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Three new taxa of the genus Melittia Hubner, [1819] (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from India PDF

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Preview Three new taxa of the genus Melittia Hubner, [1819] (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from India

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan ueLma 7)"ans.iopi(Sloa Japan 50(3): 193-208, June 1999 Three new taxa of the genus Metitti aHUbner, [181 9(]Lepidoptera, Sesiidae)from India OlegG,GoRBuNovi) Yutaka AR"]A2) and i) Institu tfeor Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Leninsky prospekt 33, Moscow V-71, 1l7071 Russia Z) Zoologica lLaboratory ,Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo University, Tempaku-ku, Nagoya, 468-8502 Japan Abstract Three new species, Mefitt icaij?)nini sp. nov., ML suiukii sp. nov. and M. niZgiriensis sp. nov., fror nIndia are describe dand figured, Key vvords Taxonomy, Lepidoptera ,Sesiida eM,lalitti aM,eitttta eut:ytion (Westwood ,1848), Melittia ciji)nini sp. nov., Mefitti asueukii sp. nov., Melitti naiigin'ensis sp. nov., Orienta lregion, India. The presen tpaper is based on a few specimens of clearwing moths of the genus Mefittia Htibner ,[181 9(]Lepidopt eSresai,idae c)ollected in India by our friend s.We have received as a donation four species of this highly interest ignegnus , One of them, IL( teurytion (Westwoo d1,848) ,is a rather well-known and widely distribu tsepedcies in the Oriental region. The remaining three species appear new to science and are describ ehdere, The types of these new species are deposite din the fbllowin gcollections abbreviated in the text as fo11ows :COGM-collection of Institu tfeor Problems of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences ,Moscow, RusFia ;ZMUN-Zoological LabQfatory ,Meijo tl ' UniversityN,agoya,Japan. Melittia eurvtion (Westwoed) T>'ochMum eut:vtion Westwood, 1848 :62, pl,30 ,fig.5 .Type locality :C`India, Sylhet "[=:NE.Bang- ladesh, Sylhet]. Lectotype ?, in BMNH (fix ebdy Spatenka, 1992). Mefittia eutytion: Hampson, []893 2]0:3, fig .131; Le CerC 1916 :8, pL 373, figs3114-311 5L;e CerC 1917 :146, fig.4 ;Hampson, 1919 :92; Dalla Torre & Strand, 1925 :143; Gaede, 1933 :790, pl.95, row f tDiakonofi ;[1968 2]3:3, fig s726-727; Arita & Gorbunov, 1995a :196 ,figs830,835,83 8p,l. I08, figs 20-21; Gorbunov & Arita, 1996: 332, fig s7-8, 13-14; Arita&Gorbunov, 1996a: 158 ,fig s1- 3, 9, 11-12; Gorbunov & Arita ,in litt. Bionomics . Exact host plant is as yet unknown, but it seerns to belong to the genus Triichasanthe s(Cucurbitac eaIne )In.dia the imagines were attracted by UV-light. Distributio n.This species has been reported from West and South China, Nepal, West, Northeas tand East India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar [:=Burm aT]hailand, Vietnam, , the Philippines. Materia lexamined. 21 cii, NE India ,Assam, Nameri Nat. Park, 60 km N ofTezpur, 150 m, 27"20'N93"15'E,24.Vll-2.VIII.1997,Y. Afonin & V.Siniaelveg.(COGM,ZMUN). NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollogical SSoociceityety ooff JJaapapnan 194 Oleg G. GoRBuNov and Yutaka ARiTA Figsl-S. Mbtittia spp. 1. ML tzfonini sp. nov., cin, holotype .Alar expanse 27.lmm (COGM). 2. Diua \, paratype .Alarexpanse28.5mm(COGM). 3. Ml sttzukiisp. nov., ciq, holotype, Alar expanse 27.8mm (ZMUN). 4. Ditto .g, paratype .Alar expanse 32,8mm (ZMUN). 5. Ml niigirtensis sp. nov., dn, holotype. Alar expanse 29. 5 mm (ZMUN). Menttia afonini sp. noy. (Fig 1s-2, 6a-d, 10, 12) Description. Male (holoty (pFei) g1). . Alar expanse 27,1 mm; body length 14,6mm; fbr- ewing 11.8mm; antenna 6.4mm. Head: antenna dorsall ydark brown to black with dark purple sheen, with admixture of individua lsnow-white scales at anterior margin; veptrally ligh tbrown, densel ymixed with yellow scales; scapus dark gray-brown dorsall yand white ventrally; fron dsark gray-brewn with bronzed-purpl esheen, with a narrow white stripe lateral lyb;asal joi noft labia lpalpus with a few black hair-li ksecales externally; mid join dtorsall ydark gray-brown ,ventrally white with two narrow dark brown to blac kstripes externally and internall yap;ical joint dark gray-brown with purple sheen, with a narrow white stripe ventrally; vertex dark brown NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan New Mefittia Specie sfror nIndia 195 te black with purple sheen, with a small white spot between ocelli and with a few white scales densely hair-likbelack, slightly anteriorly of ocellus, covered with white and pale yellow fringedorsallyblack laterally scales; occipital with admixture of white setaceous seales, entirely white. Thorax: patagium dark brown with purple sheen, with a small white spot lateral ltye;gula dark brown to black with purple-bronzed sheen, with dirt yyellow hair-like seales distall yme;sothorax dark brown to black with bronzed-purpl esheen; metathorax dark brown to black with bronzed-purpl esheen, with a few dirt yyellow scales lateral layn,d with a tuft of dirt yyellow hair-li ksecales lateral ltyh;erax lateral ldyark gray-brown with strong bronzed-purpl esheen, with a few ocherous to whitish scales; posterior lmeytaepimeron and densely long,hair-like metameron gray-brown with purple sheen, covered with white, soales. Legs: neck plate white with a few dark brown to black scales rnedially; fbre coxa white with a few black hair-li kescales basall yand with a rather broad dark brown stripe with bronzed-green sheen exterior-subdistally; fore femur internal lydark gray-brown with bronzed-green few sheen, with admixture ofindividual white scales; extetnally white with a dark gray-brown scales with purple-bronzed sheen; fbre tibia ventrally yellow, dorsall ydark brown with dark bronzed-gree nsheen with white posterior margin; fore tarsus ventrally yellow to pale yellow ,dorsall ynarrowly dark brown to black with dark purple sheen; mid coxa white with purple hue, with admixture of gray-brown scales with brenzed-gr esehneen medially; mid femur internal lpyale yellow to white; externally dark brown with bronzed- green sheen, with a narrow pale yellow to white anterior margin and with ocherous to whitish hair-lik eseales at posterio mrargin; mid tibia internal lpyale yellow; externally dark brown few hue with-purple-bronzed sheen, with a white scales with purple medially and a small basally base few white spot somewhat of of spurs exterior-ventrally, and with a white scales dorso-distal lsypu;rs dark brown with purple-gree snheen; mid tarsus exterior-dorsally dark brown with bronzed-purpl esheen; interior-ventr ablalsyal tarsomere white to ocherous with golden hue, remaining tarsomeres yellow to pale yellow with admixture of individua ldark brown scales; hind coxa dark gray-brown with greenish sheen, with admixture of individual white scales anteriorly; hind femur externally dark gray-brewn with bronzed sheen, with a narrow ocherous anterior margin, with a few dirt yorange scales distall yan,d with white hair-li ksecales at posterio rmargin; hind tibia bqsally dark brown with green-purpl seheen; dorsal!y lightbrown-orange dark mixed with orange, and white scales; exterior-ventrally brown with bronzed-gree nsheen, with two small white to pale yellow spots with golden hue medially and between bases of both pair sof spurs; interior-ventr adlalryk brown with purple sheen, with admixture of a few yellow-orang escales; spurs dark brown to black with bronzed-green lightbrown-orange sheen, exterior-apical spur mixed with white and scales internall yh;ind tarsus dark brown to black with bronzed-pur pslheeen, with a few white seales on basa ltarsomere exterior-dorsally, Abdomen: dorsall ydark brown to black with purple-blu esheen; tergite s1, 3 and 5 each densely covered with dirt yorange-brown scales medially; 1, 2 and 3 with a narrow dirt yyellow-orang estripe distall yt;ergite s4 and 7 each dirty distal with admixture ofindividual yellow-orange scales on margin; ventrally abdomen yellow-orange with golden hue with a few dark gray-brown to brown scales on basal sternite; anal tuft small, dark brown to black with bronzed-purpl esheen with echerous scales distally. Forewing: costal margin, disca ]spot and veins within external transparent area dark brown to black with dark purple sheen; Cu-stem dark brown to black with dark purple sheen, with a narrow, short, white stripe posterier-basa llanyal; margin dark brown to black with daTk purple sheen, with a few yellow and white scales basally ;apical area dark brown to black dark few between discal with purple sheen with a white scales veins; spot relatively narrow with a short pointed projection proximally; transparent areas well-developed; external trans- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 196 Oleg G. GoRBuNov and Yutaka AR]TA 1j 4ed b 6 l d b 7 Figs 6-7. Male genitalia of Mlelit tsippa. 6. ML cofbnini sp. nov., holotype (geni tpraelparation No. GA-l79). 7. Ad[ sttzukii sp. nov., holotype (geni tpraelparation No. GA-195), (a: t e gu m en -u n eu s co mp le x, b: va lv a, c : s ac cu s, d: ae t'd e tag us ).tt Scale btar :O.5 mm. parent area large ,distinct lnayrrowed costally, divided into six cells, leve lto vein M2 about fiv etimes as broad as disca lspot and about fbur times broader than apical area; cilia dark gray-brown with purple-bronzed sheen. Hindwing: transparent ;anal area opaque, dark brown with dark purple sheen, anally densel ycovered with yellow to pale yellow scales with golden hue; veins, disca lspot and outer margin dark brown to black with dark purple sheen; disca lspot very narrow; outer margin narrow, about fou rtimes as narrow as cilia; cilia dark gray-brown with purple shoen. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan New Melittia Species from India 197 l '''d b Fig, 8, Male genitalia of Mlefitti anigin'ensis sp. nov., paratype (genit parleparation No. GA- 197) . (a :tegumen-uncus complex, b: valva, c: saccus, d: aedeagus), Scale baT :O.S mm. Male genitalia(holotypgee,nitalpreparationNo.GA-179) (Fig.6a-d)Te.gumen-uncus relatively narrow; uncus bilobed distall wyith a relatively smal1 oval plat eof strong, short, pointed setae internal loyn each side; gnathos rather large ,membranous with a relatively broad, slightly sclerotized plate medio-basally (Fi g6a,); valva (Fi g6b,) trapeziform-oval, relatively narrow, slightly broadened distal ldyi;sta lfiel dof setae narrowly separated from medial one; setae of medial fiel drelatively Iong ,completely covering pocket-shape dcrista; ventral Iobe relatively narrow and short, clearly not exceeding dista lmargin of valveg pocket-shaped crista short but broad; saccus rather long and narrow, club-shaped, rounded basall y(Fig 6.c); aedeagus (Fig 6.d) narrow, about as long as valvcu vesica with numerous mmute cornuti. Female (paratyp(eF)ig.2)A.lar 28,5mm; body lengthl5.5mm; fbrewing12.2 expanse 7.0 mm; antenna mm. NearIy same as in the male, with some differenc eass fo11ows ,Head: dorsall yblack occipital fring emixed with pale yellow scales. Thorax: rnetaepimeron and metameron posteriorly gray-brown with purple-bronzed sheen, with admixture of white scales, densel ycovered with long,hair-like background Legs:fbre white, scales masking coloration. coxa with a narrow dark brown stripe inste aodf a rather broad stripe; mid tibia densel ymixed with dark brown scales internal lexyt;ernally with a few white scales with electric blue hue subbasally, with a small white spot with electric blue-purp lheue medially and a small pale yellow spot somewhat basally ofbase ofspurs exterior-ventrally; mid tarsus exterior-dorsally dark brown to black with purple-gree snheen, with white scales at base ofbasal tarsomere and with a few yellow seales at base of second tarsomere; interior-ventr amildltayrsus yellow to pale yellow, basal tarsomere orange with a few black scales; hind tarsus with three dista ltarsomere yellow orange to orange dorsall y,Abdomen: dorsall ydark brown to black with dark purple sheen; tergites 3 and 5 each densel ymixed with dirt yyellow-orang escales proximally ;each tergite dirty distal with a narrow yellow-orange, margin; ventrally abdomen pale yellow-orange with NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 198 Oleg G. GoRBuNov and Yutaka ARiTA golden sheen with a few dark gray-brown to brown scales on two basal sternites. Forewing: Cu-stem with a narrow, short, pale yellow stripe posterior-basa lalnyal; margin with yellow scales basally ;extemal transparent area divided int ofiv ecells ,leve tlo vein M, about three times as broad as disca lspot and about twice broader than apical area; cilia dark gray-brown with purple-bronze dsheen. Hindwing: anal area opaque, dark brown with bronzed-purpl esheen. Female genital i(aparat ygpenei,ta lpreparatio nNo, GA-192) (Fi g1s0, 12) , Papilla eanales membranous with a small membranous plat ebasally c,overed with short setae; 8th tergite relatively broad with relatively long setae at posterio mrargin ventrally and with a long seta at inner margin ventrally; posterio rapophyses about as long as anterior apophyses; latter with a very short and narrow appendix ventrobasally; ostium bursae opening near posterior funnel-shaped, broadly margin of7th sternite, relatively well sclerotized; antrurn narrow, with well sclerotized posterio rhalf and membranous anterior one (Fi g1,2); ductu sbursae membranous, narrow, long ,about twice as long as anterior apophyses; corpus bursae ovoid to globose, membranous, with signum relatively large ,broadly pyrifbrm, with numerous transverse ,well-sclerotized, dentat estripes, bifurcat aend ringed around base ofcorpus bursae posteriorl(yFig1.2), Indiyidual Unknown. variability, Seasonal Unknown, variability. Differenti adliagnosi s.Due to the conformation of both the male and female genitali aand coloration of the hind leg tuft this new species belongs to the M amboinensts Felder ,1861 species-greup. By the shape ofthe disca lspot and external transparent area ofthe fbrewing it seems to be closest to M congruens Swinhoe ,1890 ,Ml eelebica Le CerC 1916, Ml meeki Le Cerf 1916,M M bellaArita& Gorbunov, 1996. From thefirst sttzukii sp. nov. and species compared (unfortuna tonelyly o,ne female is known for M congruens), the female of M cofonini sp. nov. difle rbsy the coloration of the hind tarsus (entir dealryk brown to black in the species compared). Frem the second species compared, M ofoni snp.i nQv, can be separated by the coloration of the mid and hind coxa (bot hmid and hind coxa entirely white or with admixture ef individua lgray-brown scales with purple sheen in M celebica), basal mid tarsomere (bas ahlalf entirely snow-white in the species compared), hind tibia (more brigh torange, exterior-ventrally with two more larg esnow-white spots medially and between bases of both pair sof spurs in M celebica) and by the coloration of the anal area of the hindwing (dar kbrown to black with bronzed sheen, densel ycovered with yellow hair-like scales and with a narrow white stripe with golden-blue hue at anal margin in the spocies compared). Beside sthis, these two species are easily distinguishab lbey the structure ofthe male (somewh adtiflere nsthape of valva in ?L[ celebica, clp, Fig. 6b with Fig. 49b in Arita & Gorbunov ,1996b) and, what is even more clear, by the female genital i(aantr uenmtirely membranous, sigrium semi-ringed around base of corpus bursae in the species compared, czp, Figs 10 and 12 and Figs 59 and 67 in Arita & Gorbunov, 1996b) , From M meeki, this new species diffe rbsy the coloration of the hind tibia (exterior-v deanrtk brraolwnl yto black with green-purpl seheen, with a few white scales with blue hue at midway between base of tibia and base of medial spurs, and with a small white spot between bases of both pair sof spurs in the species compared) and abdomen dorsall y(terg i1t, e3,s 5 and 7 each densel cyovered with dirty orange scales, masklng background coloration and tergites 2, 4 and 6 each with admixture ef dirt yorange scales lateral laynd proximall yin female and only tergite s3 and 5 each with admixture of dirt yorange scales lateral laynd subproximally in male of M NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan New MleOtt iSapecie sfrom India 199 meeki), and by the conformation of the male (diffe srhaepent of valva and pocket-shaped crista in M meeki, ep. Fig. 6b with Fig, 52b in Arita & Gorbunov, 1996b) and female genital ia(osti ubmursae ring-shaped, narrowly selerotized; antrum entirely membranous, signum consisting entirely of numerous strong teeth, bifurcat aend nearly ringed around base ofcorpus bursae in M meeki, ep, Figs 10 and 12 with Figs 62 and 70 in Arita & Gerbunov, 1996b) . From llt stttzukii sp. nov,, M ofoni nspi. nov. can be distinguish ebdy the colora- tion of the vertex (ver tdearxk brown to black without a smal1 white spot between ocelli and without white seales slightly anteriorly ofocellus in the species compared), metaepimeron and (gray-brown densely metameron posterior ly with golden sheen, covered with yellow-orange, long ,hair-li ksecales in M szuukii sp. nov,), Also, these two new species can be separated by minor detail osf co!oration of various part sof the body (op t.he descriptio nofs these new species) and by the structure of both the male and female genitali a(se tehe corresponding figure hserein) .From ML bedo (unfortuna tonelyl yf,emales are known for this species), this new species differ bsy the coloration of the vertex (vert belxack mixed with yellow and white hair-li ksecales but without a white spot or white scales at ocellus in the species compared), (dark bronzed-purple metaepimeron and metameron posterior ly gray-brown with sheen, densel ycovered with yellow-orang el,ong, hair-li ksecales in M bedo) ,mid tibia (bla cwikth green-viol eshteen, with a 1arg ewhite spot with blue hue medio-externally in the species compared), hind tibia (mor eyellow in Ml bedo) and four apical hind tarsomeres (entirely black with green-viol eshteen in At[ belZt i)B.eside sthis, these two spocies can be easily separated by the structure of the female genitalia ,especially by the conformation of the antrum (entir meelmbyranous in ML bedo ,ep. Figs 10 and 12 and Figs 14 and 16 in Arita & Gorbunov, 1996a) . From other taxa of the M amboinensis species-group, namely A`[ nepcha Moore, 1879 ,M dorsatijbm Hiaimspson, 1891 ,ML javan aLe CerC 1916 ,M dZstincta Le CerC 1916 (sta rtev.alid.) (no ta synonym ofM nepeha Moore, 1879) and an undeseribed species from Nepal, A{t ofoni nspi. nov. is distinguishab lbey the shape of the external transparent area of the forewing (mor ebread and divided into six cells in all these species compared). Yet for a more correct determinatio nof the species, i tseems best of al 1to use the characters of the female genitali ab,ecause the antrum of ?L cotfoni snp.i nov. is unique not only among members of the Ml amboinensis species-group but also amongst al1 congeners of the Palearcti cO,rienta land Australia ndominions, Bionomics. Specifi chos tplant unknown, but most likel ay species of the famil yCucur- bitaoea e,The type series was collected from the end of July to the beginning of August by UV-light, Habitat , The type series was netted at a border of tropical riparia nforest. Distributio n.Known from the type localit iyn the state of Assam, India. Material examined. 1 (1 (holotyp NeE), India, Assarn N,ameri Nat. Park, 60km N of Tezpur,150m, 27"20'N,93015'E,24.VII-2,VJII.1997,Y,Afbnin & V. Siniaevleg,(genital preparation No. GA-179) (COGM); 1 ? (paraty psaeme), locali taynd date ,Y. Afonjn & V. Siniaevleg.(genitparleparationNo, GA-192) (COGM). Etymology. We name this species after the lat eYevgeny Ivanovic hAfbnin, died 19 November 1997 ,an amateur lepidopterolog i(sMtoscow R,ussia) ,who collected the type series of this new species in his las tentomological expedition. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 200 Oleg G. GoRBuNov and Yutaka ARJTA 9 Figs 9-10. Female genital ioaf Mefitti sapp. 9. sMp. sueukii sp. nov,, paratype (geni tpraelpara- tion No.GA-194). 10. M: cijbnini nov., paratype (geni tparelparation No,GA- 192). Scale bar :O.5 mm. Melitti asuzukii sp. nov. (Fi g3s-4, 7a-d, 9, 11) Description.Male (holotyp(eF)ig3.). Alar 27.8 body length14.2 fbrcr expanse mm; mm; wing 12. 0mm; antenna 6.5 rnm. Head: antenna dorsall ydark brown to black with dark purpIe sheen, with admixture of individu asnlow-white scales at anterior margin; ventrally ligh tbrown, densel ymixed with yellow scales on dist aqluarter ;seapus entirely dark gray-brown with bronzed sheen; frons dark bronzed-purple laterallyb;asaljoint gray-brown with sheen, with a narrow white stripe NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan New Meittti aSpocie sfrom India 201 'i'"' j ' x x 1 12 Figs 11-12 . 0stium bursae ,antrum and corpus bursae ef female genitalia of Mlafitti aspp. 11. M sueukii sp, noy., paratyp e(genit aplreparatio nNo.GA-194). 12. MZ ojion isnp.i nov., paratype (genit aprlepaTatio nNe.GA-192), Scale bar: O,5mm. of labia plalpus with a few black hair-li ksecales externally; mid join tdorsally dark gray- brown, ventrally white with two narrow dark brown to black stripes extemally and internally; apical joi ndtark gray-brown with purple sheen, with a narrow white stripe ventrally; vertex dark brown to blac kwith purple sheen mixed with pale yellow and white scales anteriorly; occipital fring edorsal lbylack with a few pale yellow setaceous scales, 1ateral lenytirely white. Thorax: patagium dark brown with bronzed-purpl esheen, with a small white spot laterally; tegu]a dark brown to black with purple-bronzed sheen, with dirt yyellow hair-li skceales distall ym;esothorax dark brown to black with bronzed-purpl esheen, with a few dirty orangcryellow scales at dista lmargin; metathorax dark brown to black with bronzed-purple sheen, with a few dirt yyellow seales lateral layn,d with a tuft ofdirty yellow hair-li kseeales lateral ltyh;orax lateral ldyark gray-brown with strong bronzed-pur plsheeen, with a few ocherous to whitish scales; posterior lymetaepimeron and metameron gray-brown with golden sheen, dense]y covered with yellow-orange, Iong, hairLlik escales. Legs: neck plate white with a few dark brown to black scales medially; fore coxa white to ocherous with gotden hue, with a few black hair-li ksecales basall yand with a rather broad dark brown to black stripe with bronzed sheen externally, internal lanyd distally ;fore femur intemally dark bronzed-green individual gray-brown with sheen, with admixture ef white scales; externally dark brown to black with purple-bronze dsheen, densel ymixed with white scales, with a few yellow scales distall yf;bre tibi aventrally yellow ,dorsall ydark brown with dark bronzed- green sheen with a few white scales medially; fore tarsus ventrally yellow to pale yellow, dorsall ynarrowly dark brown to black with dark purple sheen; mid coxa dark gray-brown bronzed few femurinternally with sheen, with a ocherous seales anteriorly; mid ocherous; darkbrown bronzed-green externally with sheen, with a narrow ocherous anterior margin and with admixture of white hair-li ksecales at posterio rmargin; mid tibia internal ldyark gray-brown with bronzed-gre sehneen; externally dark brown to black with bronzed-green sheen, with a small sparse spot of white scates with purpIe-blu ehue medially; spurs dark brown with purple-gree nsheen; mid tarsus exterior-dorsally dark brown to black with NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 202 Oleg G. GoRBuNov and Yutaka ARITA bronzed-purpl esheen, with a larg ewhite spot at base on basal tarsomere; interior-ventrally yellow-orange with admixture ofdark brown scales on dista flbur tarsomeres; hind coxa dark brown to black with bronzed-purpl esheen; hind femur dark brown to black with bronzed sheen; hind tibia basall ydark brown to blac kwith green-bronze dsheen; exterior-dorsally mixed with ligh tbrown-orang eand orange scales, with a small white to ocherous spot rnedially; exterior-ventrally mixed with dark brown to black with green-bronzed sheen and dirt yorange scales, with two small yellow-orang espots medially and betwoen bases of beth pairs ofspurs; dorsall ycovered with ligh tbrown-orange ,orange and white scales; spurs dark brown to black with bronzed-gree nsheen; exterior-medial spur mixed with orange scales internal lbyut exterior-apical spur mixed with white and light brown-orange seales internally; hind tarsus dark brown to black with green-bronze dsheen, with a few ligh tbrown-orange scales dorsall y.Abdomen: dorsall ydark brown to blac kwith groen-purpl seheen; tergite 2 densely covered with ligh tbrown-orange setaceous scales; tergito s3 and 5 each mixed with dirt yorange seales medially; tergite s2-4 each with a narrow yellow-orange strip edistally; tergit e7 with admixture of pale yellow scales at dista lmargin; ventrally abdomen dirty yellow-orang ewith golden hue with a few dark gray-brown to brown scales on two basal stemites; anal tuft small, dark brown to black with bronze dsheen with admixture of pale yel{ow seales ventrally. Forewing: costal margin, disca lspot and yeins within external transparent area dark brown to black with dark purple sheen; Cu-stem dark brown to black with dark purple sheen, with a few white scales posterior-basa lalnyal; margin dark brown to black with dark purple sheen, with a few dirt yyellow scales posterior-basa llapyi;cal area dark brown to black with dark purple sheen with a few white scales betwee nveins; disca lspot narrow with a short pointed projectio nproximally ;transparent areas well develope de;xternal transparent area 1arge ,distinct lnayrTowed costally, divided into fiv ecells, leve lto vein M2 about three times broad discal dark as as spot and apical area; cilia gray-brown with purple-bronzed sheen. Hindwing: transparent ;anal area opaque, dark brown to black with bronze dsheen, densely covered with orange yellow scales with golden hue; veins, disca rspot and outer margin dark brown to black with dark purple sheen; disca lspot very narrow; outer margin narrow, about four times as narrow as cilia; cilia dark gray-brown with purple sheen. Male genital ia(holoty pgee,nita lpreparation No. GA-195) (Fig 7.a-d). Tegumen-uncus relatively narrow; uncus bilobed distal lwyith a relatively smal1 semi-oval plate of strong, short, pointed setae internal lyon each side; gnathos rather large ,membranoBs with a relatively broad, slightly sclerotized plate medio-basally (Fig.7a )va;lva (Fig.7b) trapezifbrm-oval ,relatively narrow, clearly broadened distall yd;ista lfiel dof setae not separated from medial one; setae of medial fiel drelatively short, nearly not covering pocket- shaped crista; ventral lobe relatively broad and long, slightly exceeding dista lmargin of valva; pocket-shape dcrista long but narrow, with longitudi ncaosltat and dista plarts ;saccus rather short and narrow, club-shaped, slightly flatten ebdasall (yFi g7c.) ;aedeagus (Fi g7.d) narrow, slightly shorter than valva; vesica with numerous minute cornuti. Female (paraty p(eF)ig. 4)A.lar expanse 32,8mm; body lengt h16.2mm; forewing 13.9 mm; antenna 7.4 mm. Nearly identic awlith the male, but some diflerenc eass fbllow s.Head: dark brown to black antenna with dark green-purpl esheen; scapus with a few white scales lateral lfyro;ns dark gray-brown with bronzed-purpl esheen, with a narrow white stripe lateral lyap;ical joi notf labia lpalpus with a few yellow scales dorsall yv;ertex with a few pale yellow scales anteriorly. Thorax: metaepimeron and metameron cevered with yellow-orange, long, hair-li ksecales, NII-Electronic Library Service

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