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Preview Thomas D Alesandro Jr. Part 01 Of 01

otal eleted be oasis Dae cage Tage ui Is 2 aa 22st 1 wen x SER ERKARRR De-oled Puget Gen ,oF Bacon yen spt ecnnrstse oF as ee Refecred “t at ne! ra er whios he pished at, inthe Direovor's ilhing to speak 20 the Ihe Congressman wer never fingi ly trans ferred te ir. Rosen teehee sie Ls ws 28] r) 9 oot Mare Thon ble Thao VIALE ty Ine iioume 02 senmesantativas Beshiartry De Ge oy aa on raat Lyhjy Bo itosee? te Oe Za bbe wepiayoos 2. 9 Sebrei te his furans. our inxter ©” 9¥ bts somerset sonearade | Ee Hebe ay pane 2 grseee om 02 U9 ects Sha Aewe succes Gite on 9 hava eatcolSstents eid nee ste ae to nguhin tt Stor cor thet Feige te te awe sattors of 32d 68 Sascon-satdan yon laa, Muth expronglnns af cy Wgbmet eataes and» wt meer ‘Sinworety youry, Ee, Maclin a a 6 @ nn ECongeess of the Auites States Bouse of Representatives Besbingten, TB. Novenber 1, The Sonoraie 2 AMtreney Gen Deperteant of Nasbingioa, 1. ssncis Kiddle sf the Jnited States tics y iy dear fe. 1 Timve seen i by some of ay constituents, who svw eaployed in tacyévy Yard, thet pertod:eal: puoyacs st ths Tard ure seerehod shor seme that uot everyone 1s scarcer snaaps one in ry tan and the pereon is gelled oct of Hine and ordered inte che small building oaaupled by the marine cto guard and thore he is searced. ‘They have asked me to find out if the guard bas 9 right to stop the azn and serch then in @ baa been caiag whi shey leave tie Zard ai everyone 12. een would not object ta it ao stremucuely but 1: sely occaaieneliy aad then perhere at random, thay do akiect very tkenusushy » tia done ly ane gut of ten picked on yo senate Aug place gute. 5 tant te net SE Distoty Herland ay I swe e é Office Memorandum » oncimy srxres Govuaxnunt coe ym : ro: Fata. nosen DATE: Getozer Zt LykS= meu; re Gy G. Sadan’ et sosjuen: Raqugah of Gengvesanan DAterando, se ‘ottypten sot heparte om Setohey 22, at apevoxinately 4430 pam, I reoaivod # telozos eal fron Has Garects af Consreceman Falecamtte's office. ‘Teo Son- grocenan is fron fetinors, eryland, [ie axtongion is 365, ngerdlarreasrenss Wise davucts etsted thet Congressman Di Glesandso mould bike to nave _solivered to his o2fies conies af tha reports nade to Congress by the DUE aoncamuing ateh sou investigations, Ulsecarnace wor aivioed by ds, hai the “RT Fad not wade any report ta Comgran ennogmaing Hateh aot i vastigstions. she gua cold that thers kad bean sone ropmess Tommiahed by tha Attorcey Genera” ta Comgrena ocncsming ballin Lame 133 and Gil, both of which have sxprred, Sao stated taat she thoualit thie waa whist the Cougresenan had in ated, I told tox > would inquire into the situztion and would coumnteat with the Cungresssan's office further, It Es suggested thst the sitesiied letter be Tormasded to Tie Gonureciatte BEST copy ANAILABLE newt? pena ing Out af the och Senet 29 rrqstred Greibe "ea & ab 2. sare tooret suas “> tat Sem Witte ry gwar ST he BVO 8E8U we —— » “le Office Memorandum » onxren states GOVERNMENT se cae oa he oe SS ae os seagor coal Supervinopiperin Hy Hartlebt aivised ne thet while talking to Gongreseman Thoms’ D'alesandro, Je. (De, Mie) on Karsh 26, 1946, the Congressnan advised Agent Bartlett thet he wae running for Congress again! fn the £211 1946 election and thet in 1947 he was runing for the offloe of Mayor of Baltimore. Congresonan D'Alesaniro ddvieed Agent Bartlett thet singe he had poen on the Appropriations Comittee, he fe baon back of the Director and the Brea one handred per ceot, and'farther, thet be was vitetly interasted\ in and completely satisfied mith the results’ of the Bureau's work, t Ee the aurea, dove {8 set forth to, chow Congressman DiAlesandrc's orinien of oases Bf. oe: i . ESI COPY AVAILABLE ae fongrente ‘anes Die: ard, ore o pieosure sa tearn an Magteae od you AovE oy shigh sueeneagat h FST COPY AVAILABLE Seas ey Fooanber ? 108, (fran wae Director coneren~ g "al conpecesaan gn ton teeeiecsiee Be the Rovee of #epreseniatives, Serial 3 af the « file tncteates tke! the Congresenme one Very facoraiy dtopoaed tavard she dureus: The Vashington fventng Siar under date of wos % 194%, vefloeted the election : of the correspondent to the poeition of Mayor by 6 oubwtanviad najord tye = Saitinors

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