SSuurrnnaammee FFoorreennaammee UUnniivveerrssiittyy CCoouurrssee Parsons Christopher Oxford Engineering Royer Russell Oxford Architecture Salisbury Adam Oxford Philosophy,PoliticsandEconomics Sipin Miguel Oxford Chemistry Thomson Guy Oxford Philosophy,PoliticsandEconomics Ulluri Sai Oxford EconomicsandManagement Wellham Peter Oxford BiologicalSciences Khorsandi Alireza Plymouth DentalSurgery Archbold Joshua Portsmouth CivilEngineering Ahmad Bakhtar QueenMary's Medicine Ahmadi Sami QueenMary's Medicine Butt HayanAnjum QueenMary's Medicine Hashmi Kieran QueenMary's Physics Kwon OhHun QueenMary's Dentistry Patel Neil QueenMary's Economics Selvaranjan Praniith QueenMary's Dentistry Thind Sahib QueenMary's AerospaceEngineering Uraon Aaron QueenMary's Medicine Matthews Nicholas Roehampton PrimaryEducation Collier Alexander RoyalHolloway Classics Bransgrove Alexander Sheffield Geography Chesterman Henry Sheffield Geography DeSilva Chamath Sheffield Law Rapley David Sheffield Biology Wang Brian Sheffield Medicine Allan-Lowe Henry Southampton Law Bobak William Southampton Medicine Curran Adam Southampton CivilEngineering Dixit Devashish Southampton Chemistry Gengatharan Innogen Southampton MathematicswithFinance Reals Kieran Southampton BiomedicalSciences Srivishnumohan Ahilan Southampton Mathematics YoussefAbdalla Ahmed Southampton BiomedicalSciences Johnson Pearse StAndrew’s Philosophy Hilal Zaib StGeorge's BiomedicalScience Malik Faisal StGeorge's BiomedicalScience Manoharan Vakisan StGeorge's BiomedicalScience Paripooranananthan Haran StGeorge's Medicine Sandhu Aarondeep StGeorge's Medicine Sufi Haris Surrey ChemicalEngineering Zaman Nayeem Surrey ChemicalEngineering Fenton Alex Sussex Psychology Purvor Kasey Sussex MechanicalEngineering Ashtey Blend UCL Pharmacy Faderani Ryan UCL Medicine Grosvenor Benjamin UCL Mathematics Kang Pung UCL ChemicalEngineering Mustafa Yosef UCL BiomedicalSciences Nam Gun-Woo UCL BiomedicalSciences Nithiyabhaskaran Raekulan UCL Pharmacy Rebeiz Elias UCL ArchaeologyandAnthropology Samtani Mohit UCL ChemicalEngineering(withStudyAbroad) Sidhu Sahib UCL Classics Bingham Connor Warwick Law 37 SSuurrnnaammee FFoorreennaammee UUnniivveerrssiittyy CCoouurrssee Chan AlexChi-Wah Warwick Philosophy,PoliticsandEconomics Eaton Harry Warwick FrenchStudies Gardner Orlando Warwick BiologicalSciences Harrison Alexander Warwick Mathematics Islam Wafiq Warwick Philosophy,PoliticsandEconomics Lim HaYeong Warwick AccountingandFinance Raimondo Christian Warwick Chemistry Rutherfoord Nadir Warwick Engineering Vijh Kapil Warwick Philosophy,PoliticsandEconomics Cheung Kajunn York Economics Ward Benjamin York History 38 RRUUGGBBYY Gledhill made an authoritative debut at full-back in ar- guably the best win of the season. Next came an out- 11ssttXXVV standing Round 7 victory against Cranbrook. Dmitri Dharmesena was excellent, making some clattering The First Team enjoyed a largely successful season tackles and Will Nichols, the self-styled fastest man in from 2012-2013. Out of misfortunes of the previous Surrey,showedwhyhe’sthefastestwithanimpressive season, the boys knew they would really have to step solo try (mainly because of the nature of his opposite up their game if they wanted to avoid another year of number),butsomehavearguedthatheprofitedfroma nearmisses.Onpaper,theteamwaslookingpromising tailwind. with the formation of a much revered, oriental front Now Regional Vase champions, Tiffin marched on to a row; the arrival of Harry Griffiths (taller than the rest of national quarter final against Plymouth College… in the back-line put together) and the discovery of Pete Plymouth. On an unplayable quagmire the game was a Chamberlain, a fly-half who could actually catch the mess. Although we were much the better side, silly ball. mistakes allowed Plymouth to sneak a lead with And so, with shiny new kit and a well-rehearsed Rufio minutestogo. Therestofthematchwasplayedinthe we turned up at Grist’s to face a Wallington side that Plymouth22. Realisingtherefwasnotgoingtousehis had beaten us the previous year. The result – a con- disciplinary cards, Plymouth conceded penalty after vincing46-5winfeaturingsomeverycheekyside-steps penaltytokillthematchandbringthemostdevastating from our centre combination of Nick Shuttleworth and loss of our season. We’ve all played through many de- Harry Griffiths and some serious groundwork from the feats over the years but this one was by far the tough- mightyMin.Mozza’sverdict–notbad. est. As well, at least we had a hot shower to cheer us Fromthenon,thesideshowedthattheycouldplay.Big upand5hoursinthebustogethometoKingston. wins came in against Latymer, Haberdashers’ and Theremainderoftherugbyunionseasonwasatadanti Emanuel with some really impressive open, attacking -climacticasIthinkweallrecognisedthattheteamhad rugby from the whole team, not to mention the superb the potential to have reached greater heights. Never- touch judging of Matteo Probert. The camp was opti- theless, our record does demonstrate that the 1st XV mistic but, of course, there were sterner tests just was a successful side. Out of 19 fixtures we won 14 around the corner. St Benedict’s was an agonising andfinishedwithapointsdifferenceof+217. away fixture where we found ourselves two points up Afteraforgettablesevensseason,baronefinewinover with just minutes to go despite never really reaching Bishop Stortford, we started playing rugby league. Hav- fifthgear.But,inthesamewayashashappenedcount- ingimprovedenormouslyintheearlyroundstobecome less times over the years, we conceded a last minute SE England champions, we were drawn against Wake- tryandlostthematch.KCSwasthesiteofourround2 fieldinthequarter-final (defending nationalchampions fixture in the Daily Mail cup. Tiffin really showed up in and top seeded team). Somehow, Tiffin were suddenly whatbecameanexhilarating match,endingwithavery tough. We put in big hit after big hit and Louie similar last minute winning try for King’s. The stand Mackee’s incessant runs just destroyed Wakefield in a filled with King’s boys may have out sung our support- superb display by the magnificent XIII. With our egos ers (Mozza and Leungy) but, on the pitch, we really de- throughtheroof,wewentuptoDerbytoplayRunshaw servedtowinit.Asitturnedout,droppingintotheVase College in the semi-final of the British Colleges R.L. competition was actually a blessing in disguise. Of the Championship. However, a combination of arrogance, match against St Paul’s, the less said the better. We sloppiness and a very sharp opposition left Tiffin way were absolutely useless and comprehensively out- behindthepaceandourtitledreamsintatters. played. It has been an indescribable pleasure being part of The next half-term kicked off with a 61-13 thrashing of Tiffin rugby. Amongst the team there are some really WindsorandanexcellentwinoveradecentTrinityside. talented players. For me mentions must go to the fol- The pack, and especially our second rows, Louie lowingstand-outplayers: JohnWillison,asvice-captain, Mackee and Kiran Richards, showed remarkable ma- who always led from the front; Louie and Kiran, our turity in maintaining possession during the closing second rows, who worked tirelessly and effectively; minutesofthegametosealthewin.PlayingRGSGuild- Pete Chamberlain, who controlled the game exception- fordawayinShalfordisalwaysadauntingtaskandina allyat10andofcourseWillNichols,bynowthefastest tight and physical game Dmitri Dharmasena scooped maninthe world, whofinishedthe rugby unionseason up a charge down to score under the posts. With the withanimpressivetrytallyof14. gamelockedat7pointsall,ittookaPeteChamberlain A massive thank you must go to Mr White (HBSH) and wonder drop-goal to give us a lead and then a magnifi- Ed Leung who have both been tremendous coaches centtacklefromLouieMackeeinthedyingmomentsto and mentors for the team. They offered technical help clinchanepicwin. and great advice throughout the season. TIPRA also AfterafinewinoverWimbledonCollegetheteamfound continued to play an essential role in supporting the themselves with a great opportunity in the Daily Mail club. Someofthe parents havebeenloyalas anything. competition. Round 6 of the Vase brought us a fixture Jayne Mackee and Dilli Dharmasena, in particular, de- against Chislehurst and Sidcup at Esher Rugby Club. serve many thanks. Finally, we must thank Mr Morris, Alex Hawkings showed why he’s the man and James 39 whose unfaltering belief, humour and trainer style was An enjoyable coach ride saw the tour rules set out and alwaysattheheart ofteam. Afterawin, there’snoone the first of many fines racked up by Sharif Dougramaji; you would rather listen to. After a loss, there are few the first of many which were collected by the newly ap- who dish out criticism in such a painful way. Mr Morris pointedfines master PeterChamberlain. Harry Griffiths couldnot caremore about theclub and theboys could was selected as leader of the world renowned Tiffin not care more about what he thinks. As a result, the Rugby Choir. The teambuzzes. most important ThankyouallforagreatseasonandTiff-what? duty was given to RoryGoldring the youngest mem- ber on tour, Ed, the Theauthoroftheabovearticle,RoryGoldringhasbeen mesmeric task of asuperbleaderforschoolrugby. Alwaysattheheartof protecting team the team effort, he has consistently carried the ball mascot, Frankie the furtherthanany other player and alsotoppedthetack- flying fish, with his le count. Over his seven years in the school his contri- life. A lot of respon- butionhasbeensecondtononeandhehasdeveloped sibility for someone intothefinestforwardwehaveproducedformanysea- resembling Tracy sons. Beaker, and sure DM enough this duty was short lived as Frankie was led astray on multiple occasions. Some say by a sly chef RRUUGGBBYYTTOOUURR TTOO CCAANNAADDAA butallweknowisthatEdcouldnotcopewithsomuch responsibility at such a young age. The first accommo- After months of arduous preparation under the watch- dation of the trip was at the University of Victoria, To- ful eye of Mr Wilson and Mr White the Tiffin senior rug- ronto and was very impressive, though the electronic by team gathered at Birkenhead Avenue ready to de- cardsystemprovedtoomuchforsomeoftheboysand partuponanepicjourneytoOttawaandTorontoforthe for Mr White. After an enthusiastic touch session in 2013 Canada Rugby Tour. Inspired by the actions of idyllic settings the squad rested up ready for the chal- Peter Chamberlain to press on with his rehab, support theteam,taketheroleofchiefphotographerandmost lengestomorrowwouldbring. importantlyfinescollector,30bravesoulsdepartedthe The first of these challenges was the all you can eat familiar locations of Kingston and breezed through the breakfast,anideathatthefrontrow,especiallyHamish checks at Gatwick thanks to the unbelievably helpful Brechin who has inherited his father’s appetite, tourrepresentative. seemed to read as “can you eat all?” After the first of many trips to Seven Eleven the team came out ready for training charged up on the local cuisine, Gatorade. However, two members of the team decided to arrive late,dressedforanightoutonthetown.HarryGriffiths, confused and dazed, looked across to roommate With time to spare before the flight the team began to acclimatisetoconditionsinCanadabytuckingintopan- cakesatMcDonalds;unfortunately,lostinthepleasure that this delivered, Sam Grant managed to leave his passport behind. After this minor hiccup the squad boarded the plane only to notice the lack of T.Vs. This James Gledhill for guidance and it was this moment was quickly forgotten by one member of the tour party, that marked the start of the tour romance that would Joshua Graham, when he dispatched his fifth in flight seeitsupsanddownsoverthecourseofthetrip.Inour meal, courtesy of his fellow tourists. In addition to Mr freetimewewere provided with a lot ofentertainment. White and Mr Wilson the team was joined by Mr The evening saw the first of the many brilliant excur- Cathcart and Mr Morris who had already begun to re- sions with the boys making their way down to the Rog- search the local places of interest such as the infa- ers Centre to watch the Toronto Blue Jays take on the mous Black Eagles. Arriving at the Toronto Pearson LADodgers.Sharifwentupagainstthespiciestchicken airport the team was strengthened further by the addi- intowninordertoimpressthewaitresses;hecameout tion of Mr Marley, not to mention Harry Roth who ontop, leaving with onlyafewtears inhiseyes. Aftera deemedhimselfabovetheteam byflying infrom USA. 40 M] / K T., O. e, c ti n e r P Bill o: ot h P [ d n u o r g k r a P z n a Alli s’ n E e c U a r a G S t A al a E n Fi L s ol Y o h B Sc G E. S. U / n o R d n o L e h t r o t f u o s 4 1 r e d n U e h t s d a e s l h t fi rif G e g r o e G 41 2013 4 colour sections.indd 41 26/01/2014 06:53:22 E U e g G r a h A c e E h t L n o r Y e t u B B o G el g U n A R 42 2013 4 colour sections.indd 42 26/01/2014 06:53:22 e] c ti n e r P Bill o: ot h P [ n o ti a t n e s e r p s hi s e v ei c e r w o e Y s u c r a M h c t a M e- h t of- n- a M 43 2013 4 colour sections.indd 43 26/01/2014 06:53:23 RUGBY LEAGUE Marcus Yeow beats his man Josh Kim links [photos: Bill Prentice] 44 2013 4 colour sections.indd 44 26/01/2014 06:53:24 e] c ti n e r P Bill o: ot h p [ D A U Q S 4 1 R E D N U S U O I R O T C I V E H T 45 2013 4 colour sections.indd 45 26/01/2014 06:53:25 FIRST XV John Willison drives through and Alex Hawkings nails his man [photos: Bill Prentice] 46 2013 4 colour sections.indd 46 26/01/2014 06:53:26