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Three-dimensional radiative transfer simulations of the scattering polarization of the hydrogen Ly$\alpha$ line in a MHD model of the chromosphere-corona transition region PDF

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Preview Three-dimensional radiative transfer simulations of the scattering polarization of the hydrogen Ly$\alpha$ line in a MHD model of the chromosphere-corona transition region

Draft version January 27, 2015 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.03/07/07 THREE-DIMENSIONAL RADIATIVE TRANSFER SIMULATIONS OF THE SCATTERING POLARIZATION OF THE HYDROGEN LYα LINE IN A MHD MODEL OF THE CHROMOSPHERE-CORONA TRANSITION REGION J. Sˇteˇpa´n1, J. Trujillo Bueno2,3,4, J. Leenaarts5, and M. Carlsson6, Draft version January 27, 2015 ABSTRACT Probing the magnetism of the upper solar chromosphere requires measuring and modeling the scattering polarization produced by anisotropic radiation pumping in UV spectral lines. Here we 5 applyPORTA(anovelradiativetransfercode)toinvestigatethehydrogenLyαlineina3Dmodelof 1 the solar atmosphere resulting from a state of the art MHD simulation. At full spatial resolution the 0 linear polarization signals are very significant all over the solar disk, with a large fraction of the field 2 of view showing line-center amplitudes well above the 1% level. Via the Hanle effect the line-center n polarization signals are sensitive to the magnetic field of the model’s transition region, even when its a mean field strength is only 15 G. The breaking of the axial symmetry of the radiation field produces J significant forward-scattering polarization in Lyα, without the need of an inclined magnetic field. 6 Interestingly, the Hanle effect tends to decrease such forward-scattering polarization signals in most 2 ofthepointsofthefieldofview. Whenthespatialresolutionisdegraded,theline-centerpolarizationof Lyαdropsbelowthe1%level,reachingvaluessimilartothosepreviouslyfoundin1Dsemi-empirical ] R models (i.e., up to about 0.5%). The center to limb variation of the spatially-averaged polarization signals is qualitatively similar to that found in 1D models, with the largest line-center amplitudes S at µ = cosθ ≈ 0.4 (θ being the heliocentric angle). These results are important, both for designing . h the needed space-based instrumentation and for a reliable interpretation of future observations of the p Lyα polarization. - o Subject headings: polarization — scattering — radiative transfer — Sun: chromosphere — Sun: tran- r sition region — Sun: surface magnetism t s a [ 1. INTRODUCTION theHanleeffecttheline-corepolarizationshouldreactto Spectrographs on board sounding rockets (e.g., thepresenceofmagneticfieldsinthesolarTR,withsen- 1 sitivity to field strengths between 10 and 100 G (Trujillo v Roussel-Dupr´e1982)andspacetelescopes(e.g.,Curdtet Bueno et al. 2011, 2012). 2 al.2008)havesuccessfullymeasuredtheintensityprofile The above-mentioned theoretical investigations on 8 (Stokes I(λ)) of the hydrogen Lyα line radiation at var- scattering polarization and the Hanle effect in the Lyα 3 ious positions on the solar disk, showing its strong emis- lineofthesolar-diskradiationhavemotivatedthedevel- 6 sioncharacter. ThecenterofthehydrogenLyαemission 0 profileoriginatesatthebaseofthechromosphere-corona opment of the Chromospheric Lyα Spectropolarimeter 1. transition region (TR), where the kinetic temperature (CLASP),asoundingrocketexperimentpresentlyunder 0 suddenlyjumpsfromlessthan104 Ktomorethan106 K development (Kobayashi et al. 2012; Kano et al. 2012; Kubo et al. 2014). The top priority of CLASP will be to 5 andtheplasmachangesfrompartiallytopracticallyfully measure, for the first time, the linear polarization pat- 1 ionized. However, nobody has ever measured the linear tern (i.e., Q(λ)/I(λ) and U(λ)/I(λ); hereafter, Q/I and : polarizationprofiles(Q(λ)andU(λ))oftheon-diskLyα v radiation. Recent radiative transfer investigations using U/I) within a 1˚A wavelength interval around the Lyα i X one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) mod- line center. The second objective will be to use such ob- els of the solar atmosphere suggest that the absorption servablestoconstrainthemagneticfieldoftheupperso- r a andscatteringofanisotropicradiationintheuppersolar larchromosphere,bymodelingthemodificationthatthe chromosphere produce measurable linear polarization in Hanleeffectisexpectedtoproduceontheline-centerlin- the hydrogen Lyα line radiation of the solar disk, in the earpolarization. ThewingsignalsoftheQ/I profilecan linecoreandinthelinewings(TrujilloBuenoetal.2011; only be modeled taking into account partial frequency Belluzzi et al. 2012; Sˇtˇep´an et al. 2012). Moreover, via redistribution (PRD) and quantum interference between the sublevels pertaining to the two upper J-levels of the 1Astronomical Institute ASCR, Friˇcova 298, 25165 Ondˇrejov, Lyα line (Belluzzi et al. 2012). Fortunately, as pointed CzechRepublic out by Belluzzi et al. (2012), the line-core signals of the 2Instituto de Astrof´ısica de Canarias, E-38205 La Laguna, Q/I andU/I profilescanbeapproximatelymodelledne- Tenerife,Spain glecting J-state interference and frequency correlations 3UniversidaddeLaLaguna,DepartamentodeAstrof´ısica,38206 between the incoming and outgoing photons in the scat- LaLaguna,Tenerife,Spain 4ConsejoSuperiordeInvestigacionesCient´ıficas,Spain teringevents(i.e.,withinthelimitofcompletefrequency 5Institute for Solar Physics, Department of Astronomy, Stock- redistribution, or CRD). This is important because the holm University, AlbaNova University Centre, SE-106 91 Stock- Hanle effect in Lyα operates only in the line core. holm,Sweden 6InstituteofTheoreticalAstrophysics,UniversityofOslo,P.O. Thesolaratmosphereishighlyinhomogeneousanddy- Box1029Blindern,N-0315Oslo,Norway namic. Plane-parallel, horizontally homogeneous atmo- 2 Sˇtˇep´an et al. Fig. 1.— Topleftpanel: Horizontalvariationoftheheightinthe3DmodelatmospherewheretheLyαline-centeropticaldepthalongthe verticaldirectionisunity(τµ=1=1). Toprightpanel: Strengthofthemodel’smagneticfieldattheatmosphericheightswhereτµ=1=1; theresultingaveragemagneticfieldstrengthis(cid:104)B(cid:105)≈15G. Bottompanels: Inclination(left)andazimuth(right)ofthemagneticfieldat the heights where τµ=1 = 1. Note that between the two clusters of opposite polarity the magnetic field has a loop-like structure with a dominantazimuthandastrengthvaryingbetweenafewgaussand60gauss. spheric models can be used to estimate the significance atmosphere. This 2D model was a slice from the Bifrost of the scattering line polarization signals and their sen- 3D model atmosphere used by Leenaarts et al. (2012) to sitivity to the Hanle effect (Trujillo Bueno et al. 2011, investigatetheintensityprofilesoftheHαline. Such3D 2012). However, for making progress in our understand- modeloftheextendedsolaratmosphereisrepresentative ingofthemagneticandthermalstructureoftheouterso- ofanenhancednetworkregionandtheaimofthepresent laratmosphereitisimportanttoconfrontspectropolari- paperistoshowindetailtheresultswehaveobtainedby metric observations with spectral synthesis calculations solving, with PORTA, the full 3D problem of the gener- in increasingly realistic three-dimensional (3D) models ation and transfer of scattering polarization in the Lyα resulting from state-of-the-art radiation magnetohydro- line, taking into account the Hanle effect caused by the dynamic (MHD) simulations, such as those carried out model’smagneticfield. Wedonotshowthepolarization with the Bifrost code (Gudiksen et al. 2011). To make of the Zeeman effect because it produces rather negligi- feasible such forward modeling research, Sˇtˇep´an & Tru- ble signals in Lyα (e.g., Trujillo Bueno 2014). To study jillo Bueno (2013) developed PORTA, a 3D multilevel the full 3D problem of scattering polarization and the radiativetransfercodeformodelingtheintensityandpo- Hanle effect in chromospheric and transition region lines larization of spectral lines using massively parallel com- is important because 3D models of the solar atmosphere puters. lack the translational symmetry of the previously inves- Sˇtˇep´an et al. (2012) investigated the linear polariza- tigated 1D and 2D cases, which provided only a glimpse tion of the hydrogen Lyα line produced by scattering onthecomplexityoftheexpectedscatteringpolarization processes in a two-dimensional (2D) model of the solar signals in the real 3D world. Scattering polarization of Lyα in a 3D model of the chromosphere-corona transition region 3 bound-boundtransitions. TheBifrostionizationbalance for hydrogen was computed using the method described inLeenaartsetal.(2007),whichassumesthattheLyman transitions are in detailed balance. The hydrogen model atom we have used in the scat- tering polarization calculations (see Fig. 2) is composed oftheabove-mentionedlevelsandthe2s2S level. The 1/2 collisional coupling of this level with the P-levels may contribute to a slight depolarization of the Lyα line in regionswherethedensityofperturbers(protonsandelec- Fig. 2.— Grotrian diagram of the hydrogen model atom. The trons) is significantly larger than 1011cm−3 (Sˇtˇep´an & components of Lyα are indicated along with their Einstein A coefficients(ins−1). Thegreyarrowsconnectingthefine-structuure(cid:96) Trujillo Bueno 2011). Since in models of the upper solar levelsofn=2indicatetheweaklyinelasticdepolarizingtransitions chromosphere the proton and electron density is typi- duetoprotonandelectroncollisions. cally smaller than 1011cm−3, even a three-level model atom (i.e., without the 2s2S level of Fig. 2) could be This paper is organized as follows. After formulat- 1/2 sufficiently realistic for computing the line-center polar- ing the radiative transfer problem in Section 2, we show ization of Lyα. The only level that produces scattering the radiation field tensors (Section 3) and the multipo- polarizationinthecoreoftheLyαlineisthe2p2P up- lar components of the atomic density matrix (Section 4) 3/2 per level. It is interesting to note that the suitability of that result from the self-consistent solution in the cho- theabove-mentionedthree-levelmodelatomimpliesthat sen 3D model atmosphere. Section 5 considers the spa- the atomic polarization of the 2p2P level (population tially resolved case, showing the fractional polarization 3/2 imbalancesandquantumcoherencebetweenitsmagnetic oftheemergentLyαradiationfortwoscatteringgeome- sublevels) is dominated by the absorption of anisotropic tries (disk center and close to the limb) in the absence radiation in the resonance line transition itself and by and in the presence of the model’s magnetic field. In the action of the Hanle effect on such upper level, with- Section 6 we study the spatially averaged polarization out any serious impact of collisional depolarization. The signals, paying particular attention to their sensitivity critical Hanle field of the level 2p2P is B ≈53 G and to the spatial resolution element, to their center to limb 3/2 H the scattering polarization of the on-disk Lyα radiation variation, to their magnetic sensitivity via the Hanle ef- issensitivetomagneticstrengthsbetween10and100G, fect,andtotheirdetectabilitywithaspectropolarimeter approximately (Trujillo Bueno et al. 2011) likeCLASP.Section7summarizesourmainconclusions. To compute the emergent Stokes profiles I, Q and U at each surface point of the atmospheric model we have 2. THE RADIATIVE TRANSFER PROBLEM tosolvethefollowingradiativetransferequationsforany The3Dmodelatmosphereconsideredinthispaperisa desired line of sight (X being I, Q or U) snapshotofaradiationMHDsimulationperformedwith the Bifrost code (Gudiksen et al. 2011) taking into ac- d X =S −X, (1) count non-equilibrium hydrogen ionization (see details dτ X in Carlsson et al. 2014). We used snapshot 385 of the wheredτ =η dsdefinesthemonochromaticopticalpath simulation “en024048-hion”, which is the same simula- I length along the ray direction (with s the corresponding tion recently made publicly available through the In- geometrical distance), η is the absorption coefficient, terface Region Imaging Spectrograph project (IRIS; De I and S = (cid:15) /η is the source function of the Stokes Pontieu et al. 2014) at the Hinode Science Data Center X X I parameter X, with (cid:15) the emission coefficient.7 While Europe (http://sdc.uio.no; see IRIS Technical Note 33). X theemissioncoefficient(cid:15) hascontributionsfromthetwo This 3D model atmosphere, which has horizontal peri- I blendedtransitionsindicatedinFig.2,(cid:15) and(cid:15) depend odic boundary conditions, encompasses the upper part Q U onlyontheatomicpolarizationofthe2p2P upperlevel of the convection zone, the photosphere, chromosphere, 3/2 (because it is the only Lyα level that can carry atomic transitionregionandcorona,andisidenticaltothatused alignment). We quantify the population and atomic po- byLeenaartsetal.(2012)toinvestigatetheHαintensity larization of this j =3/2 level by means of the multipo- profile. Themodel’smagneticfieldconfigurationisrepre- sentativeofanenhancednetworkregion;ithasmagnetic larcomponentsofitsatomic densitymatrix(i.e., the ρK Q field lines connecting two clusters of photospheric mag- components,withK =0,2andQ=−K,...,K,asquan- netic concentrations with two dominant opposite polar- tified in the reference system whose quantization axis is ity regions 8 Mm apart, which reach chromospheric and alongthelocalvertical)or,equivalently,bythefollowing coronal heights (see Fig. 1). quantities (with the ρK components normalized to the Q The Lyα line results from two blended transitions be- fractionofneutralhydrogenatomsthatareintheground tween the ground level of hydrogen, 1s2S1/2, and the level): SK = 2hν3√2jl+1 ρK. In our radiative transfer 2p2P and 2p2P excited levels. The Lyα scatter- Q c2 2ju+1 Q 1/2 3/2 calculationswithPORTAwehaveusedtheexactS ,S ing polarization calculations of this paper were carried I Q out fixing the model’s neutral hydrogen number density 7 Note that in our radiative transfer problem ηI is the only at each spatial grid point (which were computed with non-zerocoefficientofthepropagationmatrixoftheStokes-vector the Bifrost code taking into account time-dependent hy- transferequation,becausetheZeemansplittingisnegligiblecom- drogen ionization) and solving the problem of the gen- paredtothewidthofthehydrogenLyαlineandtheangularmo- mentum of its lower level is j = 1/2 and, therefore, cannot carry eration and transfer of polarized radiation assuming sta- atomicalignment(i.e.,wedonothave“zero-field”dichroismhere; tistical equilibrium in a hydrogen model atom with only cf.TrujilloBueno&LandiDegl’Innocenti1997). 4 Sˇtˇep´an et al. Fig. 3.— Physicalquantitiesacrossthevertical2DsliceatX =12Mminthe3Dmodel. Upperleftpanel: Kinetictemperature. The whitesolidlineindicatestheheight, associatedtoeachhorizontalY-point,wheretheLyαline-centeropticaldepthisunityalongaLOS withµ=1. Otherpanels: ComponentsoftheradiationfieldtensorsnormalizedtoJ0. 0 andS expressions,whichtakeintoaccountthatthetwo sources of Stokes Q are the population imbalances (S2) U 0 Lyαtransitionsarenotperfectlyoverlapped. Suchtran- and the quantum coherence (S2, with Q(cid:54)=0), while the Q sitions are actually very close in wavelength (they are Stokes U signal is produced only by quantum coherence only about 6 m˚A apart) and, for simplicity, we give here (S2, with Q(cid:54)=0) between pairs of sublevels pertaining to Q the SQ and SU expressions for the perfect overlapping the 2p2P3/2 excited level. case: To solve Eqs. (1) for any desired line of sight (LOS) we need to know first η and the S source function √ I X 2(cid:110) 3 components at each spatial grid point. To obtain the SQ=r 3 2√2(µ2−1)S02 (2) self-consistent values of such quantities we have to solve √ jointly the statistical equilibrium equations for the mul- (cid:112) − 3µ 1−µ2(cosχRe[S2]−sinχIm[S2]) tipolarcomponents(ρK(j))oftheatomicdensitymatrix √ 1 1 Q corresponding to each atomic level j and the radiative 3 (cid:111) − (1+µ2)(cos2χRe[S2]−sin2χIm[S2]) , transfer equations for each of the radiative transitions 2 2 2 in the chosen model atom. The general expressions of and suchequationscanbefoundinSections7.2and7.13.cof (cid:113) (cid:110)(cid:112) LandiDegl’Innocenti&Landolfi(2004),whichwesolved S = r 2 1−µ2(sinχRe[S2]+cosχIm[S2]) (3) applyingPORTA.WeusedaGaussianquadratureforthe U 3 1 1 ray inclinations with respect to the vertical Z-axis (with (cid:111) +µ(sin2χRe[S2]+cos2χIm[S2]) , 5inclinationsperoctant)andthetrapezoidalruleforthe 2 2 ray azimuth (with 4 azimuths per octant). In our radia- whereθ =arccosµandχaretheinclinationwithrespect tive transfer calculations we took into account the im- tothesolarlocalverticalandazimuthoftheray, respec- pact of the Doppler shifts, produced by the macroscopic tively, and r = ηlφ /η = ηlφ /(ηlφ + ηc) (with ηc velocity gradients of the 3D atmospheric model, on the I ν I I ν I ν I I and ηl the continuum and the line-integrated opacities, anisotropic radiation pumping. Although this physical I respectively, and φ the Voigt line absorption profile). ingredientisnotveryimportantformodelingthescatter- ν In such equations the reference direction for Stokes Q is ing polarization of the hydrogen Lyα line (because the in the plane formed by the ray’s propagation direction line is very broad), PORTA takes it fully into account and the vertical Z-axis. We point out that Eqs. (2) and because the dynamic state of the solar atmosphere may (3), with their corresponding Eqs. (1), imply that the produce observable signatures on the scattering polar- Scattering polarization of Lyα in a 3D model of the chromosphere-corona transition region 5 level model atom of Fig. 2 we have actually solved with PORTA to obtain all the results shown in this paper. To this end, we note that the weakly inelastic collisions with protons and electrons that couple the 2s2S level 1/2 with the 2p2P and 2p2P ones, which we have taken 1/2 3/2 intoaccountinour3Dradiativetransfercalculations,do not really have a significant depolarizing effect on the Lyα polarization in the considered model atmosphere (Sˇtˇep´an & Trujillo Bueno 2011). Taking also into ac- countthatelasticcollisionswithneutralhydrogenatoms can be safely neglected when modeling the line-core po- larization of Lyα and that the only level contributing to the Lyα scattering polarization is the 2p2P one, we 3/2 have the following approximate expressions for the SK Q tensors that quantify the excitation state of the 2p2P 3/2 upper level (Manso Sainz & Trujillo Bueno 2011): S0 = (1−(cid:15))J0 + (cid:15)B , (4) 0 0 ν S2   J2 0 0     Re[S2]  Re[J2]  1   1        (1−(cid:15))  Im[S2]= √ −Im[J2] (5)  1  2  1      Re[S2]  Re[J2]  2   2      Im[S2] −Im[J2] 2 2  0 M M 0 0 S2  12 13 0    M 0 M M M Re[S2]  21 23 24 25 1        +Γu(1−(cid:15)) M31M32 0 M34M35Im[S12] ,     0 M M 0 M Re[S2]  42 43 45 2     0 M52M53M54 0 Im[S22] where B is the Planck function at the Lyα line-center ν frequency, (cid:15) is the photon collisional destruction proba- blility, Γ =1.869×10−2B (with the magnetic strength u B ingauss),andtheM coefficientsofthemagneticker- ij nel M depend on the inclination (θ ) of the local mag- B netic field vector with respect to the vertical Z-axis and on its azimuth (χ ). The frequency averaged (over the B absorptionprofileφ )radiationfieldtensorsJK thatap- ν Q pear in such equations quantify the mean intensity (J0), 0 the anisotropy (J2), and the breaking of the axial sym- 0 metry(therealandimaginarypartsofJ2 andJ2)ofthe 1 2 incidentradiationfieldateachpointwithinthemedium; Fig. 4.— Thefractionalatomicalignmentcomponents,ρ2/ρ0, Q 0 their explicit expressions can be found in Manso Sainz ofthe2p2P upperlevel,inthesameverticalsliceasinFig.3. 3/2 & Trujillo Bueno (2011), but note that the Stokes I of the incident Lyα radiation has to be calculated taking ization of some chromospheric lines (Carlin et al. 2013). into account that it results from two blended transitions Our calculations with PORTA were carried out in the (see Fig. 2). The equations for the SK (atomic) quan- Q MareNostrum III supercomputer of the Barcelona Su- tities have a clear physical meaning. In particular, note percomputing Center. The total computing time of the thatthemagneticoperatorM coupleslocallytheK =2 non-LTE calculations carried out for the investigation of components among them (the Hanle effect). this paper exceeded one million CPU hours. 3. THE RADIATION FIELD TENSORS To grasp better the physics of this complex radiative transferproblemitisusefultowritedownasimplifiedset ThetopleftpanelofFig.3showsthespatialvariation ofequations,insteadofthegeneralequationsforthefour- of the kinetic temperature across a 2D slice through the 6 Sˇtˇep´an et al. Fig. 5.— Syntheticdiskcenterobservation(LOSwithµ=1). Topleftpanel: thecalculatedemergentintensityattheLyαline-center, (cid:112) quantifiedintermsofaradiationtemperature. Toprightpanel: thetotalfractionallinearpolarizationP = Q2+U2/I attheLyαline center. Bottom panels: the corresponding Q/I and U/I line-center signals, with the positive reference direction for Stokes Q along the Y-axis. above-mentioned3Dsnapshotmodelatmosphere; itcor- depth is unity such tensors may have sizable positive or respondstotheZ-Y planeatX =12MminFig.1. Note negativevalues,dependingonthehorizontalpointunder that the height of the TR changes drastically from one consideration. horizontal location to another, outlining a highly crum- 4. THE ATOMIC LEVEL POLARIZATION pled surface. As shown by the white solid curve, the corrugated surface that delineates the model’s TR prac- The multipolar components of the atomic density ma- ticallycoincideswiththatdefinedbytheLyαline-center trix(i.e.,theρK quantitiesor,equivalently,theSK ones) Q Q optical depth unity along the line of sight (LOS). quantify the excitation state of the atomic level under The other panels of Fig. 3 show the radiation field consideration. As mentioned above, the scattering po- tensors JK of the Lyα radiation, normalized to J0. larizationofLyαisproducedbytheatomicpolarization Q 0 Such quantities quantify the fractional anisotropy and of its 2p2P3/2 upper level; therefore, in this section we thesymmetrypropertiesoftheincidentradiationateach provideinformationonthespatialvariationofthelevel’s point within the medium. We calculated them after ob- fractional atomic polarization throughout the same Z-Y taining with the 3D radiative transfer code PORTA the plane considered in Fig. 3. Eqs. (5) indicate that for self-consistent solution in the 3D snapshot model illus- Γu = 0 (i.e., in the unmagnetized case) each multipolar tratedinFig.1,usingthefour-levelmodelatomofFig.2 componentρ2Qofthe2p2P3/2levelisdirectlyproportional and taking into account the (very weak) collisional cou- to its corresponding radiation field tensor component. pling between the 2s2S and the two P levels. Of Wecansaythatthereisatransferof‘order’fromthera- 1/2 particular interest is the spatial variation of the frac- diationfieldtotheatomicsystem,andEqs.(1)–(3)show tional anisotropy (top right panel); it is negligible in the that the atoms of a polarized (‘ordered’) atomic system photosphere and chromosphere of the model, but it sud- emit linearly polarized radiation. Eqs. (5) indicate that denlybecomessignificantrightatthelocationoftheTR if all J2 were zero then all S2 would vanish, even in the Q Q with negative values of about 10%. The other radia- presence of a magnetic field. Through the Hanle effect tionfieldtensorsshownintheremainingpanelsquantify themagneticfieldmodifiesthepolarizationoftheatomic thebreakingoftheaxialsymmetryoftheLyαradiation level according to the Γ term of Eqs. (5), and this has u at each point within the model atmosphere; note that an impact on the emergent linear polarization Q/I and at the atmospheric heights where the line center optical U/I signals. Scattering polarization of Lyα in a 3D model of the chromosphere-corona transition region 7 Fig. 6.— Fortheforwardscatteringcase(LOSwithµ=1),thetoppanelsshowthetotalfractionallinearpolarizationP =(cid:112)Q2+U2/I attheLyαlinecenterassumingtheabsenceofmagneticfields(topleftpanel)andconsideringtheHanleeffectproducedbythemodel’s magnetic field (top right panel). The bottom left panel shows the P image that results when assuming that at each point within the 3D model the magnetic strength is in the Lyα line Hanle saturation regime (i.e., B (cid:38) 250G). The bottom right panel shows the difference betweenthetruetotalfractionallinearpolarization(obtainedbycomputingI,QandU takingintoaccounttheHanleeffectofthemodel’s magneticfield)andthatcorrespondingtothezero-fieldreferencecase. Fig. 4 shows the multipolar components of the density of the 3D snapshot model atmosphere and (2) assuming matrix corresponding to the 2p2P level, normalized to B =0G at each spatial grid point of the 3D model. We 3/2 the ρ0 value of the same level (which is proportional to show the results for two line of sights (LOS) defined by 0 itsoverallpopulation). Notethattheρ2/ρ0 panel(which µ = cosθ (with θ the heliocentric angle): µ = 1 (corre- 0 0 quantifiesthepopulationimbalancesamongthesublevels sponding to a disk center observation) and µ=0.4 (cor- of the 2p2P level) shows mainly negative values at the responding to another on-disk observation, but at about 3/2 atmospheric heights where the Lyα line center optical 80 seconds of arc from the solar limb). In all our cal- depthisunityalongtheLOS,whileeachofthequantum culations of the emergent Stokes profiles the azimuth of coherence shown in the other panels shows both positive the corresponding LOS was χ = 0◦ – that is, the LOS and negative values. was contained in the X-Z plane. In all the following fig- ures we have chosen the Y-axis as the positive reference 5. THE SPATIALLY RESOLVED Q/I AND U/I direction for Stokes Q, and for any LOS with µ < 1 we SIGNALS chosethisY-directionastheparalleltothenearestlimb. Fig. 5 shows, for the forward scattering case of a This section considers the case of spatially resolved disk center observation (LOS with µ = 1), the inten- observations. It shows maps of the line-center scatter- sity (top left panel), the total fractional linear polariza- ing polarization, which we have obtained by calculat- (cid:112) ing the emergent Stokes profiles of the Lyα radiation tion (P = Q2+U2/I, top right panel), and the Q/I after obtaining the self-consistent solution of the above- (bottom left panel) and U/I (bottom right panel) sig- mentioned 3D radiative transfer problem. Of particu- nals at the center of the emergent Lyα intensity pro- lar interest is to investigate the spatial variability of the file. The calculated Lyα line-center intensity variations emergent Q/I and U/I line-center signals and their sen- across the surface of the 3D atmospheric model show sitivity to the model’s magnetic field. To this end, we fibril-like structures, reminiscent of those observed at solvedthe3Dradiativetransferproblemofresonanceline 1 arcsecond resolution by the VAULT sounding rocket polarization for the following two cases: (1) taking into (e.g., Vourlidas et al. 2010). Although we do not show account the Hanle effect produced by the magnetic field illustrations here, we point out that the effects of 3D 8 Sˇtˇep´an et al. Fig. 7.— The inclination θn of the vector that is normal to the corrugated surface that delineates the model’s transition re- gion,definedhereasthatwheretheLyαline-centeropticaldepth along the vertical direction is unity (τµ=1 = 1). The dark areas correspond to the places where the model’s transition region is horizontal,asina1Dmodelatmosphere,whereasthebrightareas indicatetheplaceswheretheTRisvertical. Theaverageinclina- tion is (cid:104)θn(cid:105)=26◦. We note that a very similar figure is obtained ifthenormalvectorstotheTRaredefinedasbeingparalleltothe gradient of the kinetic temperature at the line-center formation heights. radiative transfer do have an impact on the emergent line-centerintensities,asexpectedfromthesmoothingef- fectproducedbyhorizontalradiativetransferundernon- LTEconditions(e.g.,Kneer1981);theso-called1.5Dap- proximation gives a larger line-center intensity contrast Fig. 8.— ThesameasinFig.5,butforthecaseofaclosetothe acrossthefieldofview8. Thesameappliestootherspec- limb observation (µ = 0.4). The visualization takes into account theforeshorteningeffectcorrespondingtothechoseninclinedline tral lines such as hydrogen Hα for which this effect is ofsight. evenmoresignificantduetotheloweropacityoftheline (Leenaarts et al. 2007). Eqs.4–5). TheQ/I andU/I line-centersignalsshownin It is interesting to note that at high spatial resolution thebottompanelsofFig.5havesimilarvaluesthatfluc- the linear polarization signals of the emergent Lyα line- tuate in sign across the field of view, as expected from center radiation are very significant (see Fig. 5). At first the particularization of Eqs. (2) and (3) to the case of a sight this result might appear surprising, given that in LOS with µ=1. In particular, the image corresponding Fig.5weareconsideringtheforwardscatteringcaseofa tothe totallinearpolarizationattheline center(see the disk-center observation. However, in this scattering ge- top right panel of Fig. 5) shows an impressive detail of ometry zero linear polarization should be expected only fine-scale structuring. for the idealized case of an unmagnetized and horizon- As explained above, the forward-scattering polariza- tally homogeneous stellar atmosphere model. As soon tion signals are caused by both the model’s horizon- as there is a magnetic field inclined with respect to the tal atmospheric inhomogeneities in temperature, den- symmetry axis of the incident radiation field (hereafter, sity,andmacroscopicvelocity,andbythemagneticfield. inclined field) and/or horizontal atmospheric inhomo- As shown in the top left panel of Fig. 6, there are geneities(e.g.,inthegaskinetictemperatureand/orden- very significant forward scattering polarization signals sity) the ensuing symmetry breaking effects can produce in the absence of magnetic fields. Such zero-field lin- significantlinescatteringpolarizationsignals(seeManso ear polarization signals are solely due to the symmetry Sainz & Trujillo Bueno 2011; Sˇtˇep´an et al. 2012, and breaking caused by the horizontal atmospheric inhomo- more references therein). The linear polarization signals geneties;therefore,theirveryexistenceindicatesthatthe of Fig. 5 are due to the breaking of the axial symmetry so-called 1.5D approximation is unsuitable for modeling ofthe Lyα radiationat eachspatial pointwithinthe 3D high spatio-temporal resolution observations of the scat- model atmosphere, as quantified by the real and imag- tering polarization in Lyα. Fig. 6 shows that there is inary parts of the J2 and J2 radiation field tensors, as 1 2 a significant difference between the true total fractional well to the magnetic field of the atmospheric model (see linear polarization (calculated taking into account the Hanle effect produced by the magnetic field of the 3D 8 With this approximation, every column of the model atmo- model atmosphere) and that corresponding to the zero- sphereisapproximatedbya1Dplane-parallelmodel,sothathor- izontalradiativetransfereffectsareneglected. fieldreferencecase. Asexpected,theactionoftheHanle Scattering polarization of Lyα in a 3D model of the chromosphere-corona transition region 9 stoodbyanalogywiththescatteringpolarizationsignals calculatedina1Dplane-parallelmodelnearthelimband at the disk center, respectively (cf., Trujillo Bueno et al. 2011). We now consider a LOS with µ = 0.4, which corre- spondstothecaseofanobservationrelativelyclosetothe solarlimb. Fig.8showsmapsoftheline-centerintensity (top left panel), of the total fractional linear polariza- tion (top right panel), as well as of the Q/I (bottom left panel) and U/I (bottom right panel) line-center signals. The particularization of Eqs. (2) and (3) to the LOS un- der consideration (or to any LOS with µ<1) indicates that (cid:15) (the emissivity in Stokes U at each point along U the LOS) depends only on the quantum coherence (ρ2 1 and ρ2) of the 2p2P excited level, while (cid:15) (the emis- 2 3/2 Q sivity in Stokes Q at each point along the LOS) depends also on the population imbalances between the sublevels oftheexcitedlevel. AsindicatedbyEq.(5), thepopula- tionimbalances,quantifiedbyS2,aredeterminedmainly 0 by the radiation field tensor J2, which at the crumpled 0 surface that delineates the model’s TR tends to be neg- ative (as in the 1D atmospheric models considered by TrujilloBuenoetal.2011). Wethereforeexpectthatthe Q/I signals of the emergent Lyα radiation across the surface of the 3D model have mainly negative sign. For theU/I signalsweexpecttheoccurrenceofpositiveand negative values to be equally likely, following the fact (see Eq. 5) that the radiation field tensors J2 and J2 1 2 (which quantify the symmetry breaking of the incident radiationfield)playakeyroleonthequantumcoherence Fig. 9.— Histogram of the total fractional linear polarization quantified by S12 and S22. P =(cid:112)Q2+U2/I attheLyαlinecenter. Toppanel: Diskcenter The upper panel of Fig. 9 shows the histogram of the case(LOSwithµ=1). Bottompanel: closetothelimbcase(LOS line center polarization amplitudes of the emergent Lyα withµ=0.4). radiationcalculatedinforwardscatteringgeometry(LOS with µ = 1) assuming B = 0G. Most of the linear po- effect in forward scattering geometry is found mainly larization signals have values between 0 and 1%, but along the diagonal of the image seen in Fig. 6, where there is a clear tail of stronger polarization signals ex- themagnetizationofthemodelatmosphereisthelargest. tending up to about 3%. In this forward scattering ge- However,asseeninthefigure,themodel’smagneticfield ometrythemeanfractionallinearpolarizationamplitude tends to depolarize the emergent radiation, and this oc- at the maximum spatial resolution of the 3D model is curs mainly in the strongly polarized regions of the un- P ≈0.7% µ=1 magnetizedcase. Thiscontrastswiththecaseofaplane- The bottom panel of Fig. 9 shows an analogous his- parallelmodelatmosphere,whereintheabsenceofmag- togram, but for the case of a LOS with µ = 0.4. As in netic fields the symmetry axis of the incident radiation the µ=1 case (see the upper panel of Fig. 9), almost all coincideswiththeverticaldirectionandtheHanleeffect thesurfacepointsaresignificantlypolarized. Incontrast, ofaninclinedmagneticfieldcreateslinearpolarizationin inthisclosetothelimbscatteringgeometrythereisonly forward scattering geometry but depolarization in close a minority of surface points with P <1% and there is a to the limb observations. In our 3D model atmosphere significantly larger fraction of points of the field of view the symmetry axis of the radiation field that illuminates showing strong polarization signals with P > 3%. As a eachofthepointsoftheTRdoesnotingeneralcoincide result, the mean fractional linear polarization amplitude withthelocalvertical. InFig.7,weattempttovisualize at the maximum spatial resolution of the 3D model is thegeometricalcomplexityofthepresent3Dproblemby now P ≈1.5%. µ=0.4 showing, at each point of the field of view, the inclina- Fig. 10 shows, for the case of a close to the limb LOS tion of the vector that is normal to the TR surface. In with µ = 0.4, the synthetic Q/I and U/I profiles com- theunmagnetizedcasethestronglypolarizedregionsare puted at each Y-point without accounting for any spa- typically those for which the inclination of the local nor- tial degradation; the Y-direction here can be assumed malvectortotheTRsurfaceislarger,anddepolarization to be along the spectrograph’s slit, assuming it to be by the Hanle effect is statistically more likely. In regions oriented parallel to the nearest limb (i.e., the Y axis). where the local normal vector to the TR surface is pre- Of great interest is to compare the top panels (the zero- dominantly vertical the forward scattering signals of the field reference case) with the bottom panels (where the unmagnetized case are typically lower and the Hanle ef- Hanleeffectofthemodel’smagneticfieldhasbeentaken fect produced by the model’s magnetic field tends to be into account). In both cases the Q/I signals are mainly moresimilartothatfoundinthecaseofaplane-parallel negative, as expected from the behavior of the radiation model atmosphere. These two situations can be under- 10 Sˇtˇep´an et al. Fig. 10.— Simulatedclosetothelimbobservation(µ=0.4). EmergentQ/I andU/I profilescalculatedateachpointalongtheY-axis directionatX=12MminFig. 1. Theyhavebeenobtainedbysolvingthefull3Dradiativetransferproblem,neglecting(toppanels)and taking into account (bottom panels) the Hanle effect produced by the model’s magnetic field. The positive reference direction for Stokes Qisparalleltothenearestlimb(i.e.,alongtheY-axis). the polarization amplitudes are larger in the absence of magnetic fields, with a sizable factor of difference in the atmospheric regions where the magnetic field of the 3D model is relatively strong and inclined (e.g., see the re- gionaroundY =15Mm). TheactionoftheHanleeffect canalsobeclearlyseenintheU/I signals(rightpanels). The results shown above indicate that at high spatial resolution we should expect conspicuous linear polariza- tion signals in the Lyα line core, with amplitudes often larger than 1%. These Q/I and U/I signals are pro- ducedbyanisotropicradiationpumpingintheupperso- lar chromosphere and they are modified, via the Hanle effect,bythevectormagneticfieldofthemodel’sTR.In the following section, we turn our attention to the case of spatially averaged observations. Fig. 11.— Average total fractional polarization signal P for theforward-scatteringcaseofadisk-centerobservationasafunc- tionofthespatialresolutionR (inarcseconds)ofasquareR×R 6. THE SPATIALLY AVERAGED SIGNALS element. The dotted lines indicate the resolution for which the The solar atmosphere is a highly inhomogeneous and averagepolarizationsignalisreducedbyafactor1/2withrespect dynamicmedium,muchmorecomplexthantheidealiza- tothefull-resolutioncase. tion of a 1D, static, plane-parallel semi-empirical model atmosphere. In a 1D model atmosphere with axial sym- field anisotropy (J2/J0) illustrated in Fig. 3. However, metry around the local vertical the only possibility to 0 0

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