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Project Gutenberg's Through South America, by Harry Weston Van Dyke This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org. If you are not located in the United States, you'll have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this ebook. Title: Through South America Author: Harry Weston Van Dyke Release Date: August 14, 2015 [EBook #49698] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THROUGH SOUTH AMERICA *** Produced by Josep Cols Canals and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive/American Libraries.) CROWELL’S TRAVEL BOOKS RAMBLES IN SPAIN. By John D. Fitzgerald. Map and 135 illustrations. 8vo, $3.00 net. (Postage, 30 cents.) SWITZERLAND. Its Scenery, History, and Literary Associations. By Oscar Kuhns. Map and 32 illustrations. 8vo, $2.00 net. (Postage, 20 cents.) A MEXICAN JOURNEY. By E. H. Blichfeldt. Map and 32 illustrations, 8vo, $2.00 net. (Postage, 20 cents.) THROUGH SOUTH AMERICA. By H. W. Van Dyke. Introduction by Hon. John Barrett. Map and 32 illustrations. 8vo, $2.00 net. (Postage, 20 cents.) CHOSEN DAYS IN SCOTLAND. By Josephine Helena Short. Map and 32 illustrations. 8vo, $2.00 net. (Postage, 20 cents.) FROM GRETNA GREEN TO LAND’S END. By Katharine Lee Bates. 32 illustrations. 8vo, $2.00 net. (Postage, 20 cents.) GEORGE ELIOT. Scenes and People in her Novels. By Charles S. Olcott. 24 illustrations. 8vo, $2.00 net. (Postage, 20 cents.) OBERAMMERGAU. By Josephine Helena Short. 32 illustrations. 12mo, $1.00 net. (Postage, 10 cents.) THOMAS Y. CROWELL COMPANY See page 125. “THE SOLDIER’S LEAP”—GORGE IN THE ANDES, ACROSS WHICH ONE OF O’HIGGINS’S CAVALRY LEAPED HIS HORSE TO ESCAPE THE ROYALISTS. THROUGH SOUTH AMERICA BY HARRY WESTON VAN DYKE WITH INTRODUCTION BY JOHN BARRETT DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF THE PAN AMERICAN UNION NEW YORK THOMAS Y. CROWELL COMPANY PUBLISHERS Copyright, 1912, By THOMAS Y. CROWELL COMPANY. Published October, 1912. TO MY FRIEND JOHN BARRETT IN TOKEN OF MY ESTEEM AND MY APPRECIATION OF HIS MANY KINDNESSES INTRODUCTION By Hon. John Barrett, Director-General of the Pan American Union and formerly United States Minister to Argentina, Panama, and Colombia I have real pleasure in complying with the suggestion that I should write an introduction to this interesting and instructive work by Mr. Harry Weston Van Dyke. As it was through me that he was led to make his studies and investigations which resulted in the preparing of this book, I naturally find much gratification in the success with which he has handled the responsibility. No one can read his travel story of South America without being impressed with the importance of these countries, the enjoyment and value of visiting them, and the advantage of the development of closer relations between all of them and the United States. As the executive officer of the Pan American Union, an international organization maintained in Washington by all the American republics, twenty-one in number, including the United States, for the advancement of commerce, friendship, and peace among them all, it is my lot to realize, possibly better than any one else, the remarkable growth of interest which is being manifested now, not only throughout the United States but in all parts of the world, in the countries of the southern portions of the American continent commonly classed as Latin America. When the Pan American Union was reorganized about five years ago, and it began an active propaganda for making the twenty Latin American republics better known in the United States, and correspondingly, the United States better known among them, there was little cause for encouragement. The average newspaper editor, the man in public life, the manufacturer, the exporter, the importer, the traveler, and the student seemed to be largely absorbed in studying and watching the development of our commercial relations with Europe and the Orient, and not with Latin America. The persistent and continued effort, however, of the Pan American Union in educating the world to the importance of the Latin American countries and to an appreciation of the commercial opportunities and moral responsibilities of the United States in its relations with them, has now resulted in a complete change of conditions which is indeed gratifying. To-day the manufacturers and merchants in all parts of the world, the editors of American and European and even Asiatic newspapers, special writers on foreign subjects, lecturers, members of Congress, professors and students in universities and colleges, librarians, professional and amateur travelers are corresponding with the Pan American Union or visiting its headquarters in order to gain accurate information about the Latin American republics. As an illustration of this growth of interest a few comparisons can be made. Five years ago the total number of printed reports, pamphlets, and other publications distributed by the Pan American Union was approximately one hundred thousand. This year, the total will approximate nearly one million. None of these have been sent broadcast in a careless way. Five years ago there was little or no demand for the “Monthly Bulletin” of the Pan American Union; now the demand for it is greater than can be supplied. Then it was an uninteresting public document; to-day it is an attractive and instructive illustrated magazine, descriptive of the progress and development of the American nations. Five years ago the Pan American Union was housed in a small building, used formerly as a private dwelling, on the corner of Lafayette Square and Pennsylvania Avenue; to-day it occupies a building which a great French architect has described as combining beauty and utility better than any other public building of its cost in the world. The library of the Pan American Union, which is a practical collection of books useful to all persons who wish to study those countries, has been increased from twelve thousand to twenty-three thousand volumes, while its collection of photographs has grown from one thousand to eleven thousand. During this same period the foreign commerce of Latin America has grown from one billion seven hundred million dollars ($1,700,000,000) to two billion three hundred million dollars ($2,300,000,000). Of this, the share of the United States has increased from less than five hundred million dollars ($500,000,000) to nearly seven hundred million dollars ($700,000,000). The total annual contributions of all the American republics, including the United States, for the maintenance of the Pan American Union in 1906 was $54,000; now the total of their quotas for support approximates $125,000. All these facts I mention, not to call attention to the Pan American Union especially, but to emphasize with actual truth the evidences of the growth of interest throughout the world in the countries which are described in part by Mr. Van Dyke in this practical volume. If its reading stimulates further interest in them, the Pan American Union will be only too glad to furnish any information in its power. While this book will perhaps be most appreciated by persons who are contemplating a visit to Latin America, it should be read by all those who wish to know more of what the American nations aside from the United States are doing. What is their interesting history, what are their resources, what are the characteristics of their peoples, what is the progress being made by them in national and municipal government, in education, and in solving social and economic problems? Most of the people of the United States and even of Europe have been so absorbed in their own histories, development, and general progress that they have given little attention to the twenty republics of southern America. After reading Mr. Van Dyke’s story they cannot fail to appreciate that there are other important nations and peoples in the world than those of northern America, Europe, and Asia. Possibly a few general facts may be mentioned here which will enable the reader better to appreciate what follows in the chapters of this book. It must be remembered that the twenty republics lying south of the United States in the Western vii viii ix x xi xii Hemisphere occupy an area of nine million square miles. This is three times greater than the connected area of the United States. Their total population now exceeds seventy millions. This is seven-ninths of the total population of the United States. Their foreign trade—and commerce is often called the life blood of nations—now exceeds two billion three hundred million dollars ($2,300,000,000) a year, which in turn represents an increase of nearly one billion dollars ($1,000,000,000) during the last ten years. Nearly all of these countries secured their independence under the leadership of generals and patriots who were inspired by the example of George Washington. Nearly all of them have written their constitutions with the constitution of the United States as their example. All of them to-day are watching the United States in its efforts to solve its endless variety of social and economic problems, and they will profit by the example which the United States sets them. They are not to be classed as lands of revolution, because two-thirds of all Latin America has known practically no revolution during the last fifteen or twenty years. The revolutions which occurred should possibly be called evolutions, and are efforts of their peoples, even though sometimes crude, to improve their permanent conditions of prosperity and progress. They are not by any means solely “tropical lands,” as is often supposed or as may be judged from a glance at the map. The great southern section of South America, including southern Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, and a large section of Bolivia, are in the South Temperate Zone, where they have climatic conditions corresponding to those of the United States. The countries, moreover, which are actually under or near the equator have a mingling of high lands with low lands which means much for their future development. There are high plateaux ranging from three thousand to twelve thousand feet above the sea, covering oftentimes individual areas as large as that of Connecticut or Massachusetts, where the climate the year round is like that of New England in June or September and where the white man can live in corresponding climatic comfort. Although, because of the slight seasonal changes, the average temperature of the low-lying lands of the tropical sections is somewhat trying to the resident of northern bringing up, yet under the influence of modern methods of sanitation and practical methods of living, they are being transformed into healthful sections of growing population, commerce, and influence. The example which the United States has set at Panama, and the demonstration which this government is giving there of the possibility of white men thriving in the tropics, is having its influence throughout the tropical belt of our sister republics and great changes are resulting. The approaching completion and opening of the Panama Canal gives a special interest to this work of Mr. Van Dyke’s. Only the person who has thoroughly studied what the Panama Canal means, its effect not only upon the commerce of the world but upon the commerce and influence of the United States, and what it will do for the Latin American countries, as well as for the United States, can appreciate fully how important to the future of the relations of North and South America is the completion of this mighty waterway. Its opening should be followed not only by a great development of the export trade of the United States to those countries but of their export trade to this country. It should cause a remarkable increase in the travel between North and South America. There is no better influence for commerce and friendship than that of mutual acquaintance of peoples of different countries. When the Canal is completed there should be a great increase in the number of North Americans going to South America and of South Americans coming to the North. When the shipping of the world goes through the Canal, it will have direct access to a remarkable coast line which heretofore has been so isolated that it could only be reached from the eastern part of the United States and the western part of Europe by the long journey around South America. The coast line which is made immediately accessible by the Canal reaches for eight thousand miles from the California-Mexican line south to Cape Horn, three thousand miles from Panama northwest to San Diego in California and five thousand miles south from Panama to Punta Arenas. This coast, without the Canal and in its isolated position, conducts now an average foreign commerce valued at four hundred million dollars ($400,000,000). With the opening of the Canal this should be doubled or trebled in the next ten years. It is a safe prediction that the Panama Canal will have the same influence upon the western shore, comprising the following countries: Mexico, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile, which the construction of the transcontinental railways had upon the Pacific coast of the United States. The fact that their population and their commercial and industrial development to-day is somewhat limited is no argument against their possibilities in the future. There was a time when the best experts and judges in the public and official life of the United States declared that the Pacific coast of the United States was not only of little value but never would be of great consequence. There were, however, some wise men like Seward who recognized the mighty potentialities of our Pacific coasts and of the Pacific seas. There is every reason to believe that western or Pacific Latin America, in view of its varieties of resources and climate, will, under the influence of the Panama Canal, experience a development and progress that will astonish the world. In conclusion, a word can be added of personal appreciation of our sister republics which I believe will be shared by all those who read this book and later visit Latin America and study carefully its possibilities and potentialities. It was my privilege, before being elected by the vote of all these countries to the position of Director-General of the Pan American Union five years ago, to have served as Minister of the United States in such representative countries of South America as Argentina, Panama, and Colombia. My association with the officials and the rank and file of the peoples of these countries, and my travels both in a public and private capacity throughout the Latin American countries, have developed in me a regard for them that approaches real affection. The more I have learned and seen of them, the more I have admired them. They have their faults and weaknesses, as have the government and the people of the United States; but they have a great many virtues and numerous favorable features which are too often overlooked by the critics who have not studied Latin America from a sympathetic standpoint. If we of the United States will remember that they are our sister republics, that they gained their independence under our example, that they have written their constitutions upon that of the United States, and that they will learn to love or hate us xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii according as our attitude is that of sympathy and love or of selfishness and material concern, we shall in turn gain their confidence and sympathy and they will join with us in that spirit of Pan American unity and of solidarity which will make the Western Hemisphere the world’s leader in civilization, in business, and in enduring friendship among all nations. John Barrett. Washington, June 1, 1912. xix CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. Historical Sketch 1 II. Brazil 133 III. Argentina 190 IV. Uruguay 228 V. Paraguay 239 VI. Bolivia 257 VII. Chile 275 VIII. Peru 314 IX. Ecuador 352 X. Colombia 375 XI. Venezuela 400 XII. The Guianas 424 Bibliography 429 Index 433 xxi ILLUSTRATIONS “The Soldier’s Leap” Frontispiece OPPOSITE PAGE Map of South America 1 Francisco Pizarro 38 Inca Burial Tower near Lake Titicaca 56 Cloisters of Dominican Monastery, Cuzco 56 Cathedral at Lima, built by Pizarro 76 Pizarro’s Palace, Lima—Now the Government Building 90 San Martín’s Passage of the Andes 126 Statue of Bolívar, in Lima 132 The City of Bahia 156 Botafogo Bay, Rio Harbor between 162 and 163 Bay and City of Rio de Janeiro 166 Avenue of Royal Palms, Rio Botanical Gardens 170 Avenida Central, Rio de Janeiro 170 Coffee Plantation, Brazil 184 Colón Theater, Buenos Aires 204 Federal Capitol, Buenos Aires 204 Jockey Club’s Grand Stand at Race Track 210 Prize Winners from “the Camp” 216 The Uspallata Pass 222 Iguazú Falls 226 Solis Theater, Montevideo 232 Cagancha Plaza, Montevideo 232 Government Palace, Asunción 242 View of Asunción and River Paraguay 242 Shrine of Our Lady of Capacabana 266 Town and Mountain of Potosí, Bolivia 266 Church of the Conservidas, La Paz 272 Old Spanish Residence, La Paz 272 Punta Arenas 312 Plaza Mayor, Lima 326 Scene on the Oroya Railway 330 Church of La Merced, Lima 350 Street Scene in Guayaquil 362 Condor of the Andes 362 Room in Old Palace at Quito 374 Overlooking Bogotá 386 A Posada or Country Inn 392 Battlemented Wall, Cartagena 392 View of Maracaibo 404 A Coffee Plantation, Venezuela 414 SOUTH AMERICA xxiii xxiv Through South America 1

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