©EntomologicaFennica. 16June2006 Three new species of Docosia Winnertz (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from Kazakhstan OlaviKurina Kurina, O. 2006: Three new species ofDocosia Winnertz (Diptera: Myceto- philidae) fromKazakhstan.—Entomol. Fennica 17: 110—117. Three new species from Sogety Mountains and Charyn Canyon (Kazakhstan), viz. Docosia selini sp. n., D. agnesiana sp. n. andD. sogetensis sp. n., are de- scribed and detailed illustrations ofmale terminalia presented. Morphological differences especially in male terminalia are discussed. A key to the Central Asianspecies ofDocosia isprovided. 0.Kurina,InstituteongriculturalandEnvironmentalSciences,EstonianAgri— cultural University, Riiast181, 51014 Tartu, Estonia;E—mail.‘ [email protected] Received13April2005, accepted22July2005 1. Introduction Lastovka. Unfortunately the synopsis compiled by Dr. Lastovka comprising over 100 Holarctic In his monograph, Winnertz (1863) described a species, ofwhichca. 30 were European, still re- new genus,Docosia, to distinguish two species: mains unpublished (Chandler & Ribeiro 1995). D. sciarina (Meigen, 1830) andD. valida Win- AfterDr. LastovkarecentlydeceasedJan §evcik nertz, 1863. Thespecialreviewofthegenuspub- (pers. comm.) will soon finish Lastovka’s revi- lished by Landrock (1916) includes seven spe- sionofDocosiaspeciesofCzechandSlovakRe- cies. Hackman (1988) reported 16 species from publics. thePalaearctic region. Descriptions oftenWest- Docosia belongs to the tribe Leiini and, as Palaearctic species have been published subse- suggestedby earlier authors, is most closely re- quently by Plassmann (1986, 1996), Chandler latedto Tetragoneura Winnertz, 1846 (e. g. Ed- (1994),Chandler&Ribeiro(1995)andChandler wards 1925). However, Tetragoneura together & Gatt (2000). In addition, the East-Mediterra- withEctrepestlzoneuraEnderline, 1911 haveten- nean fauna includes at least three undescribed tativelybeenincludedinGnoristinibyVaisanen species (P. J. Chandler, pers. comm.). Xu et al. (1986) who treated the tribe at the level of (2003) reported seven Docosia species from subfamily (i.e. Gnoristinae). Evidently, the southernandeasternChina,siXofwhichwerede- higher taxonomy and delimitation of Leiini scribed as new. According to Bechev (2000), wouldstillrequireadetailedanalysis. there are 15 species known in the Nearctic and ThespeciesofDocosiaareupto5mminsize, two in the Neotropical regions. Only Docosia mainly blackish with pale hairs and ofuniform gilvipes (Walker, 1856) occurs in Central Asia appearancetypical ofLeiini. Externalcharacters (Zaitzev 1994). arevariablebutlateralocelliareveryclosetoeye The genus was particularly studied in the margins. Allknownspecies arecharacterizedby 1970sand1980sbyDr.P.Lastovka.Hutsonetal. havingmale cerciwithcombs ofretinacula. Leg (1980)notedthatthePalaearcticspecieswerebe- colour especially that of coxae, bristling of ing revised in a forthcoming revision by Dr. laterotergite, andwhethervein Sc endsfreeorin ENTOMOL.FENNICAVol. 17 0 ThreenewDocosiaSpeciesfromKazakhstan 111 w" , ~ W .W Fig. 1.Collecting localities.—a. SogetyMountains.—b.CharynCanyon. R allow intrageneric grouping. Nevertheless, 2. Material and methods studyofmaleterminaliaisnecessaryfordetermi- nationofthespecies. The material, consisting of20 male specimens, Not much is known about the biology of wascollectedusinglighttrapsthatoperatedinthe Docosia,butD. sciarina andD.gilvipesaremy- Sogety Mountains (Fig. 1a) and at Charyn Can- cetophagous (Winnertz 1863, Yakovlev 1994), yon(Fig. 1b)eastofAlma-Ata,Kazakhstan.Both whilethe latterhas also been found in anest of localitiesareatanaltitudeof1080m,withhabitat Microtus (Hutson et al. 1980). D. fumosa Ed- oftemperatestepperegimemountains.Alongthe wards, 1925hasbeenrearedfromthenestsofvar- riverbanksofCharynCanyon,thereis anarrow ious birds (op. cit). According to Landrock zoneofdeciduoustreeswithamoderatepropor- (1916), they arecommon, sometimesnumerous, tionofdecayingwood. inforesthabitatsinearlyspringandlateautumn. The specimens aredry-pinnedonmicropins. In 2004, Mr. Allan Selin (Tallinn, Estonia) For all specimens, the terminaliawere detached sent me Nematocera material picked out from and heated in a solution of KOH, followed by light-trapsampleshehadcollectedinKazakhstan neutralization in acetic acid andwashing in dis- in2003.Theprimaryaimoftheexpeditionwasto tilledwater.Theterminaliawereplacedintoglyc- collectmoths,butbesidesLepidopteraacompre- erine for detailed study and later preserved as hensivematerialofmanyotherinsectgroupswas glycerinepreparationsinsmallvialsonthesame collected. Docosia specimens were well repre- pinastherestofthebody.Themorphologicalter- sented in the small amount of Sciaroids; these minology used follows that of Seli (1997). All catches resulted in this communication. How- measurementsaregivenastherangeofmeasured ever, lighttrappingisnotanefficientmethodfor specimens, followedbythe meanvaluewhen at collecting fungus gnats, as it works selectively. least five specimens were measured. The mea- The finding ofDocosia specimens inthatmate- surements from holotype are given in square rialwasunexpected, as onlyD. moravica Land- brackets. rockhassofarbeenlight-trappedintheborealre- Allholotypesandpartoftheparatypesarede- gionofSweden(Plassmann 1980). posited in IZBE — Instutute ofAgricultural and Enviromental Sciences, Estonian Agricultural University, Tartu, Estonia [former Institute of Zoology and Botany]. Nearly halfofthe para- types aredepositedinA. Selin’spersonalcollec- tion(Tallinn, Estonia), indicated“Coll. Selin”. ll2 Karina r ENTOMQL. FENNICAVol. 17 ll‘lli/ii tel 3i’i:iifi:iii.i.i.i.il5.j..:jli. .5. 2_i:11? Fig.2. Mainterminalia ofDocosiasalinisp. n. --a. PosteriorViewof gonocoxitesand gonostyli.—--b.Ventral Viewofgonocoxal mar-— ginandgonostylus. —--0. Carol.—--d. flotsal Viewoftorgita9. —--9. LateralViewof aadeagalcomplex. —--f.VentralViewof aadeagalcomplex. Soniabars0.1 mm. 3. The systematics wise stated). Winglength3.04—3.46. 3.22 [3.4-6] mm(m3 l0). 3.l.fiocosiasalinisp. n. (Fifi. 2-) l-leadblackwithnumerous pale setae. Three ocelli.withlateralsclosetoeyemargins.Clypeus Type material. Holotype 6‘. Charyn Canyon. blackish. with setae pale. Mouthparts light 430179503” N 7780589427” E. l080tna.s.l.. A. brownish. Palpus with first segment brownish. Selin leg. l8.V.2003 [lZBE]. Paratypes. 2 88. second yellow and others pale yellow. Scape same as holotype; l 6‘. Charyn Valley. black. pedicel apically yellowish. first flagello— 43073564” N 780583426” E. l080ma.S.l.. A. mere yellow. successive segments brown. Pototski & U. .l‘iiriyete leg. 18.V.2003. 5 00?. Flagellum with short pale setae. Flagellomeres Sogety Mics... 43029’55.8” N 78037’i10.3” E. cylindrical. medianflagellomeres abouttwice as 1080 m as]... A. Selin leg. l3.V.2003; 2 88. long as broad. apical. flagellomere elongated. Sogety Mts.. 43029558” N 78037’103” E. 2.78—3.38. 3.12 [3.38] times as longasbroad. 1080 In a.s.l.. A. Selin leg. 20.V.2003. [4 Thorax brownishblackto black. All bristles paratypesinlZBE.6paratypesin“Coll.Selini’l. and setae yellowish white. Scutum grey dusted. Description. Male(r1:35.exceptwhereother- Scutellum with marginal bristles including no ENTOMOL. FENNICAVol. 17 ° ThreenewDocosiaSpeciesfromKazakhstan 113 distinct pairs and with numerous setae. 3.2.Docosiaagnesianasp. n. (Fig.3) Antepronotum and proepistemum with bristles and setae. Upper part of antepronotum with Type material. Holotype 8, Sogety Mts., strongbristlecrossingthehead.Laterotergiteand 43°29’55.8” N 78°37’10.3” E, 1080 ma.s.l., A. otherpleuralpartsbare. Halterespaleyellow. Selin leg. 13.V.2003 [IZBE]. Paratypes. 4 88, Legs. Coxae and femora yellow. Tibiae and sameasholotype; 1 8, SogetyMts.,43°29’56.2” basitarsi brownish, successive tarsal segments N 78°37’10.2” E, 1080 m a.s.l., A. Selin leg. brown. Midtibiawith4—5 a, 1 ad(atapicalmar- 13.V.2003; 1 8, Sogety Mts., 43°29’55.8” N gin), 6 dand5pd. Hindtibiawith 17—18 a, 18 d, 78°37’10.3” E, 1080 m a.s.l., A. Selin leg. and 1 adandav(bothnearapicalmargin). Ratio 20.V.2003. [2paratypes inIZBE, 4paratypes in offemurtotibiaforfore,midandhindlegs: 1.17— “Coll. Selin”]. 1.34, 1.26 [1.17]; 1.00—1.07, 1.05 [1.05]; 0.74— Description. Male(n=5,exceptwhereother- 0.86, 0.81 [0.81]. Ratio oftibiato basitarsus for wise stated). Length of wing 2.68—3.25, 3.02 fore, mid and hind legs: 1.04—1.33, 1.20 [1.15]; [3.25] m(n =7). 1.37—1.48, 1.43 [1.37]; 1.77—2.07, 1.89 [1.77]. Headblackwithnumerous pale setae. Three Wings hyaline. Radialveins andr-mbrown, ocelli,withlateralsclosetoeyemargins.Clypeus other veins paler while m—stem and medial fork blackish, with setae pale. Mouthparts brownish. basallyvery faint. Sc, R4, bM-Cu, m—stem,basal Palpus with first segment brownish, second halfofcu—stem, basal third ofA1 asetose, other slightly lighter and others yellow. Antenna veins setose. Costa reaches 0.33—0.44, 0.39 brownwithyellowishhairsnotlongerthanhalfa [0.44]fromR5toM1. ScdistinctlyendsinR,alit- segment’s width. Flagellomeres cylindrical, me- tlebeforethelevelofbeginningofm—stem.Ante- dian flagellomeres about 1.5 times as long as riorforkbegins atlevel ofR Posterior forkbe- broad, apicalflagellomereslightlyconical,2.38— 4. ginsbeforeanteriorforkatlevelofmiddleofr—m. 2.71, 2.59 [2.70] times as longasbroadbasally. R1 2.19—2.80, 2.47 [2.19] times as long as r-m, Thorax entirely black. All bristles and setae whichis as longasm—stem. yellowishwhite. Scutumgrey dusted. Scutellum Abdomen entirely black with pale setae. withonepairofstrongandseveralmuchweaker Terminalia (Fig. 2) brown except lighter gono- bristles alongposteriormargin, andwithnumer- styli. Tergite 9 widening apically. Gonocoxite ous setae. Antepronotumwith one strongbristle with ventromedial process, which has an apical onupperpartcrossingthehead, andwithseveral depression.Gonostyluswithlongblacksubapical weaker bristles and setae. Proepistemum with spine,abouthalfgonostyluslength,andwithtwo bristles and setae, laterotergite with setae, other much shorter black subapical and subbasal pleuralpartsbare. Halterespaleyellow. spines. Cerciwith 11 combs ofretinacula. Legs mainly yellow. Fore coxa somewhat Female. Unknown. darkenedbasally, while mid andhind coxae are Biology. Unknown. distinctly brownish basally. Hind femur some- Etymology. The species is named after Mr. what darkened apically. All basitarsi yellow, AllanSelin,collectorofmostofthematerialdealt slightly darkened apically, all other tarsal seg- withinthepresentpaper: genitiveform mentsbrown.Midtibiawith6—8a, 1 ad(atapical Notes. The gonostylus ofthenewspecies re- margin), 4—5 (1. Hindtibiawith 12—14 aand 14— semblesthatofD.nigraandD.agnesiana,except 19(1.Ratiooffemurtotibiaforfore,midandhind thatithasanadditionalblacksubapicalspine.D. legs: 1.15—1.47, 1.28 [1.29]; 1.10—1.22, 1.14 selinidiffersremarkablyinthedistalventralmar- [1.10]; 0.77—0.87, 0.82 [0.83]. Ratio oftibia to gin ofthe gonocoxites which has a taperedpro- basitarsusforfore,midandhindlegs: 1.30—1.50, cessinD. nigraandaflangeinD. agnesiana(see 1.41 [1.50]; 1.35—1.51, 1.43 [1.46]; 1.66—1.90, also discussionunderD. agnesiana). 1.78 [1.70]. Wings hyaline. Radialveins andr-mbrown, other veins paler while m—stem and medial fork are basally very faint. Sc, R4, bM-Cu, m—stem, basal third ofcu-stem, basal halfofA1 asetose, H4 Karina a FENNICAVol. l7 Fig.3. terminaiiaof Docosiaagnesianasp. n.-—--a. PosteriorViewof gonocoxitesand gonostyii.m-b.Ventral Viewofgonocoxal mar-- ginandgonostyius. --c. Cami.——d. Dorsal Viewoftergite9. ~—9. LateralViewof aedeagalcomplex. -—-—f.VentralViewof aedeagalcomplex. Scalebars0.”? mm. otherveinssetose.Costareachesquarterdistance fromR5to Scdistinctlyendsin atlevelof OWE. 1. 0f mustem. Anterior fork begins at EWmoiogy.Accordingtothecollector”8Wish. levelofmiddleoft-mm.Posteriorforkbeginsalit- thespeciesisnamedinhonourofhiswifeAgnes tlebeforeanteriorfork.Rl 2.08—{2.08} to appreciate her understanding attitude toward times as long as rum. which is l.l3-———l.6l. 1:42 several longtime collecting expeditions around [1.57] times aslongasm—stem. theworld: adjective. Abdomen entirelyblack. Te (Fig. 3) Notes. The 0fthe new species rem brown except yellow gonostyli. Tergite 9 sembleD. mgmLandmck. 1928.,Whiletheyhave rounded apically. Gonocoxites ventrally with very similar stmcmre of the gonostyli [for D. somewhatemarginateddistalflangewhichbears nigmseeLandmck(1928): figure3.andZaitzev numerous short, strong setae. Gonostylus api- (1994-): plate 8L figure l0} However. D. mgm cally rounded, with subapical black long spine has latemtergite bare. gonocoxi’tes with tapered about one third ofgonostylus length. and with ventmmedialprocessandcerciwith l0combsof subbasal additional. lobe bearing short black retinacula. spine. Cerciwith8 combs ofretinacula. ThreenewDocosiaspeciesflomKazakhstan 115 Fig.4. aieterminaiiaof Docosiasogei'ensisSp. n.---a. PosteriorViewof gonocoxitesand gonostyii.-—--b.Ventral Viewofgonocoxai mar—:- ginandgonostyius. ~—0.card.--d. Dorsai Viewoftergite9. ~—9. LateralViewof aedeagalcomplex. --f.VentralViewof aedeagalcomplex. Scalebars0.1 mm. 3.3.. mgetensisu n. ' 4) withonepairofstrongand.severalmuchweaker marginal bristles, and with numerous setae. Type material. Holotype 3 Sogety ts... Antepmnotum with one strong bristle on upper 430’29558”N 7837103”E alt 1080 m A part, across the head and with several much Selim leg. 13.. V. 2003 HZBE]; Paratype. 8, as weaker bristles and setac. Pmepistemum with holotypeexcept20. V. 2003 [”C011. Selim? bristles and setae. latemtergite with setae. other Description. (nE2).Winglength2.73"— pleuralpartsbare. alteresyellow. 286 [286] Legs. AH. coxae blackish brown. only mid cadblackwithnumerouspale setae Three coxa slightly lighter apically. Femora yellow ocefli,withlateralsclosetoeyemargins.Clypeus withunderside somewhat darkenedandhindfe— blackish.withsetaepale. outhpartsyellowish-=- murbrownishapically Tibiae andspursyellow brown. Palpus coloured as mouthparts. except Tarsibrownwithbasitarsiyellowishbasally id apicalsegmentlighter.Ante abrownwithshort tibia with 5 a, 5 d, 3 p (at apical margin). 5 pv. yellowish setae. Flagellomeres cylindrical, men- Hindtibiawith13a. 16dand4-aV.Ratiooffemur dian flagellomeres about 1.8 times as long as to tibia for fore, mid and hind legs: 1.24-4.35 broad,apicalflagellomereslightlyelongated.two [1.35]; 1.11————1.32 [1.32]; O.81-———0.87 [0.81]. times as longasbroad. 0ftibiato first tarsomere for fore. mid andhind. Thorax entirely black. AH bristles and setae legs: 1.36 {1.36}; 1.22—4.44 [1.22]; 1.74-———-1.77 yellowishWhite. Scutumgreydusted... Scuteflum £1.74]. 116 Kurt'na ' ENTOMOL. FENNICAVol. 17 Wings hyaline. Radial veins brown, r-m — Laterotergite bare; coxae yellow or only somewhatlighter, otherveinspaler. Sc, R bM- slightlydarkenedbasally 3 4, Cu, m—stem, basal third of cu—stem bare, other 3. Terminalia as inFig. 2a—f; gonocoxites with veins setose. Costa reaches a quarter distance ventromedial apically depressed projection; fromR5toM1. ScdistinctlyendsinR,atlevelof gonostylus with three spines; cerci with 11 beginningofapicalthirdofbM-Cu.Anteriorfork combs D.selz'nisp.n. beginsatlevelofR4. Posteriorforkbeginsoppo- — Terminalia as in Fig. 3a—f; gonocoxites site level of anterior fork. R1 2.64—2.95 [2.95] without ventromedial projection but flange times as long as r-m, which is equalto length of bearing short strong setae; gonostylus with m—stem. two spines; cerciwith8 combs Abdomen entirelyblack. Terminalia (Fig. 4) D.agnesianasp.n. mainly brownish. Distal margin ofgonocoxites ventrally wavy, with sclerotized finger-like me- Acknowledgements.IthankMr.AllanSelin(Tallinn,Esto- dianprocessandyellowishlateralprocessesbear- nia)forputtingthematerialofNematocerahecollectedin ing four spines. Gonostylusbifid, narrowerven- Kazakhstanatmydisposal,andJanSevcik(Opava,Czech Republic)forloanofD. nigramaterial.IalsothankPeter tral lobe yellowish while wider dorsal lobe is Chandler(Melksham,UnitedKingdom),whoallowedme brownish and with three-pronged sclerotized to take a look at his review (with Dimitar Bechev and apex. Tergite9aboutaslongaswide,slightlyan- NorbertCaspers)oftheEastMediterraneanfungusgnats gularapically. Cerciwith 5 combs ofretinacula. priortopublication, andforcriticalperusalofthemanu- Female. Unknown. script.ThestudywasfinanciallysuppOItedbyGrant4990 oftheEstonianScienceFoundation. Biology. Unknown. Etymology. Thenamereferstotheoccurrence ofthespeciesintheSogetyMountains:adjective. References Notes. The new species resembles D. lastovkaiChandler, 1994andD. melz'taChandler Bechev,D.2000:Worlddistributionofthegeneraoffilm— & Gatt, 2000 inthebifidgonostylus. The dorsal gusgnats (Diptera: Sciaroidea, excluding Sciaridae). lobe ofthe gonostylus is apicallyroundedinthe 7StudiaDipterol. 7: 5437552. described species while it is apically three- Chandler,P.J. 1994:FungusgnatsofIsrael(Diptera:Scia- pronged in D. sogetensz's [see Chandler (1994): roidea,excludingSciaridae).7Isr.J.Entomol.28: 17 100. figure 84 forD. lastovkai and Chandler & Gatt ChandlerP. J. &Ribeiro, E. 1995: The Sciaroidea(Dip— (2000):figure8forD. melz'ta].Themalecerciare tera)(excludingSciaridae)oftheAtlanticIslands(Ca- with5combsofretinaculainD.sogetensis,while naryIslands,MadeiraandtheAzores).7Bolm.Mus. theyarewith6and8combsinD. lastovkaiandD. Munic. Funchal(Hist.Nat), Suppl.No. 3: 17170. melita, respectively. The new species has three Chandler, P. J. & Gatt, P. 2000: Fungus gnats (Diptera: processesonthedistalmarginofthegonocoxites Bolitophilidae, Keroplatidae and Mycetophilidae) ventrally, while other species have only lateral fromtheMalteseislands.7StudiaDipterol.7:69781. Edwards, F. W. 1925: British Fungus-Gnats (Diptera, processes. Mycetophilidae). With arevised Generic Classifica— tionoftheFamily.7Trans.Ent.Soc.Lond.73(1924): 5057670. 3.4.Keyto males ofDocosiaspecies Hackman,W. 1988:TribeLeiini.7In: Soos,A.&Papp, knowninCentralAsia L. (eds),CatalogueofPalaearcticDiptera.Volume3. Ceratopogonidae7Mycetophilidae: 2547262. Buda— pest,AkademiaiKido. 1. Sc setose and ending free; terminalia as Hutson,A.M.,Ackland,D. M. &Kidd,L.N. 1980: My— figured by Hutson et a1. (1980: figure 278) cetophilidae (Bolitophilinae, Ditomyiinae, Diado- andZaitzev(1994: plate 81, figure2) cidiinae, Keroplatinae, Sciophilinae and Manotinae) D.gilvipes(Haliday) Diptera, Nematocera. 7Handb. Ident. Brit. Insects. London9,3.RoyalEntomologicalSocietyofLondon. — Scbare,endinginR1 2 Pp. 17111. 2. Laterotergite setose; coxae blackish brown; Landrock, K. 1916: Neue mahrische Arten der Pilz- terminaliaas inFig. 4a—f miickengattung Docosia Winn. 7 Zeitschrift des D.sogetensissp.n. MahrischenLandesmuseum 15: 59766. ENTOMOL. FENNICAVol. 17 ° ThreenewDocosiaSpeciesfromKazakhstan 117 Landrock, K. 1928: Neue Fungivoriden. 7Konowia 7: criteria for the classification ofthe recent European 2387242. genera (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). 7 Ann. Zool. Plassmann,E. 1980:PilzmuckenausMessaureinSchwe— Fennici23: 1977206. den. Ill. Lichtfallenfange (lnsecta: Diptera: Myceto— Winnertz, J. 1863: Beitrag zu einer Monographie der philidae).7Senckenb. Biol. 60: 1757189. Pilzmucken (Mycetophilidae). 7 Verh. Zool.—bot. Plassmann,E. 1986:NeunneuePilzmuckenausderWest— Ges.Wien 13: 6377964. palaarktis(Diptera,Nematocera,Mycetophilidae).7 Yakovlev,E.B. 1994:PalaearcticDipteraassociatedwith Spixiana9: 1437150. fungi and myxomycetes. Petrozavodsk. 127pp. [In Plassmann, E. 1996: ZurKenntnis derPilzmiickenfauna RussianwithEnglishsummary.] Osterreichs(Diptera:Nematocera:Mycetophiloidea). ZaitzeV. A. I. 1994: Fungusgnats ofthe faunaofRussia 7Mitt.Int. Ent. Ver.,(Frankfiart/M.)21: 1117120. andadjacentregions.Part1.Moscow.288pp.[InRus— Sali, G. E. E. 1997: The adult morphology ofMyceto— sian.] philidae(s.str.),withatentativephylogenyofthefam- Xu,H.—C.,Wu,H.&Yu,X.—X.2003:NewChineserecord ily(Diptera,Sciaroidea).7Ent.Scand.,Suppl.50: 17 ofthegenusDocosiawithadescriptionofanewspe— 55. cies (Diptera, Mycetophilidae). 7ActaZootax. Sin. vaisanen, R. 1986: The delimitation ofthe Gnoristinae: 28: 3437348.