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Preview Three new species of Ocotea (Lauraceae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest

THREENEW SPECIESOF OCOTEA (LAURACEAE) FROMTHE BrAZILIAN Atlantic Forest1 Leandro C. S. Assis14 & Renato de Mello-Silva34 Abstract (ThreenewspeciesofOcotea(Lauraceae)fromBrazilianAtlanticforest) Threenewspeci.esofOcotea-(J. & calliscyphaL. C. S. Assis&Mello-Silva,fromthe StateofMinasGerais, O. ciliata L. C. S. Assis Mello- Silva. from the State ofEspírito Santo, and O. marcescens L. C. S. Assis & Mello-Silva, from the States of Bahia,EspíritoSantoand RiodeJaneiro -aredescribed.Thespeciesareillustrated.andcommentsontheir relationships toother species ofOcotea, distribution, habitat, and phenology are provided. Keywords: BrazilianAtlanticForest,Lauraceae,Ocotea.taxonomy. Resumo (Trêsespécies novasde Ocotea (Lauraceae) da florestaatlânticabrasileira) Trêsnovasespe,ci.esd,e Ocotea & -O calliscypha L.C.S. Assis& Mello-Silva.doestadodeMinasGerais,O. ciliataL. C. S.Assis Mello- Silva.doestadodoEspíritoSantoeO.marcescens L.C.S.Assis&Mello-SilvadosestadosdaBahia,Espírito Santo e Rio de Janeiro - são descritas. As espécies são ilustradas e comentários, distribuição, habitat, fenologiae relações com outras espéciesde Ocotea são tornecidos. Palavras-chave: florestaatlânticabrasileira,Lauraceae, Ocotea,taxonomia. Materialsand Methods Introduction Ocotea Aubl. is the largest Neotropical This work is based on the analysis of genus of Lauraceae, comprising ca. 300-350 collections housed at B, BHCB. CEPEC, speciesintheNeotropicsplusca.50-60species CVRD, K,MO, NY, RB,SPF,SPSF,andUEC in África and Madagascar (Rohwer 1993, herbaria (Thiers, continuously updated). Madrinán 2004). lt is not taxonomically well Measures offlowers include the pedicel. The defined,buttheirspeciescan bedistinguished taxonomic species concept is followed, by & by stamens with four pollen sacs arranged in which a species (as a natural kind; Assis two pairs above each other, together with Brigandt 2009) is defined by an exclusive additional features such as flowers that feature or a combination of them (Stuessy, generally lack papillae, have free tepals, and 1990). Geographic distribution and habitat eitherareunisexualorbisexual (vanderWerft complement species circumscription. The 1991, 2002). The genus is very diverse in classificationofvegetationisbasedonOliveira- & Neotropicalrainforests(Rohwer 1986,vander Filho Fontes(2000). Werff2002, Madrinán 2004). and it is highly rich in the Atlantic forest ot Brazil, where 20- Results and Discussion 30% of the species of Ocotea occur (cf. Ocotea calliscypha L. C. S. Assis & Mello- Rohwer 1986, Baitello & Marcovino 2003, Silva, sp. nov. Type: BRAZIL. MINAS Assis et al. 2005, Quinet 2005). It is a quite GERAIS: Itambé do Mato Dentro, Distritode threatened biome in need of conservation SanfAna do Rio Preto, Cabeça de Boi, APA (Myers et al. 2000). a task that the three new do Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó, terras endemic species described here reinforces. de José Agostinho, alto do morro, vegetação Artigorecebidoem03/2009.Aceitoparapublicaçãoem08/2009. -'PTairmtm-oif-tihlesPuhDDDo.rtfheFsiAsPbEyStPhe(f0ir3s/t1a3u1t7h6o-r8;at0l4h/e1U4n5i3v5e-r4s)i,da1dAePdTeRSeãsoePaaruclho,GrBraanztisl.in Plant Systematics 2007, and SysTmíksAsTociation.Currentreseareh fundingthroughaPROTAX/CNPq(150929/2009-9) fellowship. TJ^crlfdad^^oPaulo. Depto. Botânica.Lab. SistemáticaVegetal, R.doMatão277,05508-090,SãoPaulo,SP, [email protected];lcünd&ssis@gmâil.com SciELO/JBRJ cm 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 .. 642 Assis. L. C. S. A Mello-Silva. R. aberta,perturbada, 19o23’46.9"S,43o24’07.4”W. pubescent-papilose,apex rounded. truncateto 23.X.2008, IV.,A/. F.Santos & J. li. C. Marques emarginate, upper pollen sacs latrorse. lower 380 (Holotype, SPF; Isotypes, K. MO, RB). pollen sacs latero-extrorse, pair of glands at Fig. 1 the base of the whorl III stamens present. Species nova O. indecorae accedit sed staminodia 3 (whorl IV), 0.5-0.7 mm long. nervis secundariis plus numervsis, areolis clavatetosagittate,sparsetodenselypubescent; minoribus receptáculo intus glabro, apice ovary 1-1.2mmlong,ellipsoid,style0.5-0.8mm antherarum breviore, cupula margine long. Cupules0.9-1.6 x 1.5-2.1 cm,obconic, duplicique differt. Proxime est etiani afjinis margin double and thick, entire to slightly O. odoriferae a qua cataphyllis inferne undulate afterdevelopmentoffruits, lenticels pubescentibus vel sericeis, receptáculo densely present, tepals deciduous. Immature extus pubescenti apiceque antherarum fruits0.8-1 x0.8-1 cm,ellipsoidtoovoid. breviore differt. Ocotea calliscypha are trees endemic Trees8-12mtall.Branchletsvvithrhythmic to lower montane semi-deciduos forest from growth, young branchlets gray to black, Minas Gerais State. It flowers from January glabrous, glabrescent to sparsely pubescent, to Octoberand fruits from March to Oetober. rhytidomeabsent.oldbranchletsgray,glabrous. Ocotea calliscypha is included in the O. Leaves generally clustered on thc tips ofthe indecora group (Rohwer 1986; Assis et al. branchlets;petiole(5-)11-18(-22)x 1.5-2.5 mm; 2005). which has 20speciesand isdefined by lamina(3.1-)10-16.3X(1.3-)3-4.3(-5.1)cm. a unique morphological synapomorphy, the plane, narrowly elliptic to oboval, base acute rhythmicgrowthofthebranchlets(Assis2009). to obtuse, rarely rounded, apex caudate to Within the group, the new species can be slightlycaudate,rarelyroundedoremarginate, distinguished by the leaves with 10-16 pairs adaxial surface glabrous, venation raised, flat of secondary veins and areoles 0.2-0.5 mm or sunkcn, abaxial surface glabrous. venation diam., by the cataphylls with pubescent to raised,secondaryveins 10-16pairs.angleswith sericeousabaxialsurface,thereceptaclepubescent primary vein 35-75°, areoles 0.2-0.5 mm outside and glabrous inside, the apex of the diam., domatia absent. Cataphylls ca. 5 x 1.5 anthers ca. 0.1 mm long, and cupules with mm, abaxial surface sparse to densely double and thick margin. Ocotea calliscypha pubescent to sericeous. Inflorescences 2.7- is quite similar to O. indecora (Schott) Mez 8.5cmlong,botryoidtothyrsoid, intheaxilsof and O. odorífera (Vell.) Rohwer. and one of cataphyllsorthe leaves toextra-axillary, axes the paratypes has been misidentified as O. mm sparsely pubemscment. Flowers 3.8-9 long; odorífera (e.g., Chanderbali et al. 2001, p. mpemdi,celo,ut1s-i6de splaornsge:lryecpeuptbaecslceen1-t2, xin1s-i2d.e5 m1o1r0)p.hoHloowgeivcearl,lyO.vairnidaebcloerasp,eacwieisd,eshparsealedaavnesd glabrous; tepals 1.5-2 xO.5-1.5 mm, elliptic. with 7—12(—14) secondary veins per side and oval tooblong,adaxialsurfacesparsetodensely areoles0.5-1.5 mmdiam.,thereceptacleinside papilose,abaxial surfaceglabrous,glabrescent pubescent and outside glabrous to pubescent, tosparselypubescent;stamens9,whorlsI and and the apex ofthe anthers 0.1-0.5 mm long, II0.9-1.5 mmlong,filaments0.4-0.6mm long, andcupuleswithasinglemargin.Nevertheless, sparse to densely pubescent, anthers 0.5-0.7 Ocotea odorífera is widespread and has the x0.5-0.6mm,elliptic,ovaltooblong,sparsely abaxial surfaceof thecataphyllsand theouter mm papilose, apex 0.05-0.1 long, rounded,' surlace ol the receptacle glabrous. the apex of obtuse, acute, emarginate to truncate, upper theanthers0.1-0.4 mm long,andcupuleswith andlowerpollensacsintrorsetolatero-inlrorse. inconspicuousdoublemargin. whorl III 1-1.5mmlong,filamentsÜ.4-0.7mm Paratypes: Belo Horizonte, Parque Ecológicoda long,denselypubescent,anthers0.5-0.7xca. CEMIG,aprox.3kmaoSEdeBeloHorizonte,mata. 0.5mm.elliptic.oblongtotrapeziform,sparsely 20.1.1995,(1..FG.Lnn'ci5578(MOnotseen,SPSF); Rodriguésia 60 (3): 641-649. 2009 SciELO/JBRJ cm 12 13 14 15 16 17 643 jVí'!! speciesofOcoteafrotntheBrazilianAtlanticforest Fiuure 1 - OcoteacalliscyphaL. C. S. Assis& Mello-Silva-a. floweringbranchlet; b. fruitingbranchlet;c.detailof abaxialsurfaceofleaf;d.deiailofflower;e.adaxialsideoftepaloftheouterwhorl;f.adaxialsideoftepaloftheinner whori g gynoecium;h.abaxialsideofstaraenofthewhorlI;i.abaxialsideofstamenofthewhorlII;j.adaxialsideof siamenofthewhorlIII;k.adaxialsideofstaminodiumofthewhorl IV.(a,c-kF. G. Lorea5578,SPSF;bM. S. Santos Á J. B. C. Marques380,SPF). Rmtriftuéiia 60 (3): 641-649. 2009 SciELO/JBRJ cm l LC.S.& Assis. Mello-Silva, R. Itambé do Mato Dentro, Distrito de SanfAna do elliptic,circular,oval tobroadlyoval,sparseto RioPreto,Cabeçade Boi,APAdoParqueNacional denselypapilose,apex0.1-0.3 mmlong.acute, da Serra do Cipó, subida do morro das terras de obtuse to rounded, upperpollen sacs introrse, José Agostinho, pela parte esquerda da mata, 19°23’46.9”S,43°24’07.4"W, 16.111.2008,fr.Af.F lowemrmpollen sacs latero-introrse, whmorml III 1— Santos 322 (BHCB, K, NY); terras de José 1.5 long, filaments 0.3-0.6 long, glabrescenttosparselypubescent,anthers0.6- Agostinho,altodomorro.23.X.2008,11.M.F.Santos & J. li. C. Marques390(SPF). 0.8 x 0.3-0.7 mm, elliptic, oblong, oval to obtrapeziform,sparselypapilose,apextruncate Ocotea ciliata L. C. S. Assis & Mello-Silva, torounded,upperandlowerpollensacslatero- sp. nov. Type: BRAZ1L. ESPÍRITOSANTO: extrorse,pairofglandsatthebaseofthewhorl Guarapari, ES-477, estradaque ligaa rodovia III stamens present, staminodia 3 (whorl IV) mm do Sol (ES-060) àrodovia BR-101, aca. 3 km orabsent, (0.4-)0.6-0.9 long, fusiformto rodoviadoSol, fazendaBonanza,ca.20°32’S, clavate,sparsetodenselypubescent;ovary0.9- mm 40°25’W, 18.V.2000, 11. e fr„ P Fiaschi, J. R. 1.1 long,ellipsoid,ovoidtoobovoid.style mm Pirani, J. Mafezoli & F. Petacci271(Holotype, (0.3-)0.6-0.7 long.Cupules(0.8-)1.7-1.9 SPF; Isotypes, K, MO, NY, RB). Fig. 2 x (1.5-) 1.9-2 cm. obconic, margin single, Próxima est affinis O. indecorae sed entire after development of fruits, lenticels cataphyllis inferne glabris margine ciliato absent,rarelypresent,tepalsdeciduous. Fruits differt.ProximeaffinisetiamestO. odoriferae 2-2.1 x 1.2-1.8cm,ellipsoid. et O. proliferae, receptáculo intus dense Ocotea ciliata are treelets endemic to pubescenti, cupulisque margine unico nullo Iowlandrain forest. includingtabuleiroforest, negotio eas discernere. in the State ofEspírito Santo. It flowers from Treelels3-7mtall.Branchletswithrhythmic MaytoNovemberand fruitsfrom MaytoJuly. growth,youngbranchletsgraytobrown,glabrous, Ocotea ciliata can also be included in sparsetodenselypubcscent.rhytidomeabsent, O. indecora group, within which it can be oldbranchletsgraytobrown,glabrous. Leaves distinguishedbyleaveswiththeanglesbetween clustered on the tips ofthe branchlets; petiole the secondary and primary veins 55-87°, the 4—10(—13) x 0.8-1 mm; lamina (4.5-)7-13.7 cataphyllsglabrousattheadaxialsurface,with (-16.8)x(1.2-)1,8^4.8(-5.5)cm,plane,elliptic ciliate margins, by the receptacle glabrous tonarrowlyelliptic, baseacute toobtuse, apex outside and densely pubescent inside, and by acute to caudate, adaxial surface glabrous, cupules with one single margin. It resembles venationHattoraiscd,abaxialsurfaceglabrous, O. indecora(Schott)Mez,awidespreadspecies secondaryveins 10-13pairs,angleswithprimary inIowland,submontane,lowermontane,andupper vein55-87°,areoles0.3-1.2mmdiam.,domatia montane rain, semi-deciduous andAraucaria absent. Cataphylls 1-6 x0.5-1.2 mm, abaxial mixedforestsfromSouthern BahiatoSouthern surfaceglabrous,marginsciliate,nirelyglabrous. Brazil and Paraguay. However, O. indecora Inflorescences 1.2-2.6(-3.5)cmlong,botryoid has leaves with the angles between the to thyrsoid, in the axils of lhe cataphylls or secondaryand primar)' veins20-72°,domatia leaves, axes glabrous to sparsely pubescent. absent to present, the cataphylls sparsely to Flowers4-7mmlong;pedicel0.5-3 mm long; densely pubescenton the adaxial surface, and receptacle 1-1.8 x 2-2.8 mm, inside densely the receptacle glabrous to pubescent outside. pubescent, outside glabrous; tepals 2.2—2.9(— The ciliate margins of the cataphylls. after 3.3)x 1.2-1.7mm,oval,narrowlyoval,oblong whichthespeciesisnamed,alsooccurinother to oboval, adaxial surface sparse to densely species of O. indecora group. namely O. papilose, abaxial surfaceglabrous; stamens9. fascicidata (Nees) Mez, O. odorífera (Vell.) whorls I and II 1.2-1.6 mm long, filaments Rohwer, and O. prolifera (Nees & Mart.) (0.2-)0.4-0.7 mm long, sparse to densely Mez. Nevertheless, O.fascicidatahasarcuate pubescent,anthers0.7-1.2x(0.4-)0.7-l.1 mm. leaves and anthers ofthe whorls I, II, and III Rodriguésia 60 (3): 641-649. 2009 SciELO/JBRJ cm 12 13 14 15 16 17 645 Newsp€CÍ€S ofOcoteafrotntheBrciziliouAtlanticforest Fieure2-OcoteaciliataL.C.S.Assis&Mello-Silva-a.floweringbranchlet;b.fruitingbranchlet;c.detailofabaxial ssIiIi;idrkef.aoacfedtaoexfpialalelaofsf'idtdeheodeiftnsanitelarmowfehnaobroalfx;ithah.elgwsyihndoeorelocfIicIIua;tmIa;.pahi.dyaalbxlai;xacil.asdliedtseaiidolefoosfftfsaltomawimeneron;dof.mfamtdhaoexftiwtahhloerswilhdoIe;rjolfaItbVeap.xai(laa-ol1lfsPti.hdeFeiooausftceshri^weehtonrclol.;f2g7t.h1ae,dwSahPxoiFar)ll. RoJriguésia 60 (3): 641-649. 2009 SciELO/JBRJ cm l 4 646 Assis, L. C. S. <£Mello-Silva. R. mm 0.3-1 long; and O. odorífera and O. 1-5x 1-2mm,abaxialsurfacedenselytomentose prolifera have the leaves with the angles to sericeous. Inflorescences (1.5—>2.1—9 cm between thesecondaryand primary veins 30- length, botryoid to thyrsoid, in the axils of 75°.thereceptacleinsideglabroustoglabrescent. cataphylls or leaves to extra-axillary, axes andcupuleswithinconspicuousdoublemargin. sparsely to densely pubescent to tomentose, In addition. O. odoríferaand O. prolifera have bracts of the coflorescences foliaceous to almost the same distribution as O. indecora. scale-like. Flowers(4—)7—13.5(—15) mm long; Paratypes: BRAZIL.ESPÍRITOSANTO:Linhares. pedicel(0.5—)1.5—8.5(—10)mmlong;receptacle ReservaBiológicadaCompanhiaValedoRioDoce, 0.8—2x 1.2-2.5mm,outsidedenselypubescent, rodoviaBR-lOl.km 120.estradaGávea,km 16.324, insidesparsetodensely pubescent;tepals2.2- csuesntternto.o,umaltaadodeestqaubuelrediorod,o22b.lIoXc.o194,82e.nsfla„ioD.dAe.pFrooldl.i 4.2 x(0.8-)1.2-2.5 mm. elliptic,oval,oboval 399(CEPEC,CVRD, MOnotseen,SPF);Estrada to oblong, adaxial surface densely papilose, Sapucaia Vermelha, km 1.8, mata de tabuleiro, abaxial surface sparse to densely pubescent; 17.VII.2002,D.A. Folli4292(CVRD,MOnotseen. stamens9,whorlsI and II 0.9—1.6 mm length, mm SPF);EstradaFlamengo,próximoaolaboratóriode filaments (0.05-)0.1-0.6 long, rarely sementes,ladoesquerdodaestrada, 19°09'02.1"S, absent, densely pubescent, anthers 0.6-1.1 x 40°04'15”W,elev.70m.florestadetabuleiro.7.VII.2006, 0.5-1 mm,elliptic.oblong,oval,circular,square fl.eIr.,LC.S.Assis, LM. Borges, G. Siqueira& M. to transversely oblong, sparse to densely Trovo 1163 (B.CVRD,NY,RB,SPF). papilose, apex 0.1-0.3 mm long, rounded, acute, obtuse to truncate, upper pollen sacs Ocotea marcescens L. C. S. Assis & Mello- introrse, lower pollen sacs introrse to latero- Silva, sp. nov. Type: BRAZIL: ESPÍRITO introrse, whorl III0.8-1.4mm long,filaments SANTO: Linhares, Reserva Biológica da (0.05-)0.3-0.7mm long,rarelyabsent,sparse Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, rodovia BR- to densely pubescent. anthers 0.4-0.8 x 0.4- 101, km 120, estrada Bicuíba, km 0.91, mata 0.7 mm, oblong, transversely oblong, oboval. de tabuleiro,4.VIII.2004, fr„ D.A. Folli5090 obtrapeziform to square, rarely elliptic or (Holotype, SPF; Isotype. CVRD). Fig. 3 transversely elliptic, sparsely papilose, apex Species quam affinis O. mosenii quae rounded.obtuse,emarginatetotruncate,upper facile tamea distinguitur coflorescentiis pollen sacs latrorse to latcro-extrorse, lower squamatis velfoliatis, tepalis inferne sparce pollen sacs latero-extrorse, pair of glands at denseve pubescentibns quoque marcescentUms the base of the whorl III stamens present, revolutisque. staminodia 3 (whorl IV) absent to present, Trees 20-30 m tal1. Branchlets with (0.4-)0.6-l mm long, clavate to fusiform, rhythmic growth, young branchlets brown, sparsely to densely pubescent; ovary 0.8-1. sparse to densely pubescent to tomentose, mm long. ellipsoid. style 0.4-0.9 mm long. rhytidome absent, old branchlets gray to Cupules 0.7-1.1 x 0.8-1.3 cm, hemispheric, brown, glabrous. Leaves generally clustered margin double, entire after development of on the tips of the branchlets; petiole 3-15 x fruits, lenticels present to absent, tepals 1.5-2 mm; lamina (2.1—)2.6—7.8(—8.5) x(0,8-) persistemandrevolute. Fruits .5—1.8x0.7—1 1 1.4—4.1 cm, arcuate, rarely plane, elliptic to cm,ellipsoidtoovoid. oval,rarelyorbicularornarrowlyelliptic,base Ocotea marcescens are large trees that obtuse to rounded, apex caudate to slightly growonlowlandrainforest,includingtabuleiro caudate,rarelyroundedoremarginate,adaxial lorest,inlheStatesofBahiaandEspíritoSanto, surfaceglabrous,venationraised,flatorsunken. and lowland and submontane rain forests in abaxial surface glabrous to glabrescent, the State of Rio de Janeiro. It flowers from venation raised. secondary veins 7-1 1 pairs, JunetoSeptemberand fruitsfrom MaytoJuly. angleswithprimaryvein45-ó0(-80°),areoles Ocoteamarcescenscan also be included mm 0.5-1.7 diam.,domatiaabsent.Cataphylls in the O. indecora group. Within the group, Rodriguésia 60 (3): 641-649. 2009 SciELO/JBRJ cm 12 13 14 15 16 17 647 NewspecíesofOcoteafromtheBrazilianAtlanticforest Figure1-OcoteanutrcescensL.C.S.Assis&Mello-Silva-a.floweringbranchlet;b.fruitingbranchlet;c.detailofabaxial surfaceofleaf-d detailofflower.e.adaxialsideoftepaloftheouterwhorl;f.adaxialsideoftepaloftheinnerwhorl;g. evnocciunr h.abaxialsideofstamenofthewhorlI;i.abaxialsideofstamenofthewhorlII;j.adaxialsideofstamenof thewhorlIII;k.adaxialsideofstaminodiumofthewhorlIV.(a,c-k D.A. Folli321,SPF;b D.A. Folli5090,SPF). Rodrigufsia 60 (3): 641-649. 2009 SciELO/JBRJ cm l , 648 Assis. LC.S.& MelloSilva R. , the new species can be distinguished by the discussionsand/orcommentsonanearlyversion tepalssparsetodenselypubescentontheabaxial ofthisarticle;GeovaneSiqueiraandDomingos surface,thebractsoftliecoflorescencesfoliaceous Folli forhelpful fieldwork support in Reserva to scale-!ike, andcupules with double margin Biológica da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, omatedwiththepersistemandrevolutetepals, Linhares;MatheusSantosforcollectingspecimens hencetheepithetname. ItresemblesO. mosenii ofoneofthe new species; and Rafaela Forzza Mez,which isendemictosemi-deciduousand forintroducingandencouragingtheFirstauthor rainsubmontaneforestsintheStateofSãoPaulo. in Lauraceae systematics. We also thank the However, O. mosenii has tepals sparsely curators ofthe visited herbaria. pubescent on the abaxial surface, bracts of coflorescencesalwaysscale-like,andthetepals, Bibliographic References althoughalsopersistem,areinvolute.Bothspecies Assis, L. C. S. 2009. Sistemática e filosofia: have leaves generally arcuate resembling O. filogenia do complexo Ocoteaq revisão fasciculatowhichneverthelesshascupuleswith do grupo Ocotea indecora (Lauraceae). asinglemarginanddeciduoustepals.Cupules Ph.D.Thesis. UniversidadedeSãoPaulo, withdoublemarginarealsofoundinO.calliscypha, São Paulo. 226p. and inconspicuously in O. odorífera and O. Assis,L.C.S.& Brigandt, 1. 2009. Homology: prolifera, but in these species the leaves are homeostatic property cluster kinds in always plane and the tepals are deciduous at systematics and evolution. Evolutionary fruitingstage. Biology: 36(2):248-255. Paratypes: BRAZ1L. BAHIA: Itabela/Eunápolis, & Assis,L.C. S.; Forzza.R.C. vanderWerff, saídadeItabela/Eunápolis, 1 kmdarodoviaBR-101 H. 2005. A famíliaLauraceae naReserva ladoleste, 13.IX.1968(fl.),J.Almeida&T.S.Santos29 Biológica da Represa do Grama, (CEPEC,RB);Una.km40oftherodoviaRioBranco/ Descoberto,MinasGerais, Brasil. 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