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1 Three-Loop Results in QCD with Wilson Fermions B. All´esa , C. Christoub , A. Feob,c , H. Panagopoulosb∗ and E. Vicaric,d aDipartimento di Fisica and I.N.F.N., Milano, Italy bDepartment of Natural Sciences, University of Cyprus 8 9 cDipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a di Pisa, Italy 9 1 dI.N.F.N., Sezione di Pisa, Italy n a WecalculatethethirdcoefficientofthelatticebetafunctioninQCDwithWilsonfermions,extendingthepure J gaugeresults of Lu¨scherand Weisz; weshow howthiscoefficient modifiesthescaling function onthelattice. We 2 alsocalculatethethree-loopaverageplaquetteinthepresenceofWilson fermions. Thisallowsustocomputethe 1 lattice scaling function both in thestandard and energy schemes. 2 v 1. INTRODUCTION presentwork,weareextendingourcalculationto 8 include contributions from Wilson fermions. 1 In lattice formulations of field theories the rel- 0 We also present here the calculation of the 3- evant region for continuum physics is the one 0 loop coefficient w of the average plaquette, in 3 1 wherescalingisverified. Scalinginthecontinuum QCD with Wilson fermions. In the absence of 7 limit requires that all RG-invariant dimension- fermions,this quantitywascalculatedbysomeof 9 less ratios of physical quantities approach their the present authors [3]. / t continuum value with non-universal corrections OurresultsforbL andw allowustostudythe a which get depressed by integer powers of the in- 2 3 l corrections to asymptotic scaling in Monte Carlo - versecorrelationlength. Testsofasymptoticscal- p simulations of dimensionful quantities, for both inginvolvetherelationshipbetweenthebarecou- e the standard and energy schemes. h pling and the cutoff as an essential ingredient. The involved algebra of lattice perturbation : This relationship is expressed in the bare lattice v theory was carried out by making use of an ex- Xi β function which reads, in standard notation: tensive computer code developed by us in recent ar βL(g0)≡−addga0 |gr,µ=−bL0g03−bL1g05−bL2g07−...(1) ytieoanr,st[h4e];cfoordethweapsuerxptoesnedseodf tthoeinpcrleusdenetfecramlciuolnas- and form factors. The first two coefficients in Eq. (1) are scheme- independent and well known. Our purpose is to computethethirdcoefficient,bL,inSU(N)Yang- 2. CALCULATION OF β2L 2 Mills theory with N species of Wilson fermions. f We performed this calculation using the back- M. Lu¨scher and P. Weisz [1] have calculated ground field method. In order facilitate compari- this coefficient in the pure gluonic case, using a son we have adopted the notation of Ref.[1]. coordinate space method for evaluating the lat- We set out to compute d (µa) in: 2 tice integrals. We have verified their result [2], using a different technique where firstly the inte- α (µ)=α +d (µa)α2+d (µa)α3+..., grands are Taylor expanded in powers of the ex- MS 0 1 0 2 0 ternalmomentaandthencomputedtermbyterm α =g2/4π, α (µ)=g2(µ)/4π (2) with the introduction of an IR regulator. In the 0 0 MS ∗Presentedthepaper. As we shall see, bL will follow immediately from 2 2 this quantity. d (µa) can be expressed as: (sub)divergences and extractionof logarithms by 2 opportune additions/subtractions (in the case at d (µa)=(4π)2{(ν(1)(p)−ν(1)(p))2−ν(2)(p)+ν(2)(p) hand, this step gives rise to hundreds of types of 2 R R expressions,eachcontainingtypicallyhundredsof −λ(∂ν(1)(p)/∂λ)(ω(1)(p)−ω(1)(p))} (3) terms); automaticgenerationofhighlyoptimized R R λ=λ0 Fortrancodefortheloopintegrationofeachtype in terms of the gauge parameter λ, and of ω(p) of expression. and ν(p) (the gauge- and background- two point The integrals are then performed numerically lattice functions, respectively): on finite lattices. Our programs perform extrap- olationsofeachexpressiontoabroadspectrumof XΓ(2,0,0)(p,−p)aµbµ=−δab3pˆ2[1−ν(p)]/g02 functional forms of the type: e (lnL)j/Li, Pi,j ij µ analyze the quality of each extrapolation using a variety of criteria and assign statistical weights XΓ(0,2,0)(p,−p)aµbµ=−δabpˆ2[3(1−ω(p))+λ0] to them, and finally produce a quite reliableesti- µ mate of the systematic error. Several consistency checks can be performed ∞ ν(p)=Xg02lν(l)(p) oOn(pt0h)epaserptsaroabteeycsoenvterriablurteiloantsionosf,eaancdhmduiasgtrsaumm: l=1 ∞ up to zero by gauge invariance; Lorentz non- ω(p)=Xg02lω(l)(p) (4) invariantterms Pµp4µ/p2 mustcancel; the single and double logarithms are related to known re- l=1 sults. We have performed all these checks both ThesubscriptRreferstotheanalogousMSrenor- analytically and numerically;this was also a use- malized quantities. ful verification of the correctness of our error es- The 1-loop quantitites appearing above, timates. ν(1),νR(1),ω(1),ωR(1), are known. For the MS 2- Ourfinalresultforν(2)(p)is(wetaker =1for loopfunctionν(2)(p)therearefournewdiagrams the Wilson parameter): R with respect to the pure gluonic case. We find: ν(2)(p)=ν(2)(p)| (6) Nf=0 ν(2)(λ=1, p)(16π2)2 =N2[8ρ+577/18−6ζ(3)]+ R +N [(−1/N +3N)ln(p2)/(16π2)2 f N [(−3ρ−401/36)N+(ρ+55/12−4ζ(3))/N] f −0.000706(3)/N+0.000544(5)∗N] with: ρ=ln(µ2/p2). (5) Also, we have: The only remaining quantity to calculate (and by far the most complicated) is ν(2)(p). The in- ν(1)(p)−ν(1)(Nf=0,p)=ω(1)(p)−ω(1)(Nf=0,p) clusion of fermions brings in 20 additional dia- =N ∗[ln(p2)/24π2−0.01373219(1)] (7) grams (of these, two correspond to fermion mass f renormalization). Atableofpartialresultswillappearinaforth- The evaluation of these diagrams requires coming publication [5], where we also expect to tremendous analytical effort. We have developed provide better accuracy. an extensive computer code for analytic compu- From the relations given above, we can now tations in lattice perturbation theory [4]. In a easily construct d (µa) and d (µa). Writing: 1 2 nutshell, this computer code performs: Contrac- d (µa)=d +d ln(µa), d (µa)=(d (µa))2+ 1 10 11 2 1 tion among the appropriate vertices; simplifica- d +d ln(µa), the coefficient bL follows imme- 20 21 2 tion of color/Dirac matrices; use of trigonome- diately: try and momentum symmetries for reduction to a more compact, canonical form; treatment of bL =bMS+(d d −d d )/(128π3) (8) 2 2 20 11 21 10 3 where Now, the scaling violation parameter q = (b2 − 1 bEb )/(2b3) becomes (at N =3,N =3,r=1): −1 2 0 0 f bMS = [−5714N3+N2(−224N+66/N) 2 108(4π)6 f q(k =0.1675)=0.2103(4) +N (3418N2−561−27/N2)] (9) q(k =0.1560)=0.1764(4) (18) f In particular: This indeed represents an improvement over the standard case. We are presently working on im- bL(N=3,N =3,r=1)=−0.002284(3) (10) 2 f provingtheaccuracyofourresults,forthelonger (cf. bL(N=3,N =0)=−0.00159983) (11) write-ups [5,6]. 2 f The deviation, q = (b2 − bLb )/(2b3), in the 1 2 0 0 asymptotic scaling formula: aΛ =exp(−1/2b g2)(b g2)−b1/2b0 1+qg2+... k 103×w2 103×w3 L 0 0 0 0 (cid:2) 0 (cid:3) 0.156 18.2522(2) 9.15(1) is now found to be: 0.1575 17.7713(2) 8.91(1) 0.16 16.9767(1) 8.51(1) q(N=3,N =3,r=1)=0.3694(4) (12) f 0.164 15.7243(2) 7.89(1) 0.1675 14.6480(6) 7.35(1) 3. THE 3-LOOP MEAN PLAQUETTE Table 1 We have computed the free energy to 3 loops Values of w ×103 and w ×103. N=3, N =3, 2 3 f r=1, k: hopping parameter. −lnZ/V =const.+F g2+F g4+... (13) 2 0 3 0 in QCD with Wilson fermions. A total of 24 dia- grams involving fermions contribute to F . 3 The equality: h1−2/Ni=−(1/6V)(∂lnZ/∂β) (14) REFERENCES (valid by virtue of hS i = 0 beyond tree 1. M. Lu¨scher and P. Weisz, Nucl. Phys. B452 fermion level) relates F and F directly to the quanti- (1995) 234. 2 3 ties w and w in the expansion of the average 2. B. All´es, A. Feo and H. Panagopoulos, Nucl. 2 3 plaquette: Phys. 491 (1997) 498. 3. B. All´es, M. Campostrini, A. Feo and H. h1−2/Ni=w1g02+w2g04+w3g06+... (15) Panagopoulos,Phys. Lett. B324 (1994) 433. 4. B. All´es, M. Campostrini, A. Feo and H. We report below the final values for w and w 2 3 Panagopoulos,Nucl. Phys.B413 (1994)553. atN=3,N =3,r=1. Abreakdownofthe results, f 5. C. Christou,A. Feo, H. PanagopoulosandE. along with the explicit N- and N -dependence f Vicari, The Three-Loop β Function in QCD andimprovederrorestimateswillbepresentedin with Wilson Fermions, Pisa-Cyprus preprint, a forthcoming publication [6]. in preparation. From the plaquette coefficients, we may now 6. B.All´es,A.FeoandH.Panagopoulos,Scaling construct the coupling constant in the “energy” Corrections in QCD with Wilson Fermions scheme: from the 3-Loop Average Plaquette, Pisa- gE2 =g02+(w2/w1)g04+(w3/w1)g06+... (16) Cyprus preprint, in preparation. In terms of this improved definition of the cou- pling constant, the β function reads: bE =bL+(b w −b w −b w2/w )/w (17) 2 2 0 3 1 2 0 2 1 1

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