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Three Bornean species of Madhuca (Sapotaceae) PDF

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by  VinkWim
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Preview Three Bornean species of Madhuca (Sapotaceae)

BLUMEA 46 (2001) 193-199 ThreeBornean species of Madhuca(Sapotaceae) Wim Vink Nationaal Herbarium Nederland,Universiteit Leidenbranch, P.O.Box 9514,2300 RALeiden,The Netherlands Summary MadhucaeriobrachyonP.Royenissunkinto M.borneensisP.Royenandthisspeciesisredescribed. Two species, M.primoplagensisandM. vulpina, aredescribed. Key words: Madhuca,Sapotaceae,Borneo. Descriptions 1.MadhucaborneensisP. Royen Madhuca borneensis P.Royen, Blumea 10(1960)20,f.2. —Type: Jaheri s.n.(holoL). Madhuca betis (Blanco) MacBride,p.p.,pro Jaheri 1568,H.J. Lam,Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 111,7 (1925) 161. Madhuca eriobrachyonP.Royen,Blumea 10(1960)40.—Type:bb 15284(holoL;iso BOn.v.). Tree(let)s5-28m high, dbh7-48cm. Bark smooth, cracked, brownishto darkgrey; underbarkdarkred, slashochrered;woodwhite.Indumentyellowishbrownto light ferruginous. Branchletsangularly ribbed, 3-8 mmin diam., densely stiffly patently hairy. Stipules ovate-acuminatetolanceolate-rostrate,7-18 by 1.5-4.5mm; outside onlyinlowercentretoentirely tomentose,inyoungstipules marginssometimesciliate; insideglabrous. Leaves spirallyarranged, scatteredalong theendsofbranchlets;blade (elliptic) toobovatetoobovate-oblong, (8-)11-47by 3.5-14cm,papyraceoustosub- coriaceous,apex acute to rounded,0-20 mmacuminate,base acute toobtuse, often slightly oblique; abovewhenyoung withdensehairswith shortshaftandlong arms, soonglabrescentbut usuallyremnants onmidribandnerves;belowwith(rather)dense hairswitharms generally aboutaslongas shaftto verymuchshorter; midribimpressed and(slightly) crested above,very prominent androundedbelow;secondary nerves 11-23,at50-65°,straight orslightlycurved, nearmargin diminishing untilinconspicu- ousbutjoined bythickenedtertiarynerves, todistinctlyarchingly joined, prominulous toimpressed above,prominentbelow;tertiarynerves transverse,moreorless sinuous, well-spaced, in some collectionsthis arrangement disrupted by stronger nerves de- scending tomidrib(sub)parallel to secondary nerves, prominulous to inconspicuous above,prominulous below;petiole6-45by (1.5—)2—3(—5) mm,narrowly canaliculate andoftenproximally flatabove,rounded(rarelyribbed) below,base not tosomewhat thickened,inoldleavesoftenrugose, densely (patent) tomentose,ultimatelyglabres- cent. Inflorescences betweenandbelowtheleaves,2-10-florous,leaving somewhat bulgy scars 1—2(—3) mmhigh;flowers rarely pendulous. Pedicelratherslender, 12- 194 BLUMEA Vol. 46, No. 1,2001 38 by 1-2mm, densely fuzzy hairy.Sepals 2x2, free, narrowly to broadly ovate, outersepals6-9by3.3-7mm,innersepals6-10by3-6.5mm;apex acutetonarrowly rounded(to truncate),outsidedensely subpatently hairybutparts coveredinbudappres- sedly hairy,apices oftendarkerhairy,innersepalsoftencarinateandalways glabrous alongfuzzyciliatemargins; insideglabrous,or outersepals withsomescatteredhairs, or thinly puberulous along apical margins. Corolla exserted, 8-12-lobed,7-15 mm long, onoutsidemedianlineoflobes withappressed lighthairs(inArifinBerau-565 varying to glabrous), oninsidedenselyfuzzy darkhairyin throat;tube2-5mmlong; lobes narrowly elliptic tooblong, 5.5-10 by 1.5-2.5mm, apex rounded,not ciliate. Stamens 17-22,insertedin corollathroat; filamentssubcylindrical, straight, 0.3-1.5 mm long, hairy as corolla throat; anthersoblong to (narrow-)ovoid, 2-3 by 0.8-1.3 mmand0.7-1.8mmrostrate, densely long-hairyalloverorapexofrostrumglabrous. Disksmall, completelyadnatetolowerhalfofovary,indumentasovary. Ovary 8-10- celled,with compitum, depressedly globose, 0.8-1.3 by 0.7-2mm, densely hirsute; style cylindrical, 10-20mm long, basal 1-3 mm shorthirsute; stigma indistinct. Infructescences betweenandbelowtheleaves.Pedicel18-33by 1.5-2.5mm.Sepals notincrassate.Fruit1-seeded,ellipsoid,20-28by 13-17mm;apexroundedtoflattened and indented,with style (remnant) hairy atbase, base rounded,densely short(sub)- patently ferruginously hairy, atbase witharing oferecthairs (disk); pericarp 2 mm thick. Seedobovoid, 22-23by 12by 8 mm, apex obtuse, base rounded;testalight brown, nitidous, 0.2-0.3 mm thick; scar as long as seed, 6 mm wide; cotyledons thick, radicleexserted; albumenthin, incomplete. Distribution— Borneo(17 collectionsseen). Ecology — Primary (mixed dipterocarp) forest, sometimes secondary forest, on well-drainedterrain,fromsealevelupto250maltitude.Flowering andfruitingappar- entlythroughout theyear. Vernacular names — Malay language: Nyatoh (general name);Kutai: Tempudau (twice; butthisis alsothename ofDipterocarpus). Notes— The sepals ofthetypespecimen of M. borneensisare twice as wideas thoseofthetype specimenofM.eriobrachyon, buttheothermaterialfillsupthisgap completely. Thereare two groupsofspecimens: onefrom Kutai-Berauandthatoneincludes thetype ofM. eriobrachyon; theother from Sarawak,together with thetype ofM. borneensis.Inthelattergrouptheleavesreach larger sizes: 11.5-47by 4-14cm vs. (8-)11-33by 3.5-9.5cm. TheSumatranspecies M.asperaH.J.LamandM. magnifolia (King)Moore,proba- bly conspecific, differonly by their shorter pedicels and glabrous corolla lobes; of thesespecies nofruitsareknown.Inallothercharacterstheyare similartotheBornean material. The flowers ofArifin Berau-565outsize those ofall othercollections; e.g. the corollalengthis 13-15mmvs. 7-10mm.Moreover, thecorollalobesare glabrous in fullymature flowers,although they haveamedianhairline inflowers withanopen butnot yetfully stretched corolla.TheotherBeraucollectionsare not deviating. Thismayhave abearing onanobservationby H.J. Lam.Inan unpublished manu- script(onthereverse sideoflettersdated 1927;inL,archivesH.J. Lam) hedescribes Madhucabetioides, based onbb 11943andbh 11955,as having "Corolla tubulosa, W.Vink: Three Bornean species ofMadhuca 195 glabra, tubo0.5 longa, petala ± 10, aequilonga, 0.5 longa, anguste 0.1 lata, apice rotundata;corollaintuscumstaminuminsertianumpilosa".Theaccompanying pencil drawing shows noindumentontheoutsideofthecorollalobes.Presently, thematerial in Bogor is sterile.1 have includedthese specimens inthepresentspecies. Jacobs5380, identifiedby van Royen as thesecond collectionofM. borneensis, differsin: branchlets with less stiffhairs, lower leafside with a layer ofappressed colourless hairs below a stratum oflong upright hairs as in M. borneensis, sepals larger (outerones7.5-8by5.5-7mm,innerones8.5-9by 7-7.5mm)andmorehairy inside. Materialseen'. MALAYSIA.Borneo. Sarawak: Bintulu. SeganForest Reserve, llias Paie S 15120(L) fr.- 3rd Division. Balingian, Ulu Arip,Bukit Iju, Sibatak LuangS 23226 (L) y. fr.; Kapit, Ulu Balleh, Sungei Mengiong,240 m alt., Othman bi Haron S 29065 (L) old fl., Othman Ismawi & Juga S29691 (L)fr.—Kalimantan: WestKalimantan. Deduai,Sanngau,60m alt.,HottaK-577(L) fl. buds. - EastKalimantan. WKutai. sine loc.. Jaheri s.n. (L, type ofM.borneensis)fl.; Soengei Magne,Jaheri 1568 (L) fr.pedicels.- EKutai. Berau,Inhutani I.area, Labanan-Samannda Rd, km 15,60 malt..ArbainsyahBerau-632 (L)y.fr.,ibidem, 100malt.,Ambriansyah& Arbainsyah Berau-588A(L)y.fr.,ibidem,km 16,AriftnBerau-565 (L)fl.,ibidem,Arifin&AbriansyahBerau- 988(L)fr.,ibidem,km 17,20m alt.,Kefileretal. Berau-661 (L)fl.,fr.;TandjungRedeb,Kostermans 21166 (L)buds; Sangkoelirang, Rantau Bahan, 18m alt., bb 15228 (BO, L) ster.,bb 15248 (L, type ofM.eriobrachyon)oldfl.,Palawan village, 50m alt.,bb 11943,11955 (BO)ster.;KPCarea Bengalon,Melawan,57m alt.,Arifin Zainal&Arbainsyah 1783 (L)fl.;EKutai Reserve, Sengata & Mentoko Rivers, 250 m alt..Leighton839(L) fl. Madhucaaff. borneensis: Borneo. Sarawak: 3rdDivision,Kapitdistr.,Belagasubdistr.,Rajang R.,below 500 m alt., Jacobs5380 (L) old fl. 2.Madhucaprimoplagensis Vink,spec. nov. Arbor(velarbuscula).Stipulaeovato- adtriangulari-lanceolatae 13-16 mmlongae5-8 mmlatae.Folia obovata (14—)8—33cmlonga(6—)8—17cmlatavalde papyracea adsub- coriacea,apexlate rotundato ad 1cmacuminato,basisacutaadobtusa,supraglabrased costaappresse tomentosaglabrescens,infrapilisminutis argenteisdenseappressispilis longioribus subappressis atris interspersis cito glabrescens sed indumentum costae nervorumque persistentibus,nervi secondarii 23-30 angulo65-75° divergentesprope marginemarcuate connati,nervi tertiariitransversales.Petiolus 20-40mmlongustomen- tosus. Flores plerumquependuli. Pedicellus (2.5—)5—11mm longus 1.5-3mmcrassus tomentosus.Sepalain paribus duobuslibera (6—)7.5—10mmlonga5-7 mmlata extus tomentosaintusinparteapicalipuberula.Corollaimperfectacognita;extusglabrapraeter loborum apices pilorum comamintus fauce dense pubescenti,tubus 2-3 mm longus, lobioblongica.5.5mmlongi 1-1.5mmlati. Staminaincorollae fauceinserta,filamenta brevia dense longepubescentia.Discus inapparens.Ovarium 10-vel 11-loculare ovoi- deum2mmlongum2mmdiam. hispidum,stylusca. 12mmlongusbasi breviterpubes- centi. Fructus 1-seminalis ellipsoideus ad 20 mm longus 14 mm diam.,apex late rotundatus indentatus,basis obtusas breviterappresso-tomentosa.Semen ellipsoideum ca. 18mm longum9mm latum 9mm crassum, apex truncato-rotundatus,basisobtuse rotundata,testaatro-brunnea nitida,cicatrix semine equilonga5 mm lata,cotyledones aliquantumcrassae.—Typus:Dania Godeb S41015 (holoL; dupl.n.v.:K,KEP, SAN, SAR). Tree(let)5-17mhigh,dbh 12-35cm.Outerbarksmooth,(blackish)brown.Branchlets ratherstout,withroundedribs, becoming terete,solid,6-7mmindiam.,darkferrugi- nously tomentose, quickly to tardily glabrescent. Stipules ovate- or triangular-Ian- 196 BLUMEA Vol. 46, No. 1,2001 ceolate, 13-16by 5-8mm,apexacute toattenuate,outsidesubappressed ferruginously tomentose on crestedmidribandapex, ultimatelyglabrescent, insideglabrous. Leaves spirally arranged, scatteredalong endsofbranchlets;bladeobovate, (14-)18-33by (6-)8-17cm,strongly papyraceoustosubcoriaceous,apex(acute to)broadlyrounded andupto 1cmnarrowly tobroadlyacuminate,base(obliquely) acutetoobtuse;above glabrousbutonmidribappressed tomentose,glabrescent; belowwithsilvery closely appressed minutehairsinterspersed withlarger subappressed darkferruginous hairs, quickly glabrescent but indumentumlonger persistent on midribandnerves; midrib slightly impressed andflatabove,strongly prominent androundedbelow;secondary nerves 23-30, at65-75°,steepertowards apex, slightly curvedtostraight, 2-3mm frommarginjoined byratherflatarchs, abovedistinct,prominulous toslightly impres- sed,belowprominent; tertiarynerves transverse,moreorless sinuousorforked,well- spaced, above distinctto faint,flattoslightly impressed, belowprominulous; petiole 20-40by 2.5-4mm, base thickened, above flatwith lateralridges, belowrounded, dark ferruginously subappressed tomentose,ultimately glabrescent. Inflorescences betweenandbelowtheleaves, (l-)3-13-florous, leaving burly scars; inflorescence bracts ovate,c.7.5 by 5.5mm,flowerbracts narrowly oblong tolingulate, 4-8.5by 2-3 mm, (sub)acute to truncate, all (sub)appressed hairy outside, glabrous inside. Flowersusually pendulous. Pedicelratherthick,(2.5—)5—11 by 1.5-3mm,subappres- sed ferruginously tomentose. Sepals 2x2, free, outer sepals separated by crest of innerones; outer sepals ovate or elliptic to oblong, 7.5—9(—10)by 5-7 mm,lateral margins usually recurved, apex acute toobtuse,oftenseemingly acuminateby a tuft ofdarkhairs,outsidesubappressed ferruginously tomentose,inside(minutely) puber- ulousin upper0.2-0.3(and along lowermargins);innersepals ovate or elliptic, (6-) 7.5-10by 5-7mm, margins not recurved,apex acute totruncate,outsideoncrestas theouter sepals, otherwisesericeousbut glabrous alongtheciliatemargins, insideas outer sepals or entirely glabrous. Corollapoorly knownbecause ofinsect damage; outsideglabrous except fortuftoffuzzy hairs atlobeapices, inside densely hairy in throat; tube2-3mm;lobes oblong, c. 5.5by 1-1.5mm. Stamensinsertedincorolla throat;filamentstraight, c. 1 mm, densely straight-hairy;anthers4mmlongincluding 1 mm prolonged connective continuous with anther apex, rather densely straight- hairyallover. Disknot apparent. Ovary 10- or 11-celled,withcompitum, ovoid,2 by 2 mm, densely dark ferruginously hispid; style terete, c. 12mm long, lower2 mm short-hairy; stigma indistinct.Infructescences belowtheleaves,burly,2-4mmhigh. Pedicelandcalyxnot incrassate.Fruit 1-seeded,ellipsoid, 18-20by 13-14mm,apex broadly roundedandindented,withstyleremnant surroundedby tracesofringofap- pressed hairs,baseobtuse,shortferruginously appressed-tomentose, base surrounded by longer straight hairs; pericarp 1-3 mmthick. Seedellipsoid, 18 by 9 by 9 mm, apextruncate-rounded,baseobtuse-rounded;testadarkbrown,nitidous,0.3mmthick; scar as long as seed,5 mmwide;albumenc. 0.5mmthick, openon one lateralside; cotyledons ratherthick, outside flattened,elliptic-obovate, 13.5by6by 2 mm, apex broadlyrounded,base obliquely truncate;radiclecylindrical, distallynarrowed,2by 1.5mm,exserted, enclosedby albumen. Distribution— Endemicto 1stDivisionofSarawak,Borneo(5 collectionsseen). Ecology—Kerangas forest,riverineforest,ridgetop;at20-175maltitude.Flower budsSeptember, oldflowers June,July; fruiting October. W.Vink: Three Bornean species ofMadhuca 197 Vernacularname— Iban/Malay: Nyatoh (general name formanySapotaceae). Etymology —Thisspecies is namedafterthe 1stDivisionofSarawak,towhichit isendemic. Note—As only incomplete corollasareavailable,thenumberofstamens remains unknown. Materialseen: MALAYSIA.Borneo.Sarawak: 1stDivision. Samumsan Wildlife Sanctuary, 20m alt.,IliasPaie S42991 (L) oldfl.; Lundu,BukitGebong, 90 m alt.,Anderson (S) 15438 (L)y.fr.;Sabal Kruim, Sabal For. Reserve, 74th Mile Kuching-SimanggangRd, 150 m alt., Y.P. ChingS 41119 (L)fr.; ibidem,D. Godeb S 41015 (holotypeL) oldfl.; Ulu Sg.Cina,Matang, 175 m alt., Rantai Jawa S69808 (L)fl.buds. 3.Madhucavulpina Vink, spec. nov. Arbor. Indumentum atro-rubrum. Stipulae (ovato-)lanceolato-rostrataead acerosae (4-)7-10mm longae0.8-1.5 mmlatae.Folia oblanceolata 5-14cm longa2-4 cmlata valdepapyracea adsubcoriacea,apex(acutusad) obtusus (velemarginatus)late acumi- natus0-0.5 cm longus,basis angusteacutainterdum attenuata, nervi secundarii 9-16 angulo(45-)55-75°divergentesdistaliter curvatipropemarginemnervis tertiariisincras- satisconnexis,nervitertiarii late reticulati. Petiolus 5-10mm longuslongepubescens glabrescens.Pedicellus 7-15 mm longus 1-1.5mmcrassuslongepubescens.Sepalain paribusduobus;parexterius(late)ovatum4.5-7 mmlongum6-8mmlatum extuslonge pubescensintus dense longepubescensin zonalata secusmarginem,parinterius(late) ovatumadorbiculare 5-7mmlongum5-7.5mmlatumextuscostaexclusadenseappresse longepubescenssecusmarginemciliatorumparteminferiorum sparseappressepubescens ad glabrum intus apicaliter pubescens. Corolla exserta 8-10-lobata ca. 9 mm longa, tubusca.5mm longusglaber,fauxglaberadcrispatepubescens,lobi obovativelelliptici adoblongica.4mm longi2.5mm lati,apex utrinquedensepubescensextuspilis appressis in forma V deorsum lobi longitudinemsuper partemdimidiam adbi-tertiam. Stamina 16-20,filamenta ca. 1 mm longaglabra, antherae apiculatae basis profundecordata lateraliterpubescens.Discusnullus. Ovarium8-10-loculare ovoideum admodum supra basin constrictumlongemolliter atro-ferrugineumpilis in constrictione insertis partis ovarii latioris glabribasintegentibus,stylus 10-13 mmlongusglaber.Fructus globosus 13-25 mmlongusalterutris extremisrotundatuslongepubescens, styli basiszona 1-2 mm lata glabraadlaxaappresse pubescentiutinovario. Seminaaliquotobovoidea 15- 17 mm longa 9-10 mm lata 6-7 mm crassa, testa dilute brunnea subnitida,cicatrix semine aequilonga2-4.5 mm lata,embryo ignotus.—Typus: SibatakLuangS24613 (holoL; dupl.n.v.:A,BO,FHO, K,MEL,SAN, SAR,SING). Tree 18-31 m high, dbh24-45cm. Bark light, greyish, or dark brown.Indumentum darkreddishbrown,onexposed surfaces(except corolla,androecium,andgynoecium) long-hairy: hairswithshortshaftandratherlongsubappressed arms mixedwithhairs with short shaft, one short and one (sub)patent long arm. Branchlets slender with shallow rounded ribs, soon becoming terete,solid, long-hairy when young, quickly glabrescent. Stipules (ovate-)lanceolate-rostrate to acerose, (4-)7-10 by0.8-1.5 mm, outside long-hairy, distally shorter, glabrescent from apex downwards, inside with scatteredhairs especially on lowermargins, or puberulous on rostrum, glabrescent. Innovations not concurrent, long-hairy on either side. Leaves scattered or, mostly, subconfertedatendsoflateralshoots(flushlike growth);bladeoblanceolate,5-14by 2-4cm,strongly papyraceoustosubcoriaceous,apex(acute to)obtuse(oremarginate), 0-0.5cm broadlyacuminate,base narrowly acute,sometimesattenuate;glabrouson 198 BLUMEA Vol. 46, No. 1, 2001 either side; midribcrestedabove, prominent and roundedbelow; secondary nerves 9-16,at(45-)55-75°, straight orthelongeronescurved, nearmargin curving distally andconnectedby thickenedtertiarynerves, abovedistinctandoftenslightly impressed, towards base becoming inconspicuous, belowprominulous; tertiary nerves widely reticulate,oftenastrongeronesubparallelto secondary nerves, withtendency tofork descendingly nearmidrib,above minutely impressed or prominulous to faint,below prominulous toinconspicuous; petiole 5-10by 1-2mm,basenot orslightlythickened, aboveflatto convexwithmediancrest,belowrounded,long-hairy,glabrescent. Inflo- rescences betweenandbelow theleaves, 1-8-florous. Pedicelratherthick, 7-15 by 1-1.5mm, long-hairy. Sepals 2x2, free;outer sepals valvate,(broadly) ovate,4.5-7 by 6-8 mm, apex acute to broadly rounded, outside long-hairy, insidea broadzone along margins with dense, long, soft subappressed hairs, sometimesalso scattered appressed hairs along base; inner sepals (broadly) ovate toorbicular, 5-7 by 5-7.5 mm, apex acute to obtuse, base broadly rounded to truncate and usually minutely eared,outsidelong-hairyonmidrib,laterally densely appressed long-hairy,along lower part ofciliatemargins thinly appressed hairy to glabrous, insideapically densely to laxly appressed to fuzzy, usually descending, hairy. Corollaexserted, 8-10-lobed, c.9mmlong, white;tube obconical,5 mmlong, glabrous; throatglabrous to(partly) fuzzy hairy;lobesobovateorelliptictooblong, recurved,c.4by 2.5mm,apexrounded, densely hairy,outsidecontinuing withappressed hairsinV-shape downover 1/2-2/3 oflobe length, inside forming denseto ratherlaxsubapical tuft offuzzy to straight descending hairs. Stamens fully presented because corollalobes curve backwards, 16-20,insertedin corollathroatin2rows; filamentsratherthick, c. 1 mm long,gla- brous, sometimes some with a patch of descending hairs; anthers narrowly ovate- oblong to lanceolate, apex apiculate, base deeply cordate, laterally with colourless hairs sometimes mixed with scattered ferruginous hairs. Disk absent. Ovary 8-10- celled,with compitum, ovoid, 1-2by 1-2.5 mm, constrictedjustabove base atthe leveloftheloculesorbelowthese,apically confluentwithwidenedbaseofstyle, long soft dark ferruginous hairs arising in constriction covering base of glabrous wider ovarialpart; style shallowly ribbed, 10-13mmlong, glabrous; stigma indistinct.In- fructescences belowtheleaves.Pedicel 12-15by 2 mm.Sepals 6-9mmlong,outer ones8-9mmwide, inner ones7-7.5mm. Fruitwith severalseeds, globose, 13-25 mmlong;roundedateitherend;long-hairy, atbase withc. 1 mmlongstipe appressed hairy as ovary,around baseofstyle 1-2 mm widezone glabrous tolaxly appressed hairy as ovary; style broken, up to 13 mm long. Seed obovoid, 15-17 by 9-10 by 6-7mm,apexbroadlyrounded,base narrowlyrounded;testalightbrown,subnitidous, brittle,0.15 mmthick; scaras long as seed, 2-4.5 mmwide;embryo unknown. Distribution— Borneo: Sarawak(16collectionsseen). Ecology—Primary lowland(mixed) dipterocarpforestonhillsorslopes fromsea level up to 120 m altitude. Innovations throughout the year. Flowering: August to October; fruiting: OctobertoNovember. Vernacularname—Nyatoh (general nameformany Sapotaceae). Notes—Forthis description only budsandoneinsect-damaged open flowerwere available, mature antherswere notseen. The constrictionofthe ovary is peculiar. Itis only visible upon longisection as longhairsfillitcompletely. Theglabrous upperpartoftheovaryis stillvisibleinfruit W.Vink: Three Bornean species ofMadhuca 199 as amoreorless glabrousareaaroundthestylebase,andthebasalconstrictionresults inthevery short stipeofthe fruit. Materialseen: MALAYSIA. Borneo. Sarawak: 1st Division. Samumsan Wildlife Sanctuary, 20 M alt., llias Paie S42979(L) old fl.; 'Bankroka Ra.', Mile 9Bau-Lundu Rd,Mamit S42108 (L)fr.; outside Arboretum,SemengohFor. Res., Kuching,llias & BernardS37982 (L) old fl.;Arboretum c. 100 malt., Ghazali&Asah S 12849(L)ster.,BanyengakNudongc.s. S25376(L)fl.,Rantai & Tinjan S 66085 (L) old fl.;Arboretum,Tree 60: dd. 1957,AwangYacup(S) 8910 (L),fr.; dd. 1960,Zen s.n. (L)ster.;dd. 1961,Rosli S 15017 (L)y. fr.; dd. 1972,HajiBujangS 32427(L) old fl.;Tree 915: BanyengakNudongS25456 (L)old fl.;Tree 1206:Rosli(S)3377(L)fl.buds.—4thDivision, Nyabau,50-120malt.,Hou350(L)fl.buds, 381 (L)fl.buds,Sibatak LuangS24515(L)fl.buds, S 24613(typeL)fl.buds. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Dr. J.F.Veldkamphasbeen sokindtoprovideforthe translations into Latin.

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