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NAIRTL National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning Acadamh Náisiúnta um Chomhtháthú Taighde, Teagaisc agus Foghlama About NAIRTL: Our vision is one where research and teaching go hand in hand; where students and academics work in inclusive research, teaching and learning partnerships; where opportunities are created Threshold Concepts: year of undergraduate studies; where students enjoy the highest possible quality learning experience. FROM PERSONAL PRACTICE TO Such a vision calls for renewed efforts to develop research-based teaching and learning practices, to generate knowledge which is constructed and negotiated in partnership. It cals for more COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE inclusive relationships between students and staff, and the pursuit of academic professionalism by both students and academics. Through the promotion of a vision of higher education where all teachers and learners are scholars, lifelong learners and lifelong inquirers, the National Academy will contribute to making Ireland an attractive place for students to study and for academics to work. WZK/E'^K&d,Ed/KE>Dz͛^ About this The National Academy's sixth annual conference and the fourth biennial Threshold Concepts publication: conference, Threshold Concepts: from personal practice to communities of practice, was held at ^/yd,EEh>KE&ZEEd,&KhZd, Trinity College Dublin in June 2012. The proceedings comprise a selection of conference papers and workshops along with keynote presentations. /EE/>d,Z^,K>KEWd^KE&ZE ΀ͲƉƵďůŝĐĂƟŽŶ΁ ISBN 978-1-906642-58-7 9 781906 642587 Editors: Catherine O’Mahony, Avril Buchanan, DĂƌLJK͛ZŽƵƌŬĞĂŶĚĞƫĞ,ŝŐŐƐ Threshold Concepts: FROM PERSONAL PRACTICE TO COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY’S SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE THRESHOLD CONCEPTS: FROM PERSONAL PRACTICE TO COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE Proceedings of the National Academy’s Sixth Annual Conference and the Fourth Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference [E-publication] Editors: Catherine O’Mahony, Avril Buchanan, Mary O’Rourke, and Bettie Higgs January 2014 PUBLICATION INFORMATION Threshold Concepts: from personal practice to communities of practice. Proceedings of the National Academy’s Sixth Annual Conference and the Fourth Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference, January 2014. Editors: Catherine O’Mahony, Avril Buchanan, Mary O’Rourke and Bettie Higgs Published and distributed by NAIRTL Copyright © NAIRTL 2014 The Irish National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning promotes innovation, supports development and sustains good practice that links research with teaching and learning in thirty-seven higher education institutions. The Academy is a collaborative initiative between University College Cork (lead partner), Cork Institute of Technology, National University of Ireland Galway, Trinity College Dublin and Waterford Institute of Technology. It is supported by the Higher Education Authority under the Strategic Innovation Fund. For further information on other educational activities undertaken by NAIRTL please email FOREWORD th The 6 Annual Conference of the National Academy for the Integration of th Research, Teaching and Learning (NAIRTL) and the 4 Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference was held at Trinity College Dublin on 27-29 June 2012. The conference theme – From Personal Practice to Communities of Practice – challenged us to broaden our views of the idea that there are disciplinary and interdisciplinary Threshold Concepts. We looked at our own practice from new perspectives and extended our understanding of co-existing concepts and frameworks. We were delighted to bring the 4th Threshold Concepts Conference to Ireland. This year’s conference aimed to build on the successes of previous Threshold Concepts conferences which were held in Sydney, Ontario and Glasgow, and to support the development of new connections and collarborations. We welcomed close to 300 delegates, representing sixteen countries on four continents, and feel that many new connections have been made, and the nascent Threshold Concept community in Ireland will develop and flourish. At each Threshold Concepts conference ideas are developed and move forward. This year was no exception as we debated the sub-themes of Engaging Students with Threshold Concepts, Interdisciplinary Threshold Concepts, Threshold Concepts in Professional Development, and New Developments in Threshold Concepts. This publication contains a selection of papers from the conference. The papers provide insights into how we can apply the Threshold Concepts idea to gain a deeper understanding of how students learn, and also how we can use it to gain new ways of looking at our own disciplines. We hope that this publication will be of use to scholars and practitioners who are interested in the idea of Threshold Concepts to advance student learning. Dr Bettie Higgs __________________ on behalf of the Threshold Concepts Conference Steering Committee Conference Steering Committee members Vicky Davies, University of Ulster; Dr Bettie Higgs, University College Cork (Committee Chair); Dr Brian Foley, Trinity College Dublin; Professor Ray Land, Durham University; Dr Sarah Maguire, University of Ulster; Professor Erik Meyer, University of Queensland; and Dr Catherine O’Mahony, NAIRTL NATIONAL ACADEMY SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The financial support of the Higher Education Authority, under the Strategic Innovation Fund, has enabled the wide range of activities carried out by the National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (NAIRTL). We were delighted to host the fourth biennial Threshold Concepts conference in Ireland and we are grateful to Trinity College Dublin for providing the venue and to the many Trinity staff and students for their assistance leading up to and during the event. Particular thanks go to Dr Brian Foley, Jade Concannon and Sarah O'Sullivan who worked closely with the NAIRTL team in organising the conference. Close to 200 abstracts for papers, posters and workshops were submitted for consideration and we wish to express our gratitude to all of those involved in the initial selection process and to the members of the Abstract Selection committee. The conference featured more than 100 presentations and 40 posters, and we are immensely grateful to all presenters and exhibitors, particularly those who took on the Pecha Kucha challenge. The papers published in parts 2-5 of the proceedings were peer reviewed and we are grateful to all who contributed to this process. We wish to thank the following peer reviewers: Dr Barbara Bender, Rutgers University Dr Jonte Bernhard, Linkoping University Professor Patrick Carmichael, University of Stirling Dr David Easdown, University of Sydney Dr Mick Flanagan, University College London Dr Brian Foley, Trinity College Dublin Dr Anne Graham-Cagney, Waterford Institute of Technology Ann Harlow, University of Waikato Leif Hokstad, Norwegian Technical University Dr Sally Male, University of Western Australia Professor Bairbre Redmond, University College Dublin Dr David Pace, Indiana University Dr Charlotte Taylor, University of Sydney Recordings of the keynote presentations are available to view on the NAIRTL website from a link at www.nairtl.ie/conference2012. ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION The e-publication version of the 2012 Conference Proceedings contains additional papers to the print version of the Proceedings. The papers were accepted for the e-publication, but did not undergo a formal peer review process organised by the editors. The papers are included in Part 7 of the e-publication and can be accessed by clicking on the hyperlink beneath each related abstract. The e-publication also contains links to the conference posters. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Part 1: Keynote Speakers A closer look at liminality: incorrigibles and threshold capital Ray Land ....................................................................................................................................................... 1 Threshold concepts: navigating the route Bettie Higgs ................................................................................................................................................ 13 Threshold concepts as an analytical tool for researching Higher Education pedagogy Glynis Cousin .............................................................................................................................................. 22 From this curriculum to that which is to come: Threshold concepts, complexity and change Patrick Carmichael ..................................................................................................................................... 26 Part 2: Engaging Students with Threshold Concepts Creativity as threshold – learning and teaching in a liminal space Belinda Allen .............................................................................................................................................. 31 ‘Doing’ history: what may liminal space and transition time expose during the process James Cronin .............................................................................................................................................. 38 Novel threshold concepts in the mathematical sciences David Easdown ........................................................................................................................................... 44 Engineering problem solving: uncovering a Threshold experience and triggering a meta-learning response Brian Foley.................................................................................................................................................. 51 The Hero’s Journey: Uncovering threshold barriers, dispositions and practices among occupational therapy students Tracy Fortune ............................................................................................................................................. 56 Students’ perceptions of travel through the liminal space: lessons for teaching Ann Harlow ................................................................................................................................................ 62 The role of design projects in assisting engineering students from liminality to understanding Donal Holland ............................................................................................................................................. 68 Now I know why I have been knocking my head against a brick wall: doctoral candidates and stuck places Margaret Kiley ........................................................................................................................................... 73 Towards a role-reversal model of threshold concept pedagogy Marina Orsini-Jones ................................................................................................................................... 78 Using a mixed methods approach to explore student understanding of hypotheses in biology Charlotte Taylor ......................................................................................................................................... 83 NATIONAL ACADEMY SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE iv Part 3: Interdisciplinary Threshold Concepts Interdisciplinarity and information literacy instruction: a Threshold concepts approach Korey Brunetti ............................................................................................................................................ 89 “How do you know?" The threshold concept, multi-disciplinary approaches and the Age of Uncertainty Brendan Hall ............................................................................................................................................... 94 Seeing deeply in space and through time: interdisciplinarity meets threshold concepts in earth and environmental science Anne Marie Ryan ........................................................................................................................................ 99 Part 4: New Developments in Threshold Concepts The "science education for new civic engagements and responsibilities", a US national initiative linking sciences, public issues and Threshold concepts Monica Devanas ....................................................................................................................................... 106 Towards a TCT-inspired electronics concept inventory Jonathan Scott.......................................................................................................................................... 113 Threshold concepts and decoding the humanities: a case study of a threshold concept in Art History Brad Wuetherick ...................................................................................................................................... 118 Student understanding of the critical features of an hypothesis: variation across epistemic and heuristic dimensions Kirsten Zimbardi ....................................................................................................................................... 123 Part 5: Threshold Concepts in Professional Development Threshold concepts and practices in teacher education: Professional, educator and student perspectives Ann Devitt ................................................................................................................................................ 129 A comparactive academic/industrial professional development study of threshold concepts in project management Mick Flanagan .......................................................................................................................................... 133 Shifting identity in teacher development Colleen P. Gilrane ..................................................................................................................................... 138 Up close and personal: engaging learners with Service user knowledge Gloria Kirwan ........................................................................................................................................... 143 There’s a right answer but only some students can get it: threshold concepts in the professional development of Physics laboratory demonstrators Ruth Mills ................................................................................................................................................. 148 A broader threshold: including skills as well as concepts in computing education Lynda Thomas .......................................................................................................................................... 154 Voice, vision and articulation: conceptual threshold crossing in academic writing Gina Wisker .............................................................................................................................................. 159 v Part 6: Posters Part 7: E-publication papers* Troublesome Thresholds and Limiting Liminality: Issues in Teaching in Vocational Education James Atherton ........................................................................................................................................ 169 Addressing Diversity as Asset: Using Social Justice Vignettes for Transformational Change in Teacher Preparation Joan Barnatt ............................................................................................................................................. 169 'Threshold Concept Literacy': Helping Learners Develop Writing Skills and Acquire Threshold Concept Understanding Through Examining Associated Transformations in Discourse Graham Barton ........................................................................................................................................ 169 Embedding Threshold Concepts into Hierarchical Concept Structures Michael A. Bedek ...................................................................................................................................... 170 Serious Play: Threshold Concepts, Information Engagement and Game Design Margaret Blackmore ................................................................................................................................ 171 Designing Tasks to Aid Understanding of Functions Sinead Breen ............................................................................................................................................ 171 Interdisciplinary Threshold Concepts: An ontological and epistemological analysis Monica R. Cowart ..................................................................................................................................... 171 Locked Doors: Threshold Concepts as Guardians Jason Davies ............................................................................................................................................. 172 What Concepts Underpin Skills Training in Community Services in Vocational Education and Training Rhonda Fuzzard ........................................................................................................................................ 172 'Playing' So Hard We Fall Out of Our Heads: Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge in Experiences of Experiential Knowledge Acquisition in Higher Education Actor Training Sam Grogan ............................................................................................................................................. 173 Integrating Threshold Concepts Pedagogy into a Market-Value Education System to Reduce the “Plagiarism Epidemic" Corrine Hersey .......................................................................................................................................... 173 Embedding Threshold Concepts in a Student Learning Community Jody Horn ................................................................................................................................................. 174 Using Language to Transform Judgemental Attitudes Charity Johansson .................................................................................................................................... 174 Don't Fear the Engineer: Social Science Students Exploring a Liminal Space with Engineering Students Jens Kabo .................................................................................................................................................. 175 The Experience of Interdisciplinarity in Doctoral Research: Threshold Journey Jeffrey Keefer ............................................................................................................................................ 175 NATIONAL ACADEMY SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE vi Crossing a Threshold Concept in Biology: Variation in Student Learning Eileen Kennedy ......................................................................................................................................... 176 Threshold Concepts in Liberal Education Bruce MacKay .......................................................................................................................................... 176 The Integrative Nature of Threshold Concepts in Financial Accounting – An Exploration of the Interdisciplinarity of One Threshold Concept Sonia Magdziarz ....................................................................................................................................... 176 Threshold theory, action research, and teacher learning: an exploration Sarah Noonan .......................................................................................................................................... 177 I Hate Maths and Maths Hate Me! Analysing the Development of Threshold Concepts and Attitudes in Preservice Mathematics Teacher Education Maria Northcote....................................................................................................................................... 177 Academic Numeracy: Challenging Thinking Dispositions to Enable Students to Enter and Cross the Liminal Space Rebecca LeBard ........................................................................................................................................ 177 Creating Optimal Distance Education Environments for the Emergence of Threshold Concepts Kristi Archulta-Frush ................................................................................................................................. 178 Helping Students to ‘Think Historically’ by Engaging with Threshold Concepts Paul Sendziuk ........................................................................................................................................... 178 vii Part 1: Keynote Speakers NATIONAL ACADEMY SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE vii i

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