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Henning F. Poulsen Three-Dimensional X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy Mapping Polycrystals and their Dynamics With49Figures 123 HenningF.Poulsen RisøNationalLaboratory CenterforFundamentalResearch: MetalStructuresinFourDimensions 4000Roskilde,Denmark E-mail:[email protected] LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2004109594 PhysicsandAstronomyClassificationScheme(PACS): 61.10.Nz,07.85.Qe,81. ISSNprintedition:0081-3869 ISSNelectronicedition:1615-0430 ISBN3-540-22330-4SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialisconcerned, specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting,reproductionon microfilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublicationorpartsthereofis permittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965,initscurrentversion,and permissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.ViolationsareliableforprosecutionundertheGerman CopyrightLaw. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia springeronline.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2004 PrintedinGermany Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply,evenin theabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulations andthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesetting:bytheauthorusingaSpringerLATEXmacropackage Coverconcept:eStudioCalamarSteinen Coverproduction:design&productionGmbH,Heidelberg Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN:11007944 56/3141/jl 543210 To Hanne and Mathilde Preface In nature most materials, such as rocks, ice, sand and soil, appear to be ag- gregates composed of a set of crystalline elements. Similarly, modern society isbuiltonapplicationsofmetals,ceramicsandother“hardmaterials”,which also are polycrystalline. So are drugs, bones and trace particles relevant to environmental matters, as well as many objects of artistic or archaeological significance. Remarkably, until recently, no nondestructive method existed for pro- viding comprehensive three-dimensional information on the structure and dynamics of polycrystals at the scale of the individual elements (the grains, subgrains,particlesordomains).X-rayandneutrondiffractionhavebeencon- finedtotwolimiting cases:powderdiffraction,whichaveragesoverelements, anddiffractionperformedonsingle crystals.Mostreal-worldmaterialsoccur asheterogeneousaggregateswithsubstantialinternalstructure,andthusfall between these two extremes. Local information has been provided by tools suchasoptical,electron,ionbeamandscanningprobemicroscopy.However, these methods probe the near-surface regions only. Hence, the characteriza- tion is only two-dimensional and prohibits studies of bulk dynamics. Three-dimensional x-ray diffraction (3DXRD) is a novel experimental methodforstructuralcharacterizationofpolycrystallinematerials.Itisbased on two principles: the use of highly penetrating hard x-rays from a syn- chrotron source and a “tomographic” approach to the acquisition of diffrac- tion data. Uniquely, the method enables a fast and nondestructive charac- terization of the individual microstructuralelements (grains and sub-grains) within millimeter-to-centimeter-sized specimens. The position, morphology, phase and crystallographic orientation can be derived for hundreds of ele- ments simultaneously,andthe elastic andplastic strainscanalsobe derived. Furthermore,the dynamicsofthe individualelementscanbe monitoreddur- ing typical processes such as deformation or annealing. Hence, for the first time, information on the interaction between elements can be obtained di- rectly. The provision of such data is vital if we are to extend our knowledge beyond the current structural models. The aim of this book is to give a comprehensive account of 3DXRD mi- croscopy,withafocusbothonmethodologyandonapplications.Themethod- ology is presented from a geometric/crystallographicpoint of view, but with VIII Preface sufficient details of algorithmsand hardwareto enable the reader to plan his or her own 3DXRD experiments and analyze the resulting data. The main applications are introduced by a short preamble, intended to motivate the useof3DXRD.Tounderlinetheprospectsfor3DXRD,anumberofuntested suggestionsformethodologicalimprovementsandalternativeapplicationsare included. The book is written for a general reader who has a background in the naturalsciencesandabasicunderstandingofx-raydiffraction.Forhistorical reasons,themajorityoftheapplicationspresentedrelatetomaterialsscience. However, as the structure of polycrystals is of more general interest it is my hope that the book may serve to stimulate researchin other fields also,such as geophysics, geology,chemistry and pharmaceutical science. Synchrotron instrumentation requires, by its nature, a collaborative ef- fort. Hence, I welcome this opportunity to thank the group of people who have contributed towards the development of 3DXRD methodology. These include JacobBowen,XiaoweiFu, Stephan Garbe,CarstenGundlach,Dorte Juul Jensen, Erik Knudsen, Axel Larsen, Erik Mejdal Lauridsen, Torben Lorentzen, Lawrence Margulies, Søren Fæster Nielsen, Wolfgang Pantleon, Søren Schmidt, John Wert and Grethe Winther at Risø; Erik Offerman and Jilt Sietsma at the Technical University of Delft; Robert Suter at CMU; Rene Martins at GKSS; and, last but not least, Ulrich Lienert at the APS. The development of the method into the 3DXRD microscope at ESRF was only possible thanks to the dedication and expertise of the in-house staff, in particular Andy Goetz, ˚Ake Kvick and Gavin Vaughan from beamline ID11. The Danish National Research Foundation is gratefully acknowledged for supporting “Center for Fundamental Research: Metal Structures in Four Dimensions”. The work presented in this book would not have been possible without thepioneeringstudiesinhardx-raydiffractionbyJochenSchneider.Further- more, for numerous very valuable discussions, I thank Roger Doherty, Niels Hansen,GaborHerman,VeijoHonkima¨ki,TorbenLeffers,WolfgangLudwig, Adam Morawiec and Jan Teuber. Finally,I’mgratefultoRogerDoherty,DorteJuulJensenandBrianRalph for reading and discussing this manuscript. Roskilde, July 2004 Henning Friis Poulsen Contents 1 Introduction.............................................. 1 References ................................................. 5 2 Methods for Mesoscale Structural Characterization....... 7 2.1 Electron and Optical Microscopy ........................ 7 2.2 X-Ray Diffraction with Low-Energy X-Rays................ 9 2.3 Conventional Bulk-Sensitive Methods ..................... 11 2.4 Hard X-Rays: Properties ................................ 12 2.5 Hard X-Ray Work Using Synchrotron Sources.............. 14 References ................................................. 17 3 Geometric Principles ..................................... 21 3.1 The Basic 3DXRD Setup ................................ 22 3.2 Diffraction Geometry ................................... 25 3.3 Representation of Crystallographic Orientation............. 27 3.4 Representation of Position–OrientationSpace .............. 31 3.5 Representation of Elastic Strain .......................... 33 References ................................................. 33 4 GRAINDEX and Related Analysis ....................... 35 4.1 GRAINDEX........................................... 35 4.1.1 Alternative Experimental Configurations ............ 38 4.2 Spot Overlap .......................................... 38 4.3 Analysis of Single Grains on the Basis of GRAINDEX ...... 40 4.3.1 Grain Maps ..................................... 40 4.3.2 The Orientation, Elastic Strain and Stoichiometry of a Single Grain ................................. 42 4.3.3 The Orientation Spread Within One Grain .......... 44 4.4 Conical and Spiral Slits ................................. 44 4.5 Characterizationof Large Volumes........................ 46 4.6 Dynamic Experiments................................... 48 References ................................................. 49 X Contents 5 Orientation Mapping ..................................... 51 5.1 Image Analysis......................................... 53 5.2 GRAINSWEEPER ..................................... 54 5.3 2D-ART............................................... 57 5.3.1 Algebraic Formulation ............................ 57 5.3.2 The ART Algorithm .............................. 59 5.3.3 Results.......................................... 60 5.4 3D-ART............................................... 63 5.5 3D-FBP............................................... 64 5.5.1 Geometry ....................................... 64 5.5.2 The FBP Algorithm .............................. 66 5.5.3 Results.......................................... 67 5.6 The General 6D Case ................................... 68 5.7 Discussion............................................. 70 References ................................................. 71 6 Combining 3DXRD and Absorption Contrast Tomography .................... 73 6.1 Decoration of Al Grain Boundaries by Ga ................. 75 6.2 Plastic Strain Field ..................................... 77 6.3 Grain Mapping on the Basis of Extinction Contrast......... 79 References ................................................. 81 7 Multigrain Crystallography............................... 83 7.1 Structure Determination from Polycrystalline Data ......... 84 7.2 Structural Phases Appearing in ppm Concentrations ........ 87 References ................................................. 87 8 The 3DXRD Microscope.................................. 89 8.1 Optics ................................................ 90 8.2 Diffractometer ......................................... 92 References ................................................. 94 9 Applications .............................................. 95 9.1 Polycrystalline Deformation.............................. 95 9.1.1 The 3D Toolbox.................................. 96 9.1.2 Grain Rotation Experiments....................... 97 9.1.3 Lattice Strain Experiments ........................ 100 9.1.4 Outlook......................................... 103 9.2 Recrystallization ....................................... 103 9.2.1 Growth Curves of Individual Grains ................ 105 9.2.2 Spatial Distribution of Nucleation Sites ............. 107 9.2.3 Outlook for the Statistical Approach................ 109 9.2.4 First-Principles Studies ........................... 110 9.3 Recovery and Nucleation ................................ 112 Contents XI 9.3.1 Static Recovery .................................. 114 9.3.2 Nucleation and the Emergence of New Orientations... 117 9.3.3 Outlook......................................... 120 9.4 Peak Shape Analysis.................................... 120 9.5 Phase Transformations .................................. 123 9.5.1 Steel............................................ 124 9.5.2 Optimization of High-T Superconducting Tapes ..... 127 c 9.6 Grain Size Distributions................................. 130 9.6.1 Methodological Concerns.......................... 131 References ................................................. 133 10 Alternative Approaches................................... 137 10.1 Differential-Aperture X-Ray Microscopy................... 137 10.2 The Moving-Area-DetectorMethod ....................... 140 10.3 Other Depth-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction Methods.......... 141 10.4 Applying 3DXRD Methods to Other Sources............... 143 References ................................................. 144 11 Concluding Remarks ..................................... 147 References ................................................. 149 Index......................................................... 151 1 Introduction Hard polycrystalline materials such as metals, alloys and ceramics form the basis of much of modern industry. The physical, chemical and mechanical propertiesofthesematerialsaretoalargeextentgovernedbytheirstructure. Hence,acomprehensivedescriptionofstructuralevolutionduringprocessing is at the heart of materials science. Describing the structural dynamics is complicated by the inherent com- plexity ofthe processes.Typically,the structure is organizedona number of length scales, ranging from the atomic to the macroscopic. Interactions be- tween the various elements of the structure occur simultaneously. Generally speaking, models that bridge all of the relevant length scales do not exist. Arguably, our understanding is best at the atomic and macroscopic scales, wheremodelscanbebasedonsimulationsusingmoleculardynamicsandcon- tinuum mechanics, respectively. At the intermediate scale, the mesoscale, a descriptionistypicallyphenomenologicalinnature.Furthermore,mostmod- elsaimatpredictingaverageproperties,andindoingsoneglecteffectscaused by the pronounced heterogeneities often present. Asanexample,considertheprocessesinvolvedintheplasticdeformation of a coarse-grained metal. These are illustrated by electron micrographs in Fig. 1.1. When an external load is applied individual dislocations (line de- fects) appear on the atomic scale. To reduce their associated strain fields, these willtendtoscreeneachotherbyformingdislocationstructures.Simul- taneously,asacollaborativeeffectofthemovementofmillionsofdislocations, each of the grains will change its shape. The combined result of these local morphologicalchangesisthattheshapeofthesampleisalteredinaccordance with the external force applied. Despite a wealth of experimental studies, it is an open question to what extenttheplasticresponseofeachgrainisgovernedbyitsinitialorientation, by its interaction with neighboring grains or by the emerging dislocation structures. All existing approaches to modeling neglect at least one of these aspects. Another typical aspect is that the models include certain material parameters, in casu hardening laws, which are more or less unknown and which only can be derived from first principles by modeling on a different (atomic) length scale. HenningF.Poulsen(Ed.):Three-DimensionalX-rayDiffractionMicroscopy, STMP205,1–5(2004) (cid:1)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2004 2 1 Introduction a b c 200 (cid:80)m 2 (cid:80)m 5 (cid:80)m Fig. 1.1. Evolution of typical structures in a metal during deformation, as ob- served by various electron microscopes. In the undeformed state, the structure is characterizedbygrainboundaries(a).Aftersomedeformation,tangleddislocations appear(b).Theseformintodislocationstructuresaftermoredeformation(c).Note thedifference in scales Historically, advances in understanding have often been linked to the in- troductionofnewandmorepowerfulstructuralcharacterizationtools.Hence, the introduction of optical microscopy by So¨rby [1] is generally seen as the birthofmodernmetallurgy.Likewise,numerousfieldswererevolutionizedby the advent of electron microscopy [2]. In a similar way,in the view of the author the present difficulty in estab- lishing a comprehensive description of mesoscale behavior is at least partly due to a lack of appropriate experimental tools. As discussed below, charac- terizationontherelevantscaleisalmostexclusivelyperformedbyapplication of surface-sensitive probes.Owing to effects such as stress relaxation,migra- tion of dislocations and atypical diffusion, samples must be sectioned before investigation to obtain results representative of bulk behavior. This destruc- tive procedure prohibits studies of the dynamics of the individual elements of the structure. Hence, a given process can only be studied postmortem by comparing a set of specimens produced by interrupting the process at different stages. While such studies have been – and will continue to be – indispensable in many areas, it is clear that they provide no direct information of the local interactionsand,therefore,aboutthegoverningmechanisms.Moregenerally, it is difficult to characterize the effect of heterogeneities. It appears that what is required is an experimental technique with the following properties: – sufficient penetration power and flux for nondestructive 3D characteriza- tion of the material within the bulk and on a micrometer scale; – contrastmechanismsbywhichtheindividualelementsofthestructurecan be completely characterized with respect to their position, morphology, phase, crystallographic orientation, and elastic and plastic strain;

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