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Preview Three Catalogues Describing the Contents of the Red Book of the Exchequer

The ollowin are ust ublished or nearl read . f g j p y y ’ ' DR . BUCKLAND S BRIDGEWATER TREATISE - » ON GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. Two vo s . 800. with Ei ht Seven Plates II . 153. l g y , » ~ PHYSICALT HEORY OF ANOTHER LIFE , B th e Auth or ofNATURAL Hls RT OF ENTHUSIASM. In Boo. 88. 6d. yo ‘ THE LITERARY REMAINS OF s . T. COLERIDGE , ‘ Edited by H. N. COLERIDGE ESQ . In two vols . 8vo. l l. l s . , AIDS TO REFLECTION BY 8. T. COLERIDGE. , Third edition crown 800. 103. 6d. , POEMS by the R EV . WILLIAM LISLE BOWLES MuA . , f A new edition oolsca 8vo. ,f p MALTHUS ON . POLITICAL ECO ’ Second edit ion , with great additions from the author s own THE WORKS OF SIR THOMAS BROWNE , ” ” ' OF NORWICH Auth or of Vul ar Errors Reli io Medici &c. Edited b , g , g , y S IMON WILKIN , Esq. Infour vols . 800. 2l. 83. Afew copies printed on Large Paper , 41. 4s . In our vols . oolsca 8110. a new edition f f p of T H E W ORK S O F GRAY ; Edited by the REV. JOHN MITFORD. With th e addition ofhis Corres ondence p ' with Mr. Chu te and others h is Journal ke t at Rome Criticism on th e , p , S tatues Scul tures 8m. hitherto un ublished. , p , p In two vols . oolsca 8190. rice l l. 103. f p p THE POETICAL ROMANCES OF TRISTAN - IN FRENCH IN ANGLO NORMAN and m GREEK. Com osed m th e Twelfth and , , p Th irt een th Cen turie s . Edited by FRANCISQ UE MICHEL. ' ’ KANT S CRITIK AN INVESTIGATION OF PURE REASON. , T ran s l a t e d fro m th e Ge rm an PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM PICKERING. THE BR IDGEWATER TREATISES. I . B th e REV. THOMAS CHALMERS D. D. v. B PETER MARE ROGET M . D. y , y , On the Power Wisdom and Good An imal and Ve etable Physiolo y , , g g , ness of God as man ifested in the con s idered with r efe rence to Na , ' Ada tation of External Natu re to tural Theolo y 2 vols . 8vo. second p g , the Moral and In tellectual Con sti edition with nearl ve hundred wood , yfi tution ofMan . 2 Vols . 8vo. ourth cuts l l. 103. f , edition 168. V I . B the REV. WILLIAM BUCKLAND , y , I I . B JOHN KIDD M. D. F. R . S. The D. D. F. R . S. On Geolo y and y , g Ada tation of External Nature to Mineralo y nearl read . p g , y y the Physical Condition ofMan . 8vo. VII. B th e REV. WILLIAM KIRBY M .A. y , “ fourth edition, 9 3. 6d. F. R . S. On th e History , Habits , I II . B the REV. WILLIAM WHEWELL and Instincts of Animals . 2 vols . y , M . A . F. R . S. Astronomy and Ge 8vo . second edition with lates , , p , neral Physics Con sidered with re VII I . B WILLIAM PROUT M. D. F. R . S. y , ference to Natural Theolo y 8vo. Chemistry Meteorolo y and the g , , g , fifth edition , 9 3. 6d. Function of Digestion , con sidered I v. B y SIR CHARLES BELL, K.H. F. R. S. with reference to Natural Theo The Hand its Mechan ism and Vital lo y , 8vo . second edition with wood , g , Endowmen ts , as evincing design , cuts , and a map, 153. 8vo . third edition with numerous , ’ wood cuts 103. 6d. , A NEW DICTIO ARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. N - BY CHARLES RICHARDSON. Vol . 1. Bein one hal f th e entire work cloth boards 21. 12s. Get. or don e u in two g , , , p arts cloth boards 11. 63. 6d. each . p , , ‘ A Part is ublished on the first ofevery Month rice 33. 6d. fl, p , p THE WORKS OF LORD BACON , Edited by BASIL MONTAGU Es . In 17 vols . 8vo . 81. 183. 6d. , q The most com lete edition extant it contains translations as well as the ori inal ofthe p ; g - Latin Works and is illustrated by Portraits Views and Fac similes with a New Life of , , , , Lord Bacon by the Editor. ‘ A few Co ies are rinted on LARG E PAPER im erial 8vo. 11. 113. 6d. each . J p p , p A learned andvaluable work u on the Life of Lord Bacon is re ared for ublication p p p p * by Mr. B. Monta gu, and will soon be before the world. Some very importan t facts are roved satisfactori ly by the in enious author and Show how much th e criminality ofth is p g , reat man is exa erated in the common accounts ofhis fall. But it is clearly shown , that g gg he was revailed u on by th e intri ues ofJames I . and his rodi ate minister to abandon p p g p g — his own defen ce and sacrifice himself to their base and crooked olicy a defence which , p dis races them more than vindicates him. One thin , however, Is undeniable, . that th ey g g who so loudl y blame Bacon overlook the meanness ofalmost all the reat statesmen of , g ” ’ — those courtly times. Lord Brou ham s Discourse Natural Theolo . g of gy It was ublished December 1834. p , ’ THE BIBLIOGRAPHER S MANUAL ; Bein g an Account ofupwards ofFifty Thousand Rare , Curious, and Useful Books, ublished in or , relatin to Great Britain and Ireland since th e Invention Of p g , Prin ti with Biblio r h ical and Critical Notice s Collations and the rice s at ng, g ap , , ‘ ,l p wh ich th ey have been sold in the resen t century. B WILLIAM THOMAS LOWNn Es. p y 4 vols . 8vo . 41. 5s. LARGE PAPER onl t co ies rinted 81. 103. , yfify p p , A LF S PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM PICKERING. ' ' A LDINE EDITION OF THE BR ITI SH POETS , Beauti fully rin ted by Wh ittin ham con tain in many iece s of each author p g , g p hitherto un ublis hed with ortraits ori inal Memoirs and notes by th e R ev. John p , p , g , , M itford and the Rev. Alexander Dyce rice 53. each Volum e. , p The Authors already u blished are p , ‘ BURNS , 2 vols . BBATI IE, 1 vol . PARNELL , 1 vol . THOMSON 2 vols. POPE 3 vols . SWIFT 3 Vols . , , , COLLINS 1 vol . GOLDSMITH 1 vol . YOUNG 2 Vols . , , , ‘ KIRKE WHITE 1 vol . MILTON 3 vols . AEENSIDE 1 vol. , , , COWPER 3 vols . SHAKESPEARE vol . BU LER 2 vols . , , 1 T , S URREYandWYATT 2 V018. DRYDEN 5 vols . PRIOR 2 vols . , , , Each Au hor ma be u rchased Se arately. t y p p THE CAPTIV ITY AN ORATORIO , , B OLIVER GOLDSMITH. Never b ore rinted oolsca 8vo. rice 13. y ef p ,f p p ’ WALTON AND COTTON S COMPLETEANGLER , Edited with Ori inal Memoirs by SIR HARRIS NICOLAS Illu strated by En , g , , ravin s from Desi ns by STOTHARD and INSEIPP. V ol: I . im erial 8VO. 31. half. g g g p mor. or Proofs on India Pa er 5 1. Th e Illustration s s arate 4to . roo fs before p , ep , p the le tters 51. , Parts 7 8 and 9 9 3. 6d. each roofs on India a er 163. , , , ; p p p , ’ 3 Three more Parts , which are in great forwardness , will complete the Work. In two vols . oolsca 8no. with ortrait and View o Bemerton Church rice 103. f p P f , p THE WORKS OF THE REV . GEORGE HERBERT. Now firs t collected. THE POEMS contain The Te mple ; the Synagogue , by the Rev. Ch ris to ph er Harvey ; th e Latin Poems ofHerbert ; and two Original Poems, n ever befo e rinted. With Note s by S. ,T. COLERIDGE. r p THE REMAIN S con tain Th e Priest to th e Tem le Proverbs and oth er Prose p , , Work s includin man ieces n ever before rin ted with h is Life by IZAAK WAL , g y p p , TON , and al so that by his firs t biographer, BARNABAS OLEY. THE POETICAL WORKS OF S. T. COLERIDGE. Un iformly rinte d with t e Aldi ne Edition ofth e British Poets . p h 3 vols . foolsca 8vo . 153. p This edition contains not less than a fourth of the whole more than the former edition , the reate r art ofwhich has never been rinted before . g p p THE FRIEND BY S . T. COLERIDGE , , A Series of Essays . 3 vols . crown 8vo . second edition 11. , LAY SERMONS BY S. T. COLERIDGE. , In one vol . Svo . 83. THE MODERN DUNCIAD , VIRGIL IN LONDON and other Poems . Foolsca 8vo . 7s. 6d. , p ’ D A V I S O N S P O E T I C A L RHAP S O D Y. Edited by SIR HA RIS NICOLAS . 2 vol s . crown 8vo . 11. I s . R ’ H E RR I C K S P O E T I C A L W O RK S , Crown 8vb. brtrait 9 3. p , 3105t mini ons Eublitations. ROBIN HOOD 2 vols . crown svc . 11. 13. LIFE OF KING ARTHUR crown 8vo . 103. , , ANNALS on THE CALEDON IANS , 2 vols . MEMOIRS OF THE CELTS, crown 8vc . 123. crown 8vo. l l. 43. ANCIENT SONGS AND BALLADS 2 vols . , FAIRY TALES crown 8vo. 9 3. crown 8vo. 11. 4s . , LETTERS Edited by his Ne hew Jose h EARLY POPULAR POETRY crown 8vo . , p , p , Franks with h is Life by Sir Harris 73. 6d. , , Nicolas 2 vols . crown 8vo . l l. 13. , SPECIMENS OF ENGLISHSONNETS , B the R EV . ALEXANDER DYCE. 16m0. 68. y A selection of the best Sonnets In the En lish lan ua e from the Earl of Surrey to , g g g Wordsworth . ’ — Mr. Dyce 9 beautiful selection a book we recommend for the taste and ud ment In j g ’ — the choice and for the ele ance ofthe ty o ra hy. Gen t1eman 3 Ma azine. , g p g p g EARLY PROSE ROMANCES OF ANCIENT ENGLI SH ' FICTIONS Edited b W. J. THOMS Es . 3 vols . crown 8vo . 11. 103. , y , q ’ ’ — The WAVERLEY NOVELS oftheir da . Retros ect ive Review. y p EARLY ENGLISH DRAMATISTS , Edited by th e REV. ALEXANDER DYCE uniformly rin ted in crown 8vo . viz . , p GREENE 2 vols . 213 . PEELE 2 vols . 213 . , , WEBSTER 4 vols . 423 . , A very limited edition ofthese works has been ri nted. p We take the o ortunity of ex ressin our very hi h o inion of the dili ence , Skill, pp p g g p g and ud ment of the Rev. Alexander Dyce whose editions ofPeele Greene and Web j g , , , — ster , leave little to desire , and less to improve . Quarterly Review. ’ DODSLEY S OLD PLAYS , Five Old Plays formin a Su lemen t to th e Collection ofDODSLEY and oth ers . , g pp Edited by J -PAYN E COLLIER Crown 8vo . 9 3. LARGE PAPER 143. , , This volume contains —1 . The Misfortunes ofArthur.—II . I I I . Downfall and D eath ofRobert , Earl ofHun tin dom—IV. Woman is a Weathercock.—v. Amends for Ladies . g ’ SHAKESPEARE S PLAYS , In one ocket volume beautifully rin ted by Corra11 l l. 13. With 38 En ravin s p , p , g g from Desi n s by S toth ard SIC. A few Co ies rinted en tirely on India g , p p Pa er 41. 4s. p , ILLUSTRATIONS OF SHAKESPEARE , B STOTHARD Th irty-n in e lates roo s l l. y , p , p f , PI SCATORIAL REMINI SCENCES AND GLEANINGS , B an old An ler and Biblio oli st with numerous An ecdote s receded by y g p , , p ‘ In troductory Hin ts res ectin th e Character and Habits of each S ecies . p g p To which is annexed th e most com lete Catalo ue of Books on An lin ever p g g g - ublished. Foolsca 8vo. With Frontis i ece and wood cuts 7s. 6d. p p p , Beaut ifully printed at Oxford, in dem y 8uo. price 63. each volume, cloth boards and lettered the chea est and best editionsextant. , p HUME ermons and , vols . &c . 13 vols . DESCRIPTION OF ELY CATHEDRAL , B the REV. GEORGE MILLERS with e i h teen fine lates . Third edition. Royal y , g p 8vo . 11. LARGE PAPER im erial 8vo . INDIA PROOFS , p , ’ THE HISTORY OF CHRIST S HOSPITA L , From its Foundation by Edward V I. With an Account of the Plan ofEduc a . tion nd in tern al Economy of the In stitu ti on and Memoirs of Emin en t Blues a , ; receded by a Narrative of th e Rise Pro ress and Su ression of the Conven t p , g , pp ’ of the Gre Friars in London by the Rev. WILLIAM TROLLOPE M .A . 4to. with y , , ten lates 31. 33 . p , SELECTIONS FROM THE WORKS OfTaylor Hooker Barrow Sou th Latim er Brown Mil ton and Bacon by , , , , , , , , BASI L MONTAGU Es . Fourth Edition foolsca 8vo. 5s. , q , p ’ ANDREWS S BOTANICAL WORKS 1. HEATHERY or a MONOGRAPH ofth e GENUS ERICA. In 6 vols . royal 8vo . ; , con tain in 300 coloured Fi ures . 131. 103. g g 2 . ROSES or a MONOGRAPH of the GENUS ROSA. In 2 vols . royal 4to . con ; , tain in n early 150 coloured Fi ures . 1 31. g g 3. GERANIUMS or a MONOGRAPH OF TH E GENUS GERANIUM. In 2 vols . ; , royal 4to . con tain in n early 1 50 coloured Fi ures . 9 1. 9 3. g g ’ 4. BOTANIST S REPOSITORY for ew and Rare Plants. In 10vols . 4to . N con tain in 664 coloured Fi u res . 361. g g ‘ 5 . COLOURED ENGRAVINGS of HEATHS . In 4 vol s . fol io con tain in , g 288 Fi ures most beau tifully and accurately coloured with Descri tion s g , , p in Latin and En lish . 361. g The fore oin Works have been in course of ublication for a se ries of years g g p , and are no v com leted. The Drawin s were all made from livin lants b Mr. y p g g p , y Andrews , and coloured under his immediate . inspection ;\ their fideli ty and accuracy have been admitted by those who are conversant with the Works , both in this coun try and on the continent. Of some of the Works but very few remain ; those entlemen g who have not com leted their co ies are re uested immediately to do so , as hereafter it p p q will be im ossible to make th em u . p p " WORKS BY SIR HARRIS NICOLAS . A TREATISE on the LAW of ADULTERINE ROLL of ARMS of the REIGN of HENRY BASTARDY. With a ful l Re ort of I I I . and EDWARD I I I . 8vo . 103. 6d. p th e Banbury Case and of all oth er 4to . 11. 13. , case s bearin on the sub ect . 11. 13 . OBSERVATIONS on HISTORICAL LITERA g j ’ REPORT of the L ISLE PEERAGE CASE TURE and Refutation of Pal rave , , g , BYO. 11. 13. in 1 vo l. 8vo . 12s. 6d. ’ The resent is the most learn ed and BISHOP BECKINGTON S JOURNAL durin p , g co plous book on the Law ofBaronies in h is Embassy to n e otiate a marria e g g fee Wt h has et been ubliSh Ed y P betw een Henry V I . and a dau h ter g REPORT of the DEVON PEERAGE CASE ofCoun t Arma nac A.D. 1442. 8vo . , g , 8vo . 123. 103. 6d. HOUSEHOLD BOOKS , viz . TheEARL ofNORTHUMBER ’ LAND S , edited by the l ate B ISHOP PERcv z—The PRIVY PURSE EXPENSES of ELIZABETH of YORK Q UEEN of HENRY VI I . by SIR , — HAR RIS NICOLAS The PRIVY PURSE EXPENSES of HENRY VII I . — by SIR HARRIS NICOLAS The PRIVY PURSE EXPENSES of th e PRIN CESS MARY , DAUGHTER ofHENRY VI I I . afterwards Q UEEN MARy edited , by SIR FR EDERI C MADDEN . A very limited number ofc0 ies ofthese works are rinted 8vo. rice 11. 13. each . p p p THE DANCE OF DEATH . Exh ibite d in no no . 1 ' with 9 0 cuts beautifully e n raved. Crown Svo . 11. 18. A few co ies rinted g p p en t irely on India a er 21. 2S. p p , ' THOMAS A KEMPIS of the IMITATION of THOUGHTS ofDIVIN ES andPHILOSOPHERS , CHRIST , translated with an In tro by BASIL MONTAGU, Esq. Part I . duction and Notes by DR . DIEDIN 24mo . silk i lt leaves 23 . Part II. , , g , con tainin six lates includin Sal 24mo . s ilk 23. g p , g , vator Mundi by Guercin o and the THE CARCANET a Literary Album con , , Last Su er by Da Vinci. 8va. tain in Se lections from the most Dis pp g 11. 13. tin u ish ed Writers . 18m0. extra g THOMASA KEMPIS de IMITATIONE CHRISTI cloth boards ilt leaves 63. , , g , Lib . IV . with a Memoir by th e late THE HISTORY ofthe HUGUENOTS durin , g CHARLES BUTLER. 18mo . 63. the Sixteenth Century by W. S. , ANCIENT FRAGMENTS of the Ph oen ician BROWNING . 2 vols . 8vo. 11. IS. , Chaldean E y tian and oth erWri THE LIFE of SIR THOMAS MORE by h is , g p , , te rs , Greek and English , with an Grandson , CRESACRE MORE, edited In troductory Dissertation by ISAAC by the Rev. JOSEPH HUNTER. 8vo . , PRESTON CORY Es . Fellow of w ith a ortrait 14s. , q p , Caius Colle ge , Cambridgef8vo . se The Pre fatory Matter and Notes c ond edition , 11. I s . dis lay dee research and critical acu p p METAPHYSICAL INQ U IRY into the Me men , which render this the .bes t edition thod , Objects , and Resul ts ofAn of that very in terestingpiece of biogra ” ' — ll that has a eared. Retros ective cient and Modern Ph iloso h y by pp p p , paeyview. IZAAC PR ESTON CORY , Esq . l 2mo . 53. 6d. A MAN UAL of HERALDRY for Amateurs , ANDREWS PRECES PRIVATE Q UOTIDIANJE. by Mrs . DALLAWAY . 12m0. with nu Gr. et Lat . ed. P. HALL. 18mo . 12s. morons wood-cuts 7S. , ’ ’ BISHOP ANDREWS SPRIVATE DEVOTIONS TOWNSEND S F. CALENDAR ofKNIGHTS , ( ) , with h is MANUAL for the S ICK tran s from 1769 to 1828. Cr. 8vo . 8 . , 3 lated from th e Ori inal Greek by POEMS by WILLIAM STANLEY ROSCOE . g , th e Rev. ETER HALL. 18mo. w ith Foolsca 8vo . 53. P p ’ a Portrait 63. DUNBAR S POETICALWORKS nOW first col , , GOOD THOUGHTS IN BAD TIMES Good lected and ublished fro m ancient , , p Thou gh ts in Worse Times, Mixt MSS. , with Notes and a Memoir of Con tem plation s in BetterTimes, by h is Life , by DAVID LAING, Esq. 2 THOMAS FULLER D. D. Au th or ofth e vols . crown 8v0. 11. 13. , ’ Church History Worth ies of En BERNERS S JULIANA TREATYSE or , g ( ) land &c. l 8mo . with a ortrait 53. FYSSHYNGE W YTH AN ANGLE. Re , p , THE LIVES of SIR MATTHEW HALE and rin t with fac-siln ile wood-cu ts . p JOH NEARLofROCHESTER, by BISHOP Crown 8vo . 58. B URNET. Two ortraits 18mo . 4s . p , OvIDII OPERAe TExTU BURMANNI . Cum PHJEDR I , AUGUSTI LIBERTI, e t PUBLII Notis Harlesii Gieri ii Burman ni SYRI quae extan t cura J. A . GILES. , g , , , , Lemarii 8m. 5 vols . 8m . 31. Lar e Foolsca 8vo . 4s . , g p Pa er 5 vols . royal 8vo . 51. 53. ENNII RELIQ UIE ex edition ibu s variis p , , JUVENAL et PERSIUS, ex recensione e t con qu isitae aJ A. GILES. 12mo. 4s . cum Notis Ruperti et Koenig. 8vo CICERO on the NATURE of the GODS , n ew ed tion boards 14s . t ranslated by Franklin . 8vo . 83. i , , LU CRETIUS ex recen sione et cum Notis A GRAMMAR ofth e LATIN LANGUAGE by , , Creech e t Bentle ii . 8vo . ust ub the Rev. J . A . GILES . 8vo. 6S. cloth . j p ’ lished 12s. JOHNSON and WALKER S D ICTIONARY of , V IRGILIUS. Foolsca 8vo. beautifully the ENGLISH LANGUAGE combin ed p , rin ted b Whittin ham un iform with the Pronunciation reatly Sim p y g , g with th e Aldine Poe ts cloth bds . 63. lified revised corrected and en , p , , , V IRGILII OPERA Notis ex editione He lar ed with the addition of several , y g , 4 n ian i excer tis illustrata accedit . thousand words by R. S. JAMESON , p , , Index Maittairianus , large 8vo. 11. 83. Esq . 8vo . fourth edition, 12s . ’ “ The most correct arid best edition JOHNSONS ENGLISH DICTIONARY. Dia 2 : ofVir il in one volume . mond t e new edit. 18mo. bd. 3S. 6d. g yp , PUBLISHED BY WILLIAM PICKERING. . FACCIOLATI ET FORCELLINI LEX ICON , Cura BAILEY . 2 vols . royal 4to . cloth boa ds 61. 16s . 6d. , r In this edition the Italian has been rendered into En lish , the Paduan . Su lemen t g pp incor orated and u wards of twen ty thousand words introduced by the learn in and dill , p p g ence of the editor. In the A endices w ill be fou nd valuable and im ortant addition s , g pp p ’ cons istin of Turcellinus on the articles of the Latin lan ua e Gerrard s Si larium g p g g , g ’ Romanum and Gesner s Etymolo ical Index. , g ’ thickenings HDIalnontl Mosaics. Beau tifu lly rin ted th e smalle st ever ubl ish ed. p , p GREEK. CICERO DE OFFICIIS &c. 48mo . c loth , NOVUM TESTAMENTUM GRE CUM with a boards 53. , , ’ beautiful fronti s iece of Da Vinci s ITALIAN . p Las t Su pper, 48mo . 103. 6d. DANTE, 2 vol s . 48mo . cloth boards , 103. The first s ecimen of a Greek Testa TASSO, 2 vols . 48mo . cloth boards , 103. p ment executed in diamond ty e , cast ex P ETRARCA 48mo . cloth boards 63 . p , , re ssly for this edition . p ENGLISH . HOMER" IU AS ET ODYSSEA , portrait , 2 SHAKESPEARE, with 38 En gravings after vols . 48mo . 123. Lar ge paper, 2 vols . Stothard , QT. 9 vols . 48mo . 21. 23 . ’ 32mo . 183. WALTON S LIVES of DONN E WOTTON , , LATIN. HOOKER HERBERT and SANDERSON , , , HORATIUS 48mo . cloth boards 63 . ortraits 48mo . 63. , , p , ’ VIRGILIOS , 48mo . cloth boards , 88. WALTON and COTTONS COMPLETE AN CATULLUS , TIEULLUS, e t PROPERTIUS, GLER , with cuts , 48mo . 63. ’ 48mo . 68 . MILTON S PARADIS E LOST. 48m o. 53. TERENTIUS 48mo . cloth boards 63. , , SPECIMENS OF THE EARLY POETRY OF FRANCE , From the t ime of th e Troubadours and Trouveres to th e Rei n of H en ri g Q uatre , by LOUISA STUART COSTELLO. In crown 8m . with four bacil li/id illu minotiens colo ured and he i h tened with old 11. 13. , g g , BOJARDO ED ARIO STO . O R LA N D O I N N AM O RAT O E F U R I O S O , With an Introductory Essay Ori inal Memoir Notes and Illu strations in En lish , g , , g , by ANTONIO PANIzzr. 9 vols . crown 8vo . 5 1. 83. The resent edition of the e ntire oem for the Innamorato and Furioso are but one ( oem wipl we trust ere lon tak e its pace in every Italian library in this country. It has p ) g p — every thin to recommend it a most correct te xt , man Valuable notes and dis uisitions , g y q — beautiful print and paper. To any library it will be an ornament, no Italian library ” — can be com lete Without it . Forei n Quarterl Review. p g y BOCCACCIO IL DECAMERONE , , Con un Discorso Critico da U o Fo scolo . 3 vols . crown 8vo . 11. 1 13. 6d. with , g Ten En ravin s from Desi n s by S tothard 21. 12s . 6d. 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