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Throwaway Nation: The Ugly Truth about American Garbage PDF

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Preview Throwaway Nation: The Ugly Truth about American Garbage

THROWAWAY NATION THROWAWAY NATION The Ugly Truth about American Garbage Jeff Dondero ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD Lanham • Boulder • New York • London PublishedbyRowman&Littlefield AnimprintofTheRowman&LittlefieldPublishingGroup,Inc. 4501ForbesBoulevard,Suite200,Lanham,Maryland20706 www.rowman.com UnitA,WhitacreMews,26-34StannaryStreet,LondonSE114AB Copyright©2019byJeffDondero Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereproducedinanyformorby anyelectronicormechanicalmeans,includinginformationstorageandretriev- alsystems,withoutwrittenpermissionfromthepublisher,exceptbyareviewer whomayquotepassagesinareview. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationInformationAvailable LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Names:Dondero,Jeff,1947– Title:Throwawaynation:theuglytruthaboutAmericangarbage/JeffDondero. Description:Lanham,Maryland:Rowman&Littlefield,[2019],animprintofTheRowman& LittlefieldPublishingGroup,Inc.,|Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. Identifiers:LCCN2018029445(print)|LCCN2018044311(ebook)|ISBN9781538110331(elec- tronic)|ISBN9781538110324(cloth:alk.paper) Subjects:LCSH:Refuseandrefusedisposal—Socialaspects—UnitedStates.|Salvage(Waste, etc.)—UnitedStates. Classification:LCCHD4482(ebook)|LCCHD4482.D662019(print)|DDC363.72/88—dc23 LCrecordavailableathttps://lccn.loc.gov/2018029445 TMThepaperusedinthispublicationmeetstheminimumrequirementsof AmericanNationalStandardforInformationSciencesPermanenceofPaper forPrintedLibraryMaterials,ANSI/NISOZ39.48-1992. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica CONTENTS AcknowledgmentsandDisclaimer vii Preface:EveryoneWantsaPet,butNoOneWantstoPickupthe Poop xi 1 Talkin’Trash 1 2 WastingOurO 13 2 3 WaterwaysWasteWatch 29 4 LosingLand 49 5 SpaceJunk 61 6 FishtoFarmtoTabletoTrash 73 7 FashionfromTrendytoTrash:Big-TimeBlemishesofthe BeautyBusiness 89 8 SweetandSourCharity 105 9 PaperWasteChase 121 10 Plastics:ABlessingandaCurse 131 11 Packaging:ThinkingInsideandOutsidetheBox 145 12 E-Waste:TheStuffWeCouldn’tDoWithoutIsNowStuff WeDon’tKnowWhattoDoWith 155 13 OpeningPandora’sPharmacy 167 14 TheImpairedIndustryofProducingPower 185 15 TheIndustryofWaste 199 16 Government’sSenselessSuperSpending 217 v vi CONTENTS 17 TheForty-HourWorkweekWaste 235 18 PetWaste—TheRealPoop 251 19 TreasurefromTrash 265 Index 273 AbouttheAuthor 281 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND DISCLAIMER ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T he author wishes to thank the many people who assisted in the crea- tion of this book, whom I call curators of information. These are the people who tirelessly gather facts and figures to illuminate the world andtogiveotherssomethingtoponder. As always, very special thanks to my ad hoc editor and sounding board, Patrick Totty, for advice, confidence, encouragement, sugges- tions,conversation,afewcocktails,andaidinmanyways. To my editor, Suzanne Staszak-Silva, with unflagging patience in getting this large undertaking in order. To my production editor, An- drewYoder,andtoRowman&Littlefieldforgivingmetheopportunity toallowotherstoreadwhatIwrite. DISCLAIMER It is important to remember, “There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.” Most of the stats here have been gathered by local, state, federal, and worldwide government agencies; independent scientists and writers; universities; various water and power companies; and other informed sources. Consequently, I do not claim that all the statistics presented representaccurateandtruestatements,percentages,andfacts,andIdo notwarrant ormakeanyrepresentations astothecontent, accuracy,or vii viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTSANDDISCLAIMER completeness oftheinformation,text, graphics,charts,weblinks, web- sites,andotheritemscontainedintheirmediapresentations. Aggregating and writing information for this kind of book has its inherent problems and predicaments. When presented with questions, peopleusedifferentwaystofinddiverseanswersandconclusions.Con- sequentlytheymayvary,sometimesquiteabit.Inaddition,someofthe facts presented might be affected by time, changing world events, or new discoveries. As in many things, opinions vary as to number, per- centages, predictions, and the veracity or divergence of the results ob- tainedbyindividualsusingthesameinformation.Noonecancomplete- ly and accurately predict the future. And not all scientists would agree on matters such as global warming, climate change, or that CO is 2 contributingtothedetrimentofourenvironment. What I have tried to do is present an informed opinion about what the treatment of our planet, its resources, and our trash might hold for the future of the rock in space upon which we live. I have also stated that there have been doomsayers who make dire predictions about the fate of the Earth. I hope I’m not one of those people, but I figure it’s best to err on the side of caution and not carelessness, while pointing out that I have unflagging confidence in the human race to confront andsolvetheproblemsoftheday—orcentury. Although most of the facts presented herein are defensible, I use them as literary, entertainment, and educational devices to give the reader a general perspective on the subject of the resources, energy, and the waste we create. In an effort to communicate more easily and effectively, I have taken some averages, mean numbers, and common sense, and I have modified statements to reflect more than one set of opinionsand/orupdatedthemusinglogicandinformedopinion. The lawyers put it another way: Neither the publisher nor any of its employees makes any warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, complete- ness, or usefulness of any information, percentage, apparatus, product, device, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not in- fringe upon privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial copyright, product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute orimplyitsendorsementorrecommendation.

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