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Three Expositions in Knoxville, Tennessee, 1910-1913 PDF

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UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff TTeennnneesssseeee,, KKnnooxxvviillllee TTRRAACCEE:: TTeennnneesssseeee RReesseeaarrcchh aanndd CCrreeaattiivvee EExxcchhaannggee Masters Theses Graduate School 5-1996 PPoorrttrraaiittss ooff PPrrooggrreessss iinn NNeeww SSoouutthh AAppppaallaacchhiiaa:: TThhrreeee EExxppoossiittiioonnss iinn KKnnooxxvviillllee,, TTeennnneesssseeee,, 11991100--11991133 Robert Douglas Lukens University of Tennessee - Knoxville Follow this and additional works at: https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes Part of the History Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Lukens, Robert Douglas, "Portraits of Progress in New South Appalachia: Three Expositions in Knoxville, Tennessee, 1910-1913. " Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 1996. https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/2510 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a thesis written by Robert Douglas Lukens entitled "Portraits of Progress in New South Appalachia: Three Expositions in Knoxville, Tennessee, 1910-1913." I have examined the final electronic copy of this thesis for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, with a major in History. Susan Becker, Major Professor We have read this thesis and recommend its acceptance: William Bruce Wheeler, Beth Haiken Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official student records.) Tot hGer aduaCtoenu c:i l Ia ms ubimttinhge rweitaht heswirist tbeyRn o berDto uglLausk eennst di tle "PtorraoiftP sor greisnNs e wS outAhpp ala:c Thhiraee EixtpiioonsKn nso xlvile, Tennes1se91e-0,11 9.3"Ih aveexa mniedt hfei ncaolpo yft htihse sfiofsro rm andco ntaenndtr eocmmednt haitbt e a cecpteidnp a rtifaufllim lenlto ft he reuqiermentfsot rh dee groefMe atseorfA trsw,i tahm ajiornH itso.r y We have trehatidhs ei ss andr eocmmenidta sc ceptance: Accepftoetrdh Ceo ucnli: AssociatCeh naVceilclaeon rd Deaonf tGhraed uaStceh ool PotrriatosfP orgreisnNs e wS outAhp pahliaac: ThreEex posiitniK ononxvsi lTleenn,e sse1e91,-0 9113 A Thesis Persentfeotdrh e MastoefAr r tDse rgee TheU niverosfTi etnyns eseKe,no xlvile RobeDrotgu laLsu kens May 1996 Acknowledgements Theer arae n umbero fp eopwlheo seef foarntdks no wledmgadee t his manucrsippotsi sblIew .ou lldi tkoet haanlkl t hoseft aaftf tUhnveie rsoift y TennessSepee'csCi oalellc tidoenpsa rtamnedtn htMe c ClungCe ntoeftr h e EasTte nnseeseH istoSroicecitaylI.a ma losi dnebtteoDd r B.ru ceW heeler andD rB.e tHha ikfeontr h ehierfl upslug gestainodnis sni tgshi tnot hpirso ject. Most ao,lf lw Io ullkdiet oe xtemnydg aritutdet oD rS.u sanB ekcefro hre r guaindceS.h ei sb otahg rehaits torigaerna ttae nadc her. ii Abstarct Thef ollowinigs ewaxonar inmka tiooftn he ree xpiotsihoenlsid n Knoxlveil,T N: TheA ppaclhaiEaxnp oistioofn1 s91 0a nd1 91 1a ndt eh National ConservEaxtpioosni t1i19o.3n W oirnl fda'sisw r erueb itqouuiasc rotshse UniteSdt ataetts h teu ronft hcee ntubrutyteh, s we ere ftrihstteob eh elidnt h e southAeprplnaa chrieaigno. n Exposirteifoltnehscce tu latlvu arluetsoh soef ivnolvientd eh iers tlaibmsehtn.T hutsh,e pyr oev irada roep ptourintfyot rh e hitsroitaone xmainseo ectiiyn ac ondentsiemfder amAetl.h outghhim set hod hasbe eanp pdlt iooe theexrop sitaitoo ntsht eirm eisht,a yse t bteo p ailpetdo southAeprapnl aicah. Theg oaolft htihsse iists o a sceirntth amee ssagoefes a cohft hefsaei rs. Froamn e xtenesxiavmeia nitoonfa valiabsloeru cmea teraili,t c liesa re atchha t oneo ft hetsher eexeop sitiaotnmtspe tetdo a pptlhy"e N we Soutvhi"s ioof n econoimc dac nulatluu prilfttot hseo uthAeprapnl achrieiagonn T.h et wo ApaplachEixapnio stiaotnmtspet etdo c ombalto lcp arbolemssu,ca hs criasm andp erceedib vackwardwnietpshrs o,g rievdseis sapylsa ndo ratoArlyt.h ough thewye rqeui tsei marit,lh see coonfdt heasfef abiearcsm e rmeoc onsveartive ast hseo cieialtloe fK novxiltlooek coofnt threeov let notp revent the deetroiraotnoi fa hihglsyt ratsiofciioedardle rT.h e1 913N ational ConsveatrioEnx posiwtaisdo esnin gedt ob ea naotniaalffa iwrh ihc naorwred itfso ctuost hcer uciissauleo fc onsveairtno:t heeff iecniatn dr esopnsible expltotaiioofnt hnea tiroens'osu rIcnpea rsc.t ihcoew,e rvt,eh fiasdi irf fletrileted formi tpsr edecesisptor resa;ce hsesdte inatlhley m esNa ew Soutmhe ssage, witahf ewm ionrm odiaftoiincsT.h ei mmediateeffe cotfts h eex piotsiwoenrse favorapbrlfoeip:tu ,bc liiatny dl oceanltu hsiasTmh.eu ltaitmNee wS otuh goaolfst hvee ntur,h eoswevweerr,e v enrree lazied. iii Tableo f Contents Title Page Itnroduction 1 ..................................................................................... Chapt1e rT he NSeowu tonhD siplay 16 : ..................................... Chapt2e:rD ynmaisma nCdo nseNatism 35 ............................. ... Chapt3e:rC onesNaitoannd i tAsp pilcations .64 ........................ Concolun:s" iAS plnediadn dP orgresCstii"yv?e 66 ................... Bbiilography 75 ................................................................................... Vita 83 .................................................................................................. IV Lits ofF igures Figrue Page 1.Co veorft h1e 910a nd1 91 1A ppalachEixapons ition PremiumL isatn dP rospectus 20 ....................................................... 2.C oveorf t h1e 91N3a tioCnonaslev artiEoxnp iotsion PremiuLmi st. 50 .................................................................................... 3.P ostcfarrodtsmh 1e91 0A pplaachEixapno sition 51 ........................... 4.T heA friAcmaenr icBauni gla dtti hnfea iorugdnrs .. 52 .......................... 5.V itsoirsswi mimnagtt hNea tioCnoanelsr vation Expoistion 53 ......................................................................................... 6.H ealetxhh iobfti htPe o stLailfI senu raenC coa.t t he NatiCoonnaeslrv atEixopno sition 54 ............................................... 7." AN eedeRde medy," casrhtoowoiKnnn ogx ivel'lrso le itnh ceo nservmaotevimoenn t.. . . 55 ................................................. v Introduction "Thweh ictiye. t .,t. h.he u mo fi dnutsr.y., t .h.set atbeuliygl sdt,ih ntee notfs mankyni dsc.o lso,ar nds hapeaslm"la d eq utiea ni mepsrsioonMn r s.C ytnhia Lnidene rSglt,ia nv isitoLro sAf ngreolmte ost h1e 910A pplaachEixapnio tsion inK noxlevl,iT enness.ee1A lthoauv gihsf irtos mu cdhit sanwcaes a ytpical, Mrs.S teirn'lgsd etiealdd ecsripotfit ohCneh hiolwePea rfka irgrporuonvdisd es a portorfta hiet r f.Sa eiti nt he ifdoytolhlioilfcl stA hpaepl achmioaunnt a,it nhse fasiierct omnbeide asy raocacdew sist phit cruesuqel kaefrvoinsttw ahse roen e cou·l·dr [easntrd e]a tdh e dbaulilelty'ii 'nn ss oilteu2.d Fotrh meo er adevnteusroem,t heex posiMtiidownao'yfs f eraemodn,go theexrc itthiingn gs, HecklFeelra'C sic rusa ndC harileM uhlalll'Wsil dW esSth wo.3F utrheurpf orm thMei wdays toodW otmhane' Bsu ildwihcnihga ,tt estteo"d t hhei gphlc aes he fiilntl hswe o rltdh'osu glfhieat n,da cti.o4"n Thea gruitlcurdasilp lpaoryv idae d widvear iteyo ff ivneeg etacbeelraeal,n, df r usiamtpl e.sM rs.S teirnmlga yh ave aslob eeenn trahllebdy t hsei gohfdt ii rgibballleo oannsda eroplwaantfeigsn i n thsek eis.A nd, aal fotndegar y askogi inn stihgesho ftt heex psoiotn,is heha d "LoAsn geWloemsa nI'mpsr essoifto hnAe p paclhiaaEnx piotsiTohneK, n"o xviSlelnet i2n7e l, · Setpmeber1 910.7 . �Iibd Intseitrn.eNg ovaenlTd h ilrliFnega tuorfte hsMe i dwJauynl ge'T. heJ ournaaln dT ruibne1. · Septem1b91e0.r1 1. ""LoAsn geslW eoman·.s · 1 threa roep ponrtityu to svpieeacwct ualf raierw ordkipssly ac omlpetwei th ··arsotiredo ckeHtasly,l' ceso metr,da imu falsehss,p idweerbw heealnsd ·ppopnigc'or ni nt hcel dosu."" Thef sitrA pplaaicahEnx piotsiloinik,te1 s 9 11s uccessaondrt h1e 913 NaotniaClo sneravtiEoxnp soitimousnth, av eb eeqnui et sap ectfaocrl e southAeprpna liaacrnhe sidaendnv tisios trfsr oamf aBru.bt e neatthshe i tg,sh sounadnsd,s melolfts h esree feta hiard se,e pmeerss ageex siteodn,eo f cruciimaoplr tT.h esfear isp reacwhheadwt a sp erceaivse dts hael vaotfti hoen Soutthh:"e Ne wS otuhd"er amo fe comnoicp rospearnidct uyla tleu nrriecnhtm. Althooutghhee xrp soiitosno fa s iimlnaart euw rerhee ld atchrneoa stsii onn thtiism pee rdi,to hsee wetrhfeesi tr bteoh elidnt hseo uthAeprapnl achian region. Workssuh ca sR oberRtyd ellAl'tlsh eW orl'dsa Faiarn dA lan TracnhbteerTgh'esI n croportaioonfA merichaa vseh owtnh afto,r htithsoer ,i an expiotsnismo irrcourl tuvraualelsa nds ocilte rtaaaintdrs e flheocwt s ao ctiye wanttsob ep ercebiyvt ehdoe u tisdweo dr6l.T hereftohreey, b ceua sne tdo expltohraeet titouftd herese gitohnep yo rtirnaac yo nndseetdi mfaerm eT.h is methohda sye tto b ea ppldit eo tshoeu thAeprplnaa chrigeaino. T nhe ApplaaicahEnx piostiaonndts h Nea tioCnoanls eartviEoxnp iostiporno vide windowistn ot he NSeowu tahn dv aulabilfneo rmawthiiocmnha y c hanogre affmi rprevivoiueswa sb otuhtr ege io'nsh itsoyr.I n tthhseiisIsw ,i alnls wer the follonwgiq usetioWnhsat:w erteh mee ssagoefs efaacihhr o,ww erteh ey proumlgeadta,n dw haitst hierre lathiitopont shNee wS ouht iedoglyo? '"To-sdO afyfiPcrioaglro aftm h Aepp alacEhxipaonis o,inT"th eJ ourlan naTdr biun.1e 9 Septem1b9e1.r1 0 .0 'R obetrR ydellA,l tlh Weo rlda'F sa iVri sioofEn msp iaretA mericaInn ternatEixpoonsailst ion 1876-1(9C1t6hc aagnodL onndo:U niverosfCi htiyc aPgroe s1s89.4 )A:l an Tarchtegn,Tb heeIr ncorpoorfaAt meirocina .C ultaunrdeS ociietnty h Gei ldAegde( NY Hlialn Wda ng1.89 2) 2

wide variety of fine vegetable, cereal, and fruit samples. Mrs. Sterling "Los Angeles Woman's Impression of the Appalachian Exposition," The Knoxville Sentinel, 27 Novel and Thrilling Features of the Midway Jungle processing, southerners created their own processing plants to profit from each.
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