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Three Faiths — One God: A Jewish, Christian, Muslim Encounter PDF

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LIBRARY OF PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION General Editor: John Hick Danforth Professor, Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, California This series of books explores contemporary religious understandings of humanity and the universe. The books contribute to various aspects of the continuing dialogues between religion and philosophy, between scepticism and faith, and between the different religions and ideologies. The authors represent a correspondingly wide range of viewpoints. Some of the books in the series are written for the general educated public and others for a more specialised philosophical or theological readership. Already published Masao Abe ZEN AND WESTERN THOUGHT William H. Austin THE RELEVANCE OF NATURAL SCIENCE TO THEOLOGY Paul Badham CHRISTIAN BELIEFS ABOUT LIFE AFTER DEATH Paul and Linda Badham IMMORTALITY OR EXTINCTION? Daniel E. Bassuk INCARNATION IN HINDUISM AND CHRISTIANITY Patrick Burke THE FRAGILE UNIVERSE Margaret Chatterjee GANDHI'S RELIGIOUS THOUGHT William Lane Craig THE KALAM COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT THE COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT FROM PLATO TO LEIBNIZ Stephen T. Davis LOGIC AND THE NATURE OF GOD Lynn A. de Silva THE PROBLEM OF THE SELF IN BUDDHISM AND CHRISTIANITY Padmasiri de Silva AN INTRODUCTION TO BUDDHIST PSYCHOLOGY Ramchandra Gandhi THE AVAILABILITY OF RELIGIOUS IDEAS J. C. A. Gaskin HUME'S PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION Brian Haymes THE CONCEPT OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD John Hick and Edmund S. Meltzer (editors) THREE FAITHS - ONE GOD H. A. Hodges GOD BEYOND KNOWLEDGE J. Kellenberger THE COGNITIVITY OF RELIGION Jonathan L. Kvanvig THE POSSIBILITY OF AN ALL-KNOWING GOD Hywel D. Lewis PERSONS AND LIFE AFTER DEATH Julius J. Lipner THE FACE OF TRUTH Eric Lott VEDANTIC APPROACHES TO GOD Geddes MacGregor REINCARNATION AS A CHRISTIAN HOPE Hugo A. Meynell AN INTRODUCTION TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF BERNARD LONERGAN F. C. T. Moore THE PSYCHOLOGICAL BASIS OF MORALITY Dennis Nineham THE USE AND ABUSE OF THE BIBLE Martin Prozesky RELIGION AND ULTIMATE WELL-BEING D. Z. Phillips BELIEF, CHANGE AND FORMS OF LIFE Bernard M. G. Reardon HEGEL'S PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION KANT AS PHILOSOPHICAL THEOLOGIAN Joseph Runzo REASON, RELATIVISM AND GOD John J. Shepherd EXPERIENCE, INFERENCE AND GOD Patrick Sherry RELIGION, TRUTH AND LANGUAGE GAMES SPIRIT, SAINTS AND IMMORTALI1Y Ninian Smart CONCEPT AND EMPATHY RELIGION AND THE WESTERN MIND Wilfred Cantwell Smith TOWARDS A WORLD THEOLOGY Jonathan Sutton THE RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHY OF VLADIMIR SOLOVYOV Shivesh Chandra Thakur RELIGION AND RATIONAL CHOICE Robert Young FREEDOM, RESPONSIBILITY AND GOD Further titles in preparation Series Standing Order If you would like to receive future titles in this series as they are published, you can make use of our standing order facility. To place a standing order please contact your bookseller or, in case of difficulty, write to us at the address below with your name and address and the name of the series. Please state with which title you wish to begin your standing order. (If you live outside the United Kingdom we may not have the rights for your area, in which case we will forward your order to the publisher concerned.) Customer Services Department, Macmillan Distribution Ltd. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 2XS, England. Three Faiths - One God A Jewish, Christian, Muslim Encounter Edited by John Hick Danforth Professor of the Philosophy of Religion The Claremont Graduate School, California and Edmund S. Meltzer Associate Professor and Associate Chairman Department of Religion, The Claremont Graduate School California Foreword by John David Maguire President, Claremont University Center and Graduate School M MACMILLAN The Claremont Graduate School 1989 Chapter 6 © Chaim Seidler-Feller 1989 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1989 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1956 (as amended), or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 33-4 Alfred Place, London WClE 7DP. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. First published 1989 Published by THE MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 2XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world Phototypeset by Input Typesetting Ltd, London SW19 8DR British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Three faiths - one God. 1. Christianity related to Islam & Judaism 2. Judaism related to ChristIanity & Islam 3. Islam related to Christianity & Judaism I. Hick, John, 1922- II. Meltzer, Edmund S. 200 ISBN 978-1-349-09436-3 ISBN 978-1-349-09434-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-09434-9 This book is Dedicated to Those of All Faiths Who Have Pioneered In the Struggle for Interfaith Understanding 'It is not your obligation to complete the task, But you are not at liberty to desist from it.' Mishna, Avot 2:16 Contents Acknowledgements ix Notes on the Contributors Xl Foreword by John David Maguire xiv Introduction Edmund S. Meltzer 1 1 'This is my God': One Jew's Faith Elliot N. Dorff 7 A Christian Response James A. Sanders 30 A Muslim Response Ibrahim Hamdani 35 2 On the Christian Doctrine of God Jack Verheyden 41 A Jewish Response David Ellenson 58 3 God: A Muslim View Muzammil H. Siddiqi 63 A Jewish Response Susannah Heschel 77 A Christian Response M. Francis Meskill 84 4 The Earth and Humanity: A Muslim View Jamal Badawi 87 A Christian Response Carl W. Ernst 99 A Jewish Response Patricia S. Karlin-Neumann 107 vii viii Contents 5 The Earth and Humanity: A Christian View John B. Cobb, Jr 113 A Jewish Response Ben Beliak 129 6 The Land of Israel: Sanctified Matter or Mythic Space? Chaim Seidler-Feller 137 A Christian Response Heidi Singh 165 A Muslim Response Ismail K. Poonawala 172 7 The Essence of Judaism David Ellenson 181 8 The Heart of the Christian Faith For Me James A. Sanders 185 9 Islam: A Brief Look Jamal Badawi 187 10 Trinity and Incarnation in the Light of Religious Pluralism John Hick 197 A Muslim Response Muzammil H. Siddiqi 211 11 Three Faiths and Some Common Problems John A. Hutchison 214 Conclusion: Three Reflections 225 Appendix Rolf P. Knierim 227 Index of Authors 231 Index of Foreign Language Terms 234 Index of Textual Citations 237 Acknowledgements The editors wish to express their gratitude and appreciation to the many organisations, institutions and individuals who have helped to make the Trialogue a reality, both as an event and as a book: To The Claremont Graduate School, Claremont McKenna College, Pitzer College, Pomona College, the Pomona Valley Council of Churches, and the School of Theology at Claremont, for their generous sponsorship of the Trialogue; To Harold Hewitt, Jr, and Joseph Lynch, for their invaluable assistance with organisation and logistics; To Horizons in Biblical Theology for permission to reproduce an excerpt from 'The Task of Old Testament Theology', pp 52-3 n.1 HBT 6.1, June 1984; To Frances Drake, Rebecca B. Prichard, Jackie Melvin, Linda J. 'Tess' Tessier, Maura O'Neill and Ellen Sun for the demanding tasks of typing, proofreading and editorial assistance; To our editors at the Macmillan Press, Tim Farmiloe and Pauline Snelson, and editorial services consultants Barbara Docherty and Keith Povey, for their patience and help; And to all of our fellow-participants in the Trialogue, who helped to make it a truly memorable interfaith encounter. A complete list of participants (including those who chaired sessions) follows overleaf: ix x Acknowledgements Jewish Christian Muslim Rabbi Ben Beliak Msgr William Barry Professor Jamal Rabbi Elliot Dorff Professor John B. Badawi Rabbi David Cobb, Jr Dr Ibrahim Hamdani Ellenson Professor Stephen Mrs Susan Imady Professor Amos Davis Professor Irfan Khan Funkenstein Professor Jane Dr Abdul Mummin Rabbi Laura Geller Douglass Professor Ismail Ms Susannah Professor Carl Ernst Poonawala Heschel Professor John Hick Professor N azif Rabbi Patricia Karlin Professor John Shahrani Professor Fred Hutchison Dr Muzammil H. Krinsky Professor Rolf Siddiqi Professor Edmund S. Knierim Meltzer Father M. Francis Rabbi Chaim Siedler- Meskill Feller Professor John Roth Professor James A. Sanders Mrs Heidi Singh Professor Jack Verheyden

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