This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is un- derstood to recognize that its copyright rests with its author and that no quotation from the thesis and no information derived from it may be published without the author’s prior consent. Survivability of Wave Energy Converter and Mooring Coupled System using CFD Edward Jack Ransley AthesissubmittedtotheUniversityofPlymouthinpartial fulfillmentoftherequirementsforthedegreeof: Doctor of Philosophy SchoolofMarineScienceandEngineering UniversityofPlymouth July 2015 Abstract SurvivabilityofWaveEnergyConverterandMooringCoupledSystemusingCFD EdwardJackRansley This thesis discusses the development of a Numerical Wave Tank (NWT) capable of de- scribingthecoupledbehaviourofWaveEnergyConverters(WECs)andtheirmooringsun- derextremewaveloading. TheNWTutilisestheopen-sourceComputationalFluidDynam- ics (CFD) software OpenFOAM(cid:13)R to solve the fully nonlinear, incompressible, Reynolds- AveragedNavier-Stokes(RANS)equationsforairandwaterusingtheFiniteVolumeMethod (FVM) and a Volume of Fluid (VOF) treatment of the interface. A method for numerically generating extreme waves is devised, based on the dispersively-focused NewWave theory and using the additional toolbox waves2Foam. A parametric study of the required mesh resolutionshowsthatsteeperwavesrequirefinergridsformeshindependence. Surface elevation results for wave-only cases closely match those from experiments, al- though an improved definition of the flow properties is required to generate very steep fo- cusedwaves. Predictionsofextremewaverun-upandpressureonthefrontofafixedtrun- cated cylinder compare well with physical measurements; the numerical solution success- fully predicts the secondary loading cycle associated with the nonlinear ringing effect and showsanonlinearrelationshipbetweenincidentcrestheightandhorizontalload. Withnear perfectagreementduringanextremewaveevent,thereproductionofthesixdegreeoffree- dom (6DOF) motion and load in the linearly-elastic mooring of a hemispherical-bottomed buoysignificantlyimprovesonsimilarstudiesfromtheliterature. Uniquely, this study compares simulations of two existing WEC designs with scale-model tanktests. FortheWavestarmachine,apoint-absorberconstrainedtopitchmotiononly,re- sultsshowgoodagreementwithphysicalmeasurementsofpressure,forceandfloatmotion in regular waves, although the solution in the wake region requires improvement. Adding bespoke functionality, a point-absorber designed by Seabased AB, consisting of a moored float and Power Take-Off (PTO) with limited stroke length, translator and endstop, is mod- elledinlargeregularwaves. Thisrepresentsalevelofcomplexitynotpreviouslyattempted inCFDandthe6DOFfloatmotionandloadinthemooringcomparewellwithexperiments. In conclusion, the computational tool developed here is capable of reliably predicting the behaviour of WEC systems during extreme wave events and, with some additional param- eterisation, could be used to assess the survivability of WEC systems at full-scale before goingtotheexpenseofdeploymentatsea. v vi Acknowledgements I would like to thank my supervisors: Professor Deborah Greaves, Dr Alison Raby and Dr Dave Simmonds, for their continued guidance, motivational messages and occasional sarcasm. Ithasbeenapleasureworkingwithyou. I would also like to acknowledge: Dr Joe Mellor for his ‘expert’ knowledge of ‘all-things- computer’, Dr Captain Martyn Hann for putting up with me being "annoying", Dr Colin "Jandal" Whittaker for not only listening but finding my constant stream of harebrained lunacy interesting and both Thomas Vyzikas and Scott Brown for numerous OpenFOAM(cid:13)R brain-meltingsessions. Finally, I’d like to thank my parents for not putting me down at 30, Dr Keri Collins for all thosedisapprovinglooks,AlastairReynoldsformakinggames-nighta‘challenge’andboth PeterArberandConstantinos"Cos"Gitrowskiforsharingthe‘Ultra-Gnarl’withme. ThisprojecthasbeenfundedbytheEngineeringandPhysicalSciencesResearchCouncil (EPSRC) via the SuperGen UK Centre for Marine Energy Research (UKCMER) as part of thethirdphaseintheconsortium’sprogrammeofwork(October2011-September2016). EdwardRansley March2015 vii viii Author’s Declaration AtnotimeduringtheregistrationforthedegreeofDoctorofPhilosophyhastheauthorbeen registeredforanyotherUniversityaward. Work submitted for this research degree has not formed part of any other degree either at theUniversityofPlymouthoratanyotherestablishment. An advanced doctoral training program supported by the SuperGen Marine UK Centre for MarineEnergyResearchwasundertaken,whichincludedworkshopsontidalenergy,wave energy,themarineenvironment,mooringsandreliability. Relevant scientific seminars and conferences were regularly attended at which work was oftenpresented. Asleadauthor,onepaperhasbeenacceptedforpublicationinarefereed journal. Signed: Date: Publicationsasleadauthor : Ransley, E., Hann, M., Greaves, D., Raby, A. and Simmonds, D. (2013), ’Numerical and physical modelling of extreme waves at Wave Hub’, in Conley, D.C., Masselink, G., Russell, P.E. and O’Hare, T.J. eds, Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 65,1645-1650,ISSN0749-0208. Conferenceproceedingsandposterpresentations : Göteman,M.,Engström,J.,Eriksson,M.,Hann,M.,Ransley,E.,Greaves,D.,Leijon, M.(2015),’WaveLoadsonaPoint-AbsorbingWaveEnergyDeviceinExtremeWave’, inProceedingsofthe25thInternationalOffshoreandPolarEngineeringConference, 21-26June2015,Kona,HawaiiBigIsland,USA. Ransley, E. (2014), ’Extreme Wave Impacts on a Mooring Buoy’, Poster Presenta- tion: SuperGenMarineAnnualAssembly,28Nov. 2014,Edinburgh,UK. ix Vyzikas, T., Greaves, D., Simmonds, D., Ransley, E., Brown, S. (2013), ’Shape op- timization of perforated caissons for wave energy harnessing’, in Proc. of the 6th PanHellenicConferenceofMarineStructures,10-14Nov. 2013,Athens,Greece. Ransley, E. (2013), ’Extreme Wave Impacts on a Fixed Truncated Circular Cylinder’, Poster Presentation: SuperGen Marine Annual Assembly, 27-28 Nov. 2013, Edin- burgh,UK. Vyzikas, T., Ransley, E., Hann, M., Magagna, D., Greaves, D., Simmonds, D., Ma- gar,V.,Conley,D.(2013),’IntegratedNumericalModellingSystemforExtremeWave Events at the Wave Hub Site’, in ’Proceedings of Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013: From Sea to Shore - Meeting the ChallengesoftheSea’,18-20September2013,Edinburgh,UK. Ransley, E., Hann, M., Greaves, D., Raby, A., Simmonds, D. (2013), ’Numerical andPhysicalModellingofExtremeWaveImpactsonaStationaryTruncatedCircular Cylinder’, in Proceedings of the 10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC),2-6September2013,Aalborg,Denmark. Ransley,E.(2013),’Numericalandphysicalmodellingofextremewaveimpactsona fixed truncated circular cylinder’, Poster Presentation: International Network for Off- shoreRenewableEnergySymposium,12-18May2013,Pembrokeshire,UK. Ransley, E. (2012), ’Validation tests of a wave generation toolbox for OpenFOAM CFD library’, Poster Presentation: SuperGen Marine Annual Assembly, 29 October 2012,Plymouth,UK. Wordcountforthemainbodyofthisthesis:55,000 x