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Preview Three-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Buoyant Bubbles in Galaxy Clusters

Accepted, to appear in ApJ, v694, 2009 April. PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.10/09/06 THREE-DIMENSIONAL MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC SIMULATIONS OF BUOYANT BUBBLES IN GALAXY CLUSTERS S. M. O’Neill1, D. S. De Young 2, T. W. Jones3 Accepted, to appear in ApJ, v694, 2009 April. ABSTRACT Wereportresultsof3DMHDsimulationsofthedynamicsofbuoyantbubblesinmagnetizedgalaxy cluster media. The simulations are three dimensional extensions of two dimensional calculations reportedbyJones&DeYoung(2005). Initiallysphericalbubblesandbrieflyinflatedsphericalbubbles 9 all with radii a few times smaller than the intracluster medium (ICM) scale height were followed as 0 they rose through several ICM scale heights. Such bubbles quickly evolve into a toroidal form that, 0 in the absence of magnetic influences, is stable against fragmentation in our simulations. This ring 2 formationresultsfrom(commonlyused)initialconditionsthatcauseICMmaterialbelowthebubbles n to drive upwards through the bubble, creating a vortex ring; that is, hydrostatic bubbles develop into a “smoke rings”, if they are initially not very much smaller or very much larger than the ICM scale J height. 2 Even modest ICM magnetic fields with β = P /P (cid:46) 103 can influence the dynamics of the gas mag 1 bubbles, provided the fields are not tangled on scales comparable to or smaller than the size of the bubbles. Quasi-uniform, horizontal fields with initial β ∼102 bifurcated our bubbles before they rose ] morethanaboutascaleheightoftheICM,andsubstantiallyweakerfieldsproducedcleardistortions. O These behaviors resulted from stretching and amplification of ICM fields trapped in irregularities C along the top surface of the young bubbles. On the other hand, tangled magnetic fields with similar, . modeststrengthsaregenerallylesseasilyamplifiedbythebubblemotionsandarethuslessinfluential h p inbubbleevolution. Inclusionofacomparablystrong,tangledmagneticfieldinsidetheinitialbubbles - hadlittleeffectonourbubbleevolution, sincethosefieldswerequicklydiminishedthroughexpansion o of the bubble and reconnection of the initial field. r Subject headings: galaxies: clusters: general – MHD– galaxies: active–galaxies t s a [ 1. INTRODUCTION is of importance for models that use “AGN feedback” to reheat the ICM and thus suppress both ICM cool- 1 There is now ample evidence from radio and X-ray v observations that active galactic nuclei (AGN) gener- ing flows and the occurrence of large amounts of star 3 ate energetic structures that continue to interact with formation in the cluster core. This is because such re- 7 galaxyclusterenvironmentsevenafterthecentralengine heating needs to be spread throughout the ICM in the 6 central regions, and if radio bubbles do not fragment on shuts down. Observations of detached bubbles of radio 1 timescalescomparabletothelocalICMcoolingtime,the plasma and coincident X-ray cavities in cluster cores il- . distribution of their energy over large volumes requires 1 lustratethattheAGNjetsinflatecocoonsdisplacingthe the assumption of some other, yet unspecified mecha- 0 ambient intracluster medium (ICM) (e.g., Boehringer 9 et al. 1993; Slee & Roy 1998; Fabian et al. 2000; Mc- nism. This fragmentation question is also related to the 0 Namara et al. 2001; Slee et al. 2001; Wise et al. 2007). more general problem of AGN feedback in current cos- v: The pdV work required to move the ICM can be esti- mological models and in particular to the use of “radio AGN feedback” to produce the observed distribution of i mated from X-ray observations, which suggest that up- X wards of 1059−1060 ergs of energy are present in these massive galaxy morphologies and colors (e.g., Croton etal.2006). Inparticular, becausethebubblesarelight, r cavities (Bˆırzan et al. 2004; Dunn et al. 2005; McNa- a presumably being filled with very hot and possibly rela- mara & Nulsen 2007; Wise et al. 2007). As such, they tivistic plasma, they buoyantly rise in the cluster poten- could in principle provide a reservoir of energy needed tial and are subject to disruption by both the Rayleigh- to stifle cooling flows and maintain the ∼ 2 keV tem- Taylor (R-T) and Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instabilities. perature floors observed in cluster cores (Peterson et al. Simple linear stability analysis suggests that disruption 2001; Fabian et al. 2001; Kaastra et al. 2001; Tamura shouldtakeplaceontimescalesof∼107 years(seeHeinz et al. 2001). & Churazov 2005, for example), yet intact bubbles are Theevolutionofrelicbubblesisaninterestingproblem seen at distances from the cluster core that imply rise inpartbecausetheirstructuresareseentoremaincoher- times of an order of magnitude longer (Bˆırzan et al. entlongerthananalyticestimateswouldsuggest. Theis- 2004; Dunn et al. 2005). As De Young (2003) pointed sue of bubble fragmentation and its associated timescale out, tension from ICM magnetic fields and possibly in- 1Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College ternal bubble magnetic fields could play an important Park,MD20742;[email protected] role in relic evolution by stabilizing bubble structures 2National Optical Astronomy Observatory, 950 North Cherry againsttheseinstabilitiesfortimescales∼108 years. On Avenue,Tucson,AZ85719;[email protected] the other hand, the role of a magnetic field in either of 3School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, these instabilitiesis dependenton boththe strengthand Minneapolis,MN55455;[email protected] 2 the orientation of the field with respect to the unstable from the cluster fields they encounter, we take pains in boundary. In addition, the field does not enhance sta- our initial conditions to isolate the bubble and ambient bility for modes orthogonal to the plane containing the medium magnetic fields. We also explore the dynami- fieldandtheboundary(e.g., Chandrasekhar1961;Dursi cal evolution of buoyant bubbles that are inflated by the 2007). Furthermore, nonlinear evolution of R-T and K- injection of energetic material into an initially small vol- H instabilities can be very difficult to predict, even in ume. Manyofthepreviouslypublishedcalculationswere the hydrodynamic case, but especially in the presence of based on bubbles that were initialized as static spher- magnetic fields; disruptive trends can be both enhanced ical structures inside an ICM. Since real radio bubbles and reduced compared to linear predictions, depending are remnants of AGN outflows and thus not likely to be on the details (e.g., Jun et al. 1995; Ryu et al. 2000). particularly spherical at the start, it is important to un- Consequently, understanding of this issue requires fully derstandhowsimulationresultsdependonthischoiceof nonlinear MHD numerical simulations. initial conditions. Several groups have previously conducted simulations The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes in2Dand3Dtoexplorebasicbubbledynamicsandmor- the details of the calculations performed, including a de- phology and their relationship to ICM magnetic fields. scription of the numerical algorithm and explanations of For example, Churazov et al. (2001) first established the simulated models. Section 3 contains a discussion of buoyant rise times of ∼ 108 years for bubbles in clus- theresultsandananalysisofthephysicsofbubbleprop- ter environments in 2D hydrodynamic simulations. Hy- agation and magnetic field evolution. Conclusions and a drodynamicsimulationsconductedbyBru¨ggen&Kaiser summary are provided in § 4. (2001) in 2D and Bru¨ggen et al. (2002) in 3D confirmed the anticipated timescales of ∼ 107 years for disruption 2. CALCULATIONDETAILS from hydrodynamical instabilities in such bubbles. To The computational approach we describe here is simi- explore the effects of magnetic fields on bubble dynam- lar to that of Jones & De Young (2005) but extended to ics and stability, Robinson et al. (2004) and Jones & De three dimensions. We inflated bubbles from a spherical Young (2005) conducted multiple series of 2D magne- volume of radius r near the base of a plane stratified b tohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations involving relatively ICM atmosphere initially in hydrostatic equilibrium. homogeneous ambient magnetic fields with a variety of In most of the simulations the ICM was magnetized fieldorientationswithrespecttotheclustergravitational with magnetic field pressures that were generally much field. Onceagainthebubblerisetimeswere∼108 years. smallerthantheICMthermalpressure. Inonesetofsim- These calculations also demonstrated that even ambient ulations, the ambient magnetic field was quasi-uniform, fields initially much too weak to provide linear stability meaning that the field asymptotically achieves uniform to R-T and K-H instabilities could, nonetheless, appar- orientation far from the bubble inflation region. In an- ently prevent bubble disruption on timescales compara- other set of models, the ICM field was tangled on scales ble to the inferred lifetimes of the observed “relic” ra- either comparable to or larger than the bubble inflation dio bubbles in clusters. The surprising ability of such region. Cases are included with magnetic field strengths weak fields to stabilize bubble boundaries in those simu- interior to the inflated bubbles comparable to the exter- lationscamefromthestretchingoffieldlinesinresponse nalfieldsandwithbubblefieldsabsent. Forcomparison, to the bubbles’ rise through the ICM and from vorti- we also include two strictly hydrodynamic cases without cal motions generated within the bubbles. More recent any ICM magnetic fields. General simulation descrip- workinthe3DMHDregimebyRuszkowskietal.(2007) tions follow, with specific details of the ICM given in § has suggested, on the other hand, that random ambient 2.1 and those of the bubbles in § 2.2. magnetic fields only provide such bubble stability if the Our simulations were conducted on a 3D Cartesian coherencelengthsofthesefieldsarelargewithrespectto grid of total physical dimensions x =40 kpc, y = size size the bubble size. z =34 kpc, covering the ranges x=[5 kpc:45 kpc], size Magnetic fields may also play significant roles in the y = z ≈ [−17 kpc : 17 kpc]. The gravitational accel- dynamics and thermal conduction properties of “cold eration is in the −x direction in this coordinate sys- fronts”, which are contact discontinuities separating tem. The bubble origin was centered at x = 13 kpc, b merging subclusters (e.g., Vikhlinin et al. 2001; Asai y =z =0. Thegridwaspartitionedintouniformcom- b b et al. 2007; Dursi & Pfrommer 2008). That is a similar putational zones of size ∆x = ∆y = ∆z = 133 pc. At physics problem in some respects, although strong dif- the y and z boundaries, continuous boundary conditions ferences in the initial conditions, relative properties of were maintained. To maintain hydrostatic equilibrium the media, and the overall dynamics make direct com- in the x direction, extrapolation boundaries were em- parisons between magnetic field roles in cold fronts and ployed at x = 5 and x = 45 kpc. In particular, the bubble boundaries nontrivial. We will not address mag- density in a given boundary zone was set through a lin- netic effects in cold fronts here. ear extrapolation of the densities in the adjacent pair of In this work, we explore further the three-dimensional physical grid zones. Using this updated boundary den- evolution of bubble dynamics and morphology in the sity,theboundarypressurewasderivedassuminghydro- presenceofmagneticfields. Wepresentresultsfromase- static equilibrium within the boundary zones. Addition- ries of 3D MHD simulations of buoyant bubbles inflated ally, the velocities were chosen to be continuous across in a cluster atmosphere similar to that used by Jones both x boundaries, in order to minimize the impact of & De Young (2005). We test, for several field strengths waves incident upon those zones. The calculations were and topologies, what determines bubble shapes and how terminated when any bubble material approached any magnetic fields affect the evolution of bubbles. Since boundary of the computational domain (generally x ). top the magnetic fields in the bubbles have distinct origins Oursimulationsemployedasecond-order,nonrelativis- 3 TABLE 1 Summary of Simulations of Buoyant Bubbles ID1 ICMFieldGeometry βa 2 Ba (µG)2 3 ti (Myr) te (Myr) US Uniform 120 5 0 150 US-I Uniform 120 5 10 136 US-F Uniform 120 5 0 150 UM Uniform 3000 1 0 150 UM-I Uniform 3000 1 10 114 UW Uniform ∞ 0 0 150 UW-I Uniform ∞ 0 10 132 TLS Tangled-L 120 5 0 108 TLS-I Tangled-L 120 5 10 114 TLS-F Tangled-L 120 5 0 108 TBS Tangled-B 120 5 0 114 TBS-I Tangled-B 120 5 10 130 1 The first letter indicates the ambient magnetic field geometry: uniform (U) or tangled (T) with coherencelengthsthatarelong(subL)orbubble-sized(subB).Thesecondletterreferstothestrength ofthefield: Strong(S),Moderate(M),orWeak(W).Letterstotherightofthedashindicateeitherthat thebubbleisinflated(I)orthatthebubbleitselfcontainsamagneticfield(F),whilemodelswithout these indicators imply the opposite case (i.e., non-inflated or without a bubble field). 2 This is only trueinastatisticalsenseforthetangledfields.3 Measuredatx=30kpc. (cid:112) tic, Eulerian, total variation diminishing (TVD), ideal giving an adiabatic ICM sound speed c = γP /ρ = s,0 0 0 3DMHDcode,describedinRyu&Jones(1995)andRyu 894 km s−1 = 0.9 kpc Myr−1. The electron density was etal.(1998). Thecodeexplicitlyenforcesthedivergence- set to n =0.1 cm−3 at x=5 kpc, leading to the atmo- e free condition for magnetic fields through a constrained spheric density, ρ , and pressure, P , profiles shown in 0 0 transport scheme detailed in Ryu et al. (1998). The nu- Figure 1. They are identical to those in the Jones & De merical method conserves mass, momentum, and energy Young (2005) simulations. The scale height of the ICM, to machine accuracy. To set up hydrostatic equilibrium here defined to be h = c2 /|g|, turns out to behave as s,0 intheambientmediuminthesimulationspresentedhere, h ≈ x, which allows us to approximate the density and acceleration due to the assumed gravity was added as a pressure distributions as a simple power law for analysis source term in the −x direction through operator split- purposes; in particular ting. The corrected x momentum at each timestep was used to recalculate the total kinetic plus thermal and c2 (cid:18) x (cid:19)−γ P (x)≈ s,0ρ (x)=P , (1) magnetic energy. In this simplified treatment of gravity, 0 γ 0 x0 x 0 momentum and energy are no longer exactly conserved, but we have verified that associated errors are much too where γ = 5/3 is the gas adiabatic index, x is some 0 small to influence our results. A gamma-law gas equa- fiducial vertical position, and P is the pressure at x . x0 0 tion of state was assumed with γ =5/3. A passive mass We explored consequences of two simple ICM mag- fraction or “color” tracer, C , was introduced for ma- netic field models, one quasi-uniform and one tangled, f terial originating inside the bubble inflation region. C with both designed so that the ICM field did not ini- f was set to unity inside the bubble, while C = 0 in the tiallypenetrateintothebubble. Thequasi-uniformICM f ambient medium. field, which we identify using the letter “U” in model labels, was a 3D extension of the 2D field model used 2.1. Gravity and The Ambient Medium by Jones & De Young (2005). In this case field lines initially lay in the x − y plane, being derived from a We applied the same gravity model as Jones & De vector potential A (r,φ)=B r[1−(r (z)/r)2]cosφ, de- Young (2005), which was derived from the combined z 0 b fined in cylindrical coordinates (r,φ,z) with respect to mass distributions of the central active galaxy and the thecenterofthebubbleinflationregionwithφ=0along cluster. TheclusterhadanNFWmassprofile, whilethe the xˆ direction (i.e., the direction of bubble propaga- active galaxy had a King model. The galaxy and cluster (cid:112) mass normalizations were chosen such that the cluster tion). In this expression rb(z) = rb 1−((z−zb)/rb)2 mass inside 10 kpc was 3.5 × 1010M(cid:12) and the galaxy for |z −rb| ≤ rb. At large distances from the bubble, mass inside 20 kpc was 3.5×1012M . Inside r =60 kpc the field lines in this model become horizontal, but they (cid:12) (i.e., everywhere on our computational domain) matter are tangent to the bubble surface when r = rb(z), so associatedwiththeactivegalaxydominatedthegravita- that they skirt over its top and bottom in the vertical tional force. plane. Figure2showsthegeometryofthequasi-uniform To match the planar ICM geometry of Jones & De ICM field. The field strength parameter B0 was scaled (cid:112) Young (2005), we projected the resulting gravitational vertically as B0(x) ∝ P0(x), so that the ratio of gas acceleration onto the x direction; that is, the gravity to magnetic pressures, β ≡8πP /B2 was constant with 0 0 0 was one dimensional, leading to a plane stratified hy- heightawayfromtheinflationregion. Thus,theambient drostatic equilibrium for the initial ICM. That ICM was magnetic field strength generally decreased with height assumed to be isothermal with T ≈ 3.5 × 107 K, or, in the ICM. 0 equivalently,kT =3keV.Weassumedahydrogenmass To provide a direct comparison to the 2D models of 0 fractionX =0.75(forameanmolecularweightµ=0.6), Jones & De Young (2005) we carried out in the present 4 Fig. 1.—Initialbuoyantbubbleenvironments. Topleft: Gravitationalmassasafunctionofradiusfromthecore: total(solidline),galaxy (dottedline),andcluster(dashedline). Top right: Gravitationalacceleration. Bottom left: Gasdensity. Bottom right: Gaspressure. studyseveralquasi-uniform,“U”,fieldmodelsimulations identify with the label “T”. While admittedly somewhat withthesamevaluesofβ thattheychose;namely,β = unrealistic, the model we employed has the advantage 0 0 120(tagged“S”forstrongfield),β =3000(tagged“M” of having a simple, well-defined coherence length that 0 for medium field) and β = ∞ (tagged “W” for weak enablesustotestdirectlytheimportanceofthisonepa- 0 field). TheseISMfieldmodelsareidentifiedbythecodes rameter in determining the dynamical role of the field. “US”, “UM” and “UW” in Table 1. Inthismodelthefieldlinesinitiallylieinthehorizontal, In reporting their 3D simulation results, Ruszkowski y−z plane with et al. (2007) emphasized that the stabilizing influence of B =0 x their turbulent ICM magnetic field was effective only if B =B (x)f(x,z)[sin(k x)sin(k z)+cos(k x)cos(k z)] the field coherence length exceeded the size of a bubble. y 0 x1 z1 x2 z2 B =B (x)f(x,y)[sin(k x)sin(k y)+cos(k x)cos(k y)]. Inordertoexaminethedependenceofthatresultonthe z 0 x1 y1 x2 y2 detailsofthefieldmodel,wealsocarriedoutseveralsim- (2) ulationswithasimpletangledICMfieldmodel,whichwe In these expressions, the x, y, and z values are mea- sured with respect to the grid origin rather than the 5 Fig. 2.— Magnetic field configuration used in the uniform (“U”) field models. Line brightness is indicative of magnetic field strength. The field lines bend to accommodate the bubble inflation region near the middle of the image. Once initialized, a buoyant bubble would propagatefromtheinitializationregiontowardthetopoftheimage. bubble origin. Far from the bubble f → 1, while f instead Jones & De Young (2005) gently “pressure in- decreases exponentially towards zero at the boundary flated” their bubble structures over a period of at least of the bubble inflation region, so that this ICM field 10Myrduringtheirsimulations. Sincerealrelicbubbles once again does not initially penetrate into the bubble. are not created instantaneously, they argued that rele- The field structure-scale parameters, k ( i = x,y,z; j vantstabilityissues,includingmagneticfieldgeometries, i,j = 1,2) were chosen either to make structures large com- may be sensitive to that fact. As a simple compromise pared to the bubble inflation region (k < π/r ) (lead- between static bubbles and full MHD jet simulations to i,j b ing to a model tag “T ” for “tangled on large scales”), createbubbles,theyfixedthedensityandpressureinside L or comparable (k ∼ π/r ) (leading to a model tag a localized “inflation region”, allowing their bubbles to i,j b “T ” for “tangled on a bubble scale”). The actual num- expandsubsonicallyintotheICMovertheinflationtime B bers were k = π/(1.2r ) and k = π/(0.7r ) for the period, t . At the end of that time the inflation region x1 b x2 b i “T ” models and k = π/(6.0r ) and k = π/(3.5r ) was allowed to relax naturally within the surrounding B x1 b x2 b for the “T ” models. The remaining parameters were flow. Wehaveextendedthatschemeto3Dforfiveofthe L set so that k = (1+δ)k ( i=y,z; j = 1,2), where computationspresentedhere,and,fordirectcomparison, i,j x,j δ = ±0.04, providing similar scales of field variation. also carried out seven simulations with full-sized spher- In this case we included only a nominally strong field, ical bubbles pre-formed in the same ICM conditions as β =8πP (x)/B2(x)≈120. Noteinthisfieldmodelthat for the inflated bubbles. 0 0 0 the local magnetic pressure varies substantially within Thebubbleinflationregioninthesimulationsreported horizontalplanesofconstantP (x),solocalvariationsin here consisted of a sphere of radius r = 2 kpc, cen- 0 b β are large. To quantify this, we empirically measured tered at x = 13 kpc, y = z = 0. Conditions in this b theaveragevalueofβintheICMandfoundthatβ¯≈130 region were kept fixed for times t ≤ t using density, i withastandarddeviationofcomparablemagnitude. The ρ =ηρ (x ), with η =0.01, and twice ambient pressure b 0 b characteristic field strength once again decreased with (P = 2P (x )). These conditions were relaxed once t b 0 b height. These (strong field) ICM models are identified reached t , so that the inflation region was allowed to i in Table 1 by the labels “T S” and “T S”. Figure 3 evolve naturally for t > t . The passive C tracer was L B i f graphically illustrates the two tangled field structures. set to unity inside this region when inflation was under- way, so that during subsequent evolution gas originating 2.2. The Bubbles with bubble inflation has C = 1. We either set t = 0 f i While it has been common to conduct bubble sta- to simulate pre-formed bubbles or ti = 10 Myr for in- bility studies beginning with static, pre-formed bubbles flated bubbles, which we identify using an added model (e.g., Robinson et al. 2004; Ruszkowski et al. 2007), tag “-I”. We note that all of the bubble simulations re- 6 Fig. 3.— Magnetic field configurations used in the TB (left) and TL (right) models. Line brightness is indicative of magnetic field strength. Onceinitializedneartheverybottomoftheimage,abuoyantbubblewouldpropagatefromtheinitializationregiontowardthe topoftheimage. ported here involved inflation times t shorter than the two “-F” models increased it linearly to B (r =0.8r )= i b b time necessary for the inflating bubble to expand to the B (x ), whereupon it decreased quadratically to zero at 0 b sizeofthelocalICMscaleheight,whichisabout25Myr r = r . This maximum value B (x ) is approximately b 0 b in this case. As Jones & De Young (2005) pointed out, fourtimestheaverageICMfieldstrengthandmorethan whenbubbleinflationismaintainedlongerthanthis,the twicethepeakICMfieldstrength,eachmeasuredatx= rising bubble creates a crude de Laval nozzle in the ICM x . b that expels bubble material at mildly supersonic speeds 3. RESULTS upward into the ICM. This results in the formation of a We conducted a series of 12 simulations, outlined in plume structure evident in both 2D (Jones & De Young Table 1, designed to examine the nature of 3D bubble 2005) and 3D (Bru¨ggen et al. 2002) simulations. If this propagation and in particular to explore the effects of plume does not develop, then initially spherical bubbles magneticfieldsondevelopmentofbubbleshapeandsta- comparable in size to the local ICM scale height tend to bility. Figures 4 - 8 illustrate the structures of each sim- evolve rapidly into a torus around a vertical axis before ulated bubble at the end of its simulation. These figures disruptive instabilities can develop. We will discuss this and their associated animations display volume render- behavior in §3.1. ings of the passive color variable C , to highlight the In most of the simulations reported here the bubble f volumes occupied by material that originated within the inflation region itself was unmagnetized. However, in bubble inflation region. To a good approximation this two models, denoted by “-F”, we incorporated a tangled traces the regions where the density is substantially be- internal field derived from the vector potential low the neighboring ICM. Figures 4 and 5 show unmag- A (r,θ,φ)= 1 B (r)rsin2θsin(mφ), (3) netizedbubbles“inflated”intoICMsspanningarangeof r m b magneticfieldstrengthsandcoherencelengths. Figure6 shows the analogous states for “uninflated” bubbles cre- defined in spherical coordinates centered at the origin of atedinthesameenvironmentsasthoseshowninFigures the bubble inflation region with the polar axis along zˆ 4 and 5. Figure 7 displays the forms of bubbles inflated and φ=0 along xˆ, the direction of bubble propagation. into ICMs containing a strong field tangled on different This leads to the circumferential field scales, while Figure 8 shows two examples of uninflated B(cid:126) =Bθθˆ+Bφφˆ (4) bubbles formed in quasi-uniform and tangled fields. We now outline the dominant dynamical developments that with components these images illustrate and the roles of the ambient and B =B (r)sinθcos(mφ) (5) internal magnetic fields. Comparison of Figures 5 and 6 θ b shows that there are only minor differences for a given and set of other parameters between inflated and uninflated bubbles for the short inflation times we used. Primar- 1 Bφ =−mBb(r)sin(2θ)sin(mφ), (6) ily, the inflated bubbles are somewhat larger than the uninflated bubbles, as one would naturally expect. The where m is an integer. In our simulations m = 2, to basic bubble shapes, however, are quite similar. Specif- allow for multiple full field reversals over the azimuthal ically, ring structures (see § 3.1) are formed initially in direction. This field has zero magnetic helicity, since allmodels,regardlessofinflation,andsimilarbifurcation everywhere A(cid:126)·B(cid:126) = 0. We set B (r = 0)= 0 and in the patterns (see § 3.2) are seen in the US and US-I models. b 7 Fig. 4.—Volumerenderingsofthepassive“color”variableforinflatedbubblesneartheendoftheirevolution,wherelightcolorsrepresent bubblematerialanddarkrepresenttheICM.Theambientmagneticfieldisalongthelineofsight. Animationsofthesequantitiesasseen fromseveraldifferentanglesareavailableathttp://www.astro.umn.edu/groups/compastro/under“BuoyantBubblesinGalaxyClusters.” Top left: UW-Imodel. Top right: UM-Imodel. Bottom left: US-Imodel. Bottom right: TBS-Imodel. Given the minor effect of a short inflation period, de- locity to be typically u (cid:46) 1/3c . Thus, the time for t s,0 tailed discussion of differences between the inflated and a bubble to rise across its own radius would be τ ∼ b uninflated bubbles seems unnecessary. r /u = τ (r /h)(c /u ); this is roughly comparable b t s,0 b s,0 t Itisusefulforthisdiscussiontoestablishupfrontsome toτ forourbubbles,whichinitiallysatisfyr /h∼1/6. s,0 b representative timescales, beginning with τ = h/c , Timescales for possible disruption from instabilities can s,0 s,0 thecharacteristicsoundcrossingtimeoverascaleheight be estimated from the linear growth rate of perturba- in the ICM. This is about 15 Myr where our bubbles are tions comparable in size to the bubble radius r . Using b initialized (x=13 kpc) and increases approximately lin- the condition η (cid:28) 1 the hydrodynamical R-T disrup- early with x. The internal bubble sonic timescale would tivetimescalewouldthenbeτ ∼(cid:112)r /hτ , soτ is √ RT b s,0 RT be τs,b = τs,0(rb/h) η, much faster than τs,0. We dis- somewhatlessthanτs,0 orτb forourbubbles. Theanalo- cuss in §3.3 details of the bulk upward motions of the gous disruption time for the hydrodynamical K-H insta- bubbles, where we establish their terminal upward ve- bility, as derived from the dispersion relation for pertur- 8 Fig. 5.—SameasFigure4,seenfromaboveandwiththeambientmagneticfieldtrendingdiagonallyfromupperlefttolowerright. bations at a tangential discontinuity (see Landau & Lif- metry is broken by the ambient magnetic field, although shitz1959,forexample)andlettingthevelocityshearbe thering-likeformisstillevidentevenatlatetimesexcept √ ∼u , would be τ ∼(r /h)(c /u )(1/ η)τ . Given for the strong magnetic field cases. (Note that ”strong” t KH b s,0 t s,0 η (cid:28) 1, the K-H disruption time would be significantly in this case still refers to a magnetic field (β ∼ 100) longer than any of the other listed timescales. that is initially dynamically unimportant and compara- ble to the observationally inferred ICM values) Similar 3.1. Bubble Morphology: Ring Formation evolution is evident in the 3D MHD bubble simulations One striking feature of the early dynamical evolution reported by Ruszkowski et al. (2007), the 3D hydrody- of all the bubbles we simulated is the transition from namic simulations of Pavlovski et al. (2008, 2007), and the initial spherical form into a ring or torus around a anaxisymmetric2DMHDbubblesimulationreportedby roughly vertical axis. Examination of the velocity fields Robinson et al. (2004). Although rings were precluded revealsstrongflowupthroughthecenteroftheringsand inthe2DplanesymmetricbubblesofJones&DeYoung aclearcirculationwithinandaroundthem;i.e.,thebub- (2005) and Robinson et al. (2004), the division there of blesevolveintovortexringsor“smokerings”. Axialsym- the initial cylindrical bubbles into a pair of counter ro- 9 Fig. 6.— Same as Figure 5, except for the models without inflation. Top left: UW model. Top right: UM model. Bottom left: US model. Bottom right: TBSmodel. tating line vortices with axes orthogonal to the compu- eration of ICM gas into the bubble from below, which tational plane was analogous. wehavetestedquantitativelyagainst1Dsimulations. In Since this behavior seems to be a common element short,becausethepressuregradientinsidealightbubble of both preformed and briefly inflated buoyant bubbles, initially close to pressure equilibrium with its environ- it is important to identify the cause. So far as we are ment is set by the weight of a denser, external medium, aware, no physical explanation has been offered before, the weight of gas inside the bubble itself is not sufficient although it is straightforward. It is easy to see, in fact, to balance the pressure gradient. The light gas acceler- that the initial pressure balance between the bubble and ates upward inside the bubble, creating a rarefaction at the ICM leads directly to a strong upward push through thelowerbubble-ICMboundary. Thispropagatesacross the bubble center. Much like a smoke ring, the return the bubble in a time τ (cid:28)τ . s,b b flowaroundtheoutsideofthebubblesetsupthevortical In response to the lowered pressure inside the bubble flow that leads to a relatively stable ring. The appendix rarefaction, the lower bubble boundary, or contact dis- outlines two semi-analytic ways to estimate the accel- continuity (CD), accelerates upward at a rate approxi- 10 Fig. 7.—Volumerenderingsofthepassive“color”variableforinflatedbubblesneartheendoftheirevolutioninatangledambientfield. Top: TBS-Imodelfromtwodifferentangles. Bottom: TLS-Imodelfromtwodifferentangles. Animationsofthesequantitiesasseenfrom severaldifferentanglesareavailableathttp://www.astro.umn.edu/groups/compastro/under“BuoyantBubblesinGalaxyClusters.” mately given by (see equations A5 and A7) thepotentialforthebottomofthebubbletocatchupto thetopwhilethebubbleisstillclosetoitsinitiallocation, (cid:112) √ x¨ =−g(x) ρ (x)/ρ ∼−g/ η, (7) which is what we observe to happen in our simulations. CD 0 b For the bubble actually to develop into a vortex ring whereg(x)isthelocalgravityand,again,η =ρ /ρ (x ). b 0 b the center of the bubble bottom must move upwards Representative timescales for CD motion suggested by faster than the bottom regions near the bubble perime- equation7areτCD =(cid:112)h/|g|η14 =(h/cs,0)η14 =η41 τs,0, ter; that is, the bottom CD must transform from its ini- and τCD,b = (cid:112)rb/|g|η14 = (cid:112)rb/hτCD. These measure tial concave upward shape into a convex shape. In a hy- how long it takes the bottom of the bubble to rise up drostatic ICM that outcome results in equation 7 from √ throughascaleheightandacrossthescaleofthebubble, the fact that |g|/ η is generally greatest at the lowest respectively. Note that so long as η (cid:28) 1, τCD,b < τRT, pointalongtheCD.Therelativedifferenceinx¨CD grows and this development within the bubble will be faster withrb/h,sovortexringsformmoreeasilywhenthebub- than disruptive R-T instabilities. If τ < τ , there is bles are larger. In our simulations, inflated bubbles are CD,b b

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