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Preview Three books of occult philosophy, or, of magick

V ** ;r^? .• " , ' ■ Ч i/l^v ^г '< > 1 >>. V ^ Ч 'Ч ч^ . Л ' < > Ч ^ / X , в : reT^H'Si'A } ^-i м l à W H X i ^ t f e Ф f йг.+е^7Ц ) < U V ^ T'. F r« V ^ N W * . ' Л*\ j' v4 > ' .4->Tv< , ч N ^ X ' ♦ ♦ -< > .i* . ^ ' "S, S 4^7 «« -A ’ - ' * -Г А < B-i V ». ^ * i. Г ' A SS X Ч . J г ^ \ • Щ ' 4^ •K-- .w 7 '* V ''>t V ' > - ' \ -t' a- ' *-- -- “'-.'.V. ' ^--ir.v%- '-':' - ^ r '> '. iV. Vv-” * sV •' W «• S-* ^ ♦\ Ч V Ч V f r , > V ^, • >♦ V \\> A Л n *>* ^ ' V . ' . < ' \ ^*N • -V. X'» ^ ♦♦ : -V. Л-1- ^ ^ V Л s. ^ ^ •v.? .. . • . .Ms ^ ^ / ^s s ' ' 7 '> >- ^ ^ ^ '* ...,-A -^ 'n" - . A '»;• ;. 'V ,. ,. î.- •*', Л. -X .4 Л -'«"*- .'’^ ч Ч o > Ч \ NS4^ • Ч > V X ' *# Ч ^ Ч 44'-' ';^ î î 'Л - . f •, '.'i\''. ' •" > ' y s ^ ^V r.4-< I- - '«- w , 4^ > 4^ ‘ s*''" ^ s« 1 - > V * * ' 4 ? :t ■ Í. 4 К ;> /♦ ■•'' >. ■ >^1 Í ;■ '- ’ c ^ “î> . 4 « *4 Л« *>::. ♦ ' ) “ ^ S ' S ^ 4 ... ; - . * . ' > \ t:>> \4 • '^< 4 s s ^ Ч . I ^ Vx ^ . - - ' , > ■ ^ 1 . . / ' ' V .:. •. 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T ikJ fh n , tndxkcFinkCdfdifi^fp •è j^ tta lb S e r^ B il Яг dotb appear^ Thcp^arebiK Gréve^ibetmUAhcbM ttn heae. ^'MliofrathfaFWwidMiUaAUfÿ, Н Ы (я Mufi neeS bê^H ||rV W cht and die* Thefc are tkeà^fcyiej h t w ik£ï Gloriooi Agrirtâ^ irfcere tby langnase Wbere thy ¿rr^ Ttxturt т а м me w a^er iarj Wfaict th(0«|btbac pathlefe Я/fb/, I ne^d tk But I lure {bond tbou M y^U f^htm hkk Tby B a^nsm oie Àcn a ru e ^ J ^ * n wfah РиЛ» Mowanew fajlbeyénd tb e ^ tlfix Wbere break* the of tby ОМшШг i Исль’ш ftate* ьСтитги bec irkb MàH, bad Hc Bac gracefaU Aiidr C O a n d £yri toy!v. N • L^Vn V ‘ HeneeyoQ fond ^ЛфЫ-тт,Лагbif/f frMi^LictSki O And т ЛяоА/ ттШ bac MjyKand Pméti r . 1 1 Toa cbae danm â i but wtacyott fd m т ш . And ycc finj owbii^ by ExfertMUtt I Toar Face iMirhRoby an ЯааА Bac Us Tirer iNA ck Л т MTidr ftâO A»A ' 3 U b ? ♦ I ч •>, « г • I ' . « f * » S i' It í % i.'-'— *— Г%' ' ' T H R E E B O O K S OF O ccult Philofophy^ W R I T T E N V b H e/ify C om eltm A ^ ip p a ^ N E T T E S H E I M , C o u n f e l l e r to C t h e F i f th h a r l e s .E M p E R o R o f G e rm a n y : AND X l u d g c o f t h e P r e r o g a t i v e C o u r t . « T r u U l a t e d o u t o f t h e L a t i n i n t o t h ( ' t n g l i i h T o n g u e , B y f . F ^ -e k ii m m mm » , Printed by Jl. IT. foe Cregfrj%MiU,*nd a be loid « die Sign of the dim Bthke^ocer tfac 1 6 f g. W e f i* o d o f , ' V ♦ > • A i 4 f) ^ % The life of Henry Cornelius Agrippa, • 4 Eloy C tnnlliii Ap-Tffu, Deí¿en^<3 TromanobU Family of N ttu jiim in 5 f/^i4, D odot of the Laws and Phyi (kk, Maftct of the Rols, and Judge of the fpiricuall Court,from his youth be applyed bis. mind to karoing, and by his hapi^ wit obtained great know ledge in all Arts and S t^cesi after­ wards alfo be followed the Army of the Princes, and for bis valor was cim ed Knighc in the Field; when he was by thefetaetos famous for learning andArms aboaciyjd* He gave (uc miade co writing,ardeompofed cbrei^B6dkil O f Oc- emit Pbilpfiphj } afierowd an InvediTe or Cyoicaii decla­ mation o f the uncertaincy and vanity.of all things, in which lie teachetb that there b no ccnaincy in any thing, bat In the Iblid words of God, andtbavtoJie.bidiotbe qnioencyof 'G otb w ord; healfowtote an HiCtoiy of the dduble'Osro- nacion of Emperor Chdvlt, and al(b of tke'dkdlH e^ of (he f«nininefexe,aadofibeappaTiKionsoffpirics; butfeeing tbae be publiihed commentaries on the AnBrevu of J L U , and was very much addifted to Occblt Philip mx m j fofdiy and Alhotogy, there were riiofe who tbooghctbacife cojtwcd commerce with devils, whom notwitbiandiog he conm ed in hu publilhcd A polo^, aod ihewed, that be kept himielf within the boonds of Art, lysSi He wrote many learned leaned oracioni^wiucb manifeft co all the exccliencyof hit will but efpectally ten; the fîriloa7/4N f/Banquet, uttered in tl№ ÀcâÀmj OÎTrkiné containing the prüfe o f Love ; the fécond on H erm tT rjfmeppm^txià of the power and wifdon o f God j the third ror one wfaowtito receive his degree of Doflpt ; the foorth for the Lords of MetK^ when he w s chofen oeir Advocate, Syodice and Orator ; the fifclf to the Senate of ZjrjvoiAsr/, for theLords o f M t u i Thefinhto fahtte the Prince and Bifhop thereof, written for the Lords o f the fereoch cofaluce a noble man^writcen likewiféfot the Lords o f Metx. j the eighth for a ceruin kinfinan o f hia, a CWr^/^ftOiadc Bachelor o f Divinity,wben he received his regeoqratPurfir ; A lUMhior (be fojMTiO^'rr»* King i k and coining of the Emiteror ; the tenth at the Funcrall of. the Lady grttf Princefs of AußrU w i-Btenttnij | be wrote alfo a Di> alogue concerning man, and a l^ ciam i^o o f a difpntable opinionconceningoriginaH (into the B iil^ o f C jrtta ; an ^ifileto.^£r^4r/dif./fr4W4l!fBi(h(^ of-Saint P«o(/i tCom* plaint upon aalomny DocprovedyPrioced ttStriuhtr^ and therefore by ibefe roonumcnts publUhed, the name of Çornelim for his,variety of Learning was famous, not only a- moD^ the GairndHtiy out allb ouer Nationa j for M om m himfeffcarpech at all amoogft the gods; amoagftcfie'HärOcH Hi^iwlif/hufiteth after Monilers* amonsft the dtveli Plktê tb c k ^ o f heBUingrywichallthcgtMfu; amongftPhUo fopbett Dewtomtnf laushetb at aU chingii, oa the contrary Hr^d^.weepcthatalithings; PcrrhMris ienortocof aU things, an<^>fn/fw/rüiiokcthbefcRowcrii alltnii^s ; D » £ f m i cootcinO'etb all dungs; tius ^ a r ^ none, he coniemDCth, knows, is ignorant, w ee^, laughs, is angry, orfueth, carps at all dongs, being Umiclf a PhtJofbpher,a p o j moo,aQ№roes,agod,»Mail chtegs. O c T< T o my moil honorable, and no lefs learned Friend, Si»^rt Childt^ Dodor o f Pbyfick. % ilR! Great men decline,migK- ty men may fall, but an no- neft Philoiopha keeps his S»tion for, ever. T o your fclf therefore I crave leave to pre- font, what I know you are a* blc to protcdtjnot with fwordjbut by reafon,* & not that only,but what by your ace^cance you areableto give a luAre to. I fee it is not in vain that you have compaffed ^ and L and, for .thierid>y you have m adea Profe- Iycc, not o f another, but of your felf,.by be­ in g converted from vulgar, and irrational incredulities to the rational embracing o f the fublime, Hcrmeticall, and The* omagicall tnicKs. You are sl^U^ in the one as if Hermes b ad . been your T utori have innght in the other,as if ( b ) your your Maftcr.Many «anfcwnncPhiloíbphers, wBch'W c only read, you have converied w ith : liiany Counuics,rarities,and anciqui- tics, which we have only heard of, and ad­ mire,you havci«n> N ay you have n o t only heard o^ but ícen,not in M aps, but in l^pme it (elf the manners of . There you have feen much Ceremony, and little R eligion; and in the you have feen amongft fome,muchR.5igion,and little Ceremonyj and am ongft others, I mean the Natives thereof, neither Cere­ mony, nor R eligion, but what nature di- ¿tates to them. In this there is no imall vari­ ety, and your obfervadon not little. In your paíláge thither by Sea^ you have feen the Wonders o f God in the Deepj and by L and, you have feen thcaftonifhing works o f God in the unaccefsiblc Mountains.You have left no ftone unturned, th at the turning thereof m ight conduce to the difeovery o f w hat was Occult,and worthy to b e know n. It is part o f ray ambition to let the w orld know (hat I honor fuchas your.felf, Sc. my learned friend, 6c your experienced fcllow*travcllcr, D o ito r Charletj who have, like trae Philoib- . phers r. г ph CIS negle^ed your worldly advanc^es ю become mafteisof chac which hath now rcndrcdyou both truly honorable. If 1 had as many languages as your fclves, the rhe- toricall and pathcticall expreisions thereof would fail to irgniBe my eibmation of,and affeitions towards you both. N ow 5*г! as in reference to this my tranflation, if your* judgement fliall findc й deficiency therein, let your candor make a fupjply thereof. Let thisTreatiieof Occult Phiiofophy coming as a firanger amongil the Engliln, be patro­ nized by you , remembring that you your felf was once a danger in the Country of its Nativity. This fixanger I have drefled in ai\ Englifli garb; but if it be not according to the bihion, and therefore ungrateful to any,let уоцг approbation make it the mode; you knowfbrangers moil commonly induce a faihion,erpecialIy if any once begin to ap­ prove of their hant. Your approbation*is that which it will Hand in need of, and which will render rac, S IR , Moft obligedlf foon, f . F.

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