00 A SIERRA CLUB-I3ALI.ANTINI-: BOOK 74658 $3.95 THE THIS IS AMERICAN EARTH ANSEL ADAMS & NANCY NEWHALL i THE AMERICAN EARTH THIS IS ANSELADAMS Sun mLontPint,California This, as citizens, we all inherit. This is ours, to love and live upon, and use wisely down all the generations ofthe future. In all the centuries to come Always wt must have water for drv land, rich earth beneath the plow. pasture for flocks and herds, fish in the seas and streams, and timber in the hills. Yet never can Man live bv bread alone. — Now. in an age whose hopes are darkened bv hu^e fears — an a^e frantic with speed, noise, complexltv — an age constricted, ofcrowds, collisions, ofcities choked bv smog and traffic, — an age of^reed. power, terror — an a^e when the closed mind, the starved eve. the cmptv heart, — the brutal fist, threaten all life upon this planet What is the price of exaltation? I > ANSEL ADAMS: NevadaFall,YostmittNation* What is the value ofsolitude? — ofpeace, oflight, ofsilence? ASStI ADAMS Fernmrjm,SlcuntRj:nurS'jttcnjl J i ^1 1 - -^yv ^ »Hf\\ t' ft. Km E;*^ ^^II ^^B ft^^**~ ^ ^ ^. ^r ' j^ V^^H^^^ ^^^MmoHLa Bfc ANSELADAMS:UkeMvDcniU,evening,GlacierNrtia ELIOTPORTER:Birdinflight What is the cost offreedom? 10