specific to specific epitopes in both the immunoglobulin (Ig) region the inserted neomycin cassette was 50-CTATCAGGACA- and the mucin domain, were shown to reduce lung TAGCGTTGGCTACC-30. All mice were maintained in a eosinophiliaandlunginflammation,whereasanantibody specific pathogen-free environment in SABU/CBS facil- directed at a different epitope in the mucin domain itiesaccordingtoUKHomeOfficeregulations. actually exacerbated the allergic response [14]. Further- more, even anti-Tim1 antibodies recognizing the same RNApreparation epitope (clones 3B3 and RMT1-10), but with different avidities for Tim1, have been reported to elicit opposite RNA was prepared from na¨ıve tissues and from in vitro functional effects [15]. Administration of a neutralizing differentiated T helper cells [17] using RNAzolB, accord- anti-Tim3 antibody (clone 8H7), although ineffective ing to the manufacturer’s instructions (AMS Biotechnol- when administered during an OVA sensitization and ogy, Oxford, UK). Tim3 RT-PCR primers were as follows: challenge model of asthma, was able to induce a partial 50-AGGTCATTGGAAAATGCTTATGTGTTTGAG-30 and decrease in AHR and Th2 cytokine production following 50-CAGTAGGTCCCATGGTCATCC-30, 50-CTGCTGCAGGA the transfer of OVA-specific in vitro differentiated Th2 TACAGTTCCC-30 and 50-GAAATTAAGGACTCTGGAGA cells[16]. AACGATCAGAAC-30, 50-GAAATTAAGGACTCTGGAGAA Thus, studies to date leave an unclear picture as to the ACGATC-30 and 50-GCTACGTCAACAGAAAGCAGCCAT importance of Tim1 and Tim3 in allergic asthma re- CC-30. HPRT primers and conditions were as described sponses. To clarify the functional requirement for Tim1 previously[18]. and Tim3, we have analysed Tim1- and Tim3-deficient mouse lines and assessed the potential roles of these Flowcytometry molecules in an in vivo model of antigen-driven acute lungallergy. Lung cell suspensions, treated with 720mg/mL collage- nase D (Amersham, Bucks, UK), were analysed for the expressionofTim1andTim3byflowcytometryusingthe Materialsandmethods FACScalibur (BD, Biosciences, Oxford, UK) and FlowJo analysis software. Biotin-conjugated anti-Tim1 (clone TargeteddisruptionofthemouseTim1andTim3genesin RMT1-4, eBioscience SanDiego, CA, USA), biotin-conju- embryonicstemcells gated anti-Tim3 (clone 8B.2C12, eBioscience), and PE- The Havcr1 (Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3)) mice were generated as described conjugatedstreptavidinwereused. previously[17].TheHavcr2(Tim3(cid:3)/(cid:3))replacementvector was constructed to insert the neomycin resistance gene Sensitizationandallergenexposure into exon 2 of the Havcr2 gene. This deleted the nucleo- tidesencoding71aminoacids(Phe57–Lys127)ofthe281 BALB/cmice(6–12weeks)weresensitizedbyanintraper- aminoacidcodingsequenceoftheTim3gene.The4.1kb itonealadministrationofOVA(20mg/injection,endotoxin 50 arm of homology was generated using E14.1 129J low – removed using Affiniti Pak Endotoxin Removing embryonic stem (ES) cell DNA as a template with PCR Gel Columns (Pierce, Rockford, IL, USA) according to primers 50-CAGCAATGCGGCCGCGTAAGCCAAATAAA the manufacturer’s instructions) in PBS (endotoxin free (cid:2)c2011BlackwellPublishingLtd,Clinical&ExperimentalAllergy,41:1012–1021 1014 J.L.Barlowetal phosphate buffered saline, Sigma-Aldrich Dorset, UK), QuantikineELISAkit(R&DSystems,Abingdon,UK).OVA- complexed in a 1:1 ratio with alum (Imjects, Thermo specificserumIgELISAswereundertakenusingimmuno- Scientific, Loughborough, UK), at days 0 and 12. Control sorbent plates coated with 5mg/mL OVA, overnight, and micereceivedPBSonlywithalum.Aerosoladministration thenasdescribedpreviously[17]. of 1% OVA was undertaken on days 19, 20, and 21 for 20min/day.ControlanimalsreceivedPBS. Statisticalanalysis The significance of the differences between experimental Measurementofairwayresistance groupswasanalysedusingatwo-wayANOVAwithBonfer- On day 22, animals were analysed using invasive lung roni post-test (for dose response to methacholine) or the function measurements (EMMS, Bordon, UK) to assess Studentunpairedt-test. AHR. Animals were anaesthetized, tracheostomized, and placedonaventilator(MiniVent845ventilator,EMMS)at Results arateof150breaths/min,withatidalvolumeof0.15mL. After recording stable baseline pulmonary resistance for Allergiclunginflammationcanbeinducedintheabsence 3min, increasing concentrations of acetyl-b-methylcho- ofTim1 line chloride (methacholine) (Sigma-Aldrich) were admi- nisteredbyaerosolfor10sateachconcentrationusingan Airway obstruction is the most debilitating symptom of ultrasonic nebulizer, and pulmonary resistance was re- asthmaandisaresultofexcessivecontractionofsmooth corded for a 3-min period. eDaq software was used to muscle. Bronchoconstriction can be determined during analyseairwayresistance. allergiclunginflammationusinginvasiveplethysmogra- phy to directly measure airway resistance in response to lungagonists,e.g.methacholine.Toinvestigatearolefor Tissuecollection Tim1inallergicdisease,wildtypeandTim1(cid:3)/(cid:3)micewere Lungswerefixedinformalin(10%formaldehydeina0.9% first sensitized intraperitoneally and then challenged in salinesolution)andstainedwithGiemsa,forinflammatory the lung with aerosolized OVA to induce a type-2 infiltrate,andperiodicacid-Schiff(PAS)formucus-produ- mediatedinflammatoryresponse.Asexpected,theairway cinggobletcells.Airwaymucusproductionandnumbersof resistance in OVA-treated wild-type mice increased com- infiltratingcellsaroundbloodvesselsweremeasuredblind pared with PBS-treated control mice (Fig. 1a). Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) using numerical scoring systems. Mediastinal lymph node micedisplayedaminor,althoughstatisticallysignificant, cells were re-stimulated with 100mg/mL OVA or 1mg/mL reductioninairwayresistanceatthe20mg/mLmethacho- purifiedanti-CD3andcellsupernatantsweretakenata72h line dose, but overcame this deficit at higher doses time-point.BALfluidwascollected,accordingtopreviously (40–80mg/mL). describedprotocols[19]. We also investigated the requirement for Tim1 during the allergic lung inflammatory response. The total cell counts from the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) showed Differentialwhitebloodcellcountsand3[H]-thymidine that the numbers of lymphocytes, macrophages, eosino- cellproliferationassay phils, and polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNLs) were Blood smears were stained with Giemsa (Sigma-Aldrich), equivalent in the PBS-treated Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) and wild-type following the manufacturer’s instructions. Differential mice(Fig.1b).OVAtreatmentledtoaminor,butstatisti- cellcounts weremadeblind on100whitebloodcellsper cally significant, decline in lymphocyte and eosinophil slide under oil and at a (cid:4)63 magnification. Blood was cell numbers in the BAL of Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) mice, as compared incubated at 41C overnight and serum was collected by with wild-type mice (Fig. 1b). However, eosinophils, the centrifugation. Measurement of cell proliferation was maininfiltratingcell,stillincreasedsignificantlyinOVA- undertaken as described previously [17] with or without treatedTim1(cid:3)/(cid:3)micecomparedwithPBS-treatedcontrol 30mg/mL IgM (AffiniPure F(ab0) , m chain specific, Jack- mice(Fig.1b). 2 sonLaboratories,BarHarbor,ME,USA). To explore whether the reduction in infiltrating cells resulted from an inability to migrate or home efficiently, or from a deficit in circulating eosinophils, we examined Cytokineandserumimmunoglobulinenzymelinked blood cell composition. Differential blood cell counts of immunosorbentassays lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and PMNLs were CytokineELISAutilizedthesandwichformatwithcapture performedonsamplesfromthePBS-andOVA-challenged and detection antibodies purchased from Becton Dickin- mice.Bloodeosinophilsconstituted(cid:5)2%ofleucocytesin son. ELISAs were performed according to the Becton wild-type and Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) PBS control mice. In wild-type Dickinson ELISAprotocol. IL-13was measured using the OVA-treated mice, this was increased to around 12%. (cid:2)c2011BlackwellPublishingLtd,Clinical&ExperimentalAllergy,41:1012–1021 Tim1andTim3inlungallergy 1015 Fig.1.(a)AirwayresistanceinwildtypeandTim1(cid:3)/(cid:3)micemeasuredusinginvasiveplethysmography.Resultsareshownforlungresistanceabovethe baselinereading.(cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:2)P=o0.001betweenwild-typePBSandovalbumin(OVA)-treatedmice.‰P=o0.05betweenwild-typeandTim1(cid:3)/(cid:3)OVA-treated mice.(b)DifferentialcellcountswereperformedontheBALfluidin250mLfromwild-typeandTim1(cid:3)/(cid:3)mice.(c)Thepercentagesofeosinophilsin peripheralbloodwereassessedbydifferentialcellcounts.(d)Cellularinfiltrationand(e)mucusproductiondeterminedbyanalysisoflungsections stainedwithGiemsaorperiodicacid-Schiff,respectively.(cid:4)20magnification.Dataarerepresentativeoftwotothreerepeatexperiments(n=8–10). However, OVA-treated Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) mice failed to develop AsTim1isreportedlyexpressedonCD41Th2cells,we equivalentlysevereeosinophilia(Fig.1c).Nootherblood investigated the proliferation and cytokine responses in cell types were altered by the Tim1 deficiency (data not OVA-restimulated cells cultured from the draining med- shown). The coincident decreasein the levelsof circulat- iastinal lymph nodes. Cells from OVA-challenged mice ing eosinophils and lung infiltrating eosinophils implies produced very little antigen-specific IL-2 and no IFN-g thatthedeficitincellularinfiltratearisesfromthereduc- (datanotshown),butelevatedlevelsoftheTh2-cytokines tionincirculatingcellsratherthananinabilitytomigrate IL-4 and IL-5 (Fig. 2a). The levels of IL-5 were slightly tothelungs. reduced in the Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) samples, but this did not attain The deficit in cellular infiltrate observed in the BAL statistical significance. Although IL-4 could not be de- of Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) mice was also mirrored in the lung tissue. tectedintheBALfluid,OVA-inducedIL-5andIL-13levels Here, the perivascular cell infiltrate score was again were found to be normal in Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) mice (Fig. 2b). The significantly lower, but not completely abrogated, in proliferation of mediastinal lymph node cells from wild- the Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) lungs (Fig. 1d). It is not clear whether this typeandTim1(cid:3)/(cid:3)mice,inresponsetoOVA,alsodemon- relates to a decrease specifically in lung eosinophils. stratednoappreciabledifferencesbetweentheOVA-chal- Mucus production, identified by PAS staining of airway lenged groups (data not shown). Collectively, these data epithelium, was similar in the OVA-treated wild type and show that OVA-induced Tcell proliferation and cytokine Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3)groups(Fig.1e). responses do not appear to be significantly affected by (cid:2)c2011BlackwellPublishingLtd,Clinical&ExperimentalAllergy,41:1012–1021 1016 J.L.Barlowetal Fig.2.Ovalbumin(OVA)-specificandpolyclonalcytokineproductionwasdeterminedfrom(a)restimulatedmesentericlymphnodecellculturesand(b) BALfluidsamplesbysandwichELISA.Dataarerepresentativeoftworepeatexperiments(n=8–10). Tim1 deficiency during the type-2-driven allergic lung the Tim1 expression during lung allergy coincides with response. CD86 expression on the B cells, suggesting that it is expressed on activated B cells capable of co-stimulation of T cell activation (Fig. 3c). Although B cells have not Tim1ispredominantlyexpressedonactivatedBcells,not beenshowntobeessentialforallergiclunginflammation, Tcellsduringallergiclunginflammation the expression of Tim1 on CD191CD861 cells led us to investigate whether Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) mice had defects in B cell The lack of a demonstrable effect on type-2 cytokine function following the induction of lung allergy. To test production is at odds with the existing dogma regarding this, the production of OVA-specific serum Igs was ana- Tim1bioactivityanditsreportedexpressiononTh2cells. lysed. In wild-type mice, OVA treatment induced a large Thus, we undertook extensive studies to demonstrate increase in OVA-specific IgG and IgE antibodies, and 1 convincing staining for Tim1 on the surface of na¨ıve T some IgA and IgG antibodies, as well as an increase in 2b cellsordifferentiatedTh1orTh2cells.Duringouranalysis totalIgEproduction(Fig.3dande).Nodefectswerefound of the cell surface expression of Tim1, we used the anti- in serum antibody production during allergic lung in- Tim1 antibody RMT1-4 (16) due to it consistently recog- flammation in Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) mice. Similarly, the proliferative nizing Tim1 as assessed by its binding to native Tim1, response of B cells from Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) mice following IgM transgenicallyexpressedTim1ofeithertheBALB/corthe stimulationinvitrowasalsofoundtobenormal(Fig.3f). C57BL/6allotype(datanotshown),anditsfailuretostain Therefore,Bcellfunctionwasnotfoundtobeaffectedby cellularproductsintheTim1-deficientmice(Fig.3a). deficiencyinTim1. Significantly, we were unable to find any detectable Tim1 expression by flow cytometric analysis on Tim3isexpressedonCD11c1myeloidcellsand CD31CD41 or CD31CD81 T cell populations in either CD41CD251Tcellsduringallergiclunginflammation na¨ıve or allergic lung tissue (data not shown). However, further investigation of the expression pattern of Tim1 Tim3,likeTim1,hasalsobeenassociatedwithanumberof showed that it was detectable on CD4(cid:3)CD8(cid:3) cells, and humandiseasesincludingmultiplesclerosisandrheuma- restricted within that population to CD191 B cells from toid arthritis, and has been shown to be expressed on na¨ıvelungtissue(Fig.3aandb).Wefoundnoevidencefor CD41 Th1 cells in mice. Components of the type-1 Tim1expressiononanyothercellpopulationatthistime- immune response have previously been shown to affect point. Furthermore, Tim1 was up-regulated on B cells theallergiclungresponse.Toaddressthepotentialroleof after induction of allergic lung inflammation (Fig. 3b). Tim3inexperimentalasthma,wedevelopedamouseline Additionally, further phenotypic analysis indicated that deficient for Tim3 (Havcr2) by gene targeting in ES cells (cid:2)c2011BlackwellPublishingLtd,Clinical&ExperimentalAllergy,41:1012–1021 Tim1andTim3inlungallergy 1017 Fig.3.(a)MeanfluorescenceintensityofTim1expressiononCD4(cid:3)CD8(cid:3)inthelungasassessedbyflowcytometry.(b)Leftpanel,histogramofCD19(cid:3) andCD191gatedpopulationsinthelung.Middleandrightpanel,Tim1expressionwithintheCD19(cid:3)gateandCD191gate,respectively,inthelung. Greyline,PBS-treatedmice;blackline,ovalbumin(OVA)mice;filledgrey,isotypecontrol.(c)OVA-specificIgA,IgE,IgG ,andIgG ,and(d)totalIgE 1 2b productioninserum.(e)MediastinallymphnodecellproliferationinresponsetomediaonlyorIgM,measuredbytheincorporationof3[H]-thymidine. Dataarerepresentativeoftworepeatexperiments(n=8–10). (supporting information Fig. S1). Tim3(cid:3)/(cid:3) mice were in OVA-treated mice (Fig. 4b). Thus, although Tim3 has healthyanddisplayednoovertphenotypicabnormalities. beenassociatedinpreviousreportswithtype-1immunity, WefirstwantedtoascertainTim3expressionduringthe ourdatashowthatTim3isup-regulatedduringthetype-2 allergic response. Lung tissue was taken from wild-type responseinallergiclunginflammation. and Tim3(cid:3)/(cid:3) mice, in which lung allergy had been induced. Tim3 expression in these mice was compared with that in PBS control mice. No differences in the Tim3isnotrequiredfortheinductionofallergiclung percentage of CD41 or CD81 T cells, CD191 B cells, or inflammation CD11c1 alveolar macrophages were observed between wild-type and Tim3(cid:3)/(cid:3) mice (data not shown). Tim3 was As Tim3 was expressed in the lung during allergic expressed in na¨ıve wild-type mice only on CD11c1 lung responses, we next wanted to test its functional signifi- cells (Fig. 4a). The expression of Tim3 was increased on canceinthoseresponses.Wewereunabletomeasureany CD11c1 cells in OVA-treated mice. Although CD11c is detectabledifferencesinairwayresistance,comparedwith normally considered to be a surface marker for dendritic theOVA-treatedwild-typemice,causedbytheabsenceof cells, in the lung, it is expressed mostly on alveolar Tim3(Fig.5a). macrophages. Tim3 expression was also found on In agreement with the airway resistance data, the CD41CD251cells.Notably,thesecellswereonlyobserved absence of Tim3 also exerted no detectable effect on the (cid:2)c2011BlackwellPublishingLtd,Clinical&ExperimentalAllergy,41:1012–1021 1018 J.L.Barlowetal Fig.4.(a)HistogramsshowingTim3expressiononCD11c1gatedcellsand(b)TcellsinthelungsofmicetreatedwithPBSorovalbumin(OVA).Tcells weregatedasbeingCD41CD251/(cid:3)byflowcytometry.Averagepercentagesforthreemicepergroupareshown.Regulartext,wildtype;italictext, Tim3(cid:3)/(cid:3).Dataarerepresentativeoftworepeatexperiments. lunginflammatoryresponse.Cellularinfiltrationintothe duction were also found to be normal in the Tim3- lung, as assessed by BAL cell counts and lung histology, deficient mice, as were type-2 cytokine responses in the was comparable to wild-type controls (Fig. 5b and c). BAL fluid, as measured by IL-5 production (Fig. 5d–f). Furthermore, blood eosinophilia and airway mucus pro- Cytokineproductionfromdraininglymphnodecells,and (cid:2)c2011BlackwellPublishingLtd,Clinical&ExperimentalAllergy,41:1012–1021 Tim1andTim3inlungallergy 1019 Fig.5.(a)Airwayresistanceinwild-typeandTim3(cid:3)/(cid:3)measuredusinginvasiveplethysmography.Resultsareshownforlungresistanceabovethe baselinereading.(b)DifferentialcellcountswereperformedontheBALfluidin250mLfromwild-typeandTim3(cid:3)/(cid:3)mice.(c)Cellularinfiltrationand(d) mucus production determined by analysis of lung sections stained with Giemsa or PAS, respectively. (cid:4)20 magnification. (e) The percentages of eosinophils in peripheral blood were assessed by differential cell counts. (f) IL-5 production in the BAL fluid as measured by ELISA. Data are representativeoftwotothreerepeatexperiments(n=8–10). serumIgproduction,includingOVA-specific IgEproduc- CSF, may be suppressed at other time-points in the tion, were also unchanged by the absence of Tim3 (data response, thereby underlying this deficit in circulating notshown). eosinophils. Encinas et al. [13] previously demonstrated, using an anti-Tim1 mAb (clone 222414), that pulmonary inflam- Discussion mation, and IL-10 and IL-13 levels were reduced follow- ing anti-Tim1 administration, suggesting that Tim1 was Using Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) and Tim3(cid:3)/(cid:3) mice, we have investigated required to induce normal allergic lung inflammation. the role of these molecules in the regulation of type-2 Although we observed minor reductions in eosinophil responses during lung allergy.Although previous reports infiltration, we did not detect a significant reduction in have implicated both Tim1 and Tim3 as being important type-2 cytokine production from cells isolated from the components of the T cell cytokine response, we now draininglymphnodesandTim1wasnotessentialforAHR demonstrate that Tim1 and Tim3 are dispensable in orsubstantiallunginflammation. regulatingAHRinamousemodelofallergicasthma. One striking observation made from our analysis of Th2 cellresponses seem toremainlargely intactinthe na¨ıve mice, using Tim1-deficient mice as negative con- absence of Tim1 and Tim3, although in Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) mice, trols for the cell surface staining of Tim1, was the thereareminor,butstatisticallysignificant,reductionsin predominantexpressionofTim1onthesurfaceofaBcell lung function measurements at low methacholine con- population,andnotTcellsduringlungallergy.Although centrations,bloodeosinophilia,andlungcellinfiltration. theTim1transcripthasbeenreportedpreviouslyinBcell It is unclear what underlies these small defects, but does cDNA from both the spleen and the lymph nodes in suggestthatTim1islargelynotrequiredfortheresponse BALB/candC57BL/6mice,andTim1expressionhasbeen to proceed. We were unable to detect a statistically notedonactivatedBcells,furthercharacterizationinvivo significant deficit in OVA-specific IL-5 production from wasnotundertakeninthelung[17].WefoundthatTim11 thedraininglymphnodecells,orBALfluid,fromTim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) Bcellswerecharacterized asCD191CD861Bcells,prob- mice.However,itremainspossiblethatlevelsofIL-5and ably representing a more activated B cell population. eotaxin,orothergranulocytegrowthfactorssuchasGM- Moreover, following in vitro B cell activation with the (cid:2)c2011BlackwellPublishingLtd,Clinical&ExperimentalAllergy,41:1012–1021 1020 J.L.Barlowetal polyclonal stimulator anti-IgM, Tim1 was found to be Ourresultsweresomewhatunexpected,givenprevious expressedonalmostallproliferatingBcells,highlighting reportsregardingTim1,suggestingnotonlythatthegenes the regulation of Tim1 expression on activated B cells encoding Tim1 and Tim3 within the Tapr locus, along [17]. By contrast, we failed to observe the regulation of with their associated polymorphisms, may play a role in Tim1 on T cells, although it is possible that Tim1 is regulatingpulmonaryfunction[7]butthatanti-Tim1and expressed on T cells during other types of immune anti-Tim3 antibodies administered in vivo exerted wide- response. ranging effects on T cell function during diabetes [20], The role of up-regulated Tim1 in B cells remains transplant rejection [20], pulmonary inflammation [12], uncertain, but the fact that it is induced by activation and EAE [21]. These differences mayreflect the variation through the B cell receptor, but not via LPS stimulation in the biological effects that have been reported for the [17], indicates that Tim1 is differentially regulated de- interaction of anti-Tim1 antibodies with agonistic and pendingontheantigenencounteredandthatitmayplaya antagonisticepitopesonTim1[14]. roleinformingthesedivergentresponses.Followinglung Furthermore, it is possible that there is a functional challenge,whileflowcytometricanalysisfailedtoidenti- redundancy between the Tim family members that also fy Tim11 Tcells in the lungs, CD191Tim11 B cells were include Tim2, Tim4, Tim5, and Tim 6. Certainly, Tim2- identifiedandthesewerealsoCD861.Thus,Tim1appears deficiency has been shown to exacerbate the allergic to be a marker of a subset of activated B cells during in inflammatory response due to the up-regulation of type- vivoimmuneresponsestoantigen.Despitetheexpression 2cytokinereleasebyTcells[22].However,therolesofthe ofTim1onBcells,wefoundnoalterationinIgexpression otherfamilymembersinsuchresponsesareunknown. orBcellproliferation.Wongandcolleaguesalsofailedto Genetic association studies in humans have indicated find a role for Tim1 on B cells in antigen presentation in thatpolymorphismsinHAVCR1correlatewiththedevel- thespleen. opmentofatopicdisease[8,23].Similarstudieshavealso WealsofoundnomeasurableroleforTim3inthisOVA- failed tofindanysuchassociationinaJapanese popula- induced model of allergic asthma, although unlike Tim1, tion [24]. We now demonstrate that although Tim1(cid:3)/(cid:3) it was expressed on a population of CD41CD251 cells, miceshowaslightdecreaseinAHR,whichprobablyarises which would classically be considered to be either T as a result of a broad-spectrum reduction in lung cell regulatory cells or activated T cells. Our results contrast infiltrates, notably eosinophils, the absence of Tim1, or with the report by Kearley et al. [16], in which OVA- indeedTim3,doesnotpreventtheallergiclungresponse, induced airway inflammation was reduced following suggestingthattheymaynotbeclinicallyrelevanttargets treatmentwithananti-Tim3antibodyandcorrelatedwith fornewtherapies. a decrease in IL-5 expression. However, these differences wereonlyobservedinamodelinvolvingthetransferofin vitrogeneratedTh2cellsintona¨ıverecipients,andnotina Acknowledgements more conventional OVA-sensitization model of airway inflammation [16]. Thus, although the modulation of WewouldliketothanktheSABU/CBSstaff,andparticu- Tim3canhaveanimpactonatype-2response,itislikely larly Tracey Butcher, for their technical assistance. All that the effects of inhibiting Tim3 vary considerably authors were supported by the MRC and declare no dependingonthemodelused. conflictsofinterest. References type 2-mediated responses. J Exp Med 6 Wills-KarpM, Luyimbazi J, Xu X etal. 1999;189:1565–72. Interleukin-13: central mediator of 1 FallonPG,JolinHE,SmithPetal.IL-4 4 McMillan SJ, Bishop B, Townsend MJ, allergic asthma. Science 1998; 282: induces characteristic Th2 responses McKenzieAN,LloydCM.Theabsenceof 2258–61. even in the combined absence of IL-5, interleukin 9 does not affect the devel- 7 McIntire JJ, Umetsu SE, Akbari O et al. IL-9, and IL-13. 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J Al- isms in hHAVcr-1 are not associated TIM-1 monoclonal antibodies on T cell lergyClinImmunol2007;120:1324–31. withatopicasthmaintheJapanese po- activity and lung immune responses. J 20 Sanchez-FueyoA,TianJ,PicarellaDet pulation.GenesImmun2003;4:170–3. Immunol2007;178:2249–61. al. Tim-3 inhibits T helper type 1- SupportingInformation typeandTim3(cid:3)/(cid:3)Th1andTh2cells.Con,vectorcontaining Additional Supporting Information may be found in the fulllengthTim3transcript;Neg,negativecontrol.(D)Flow onlineversionofthisarticle: cytometricanalysisofTim3expressiononlungcellsuspen- sionsfromOVAsensitisedwildtypeandTim3(cid:3)/(cid:3)mice. Fig. S1. Inactivation of Havcr2 (Tim3) by homologous recombination (A) The structure of the Tim3 locus, the Please note: Wiley-Blackwellis notresponsiblefor the targetingvector,andpredictedhomologousrecombination content or functionality of any supporting materials event. (B) Genotyping of genomic DNA from Tim3 gene- supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing targetedmicebyPCRanalysis.(C)RT-PCRanalysisofTim3 material) should be directed to the corresponding author expression,assessedusingexon-specificprimersetsinwild forthearticle. (cid:2)c2011BlackwellPublishingLtd,Clinical&ExperimentalAllergy,41:1012–1021

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