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This page intentionally left blank. co. L. G. SCHAEFFER & MANUFACTURERS OF ::hl[A.RELEIZED lEON MANTELS l'.1arbleized Slate Mantels, Marble Mantels, Combination Mantels, Fancy Wood Imitation Mantels, Enameled Grate~, Fanci Fenders, Fancy 1'rimming·s. MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAULTLESS SETTING and HARD and SOFT GOAL G]!TES, ALSO, JOB WORK DONE AT FOlJNDRY. No. 149 CENTBAI.. A VENtrZ, FACTORY AND FO"fU.N DRY, CIN CINNA TI, O. 706, 708, 710 and 712 Front Street, 2 D. S. ERrIN, P'l'es't, The ERVIN LIME CO. . Gelleral Agellt8 Great Western Fire (Jlay Co., ,. e wer rrtJ'- m '. S ~~, ~ ~ i~PI~ ~,g~mDI1 ,op~J FLUE LININGS, FIRE BRICK, TILE, ;.A.ND ALL KINDS OF FIRE C,LA Y PRODUCTS" -- f-3 ....-I -~-- - ....-I ,"t (':'1 >--' z"'"' :-.,:.-T. " -- I"") 0 .-..-..' ~ ..;--::.. :~- ~ ...~.... l~ i--' C,! ~ i--' -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN- WhUe Li'ul,e, NeuJ 01'leans JVhite Sanfl, 'Vhite P'ine Lath antl Plasterillfl Hrtil"; Newarl..~, Jtlichign,1'I" and Dental ,Pl(/,ste'l'; E'llylish L~o1'"tlw1td nnd Alnerican Oements; Za,ne,~'viUe PJ'f>ssefl, Ornamental and Enam- eled ,Bpick; Afrchitectural 1le'1'1'"a-Cotta and F1'ench's Peerless Mortar Colors. ~nLE AGENTS for CUMMINGS' CELEBRATED "AKRON" CEMENT, BUFFALO, N.' Ofne .. and ,"Va1'ehouse: 101 and 103 EAST EIGHTH ST ! OINOINNA TI., OHIO_ The Jllost convcniCll t Iy si tuated Yard for SUIJ]>l yi Ilg the ci ty, hills and su bur 1- t d lr or SI l l' J1ments on L'I tt I c ,~v' I'l aml, RaI, lroad and Cincinnati N"orthern Ra..,i allwl ayr.a e, an 3 ----------------------- --------- BAKING AND HAND-POLISHING -OF- !ailltill[S, ~Olleon Jlate, ~roll, Jrass, Jtone, &c. Mantels and Grates Re-enameled, Mily.bleized, Gold Striped, Painted and Decorated at your house. PAINTED SLATE FACINGS for WOODEN MANTELS. Landscape and Por frait Painting. --ON- SlatB, ItOIl, CODDer! &C, -0-"'- Gold Dr Bronze Striping and Dec THE oration. MERCAN1'ILE QI --iJ::\'- ~rt ~ccoratill[ o. INSIDE WOODWORK. FURNITURE, &c. Nos. 7 and 9 0- THE MADI:--;ON srrREET, MAX DANZIGER CINCINNATI, O. PREPARED Half·Square above Music Hall. IRON PLATE, FOR PAINTING. . \71~/1 ':(~~I ~-~I;~I~-;"I<I~{I<) to' ft If (I 1_0 0 {I () 0 II 0 "1' ,I 0 () uno () (J n 0 Io"! >'1 ~ x M ~ :< ~-~->-: ~~7.:.-:7~--;: \Vt' the very best materials and employ the most competent artists. ll:--e MAX DANZIGER, Ar tist and Manager. 4 INDEX TO CONTENTS. PAGE Anderson Township, 17 Colerain Township, 29 Columbia Township, 37 Crosby rrownship, 63 Delhi Township, 67 Green Township, . 87 Harrison Township, . 101 111 Miami Township, . 119 Millcreek Township, 171 Spencer Township, 179 Springfield Township, 215 Syca!llore Township, 233 Symmes Township, 239 Whitewater Township, Index to Advertisements, 7 Index to 'rowns and Villages, 4 and 5 16 Post Offices of Hamilton Co~nty, 13 County Officers, . 14 OOiit"ts, 15 J ustioo£ of'the Pea~e, 14 Longview Asylum, 14 County Infirmary, •• o' 243 Hamilton County Business }Jirectory, 260 Cincinnati City Government~ .. 262 Cincinnati School Department, 264 City Infirmary, 264 Cincinnati Fire Department, 264 Pnblic Parks and Places, Cincinnati, 265 CinciQnati Street Directory, 285 Cincinnati Business Directory, End of Book United States Post Office Directory, -----.-------------------~.~.- GENERAL INDEX TO TOWNS AND VILLAGES OF HAMILTON bOUNTY. Arlington, Springfield Township, 179 Ludlow Grove, Millcreek Township, 155 Avondale, Millcreek Township, 119 Madeira, Columbia Township, 38 Rarnesbllrgh, Colerain Township, 29 MadIsonville, Columbia Township, 39 Batavia Junction, Columbia TownshIp, 37 Miami, Whitewater Township, • 240 Beechwood, Delhi '1'ownship, 67 Miamitown, Whitewater Township, 240 Bevis, Colerain Township, . 29 r.filldale, Sycamore Township, 216 Blue Ash, Sycamore Township, 215 Montauk, Columbia Township, 46 Bond Hill, Millcreek Township, 132 Montp:omery. Sycamore Township, 216 Brecon, Sycamore Township. 215 Mornington, Columbia Township, 46 Bridgetown, Green Township, 87 Mt. Airy, Millcreek Township, 155 Brough, Sycamore TownshIp, 215 Mt. Healthy, Sprinp:field TownshIp, 199 California, Anden.on TownshIp, 17 Mt. Lookout, Columbia TownshIp 46 Camp Dennison, Symmes Township, 233 Mt. Pleasant, Springfield Township, 199 Carthage, Millcreek Township, 134 Mt. Washington, Anderson Township, 20 Cedar Grove, Delhi Township. 67 New Baltimore, Crosby Township. 63 Cedar Point, Anderson Township, 18 New Burlington, Springfield Township, 203 Cherry Gr ove, Andp.rson Townshi p, 18 New Haven, Crosby Township, 64 Chester Park, Millcreek Township, , 140 Newtown, Ander!'on Township, 21 Cheviot. Hreell Township, 87 North Rend, Miami Township, 116 Cleves, Miami Township. 111 Norwood, Columbia Township, 49 Clirton, Millcreek Township, 140 Oakley, Columbia Township, 52 Cluff, Anderson TownshIp, 19 Park Place, Springfield Township, 203 Uoal City, MiamI Town~hip, 114 Plainville, Columbia Township, . £'3 College Hill, Millcreek Township, 144 Plf'asant Ridge, Columhia Township! 54 Coney Island, Anderson Township, 19 Pleasant Run, Colerain Township, 31 Creedville, Colerain Township, 2\l Preston, Crosby Town~hip, . 64 Delhi, Delhi TownshIp, 68 Reading, Sycamore Township, 217 Dent, Green Township, 89 Red Bank. Spencer Township, 175 Dunlap, Colerain TownshIp, 30 RE'mington. Symmes Township, 235 East Columbia, Spencer Township, 171 Rittenhouse Hill, Miami Township, 116 East Norwood, Columhia 'fownship, a7 Riverside, Delhi Township, 72 Elizabethtown, Whitewater Township, 239 St. Bernard, Millcreek Township. 156 Elmwood Place, Millcreek Township, 149 Sater. Crosby Town"hip, fl4 \ Evendale, Sycamore Township, 215 Sekitan, Miami Township, . 117 Forestville, Anderson Township, 19 Sharonville, Sycamore TownshijJ,,_ 225 Fruit Hill, Anderson 'fownship, 20 Sheal'town, Green Township, 89 Fern Bank, MIami Township, 115 Short's Station, Miami Township, 117 Georgetown, Colerain Township, 30 Silverton. Columbia Township, . 5t. Glendale, Springfield Township, 179 SimonRon's Station, Harrison Township, . 108 Groesbeck, Colerain Township, 30 Sixteen Mile Stand, Symmes Township. 231l Harrison, Harrison Township, • 101 South Norwood, ColumbIa Township. 56 Hartwell, Springfield TownshIp, 184 Springdale, Springfield Township, • 204 Hazelwood, Sycamore Township, 216 Sweet Wine, Anderson Township, 2~ Home City. Delhi Township, 69 ~ymmes Station, Symmes Township, 235 Hunt's Grove, Whitewater Township, 240 Taylor's Creek, Colerain Township, • 31 Idlewild, Millcreek Township, 153 Terrac'e Park. Columbia Township, 56 Industry, Delhi Township, . 71 Valley Grove. Sprinp:field Township. ~n;-. i Ivanhoe, )fill::lreek Township, 153 West Harrison, 11R I Ivorydale, Millcreek Township, • 154 West Norwood, Millcreek Township, 161 Karr, Whitewater Township, 240 Westwood, Green Township. 90 Kennedy, Columbia Township, 38. Whitewater Village, CrOSby Township, • "4 Linwood, Spencer Township, 173 Winton Place, Millcreek Township, 162 Lockland, Springfield Townsh.ip, 189 Woodlawn, Sprin~field Township, 20[. i Loveland, Symmes TownshIp, 234 Wyoming, Sprmgfield Township, 206 INDEX TO TOWNS AND VILLAGES OF HAMILTON COUNTY, ARRANGED BY TOWNSHIPS. ANDERSON' TOWNSHIP. MIAMI TOWNSHIP. Calfornia, 17 CleveEl, 111 Cedar Point, 18 Coal City, 114 Cherry Grove, 18 Fern Bank, 115 Cluff, . 19 North Bend, • 116 Forestville, 19 Rittenhouse Hill, 116 FruIt Hill. 20 .Sekitan, 117 Mt. Washington, 20 Short's Station, . . . . . 117 Newtown. 21 Names of reEliqents of other parts of Sweet Wine,. . . . . . 22 the township,. . . 117 Names of re~iden(s of other parts of MILLUREEK TOWNSHIP. the townshIp, . 23 Avondale, 119 UOLERAIN TOWNSHIP. Bond Hill, • 132 Carthage. 134 Barne::! burgh, 29 Chester Park, Bevi", . 29 Clifton, • 114400 Creedville, 29 College Hill, 144 Dunlap, 30 Elmwood Place, 149 GeorgetowD, 30 Idlewild, ]53 Groesbeck, 30 Ivanhoe, 153 PI"asant Run, 3l Ivorydale, 154 Taylor's Creek, . . . . . 31 Ludlow Grove, 155 Names of residents of other parts of Mt. Airy, 155 the township, 31 St. Bernard, 156 UOLUMBIA TOWNSHIP. West Norwood, 161 Batavia Junction, 37 Wintoll Place. . . . . . 162 East Norwood. 37 Names of rE'sidents of other parts of Kennedy, 38 the town"h i p,. . 164 Madeira, 38 SPENUER TOWNSHIP. MadisonVille, 39 East Columbia, 171 Montauk, 46 Linwood, 173 Morningtpn, 46 Red RanK. . . . . . 175 Mt. Lookout, 46 SPRINGFIEI.D TOWNSHIP. 49 Arlington, 179 Norwood, Oakley, 52 Glendale, 179 53 Hartwell, 184 Plainville. Pleasant Ridge, 54 LOC1kland, 189 Siherton, . 66 Mt. Healthy, 199 South Norwood, 56 Mt. Pleasant, 199 Terrace Park. . . • . 56 New Burlington, 203 Names of residents of other parts of Park Place, 203 t·he township, 57 Springdale, 204 TranSit, . 205 UROSBY TOWNSHIP. Valley Grove, 205 New Baltimore, 63 Woodlawn, 20:') New Haven, 64 Wyoming, . . . . . 206 Preston, 64 Names of residents of other parts of :::later. 64 Ihe township,. . . 211 Whitewater Village, . . . . 64 SYUAMORE TOWNSHIP. Names of residents of other parts of Blue Ash, 215 the township, 64 Brecon, 215 Brough, 215 DELHI TOWNSHIP. Evpndale, 215 Beechwood, 67 Hazlewood, 216 Cedar Grove, 67 Milldale, 216 Delhi, . 68 Mont~omery, 216 Fern Bank, 115 Re~diflg, 217 Home City, 69 Sharonville, . . . . . 225 Industry, 71 Names of residents of other parts of Riverside, . . . . . . 72 the town"hip,. . 227 Names of re~ldents of other parts of SYMMES TOWNSHIP. the township, 79 Camp Dpnnison, 233 Loveland, . 234 GREEN TOWNSHIP. Remington, . . 235 Br idgetown, 87 Sixteen Mile Stand, 235 Cheviot, 8879 Symmes Station,. . . . 235 Dent, Names of re~idents of other parts of Sheartown, 89 the township,. . . . 235 Westwood, . • . . . . 90 WHI'I'EWATER TOWNSHIP. Names of residents of other parts of Elizabethtown, 239 the township, 92 Hunt'S Grove, 240 Karl', 240 HARRISON TOWNSHIP. 101 Miami. 240 HSi mtrroiinlsoonn. 's Sta.tIo.n', 1U8 Miamitown, 24U West Harrison, . . . . 108 VI1.11ey Junction, . . . • 241 Namps of residents of other parts of Names of reSIdents of other parts of the township, • 109 the township, 241 6 ADVERTISEMENTS. R.VARWIG T ~BOTTLER OF~ @BANNER* BEER, EXPORT -:- N. E. Cor. Walnnt and Canal, OINOINNATI, OHIO. w. 'W". FRANKLIN, ARCHITECT, Glenn Building, Cornnr Fifth and Race Streets, Cincinnati. FRENOH BROS., IMPOR'l'ERS AND BREEDERS OF Thoroughbred H,olstein Friesian Ed wards Road, Oakley, O. o. aos, IP. :Sox CINCINNA'1'I, O. INDEX TO AD VERTIS.EMENTS. , Academy of Mt. Notre Dame, . . . 217 Campbell's Creek Coal Elevator Co., · Ackel:/lon D. H. & Son, Galvanized Iron, FaCing page 366 TID and Slate Work. Facing page 243 Canal t<'lour and Feed Mills. . . . 411 , .Adam Edward, Saloon, " 92 Carpenter Samuel S., Attorney at Law, 291 AI1 B. G. & Co" Wholelilale Grocers,. . 43a Carr &' Morand. Paper Boxes, . _ . 523 American AssC!)ciated Detective Co. (The), 290 Casey R., Contractor for Tearing Down , American Carriage Co., . • . . 344 Buildings, . . . . . . 374 American Tack Co., . . . . . 606 Caxton Agency (The), . . 285, 316 and 507 Am~rican Watch Club Co., 630 Champ John B. & Co., Collection Agency, 367 I : Amlung .Tacob, Hosiery, . .. 455 Champion Machin!' Co. ,Mowers and Reap. Anderson's West End 8creen Works, 6:l4 ers,. . . . . . . . 551 Arand. Schu!'rmeyer & Heyker, . 434 Church The John Co., Pianos and Organs, 28 Artic Ice Machine Manufacturing Co., 458 Cincinnati Coal and Coke Co., . . . 362 Art Joinery,. . . . .. 346 CincinnatI Floral Co., . 414 j' · Aurora Fire Insurance Co.,. 462 Cincinnati Grocer, . . 440 AutenriE'th W., Surgical Instruments, . 618 Cmcinnati Insurance Co.,. . . . 462 · Aylward N. K .• Hot Water HeatIDg Appa- Cincinnati Omnibus, Carriage and Wagon ratus. . . . . . . . 596 Manur. Co., . . . . . . 627 BaClgalupo John B.,Ice Cream and Oyster CinclDnat,i Plow and Bellows Worklil, Depot, . . . . . . . 458 tl09 and 537 : ;Baeder Glue Co. (The), 431 Cincinnati Smelting Works, . . ; 591 ;Barr Jas. H., Lumber. . .. 485 Cincinnati Star Boot and 8hoe Upper Man- ;Bartels Aug. & Son, Wines and Liquors; 636 ufactory,. . . 320 , ;Bateman & Boote, Grocers, .. 435 Cincinnati Stone Works, 603 Bati'che F. & Co., VAUlt Cleaners, 623 Cincinnati Transfer Co.. . . . . 617 Baude Emil F., Architect,.. 286 Cincinnati VolkEblatt,. . FaCing page 33 , Bauman & Hodgson, Real Estate, Cincinnati Wood Carpet Go., . . . 640 . FaCing page 547 Cincinnati Woven Wire Mattress Co., 495 Beckman Wm., Galvanized Iron Cornice' Cincinnatus Tobacco Works,. 613 , Works,. . 425 Clark Geo. W. & Bros .. Builders, 337 Bell W. E .• Patterns, . 587 Clark Jos., Painter, . . . . . 10 Herry A., ventist, . . . . . 385 ConkllDg H. J., Sewerage and Building I Bertsch Wm., Bakery and Confectionery. ilOO Malerials,. " . Facing page 584 f Biles Ben J., Real Estate,. . - 548 Cook & Bankhardt, Trunks, 616 · Blrnbryer August, Coal and Coke, 364 Oo-operative Furniture Co., 420 Blair & Prince, Photographic Stock, 529 Corliss Dr. D. G., '1'rus;<es,. 618 Bogart Jas., Painter,. .. 520 Coulter Wm. & Son, Glass Stainers, 430 Boland Wm., Horse Shoer, 452 Cox & Cox, Attorneys at Law, . . . 292 Bonhard '& Feilitzsch, Saloon,.. 560, Crawford Ge.o. & Co., Lime, Plaster and Bonsall Cilas. & Son, Insurance Agents, 460 Cement,. . . . . . . 480 Bont!"s John Sons, Eopes and Cordage, • 596 Crawley, Johnston & Co .• Machinists, . 490 Booker N. M., Sad Irons,. . \ . . 483 Creager's Jonathan Sons. Brick Machines, 329 , Booker N. M. & Co., Livery Stable,. . 482 Cresap & Wallace. Real Estate.. . .548 Bossenberger J., Painter,. . . . 520 Crothers W. W. & J. W., Laundry,. 477 : Boston Cal-;-pet Beatin"g Co., . . . a42 Curran Jas. B., Elevator Builder,. 405 : Bothe Jos., Saddles and Harness, . . 189 Curtis C. H .. Oarpenter, . .. 336 : ;Brachmann & Massard, Wines and Liquors, 636 Curtis John & Sons, Carnage Builders, 343 1 Bracker Frank, Bracker House, 180 Vailey M., Plumber, . . .. 538 Bradfard Maehinery Co., . ., 5011 paller Jos., Watches, Jewelry, &c.,. 630 , BradftHd Wpll Cu. (The), . . . . 176 Danbury Hat Co.,. . '. .. 447 Bl'amsche & KI'enning,Wines and Liquors, 636 Darby Jal'l. A., Silver Plater, .. 590 Braunwart & Brockhoff, Printers, . . 5421 Davenport Fred., Paper Boxes, 523 Bri5tol W. H:, Boston Carpet Beating Co., 342 Davis E. M .• Ladips' Shoes. . . . 587 Bflstol W. H., Livery Stable, . . . 482 Disser Louis, Wagon Maker, . " . 178 BromwE'll Brus·h & Wire'Goods Co.,332 and 6il9 Doel'lcher A. & J., Wholesale ConfectIOners, 373 BrownW.H.Sons.Coal. . 361 DollmAnnJohnW., Roofer, .. 178 Browne J. D., Gas Machines. .. 40 Doppes J. B., Lumber Dealer,.. 486 · Bl,lchanan Thos. N., Brush Mannf,. 332 Dreman H!'nry, Ropes and Cordage, 555 , Buchert P. & Son. Sheet .Iron Workers, 585 Dumont Boiler &, Sheet Iron Works, 314 Budd Jos., Manager Lockland Steam Bl'ick Dunn Pet.er J. & Co., Bras!'; Goods,. 325 Works, . . . . . . . 190 Duplex Ice Machine Manuf. Co... 459 Buddemeyer, Plympton & Trowbridge, Eagle Galvanized Iron Cornice Works, 425 Architects, . . . \. • . 287 Eagle ln~urance Co., . ... 463 Bndden.bprg H. C., Sewer Tapper, 583 East End Lumber Co.. . Facing page 485 Bunker Wm. J., Art Needle Work,. . 288 Ellick John & Co., Carp!'nters,. . . 338 Burdorf Henry, Horse Shoer a.nd Wagon Elzenhoefer & Malcolm, Heating Engi- Maker, . . . 624 neerl'l. . . . . .. 450 Burgoyne M., Horse Shoer~ 45a Empire Livery, Boarding & Sale Stable, 482 Burke & Co., Livery Stable, . . . 481 Empson's Jamaica Ginger Ale,.. 437 Burkhardt A. E. & Co., Ladies' Furs, Engelke Juliu!!, Saddles aDd Harness, 558 Cloaks, &c., . • . . . . 475 Epply J. P. & Co., Ulld.ertakerA, . . 620 Buschiug H .• Furniture, . Facing page 419 Ervin Lime Co. tThe), Sewer Pipe, Lime, BU!lchle & Wuest, Turners and Hub Man- &c.,..... 2 ufacturer", . . . 618 Este & Schmidt, R£'al Estate, 547 Campbell .Ie Ca., Electrotypers, 403 Eureka Japanning Co.. 473

D. book keeper, res Olive st. CA R PEN T E R S. W., Drugj:(ist and. Apothecary; ~lso, Posm~asler, COl' Lincoln I. Av al.d Wa"hmgton Av· ·.helper, bri .. Frank
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