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Three new species of Gminatellus Miller from northern Australia (Heteroptera: Reduviidae) PDF

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Preview Three new species of Gminatellus Miller from northern Australia (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)

30 September 1991 Memoirs ofthe Museum ofVictoria 52(2): 355-359 (1991) ISSN 0814-1827 https://doi.org/10.24199/j.mmv.1991.52.12 THREE NEW SPECIES OF GMINATELLUS MILLER FROM NORTHERN AUSTRALIA (HETEROPTERA: REDUVIIDAE) By M. B. Malipatil Institute ofPlant Sciences, Department ofAgriculture and Rural Affairs, Swan Street, Burnley, Victoria 3121, Australia Abstract Malipatil, M.B., 1991. Three newspecies ofGminatellus Millerfrom northern Australia (Heteroptera: Reduviidae). Memoirs ofthe Museum ofVictoria 52: 355-359. Three new species of Gminatellus Miller are described: 6'. elegans sp. nov. (Northern TerritoryandQueenslandincludingtheTorresStrait Islands),G.fasciatussp.nov.(Queens- land) and G. maeulutus sp. nov. (Queensland). A key to the species of Gminatellus is given. Introduction Gminatellus Miller The harpactorine reduviid genus Gminatellus Gminatellus Miller, 1957: 70-71. was described by Miller (1957) to include his rvpcspt,cu,y GminatellusdebilisMiller, 1957, by ori- npreewsesnptecpiaepse,rGd.esdcerbiibliess fthrroeme Qnueewenssplecaineds.fTrhoem gjnai designation, the Northern Territory and Queensland includ- Remarks. Thelollowingminoralterat.onstothe ing the Torres Strait Islands original generic description and redescnption Unless otherwise indicated measurements, in (Malipatil, 1991) must be made to accommo- millimetres, are of the holotype male followed datc tne new species: by ranges for paratypes in parentheses. Speci- Body length 8.0-13.0. mens are lodged in the Australian Museum, Head subequal to or slightly longer than pro- Sydney (AM), Australian National Insect notum- Antennal segment 1 subequal to or Collection, Canberra (ANIC), the Natural His- shorter than head and pronotum together tory Museum, London (BMNH), Queensland Labial segment 1 shorter than 2 and 3 MMuusseeuumm,. ABdreilsabiadnee(S(AQMM)),,anSdoutthhe UAnuisvterrasliiatny togTehtheer&.*m is related to GminotUS Stal from ofQueensland Insect Collection (UQIC). which, it differs in havingthe abdominal margin with its posteriorarea ol at least the tourtn vis- ible segment produced to a point. Key to Gminatellus species 1. Corium with a conspicuous circular, white, wax-covered spot — G. maeulatus sp. nov. Corium without a white spot 2 2. Femora and dorsum ofabdomen without fuscous areas G. debilis Miller, 1957 — Femora and dorsum ofabdomen with fuscous areas 3 3. Dorsum of visible abdominal segments 2-6 fuscous — G. elegans sp. nov. Dorsum of lateral margins of only fourth and fifth visible abdominal segments fuscous G.fasciatus sp. nov. Gminatellus debilis Miller Qthef lmllcnaj cxuinmc(i. Northern Territory. Port Gminatellus debilis Miller, 1957: 70-71. Darwin, W.D. Dodd (SAM 1 male, 1 female). Type. Holotype male, Australia, Queensland (no pre- Remarks. Nothing needs to be added to the cise locality), F.P.Dodd (B.M.I904-284), in BMNH. original description. 355 L 356 M. B. MALII'ATI Gminatellus elegans sp. nov. Thorax. Pronotum with dorsal spines long Figures 1-3, 10-14 and acutely produced (fFig. I), length 2.52 Types. Holotypc male, Dividing range, 15 km W of (12..262)4,-2m.a52x)i,mwuimdtwhidatnhte2r.io7r4(m2a.r5g5i-n2.914.)2.6S(c1u.t1e2l-- Captain Billy Creek, Cape York Peninsula, Queens- lum with apex acutely pointed and upcurved, land, 5-12 Feb 1976, G. Monteith(QMT11875). length 0.84(0.88-0.98), width 1.12(1.32-1.40). Paratypes.Queensland,samedataasholotypc(QM 1 male); Iron Range, Cape York Peninsula, 13 Apr Legs with tarsi 3 segmented, distal segment 1961, l.F.B. Common and M.S. Upton (ANIC subequal to proximal 2 segments together. female);samelocality,5-10May 1968,G.B. Monteith1 Hemelytra exceeding abdomen by one-quarter (UQIC 1 female); same locality, 11-17 May 1968 their length, length 7.28 (6.72-8.26), length (UQIC2 males, 1 female);samelocalityandcollector, corium 5.18 (4.48-5.46), width membrane 2.38 26-31 May 1971 (UQIC 1 female); samelocality and (2.20-2.80). collector, 1-9 Jun 1971 (UQIC 1 female); Lockerbie Abdomen. Lateral margins gradually widened (A(forQQreeMMas,t,2C5mfa0aeplmmeea,sl)eY3;)o-.rW1ke,sDte1cC3l-1a29u78d5i,AepGrR.iMv1eo9rn7,t3e,IirtoGnh.BaR.nadnMgDoe.n,tCeroaiiotnkh- ntaocnxdpiovgsartaeadrtuiapolorlsytmeanrriagorirrnomwaoerfdgiftnoousrpotohfsttvheiirsriidobrlaenendsde;fgomcuerontnth- I visiblesegments produced to point, thoseoflat- SOtchheormmbaetregri(alSeAxMamIinfeedm*alTeo)r;reEsctStrHaiiltls,viMcoianlisty.,,JM.oWa. tmeirnsuetgemdeonrtsamlosrceenptrgolmainndesnctar(se.dgi.s,tfiingc.t8)b.etTwhereene ((BQaMnks)fIesm.,al9e-)1.3Jun 1977, G. Monteith and D. Cook visible terga II—III, III-IV and IV-V. NortIhern Territory, Radon Creek (12°45'S. Genitalia. Male: Pygophore posterior margin I32°53'E), rainforest, 14-16 Jul 1979, G. Monteith produced medially (fig. 10). Paramere (fig. 11) and D. Cook (QM female). slender, slightly curved in middle. Aedeagus I Description. Ground colour orange with red with flap on dorsal surface .sclerotised (fig. 12), ventralsurfacewith 2opposablemedian rowsof tinge, with following fuscous: eyes, most of long spines and 2 batches of lateral sclerotised affneetmmeounrrna,a,,diasaptpiaiclceehssaloofff-tlpwarobo-intouhtmia,rldtsasrpsoiifneafson,rde-dtiiasbtniaadl, mhliiivnded-- sapnidnudliestsalexetnedrioofretnodsopsionmesa iwnitphatntuemrenr(ofuigs. f1i3n)e. setal spines. sfiivxet-hssixotfhshoefmealbydtoram,inwailngdsorasnudm.most of distal Female: First valvula (VII) and first valvifer Bodyand legs subshiny, densely covered with (Vfl)(fig. 14),styloidapicallymodifiedtoatube short, golden yellow setal hairs. like structure, tergite 9 (t9) (fig. 14), tergite 10 Body 11.20 (11.20-12.60); maximum width (tlO) narrow, flap-like, folded under. 3.50 (2.60-3.78). Remarks. Gminatellus elegans can be easily- Head. Length 2.50 (2.38-2.58), width across distinguished from the type species, G. debilis. by the presence of fuscous areas on the femur eyes 1.12 (1.18-1.25), interocular space 0.63 and the dorsum of abdomen, and the more (0.60-0.68), interocellarspace0.42 (0.38-0.45). acutely produced apex ofscutellum. eye-ocellar space 0.28 (0.22-0.23): eve length 0.57 (0.52-0.54), eye width 0.30. Length of There is considerable variation in coloration (a1n.t2e6n-n1a.l33s)e;gmIeIIn,ts1:.417, 4(.11.240(-31..9487-)4;.4I8V),;sItIr.on1g.l33y Rinantghee,ty5p-e10searineds.1I1n-1so7mMeapyar1a9t6v8p)esmo(se.tg.,ofIrtohne curved. Labium extendingtoanteriorquarterof mid-femur is fuscous. The Northern Territory prosternum, length of segments: I, 1.33 (1.19- shapsecfiomree-nainsdsmmaildl-(f8e.m96o)raanwditnharnraorwro(w2.a1n0n)ualnadr sl1ea3gb3m)re;unmItI.,sh1o.r2t6,(o1n.e1-2e-i1g.h1t5h);aIsII,lo0n.g42as(0f.i3r5st-0l.a3b6i)a,l tfaulscqouuasrtbearnudnaitfoarbmoluytfmuisdcloeunsgt(fhig.an3d).about dis- Figures 1-3. Gminatellus elegans sp. nov. Holotype: 1, head, pronotum and scutellum, dorsal view: 2, fore- femur. Specimen from Radon Creek, N.T.: 3, fore-femur. Figures4, 5, 8. Gminatellusfaseiatussp.nov. Paratypc male, Kuranda. Qld: 4, fore-femur; 8, abdomen dorsal view. Specimen from West Normanby River, Qld: 5, fore-femur. Figures6 7, 9. Gminatellusmaculalussp.nov. Paratypefemale: 6, fore-femur; 7,hemelytra; 9,abdomen dorsal view. Abbreviations: II, III, IV, etc., abdominal segments. Scale line 1.0 mm. THREE NEW SPECIES OF GMINATELLUS(HETEROPTERA) 357 358 M. B. MALIPATIL 11 pFiagruarmeesre1,0-l1a3t.erGalmivniaetwe;ll1u2,sealeedgeaangsussp,.dnoorvs.alPaarsapteyctp;em1a3,les:a1m0e,,pvyegnotprhaolreas,pdeocrt.salviewofposteriorpart; 11,right Figure 14.Gminatelluseleganssp.nov.Paratypefemalegenitalia,posteriorview.Abbreviations-sty styloids-19 tlO, tergites 9 and 10; vfl, first valvifer; vll, first valvula. Scale line 0.5 mm. Gminatellus fasciatus sp.nov. Description. Ground colour dirty yellow, with Figures 4, 5, 8 the following fuscous: apex of labium, broad T1y9p5e5s,.JH.oG.lBortoyopkes,maAleM,.Kuranda, Queensland, 18 Sep pharlofxiomfasle,comnidd,dalendanthdirddisatnaldafroeuarsthofsefigrsmte,ndtisstoalf Paratypes. Queensland, samedataasholotype(AM antennae;distalquarterandnarrowannularring 1 male); Almaden, Chillagoe district, Jun-Sep 1929, near middle of femora (fig. 4), and tibiae and NW.oDr.mCaanmbpybeRlilve,r,K640092m7i((6A4Mk1m)malWe,o1ffCeomoalket)o;wWne,st5 atapresix; oifnnceorrimuamr,gibnasaalndarediastoafl mtehimrbdraenxcel,udainndg May 1970, G.B. Monteith (UQIC 1 male, 1 female); wings; broad lateral areas ofvisible abdominal same locality and collector, 7 May 1970 (UQIC 1 terga IV and V, and narrow margin ofVI as in female). fig. 8. THREE NEW SPECIES OF GMINATELLUS(HETEROPTERA) 359 Bodv 9.80 (10.22-11.48); maximum width corium except for a circular white spot near 3.36 (2.94-3.65). middle(fig. 7); dorsum ofabdomen (fig. 9), con- Head. Length 2.24 (2.24-2.45), width across tiguous subventral areas of visible segments IV eves 1.10 (1.00-1.17), interocular space 0.53 and V, connexiva; abdominal venter irregularly (6.52-0.64). interocellarspace0.41 (0.41-0.53), lightlyfuscousexcept forsuturalareasand small eye-ocellar space 0.23 (0.19-0.23), eye length circular spots which are pale. 0'.49 (0.46-0.52), eye width 0.30 (0.23-0.30). Body shiny, without conspicuous hairs Length of antennal segments: I. 3.49 (3.90- Measurements are ofholotype female. 4.06): II, 1.14(1.19-1.33); III, 1.06(1.12-1.25); Body 9.95; maximum width 2.80. IV,stronglycurved. Lengthoflabialsegments: I, Head: Length 2.10, width across eyes 1.10, 1.21 (1.25-1.33); II, 1.14 (1.17-1.19); III, 0.41 interocular space 0.57, interocellar space 0.45, (0.38-0.55). eye-ocellar space 0.30, eye length 0.52, eye Thorax. Pronotum length 2.03 (2.10-2.45), width0.34. Lengthofantennal segments:I, 3.29; width anterior margin 0.90 (0.98-1.05), maxi- II, 0.98; III, 1.19; IV, strongly curved. Labium mum width 2.38 (2.45-2.80). Scutellum length just reaching to anterior third of prosternal 0.56 (0.59-0.81); width 0.90 (1.19-1.40). groove, length ofsegments: I, 1.32; II, 0.95; III, Length hemelvtra 5.88 (6.44-7.42), length 0.41. corium4.20(4.34-5.04). Width membrane2.20 Thorax. Pronotum length2.03,width anterior (2.10-2.66). margin 0.98, width posterior margin 2.38. Scu- All other details as in G. elegans. tellum apex less acutely pointed than in other Etymology. Fascia (Latin) band or stripe, species, length 0.63, width 1.05. Hcmelytrawell exceeding abdomen, length 6.30, corium with alludes to the fuscous bands on visible abdomi- conspicuous circular white wax covered area nal tergites IV and V. (fig. 7), length 4.40, width membrane 2.10. Remarks. Gminatellusfasciatus may be readily Abdomen. Lateral margins conspicuously distinguishedfrom G. elegansbyitsconspicuous explanately produced (fig. 9). broad fuscous lateral bands on visible abdomi- Genitalia. Male unavailable. Female as in G. nal tergites IV and V (fig. 8). elegans. TheWest Normanby Riverspecimensexhibit considerable colour variations, particularly in Etymology. Macula(Latin)spotormark,alludes to the white circular spot on the corium. having the distal half of the femora uniformly fuscous (fig. 5) and the postocular part of the Remarks. Gminatellusmaculatuscan be readily head dorsally also lightly fuscous. distinguished from all otherspeciesofthegenus by the white circular wax covered spot on the Gminatellus maculatus sp.nov. corium, and the conspicuously explanate mar- gins on the visible abdominal terga IV and V. Figures 6, 7, 9 Types. Holotypc female, Clermont, Queensland. 29 Acknowledgements Sseegpme1n9t2s9,ofDrrigKh.t.Ka.ndSpfeonucret.h sKeg6m2e4n2t5,oflAeMft.aDnitsetnanlae3 insIttithuatnikontshefocrurtahteorlsoaonftohfetahbeovmeat-emreinatl,ioanendd missing. Paratypes. Same data as holotype (AM 3 females). Dr G. B. Monteith for commenting on the manuscript. Description. Ground colour orange with brown tinge, with the following fuscous: most ofhead References daonrdsadlilsytailnacrleuadsinogfefyiresst,, sbercooanddparnoxdipmaarlt,omfitdhdilred MalipAautsitlr,aMl.iBa.n,H1a9r9pa1c.tTohreingeaneer(iHcctcelraosspitfeircaa:tioRnedoufvtih-e antennal segments; apices of pronotal spines, idac). Invertebrate Taxonomy 4 (5): 935-971. small areanearbaseofspineson discofanterior Miller,N.C.E., 1957.NewgeneraandspeciesofEthio- lobe; distal quarterand small indistinct annular pian, Mascarine and Australian Rcduviidae band near middle of femora, in addition mid- (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) inthe British Museum and hind-femora with an additional indistinct (N.H.), London. Bulletin ofthe British Museum proximal band, and tibia and tarsi; most of (Natural History), Entomology 5 (2): 29-81.

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