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NEW SOLANUM THREE OF SECTION HERPYSTICHUM SPECIES FROM ECUADOR (SOLANACEAE) EricJ.Tepeand Lynn Bohs Department 257 of 1400 Biology, S. E. USA. Lake Utah 84 Salt City, 12, 1 Author correspondence: erictepe@ utah.edu for INTRODUCTION The genus Solanum has been the focus of intense research because contains several important crop spe- it cies, including the potato tuberosum), tomato lycopersicum), and eggplant melongend). Despite the (S. (5. (S. many among economic importance of the genus, however, groups 1500 species remain poorly known. its ca. TBI The Solanum: a world-wide treatment" project (www.solanaceaesource.org), an NSF-funded initiative and provide online descriptions keys Solanum has allowed increased exploration and to to all taxa, for dis- new home covery of Solanum species. Ecuador 183 species of Solanum, including 31-34 endemics, and to is & one of the highest centers of diversity for the genus (J0rgensen Leon-Yanes 1999; Montufar 2000). This is & Stem with funded by (Knapp Bohs paper, along three others this project 2007, 2008; 2009), adds seven new which species, five of are endemic, to the of Ecuadorian Solanum. list Solanum sect. Herpystichum Bitter is a group of ca. ten species found from Central America to northern & member and informally-named (Weese Bohs Peru, a of the "Potato clade" 2007). Molecular phylogenetic is analyses indicate that sect. Herpystichum constitutes a monophyletic group sister to sect. Pteroidea Dunal & & (Weese Bohs 2007; Tepe Bohs, unpublished manuscript). Species Herpystichum of are sect. trailing, woody They herbaceous terrestrial or climbing, to vines rooting at the nodes. are primarily plants of the but found open rainforest understory, several species are also in pastures or other Like areas. Pteroidea, sect. they have perfect flowers, but can be distinguished by the usually extra-axillary inflorescences (those in sect. Some Pteroidea are axillary in position). species have flattened fruits that are unique in Solanum. This group has never been revised and has received attention since Bitter described most of species in 1912 little its and 1913 (Bitter 1912, 1913a, Detailed study of sect. Herpystichum has revealed three additional species, b). Two described herein, that have been collected since focus on the genus. of the species are endemic Bitter's 512 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 3(2) Ecuador and occur in small reserves in areas under intense pressure from large-scale agricultural or oil to exploration. They should both be added to the Red List for Ecuadorian Endemics (Knapp et 2007). al. Maximum parsimony sequence from nuclear ITS and GBSSI waxy) sequences place analysis of data (or & and unpublished Solanum Herpystichum (Tepe Bohs, manuscript). crassinervium three species in sect. all from with Greenm., widespread occurs Central species that pacificum are in a clade evolvulifolium a S. S. America and Andean South America and loxophyllum Bitter from the Pacific lowlands of Ecuador. Solanum 5. American limoncochaense in a clade with the morphologically similar Central species phaseoloides Polak. is S. We known and Dunal, high-elevation species only from Bolivar Province, Ecuador. were unable trijolium a S. and obtain material molecular analysis of dalibardijorme Bitter dolichorhachis Bitter, the species to for S. S. and most similar morphologically to limoncochaense pacificum, respectively. S. S. Solanum pacificum ECUADOR. Tepe, sp. nov. (Fig. 1). Los Rios: Centro Cientifico Rio Palenque, in secondary forest, Type. Vine, climbing other vegetation via adventitious roots the nodes. Stems slender, weakly herbaceous, at glabrous, densely gland-dotted; branch tips pendent. Sympodial units plurifoliate, not geminate. fertile membranaceous Leaves simple, 14-19 x 4.5-8 cm, 2-3 times as long as wide, lanceolate to ovate, to thinly more and rounded densely gland-dotted, the base obtuse, or chartaceous, glabrous adaxially abaxially, to symmetrical, the margin the apex acuminate; petioles 1-1.5 cm, glabrous, densely gland-dotted. less entire, Internodes 1.5-7 cm. Inflorescences 4-10 x 2-3 cm, slender, extra-axillary, unbranched with 17-58 flowers cm peduncle 2-4.5 flowers apparently perfect, the axes glabrous, very slender; long; rachis ca. (scars), all mm mm 8-10 15-20 spaced cm; enlarged glabrous, nearly 6 pedicels in flower, slender, in fruit, apically, mm mm contiguously to 12 apart, articulated at base. Flowers with the calyx 1-1.2 long, glabrous to minutely mm mm, and sparsely along margins, the tube 0.5-0.7 long, the lobes 0.5-0.6 x 0.8-1 rounded, ciliate mm. somewhat rounded weakly acuminate calyx accrescent, the lobes 0.6-0.8 x fruiting to at tips; ca. 1 mm cm Corolla 0.8-1 in diameter, 5 long, membranous, green to white near the margins of the ca. stellate, mm, 4-5 and the lobes x 1.2-2.5 reflexed maturity, acute apices, glabrous adaxially abaxially, the petals, at at mm margins Stamens subequal, with filaments 0.8 long, glabrous, anthers 1.5-2 x 0.7-1.2 ca. free; ciliate. mm, opening with oblong, not connivent, yellow, the pores directed distally, into short longitudinal slits mm, Ovary glabrous; 4-4.5 x 0.1-0.2 glabrous, slightly clavate; stigma truncate. Fruit (immature) age. style unknown. 0.9 x 0.6 cm, ovoid, pointed apex, green, glabrous. Seeds ca. at Solanum with deep purplish-green above with whitish and striking species leaves that are veins, pacificum a is and been weakly intensely purple below. This species apparently quite rare has not collected extensively, to is members by but from other of Herpystichum. recognizable climbing habit, it is clearly distinct sect. It is its and weakly herbaceous completely glabrous vegetative parts, large, very thin leaves slender, stems. its Solanum specimens have been but has wiry identified as dolichorhachis, dolichorhachis pacificum S. 5. woody and with spindle-shaped stems, chartaceous coriaceous leaves distinctly oblique leaf bases, fruits to membranaceous more 2-3 times longer than wide the weak-herbaceous stems, leaves or less symmetrical vs. and somewhat than twice long wide) at the base, globose to conical (but less as as fruits of 5. pacificum. It and but distinguished from these is also related to 5. crassinervium, S. evolvulifolium, S. loxophyllum, is easily sym- species by the texture, shape, and size of the leaves. Solanum pacificum also bears a resemblance to the and patic Geminata) due simple leaves, long, slender inflorescences, small, 5. leptorhachis Bitter (sect. to its new Tepe and Bohs, Three species of Solanum Herpystichum) (sect. 514 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 3(2) m greenish-white However, free-standing shrub 1-2 with stellate, flowers. S. leptorhachis is a tall unifoliate sympodial units on flowering stems vine with sympodial units in vs. a plurifoliate pacificum. 5. The lowlands Ecuador between Ocean and Andes under of the Pacific the are large-scale cultivation of cacao, papayas, bananas, African palm, and very few areas of undisturbed habitat remain intact. oil etc., Most collections of pacificum are from the small, but well-preserved Centro Cientifico Rio Palenque reserve. S. There are no large reserves in western Ecuador (like Yasuni in the east) and likely that pacificum and it is 5. other plant species endemic to western Ecuador are surviving in small, isolated reserves. As a result, 5. made and pacificum in critical danger of extinction due to habitat loss every effort should be to maintain is the reserves in this region. — named lowlands Ecuador where endemic, and Etymology. Solarium pacificum after the Pacific of is is it and companion Maria Paz Moreno. as a tribute to ET's wife frequent field — Habitat and Distribution. Solarium pacificum occurs in rainforest habitats in the Pacific lowlands of m 50-300 Ecuador, in elevation. — Phenology. Flowering specimens have been collected from Feb-Aug; the type collection, collected in Feb, the only fruiting specimen seen. likely that fruiting more frequent than the collection record is It is is indicates. May 19 1987 H.H. van der Werff9496 (holotype: QCNE!; MO!, NY!). isotypes: (fl, fr), m Vine or scandent shrub, climbing understory trees as high as 4 via adventitious roots at the nodes; leafy branches spreading pendulous. Stems thickly herbaceous weakly woody, somewhat glabrous to to fleshy, to very sparsely pubescent and soon glabrescent. Sympodial units plurifoliate to rarely unifoliate, not geminate. Leaves simple, 3.5-14 x 1.5-8 cm, ca. 1-2 times as long as wide, gradually reduced in size toward the inflo- rescence, ovate to elliptic, somewhat fleshy, glabrous adaxially and abaxially, the secondary veins 5-7 per conspicuous and prominent abaxially, the base rounded truncate cordate, sometimes oblique, the side, to to margin entire, the apex shortly acuminate; petioles (0.2-)l-1.5 cm, glabrous. Internodes 1.5-5.5 cm. Inflo- cm cm rescences 1-3 x 1-4 to ca. 6 x ca. 5.5 in fruit, stem-terminal to axillary to extra-axillary, unbranched 2-16 to branched, with flowers flowers apparently perfect, the axes glabrous; peduncle 0.1-0.5 (scars), all mm mm cm 4-12 9-18 long; rachis 0.1-2 cm; pedicels in flower, in only slightly enlarged apically, fruit, glabrous to rarely very sparsely pubescent, spaced nearly contiguously, articulated base. Flowers with the at mm mm calyx 2.5-3.5 long, glabrous, the margins thickened, the tube 2.5-3 long, the lobes 1.5-2.5 x 1.5-2 mm, somewhat deltoid, acute to acuminate at tips, white to pale pink; fruiting calyx accrescent, the lobes mm mm. cm 5-8 somewhat 1.5-2 x .5-2.5 Corolla 1.5-2 in diameter, long, white, the lobes 1 stellate, fleshy, mm, 5-8 x 2.5-3 planar at anthesis, acute to acuminate at apices, glabrous adaxially, sparsely pubescent mm near the apex abaxially, the margins densely Stamens equal, with filaments 1-1.5 long, glabrous, ciliate. mm, 3-4 anthers x 1.2-1.5 oblong, not connivent, yellow, the pores directed opening into free; distally, mm, 4-6 Ovary short longitudinal slits with age. glabrous; style x ca. 0.3 glabrous, cylindrical, sometimes deflected one side of flower ID); stigma Fruit (immature) 0.7-1 x 0.7-0.9 cm, ovoid to (Fig. capitate. to somewhat brownish nearly globose, slightly flattened, pointed at apex, green to pale orangish to at maturity, mm, glabrous. Seeds 2-2.2 x 1.8-2 flattened-reniform, tan, the surface minutely reticulate-rugulose. Nambi, margen derecha del Rio Nambi, 18'N, 78°08'W, 1325 m, Dec 1993 Franco 4707 (NY); Mpio. Tumaco, Resguardo l 1 (fl), P. et a\. ECUADOR. Resguardo Indigena de Saunde, 1°30'N, 78°20'W, 350 m, 21 Jan 1996 B.R. Ramirez 9699 (NY). Carchi: Canton (fr), et a\. km 1813 (BM, NY, QCNE); border area between Prov. Carchi and Esmeraldas, 20 past Lita on road Lita-Alto Tambo, 550 m, 25 et al. Jun 1991 H. van der Werjfet al 11972 (MO, NY, Q (fl), new Solanum Tepe and Bohs, Three species of (sect. Herpystichum) Fig. 2. Solanum crassinervium Tepe. A. Habit. B. Inflorescence. C. Bud. D. Flower. E. Flower, longitudinal section. F. Stamens. G. Infructescence {fruits immature). drawn from van derWerff11972 [MO] and EJ. Tepe2729 [photo]; B drawn from EJ. Tepe2729 [photo]; D drawn from Stem (A, C, E-F H. 5. 400 [photo]; G drawn from Tipaz 1813 [MO] and EJ. Tepe 2729 [photo]. G. (QCNE); Canton Quinine 31 0-600 m, 26 Sep 1994 (fr), Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 3(2) & QCA, QCNE, 0°20 49"N 79°4241"W, 540 m, 13 Feb 2009 Tepe Stern 2729 (BM, NY, UT). , (fl, fr), E.J. S. somewhat and by Solarium crassinervium the most robust species in sect. Herpystichum is recognizable the is and with conspicuous secondary fleshy texture of the leaves, stems, flowers, ovate to elliptical leaves its veins in fresh and dried material, and occasionally branched inflorescences. Its distribution is restricted to NW SW the Choco region of Colombia and Ecuador, a biodiversity hotspot with one of the highest species common some per area (Myers 2000), but apparently quite in parts of range. diversities et is its al. it and but from both species Solarium crassinervium closely related to evolvulijolium loxophyllum, differs is S. S. may and and be in robust habit, ovate leaves mostly oblong), fleshy calyx corolla, inflorescences that its (vs. many The and than simple and branched within an individual. leaves, petioles, internodes are times larger than but crassinervium those of evolvulijolium. Solarium loxophyllum is larger in stature 5. evolvulijolium, 5. 5. The on and easily distinguished from the former based leaf inflorescence characters. leaves of S. crass- is more somewhat but crassinervium has secondary veins inervium, those of loxophyllum, are fleshy, like 5. S. (5-7 3-4 and these are prominent abaxially, whereas those of loxophyllum are obscure within vs. pairs) S. and The These characters are apparent in both fresh dried material. often stout the fleshy leaf blade. leaf which and from apparently always simple inflorescences of crassinervium differ those of 5. loxophyllum, are S. borne on very and Furthermore, inflorescences of loxophyllum are typically older, leafless slender delicate. 5. parts of the stem, as compared to those of 5. crassinervium, which appear to always be produced in the leafy member sometimes been parts of the stem. Solanum crassinervium has identified as siphonohasis Bitter, a of 5. Solanum Anarrhichomenum but from species in having > 2 flowers per inflorescence differs this sect. Bitter, and and has 1-2 flowers per inflorescence), in the fleshy texture of the leaves, stems, flow- siphonohasis (S. from Anarrhichomenum node-rooting but they Herpystichum Species of are also vines, differ sect. ers. sect. primarily possessing pseudostipules the base of the petioles (Correll 1962). in at — The prominent secondary veins help distinguish Etymology. epithet crassinervium describes the that from this species closest relatives. its — and premontane lowland and Solanum crassinervium occurs in rainforest habitats in Habitat Distribution. the Choco region of Colombia and Ecuador, including the Mache-Chindul mountain range in northwestern m 150-1800 Ecuador, in elevation. — specimens have been from Flowering apparently occurs year-round; fruiting collected Phenology. and Sep-Dec. Jan-Feb, Solanum limoncochaense ECUADOR. Tepe, sp. nov. (Fig. 3). SuciMBfos: Limoncocha, Reserva Biologica Limoncocha, Type. Sympodial Terrestrial herb, trailing, rooting at the nodes. Stems slender, glabrous. units apparently plurifoli- somewhat not geminate. Leaves simple, the blades 3.5-7 x 3.5-8 cm, slightly wider than long, rounded, ate, margins glabrous; venation palmate with 5 (-7) veins, the base cordate, the entire, slightly revolute fleshy, 3-16 on some leaves, the apex rounded to obtuse to shortly acuminate; petioles cm, glabrous. Internodes new Tepe and Bohs, Three species of Solanum Herpystichum) (sect. (immature). Fruit dr F. (All 4-8 2-3 2.5-20 cm. x 3 cm, unbranched, with Inflorescences extra-axillary, flowers, flowei ca. all ently the axes glabrous; peduncle 1.3-4.5 cm, slender; rachis 0.9-1.5 cm; pedicels 15-2: perfect, mm mm 25-30 flower, in slender, glabrous, spaced ca. 15 apart, articulated at the base. Flowers fruit, mm mm mm, calyx 2.5-4.2 long, the tube 1-1.5 long, the lobes 1.5-2 x ca. 1.2 rounded, acuminat glabrous sparsely pubescent abaxially, densely pubescent adaxially, purplish; fruiting calyx ver) to mm, cm 5-8 accrescent, the lobes 1-1.2 x 1.5-2 truncate-acuminate. Corolla 1-1.6 in diameter, n mm, mm, 6-10 membranous, white, the tube 1.5-2 the lobes x 1.5-3 lanceolate, narrow stellate, 518 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 3(2) apex and margins Stamens at tips, the papillose adaxially abaxially, the ciliate apically. equal, the filaments mm, mm, glabrous; anthers 2-2.5 x tapered, not connivent, yellow, the ca. 1 ca. 1 slightly sagittate basally, and opening with Ovary pores large directed distally, into longitudinal slits age. sparsely papillose; style mm, somewhat 2-2.5 x 0.3 straight, cylindrical, stout, sparsely papillose in lower half; stigma capitate, when 1-3 x 0.6-3.2 cm, ovoid-rhomboid, greenish-brown purplish near apex 2-lobed. Fruits flattened, to mm when when immature, bronze-brown mature, sparsely pubescent with hairs < 0.1 to glabrous mature, the apex truncate to emarginate, strongly fragrant with a sweet, heavy scent, very juicy, the flavor sweet. mm Seeds 2-2.5 in diameter, lenticular, light reddish-brown, the surface minutely rugose. MT. MO, QCA, environs of Limoncocha, 240 m, 16 Jun 1978 Madison 5327 (AAU, K, NY, SEL); near northwest corner of (fl, fr), et al. F, Solarium limoncochaense belongs to a distinctive group of species within Solanum sect. Herpystichum character- ized by herbaceous, ground- trailing stems that root at the nodes and bizarre, flattened, arrowhead-shaped group and Solanum this includes pentaphyllum, phaseoloides, dalibardiforme, limon- fruits; 5. S. 5. 5. trifolium. can be from group by simple and cochaense distinguished other species in this leaves stellate flowers. its most from Colombia, and most specimens have been Vegetatively, similar to dalibardiforme central it is S. annotated as this species. Both species have simple, cordate leaves, but S. limoncochaense is distinguish- because and has than Furthermore, able vegetative parts are glabrous, rather rotate corollas. stellate all S. found low whereas found > 2000 m. Solanum limoncochaense elevations, dalibardiforme elevations is at S. is at on grows presumably limoncochaense in dense, clonal patches th weak and were apparently a climber living plants in the see field & ground Tepe the (E Stern, pers. obs). S. J. Mature fruits are bronze-brown in color, very juicy, and have a strongly sweet aroma and flavor. The when on the ground stems are or are pendulous on climbing stems. The dispersal agents fruits trailing, lie unknown, on and of these fruits are but based the strong scent, color, presentation, is likely that they are it W. eaten by rainforest rodents such as the guatusa or agouti (genus Dasyprocta; Haber, pers. comm.). known Solanum endemic Ecuador and from limoncochaense is to all collections are the 'terra firme' for- Limoncocha Limoncocha, ests at the northern side of the lake within the Reserva Biologica a small reserve Much made 4613 which 250 up of hectares (including the lake hectares). of the rest of the reserve is ca. is of swamps and seasonally flooded and limoncochaense was not encountered in any of the flooded forests, S. forest habitats. The reserve is surrounded by cultivated land and oil platforms, whose effects on the habitats unknown. within are If this area is truly the only locality for this species, then should be considered it it much and enormous endangered; however, Reserva de Yasuni nearby, the Biosfera of this re- critically la is serve has not yet been explored botanically. hoped that this species more widespread than appears It is is it on be based the collections currently available. to — name Laguna Limoncocha Etymology. Solanum limoncochaense takes from the de in western Ecuador, its known the geographic locality of collections of the species. all — Napo endemic and Sucumbios Habitat and Distribution. This species apparently to Provinces, is m 240-300 Ecuador, near the Laguna de Limoncocha, where grows in primary forests and clearings, in it elevation. — and Flowering specimens have been Oct; specimens Phenology. collected in Jan, Jun, Sep, fruiting have been and in Jan collected Jun. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Stephen Stern and Freddy Villao for assistance in the the herbaria AAU, BM, K, MO, NY, field; F, UT Ann and SEL for loans of specimens; Kelsey from for assistance with loans; David Neill and the staff at QCNE and Hendry Moya UISEK Amazonica for assistance with logistics in Ecuador; Katy Coral of the Estacion and and Limoncocha; Freddy Villao and the the Centro Cientifico Rio Palenque; Carlos Aulestia at staff at . new Tepe and Bohs, Three Solanum Herpystichum) 519 species of (sect. the Fundacion Jatun Satcha for access to the Bilsa Biological Station; Bobbi Angell for the illustrations; and two anonymous whose and comments improved manuscript. This work was the reviewers questions this NSF by DEB-0316614, supported through Solanum the the PBI: grant, to LB. REFERENCES G. 91 Solana nova ve! minus cognita Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 11:1-18. Bitter, 2. 1 II. Solana nova minus cognita Repert Spec Nov. 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Biodiversity hotspots for conservation J. Nature 403:853-858. priorities. Two new new L Solanum from Ecuador and combinations Solanum and 2009. species of sec- Stern, S.R. Bohs. in tion Pachyphylla (Solanaceae). Bot. Res. Texas 3:503-510. Inst. J. T.L and L 2007. A three-gene phylogeny of the genus Solanum (Solanaceae). Bot Weese, Bohs. Syst. 32: 445-463.

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