5co />>7 ^t.^^ 0^llyt.^i^t^- 'N % /^.V a * /i?^ici^*>^^^ THOUGHTS ON CONTKIBUTIONS TO HOMILETICS. JAMES W. ALEXANDER, D.D, NEW YORK: CHARLES SCRIBNER, 124 GRAND STREET. 1862. Entered,accordingtoActofCongress,intheyear1360,by CHAELES SCEIB^^EE, , IntheClerk's Office oftheDistrict Court oftheUnited Statesfor the Southern DistrictofNewYork. JohnF.Trow, Printer,Stcreotyper,nndElectrotypcr, 50GreeneStreet, nelvveenGrand&Broome,NewYoik. PEEFACE It liad long been tlie clierislied wish of Dr. Alex- ander to prepare a volume on Homiletics, for the use ofyoungmmisters and students andwiththis object ; in view, he was in the habit of jotting down in his private journals, in the form of paragraphs, such thoughts as occurred to him on the subject. In one of his laterjournals I find the following entry "If : the Lord should spare me below, it will be well for me some day to look over all my dailies, and collect what I have written from time to time on Ministerial Work. It is already enough for a volume. It might do good when I am gone." But death defeated his plans. To carry out his purjDose as far as it is now possi- ble, I have collected theseparagraphs, and print them just as they occur in his journals, without any at- tempt to arrange them in the order of subjects. I IV PBEFACE. have also added to tliem several articles on the same subject, contributed byhim to the Princeton Eeview, and a series of letters to vonng ministers, published in the Presbyterian, thus giving to the public in a permanent form all that he has written upon these important topics. In addition to these I have intro- duced someparagraphs onmiscellaneous subjectsfrom the samejournals, most of them bearing upon minis- terial life and experience. Although deeply sensible ofthe inadequacyofthiswork to conveyfullythema- tured experience of the author, I am not prepared to withhold its publication ; believing that incomplete as it is, it may yet be of advantage to all who are looking forward to the sacred office. In such a collection there must necessarily be some repetition of thoughts, and some opinions which were afterwards modified by the author but I have ; concludedtogivethewholeasit stands,ratherthan at- tempt an eliminationwhichmight weaken ratherthan give strength to the subject. S. D. A. NewYork, November, 1860.