OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION 2015 Greene County 4-H Project Guide and Requirements This book can also be found OSU Extension Greene County 100 Fairground Road online at www.greene.osu.edu Xenia, OH 45385 under the 4-H Youth 937-372-9971 www.greene.osu.edu Development Page www.facebook.com/OSUEGreeneCounty greene.osu.edu CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity. Table of Contents Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………......3 Who’s Who in Greene County & 4-H 101 ………………………………………..…….4 Membership Requirements & 4-H vs. FFA……………………………………………..5 Across County Lines, Age Requirements, & Yearly 4-H Completion…………....….6 Cloverbud Information ……………………………………………………………..…….7 General Fair Participation Rules ………………………………………………….…….8 & 9 All About Skill-a-thons ………………………...…………………………………..……..10 Rubric for Livestock Record Books & Tie-breaker for Skill-a-thon……………..…….10 Greene County 4-H Endowment Challenge……………………………………….…..11 County 4-H Events ………………………………………………………………………12-14 2015 Livestock Schedule………………………………………………………………..15 4-H Project Requirements ………………………………………………………….…..16-61 CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information: http//go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity 2015 Greene County 4-H Project Guide and Requirements: Page 2 Greene County 4-H Guide and Project Requirements INTRODUCTION The Greene County 4-H Guide and Project Requirements have been developed to be an all-in-one resource for all 4-H project information. This resource will be helpful to 4-H members, volunteers, parents, organizational leaders, and families to help plan a meaningful and positive 4-H experience. 4-H project selection is an important part of every 4-H youth experience. A successful project experience occurs when youth, organizational leaders, volunteers, and parents have plenty of information about project expectations as well as county requirements in order to plan for the 4-H year. The county requirements are similar to state requirements. A superior project experience requires a balance among project work, involvement in club activities, participation beyond the club level, and achieving goals that were set by the youth. Please take the time to read this and refer to this resource throughout the year. You are encouraged to refer to the most up to date version of this resource on our website. It will be updated as we receive new project books. Please look for the 4-H e-news updates with the latest information on happenings at the state and county level as well as important dates to remember. Our website, www.greene.osu.edu, will have information that will help enhance this resource guide. Please make sure you follow OSU Extension, Greene County on Facebook. We will post updates / reminders on www.facebook.com/OSUEGreeneCounty. Ohio State University Extension, Greene County Miami Valley EERA 100 Fairground Rd. Xenia, OH 45385 Phone: 937-372-9971 Fax: 937-372-4070 www.greene.osu.edu www.facebook.com/OSUEGreeneCounty Monday-Thursday: 8:30-4:30, Closed Fridays Credits: Rebecca Supinger, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development Brenda Sandman-Stover, Program Assistant, 4-H Youth Development 12/2012, 12/2013 Updated 12/2014 2015 Greene County 4-H Project Guide and Requirements: Page 3 Who’s Who in the Greene County Extension Office? 4-H Staff: Rebecca Supinger, County Extension Director, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, [email protected], ext. 113 Brenda Sandman-Stover, Program Assistant, 4-H Youth Development, [email protected], ext. 116 Additional Staff: Melanie Hart, Extension Educator, Family and Consumer Sciences, [email protected], ext. 112 Mary Griffith, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resource, [email protected], ext. 114 Lee Ann Hiatt, Administrative Assistant / Fiscal, [email protected], ext. 110 Karima Samadi, EFNEP, [email protected], ext. 111 Debbi Custer, SNAP-Ed Program Assistant, [email protected], ext. 120 Erin Fawley, SNAP-Ed Program Assistant, [email protected] Aaron Fowler, SNAP-Ed Program Assistant, [email protected] 4-H 101 HEAD: Thinking HEART: Feeling Mental development, deeper knowledge, reasoning, Emotional development, developing interest, attitudes, decision making and value HANDS: Doing HEALTH: Physical Skills development, ability to do, skill in doing, habit of Personal development doing THE 4-H PLEDGE THE 4-H MOTTO I pledge: “To Make the Best Better” My head to clearer thinking My heart to great loyalty My hands to larger service, and My health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world. THE 4-H COLORS: GREEN AND WHITE “White” symbolizes purity and high ideals “Green” is nature’s most abundant color and is emblematic of springtime, life, youth and growth. NATIONAL 4-H CLUB CREED: I believe in 4-H Club work for the opportunity it will give me to become a useful citizen. I believe in the training of my HEAD for the power it will give me to think, plan and to reason. I believe in the training of my HEART for the nobleness it will give me to be kind, sympathetic and true. I believe in the training of my HANDS for the ability it will give me to be helpful, skillful, and useful. I believe in the training of my HEALTH for the strength it will give me to enjoy life, to resist disease, and to work efficiently. I believe in my country, my state, and my community and in my responsibility for their development. In all these things I believe, and am willing to dedicate my efforts to their fulfillment. 2015 Greene County 4-H Project Guide and Requirements: Page 4 MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS 4-H membership and activities are open to any boy or girl, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, place of residence, or religious affiliation. Membership (4-H age: based on age and grade as of January 1st of the current year) Cloverbud: Begins when a child is age 5 and is enrolled in Kindergarten as of January 1 of the current year. Project members: Begins when a child is enrolled in 3rd grade and is at least age 8 as of January 1 of the current year. Ohio 4-H membership ends December 31 of the year in which an individual attains the age of 19. Membership begins when an eligible individual is enrolled in a club or group that is under the direction of a trained adult who has completed the OSUE volunteer selection process, and that is within the scope of Ohio State University Extension. Membership Expectations: The expectations for membership are a balance of 4-H project work, involvement in a club, participation in activities and events, and working towards improving one’s personal growth. 4-H members and their parents / guardians are also expected to abide by the Ohio 4-H Code of Conduct throughout the year, and sign off on this Code as part of the annual membership process. Multiple Clubs: A member may belong to a second club ONLY if their current club does not offer a project they are interested in taking i.e. shooting sports, tractor. If a member is in two clubs, the first club listed alphabetically will be designated as their primary club. The member will receive any year-end recognition items through their primary club. It is strongly encouraged that youth taking horse projects and dog projects join a respective club but not mandatory. Club Members / Meetings: A club must have five (5) members from at least three (3) different families (cannot be siblings) to be recognized as a 4-H Club in Greene County and hold at least eight meetings to be in good standing. Each member shall attend at least 75% of the club’s meetings, activities, service projects, and trips. If this is not met, the youth will not be able to show their animal or participate in judging. The youth will not receive credit for complete for a year of 4-H, will not receive a fair pass, or be allowed to exhibit project at fair or judging (no livestock at fair, no participating in judging, and no exhibit fair bucks). Enrollment: Members’ completed enrollment forms must be in the Extension Office by the end of the business day on March 12, 2015. Enrollment forms must include signatures from the member, parent and organizational leader. Military 4-H Youth: Youth of active military families may sign up for 4-H until June 1 of the current year. These families need to show the OSU Extension Office in Greene County proof of PCS. The youth will be able to sign up for the military club and be an active member of 4-H for the current year. As a result, the youth will be in good standing and be able to register in the county and fill out enrollment forms for the year. County Activity Fee: Members are required to pay a $10.00 per person fee by the March 12, 2015 deadline. Cloverbuds need to turn in $5.00 per person fee by the March 12, 2015 deadline. Specialty project fees will require an additional $2.00 per project fee to cover an increase in insurance. These high risk projects include all horse projects and ATV. This fee is to be paid for each club enrolled. Projects: All 4-H members must take a project (series of learning experiences). A member must complete at least one project to be eligible for completion status for the year. Organizational Leaders: 4-H Leaders must be at least 18 years of age and cannot be a member and leader at the same time. Youth Code of Conduct, Rules and Policies, Volunteer Standards of Behavior: Youth need to read, sign and abide by the Code of Conduct and all rules indicated while participating in all 4-H sponsored or affiliated activities, events, contests, shows, camps, programs, etc. Volunteers must adhere to the standards of behavior signed when they became a volunteer and their code of conduct signed each year. Both youth and volunteers will have consequences if these are not followed. 4-H AND FFA PROJECTS Separate projects should be conducted by a 4-H member belonging to both organizations (4-H and FFA). For a member enrolled in both 4-H and FFA, the following will be considered separate projects: dairy herd management (cows in production), dairy heifers not freshened, sheep breeding, commercial market lambs, beef breeding, steers, 2015 Greene County 4-H Project Guide and Requirements: Page 5 swine breeding, market hogs (not a part of swine breeding projects). In all cases, different animals are to be carried in 4-H and FFA. 4-H or FFA youth exhibitors who exhibit and sell livestock in another county fair are prohibited from showing and selling in Greene County. 4-H FFA Allowable Market Steer Market Hog Allowable Market Steer Beef Breeding Not Allowable Market Sheep Market Sheep Not Allowable Market Steer Dairy Beef Feeder (Market) 4-H MEMBERSHIP ACROSS COUNTY LINES Youth are expected to affiliate with the 4-H program in their county of residence or receive approval for membership outside their county of residence. 4-H membership in two counties simultaneously is not permitted Youth must ask the county they would like to participate in if they may participate in that county instead of in their county of residence. In situations where the county of residence does not have a 4-H program, youth may not join 4-H in another county. If county financial support for Ohio State University Extension ceases to exist, 4-H membership status already established in that county will end of the date the funding ends (established by Extension Administration). 4-H membership of youth, residing in a county that has lost funding, who have pre-established cross-county line 4-H membership agreements in place will be permitted to continue participation in their non-county through December 31 of that 4-H membership year. AGE RE QUIREMENTS There are some projects that will be separated into age groups as follows. o Beginning: 8-10 years old o Intermediate: 11-13 years old o Advanced: 14 years old and older YEARLY 4-H COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS Several things must be done for a member to get credit (complete) for a year of 4-H. Cloverbuds: o Attend at least four club meetings (or more if required by Club’s By-Laws). o Participate in club activities to the satisfaction of the Organizational Leader. Project Members: o Attend at least four club meetings (or more if required by Club’s By-Laws). o Complete all of the requirements for at least one project. o Fulfill club requirements. o Participate in club activities to the satisfaction of the Organizational Leader. o Complete project judging. Project Completion: o Complete all project requirements. o 4-H exhibits are to be made for 4-H only. Any project done at school or during school hours or any project made for school or any other organization is ineligible. o To be eligible to exhibit at the Greene County Fair, a 4-H member must have selected their projects and be a member of an organized club by the county deadline. These projects must be listed on the enrollment information and are to be in the Extension Office by the deadline. 2015 Greene County 4-H Project Guide and Requirements: Page 6 o 4-H members are to assume the major responsibility of management, project care and construction of the project. Organizational leaders and parents should supervise and teach “how” but not do the actual work on the project. o All projects and posters must be new each year. Violation of this rule will be cause for the project to be considered incomplete and, therefore, ineligible for placing. o Any misrepresentation or substitution of projects (i.e., age, ownership, class or exhibitor) will be cause for forfeiture of fair bucks and 4-H credit and will not be allowed to be exhibited at the fair. o To be eligible for awards, a member must: 1) be present for scheduled pre-fair or fair judging, 2) meet exhibit requirements as stated in the project guide. Contact the Extension Office if the time for judging conflicts with something else. The office will try to accommodate this difference. o It is recognized that scheduling conflicts may occur during pre-fair judging. Members should make every effort to utilize their scheduled time slots for pre-fair judging. If you will not be able to be judged at your scheduled time, and prior arrangements have not been made, there will be a ½ hour leeway given on each time of your scheduled judging slot for you to appear for judging. Failure to appear during this time without previous notice shall be grounds for ineligibility. See below for more information. o Exhibits must be properly displayed at the fair to receive fair bucks. CLOVE RBUD INFORMATION Ohio Youth, age 5 and in Kindergarten until 8 and in third grade, may enroll in the Ohio 4-H Cloverbud program. The educational system for the 4-H Cloverbud program is activity based. “Activity based” means a variety of short term “tasting” experiences for youth that creates an eclectic, cooperative, and fun approach to learning through an immediate, positive feedback response to the youth’s involvement in the activity. Activities created beyond those approved for curriculum use statewide must follow Ohio’s 4-H Cloverbud Program Parameters or be submitted for approval to the State 4-H Office. The 4-H Cloverbud membership is offered in every county in Ohio. Enrolled Cloverbud youth, because of age appropriateness, will not be eligible for any activities or projects designed for 8 & 3rd grade to 19 year old 4-H members. It is not the intent or the objective of the Ohio 4-H Cloverbud program to duplicate the Ohio 4-H program for older youth, nor to create a mini 4-H concept. While many Cloverbuds will go on for other 4-H experiences, the 4-H Cloverbud program is designed with specific educational objectives for children of that age and grade level. Counties will utilize age-appropriate, cooperation-based methods to give feedback and recognition, while minimizing failure in the activities of the 4-H Cloverbud curriculum. The focus of this feedback is to promote the youth’s confidence in meeting new challenges. Research on this grade level indicates the best way to build confidence is to have many opportunities in activities that emphasize success, however small. Competition with self and others is inappropriate for the 4-H Cloverbud grade level, and therefore 4-H Cloverbud members are not eligible for any competitive events. County junior fairs provide a wonderful opportunity to provide reinforcement to the success building for 4-H Cloverbuds. County junior fairs are open to participation by 4-H Cloverbuds, but for exhibit only. While individual and group 4-H Cloverbud fair exhibits are encouraged, there will be no: 1) Formal scoring of 4-H Cloverbud members, or 2) Competition of any kind between individual Cloverbud members, or between Cloverbud members and members in the 4-H program for older youth (8 and in the 3rd grade to 19 years old). Any fair participation recognition system, special prizes, or awards must be given equally to all Cloverbud 4-H members. Volunteers working with the 4-H Cloverbud program will be oriented and trained in: A) The policies of the Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Program. B) Information concerning learning and developmental characteristics of 4-H Cloverbud age children. C) Cooperative work with parents in providing the best learning environment and support for the Cloverbud youth. D) Use of Ohio 4-H Cloverbud curriculum. E) The Ohio 4-H Standards of Behavior for volunteers, with particular attention to a sensitivity of working with Cloverbud children. Cloverbuds may participate through any authorized 4-H delivery system (community, project clubs, school enrichment groups, or special emphasis groups), depending on the needs and resources of the individual county 4- H program. Counties are to utilize the state approved curriculum or the 4-H Cloverbud Program Parameters. 2015 Greene County 4-H Project Guide and Requirements: Page 7 If the 4-H Cloverbud program does not match an existing club’s direction or resources, it will be the individual option of 4-H volunteer(s) whether they will work with this program. The 4-H professional in the county should make every attempt to place Cloverbuds in existing single 4-H Cloverbud or multiple-age clubs and groups, initiate new multiple-age groups, or start new 4-H Cloverbud groups within the county or neighborhood. Fair provides a wonderful opportunity to provide reinforcement to the success building for Cloverbuds. Fairs are open to participation by Cloverbuds, but for exhibit only. While individual and group Cloverbud fair exhibits are encouraged: o There will be NO formal scoring of Cloverbud members or competition of any kind between individual Cloverbud members or between Cloverbud members and 9-19 year old members. Any fair participation recognition system, special prizes, or awards must be given equally to all Cloverbud 4-H members. o Exhibit Requirements: * Each member may choose to participate in a Cloverbud 4-H display. * Displays will be limited to one per member or one display for the entire club. * Individual displays on poster board shall not exceed 14”x22” or one-half of a poster board. Please Note: No live animal and food displays permitted. No judging will be done. GENERAL FAIR PARTICIPATION RULES All ages are as of January 1 of the current year. 4-H exhibits are to be made for 4-H only. Any project done at school or during school hours or any project made for school or any other organization is ineligible. To be eligible to exhibit at the Greene County Fair, a 4-H member must have selected their projects and be a member of an organized club by the county deadline. These projects must be listed on the enrollment forms and are to be in the Extension Office by the deadline. 4-H members are to assume the major responsibility of management, project care and construction of the project. Volunteers and parents should supervise and teach “how” but not do the actual work on the project. All projects and posters must be new each year. Violation of this rule will be cause for the project to be considered incomplete and, therefore, ineligible for placing. Any misrepresentation or substitution of projects (i.e., age, ownership, class or exhibitor) will be cause for forfeiture of fair bucks and 4-H credit and will not be allowed to be exhibited at the fair. All 4-H members are urged to exhibit their project at the fair. Ribbons, fair bucks, and fair passes can be given only if the project is exhibited. Project removed from exhibit without permission will be cause for forfeiture of fair bucks. To be eligible for placing or awards, a member must: 1) be present for scheduled pre-fair or fair judging unless participating in another 4-H activity or has been detained by an act of God; 2) meet exhibit requirements as stated in the project requirements guide. It is recognized that scheduling conflicts may occur during pre-fair judging. Members should make every effort to utilize their scheduled time slots for pre-fair judging. If you will not be able to be judged at your scheduled time, and prior arrangements have not been made, there will be a ½ hour leeway given on each time of your scheduled judging slot for you to appear for judging. Failure to appear during this time without previous notice shall be grounds for ineligibility. Contact 4-H Staff ahead of time if you are not able to make your time slot and efforts will be made to accommodate you. Awards such as placing, plaques, trophies, etc., will be given at the discretion of the pre-fair 4-H judge if there are less than five 4-H’ers and five exhibits. An individual banned from participating in the Ohio State Fair or any other Ohio county fair by an Ohio State Fair or County Fair Ruling, may not exhibit at the Greene County Fair while under suspension from that fair. An attempt will be made to solve any problems arising at the pre-fair with Extension Staff. The Junior Fairboard will oversee billing, collection, selection of trophies, and repeat donor solicitation, with major responsibility for soliciting new and additional trophies. The Greene County Extension Office shall not be responsible for adult or child on the Fairgrounds or in any barn at any time. The Greene County Extension Office will not issue any overnight passes and will not provide overnight supervision in the barns or anywhere else on the Fairgrounds. 2015 Greene County 4-H Project Guide and Requirements: Page 8 4-H exhibits and fair passes shall not constitute or be interpreted as overnight passes or license to remain in the barns or fairgrounds beyond the fair closing at 11:00 p.m. Only those 4-H members who exhibit their project(s) at the Greene County Fair are eligible to receive a fair pass, ribbons, and fair bucks. After being judged, all projects are to stay in the Assembly Building. Youth must check-in their projects after judging. Release Time: Exhibits will be released on Saturday, August 8, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Projects must be picked up by 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 8, 2015. PLEASE NOTE: Projects will be available for pickup until 1:00 Sunday as well. Any projects after this time will be available for pickup in the Extension Office starting on Monday at 10:00 a.m. Any projects left after August 31 will be discarded. If you cannot pick up your project at either of these times, please make an arrangement with your club volunteer or a friend (with a note) to have them pick up your project for you. No projects will be released before 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 8, 2015. All articles for exhibit must be labeled for identification purposes. All members will be interviewed by the project judge during pre-fair according to the pre-fair schedule. Members receiving first place in a project or division / class will not be eligible to compete for awards in the same project or division / class the following year. At the discretion of the Extension Educator and the committee involved, juniors and seniors in a project may be grouped into one division for awards or separated into two divisions. Similar projects with small enrollments may be treated likewise. Ohio State Fair participants will be selected by the pre-judge and posted before the July 22, 2015 registration deadline. For poster or tri-fold size, refer to specific project guidelines (Greene County 4-H Guide and Project Requirements). Some projects will have different size requirements from others. Be aware that committee members may need to punch holes in posters in order to hang them for display. Tape may also be used to hang during fair. Exhibitors will be expected to wear clean, neat, proper attire during all judging and fair activities. No halter tops, mid-drifts, spaghetti straps, tube tops, sleeveless undershirts, T-shirts, short shorts, sweatpants, or hats with writing. Shorts, dresses and skirts are permissible but need to be mid-thigh in length and clean. Skillathons are an activity designed to test an exhibitor’s knowledge of his or her project animal. Champion exhibitor will be determined by combining a numerical score assigned for class placing, showmanship placing, scores of the skillathon completion, and scores from livestock judging. Scores for the market class in sheep, beef, and swine, taken from the general livestock judging contest, will be the scores used to determine the champion exhibitor. Rabbits, goats, dairy, poultry, horse, llama, and dog will hold a special contest to determine their winners. Show Class Scoring Showmanship Scoring Champion 100 Overall Champion 100 Reserve champion 98 Class, 1st place 98 Division winner 96 Class, 2nd place 96 Reserve division 94 Class, 3rd place 94 Class, 1st place 92 Class, 4th place 92 Class, 2nd place 90 Class, 5th place 90 Class, 3rd place 88 All others 88 Class, 4th place 86 Class, 5th place 84 All others 75 Skillathons: un-weighted, raw score, based on 100 points Species Judging: un-weighted, raw score, based on points 2015 Greene County 4-H Project Guide and Requirements: Page 9 ALL ABOUT SKILLATHONS Resources to get ready for skillathons Resource Handbooks: Each youth should have a copy of the Resource Handbook that is to correspond with their project book. This will be used to gather information and design skillathon stations and for questions used during interviews. Breeds: Oklahoma State University (cattle, goats, horse, sheep, swine, llama, poultry)- http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/ Auburn University (beef, dairy, horses, sheep, swine)- http://www.ag.auburn.edu/~schmisp/breed_id2/index.html Dog: AKC- http://www.akc.org/breeds/index.cfm Horses: Flashcards- http://www.flashcardmachine.com/p/Horse4HMom Poultry: OARDC- http://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/4hpoultry/t02_pageview/Skillathon_Material.htm Rabbits: American Rabbit Breeders Association- http://arba.net/breeds Swine: Purdue University Pork Quality Assurance- http://www.four-h.purdue.edu/PQA/ Meat cuts: University of Nebraska- http://ansc-cpanel.unl.edu/meats/id/ Agri-Pedia Mania: (Breeds of livestock, animal ID, meat identification, feed identification, livestock equipment identification, horse judging, meats judging, livestock judging, games)- http://www.ca.uky.edu/agripedia/Agmania/ 4-H Virtual Farm: Virginia Tech University- http://www.sites.ext.vt.edu/virtualfarm/main.html Rubric for Livestock Record Books for Skill-a-thon Judging Neatness 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Book is organized, completed neatly and legible Mostly legible, few areas of neatness Book is unorganized and difficult to interpret Feed Receipts 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Receipts attached, complete and correct balances Not all receipts attached, balances not shown or Absent information, lack of records shown completed Total Completion 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Record book is totally complete Majority of book is completed but one or two items Record book shows little completion with two or more missing items missing About Your Animal 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Animal ID, picture and other pertinent information is Section is missing either the picture or ID Neither the picture or ID are shown show completely Quality Assurance 10 0 Proof of attendance at a current year Quality Assurance No proof of attendance at a current year Quality Assurance Feed Label 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Attached feed label, ration formula written and One or more of the criteria is missing Page is incomplete questions complete Extra Expenses / Receipts 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 All receipts are show and / or attached, mis. expenses Only parts of expenses and / or receipts shown No receipts or expenses shown shown or attached, budget included __________________ Total Tie breaker questions:: Be prepared to answer 2 of the 4 questions below: Please refer to the 4-H 101 section of this book for the answers. 1. Please state the 4-H pledge. 2. What is the 4-H motto? 3. What are the 2 4-H colors? 4. Where did 4-H get started? (County & State) 2015 Greene County 4-H Project Guide and Requirements: Page 10