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ILE INT HEU NITESDT ATEDSI STRICCOTU RT FORT HED ISTRIOCFCT O LUMBIA JAN2 022 17 UNITESDT ATEOSFA MERICA CRIMINNAOL. ClerUkS..,D istarnidc t BankruCpotucryt s v. VIOLATIONS: THOMAESD WARCDA LDWELL, u.s.c. 18 §3 71 DON OVA NR AYC ROWLa,n d (Conspiracy) JESSICA MARIE WATKINS1,8 U .S§.1 C5.1 2(c)(2) (Obstroufac ntO iffiocniP arlo ceeding) Defendants. u.s.c. 18 §§1 3621 , (DestroufGc otvieornn Pmreonpte rty) 18U .S§.1 C7.5 2l)(-(a2))( (RestBruiicltoderidG n rgo unds) I N D ITCMENT ThGer aJnudcr hya rtgheaasatt l, tl i mmeast etroti haIilns d icotnmo eran btot,uh dtea tes stabteeldo w: Introduction Th2e0 2U0n iStteadPt reess ideEnlteicaatnlitd oh Oneffi ciParlo ceoendJ ianngu6 a2,ry0 21 1. Th2e0 2U0n iStteadPt reess iEdleenctoticiacolun r Nroevde mo3bn2,e 0 r2 0. 2. ThUen itedE lSetcaCttooelrslai elasgg reo ruepq ubiytr heCedo nstittofou rtmion eveforuyyr e afrotsrh s eo pluer poofes lee ctthpiern egs aindvdei npctre e sideenatcs,ht awtiet h appoiinttsi enolgwe nci tnaon rusm beeqrut aotl hs ei ozfte h satta Ctoen'gsr edseslieognaatli on. 3. OnD ecem1b42e,0r 2 t0hp,er esidentoifta hUle. SEe.ll eeccCttooolrrlasmel eg te int hset actaep oifte aalcs ht aatniednt hDei storfCi ocltu mabnfoidra m altihzreee dso uftl hte 202U0. SP.r esiEdleenctJtioiasoleRn p.:B h i dJeran.n K da maDl.Ha a rwreirdsee cltaohr aevde wosnu ffivcoitetenobst ee lectthneeed px rte saindvdei npctre e soiftd heUenn ti Stteadt es. 4. OnJ anu6a2,r0 y2a 1J ,o iSnets soifto hUnen ited StoafRt eepsr eHsoeunstea tives antdh Uen iStteadSt eens(a "tteJh oeiS nets sicoonn"v)ei nnte hUden iStteadCt aepsib tuoill ding ("tChaep ittooc le"rt)th ivefyo toeft hEel ecCtoolrlaoelftg h2ee0 2U0. SP.r esiEdleencttiiaoln ("EleCcotlolvreoagtlee "). ThIen curastti hUoenn i StteadCt aepsio tnJo aln u6a2,r0 y2 1 5. ThCea piitsso elc u2r4he odu ard sa byy U nitSetdaC taepsiP tooll(i "cCea pitol PolicTehC"ea) p.i Ptoolmlia cien ptearimna annetdne tm pobraarrrtyior e erssta rcictceotts h se Capietxotlea rniodon ral,yu thoirnidzievdwi idatupha plrso ipdreinattieafi racela ltoiiwonensd i de thCea pibtuoill ding. 6. Theen tCiarpeic toomlp lex-itnhcCela updibitunoigll tdhiCena gp,iV tiosli tor CentaenCrda, p igtroolut noid nsc ltuhedene t eixrteep rliaozra b-awrarsi acnaoddf lefid m tiot s the pounJb alniu6ca2, r0 y2 1. 7. OnJ anu6a2,r0 y2a 1at,p proxi1:m 0ap0t. emtl.hJy,eo int cSoensvseiinntoe hnde Capibtuoillt doci enrgtt hiEefyl ecCtoolrlavelog teVe i.cP er esiMdiecnhRta.P e eln icneh ,i s constidtuutatsyPi roensaoilfdt ehSneet n aptree,so ivdeterhdJ e o int Session. 8. A larcgreo bwedg taogn a tohuetrst ihCdeae p ipteorli maestt hJeeor i Snets sion goutn derCwraoymw.ed m beevresn tfuoarltclheyewd ia rty h rouupga,hn o,dv eCra piPtoolli ce barriacnaaddd evsa ntcote hbdeu ildeixntgefa'r9sia odCrea .p iPtoolloi fcfei' ac tetresmtpot ed maintaiann sdto rotdphce err o wd from entbeuriilntdgoiw nhtgiht,ceh hd e o Coaarpnsid t ol windwoewrlse o cokroe tdh ersweicsuer ed. sNhoonraetfttle2hyr:e 0pl0.e msc.sr,,o m wedm bers forceendt irnytt hoCe a pibtuoillb dybi rnega wkiinndgor wasm,mo ipnegdn o oarnsad,s saulting CapiPtoololif cfiec Oetrhsce.rr o mwedm beenrcso uarnaodgt ehde rawsissiteshfo tere cdee ndt ry. 2 Thcer owwadns o lta wfualultyh otreoin ztoeerrdr e mianisnti hdCeea piatnnodolc ,r omwedm ber submittost eecdus rcirteyeo nrwi enagpsco hnesbc ykC sa piPtoololiro c teh seerc uorfiftiyc ials. 9. Shortthleyr eaataft peprr,o xi2m:a2pt0.e mml.ey,m boefrt shH eo uasneSd e nate (inclVuidcPiern egs iPdeenncte )h-awwdhi ot hdtroas wenp acrhaatmeb teorr ess oalnv e objectioenv-awceufraretot emhd er iers pecchtaimvbeTe hrJeso .i Snets sainotdnh e en tire officiparlo ceoeftd hiCeno gn grwaehssa sl wtheidCl aep iPtoollai ncodet hlearew n forcement officweorrskt eord e sotrodraeenrc d l etahCrea piotfto hulen lawful occupants. 10.Lattehnrai tg lhatew,n forcermeegnactio nnetodrft o hClea piAttao plp.r oximately 8: 0p0. mt.hJ,eo iSnets srieocno npverneesodiv,dbe eyrVd i cPer esPiednewcnhetho, a rde mained hidwdietnth hiCena pibtuoillt dhirnogu tghheeosvueet n ts. 11.Int hceo uorfts hee esvee natpsp,r ox8i1mm aetmebloeyftr hsCe a piPtoolalin cde 58m emboeftr hsMe e tropPoolliDitecapena rwtemreaens ts aualnotdne Ceda ,p iPtoololiffi ccee r dieAdd.d itifooncuairlt lidyzi,eem ndas;nm ye dmieam bweerrsae s saaunlhdta ecdda mearnads othneerw gsa thering equiapnmtdeh nCeta pidsteuosfflte rmroieyldel odif;od nosl lianr s damage-inbcrlouwkdieinnnd agon wddso ors,a ngrdre asffioidfvtu aier, i ous pepper sprays, tear gaasn,fd i erxet ingdueipslhboeoyretbsdhy c romwedm bewrhsos tortmheCeda piatnobdly CapiPtoololif cfiect errytsior n egs otrodreer . ThOea tKhe epers 12.ThOea tKhe epaerarel s a rbguleto osoerlgya nciozleldeo cfmti ilwoihntbo ie al ieve thtahtfee d eral gohvabesern emcneo n-tob pyta es dh adcoownys ptihriaasttc r yy tiosn tgr ip Americciatnio zfte hnersii rg Ththso.ut ghOhea tKhe epweirlsl aancycoaensmpe et m bers, what differentfrioamot tehsae nrtt hie-mg ogvreornmiuetspnh stee ixrp lfioccoiunrts e cruciutrirnegn t anfodr memri liltaaewrn yf,o rcaenmfdei nrts,t -rpeesrpsoonTndhnoeeerr lg .a nization's name 3 allutdote hosea stwho brymn e mboefrt shm ei liatnapdro ylt iodc eefe tnhdCe o nsti"tfruotmi on aleln emfioersea,in dgdon m esTthiOeca .tK"he epaerlreesb d yP ERSON ONE. The Co-Conspirators 13.THOMAESD WARCDA LDWEiLsaL6 5-yeraers-ioodlfCed ln atrC koeu nty, VirgiAnsdi eas.c rmiobrfueeld lh ye rein, CALDWwEiLtDLhO NpOlVaAnNn eCdR OWL, JESSIWCAAT KINaSno,dt hkenrosaw nnud n knotwfon o,r cibtlhyCe a epniottnJeo arln u6a,r y 202a1n,td od isrthuCepo tn grepsrsoicoenoeacdlci unrtgrh diaantyg . 14.DONOVARNA YC ROWiLas 5 0-yeraers-ioodlfCed hn atm pCaoiugnnOt hyi,o . CROWiLas m emboeftr h Oeh iSot aRteeg ularT hMOeih liSiott aiRtaee.g ulari aslM oiclailt ia miloirtgiaan iszoamotefwi hoonms,ee m bfoerrmsad ues-psauyboisftne hgtOe a tKhe epAerss . descrmiobrfueeld lh ye reCiRnO,W pLl anwnietCdhA LDWELJLE,S SIWCAAT KINaSn,d othkenroswa nnu dn knotwofon r,c iebnlttyeh Crea piotnJo aln u6a,2r 0y2 a1n,td od isrtuhpet Congressionoaclc uprtrrhodiacanteyg e. d ing 15.JESSIMCAAR IWEA TKINiSsa3 8-year-oolfCd h armepsCaioidugennnt ty , OhiWoA.T KIiNasSm emboeftr h Oea tKhe epeArtts h.te o opfW ATKINsSo'csi al-media accopuangtoe nP arlae sro,c ial-nseetrwvoWirAckTeiK,nI gNs St attheassth i es " C.O. [CommanOdfifniogcft e hrOe]h iSot aRteeg uMlialri tAisda e.s"c rmiobrfueeld l hye rein, WATKIpNlSa nwnietCdhA LDWELCLR,O W,La nodt hkenroswa nnu dn knotwofn o,r cibly enttehCrea piotnJo aln u6a,2r 0y2a 1n,td od isrtuhCpeot n grepsrsoicoenoeacdlci unrtgrh iantg day. 4 COUNOTN E (ConspirUa.cSy§.-3 C17.81 ) 16.Thien trodaulclteogsraeyfott ri toihnpn sa rag1rt ahprho1su5a g rrhee -alalnedged incorpboyrr eafetreaedstn hcoeus gefohtr thhe rein. ThCeo nspiracy 17.Froamtl eaasset a ralsNy o vem3b,2e 0r2 t0h,r oJuagnhu1 a9r2,y0 2i1nt, h e DistorfCi ocltu mabneidla s ewthhdeeer fee,n dants, THOMAESD WARCDA LDWELL, DONOVARNA YC ROWLa,n d JESSIMCAAR IWEA TKINS, dikdn owicnogmlbyi ne,c ocnofnesdapeniardrga ert,wee ie,te ha coht haenrod t hkenroswa nn d unknotwcono ,m mainot f feangsaeit nhUsent i Stteadnt aemse,tl ocy o,r roubpsttlirynu flcute,n ce, anidm peadnoe ff icpiraolc etehdiaisCtn,o g n,g rceesrst'isfo iftc hEaelt eicoCtnoo lrlavelog tee , antdoa t tetmodp ost oi ,vn i oloafTt iito1ln8Ue, n iStteadCt oedsSe e,c t1i5o1c)n2 ( (2 ). Purpoofts heCe o nspiracy 18.Thep urpoofst ehc eo nspwiarsat cosy t odpe,l aayn,dh indCeorn gress's certifiocfta hEteli eocnCt oolrlavelog tee . MannaenrMd e ans 19.CALDWECLRLO,W La,nW dA TKINS, with aontudhnk enroswc nak,rn roiwend outthc eo nsptihrraotcuhyfge oh l lomwainnnagen mrde anasm,oo ntgh beyr:s , a.Agreteopia nrgt iicanin ptdaa tkseit netgppo s l aanno pertaoti nitoenwr ifettrhhe e officCioanlg repsrsoicoenoeanJdl ai nnug6a ,2r 0y2( 1t "hJea n6uo apreyr ation"); b.Usisnogc mieadlti eamx,et s saagnimdne gs,s aagpipnlgi ctaost einiodnn cse ndiary messaaigmeaesrt de cruaislt airanfg goe l loawspi onsgst iogb otl oWe a shington, D.Ct.os, u pptohJreat n u6ao rpye ration; 5 c.Coordiinnaa dtviawnngic toeht hienrcsl,um edmibnoegftr hsOe a tKhe epfreorms othreerg iaonnjdso ,i nfoirncwgei stt hh eisned ivaindgdur aolutspofu s r thtehre Janu6ao rpye ration; d.Usianw ga lkie-taaplpkliieac-nacldtri iekoaeantc ,ih nagno nnien tla m"eSdt tohpe SteJa6lt, om" a kpel afonrs atncodo mmunicatthJeea nduu6aro ripyne gr ation; e.Travetloain mndeg e tuipin Vng i rgainncdio an,t itnougienitgnhW teaors hington, D.Cfo.rt, h Jea nu6ao rpye ration; f.Bringainncdgo ntripbaurtaimniggle iaatrna sdru yp pfloitreh sJe a nu6ary operation; g.Forcisbtloyr mpiansegtx tebrairorri cCaadpeiPstoo,ll i acnedo, t hlearw enforcoefmfiecnaetnr edsn ,t etrhiCena gp itol icnfuo rmtphleeroxaft n hcee Janu6ao rpye raatnido,n; h.AfteJra nu6a,2r 0y2 1, coenvciedoaefltn ihcneeigi n rv olvientm hJeean ntu 6ary operaantadito tnoa ntc hkCe a pitol. OveArctt s Planfnoiarnn gCd o ordionnJa atniuo6an2,r 0 y2 1 20.OnN ovem9b,2e 0r2 W0A,T KIsNeStn etmx ets satgoane usm boefir n dividuals whoh aedx preisnsteeidrnj e ositn tihnOegh iSot aRteeg uMlialri Itnit ah.em sees sages, WATKImNeSn tiaomnoeondtg,h t ehri tnhgtasht,me i lhiatadiw ae ek-"lBoanTsgri aci cnliansgs comiunpig nt h bee ginonfJi anngu aarnWydA, T"K ItNoSol ndre e cr"uIni etey,do f ui ghfitti ng byi nnaugeWrAaTtKiIotNnoS.al "nd o tihnedri v"iIdtaum' aisll ,is ttaybrlayes h iecir,neO hio, witah MaDrriiSnleelr greuannntii tAn.ngh ounro rotfCh o lumObhuiso [.]" 6 21.OnN ovem9b,2e 0r2 W0A,T KIaNsSk ae dr eicfrhcueoiu t"l ddo wnalno aAdp p 1 calZleeldla ons"dt a"tWeead l,ul sZ ee ltlhoo ufgoohrp erations." 22.OnN ovem1b7e2,r0 2w0h,e anr ecarsukiWetAd T KIfoNrSh eprr edictions for 202W1A,T KIrNeSp laimeodon,tg h setra tements: Ic anp'rte dIdi ocntu'.nt d eretshtreie msaootlftev hD eee eSpt aBtied.me ansy t ill yebteo uPrr esiIdhfee in sot,u.w r a oyf l iafesw ek noiwit os v eOru.Rr e public woubleod v eTrh.ei nito s u dru atsyA meritcofia gnhksti a,ln ldd i foero urri ghts. and: [I]fBgietdthse etn e naolno,ef uhsa vace h ainncm eym inWde.a lrehaadvoyeu r neciknt hneo osTeh.ej yuh satv ekni'cttk hecedh ayiert . 23.OnN ovem2b32e,0r 2 C0A,L DWEsLeLan t te mxets staoWg AeT KIsNtSa ting: HiC,A PW!a nttetode y loliuw t a gsr etahota vyeoh ue irVnei rgiDnoinka'n.to w wha[tP ERSOONNE i]cs o okuipbn ugIta mh earriunmgb loifan ngostM haegra Mar1c2hD ecem2 bIed ro.nk'nto wwh awti hlalp pbeulnti ykoeIu a mv ery worraibeotduh futet uorfoe u cro unOtnrcyle.a wygeeirtns v oallovlfe udns o rmal 'peogpesltce r eIwb eedl.iw eewv iehl alvt eog evti olteos ntttoh pei ssp,e ctihael ly antmiafag gwohtoas r seu troec omoeu etnm asesveei nwf e g etth Per efzo4 r moryee aSrtsas.yh aarnpwd e w imlele atg aYionau.r meyk inpdear asnowdne mayh avteofi ghnte xtti mIeh .a vmeyo wng eaIlr i,tk obe e O NT IMaEn gdo wheree ntehimesye , s pecaiftaedlral rKyke .et phf ea iStphy!. 24.InD ecem2b0e2Cr0R ,O WaLt teant dreadic naiminpnNg o rCtahr olina. 25.InD ecem2b0e2rC0 A,L DWEmLaLd pel atnoss t aayta h otienAl r lington, Virgfiontrihd aea, ys su rrouJnadniu6na,2gr 0 y2 1. 1Z elilason a pplitchaeatmtiu olnpa utsehs- twoa-ltkaileok-v tecarel lklitueelsla erp hone netwoZreklcsla.obn eu seodne lectcroomnnmiiucc adteivoinlc iecksee,l ltuellaerpa hnodn es two-rwaadyi os. 2A ne vecnotl lorqeufieatrlaorlst ey h"d eM ilMlAiGoAMn a rcohc"c uirWnra esdh ington, D.Co.nN, o vem1b4e2,r0 2A0 s.i mielvaeornc tc uirnWr aesdh inDg.tCoo.nnD, ,e cem1b2e,r 2020. 7 26.OnD ecem2b9e2,r0 2C0R,O WaLn .dW ATKIeNxSc hatnhgfoeel dl owing text messages: WATKINYSo:us tgioliltn oIg l linWoepi lsao?nn g oitnoDg C o nt h6et h, weatpheerrm itting. CROWLN:o. ...W.h atg'osio nnog nt h6et h? WATKINDSC:.T rumwpa natlaslb bloed iPeadt rtioco otmseI .'s mu Troem woullodtv oe ussae swe e ll. WATKINISTf:r uamcpt itvhaIetn essu rrAecIctt',hid ao ttnome i sist [.] 27.OnD ecem3b02e,0r 2 C0A,L DWEwLrLo itnaeF acebpooos"ktT :H IISSO UR CALTLO A CTIOFNR,E INDSSE!EY OUO NT HE6 THI NW ASHINGTDOC.N.A, L ONG WIT2HM ILLIOOTNH ELRI KE-MIPNADTEORDTI S." 28.OnD ecem3b0e2,r0 2W0A,T KIaNnSCd A LDWEeLxLc hatnhgfoeel dl owing temxets saicgno eosr ditnhaeptilirafon nrgJs a nu6a2,r0 y2 1: WATKINS: liLwkoeeoa krgser eentloci ogmtheotD Co nt h6et hT.h Rea lly Poisnttai ytlo lup rl ace? CALDWELiLnp, a rHte:r teh'resu [bP:E RSTOWNO a]n Idw ibleli nah otel witshtirni dkiisntogaf tn hcceyi s ttya rotnti hn4egt s how ew one'vteB nEh ere. Thewriebl els omset ugfofio nndg u rtihn5egt a hn wde w anttob eap aorftt h at wheneivsthe arok uetsA. l swoew anttob ei nD .Cv.e reya rolnty h 6et hhe,n ce closer/nvoci ormtmutuaitlmele y. WATKINWSe:p lanonnae rdr iovnti hn5egt hW.ew anttob ei nD Cb y9 aomn th6et hIw. i rlela ocuthto[ PERSTOHNR EEa]ns,de ieNf C b oysc oamrieIn fg . [PERSOONNEi ]s mna'kti pnlgaI n'tsla,lck hea mrygseea lngfde, tt hb ea rloll ling. It hitnhMkee tirssom arttheacrno nvoy/ipsasruDkeoiys no.gwu a nutst o stage oursevlevheiescl lseesw sheeerhieon,wyg o ug'orietn obg eg onWee?c agnot o aK OAC ampgroorsu onmde t...h ing CALDWE(LaLb towuhoto ulrast er): Taltkoe[ dP ERSTOHNRE E]A.tl eaosnfutel blu 4s0 p+e ocpolmei frnogmN .C. Anotghreor(u upn cilMfei asrs issiaplpasbi ou sBg.uu syhssae)vst e h eoiwlrna ne 8 ont h1e4 stthtr b ereisdotg hewe iybl eal b tloge e itna nodu t[.P ERSTOHNR EE] idsr ivpil1nua gsn adr rinviibtneegfo rAesw. es pehaeik ts r ytiobno goa rk o om aCto mfIonnrtB allston/bAerclaiounfisg tcetsl o onsl eo-ciaantn iedoa nsa yc cess tod owtnowbne cahuefs eee1 l)hs e t'os.o b rodkoewtnnob eo nt hger ouanlddla y and2 )h ei cso mmittobt eeidtn hgqe u i.crke afocrtciaeonb nfr intghiteno 1?go i lf sometghoietnsohg e lTlh.aw tath ye b oydso nh'atvt eot rtyos chwleeppos nt he bus. bHreit'nhlgeil mnh itsr udcaky beJfougrsoett. t eafrx otmh ihme W AS ·a blteob ooakr ooimnt hhaott Ier le commwehnidicesohd n G leRboea idn ArlinHgotwoeniv.gte o rei wsti blegrl e attos eyeo aug aIis nu!hr oep yeo uarr m igse ttbietntge r! 29.OnD �cem3b12e,0r 2 C0A,DL WELrLe ptloiaF e adc ebook wcroimt"miIentngt,, begfoirnr se Jaal5n an d6 o nW ashiDn.gCtw.oh new nem obiilthnie zs et reLeettt hse.tm rt yo cerstifyo mcer uodnc aphiitwloillta mh i lloirmo onrp ea triinto hstets r eTehtiksse. ti tsl teso e t bo.i..l " . . 30.OnD ecem3b12e,0r 2 W0A,T KINSr espownidtiehnd t etroae nis ntav tiittooan "leadoenrlscyho"in pf ecraeolnnlanc ee ncrmyepstseasdge irnvcgia clSeli egdfon·ra t lh" eD C op." 31.OnJ anuIa,2r 0y2 C1A,L DWErLeLp ltioae F da cebcooomkm ewnrti,t" iIng, acctehpaatsit sg nmIes nwtot!r soeu ppaondrdet fe tnhdCe o ntsuttioithfoe Un n iStteadat geasi nst aleln emfoireesia gndndo mesIdt iitdchfo .er meIhr a,vd eo ntehl ea tpteearc ebfuutlthl heyay v e morphiendpt uore eve ivleb nl atantalnye lreicagtngipdioa nnyg oi ffnt ghp eo lictaiscWtaeel . musstm ittheen mo awn ddr itvheed mo wn." 32.OnJ.an ua1r,2y 0 21, CsReOCnWtAL L DWEaLF La cebook stmaetsisnagg,e "HapNpeyw y eatroy, o Sui rG!u!e Is'sbl els eeiynogus o onW.i·lp lr obacbalylyol u tomo.rr.mo. awi nbleyc a..u.lik sIeet ok nowwt fpilsYa.on au r tehm ea Cno mam nder." 33.OnJ anuar1y,2 02C1A,L DWEwrLoLt teo C ROWL",C hewciktC ha.p I. recommtehnfoedl eldo whionttgeoh l e r wShTiIchLhaLr s o o(musn beliCeAvLeDbWElLeL) ." thesnea nl ti tnokt hCeo mfInonrtB alltshtseoa nmh,eo ttehlha etr ecommteono dtehoden r s JanuaCrAyL D1W.E cLoLn ti"n[uPeEdR,TS WOONa] n Ida rsee tutpis nhgot ph e[rPeE.R SON THREhEa]asr ooamni dbs r insgoimnegoH newe i.bl etl h qeu irceka cfotricoIent.g s o itnboge colWde.n eeapd l atcose p etnhdne i gbhetfo mrien im[uPmE.R SON nOeNvcEeo]rn tamcet ed so[ PERSTOWNO a]n Ida rgeo ionugr Iww aiypl.rl o bdaopb lrye -sotn.tr h5ietkt heh otuhgeh re arteh ignogison ng dthaayMt.a ybcead nos omnei ghhutn tOiantgh.k eepfreorm N froiretnhd s Caroalritena ak cionmgm erbcuisaeelsar luiypnt hmeo rningo nt h6et ahn bda cska mnei ght. [PERSTOHNR EwEi]hl alvt ehg eo odiince asts hei gnobg asd waenn edet dgo e hte avy." 34.OnJ anu1a,2r 0y2 C1R,O WLa nWdA TKINeSx chatnhgfoeel dl owtienxgt messages: CROWLN:i cSeo.ow ,ea rlee avMionngdr aiyg,h t? WATKINYSe:sE .a rLliyk.IOe a ema rBleyh .e Sruen dtaosy q uaawraegy e ar. CROWL1:0 -A4rw ee t akmiync ga r? WATKINSP:r obyaebalhy[.] CROWLR:o gtehra t[.] 35.BeginonnJi anngu 1a,ar nycd o ntiinnuJtiaonn gu2 a,2r 0y2 C1A,L DWEaLnLd CROWeLx chamnegsesdaa gbeotsuh hteo twehle trhepe lya ntnose tdia nyA rlinVgitrogni,n ia, anCdA LDWEtLoLCl RdO WL:" Thiiassg ooldo caatniwdoo nu alldl uostw oh unta tn igihft wew anteIdd otno'.t i [fkP nEoRwS OONNE h]a esv egno totuehtnic sa tloal r mbsui tta ls i ttle friglgaitnTe hi.is s woena erd eo ionnog u orw nW.e w illilun pkw itthhne o rctahr oclrienwa. " 36.OnJ anua3r,2y 0 2W1A,T KINsSe nCtR OWLa F acebmoeosks age stating, "Runningab ibte hiIn'tdlx.wlt h eIn' bma caktt h bear .G ettsiunpgpfo lrDi Ce.s" 37.OnJ anu4ar,2y 0 2C1R,O WaLn WdA TKIdNeSp aOrhtiewodi toht hkenrosw n anudn knaonwtdnr avteotl hWeead s hinDgC.t.mo,en tr,o poalrietaa.n 10

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