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Thought and Action in Foreign Policy: Proceedings of the London Conference on Cognitive Process Models of Foreign Policy March 1973 PDF

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Preview Thought and Action in Foreign Policy: Proceedings of the London Conference on Cognitive Process Models of Foreign Policy March 1973

Editor / Herausgeber: Prof. Salomon Klaczko-Ryndziun, Frankfurt a. M. Co-Editors / Mitherausgeber: Prof. Ranan Banerji, Temple University, Philadelphia Prof. JeromeA. Feldman, UniversityofRochester, Rochester Prof. Mohamed Abdelrahman Mansour, ETH, Zürich Prof. Ernst Billeter, Universität Fribourg. Fribourg Prof. Christof Burckhardt, EPF, Lausanne Prof. Ivar Ugi, Technische Universität München Prof. King-Sun Fu, Purdue University, West Lafayette Prof. Gerhard Fehl, R. W. TH., Aachen Dipl.-Ing. Ekkehard Brunn, Universität, Dortmund Interdisciplinary Systems Research Interdisziplinäre Systemforschung Analysis - Modeling - Simulation Analyse - Formallsierung - SimulatiOn The system science has been developed from several Die Systemwissenschah hat sich aus der Verbindung scientific fields: control and communication theory, mehrerer Wissenschaftszweige entwickelt: der Rege model theory and computer science. Nowadays it ful lungs-und Steuerungstheorie, der Kommunikationswis fills the requirements which Norbert Wiener formulated senschah, der Modelltheorie und der Informatik. Sie originally for cybernetics; and were not feasible at his erfüllt heute das Programm, das Norbert Wiener mit time, because of insufficient development of computer seiner Definition von Kybernetik ursprünglich vorgelegt science in the past. hat und dessen Durchführung zu seiner Zeit durch die Research and practical application of system science noch ungenügend entwickelte Computerwissenschaft involve works of specialists of system science as weil stark eingeschränkt war. as of those from various fields of application. Up to Die Forschung und die praktische Anwendung der Sy now, the efficiency of this co-operation has been proved stemwissenschaft bezieht heute sowohl die Fachleute in many theoretical and practical works. der System wissenschaft als auch die Spezialisten der The series 'Interdisciplinary Systems Research' is in Anwendungsgebiete ein. In vielen Bereichen hat sich tended to be a source of information for university diese Zusammenarbeit mittlerweile bewährt. students and scientists involved in theoretical and ap Die Reihe «Interdisziplinäre Systemforschung» setzt plied systems research. The reader shall be informed sich zum Ziel, dem Studenten, dem Theoretiker und about the most advanced state of the art in research, dem Praktiker über den neuesten Stand aus Lehre und application, lecturing and metatheoretical criticism in Forschung, aus der Anwendung und der metatheore this area. It is also intended to enlarge this area by in tischen Kritik dieser Wissenschaft zu berichten. cluding diverse mathematical modeling procedures Dieser Rahmen soll noch insofern erweitert werden, als developed in many decades for the description and op die Reihe in ihren Publikationen die mathematischen timization of systems. Modellierungsverfahren mit einbezieht, die in verschie In contrast to the former tradition, which restricted the densten Wissenschahen in vielen Jahrzehnten zur theoretical control and computer science to mathemati Beschreibung und Optimierung von Systemen erarbeitet cians, physicists and engineers, the present series em wurden. phasizes the interdisciplinarity which system science Entgegen der früheren Tradition, in der die theoretische has reached until now, and which tends to expand. City Regelungs-und Computerwissenschaft auf den Kreis and regional planners, psychologists, physiologists, der Mathematiker, Physiker und Ingenieure beschränkt economists, ecologists, food scientists, sociologists. war, liegt die Betonung dieser Reihe auf der Interdiszi pOlitical scientists, lawyers, pedagogues, philologists, plinarität, die die System wissenschaft mittlerweile er managers, diplomats, military scientists and other spe reicht hat und weiter anstrebt. Stadt-und Regionalpla cialists are increasingly confronted or even charged ner, Psychologen, Physiologen, Betriebswirte, Volks with problems of system science. wirtschaher, Okologen, Ernährungswissenschaher, The ISR series will contain research reports - including Soziologen, Politologen, Juristen, Pädagogen, Mana PhD-theses -Iecture notes, readers for lectures and ger, Diplomaten, Militärwissenschafter und andere Fach proceedings of scientific symposia. The use of less ex leute sehen sich zunehmend mit Aufgaben der System pensive printing methods is provided to assure that the forschung konfrontiert oder sogar beauhragt. authors' results may be offered for discussion in the Die ISR-Reihe wird Forschungsberichte - einschliess shortest time to a broad, interested community. In or lich Dissertationen -, Vorlesungsskripten, Readers zu der to assu re the reproducibility of the published results Vorlesungen und Tagungsberichte enthalten. Die Ver the coding lists of the used programs should be in wendung wenig aufwendiger Herstellungsverfahren soll cluded in reports about computer simulation. dazu dienen, die Ergebnisse der Autoren in kürzester The international character of this series is intended to Frist einer möglichst breiten, interessierten Öffentlich be accomplished by including reports in German, Eng keit zur Diskussion zu stellen. Um auch die Reprodu lish and French, both from universities and research zierbarkeit der Ergebnisse zu gewährleisten, werden in centers in the whole world. To ass ure this goal, the edi Berichten über Arbeiten mit dem Computer wenn im tors' board will be composed of representatives of the mer möglich auch die Befehlslisten im Anhang mitge different countries and areas of interest. druckt. Der internationale Charakter der Reihe soll durch die Aufnahme von Arbeiten in Deutsch, Englisch und Franzö sisch aus Hochschulen und Forschungszentren aus aller Welt verwirklicht werden. Dafür soll eine entspre chende Zusammensetzung des Herausgebergremiums sorgen. ISR33 Interdisciplinary Systems Research Interdisziplinäre Systemforschung G. Matthew Bonham, Michael J. Shapiro (Editors) Thought and Action in Foreign Policy Proceedings of the London Conference on Cognitive Process Models of Foreign Policy March 1973 1977 Springer Basel AG This book was prepared with the support of the Mathematical Social Sciences Board and the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this book are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the MSSB or NSF. Reproduction, translation, publication, use, and disposal by and for the United States Government and its officers, agents, and employees acting within the scope of their official duties, for Government use only, is permitted. ISBN 978-3-7643-0910-7 ISBN 978-3-0348-5872-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-0348-5872-4 CIP-Kurztitelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek Thought and action in foreign policy: proceedings of the London Confer ence on Cognitive Process Models of Foreign Policy, March 1973 / G. Matthew Bonham; Michael J. Shapiro (ed.). Publ. under the auspices of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California, USA.- 1 .Aufl. - Basel, Stuttgart: Birkhäuser, 1977. (Interdisciplinary systems research; 33) ISBN 978-3-7643-0910-7 NE: Bonham, G. Matthew [Hrsg.]; Conference on Cognitive Process Models of Foreign Policy < 1973 London>. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. © Springer Basel AG 1977 Originally published by Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and Birkhäuser Verlag Basel in 1977 CONTENTS PREFACE i PART I: INTRODUCTION Chapter 1. Thought and Action in Foreign Policy G. Matthew Bonham and Michael J. Shapiro • • • • • • • • • • • 1 Chapter 2. Foreign Policy Decision-Makers Viewed Psychologically: "Cognitive Process" Approaches OIe R. Holsti • 9 PART II: THE PROCESS OF PERCEPTION Chapter 3. Finland as a "Friendly Neighbor" and Finland as an "Independent Western Democracy": An Illustra tive Case Study on the Problems of Image Policy Harto Hakovirta • • • • • • • • • • 75 Chapter 4. Mapping the Elite's Cognitive World: Swedish Elites and Security Elites and Security Policy Planning Thomas G. Hart. • • • • • • .120 Chapter 5. Minimizing Misperception Robert Jervis • • • • • • • .154 PART III: PERCEPTIONAL ORGANIZATION Chapter 6. Lying and the Stress for Cognitive Consistency Deane Neubauer ••••••••••• 190 Chapter 7. How a Schema Is Used to Interpret Information Robert Axelrod ••••••••••• 226 PART IV: DECISION MODELS Chapter 8. Classical Theories of Foreign POlicy Making as Cognitive Archetypes Helga Hernes •••••••••••• 242 Chapter 9. On Simu1ating Co11ective Security Regime Alternatives Hayward R. Alker, Jr. and William J. Greenberg • • • • .263 Chapter 10: Foreign Policy Decision-Making in Finland and Austria: The Applica tion of a Cognitive Process Model G. Matthew Bonham and Michael J. Shapiro •••••••••••• 306 PREFACE This volume is the product of the Conference on Cognitive Process Models of Foreign Policy Decision-Making which was held in London at the Richardson Institute for Conflict and Peace Research from March 17-24, 1973. We would like to thank Michael Nicholson, Director of the Richardson Institute, for acting as the host of the Conference. Support for the Conference and the preparation of the Conference papers for publication was provided by the Mathematical Social Sciences Board (MSSB). The MSSB is funded by aNational Science Foundation grant which is administered by the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences as the primary grantee. We are grateful to Hayward Alker, Jr. and William H. Riker of the MSSB for their help and encouragement. The graph shown on the cover is a cognitive map representation of the output from our computer simulation of foreign pOlicy decision-making. We would like to thank Robert Axelrod and Gary Raffel of the University of Michigan for generating the graph. PART I INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1 THOUGHT AND ACTION IN FOREIGN POLICY G. MATTHEW BONHAM The American University MICHAEL J. SHAPIRO University of Hawaii Introduction The papers assembled here constitute, and to some extent represent, widely disparate views of foreign policy thinking and decision-making. As is the case with almost any collective enterprise, it is possible to suggest some noteworthy resemblances among the contributions to this volume and to indicate grounds for distinguishing them from other "approaches." Indeed it was a belief in the distinctiveness of the work of the contributors, all of whom were invited to participate in the MSSB Conference on Cognitive Process Models of Foreign Policy Decision-Making, that stimulated the papers in the first place. In this case, what the contributors share exists at a fairly high level of abstraction. The overlap is worth denoting, but rather than straining credibility by erecting unimpeachable boundaries between this set of analysis and those of other foreign policy analysts, we shall rather suggest a way of conceptualizing problems in the analysis of foreign policy decision-making that may help the reader analyze the work in this volume as well as research that appears elsewhere.

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