Tightly Circumscribed Regular Polygons Richard J. Mathar ∗ Hoeschstr. 7, 52372 Kreuzau, Germany (Dated: January 29, 2013) Aregular polygon circumscribinganotherregularpolygon (with adifferentsidenumber)may be tightened to minimize the difference of both areas. The manuscripts computes the optimum result undertherestrictionthatbothpolygonsareconcentric,andobtainslimitsiftheprocessisrepeated in a two-dimensional Babuschka-doll fashion with side numbers increasing or decreasing by one or stepping through the prime numbers. The new aspect compared to the circumscription discussed in the literature so far is that further squeezing of the outer polygon is possible as we drop the 3 requirement of drawing intermediate spacing circles between thepolygon pairs. 1 0 PACSnumbers: 02.40.Dr,02.30.Lt,89.75Kd 2 Keywords: regularpolygon,Kepler-Bouwkamp,inscribing,circumcircle n a I. INTRODUCTION polygon in the Cartesian (x,y) plane by mapping x and J y to the real and imaginary part of the complex plane, 6 A. Notation placing the vertices labeled j = 0,1,...n 1 counter- 2 − clock-wise at the coordinates ] Aregularn-gonisdrawnwithnedgesofsomecommon G x+iy =r(o)e2πji/n, (6) side length s . The perimeter is ns . The incircle with n n n M inradius rn(i) touches each edge at the mid point. Each where i √ 1 is the imaginary unit. Edges/sides are . edge covers an angle of alsoenum≡erat−edfrom0to n 1 bycalling the smallerof h − t 2π the two vertex labels that are joined. a φ = (1) m n n [ ifviewedfromtheincirclecenter. Theareaofthepolygon B. Tight Circumscription 1 is comprised of n rotated copies of an isosceles triangle v in which the short edge has length sn, facing the angle Thecircumscriptionofaregularn-gonbyaregularm- 3 φ , and the two other edges have length r(o), which also gon has been constructed earlier by an elementary step n n 9 is the radius of the circumcircle. This isosceles triangle drawing the n-gon, its circumcircle, declaring this circle 2 6 might be sliced into two symmetric rectilinear triangles to be also the incircle of the m-gon with rm(i) =rn(o), and . by drawing a line (apothem) from its base center to the drawing the m-gon around its incircle [1, p. 428][2, p. 1 midpoint of the polygon’s incircle; the definition of the 2300][3, A051762]. 0 tangent and sine functions in these yield The theme of this manuscript is to drop the require- 3 1 mentofequatingthetwocirclesandtosearchforsmaller φ s /2 : tan n = n , (2) circumscribing regular m-gons in the extended range iv 2 rn(i) rn(i) rm(i) rn(o). X ≤ ≤ Thisrequirespositionswheresomeedgesofthem-gon r φ s /2 cutthroughthecircumcircleofthen-gon. Thetighterso- a n n sin = , (3) lution, however,mayexist only within a restrictedrange 2 r(o) n of(relative)orientationsofthepolygons. Themanuscript and therefore works out a full representation of the smallest circum- s scribing polygons, using the ratio rm(o)/rn(o) as a figure of rn(i) = 2tannφn, (4) merit. 2 In overview, the achievable size ratios are calculated in Section II for concentric polygon pairs aligned such r(o) = sn . (5) that the common center, a vertex of the inner polygon n 2sinφn andavertexofthe outerpolygonarecollinear(standard 2 positions). In Section III further size reductions of the As a bridge between two-dimensional geometry and nu- outerpolygonarefoundifthesidenumbernoftheinner merical algebra, we define the standard position of the polygon is even and the outer polygon is turned around the common center. A cursory outlook in Section IV shows that shifting the center of the outer polygonaway from the center of the inner polygon may define even ∗ http://www.mpia.de/˜mathar;[email protected] smaller circumscribing m-gons. 2 II. CONCENTRIC STANDARD PLACEMENTS cos[2π(ji/n jo/m)] 1 cos(2π/m) − − (cid:18) sin[2π(ji/n jo/m)] sin(2π/m) (cid:19) − − A. General side numbers r(o)/r(o) 1 n m = (1.1) ·(cid:18) t (cid:19) (cid:18)0 (cid:19) Thedefinitionofcircumscriptionimpliesthattheouter ThesolutionisobtainedwithCramer’srule. Theinverse m-gonmuststayfurtherawayfromtheoriginthanthein- ratio is [4, 4.3.16,4,3,35] nern-gonatallviewingdirections;atoneormorepoints of contact, both polygons have the same distance rn(o) to r(o)/r(o) = sin(jiφn−joφm)−sin[jiφn−(jo+1)φm] the origin. m n sinφ m cos[j φ (j +1/2)φ ] i n o m = − cos(φ /2) 1 m cos[ π 2j m (2j +1)n ] = nm{ i − o } . (12) cos(π/m) Letd=m nbethedifferenceinthesidenumbers;then 0.5 − 2j m (2j +1)n=2j d (2j 2j +1)n (13) i o i o i − − − in the argument of the cosine is a “mismatch” value in y 0 the angular directions. The geometric interpretation of this equation: The minimum radius of the outer polygon is determined by theedgej thatfirsthitsanearbyvertexj whileshrink- o i -0.5 ing. The relevant index pair is the one that maximizes thecosineinthenumerator,sothephaseangleissteered towards zero or 2π, equivalent to j φ (j +1/2)φ . i n 0 m ≈ Thismeanstherelevantphaseangleinthecomplexplane -1 and viewing direction is where the vertex j points near i -0.5 0 0.5 1 the middle of edge j . x o Examples: FIG. 1. Circumscribing a 3-gon by a 7-gon. In Fig. 1 we have set n = 3, m = 7, rn(o) = 1 • and observe that j = 2, j = 1. Eq. (12) obtains o i Findingthesmallestm-gonforsmallsidenumberslike rm(o)/rn(o) =cos(π/21)/cos(π/7) 1.097519. ≈ Fig.1worksasfollows. Anypointonthesideoftheouter IntheinnerpairofFig.2wehavesetn=3,m=4, polygon of unit radius has a position exp(2πijo/m) + • r(o) = 1 and observe that j = 1, j = 1. Eq. (12) t[exp(2πi(j +1)/m) exp(2πij /m)]withparameter0 n o i o o t ≤ 1. Once the ver−tex number ji of the inner polygo≤n obtains rm(o)/rn(o) = √2cos(π/12) = (1+√3)/2 ≈ and the side number j of the outer polygon which it 1.366025 [5, 6]. o touches are known, the point of contact between both IntheinnerpairofFig.4wehavesetn=3,m=5, polygons in the complex plane solves • r(o) = 1 and observe that j = 1, j = 1. The n o i r(o) e2πijo/m+t[e2πi(jo+1)/m e2πijo/m)] =r(o)e2πiji/n. equation yields r(o)/r(o) = cos(π/15)/cos(π/5) = m { − } n m n (7) and after division through rm(0)e2πij0/m 3−4√5 +√3q5−8√5 ≈1.2090569. Numerical examples of the size ratios of are gath- 1+t[e2πi/m−1]= rrmn((oo))e2πi(ji/n−jo/m). (8) esuremdminariTzeadbleinI.Se[IcntiosnoluItBio—nsthweitrhatiinoterrm(loa)c/erdn(o)ciracllwesa—ys equals 1/cos(φ /2) derived with Eqs. (4) and (5). This m Real and imaginary part of this equation establish an restricted search space would have put constant values inhomogeneous 2 2 linear system of equations for the down each column.] × (o) (o) unknown t and rn /rm : Where m is a multiple of n, the table entries equal one. In these cases one can re-use n vertices of the inner r(o) n polygon as vertices of the outer polygon, and obtains 1+t[cos(2π/m) 1]= cos[2π(j /n j /m)], (9) − r(o) i − o its remaining m n vertices by regular subdivision of m − rn(o) the angle, φ(m) = mφ(/nn). The circumradii are the same, tsin(2π/m)= sin[2π(j /n j /m)].(10) rm(o) i − o rm(o) =rn(o), and their ratio equals one. 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 1.00000000 1.36602540 1.20905693 1.00000000 1.09751942 1.07313218 1.00000000 1.04570220 4 2.00000000 1.00000000 1.23606798 1.15470054 1.10991626 1.00000000 1.06417777 1.05146222 5 1.95629520 1.39680225 1.00000000 1.14837497 1.10544807 1.07905555 1.06158549 1.00000000 6 2.00000000 1.36602540 1.23606798 1.00000000 1.10991626 1.07313218 1.06417777 1.04570220 7 1.97766165 1.40532128 1.23109193 1.15147176 1.00000000 1.08068940 1.06285492 1.05040347 8 2.00000000 1.41421356 1.23606798 1.15470054 1.10991626 1.00000000 1.06417777 1.05146222 9 1.87938524 1.40883205 1.23305698 1.13715804 1.10853655 1.08136200 1.00000000 1.05082170 10 2.00000000 1.39680225 1.23606798 1.14837497 1.10991626 1.07905555 1.06417777 1.00000000 TABLE I. Size ratios rm(o)/rn(o) as a function of the polygon edge count (rows n≥3 and columns m≥3) for the tight regular concentric positions. B. Consecutive side numbers residualmismatch(13)equaltozero. So(12)yields 1 r(o) /r(o) = ,neven. (15) n+1 n cos π n+1 3 These two equations constitute the first upper diagonal 2.5 of Table I. Fencing the polygons up to infinity defines 2 the limiting radius as an alternating product of these 1.5 two factors, 1 r(o) r(o) r(o) r(o) 0.5 ∞ = 4 5 6 r(o) r(o) × r(o) × r(o) ×··· y 0 3 3 4 5 cos π 1 -0.5 = n(n+1) cos π cos π -1 n=3Y,5,7,... n+1 n=4Y,6,8,... n+1 cos π -1.5 n=3,5,7,... n(n+1) = -2 Q ∞n=3cosn+π1 1 Q π -2.5 = cos 2K n(n+1) -3 ′ n=3Y,5,7,... -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4.16674437148793 (16) x ≈ where we have inserted (A21) and [1][3, A085365] FIG.2. Circumscribinga3-gonbya4-gonbya5-gon...up ∞ π to a 16-gon, all at concentric standard positions. K cos 0.1149420448532962007. (17) ′ ≡ n ≈ nY=3 Theradialgrowthofarepeated,possiblyinfinite nest- In Figure 3 the edge count of the circumscribed poly- ing is illustrated in Figure 2. The circumradius is the gonisdecreased from16to3. Theratioofthecircumradii partial products of the first upper sub-diagonal of Table of the 3-gon and the 16-gon is 6.2 in the image. The I. ≈ observation is that here for m=n 1 and The heuristics is here with m=n+1 that − n even, the outer edge j = n/2 1 and j = n/2. • for odd n, the edge jo = m/2−1 hits the vertex • The value of (12) is o − i j = m/2 1 with residual mismatch (13) equal i − to 1. [This is the best possible absolute value 1 Sboec−(a1u2s)ei2sjim is even and (2jo +1)n is odd then.] rn(o−)1/rn(o) = cosnπ1, neven. (18) − cos π whereasfornoddj =(n 3)/2andj =(n 1)/2. rn(o+)1/rn(o) = cosn(nπ+1), nodd, (14) • The value of (12) iso − i − n+1 cos π • For even n and m = n+1, the edge jo = n/2 hits rn(o)1/rn(o) = cosn(nπ−1), nodd (19) the vertex ji = n/2 on the negative real axis with − n−1 4 Thealternatinginfiniteproductoftheseterms,thefinite (13), 2j m (2j +1)n cannot be nulled for odd primes i o − radius of the free inner region in Figure 3 if inscribing mandnbecause2j misevenand(2j +1)nisodd. But i o indefinitely: thevaluecanapparentlybeforcedto 1(wherethe sign ± is notimportantbecause this is anargumentto the even r(o)/r(o) = r3(o) r4(o) r5(o) functionofthecosine),asdemonstratedinTableII. [The 3 ∞ r(o) × r(o) × r(o) ×··· valueofEq.(13)iseither+1or 1dependingonwhether 4 5 6 − the odd number (2j 2j +1)n is to be incremented or = rn(o−)1 rn(o) decremented to reaoch−a mi ultiple of 4, since the prime n=4Y,6,8,... rn(o) × rn(o+)1 gapsdareevenandthevaluesof2jidaremultiplesof4.] = 1 cos(n+π1)n cumAscsiurcmleinrgadtihuissi±n1Fhigeuurreis4ticgsroifwaslwtoays correct, the cir- cos π × cosπ n=Y4,6,8... n 1 n − 8.5526818319553. (20) r(o) cos π cos π cos π cos π This is sl≈ightly smaller than the equivalent poly- r∞(o) = cosnπm = cos3π·5 × cos5π·7 × cos7·π11 ×··· 3 m 5 7 11 gon circumscribing constant 1/K′ 8.7000366... [3, 1 1 cos π cos π cos π A051762][2, p. 2300][1, 7, p. 428] by≈the factor = 2cosπ cos3π·5 × cos5π·7 × cos7·π11 ×··· 3 5 7 11 π 1 π cos 0.98306273874458351..., = cos 1.5550895739... (22) n=4Y,6,8,... n(n+1) ≈ (21) 2Kp′ pYj≥3 pjpj+1 ≈ based on (17). The areas have been smaller relative to where thepublishedconstructionwithinterspersedcircles. The logarithm of the new constant is evaluated in Appendix π A. K = cos 0.3128329 (23) p′ p ≈ p=3,Y5,7,11... 5 4.5 is Kitson’s product over odd primes p [8, 9][3, A131671]. 4 The infinite product of cosines in (22) is evaluated in 3.5 3 (B8) and smaller than unity, so the equation says that 2.5 ourconstructionsqueezesthecircumradiusofthecasting 2 prime-sided regular polygons by more than a factor two 1.5 compared to Kitson’s variant of construction. 1 0.5 Fig. 4 illustrates why: A non-zero mismatch angle re- y 0 flects that no vertex of the inner polygon touches a mid- -0.5 point of a side of the outer polygon; in consequence the -1 circumradius of the inner polygon is larger than the in- -1.5 radius of the outer polygon for each individual pair of -2 polygons. -2.5 -3 If polygons with sides of odd prime numbers are -3.5 stacked in reverse order, inscribing a 5-gon in a 3-gon, -4 a 7-gon in the 5-gon, a 11-gon in the 7-gon etc., there -4.5 isnosubstantialmodificationtothe calculation,because -5 interchanging the values of n and m in Table II appears -3-2.5-2-1.5-1-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 to lead againto a list of 1 in the mismatches. Now the x ± ratio of the circumradius of the triangle divided by the FIG. 3. Circumscribing a 16-gon by a 15-gon by a 14-gon radius of the circular inner hole is ...down to a 3-gon, all with thesame center. r(o) r(o) r(o) r(o) 3 = 7 5 3 r(o) ···× r(o) × r(o) × r(o) 11 7 5 ∞ C. Prime side numbers = pj≥3cospjpπj+1 = 1 cos π , (24) Q cos π K p p Ifmisthenextprimeaftern,theindicesofthevertex Qpj≥3 pj p′ pYj≥3 j j+1 ofnandedgeofmthatdescribesthecontactisirregular, see Fig. 4 and Table II. It is given by the pair (j ,j ) so there is a straight factor of 2 relative to the value in o i which maximizes the value of (12). The mismatch of (22). 5 n m ji jo 2jim−(2jo+1)n 3 5 1 1 1 1.5 5 7 1 1 -1 7 11 1 1 1 1 11 13 3 3 1 13 17 5 6 1 0.5 17 19 4 4 -1 19 23 7 8 -1 23 29 2 2 1 y 0 29 31 7 7 -1 31 37 13 15 1 -0.5 37 41 14 15 1 41 43 10 10 -1 -1 43 47 16 17 -1 47 53 4 4 1 53 59 22 24 -1 -1.5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 59 61 15 15 1 x 61 67 5 5 -1 67 71 25 26 -1 FIG. 4. Circumscribing a 3-gon by a 5-gon by a 7-gon by 71 73 18 18 1 a 11-gon etc up to a 541-gon, all with the same center, using TABLEII. Vertexandedge indices ji andjo thatmaximize all odd primes as edge numbers. (12) for adjacent primes n and m, describing the concentric polygons in Fig. 4. be absorbed into resetting the integers j or j in the i o numerator.] The ratio r(o)/r(o) exercises m and also n m n III. CONCENTRIC, ROTATIONS ALLOWED periods if α is turned through a full angle of 2π, and contains therefore lcm(m,n) periods. (lcm is the least Ifthe outerpolygonis rotatedbyanangleα relative common multiple of both.) m to the standard position (6), the vertices move to Because jiφn and (jo +1/2)φm have an integer rep- resentation if measured in units of π/(mn), because the x+iy =r(o)e2πji/m+αm, 0 j <m. (25) cosine is a smooth function of its argument, because the m ≤ periodicity with respect to α means its extremal val- m Inconsequence,allthreefactorsonthelefthandsideof ues can only occur at multiples of half the period, and (7) are multiplied by eiαm, Eq.(8) obtains an additional because nm = lcm(n,m)gcd(n,m), we may encode all factor e−iαm on the right hand side, and the phase shift relevantanglesasαm sn,mπ/(mn)withinteger-valued finally enters Eq. (12): s . The phase angle≡in the numeratorof (26) becomes n,m rm(o) = cos[jiφn−(jo+1/2)φm−αm]. (26) nπm[2jim−(2j0+1)n−sn,m]. (27) rn(o) cos(φm/2) Investigation all possible pairs of polygons up to the The tightest solution for fixed αm is represented by 88-gonleads to the following heuristics: the pair (j ,j ) which maximizes the value of r(o)/r(o) i 0 m n Ifnisodd,thens =0. [Interpretation: themis- n,m and maximizes the value of the cosine in the numerator • match (13) is odd; no vertex points exactly to the (because m and the denominator are fixed). Shifts of center of an edge. This establishes the following α induce reduction of some peaks and rises of others m stability/frustration argument: By the up-down in the bi-periodic domain spanned by the j and j . The i o symmetryofthegraph,infinitesimalrotationofthe best solution is obtained where the value of the cosine inner polygon requires pushing at least that edge becomesdegeneratewithhighestmultiplicityonthegrid of the outer polygon outwards, which necessarily of the (j , j ). In geometrical terms, rotated solutions i o growth in size instead of shrinking as requested.] seek to maximize the number of contact points between This implies that neither the polygon pair in Fig- the two polygons, illustrated in Fig. 5 and 6. ure 1 nor the cascadedstackwith the primaledges The interesting range is 0 α min(φ ,φ ), be- ≤ m ≤ m n numbers in Figure 4 can be compressed by adding cause rotation of the inner polygon by integer multiples rotations. of φ or rotation of the outer polygon by integer mul- n tiples of φ leaves the graph invariant. [Or, formally Periodicity: s = s . This seems to be a m n,m n,m+n • speaking, changes of α modulo φ or modulo φ can consequence of the modular property mentioned m n m 6 standard 1 rotated 1 standard rotated 0.5 0.5 y 0 y 0 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 x x FIG. 5. Tight 5-gon around the 4-gon in the standard FIG. 6. Tight 6-gon around the4-gon in thestandard place- placement, where the angle α in (25) is kept at zero, and ment [where the angle α in (25) is kept at zero], and an- 5 6 another—tighter—solution where α is set to −π/20 = −9◦ other tighter solution where α is set to π/12 = 15◦ to 5 6 to yield a smaller 5-gon. The standard solution generates yield a smaller 6-gon. The standard placement achieves r(o)/r(o) ≈ 1.236—see Table I— whereas the solution allow- r(o)/r(o) ≈ 1.154 according to Table I, and the version al- 5 4 6 4 ing rotation yieldsr(o)/r(o) ≈1.222—see Table III. lowing rotation achieves r(o)/r(o) ≈ 1.115 reported in Table 5 4 6 4 III. above; a change of m by a multiple of n is ab- Consuming these rules, we need to tabulate the s sorbed by modifying j or j by integer units. The n,m i o only in the triangle of even n with 0 m n/2 for a gcd(n,m) (the period length of the cosine) is also ≤ ≤ full coverage. Then preserved. Both aspects combined seem to freeze the number of the contacts between the two poly- If m n/2 is odd and n is even, then s(n,m) = gons. • ≤ gcd(n/2,m). s = 0. If the edge numbers are equal, the cir- • n,n If m<n/2 is even, and cumscribedpolygonisacopyoftheinscribedpoly- • gon. – n is two times an odd number, s =0. n,m If n is even, – n is two times an even number, sn,m = • 2gcd(n/2,m/2). This selection is apparently – s =n/2. Thissaysthatanouterpolygon aligning edge 0 of the circumscribing polygon n,n/2 withhalfasmanyverticesastheinnerpolygon paralleltoedge0oftheinscribedpolygonwith may be constructed by outwards extension of the aim to increase the number of contacts to one over the other edge of the inner polygon a multiple of four, similar to what is observed (whichrequiresa rotationby halfofthe angle in Fig. 6. φ relative to the standard position). This m achieves r(i) =r(i). As an application, the cumulative wrench angle of the m n vertexdirectionofthe outermostregularpolygoninFig- – A halfperiodexists withpalindromic symme- ure 7 relative to its position in Figure 2 is calculated as try: s(n,n/2+k) = s(n,n/2 k). Reason: − s s The mirror symmetry of the standard place- π n,m =π 2n,2n+1 ment leadsto equivalentsolutions ifthe outer n 3,Xm=n+1 nm n=2X,3,4,...2n(2n+1) polygonisrotatedeitherclockwiseorcounter- ≥ s 1 clockwise. Solutionsareeven functionsofα , =π 2n,1 =π m 2n(2n+1) 2n(2n+1) so sign flips of sn,m are irrelevant. The half n=2X,3,4,... n=2X,3,4,... periodthen resultsfroma generalpropertyof 5 =π[ log(2)] 25.23 .(28) (Fourier series of) periodic even functions. 6 − ≈ ◦ 7 the outer polygon as a new parameter to Eq. (7): 3.5 z(o)+r(o) e2πijo/m+t[e2πi(jo+1)/m e2πijo/m)] 3 m m { − } =r(o)e2πiji/n. (30) 2.5 n 2 Assuming that z(o) is real-valued (that center shifts are m 1.5 sideways), this can be written as 1 (o) (o) 0.5 zm rn cos(j φ )+1+t[cos(φ ) 1]= cos(j φ j φ ). y 0 r(o) o m m − r(o) i n− o m m m -0.5 (31) -1 z(o) r(o) -1.5 m n sin(j φ )+tsin(φ )= sin(j φ j φ ). -2 − r(o) o m m r(o) i n− o m m m -2.5 (32) We do not discuss this parameter space systematically -3 or solutions obtained by combined translations and ro- -3.5 tations, but merely illustrate this aspect by the simplest -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 examples: x Thetrianglen=3couldtouchthequadranglem= • 4 in Figure 2 at its right vertex on the horizontal FIG. 7. Concentric encircling the 3-gon by a 4-gon by a 5- axis, at j =j =t=0, which gives o i gon and so on as in Figure 2, but minimizing the areas from the4-gon upwardsbyrotating thesepolygonsbyvariation of z(o) r(o) m n αm. +1= (33) r(o) r(o) m m and 0 = 0 for the imaginary part. (This equation Anotherheuristicobservationwiththisruleisthatthe and overlap of the two vertices is possible when- absolutevalueofthemismatch(13)form=n+1iskept ever m > n.) The other two vertices of the trian- at 1 if n is odd and at 2 if n is even. The growth of the gle would stay glued to the quadrangle’s sides, one radius in Figure 7 is limited to the infinite product of point at j =1=j , which is terms of the form (26), i o (o) r r(o) cos 2π cos π cos 2π cos π 1 t= n cos(2π/12). (34) r∞(o) = cos3π·4 × cos4π·5 × cos5π·6 × cos6π·7 ×··· − rm(o) 3 4 5 6 7 1 2π π = cos cos z(o) r(o) m n 2K k(k+1) k(k+1) +t= sin(2π/12). (35) ′ k=3Y,5,7,... k=4Y,6,8,... − r(o) r(o) m m 1 2π = 2K cos π Ce cosk(k+1) The solutionto thesethree linearequationsfor the ′ 2·3 k=3Y,5,7,... three unknown t, zm(o)/rm(o) and rn(o)/rm(o) is 1 2π = C cos 3.5809046865583(2,9) √3K′ ek=Y3,5,7 k(k+1) ≈ zm(o) =1 2 0.1547005, (36) r(o) − √3 ≈− m where K′, Ce and the infinite product are taken from r(o) 1 (17), (A13) and (A25). This circumradius including ro- n =2(1 ) 0.84529946. (37) tationsisconsiderablysmallerthanthecircumradius(16) rm(o) − √3 ≈ in the standard positions. Therefore r(o)/r(o) 1.1830127 which is indeed m n ≈ smaller than r(o)/r(o) in Tables I and III. 4 3 IV. TRANSLATED CENTERS For n = 4, m = 3, the 3-gon circumscribing the • 4-goninFigure3,the shiftleadsforthe contacton A glanceatFigure 2 or 5 forexample revealsthat fur- thenegativereallinewheret=1/2,j =(m 1)/2, o ther compressionof the outer polygon would be possible j =n/2 to − i if either one is shifted sideways, giving up the require- ment that the two polygons be concentric. 1z(o) 1 1r(o) m n + = . (38) In the complex plane this adds a displacement zm(o) of − 2rm(o) 4 2rm(o) 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 1.00000000 1.36602540 1.20905693 1.00000000 1.09751942 1.07313218 1.00000000 1.04570220 4 1.93716632 1.00000000 1.22204076 1.11535507 1.10348396 1.00000000 1.06044555 1.03851698 5 1.95629520 1.39680225 1.00000000 1.14837497 1.10544807 1.07905555 1.06158549 1.00000000 6 1.73205081 1.36602540 1.22929667 1.00000000 1.10681271 1.07313218 1.04801052 1.04570220 7 1.97766165 1.40532128 1.23109193 1.15147176 1.00000000 1.08068940 1.06285492 1.05040347 8 1.98422940 1.30656296 1.23255619 1.14559538 1.10830702 1.00000000 1.06324431 1.04847492 9 1.87938524 1.40883205 1.23305698 1.13715804 1.10853655 1.08136200 1.00000000 1.05082170 10 1.98904379 1.39680225 1.17557050 1.14837497 1.10879865 1.07905555 1.06352950 1.00000000 TABLE III. Size ratios rm(o)/rn(o) as a function of the polygon edge counts for rows n ≥ 3 and columns m ≥ 3 for the tight concentricplacements, allowing forrotations. By construction, theelements are notlarger thantheequivalententries in table I. [The generic equation if n is even, m is odd and V. SUMMARY n>m is We have defined and computed the smallest ratio of z(o) φ 1 r(o) φ m m n m the circumradii of a pair of non-overlapping concentric sin( )+ sin(φ )= sin( ). (39) − r(o) 2 2 m r(o) 2 regularpolygons,andhavepointedatinfiniteproductsof m m cosinesthatariseifsomeinfinite setsofregularpolygons ] Two more equations are established by ji = 1, are nested defined by simple strides in the sets of side jo = 0 if the upper and lower vertex of the quad- numbers. rangle meets the other two edges of the triangle, namely Appendix A: Quenching Factor of the z(o) 3 Kepler-Bouwkamp Constant m +1 t=0; (40) rm(o) − 2 1. Even lower term in the product √3 r(o) n t= (41) 2 r(o) Theconstant(21)isapproachedbycalculatingitslog- m arithm (and including one more term to put the result into a more general perspective) [10], such that π log cos rn(o) = 3(√3 1) 1/1.821367 (42) n=2,Y4,6,8,... n(n+1) r(o) 4 − ≈ π m = logcos n(n+1) with center displacement n=2X,4,6,8,... 0.160923373349205036366901529 (A1) z(o) 1 ≈− m = (5 33/2). (43) via the associated Taylor series [3, A046991][11, 1.518] r(o) 4 − m ǫ2 ǫ4 ǫ6 17ǫ8 31ǫ10 691ǫ12 logcosǫ= −2 −12−45−2520−14175−935550−··· For the 5-goncircumscribing the 3-gonin Figure 4 (A2) • the shift leads for the contact on the positive real as follows: axisagainto(33)plustwoequationsestablishedby π log cos ji =jo =1, such that − n(n+1) n=2,Y4,6,8,... rn(o) 2 4 2π 2 2π 4π = ∞ [ π2 + π4 = cos + cos +2cos 2(2k)2(2k+1)2 12(2k)4(2k+1)4 rm(o) −3 − 3 5 3 15 15 kX=1 1/1.1512750 (44) π6 17π8 ≈ + + + (A]3.) 45(2k)6(2k+1)6 2520(2k)8(2k+1)8 ··· with center displacement Partial fraction decompositions of the individual terms have the following format [11, 2.102][12–15] (o) z 5 4 2π 2 2π 4π m = cos + cos +2cos . (45) 1 1 1 2 rm(o) −3 − 3 5 3 15 15 n2(n+1)2 = n2 + (n+1)2 − n(n+1), (A4) 9 1 1 1 4 4 n4(n+1)4 = n4 + (n+1)4 − n3 + (n+1)3 ∞ (2k)6(21k+1)6 =−462+21π2+42ζ(3) 10 10 20 Xk=1 + + ,(A5) 7π4 π6 45 n2 (n+1)2 − n(n+1) +252log2+ + + ζ(5) 30 945 8 0.0000214492855159526203348. (A12) 1 2s 4s t 1 ( )t 1 ≈ = − − − + . InterchangeofthesummationovertheTaylorordersand n2s(n+1)2s Xt=1 (cid:18) 2s−1 (cid:19)(cid:20) nt (n+1)t(cid:21) over the k and insertion of (A9) into (A3) leads to the (A6) value (A1). Exponentiation gives Sums of reciprocal powers of the even or odd integers areintermsofRiemann’sζ-function[11,0.233][16,(335)] C ∞ cos π e ≡ n(n+1) n=2Y,4,6,... ∞ 1 1 = ζ(t), (A7) 0.85135730526671405636170. (A13) (2k)t 2t ≈ Xk=1 and 2. Odd lower term in the product ∞ 1 1 =[1 ]ζ(t) 1. (A8) In (A1), the smaller factor in the product n(n + 1) Xk=1(2k+1)t − 2t − was always even. With exactly the same technique we obtain a “complete” version of (A9) where the smaller Combining the previous three equations generates (with term steps through all positive integers: a little extra care at t=1 [11, 0.234]) ∞ 1 T(2s) ∞ 1 ≡ n2s(n+1)2s Te(2s)≡ (2k)2s(2k+1)2s nX=1 kX=1 2s 4s t 1 ∞ 2s 4s t 1 ( )t 1 = (cid:18) 2−s −1 (cid:19) [1+(−)t]ζ(t)−1 . (A14) = − − − + Xt=1 − (cid:8) (cid:9) (cid:18) 2s 1 (cid:19)(cid:20)(2k)t (2k+1)t(cid:21) Xk=1Xt=1 − Here [1+( 1)t]ζ(t) is to be interpreted as 0 if t = 1, 4s 2 ignoring the−pole of ζ. The three basic examples are =Xk∞=1(cid:26)− (2k(cid:0))2(s2−−k1+(cid:1) 1) ∞ 1 = π2 3 2s 4s t 1 ( )t 1 nX=1n2(n+1)2 3 − + − − − + (cid:18) 2s 1 (cid:19)(cid:20)(2k)t (2k+1)t(cid:21)(cid:27) 0.2898681336964528729448303333; (A15) Xt=2 − ≈ 4s 2 = − [1 ln2] ∞ 1 10π2 π4 −(cid:18)2s 1(cid:19) − = 35+ + − n4(n+1)4 − 3 45 ∞ 2s 4s t 1 ( )t 1 nX=1 + − − − + 0.0633278043868051124803107260; (A16) (cid:18) 2s 1 (cid:19)(cid:20)(2k)t (2k+1)t(cid:21) ≈ Xk=1Xt=2 − 2s 4s t 1 1 ( )t ∞ 1 = 462+42π2+ 7π4 + 2π6 =Xt=1(cid:18) 2−s−−1 (cid:19)(cid:26)−1+[1− −2t− ]ζ(t)(cid:27).(A9) nX=1n6(n+1)6 − 15 945 0.0156467855897643141498131091. (A17) For odd t, [1− 1−2(−t )t]ζ(t) equals Dirichlet’s η-function, The co≈mplete versionof (A1) does not exist because the in particular η(1) = log2 at the pole of ζ(1) [4, Tab. term at n = 1 contributes logcos(π/2) = . We drop 23.3]. this term at n = 1 and use T(2s) 2 2s−w∞ith (A2) to The three base examples of this format are: − − compute ∞ 1 π2 = 3+ +2log2 ∞ π (2k)2(2k+1)2 − 6 log cos 0.2039684236116246918364049, Xk=1 nY=2 n(n+1) ≈− 0.03122842796811705530687941; (A10) (A18) ≈ and its exponential value ∞ 1 = 35+ π4 +3ζ(3)+ 5π2 +20log2 ∞ π (2k)4(2k+1)4 − 90 3 C cos 0.815488120950370848344387. Xk=1 ≡nY=2 n(n+1) ≈ 0.00077822287109160078401223; (A11) (A19) ≈ 10 If the smaller factor in n(n+1) is odd, the difference Each term on the right hand side is then replaced by an is involved: incomplete ζ-function, M 1 1 ∞ 1 =ζ(s) . (A24) T (2s) =T(2s) T (2s). ns − ns o ≡ n2s(n+1)2s − e nX>M nX=1 n=1X,3,5,... (A20) With M = 10 and (A23) expanded up to O(n 30) we − Division of (A19) through (A13) yields the complement obtain for example 2π cos 0.8373758680415481080004775. k(k+1) ≈ ∞ π C k=3Y,5,7... C cos = o ≡ n(n+1) C (A25) n=Y3,5,7... e 0.95786823687957188013580826171688 (A21) ≈ Appendix B: Quenching Factor of Kitson’s Constant for use in (16). The logarithmofthe productin(22)is the asumover all odd primes p 3: j ≥ π π log cos = logcos (B1) p p p p pYj≥3 j j+1 pXj≥3 j j+1 Again with (A2) we evaluate 3. Numerator 2π with odd lower term 1 T(2s) (B2) The factor 2π in the numerator of (29), ≡Xpj p2jsp2j+s1 for integer s. 2π ∞ π cos = cos (A22) T(2) 0.005519522774559; (B3) k(k+1) (2n+1)(n+1) ≈ k=3Y,5,7... nY=1 T(4) 0.0000204508599535; (B4) ≈ T(6) 0.000000088340410739027; (B5) ≈ causesslowconvergenceofthemethodsshownabove. 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