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Three-band Hubbard model for Na$_2$IrO$_3$: Topological insulator, zigzag antiferromagnet, and Kitaev-Heisenberg material PDF

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Preview Three-band Hubbard model for Na$_2$IrO$_3$: Topological insulator, zigzag antiferromagnet, and Kitaev-Heisenberg material

Three-band Hubbard model for Na IrO : 2 3 Topological insulator, zigzag antiferromagnet, and Kitaev-Heisenberg material Manuel Laubach,1 Johannes Reuther,2,3 Ronny Thomale,4 and Stephan Rachel1,5 1Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Technische Universita¨t Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany 2Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems and Fachbereich Physik, FreieUniversita¨t Berlin, 14195 Berlin,Germany 3Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fu¨r Materialien und Energie, D-14109 Berlin, Germany 4Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Universita¨t Wu¨rzburg, 97074 Wu¨rzburg, Germany 5Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA Na IrO was one of the first materials proposed to feature the Kane-Mele type topological insu- 2 3 latorphase. ContemporaneouslyitwasclaimedthattheverysamematerialisinaMottinsulating phase which is described by the Kitaev-Heisenberg (KH) model. First experiments indeed revealed 7 Mott insulating behavior in conjunction with antiferromagnetic long-range order. Further refined 1 experiments established antiferromagnetic order of zigzag type which is not captured by the KH 0 model. Since then several extensions and modifications of the KH model were proposed in order 2 to describe the experimental findings. Here we suggest that adding charge fluctuations to the KH n modelrepresentsanalternativeexplanationofzigzagantiferromagnetism. Moreover,aphenomeno- a logical three-band Hubbard model unifies all the pieces of the puzzle: topological insulator physics J forweakandKHmodelforstrongelectron–electroninteractionsaswellasazigzagantiferromagnet 7 at intermediate interaction strength. 1 ] Introduction. The past decade of condensed matter netic ground state [11, 12] – as suggested earlier by ab l e physics has been strongly influenced by the rise of spin initio calculations[13] – which cannot be explained by - r orbit coupling. Although known from the early days of the original KH model. Several works proposed exten- t s quantummechanics,onlyrecentlyitstartedtounfoldits sions of this model[14–26] to account for the experimen- . t complexity and potential. Most notably, topological in- tal findings, ranging from longer-ranged Heisenberg ex- a sulators[1, 2] are spin orbit dominated band insulators change[14,15,26]and“negative”KHinteractions[17]to m with exotic surface properties. Amongst strongly cor- off-diagonalΓexchange[21,22]andlonger-rangedKitaev - d related systems, spin-orbital liquids[3] and spin orbit– interactions[19, 23, 25]. Furthermore, the formation of n assisted Mott insulators[4] are fascinating states of mat- molecularorbitalcrystalshasbeenproposedasanexpla- o ter which were proposed in the past years. nation for the phenomenology of Na IrO [16]. Despite 2 3 c the variety of different models, it remains elusive until [ Soon after the theoretical prediction of the quantum today which might be the spin Hamiltonian to most ac- 1 spin Hall (QSH)[5] effect it was realized that graphene curately describe the phenomenology of Na IrO . More- 2 3 v has negligibly small spin orbit coupling such that the over, it has even been questioned whether Coulomb in- 6 topologicalinsulatorphaseisnotobservable. Eversince, teractionsareasstrongasbelievedandwhethertheMott 9 the field has been searching for other honeycomb lat- 8 limit is justified: ab initio results rather suggest a mod- tice materials with possibly heavier elements and alter- 4 erateinteractionstrength[16,18]orevenastrong3DTI native mechanisms to accomplish large gap QSH states 0 phase[27]; likewise, recent ARPES experiments[28] re- . in honeycomb monolayers[6]. One of the first propos- 1 port the observation of metallic surface states which are als to feature Kane-Mele-type QSH physics focussed on 0 notcompatiblewiththepictureofanantiferromagnetin 7 Na2IrO3 where the Ir atoms form an effective 2D honey- the deep Mott limit. 1 combnet[7]. Shitadeetal.arguedthatifCoulombinter- : actionsarenottoostrongNa IrO mightexhibitacorre- Given the enormous interest in the KH model and v 2 3 i latedtopologicalinsulator(TI)groundstate. Aroundthe its extensions, one might wonder how a corresponding X sametime,JackeliandKhaliullinproposedthatNa IrO Hubbard model could be reconstructed of which the KH 2 3 r mightbeaMottinsulatorwherethespinphysicsisdom- model is its strong coupling limit. A first guess might a inated by both Heisenberg and exotic Kitaev spin ex- be that the non-interacting TI Hamiltonian considered change[8],referredtoasKitaev-Heisenberg(KH)model. by Shitade et al.[7] leads in the strong coupling limit to Since the pure Kitaev model[9] is a rare example of an the KH model. A simple analysis reveals, however, that exactlysolublequantumspinliquidsystem,theprospect in this case Kitaev spin exchange is generated on sec- of approximately realizing it in an actual material has ondneighborlinks,whilenearestneighborexchangeisof attracted enormous attention. The phase diagram of the pure Heisenberg type[29]. Likewise, one can construct a KH model contains a N´eel ordered antiferromagnet, the single-orbital band structure which indeed leads to the Kitaev spin liquid, and a stripy antiferromagnet as an KH Hamiltonian for large U[30]; it turns out, however, intermediate phase[10]. The successful growth of sin- thatsuchabandstructureexplicitlybreakstime-reversal gle crystals, however, established a zigzag antiferromag- symmetry since real spin-dependent hoppings on nearest 2 neighbor bonds are involved. In this paper, we introduce a three-band Hubbard 1.0 0.8 model with a time-reversal invariant band structure which is constructed such that its strong coupling limit 0.8 NI 0.6 isthepureKHspinmodel. Theminimalmodelweiden- SM tified has three orbital degrees of freedom which can be 0.6 interpreted as the t2g manifold. Thus the phenomeno- α 0.4∆sp logical model introduced here has a strong similarity to the model studied earlier by Rau et al.[21]. The analy- 0.4 etal TI m sis of the non-interacting band structure reveals an ex- 0.2 0.2 tended topological insulator phase. Since there are only metal twotypesoftime-reversalinvariantinsulatingbandstruc- SM 0.0 0 tures in 2D[31], the weak-coupling limit of our three- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 band model is topologically equivalent to the one pro- λ posed by Shitade et al.[7]. As we analyze the model in the presence of increasing interaction strength we find that it hosts a zigzag ordered phase at intermediate in- FIG. 1: Non-interacting λ-α phase diagram for t(cid:48) = t and 1 1 teraction strength U in consistency with experiments for C = 1. The single particle gap ∆ is indicated via color sp Na IrO . Inthissense,ourphenomenologicalmodeluni- codefortheinsulatingphases. Wefindnormalinsulator(NI), 2 3 fies the work by Shitadeet al.[7] at weak U, the work by topological insulator (TI), metallic phases, and semimetallic lines (SM). JackeliandKhaliullin[8]atstrongU,andtheexperimen- tal results[11, 12] at intermediate U. Phenomenological model. The spinfull three-band the Pauli vector. When λ > 0 the spin-orbit coupling modelinvestigatedinthisworkconsistsofakinetic,spin- generatesalowenergyJ =1/2doublet,representingthe orbit and interaction term subspaceinwhichthespinphysicsoftheKHmodeltakes H =H +H +H (1) place. kin SO I The simplest type of interaction term is an onsite with 1/6 electron filling. The kinetic part takes the form Hubbard repulsion H = U (cid:80) (N 1)2 with N = I 2 i i − i (cid:80) d† d which energetically favors single site oc- Hkin = (cid:88) (cid:88) d†inαTnγn(i(cid:48),j)din(cid:48)α+h.c., (2) cupn,aαnciyn.αPeinrαforming a strong coupling expansion in sec- (cid:104)i,j(cid:105)n,n(cid:48),α ond order in t /U as described in Ref. [21] and pro- 1/2 jecting the result on the low energy J = 1/2 subspace (†) where dinα denotes a fermionic annihilation (creation) (whichimpliesU (cid:29)t1/2 andλ(cid:29)t21/2/U),yieldanusual soppienraαtor on,sit.e Ti,hweiothrbiotrablitinadlinces∈ar{eyzre,mxzin,xisyc}entanodf spin-isotropic Heisenberg coupling H = J(cid:80)(cid:104)i,j(cid:105)S˜i ·S˜j the com∈mo{n↑ l↓a}belling of a t2g manifold which our model with J = 4Ut21 where S˜i are local spin-1/2 operators act- is closely related to. The sum is over pairs of near- ing in the J = 1/2 doublet. We find that the minimal est neighbor sites i,j on the honeycomb lattice and SU(2) symmetric extension of the plain Hubbard repul- (cid:104) (cid:105) γ(i,j) x,y,z indicates the type of inequivalent Ki- sion which generates anisotropic spin interactions in this ∈ { } taev bond the pair i,j belongs to. For a z-bond the subspace has the form (cid:104) (cid:105) hopping matrix Tz is given by nn(cid:48) H = U −3JH (cid:88)(N 1)2 2J (cid:88)S2 (5) t t 0  I 2 i− − H i 1 2 i i Tz =t2 t1 0  , (3) 0 0 t(cid:48) with 1 and the matrices Tnxn(cid:48) and Tnyn(cid:48) follow by cyclic permu- Si = 21 (cid:88) d†inασαα(cid:48)dinα(cid:48) (6) tationsoftherowsandcolumns. Unlessexplicitlystated n,α,α(cid:48) otherwise we will assume t = t(cid:48) in the following. The 1 1 spin-orbit coupling has the usual form and the Hund’s coupling JH. The prefactors have been chosentoresembletheKanamoriHamiltonianwhichhas HSO = λ2 (cid:88) (cid:88) d†inαLnn(cid:48) ·σαα(cid:48)din(cid:48)α(cid:48) , (4) [b2e1e,n3u2s,ed33t]o. de(sNcoritbeetmhautltitphleetfiunltlerKacatniaomnsoirni tH2gamshiletlols- i n,n(cid:48),α,α(cid:48) nian also contains additional L2 terms.) Together with i whereLdenotesanangularmomentumoperatorin3 3 Eqs. (2) and (4) this type of minimal interaction will be × matrix representation with L2 = l(l+1) = 2 and σ is investigated for different coupling strengths below. 3 At strong coupling (assuming U t and λ AF stripy QSL 1/2 (cid:29) (cid:29) t2 /U) the Hamiltonian (1) reduces to the KH model ∞ 1/2 50 1 HKH =J (cid:88)S˜i·S˜j −K(cid:88)S˜γi(i,j)·S˜γj(i,j) (7) 30 stripy (cid:104)i,j(cid:105) (cid:104)i,j(cid:105) 10 with parameters 3 J = 4t21(3U −4JH) , K = 16JHt22 . (8) U AF NMI ∆ 2 3U(U 4J ) 3U(U 4J ) H H − − zigzag When U > 4J the model features antiferromagnetic H 1 Heisenberg and ferromagnetic Kitaev interactions (i.e., TI J,K >0) as has been originally proposed by Chaloupka SM NI et al.[10]. Casting this Hamiltonian into the conve- 0 0 nientformwheretheexchangeinteractionsarewrittenas 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 J =1 α,K =2α,Eq.(8)yieldsthehoppingamplitudes − α (cid:115) (cid:114) 1 α α t1 =C − , t2 =C (9) FIG. 2: Interacting phase diagram in the U-α plane for 3U/J 4 2 H − λ=C =1 and t(cid:48)1 =t1. Below the black horizontal line, the range from weak to intermediate interactions 0 < U < 3 is where the parameter C sets the energy scale of the ki- shown,whileaboveit,intermediatetostronginteractions3< netic Hamiltonian. In total, α, U, J , λ, C define a five H U <50. Inaddition,thespinlimitU →∞isshown. FiniteU parameter model, for which we will study the effects of resultsareobtainedwithinVCAandthestrongcouplingspin charge fluctuations away from the strong coupling limit modelissolvedusingEDfor24sites. Wefindtopological(TI) (notethatoneparametercanbeabsorbedintoanoverall and normal insulating (NI) phases, semi-metallic (SM) lines energy scale). This three band system can be considered (brown),zigzag,N´eel(AF),andstripyantiferromagnets,and a non-magnetic insulator (NMI) phase. For details see main as a simplified (and particle-hole transformed) model for text. Na IrO as it has been studied in Ref. [21]. A signifi- 2 3 cant simplification comes from setting t =t(cid:48) in Eq. (3). 1 1 Giventheorbitalstructureofthet states,t <t(cid:48) would 2g 1 1 stricted to approximations. Below, we will present nu- certainly better account for the microscopic situation in mericalevidencethatthereisaphasetransitionfromthe Na IrO . However,thisgeneratesadditionaloff-diagonal 2 3 topologicalinsulatorphaseintoazigzagantiferromagnet and symmetric Γ-exchange, which complicates the effec- (AFM)atintermediateinteractionstrengthbasedonthe tive spin model and may drive spiral types of magnetic order. We, hence, mostly consider t = t(cid:48) but also dis- Variational Cluster Approach (VCA). VCA is a quan- 1 1 cuss the qualitative changes of our results when t <t(cid:48). tum cluster approach very similar to Cluster Perturba- 1 1 tionTheory[34]andClusterDynamicalMean-FieldThe- We first focus on the properties of the non-interacting ory[35] where the interacting Green’s function is com- model, U = J = 0. Instead of t we use α and H 1/2 puted on a small cluster which is then used to con- the spin orbit amplitude λ as parameters (here we keep struct the full Green’s function for the infinitely large U/J =5inordertobeconsistentwiththediscussionof H system within a self-consistent, variational scheme. Here the interacting case below). Calculating the band struc- we use a C-shaped four-site cluster with three orbitals ture, we identify (semi-)metallic and insulating phases where the Z topological invariant reveals both topolog- per site corresponding to an effective 12-site cluster. 2 For details about the method we refer the interested ically trivial and non-trivial insulating regimes. These reader to Refs.[36–39]. The VCA method[36, 40] has findings are summarized in the non-interacting phase di- been successfully applied to study interacting topologi- agram in Fig.1 where we also show the single-particle calphases[30,37,39,41]aswellasmagneticallyordered gap for the TI and normal insulator (NI) phases. Since systems[37, 38, 42]. there are only two types of time-reversal invariant insu- latingbandstructuresin2D(trivialandtopological)[31] Using VCA, we obtain the U-α phase diagram for the TI phase is topologically equivalent to the one pro- 0 < U 50, see Fig.2. To illustrate different coupling ≤ posed by Shitadeet al. Hence, together with the above regimes, we divided the range of interactions into two resultsfromastrongcouplingexpansion, ourthree-band parts: weak to intermediate interactions 0 < U < 3 and modelnaturallyunifiestheproposalsofShitadeetal.and intermediate to strong interactions 3 < U < 50. In ad- Jackeli and Khaliullin. dition, we show the result in the strong coupling limit Zigzag antiferromagnetic phase. In general, Hubbard (U ) obtained from exact diagonalization (ED) for → ∞ models in d = 2 are not exactly soluble and one is re- afinitesystemwith24latticesiteswhichagreeswithpre- 4 vious studies such as Ref.[21]. As a central VCA result, 0.5 0.5 U=0.0 U=1.7 we find that within wide ranges of α, the topological in- sulator phase is stable up to U 1 followed by a second 0 0 ∼ order phase transition without gap closing into a zigzag AFM regime. 0.5 0.5 Mappingoutthedetailedinterplayofdifferentphases, −0.5 0 Ukπ=x1.5 2π −0.5 0 Ukπ=x1.8 2π we first observe a TI, NI and two semi-metallic points 0 0 at U = 0, see Fig.2. Up to U 1 the phase diagram ∼ remains largely unchanged except that the semi-metallic pointbetweentheTIandNIphasessplitsintotwosemi- −00..55 0 π 2π −00..55 0 π 2π metallic lines. For U 1 the TI phase, evolving over Uk=x1.6 Uk=x1.9 a wide range 0 < α <(cid:63)0.8, undergoes a phase transi- 0 0 tion into the zigzag AFM phase. Note that the inter- action driven phase transition from the TI phase into a 0.5 0.5 collinearmagnetisingeneralexpectedfornon-frustrated − − 0 π 2π 0 π 2π lattices[37, 43]. For U 1.6 to 1.8 a first-order phase kx kx ≈ transitionfromzigzagAFMtoaN´eelorderedAFMtakes FIG. 3: Spectral function A(k ,ω) for the surface states at x place. While the N´eel phase extends up to α 0.8 for α = 0.4, C = λ = 1, t(cid:48) = 1.5t and different interaction ≈ 1 1 small interactions, with increasing U it slowly shrinks strength. For U < 1.5 magnetic order is absent and helical down to α 0.4 for U = 50 which coincides with the edgestatesindicatetheTIphase. ForU >1.6wefindafinite ≈ phase transition in the ED phase diagram. For large α zigzag order parameter and edge states acquire a small gap we detect a non-magnetic insulator (NMI) phase which sincetheprotectingtime-reversalsymmetryisspontaneously broken. persists up to U 10 and down to very small U at ≈ α 0.85. The origin of this phase is unclear: candidate ≈ states are quantum paramagnets including spin liquids and valence bond solids but also ordered states which follows: (i) As mentioned before, symmetric off-diagonal are incommensurate with respect to the cluster size such ΓexchangeisgeneratedinthespinHamiltonian(7). (ii) as spiral magnets or large-unit cell magnets. At U 5 As a result of these couplings, the ED phase diagram a stripy AFM becomes stable for large α and starts≈to at U shows an additional small 120◦ N´eel regime → ∞ spread over an extended α-range for increasing U. The between the stripy AFM phase and the Kitaev spin liq- reader should notice that VCA is unable to identify the uid[21]. (iii) Changes in the non-interacting phase di- Kitaevspinliquidphase,whichisclearlyresolvedbyED agram and in the interacting VCA phase diagram are forα>0.8. Duetothesmallclustersizeandthesuppres- rather small indicating that up to minor shifts of the sionoflong-rangeentanglement(whichisaninescapable phase boundaries, our previous discussion of the ideal- consequenceofquantumclusterapproaches)thisisbyno izedscenariot(cid:48)1 =t1isstillvalidinthemorerealisticcase means surprising. For large U and α 1, however, the t(cid:48)1 = 1.5t1. Similar arguments also hold for the overall ≈ VCA condensation energies of possible magnetic orders kineticenergyscaleC [seeEq.(9)]whichisanadditional become almost indistinguishable. Such a nearly degen- free parameter. While so far we have set C =1, we also erate ground state scenario might indicate the proximity checkedthedependenceoftheinteractingphasediagram to a spin-liquid phase. on this parameter. Varying C in the range 0.8 < C < 2 On a conceptually more simple level, the presence of a partially moves the phase boundaries but does not gen- zigzag AFM at intermediate interaction strength can be erate new phases or destroy existing ones. Thus we con- furthersubstantiatedbyaHartree-Fock(HF)mean-field cludethatinthisrangeC onlyaffectsthephasediagram analysis. Recently, the HF approach has been applied to quantitatively but not qualitatively. a three-band Hubbard model which is similar to Eq.(1) We finally focus on the regime near the transition be- butdiffers in details aboutthe interaction termsand the tween the TI and zigzag AFM phase (for t(cid:48) = 1.5t ). 1 1 signs of the parameters[44, 45]. In these works, a zigzag Assumingthattheexperimentallyobservedzigzagphase AFM phase was likewise identified at intermediate inter- is indeed not deep in the Mott phase but much closer action strength. to the weak-coupling regime[16, 27] it is interesting to Discussion. So far we considered t = t(cid:48) which led to investigate whether remnants of the TI phase can still 1 1 the KH model in the strong coupling limit. Given the be detected in the zigzag phase. We compute the single- microscopic situation of Na IrO , the parameter choice particle spectral function A(k ,ω) on a ribbon geometry 2 3 x t <t(cid:48) certainlybetteraccountsfortheorbitalstructure which allows to track the edge states even in the pres- 1 1 and orientation of the t states. To make the model ence of interactions. In Fig.3 surface spectral functions 2g morerealistic, weconsidert(cid:48) =1.5t intheremainderof for several values of U at α = 0.4 are shown. In the TI 1 1 the paper. The changes of the results are summarized as phase at U < 1.5 we clearly observe helical edge states 5 traversing the bulk gap while the magnetization remains 017205 (2009). zero. At U = 1.5 the second order phase transition oc- [9] A. Kitaev, Ann. of Phys. 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