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Preview Three additional new genera and two replacement names for northeastern Pacific prosobranch gastropods

THE NAUTILUS 108(3):80-82, 1995 Page 80 Three Additional New Genera and two Replacement Names for Northeastern Pacific Prosobranch Gastropods James H. McLean Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History 900 Exposition Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90007 USA ABSTRACT Remarks: Sculpture of typical speciesof Margarites and species of other available subgenera of Margarites is Three new genera or subgenera and two replacement names fTorrocshpiedcaiee:sCfoisotommoanrygmasriatrees.pnroepwosseudb.geNnueswofgMeanrugsarlieJvfesl;ttayxpae; sfpoirraglr,otwotthheienxccrleumseinotns.ofTahxiealsstcruolnpgtauxriealalstcougleptthuerreexofcejput- species Trochus costalis Gould. 1841. Calyptraeidae: Grandi- venile shells of Margarites (Costomargarites) costalis crepidula, new subgenusof Crepidula. type species Crepidula suggests a closer resemblance to Solariclla obscure grandis Middendorff, 1849. Turridae, Crassispirinae: Pseudo- (Couthouy, 1838) than to other species of Margarites. taranis new genus; type species Mangelia (Tarants) strongi The species in which axial sculpture dominates the mor- Arnold, 1903. New names for homonyms: Trochidae: Marga- phology of the early teleoconch (and may or may not be rites (Costomargarites) baxteri, new name for Margarites expressed in the mature shell) need to be distinguished (Pupillaria) rudis Dall, 1919, not Margarita groenlandica var. at least at the subgeneric level. For many years I have rudis Morch, 1869 Turridae: Leucosyrinx hantori, new name been surprised that this common Arctic species has not for Antiplanes aniycus Dall, 1919, not Leucosyrinx amycus been made the type species of a subgenus, a gap that I Dall, 1919. hereby fill. Keywords: Mollusca; Prosobranchgastropods;Trochidae;Ca- lyptraeidae; Turridae; new species; new names Family CALYPTRAEIDAE Lamarck, 1809 Grandicrepidula McLean, new subgenus INTRODUCTION Type species: Crepidula grandis Middendorff, 1849. Thispaperfollowsa—previouspaper(McLean, 1995) with Included species: Type species [Boreal Pacific]; Crepi- the same objective to make some generic level names dula princeps Conrad, 1856 [early Miocene through available for other work in progress. Additionally, the middle Pliocene of southern California]; C. excavate opportunity is taken to provide replacement names for (Broderip, 1834) [Panamic],C. maculosa Conrad, 1846 two homonvms. [Western Atlantic]; C. convexa Say, 1822 [Western At- lantic]. Diagnosis: Beakexcavated, projecting posteriorlyon right NEW GENUS LEVEL TAXA side;septal margin nearlystraight, extendingfartherfor- Family TROCHIDAE Rafinesque, 1815 ward on left side; single muscle scar on right side, rect- angular or chevron-shaped. Subfamily MARGARITINAE Stoliczka, 1868 Remarks: Hoagland (1977) reviewed the Recent and Costomargarites McLean, new subgenus fossil species of Crepidula. treating them in alphabetical Type species: Trochus costalis (iould, 1841. order, while not using the available subgenera. Surpris- ingly, none of the 14 available taxa (see Hoagland, 1977: Included species: Type species [Arctic, North .Atlantic 399) has a type species in which the septum projects on andNorth Pacific]and Trochusochotensis Philippi, 184(i [Northwestern Pacific]. The complex synonymy for the the right s—iiie. It is evident that this condition is not type species was outlined by Abbott (1974;36). The ju- ambiguous all species illustrated b\ Hoagland can be assigned on the basis ol this character. These diagnostic venile shell was illustrated by Pilsbry (1889, pi. 60, figs characters were mentioned and show clearly in Hoag- 27, 28). land's drawings of septal configuration (figure 2B, C. Diagnosis: Subgenus of Margarites in which early tc- excavate: figure 2F, C. gratidis). Moreover, the five spe- leoconch .sculpture is axial rather than spiral. cies assigned above key out together in Hoaglaml s key , H. McLean, 1995 Page 81 J. to the species (page 363, couplets 16-18). Contrary to Remarks: Margarites(Costomargarites)baxteri was fig- Hoagland s assertion that the division of Crepidula into ured by Dall (1921:179, pi. 18, fig. 13, 14) and by Kosuge subgenera is not warranted, I find it useful to base su- (1972, pi. 2, fig. 5), but has otherwise been ignored in praspecificdistinctionson themorphologyoftheseptum, the literature. It will be treated by me in work in prep- particular!} when considering fossil species. In my opin- aration asa geographicsubspecies (in theGulfof Alaska) ion the remaining species can also be assigned to the of theboreal M. (Costomargarites)costalis (Gould, 1841). available taxa on shell characters. The new name honors the late Rae Baxter for his efforts at reviewing Alaskan mollusks, cut short by his untimely Family TURRIDAE Swainson, 1840 death in 1991. Subfamily CRASSISPIRINAE Morrison, 1966 Family TURRIDAE Swainson, 1840 Pseudotaranis McLean, new genus Subfamily COCHLESPIRINAE Powell, 1942 Type species: Mangelia (Taranis)strongi Arnold, 1903. LeucosyrinxkantoriMcLean, new nameforAntiplanes Included species: Type species and the more slender anujeus Dall, 1919a (p. 36, pi. 11, fig. 5), notLeucosyrinx Antiplanes hijperia Dail, 1919a (p. 35, pi. 9, fig. 6). The amyctis Dall, 1919a (p. 5, pi. 3, fig. 7). type species was described from the Lower Pleistocene Remarks: Theproposalof Leucosyrinxkantori remedies of San Pedro, California; it was also illustrated by Grant a problem of secondary homonymy that was initiated & Gale(1931:572, pi. 26. fig. 37);Borsonia inculta Mood) when Dall (1919a)described aspeciesinAntiplanes that s1p9e1c9ies(p.(P5s4e,itpdio.ta1r,afniigss.s2tar,on2gbi)ainsdaPs.>hnyopne\rnii.a)Tlhivee tofwfo- I18n8o9.wDcaolnlsi(d1e9r19tao)bealasotprureopmoesmedbearspoefciLeesucwoistyhrtihnexnDaalmle, shore in moderately deep water (100-400 m). Leucosyrinx amycus. Note that both species were de- Diagnosis: Shell small (length to 17 nun), spire high, scribed in the same paper. Previously (McLean in Keen, anterior canal short, whorls 6. Axial sculpture lacking, 1971:713), I placed Leucosyrinx amycus Dall, 1919 in spiralsculptureof twocordsemergingon teleoconch and the synonymy of Aforia goodei (Dall, 1890). The new three cords on base; anal sinus shallow, at periphery and name honors Yuri Kantor for his recent work on turri- coinciding with uppermost cord; lip not projecting. Pro- form gastropods. toconch paucispiral, of 1.2 low, rounded whorls. Radula of marginal teeth attached to membrane; teeth of long, LITERATURE CITED flat type. Remarks: Authors prior to 1971 used Taranis Jeffreys, Abbott, R. T. 1974. AmericanSeashells. Second Edition. New 1870 for the type species, but the presence of a radula Dall,YWor.k:H.Van19N19oas.traDnedscRreiipnthioolnds,of66n3epwp.species of mollusks precludes placement in that genus, in which the radula of the family Turritidae from the west coast of America is lacking (see Powell, 1966:55). Earlier (McLean, 1971; and adjacent regions. Proceedings of the United States 120, fig 40), I illustrated the radula of strongi and as- National Museum 56(2288):1-86, pis. 1-24. signed it to Antiplanes (Rectisulciis), a genus now in the Dall, W. H 1919b Description of new species of Mollusca subfamily Cochlespirinae, according to Ta\lor et al. from the North Pacific Ocean in the collection of the (1993). Pseudotaranis differs in having the sinus more UnitedStatesNationalMuseum. ProceedingsoftheL'nited shallow, theliplessprotracted, theanteriorcanalshorter, SWtates National Museum 56(2295):29;3-371. and the protoconch more compressed. The radula lacks Dall, H, 1921. Summary ofthemarineshell-bearingmol- the vestigial rachidian tooth and the marginals are not lusks of the northwest coast of America, from San Diego, California, to the Polar Sea, mostly contained in the col- of the bifurcated type indicated for Antiplanes by Kan- tor and Sysoev (1991:122). The flat morphology of the ltreacttiioonnsofofthheitUhnerittoedunSftiagteusreNdatsipoenciaels.MuUsneiutemd,SwtiatthesilNlaus-- lateral teeth agrees with the subfamily Crassispirinae, as tional Museum, Bulletin 112, 217 pp., 22 pis. defined by Taylor et al. (1993). Thus, the radular dif- Grant,U.S,IVand H. R Gale 1931. Catalogueofthemarine ferencesplaceAntiplanesandPseudotaranisindifferent Pliocene and Pleistocene Mollusca of California and ad- turrid subfamilies. However, on shell characters, Pseu- jacent regions. Memoirs of the San Diego Society of Nat- dotaranis is atypical of Crassispirinae in not having pro- ural History 1:1-1036, pls.1-32. nounced callus developed near the anal notch. Hoagland, K. E. 1977. Systematic review of the fossil and Recent Crepidula and discussion of evolution of the Ca- lyptraeidae. Malacologia 16(2):353-420. NEW NAMES FOR SPECIES LEVEL HOMONYMS Kantor, Y. I, and A. V. Sysoev. 1991. Mollusks of the genus Antiplanes (Gastropoda: Turridae) of the northwestern Pacific Ocean. The Nautilus 105(4):119-146 Family TROCHIDAE Rafinesque, 1815 Keen, A, M. 1971. Seashellsoftropicalwest America. Second Subfamily MARGARITINAE Stoliczka, 1868 Edition. Stanford Universitv Press, Stanford, 1064 pp., 22 pis. Margatites (Costomargarites) baxteri McLean, new- Kosuge, S. 1972. Illustrations of type specimens of Molluscs name for Margarites (Pupillaria) rudis Dall, 1919b:364, described by William Healey Dall. National Science Mu- not Margarita groenlandica var. rudis Morch, 1869:23. seum, Tokyo, 29 pis. and captions. THE NAUTILUS 108(3):82, 1995 Page 82 McLean, J H. 1971. A revised classification of the family Pilsbry, H. A. 1889-90. Manual of Conchology. Vol. 11 Tro- Turridae, wilh the proposal of new subfamilies, genera, chidae. Philadelphia, 519 pp., 67 pis, andsubgenerafromtheEasternPacific. TheVeliger 14(1): Powell, A. W. B. 1966. The molluscan families Speightiidae 11-4-130. and Turridae. Bulletin of the Auckland Instituteand Mu- McLean,J. H. 1995. Fournewgenerafornortheastern Pacific seum, no. 5, 184 pp., 23 pis. prosCobranch gastropods. The Nautilus 108(2):39-41. Taylor, J. D., Y. \. Kantor, and A. V'. Sysoev 1993. Foregut Moody, L. 1916. Fauna of the Fernando of Los Angeles. anatomy, feeding mechanisms, relationships and classifi- University of California Publications, Bulletin, Depart- cation of the Conoidea (=Toxoglossa) (Gastropoda). Bul- ment of Geology 10(-4):39-62, pis. 1-2. letin of the Natural History Museum London (Zoology) Morch, 0. A. L. 1869 Cataloguedes mollusqnesduSpitzberg 59(2):125-170. recueillis par le Dr. H Kroyer pendant le voyage de la corvette La Recherche en juin 1838. Memoires de la So- ciete Malacologique de Belgique 4:7-32

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